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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, October 26, 1889, Image 2

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JOHN w roTTtw.
Uoh. Adi.ai K rW nius. of Bloom
logton, who was flrat assistant postmaster
K"wn la the CleveUnl alminWtralion,
ia laid to favor the nimiotioo of Gov.
David B. Hill m the JemwTllc candidate
for president.
TaxtK are over inr thousand mile of
railroad la this tlete The C. B. A Q
leedt the Hit with In riht hundred and
forty-eevea miles, tlir Minou Central
come Beit with ovi-r seven hundred,
while th C. A A. b bundrcd and
teveotyvfour mi lit, anil the C. Jk N. bat
four huodred and iit-' mil.
ITowAiin Viud, P- M.. baa served
otic on Letter Carrier MrDarrata that
hie tervicet will not I r. quired after tba
first of the month. N more faithful or
efflcleat postman ever carried a mall ears
than McDarrab, and Ms removal will be
contrary to the wlsbrs of ever? house
holder on hie route. Thie fact bu do
weight with Weill, however; he Uol
after efficiency, that li plain. Ilia Idea
la only to Illustrate the glorious civil ter
vice policy of thlt great ilarriaonlea ad
ministration. Tke ! .
The great Cronin murilt-r trial baa at
length actually commenced after more
than aevea week of i ffort to aecure a
Jury. Over eleven hundred veniremen
have been etsmlned and the proceed inge
have been long and tedious. They have
aot been without one gratifying reaull.
however. They have revealed a depth of
American sentimrnl that liaa hitherto
been uninspected, by the politician!, at
least HunJreds of the veniremen called
were found to be disqualified because they
were obliged to confess to such a pre
jadice against the ClanaGael that the
accused might not receive a fair trial at
their hands. Tbrse candldatea for the
Jury bot but gave expression to a eentl-
eaent that permeates the entire country
Tbla does not mean that there ia any
lack of sympathy with legitimate efforts
to ameliorate the condition of Ire
land, bat It doe signify that the
great mass of the American peo
pie look with horror and hatred
upon any bsLsl of men whose avowed ob
ject ia a murderous guerilla warfare upon
a friendly power. It is a national shame
that this thing his been allowed to go un
checked as long a It has. What would
be thought la this country if the British
government permitted an aocleiion to
elt In Kokand that openly advertised
its intention of harravsing American com
pierce, murdering American citizens, and
actually did succeed on two or three oc
canons In inflicting serious injury to our
public buildings by the une of dynamite?
What would be thought if Hie British
government pandered to this society, even
going so far as to appoint one of Its
leading spirits its representative to an im
porta nt foreign power? It Is safe to say
that England would be called to account
with a very sharp turn.
Congress should take steps to at once
abate this breach of international comity
"Do as you would be done by" is as good
a rule of conduct amon3 nations at
among individuals.
aa4ay aservtrea.
Rev. Dr. Welrtner, of Augustana col
lege, will preach tomorrow eveoing at
t 80 In the rwdlsb Lutheran church,
corner of Fourteenth street and Fourth
avenue. Ills subject will be: "The Prin
ciples of the Reformation of the Sixteenth
Century " The sermon will be preached
la ng'.i4i .
At the Central Presl.ytrrian church.
Rev. A B. Meldrum, pastor, will preach
tomorrow at M4 a. ni and 7 !ii p.
lu. Morning suhjerl "Ctirmt's Concep
tion of Human Life." Evening subject:
"A Strange Bill of Fare." .Sabbath
school and pastor's clam at U 8.1 a m., J.
hi. Buford, superintendent. Young
people's meeting at t it p. m.
First M. L church, preaching in
the theatre building by the Rev. II. I.
Lrown. of Peoiia. at I'M. a. m.
and by Rtv. Mr. Piatt, of the
Christian Cborch at 7 Hi I p. m , the two
churchea uniting. Sunday school at V 1.
a. m. Cbliilran's meeting in the derman
Methodist church at 3 p. m. Young
people's meeting lu the green room of
theatre at 6 4 p m.
At the Broadway PfsKyterlan clmrrh,
Rev. W. 8. Macula, t.astor. wilt prritr
at 10 45 a. m . . at a 4! p. m, toung
vMple'e meeting. At3p m. anniver
sary meeting of the Toting People's as
tociatioa, with addreaaea by the retiring
president, Ir A. H. MrCandhaa, the in
coming president, Mr. Frank Nadler. and
the pastor. Sunday school at 9.10 a.
m. Dr. J. W. Stewart, superintendent,
feouth Park Mission Sunday school at 3 80
p. m.
At the T. M. C. A room at 8 80 p.
m. tomorrow, there will be reports from
tba delegates to the recent state convene
tion at Peoria under the following heads:
"Peoria and Our Entertainer." F. D.
Taylor; "Who was There." Louis Bow.
man; 'Prayer and Finance," A. D.
Sperry. "The Book and lu Study." Geo.
Klnirabury, "Tbe Boy and Their Work,"
H. Hansen. "Sundays Work and Fare
well Rally," F. Nadler.
The Harllaatoa aod the Hallway
Maj. John R. McOlnnla, acting com
mandant at Rock I-tUml arsenal, bat fur
Dished the A HOC with the following
communication addressed to him and tbe
contents of which were described in last
night's Abocs:
Cmr aoo, Oct. 23, 1899.
Dian Mir: Referring to your commu
nication of Oct. 1 in regard to accident
at tbe south end of tbe Rock I-Und wag
on bridge: I have taken this matter up
with our people and Bud the rase to be at
stated by you. We bave disciplined tbe
engineer, and as a preventative for future
accidents have opened negotiations with
the C, R. I. Jt Py. Co. for the purpose of
erecting gates at this crossing, and I hope
and eipect that this will obviate all trou
ble Is the future. E. p. j.iplit.
General Manager.
tit. Jeaeph'a Fair Prise.
Following Is a list of persona holding
the lucky numbert for the moit Import
ant prlzet at St. Joseph's recent fair:
One year-old calf. Geo. Schneider. Jr.:
crazy quilt. Conductor Buh; boi of
toap. Conductor Strain, chair, presented
by Dr. Cowden, John Pender; Mrs. P.
Breeoher's chair. Treftx & Co; gold piece,
J as. Byrnes; barrel of flour, Mrs. P.
Frelt; lamp. Wm. Mc Enirv; album Mist
Mary Brogan, dock, Mlaa Mary McCann;
curtalnt, Mist A. Ha.sett. Davenport;
rocking cbalr, Mlaa Norton; table spread.
Mre. E. Call; clock. Mr. Strain, vases.
Magistrate Wlvill. banging lamp, John
Lannon; ailver spoons. John Mc
Caw; box of clgart. John McDarrab; aofa
cushion, Joba Coleman; camp chalr.Ma
mlt Scully
"Ha 1eata at tears, who nar flt a
wound, and ba can afford to laugh at
tba horrors of rheumatism wbo never bad
a touch of Itt quality. But It teems tbe
time bat come for a universal laugh
ilnoe It ia known that Salvation Oil curat
paint of all possible kind.
Ierrve Aatvaaeeaaeat.
Tba following from the Port Byron
Qlobt showi bow perseverance and it
duatry will bring deeerved advancement
and tbe Aftacs la glad to record tbe too
cess that hat thua attended the efforts of
Mr. Coyne, who la one of tbe best men in
Rock Island county:
Sometimes the employee steps into Lit
employer's shoes, speaking figuratively.
v a are pleated to learn that Mr. C. C.
Coyne, who waa several years ago a clerk
to Dr. Fleming in bis drug store, bat
bought out that store and will tucceed to
tbe doctor't buaineas. We are aorrv that
to eminent a business man at Dr. Fiem
Ing tbould retire from tbe busineat in
which be bat been long and profit ably
employed. About tbe 1st of May, 1304,
lira. Fleming X Lyford bought out C.
W. Bennett, who bad been keeping a
small drug store in what is now known
at tbe Trent warehouse, opposite Trent
ft Son't present store. They kept
the drug store la that building over a
year, when Honeywell, IMI A Co., wbo
owned tbe building, raised tbe rental and
tried to sell them the place at a large
price. Pr. Fleming, wbo meanwhile bad
bought out Dr. Lyford't interest, rot
clud.d not to be Imposed upon, and
made a bargain with Wainrigbt Jt Tem
ple to erect the building at present oc
cupied by tbe drug store, and moved hi
goods into the tame on tbe S2d day f
December, 198.1. Be baa remained here
since then, uniting tbe drug business
with bis active professional practice. C
C Coyne became hit clerk In January.
1877, and by close application aoon made
himself familiar with tbe business. Five
year later Mr. Coyne bought out Dr. Ly
ford't drug store, and moved it from the
west tide of Main street acroaa to its
present location. He hat been so pros
perous in business since then that lie baa
been able to buy out hia former employer.
Tbe consideration of the tale wat t3,
500, and Mr Coyne entered possession
Monday morning. We wish him succes
in bit enlarged business.
Paveaaewi lemveetlea.
Rock Island, after having laid her brick
pavement, la trying to inspect it before
accepting it. Davenport inspects ners at
It goes down; a brick at a lime. Drmo
Well, hardly. The Rock Island city
council employed an inspector whose
duty it was to tee that none but good
brick were used, and that tbe work wat
done properly. The after inspection it
an eitra precaution to tee that tbe obli
gations of the contractors were thorough
ly fulfilled.
He Was That Boy.
Sitting In the rotunda of tbe Alexander
hotel of Louiftvilla, Proctor Knott told this
story i
"It was the most remarkable scene I ever
witnessed. It occurred during my earlv man
hood, when I was attorney general of Mis
souri. Robert Stewart was then goveroorof
that stnte. One day I waa in lis private
office wben he pardoned a tan.bnat man
for some erim. What it was 1 have forgot
ten, but that does uot matter. The man bail
been brought from the penitentiary to tbe
governor's odi -e. He was a Inrra, powerful
follow, with tbe rough manner of buclaaa.
"The governor looked at the steamboat
man and seemed strangely affivted. He
scrutinized him long and clcwely. Finally he
signed the document that reotored him to
liberty, but before he handed it to him said:
'Ton will commit some other crime, and be
In the penitentiary again, 1 fear.' Tbe man
solemnly promised that be mould not. Tbe
governor lookxd doubtful, mused a few mo
menta, and said:
"'You will go hack on the river and be a
mate again, I tupposef
"Tbe man replied that be would.
"'Well, I want you to promise me one
thing,' resumed tbe governor, '1 want yon to
pledge your word that wben you are a mate
again you will never take a billet of wood In
your band and drive a sick boy out of a bunk
to balp you kavl your boat on a stormy
night.' Tbe staaoilioat man amid that be
would not, and be Inquired what the gov
ernor niaant by requiring such a promise.
"Tbe governor replied: 'Because soma day
that boy may become a governor, and you
may want him to pardon you for a crime.
One dark, stormy night many years ago you
topped your boat on the Miausiippl to take
on a load of wuod. There waa a boy on
board wbo waa working bis pasaaga from
Mew Orleans to St. Louis, but be waa very
sick of fever and was lyinz In a bunk. You
had plenty of men to do tbe work, but you
wont to that liny wltb a stick of wood In
your band and drove him with blows and
rursee out Into the wretched niht, and knpt
him toiling like a slave until the kavl was
completed, i waa that boy. Here Is your
par. Ion. .Never again l guilty of such bru
tality.' And the man, cowering and biding
hie face, went out. As 1 never beard of him
again, I suppose be took care not to break
tbe law." Cor. Mow York Sun.
(niumun aad Chesataal Names.
Tbe following list of common and chemical
Dames of sulatancea may be of assistance:
Aqua fortl- Is nitric acid. Aquaregia isnitro
tnuriatic acid. Blue vitriol is sulphateof cop
jwr. Cream of tartar ia bi tartrate potassium.
Calonml is chloride of mercury. Chalk ia car
bonate of calcium. Halt of tartar l-carbonate
. Cmusain potwaa t-bjf. Irate potas
sium. Chlorofirtn la eklrlu of formvta.
Common sail la cblorid of aodiuiu. Cop
peras, or green vitriol, is sulphate of Irou.
Corrosive kuldiuiate is bichloride of mercury.
Dry alum Is sulphate aluminum and potaa
alum. Epsoni salts la sulphate of magnesia.
Etblops mineral is black sulphate of mercury.
Firs damp ia light carburetted hydrogen.
Oalena is sulphide of lead. Glauber salt Is
sulpuato of sodium. Glucose ia grape sugar.
Goulard water is basic acetate of leaiL Iron
pyrites is bisulphide of iron. Jeweler's putty
la oxide of tin. King's yellow is sulphide of ar
seulc. Laughing gas is protoxide of nitrogen.
Lime ia oxide of calcium. Lunur cauntlo Is
nitrate of silver. Mosaic gold is bisulphide
of tin. Muriate of lime is chloride of cal
cium. Nitrate of saltpetre is nitrate of pot
ash. Oil of vitriol Is sulphuric acid. Potash
ia oxide of potassium. Realgar Is red sul
pburet of arsenic. Red lead Is oxide of lead.
Bust of Iron ia oxide of iron. Halammoniao
Is muriate of ammouia. Slacked lime is hy
drate calcium. Boda la oxide of sodium.
Hpirtts of hartshorn is einmouia. Spirit of
salt is hydrochlorideof muriatic acid. Wtucco,
or plaster of Paris, is sulphate of lime. Sugar
of lead I acetate of load. Verdigris is baaio
acetate of copper. Vermilion Is sulphide of
mercury. Vinegar is acetic acid diluted. Vol
atile alkali is ammonia. Water Is oxide of
hydrogen. White precipitate is ammonia ted
mercury. White vitriol is sulphate of sine
Modest Ileeerolenea.
Two very pretty girls in this town recently
attended service lu a church where they were
strangers. W ben tbe time came for taking
up the collection they found to their dismay
that they bad but one cent between them.
And there, coming up their side of tbe aula
wltb the plate, waa a lovely young man with
whom tbey were slightly acquainted. Tbey
simply couldu t put that eollta-y cent in tbe
plat, and to put in nothing was not to be
thought of. Then one of tbe girls bethought
ber that aha bad a small envelope in her
pocket. Hbe pulled it out, dropped tbe coin
in it, sealed it, and when tbe lovely young
man came along she dropped tbe envelope In
with an air that made the collector think it
contained at tbe very least a (. note. Buf
falo Courier.
Expeneee of CrUna.
It is estimated tbat tbe expanse of main
taining the prisons of tbe Catted Htatee
amounts to ITS.UOO.UUU a year; but this It
ouly a small part of the cost entailed upon
tbe people at large by the existence of tbe
criminal rlaas. Tbe maintenance of tbe police
departments. It ia calculated, costs another
7j,U0U,UM. Then there are in tbe United
Htatas moretuau S.OuO courts possessing crim
inal Jurisdiction, to say nothing of more than
bO.DOU Justices of tbe peace, majority of
whom have a limited criminal Jurisdiction.-
Ban Prancis-n Aryonaut.
A Oraat lararlae
la la store for all wbo use Kemp't
Balaam for tba Throat and Lungs, tbe
great guaranteed remedy. Would yon
believe that It la told on Itt
merits, and tbat any druggist It
authorized by tba proprietor of thla
wonderful remedy to give you a
tample bottle freef It never falls to
cure acuta or chronic nought. All
druggltu tell Kemp't Balsam. Large
bottle 50 cenuand $1.
In the Chain of Facts in the
Cronin Case.
The Corps Tomnd Im the Msot.nl Fatly
frientifled aad the KvMeree of Msi4sr
CueelaslTa Mllltarv Mat ceavare in tfce
Ken tarty fartloat lht Howard Meals
a Msrch aa the Tsrasn Hsssiss'i
aiayer Held Wllsosl Hall Mlseallw
weaas Wlchadeese,
Caicaoo, Oi t Tbe trial of the men
ai-cuse.1 of tbe murter of Dr. Cronin wns re
sumed yesterJay morning before another
parked audience. The day waa devoted
mainly to clinching tbe i lentiHcation of tbe
corp e found in the Lake View manhole,
Tbis iloiw by the moat coacludv testi
mony. Men wbo hal known tba doctor for
years raine forward andawor positively
that it was his cor pee that had been so foully
d'spoecd of. Rut probably tbe most con
vincing te-tioMMiy was given by his d ntist.
Dr. Lie. Tbla gentleman had dime a great
deal of wcrk In his line for Dr. Cronin, anl
among othjr tlun rs had made a plate for him.
The plate taken from tne murdered man's
mouth was pro lucat in court an I upon be
tn shown to Dr. Lwis be swore nautively
tl- be made it for Dr. Orjiiin. Forrest
objected to the admiasiou of tbe plate in ev
deuce, but tbe ol.Jvc ion was overruled.
Does itiatly Testimony.
Whatever d out its had exi-ted regarding
the fact that Dr. Cronin was killed within a
short time af :er leaving the C.mklin resi
dence were set at reat whan Dr. E ;bert, as
sistant county physician, producada num
ber of jtrs containing tbe content of the
stomach of tbe mor.ti rsd man. Tbe food.
be said, bad scarcely commenced to digeet,
and bad been taken into the stomach Ues
than three hours before death. Tba Jnry
glanced at the contents of tbe jars, while
the people in tbe court room craned their
necks to get a look at tbe receptacles. Tbe
witness want on to minutely describe the
condition oftbeboly. All the internal or
gans were in ex-llent condition, and there
was not the slightest evidence of disease.
Internal or external, although tbe brain and
its covering ware tarribly decompne-d. "
The Woaada laerlbed Again.
Dr. Egbert then proceeded to describe the
wounds on Cronin's body. There was a
wound two inches long and a half inch wide
at tbe corner of tbe left eye; while near by,
tbe skull was again fracture! an4 a small
portion cnioped away. Near tbe left temple
waa a woo I two Inches long and exten ling
to the skull. Back of this waa anether al
most tbe same six, while back of tbe left
ear was a ragged wound that joined tbe
other two. Oo tbe left of the back of the
bead there was another u?ly wound, two
and a quartnr inches long and a quarter inch
wide, in the enter of which was a fl ip of
the skin of the scalp. Thla had been beaten
into the thin layer of fl -an oo tbe skull by
the force of the blow, and was attached to
the remaining skin at the upper portion of
the wound. The lungs were free from water.
despite the fact that tbe head waa
below tbe surface wben found, an l, aa tbe
physician testified in tbe most emphatic
manner, there was not the shadow of a
doubt that Dr. Cronin's death was cauied
by the wounds he receive.!.
Conldn't fthaka the Evidence.
Ju lge Wing and Mr. Forrest took turns
In eroas-exarainiug tbe witness for nearly
two hours wltb the view of securing an ad
mission tbat tlie wounds noon the body
might have been occasioned by rougb ustge
while getting it out of tbe va tit. Dr. E-
lert insisted, however, tbat tbey were in'
flicted prior to bis death, and his testimony
in other particulars remained unshaken.
iiood Generalstilp Displayed la the Ken-
torky Faction War.
Lot'isviLLg, Ky., Oct. 'M. A special to
Tbe Tunes from Pineville, Ky., says:
Thursday Wilson Howard, leader of tbe
Howard faction, out-manoeuvred tbe forces
headed by County Juege Lewis, who bave
bald possession of Harlan court bouse, tbe
county seat, sinne tbe 11th ins Judge
Lewie ant bis posse of sixty men left Har
lan onrt boust at 9 o clock Thursday morn
ing to make another assault on Howard's
oamp. Howard, anticipating this move
ment, bad placed his followers In ambush
near tbe town. Tbe Lewis party passd di
rectly through the arabn-tcade and for some
reason wera uot fired on.
A Flank Movement to the Rear.
After they bad got beyond their foes who
were concealed in the brush, and were pro
caeding in tba direction of where Howard's
camp was supposed to ha, the Howard party
moved into this town and took possession of
tbe court bousa. They have complete con
trol of tbe town, with pickets stationed at
all approaches, and the county Judge and
bis followers nave gone into camp outside
tbe town. It waa mtifi lently believed tbat
Judge Uu would endeavor to recapture
the court house yesterday, and a bloody
fight waaexpectL
H. M. Chambers' Traclc Mateanent a tba
Witness tt aad Held Withoat Ball.
riT. Lou I a, Oct -6 Tbe preliminary ex
amination of li. M. Chambers for the killing
of Frank J. bowman, tbe lawyer, waa con
cluded at Clayton yesterday afternoon, and
Chambers waa bald for the grand Jury with
out bail. Chambers waa put on the stand
and detailed the story of tbe shooting. He
elated that wben be shot Bowman the lat-
w ss I anaoa a notion as If t draw M-
olvar, and bfliavlng one or tbe other must
be killed, h Or I Cnamltsrs concluded bis
statement by declaring in a tragio manner:
"I shot bun, and am glai of it; be would
bave robbed me of my lat penny, and be
dsaarved bis death."
Atrlval ol the Nevassa Kloters.
fcsLTiMuHC, Oct. 'M The United States
man-of-war Galena, Ii'iar Admiral UUerardi
commanding, arrival in tbe barbur from
Navassa island at !i o'clo -k TeUrday after
noon aut am-bored off FortM Umry. Htie
bad on Isiard nine Navassa negroes, eight of
wbmn were engaged in the murderous riots
on the lal m I of Navassa recently, six of
them being the instigators and pwpetrators
of the mur. !!- of tti white hosMri. Tbey
were taken off the Galeua later and lodged
in jalL The atory told by tbe nflioers of the
Uaiena regarding tbe riot is mu-h tbe same
aa tbat already published. O ie of tbem
said, bowevitr, that tbe white bosses prac
ticed great brutality against the wgroea
A ftenanrirelly I'efldler.
ISEWAftK, N. J , O t Vfi A peddler wbo
had lodged Thursday night at the bouse of
Itaiab Marsh at Milburn, six miles from this
city, returned to tbe house yesterday at
noon, and finding the housekeeper, Jane
Htrowbridge, alone sat and kicked her
nearly into insensibility, th-n robbed tbe
bouse and finished his villainy by outraging
tbe woman. M rih learn in z of the crime
pursn-d the nus-rean', orertook bim and
neerly kicked bim to death Iwfore passers-by
interfere The desperado proved to be
John McGoire, a Njwark roii jli. He waa
locked up. Miss Birowbridge msy not re
cover. I'erhape This It Taseott.
rHiLADrxmiA, Oct. !M. A n.sn named
Charles Hams, wbo was arrrstal at Read
ing yesterday for forging the name of Gen
eral Paasensrer Agent Wood, of tbe Penn
sylvania reilroad, to checks, and wbo ad
mits bis guilt, fct bjlieve.i to be Taseott, the
Chicago murderer. He baa all tbe scan and
wounds, tne bad teeth, facial characteristics,
habits, etc., mentioned in the deeoription of
Taseott Taseott is described aa a guitar
and mandolin player, and mong tba prison
er's effects is a guitar and some Either
Another Sensation la tbe Col loot Case.
Miii.vEaFOUa, Uiun., Oct IB. In tbe Coi
lom case yesterday the defense announced
tbey wouid prove tbat the coofoasloo made
by Col lorn was in pursuance of an arrange
ment between bimulf and W. B. Anderson,
son-in-law of J. T. BieisdelL tbe complain
ing witness, and in order to effect a better
settlement with Collotn's creditors. 8. D.
Ames, tbe penmanship expert, went on too
stand and pronounced the signatures for
geries. Let Bim Bave It All, Aaykew.
aUacnBaraa, It. H, Oat, Napoleon
ITormandeaa was yesterday arraigned for
feloniously assaulting Ciementloa Abel, aged
11 years. Be persisted In pleading guilty
vntU mformed tbat the penalty might be
thirty years' imprisonment, when be waived
examination and was held tt 13,000 ball for
the supreme court
Be Bobbed a ralverelty.
Boaro. Mass., Oct SO, The Herald's
Providence special says that the shortage of
Brown aui"rsity funds on account of tbe
operations of ex-Registrar O. B. Robinson,
ton of ex -President Robinson, Is found by an
expert accc an tant to be over f Ifl.OJO.
Governor 1 leaver Opposed to Confederate
M erne rials aa tks Historic Field.
FrmBCta, Pa., Oct. art. Governor
Beaver wae seen Thursday evening in re
gard to the resolution adopted by Aba Pat
terson post, No. 88, O. A. K , protesting
against tbe placing of rebel monuments on
tbe battled Id of Gettysburg. "I read the
raeolutions - bis morning," said tbe governor,
and tbey t tow tbe right spirit As to this
particular nonument of tbe Second Mary
land regiment, I dont know just what it ia"
Loratloa of tbe Mnaaeaent,
It was tbia explained that tbe monument
stood just ojtside the Union breastworks on
Culpa' hilL and be said, "If tne regimental
association has purchased tbe ground outside
of that controlled by tbe Gettysburg Battle
field assorts :km, of conree they bave a right
to erect tbe r monument, I can assure yon,
however, tbat no member of tbe association
will consent to any individual rebel organ
isation ereo ing within the grounds monu
ments that tiear Inscriptions likely to foster
treason and disloyalty.
Marking the Confederate Llaea.
"I am stn ngly in favor of tbe government
making app-opriatlona to erect markers on
the posit low. occupied by tbe Confederate
commanda, sa a matter of hiatory. A per
fect idea of :be fight cannot be obtained by
having but line marked out, an 1, in or
der to make tbe demarkation complete, uni
form monunwnts should be erected to indi
cate tbe Cxi federate tinea I am and al
ways will b opposed to any rebel organiza
tion erectinf its own monuments within the
grounds of tbe association. Any point out
side ia beyond our control should it be pur
chased by Confederate organisations."
Aa Fa-Confederate's Comments.
Baltimors, Ort. 30. Tbe action of the
Pittsburg G A. R. relative to the Second
Maryland Confederate monument on
Gettysburg leld causes much comment here,
Geo. Bra.lle" T. Johnson aaid that the mon
ument erect d by tbe Second Maryland re
ment at Gettysburg waa tbe result of a
pressing invitation from Col. Batcheller, the
Federal hist, nan of the Gettysburg Memo
rial associati ml There was certainly noth
ing objectit nable in tbe monument, and
Confederates had no apolocriea to make.
Dynamite forks Oraat Itrartloa to
Life aed Property at Montreal.
Montreal, Oct 86. An explosion of
dynamite cartridges occurred early Thurs
day morning in a wooden building on tbe
corner of Pat thaleon and Bt Jean Baptisre
streets in this oity, which resulted in one
instant death Jules Cbartrand and tbe
severe woun ling of tbe following: Mrs.
Bilodean, Mm. Cbarbonneau, August Char
bonneau, P. Leblanc, Mrs. A. Ixhlano,
Albina Labia ic, Alexina Leblanc, Francoise
Paqoette, J. B. Poitevin. Of these it is more
than probablr tbat five or six will die. Sixty
other peopie rere slightly hurt, many of
them being women and girls.
Eft. oa the Ballrtlnx.
Tbe build u g in which the t xplotion took
place was aln ost completely annihilated, us
materials be ng converted into splinters.
On tbe upper side of tbe street had stood a
magnificent block of br.ck and stone stores,
with dwellings above. Tbe fronts of these
were completely blown in, and the block is
a mass of rums. Crossing Psnthaleon street
tbe same seen of ruins is presented, and the
oomer grocer r store is a wreck. From S27
to 834 on this street tte buildings are more
or lees destn yed. Tbe building at J St.
Jean Baptisto street, tbe groc-rr of J.
Cbartrand, the millinery store of Mrs. Ville
nure, J. Par' grocery store at 2$J Cadieux
street, and ICorin's liquor store opposite
are also wrect ad. Tbe loss of property is
estimated at t pward of SlOO.dOO.
A New Move t Kietamond, Vs., to Battle
slie Uses Question.
PjCBstOUD, Va., Oct 36. A movement
has beeo start d here to do away with ne
gro servants and substitute white servants.
There are few white domestic servants here,
but It is propowd to import them. An or
ganisation has already been formed in a
quiet way for tbis purpose. A prominent
citisen euggssts tbat a public meeting be
called in tbe next few days to "boom" the
movement. A waa It by broker baa published
a letter in wh ch he aay: "Say what tbe
sentimentalists of tbe north may, tbe south
ern people bavs been patient and forbearing
long enough, and to stand longer in our
own light is to be untrue to our section and
to those wbo tire to follow in our places.
We have argutd and with these people only
to receive their answer at tbe polls: 'We are
opposed to yoi and your methods.' Free
dom and education bave resulted thus far in
an increased (ercontageof lunacy among
tbe negrotw ne rer dreamed of, while mor
ally the race is drifting most rapidly into a
condition simply deplorable and alarming."
Tbe writer tt sn proposes a boyott of ne
gro servants of all kinds and the substitu
tion for tbem of wbite women and girls
Swiss, Germans Swadee and Irish.
Tbe Widow of a Veteran of 1811 The
Cammleeloaor a Wounded Vet,
WAaaiMOTOK ClTT, Oct 28 Commis
sioner Raum ywterday male special a case
which la of mom than usual interest. It ia
aba off a tedy w bo vraa bora uadar tba ad
ministration ol Gen. Washington and ia
now S3 years of age. She ia entitle 1 ton
pension as the vidow of a soldier of the war
of 19V2, but has never before made an appli
cation. Tbe ntatament of the case was
presented to Go t Raum by ber son, and tbe
commissioner concluded tbat tbis waa a case
wb'ch might properly be made special.
Tba commissi aw bimself is entitled to a
pension. He bt a wounded soldier of tbe
late war, but has never filed an application
for a pension. While bis case would no
doubt receive careful attention at present
from tbe penaica offline oflljials, be has no
Idea of trying to get a place on tbe pension
MePbeisoe Is lo tba Uses.
WatHlwoTOlt ClTT, Oct 26 Tbe TJuited
Press la ia receipt of a communication from
Mr. Edward MsPherson, of Pennsylvania,
wbo lean applicant for the clerkship ot
the bouse of rep-osentativee. The letter In
closes a paragraph contained In the United
Press diapatcbas of tbe sV):h Inst, stating
that "Maj. John M. Carton appears to have
practically captured tbe clerkship of tbe
next bousa It is claimed by his friends that
bebas pledges sufficient to elect on tbe first
ballot," eta M-. McPberson, referring to
this dispatch, ye: "I bave been making
a canvass of tbo Republican members for
tbe clerkship of tbe house. I deny the claim
of Maj. Carson's friends tbat he has pledges
sufficient to nominate on the first ballot.and
I propose to teat this issue in a manly way in
tbe Republican etneus, which alone can set
tle it"
A Rasnor Th tt Hal lord Will Reoign.
WAftfUftOTO" Crrr, Oct 23 It is said
tbat United Slates District Attorney D.
8. Alexander, of Buffalo, will redgn in or
der to become private secretary to the pres
ident in plane ot Mr. Halford, who, it ie re
ported, fat obligee, on account of poor health
to resign.
Am Iowa Kao langeronsly III.
WAtHtrtOTOW ClTT, Oct 86. CoL A. P.
Reeve, of Iowa, chief of tbe Bee t division,
department of agriculture, is dnncerously
111 at bis home bi tbis city. He has been
confined to his b d for tbe past week.
The Condition of Trade.
Nxw York, O t 96 In summarising the
review of trade t -day R G. Dun & Co. ssy
that on tbe wbok the speculative markets
are not promising, eud are judiciously let
alone by the public But the outlook for
all departments' of legitimate business ia
mors encoursgini: than it has bjen for a
long time. Vsr.' little encouragement la
given to men whe hold wheat, aa prices are
reported S cents lower than a week ago, s
ttate of the marl et brought about by heavy
receipts, scanty exports and no heavy de
mand from the Id world, where tbo crops
are not suggeatim at all of a famine.
Too Lees
Dasrvaa, Oct. IS. Tbe convention of the
Brotherhood of I x0 motive Engineers bida
fair to be very pr ilongsd. Forty resolutions
were on tbe tub e yesterday morning and
only two were act id upon, one indorsing tbe
insurance report, itnd tbe other naming Mon
day next at tbe d ty for holding the election
of grand ofBoen. A delegate aaid there
were too many at mbert, aad all wera loaded
wtta speeobse.
A Great Railway Rate Contest
Put in Pickle.
To Camp oa the Trait of tba Recent
aaderkilt-Valoa Paelde Trame Ar
rangementEverything Gooe Agalaat
the Dealt That Is Everything That b
OoUlde rrospeet of a Roaatlfml Strag
gle with Lota of Fob for Stockholders.
Chicago, Oct. 28. The Herald says: The
Vaoderbilt-Union Pacific coalition will be
met by combined opposition on the part of
all tbe lines not in tbe deal Tbe leaders of
the opposition are tbe Union Pacific's old
partners in tbe tripartite agreement ot 18h5.
Tbat agreement waa made by the Union
Pac.n Chicago, Rock Island and Pacifio
an 1 tbe Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t Paul
It provided for an interchange of all traffic,
both passenger and freight, to the exclusion
ot all lines outside of the agreement, Tbe
compact was made for twenty years, and its
foundation stone waa the provision that it
could not be broken save by unanimous con
sent. rhe "Q" Broke la, Uowever.
Single bandel the Chicago, Burlington
and (juiticy attanked the allied lines and
forced them to modify tbe ironclad regula
tions regard ing the interchange of traffic,
and admit it to tbe agreement as a full part
ner. Time and time again Charles Francis
Adams has veroally and in writing protest
ed tbat Uie tripartite agreement wae a sa
cred one, and come what might should never
be violaU-d by tbe Union Pacific. The agree
ment made between the Chicago and North
western mid Union RiC nV, which is now
cLtimin tbe atutnuou of the entire railway
world. Is charg-1 br the Ciiicag t, Burling
ton and Q uncy and tbe Rock bland to be
a direct violation of the tripartite agreement
Aa Aggravating Feature.
An especially aggravating feature of this
violation is that the Northwestern is analien
hue Jut.si.le tbe oil alliance. Believing
that agreement really do amount to aome
tliing, tbe roa Is with whom the Union Pa
cific has brck-n faith are now making ar
rangements to compete with the Northwest
ern and Union Pacific alliance. It means
nothing less than fight from tbe drop of tbe
bat. It not already signed, there ia in ex
istence a compact tie t ween the Burlington,
tbe Rock Inland and the Milwaukee and St.
Paul roads providing that tbey shall stand
shoulder to shoulder in the fight against tbe
Vanderbilt combine. The manager of one
of these roads said yesterday:
"What the Burlington did single-handed
in we three ought to be able to do
Rome Railway Geography.
Tbe Burlington and tbe K cfc Island
reach from Chicago to Deuver. From Den
ver to Ogdn there is tbe Rio Grande,
which in a short time will be changed from
narrow to broad guage. From Oden to tbe
coast the Southern F acinc controls nearly
every mile of track south of tbe Oregon
slate line clear to Mexico, with a branch
into Portland. It is germane to the subject
to mention tbe fact that the Southern Pa
cific is a bitter foe of the Union Pacific. The
Milwaukee and St Paul competes with tbe
Northwestern to every important point on
the letter's system, and from St. Paul there
is an independent line to Lake Superior at
Lululh, with which tbe Milwaukee and St
Paul can easily fleet a trtflij arrange
ment. TI.e llovrntt to Take a Hand.
It is proposed by the lines above to boy
cott every line in the anderbilt svstem.
Neither ir-ight nor passenger traffic is to be
interchanged with tbe anderbilt or Union
Pacific systems. AU east-bound business ia
to 1 divided equally between the anti- an
derbilt lines running east from Chicago. It
anv rate-cutting follows the strained situa
tion the Milwaukee and St Paul is to punish
the Northwestern in its own home. It is
proposed to read the riot act aboat violating
agreements and the formation of gigantic
consolidations which rouet result in ruin to
vast systems of railway. It is more than
probable tbat tbe Gould lines will be invited
to join in the fight against the andcrbilta.
Tbe Santa Fe has already been approached
and its assistance sought.
Anything ta Beat tbe Vaaderhitia,
Whether tbe Suite Fe talc --a an open part
In tbe struggle or not, tbe officials of tbat
line are counting on reaping substantial
benefits from the tight, as every pound of
fright which tbe old membtrs ot tbe tripar
tite agreement cannot secure tor themselves
th-y will do all in tbeir power to throw to
the Santa Fe. It matters not wbo carries
transcontinental freight now, so long as it
is diverted from tbe Vanderbilts and Union
Pacific, Tbat tbe situation is terribly
strai tied no i ne attempts to deny. Tbat tbe
roads east and w est are on the verge of a
terrible rate war no one can gainsay. Tbe
situetion is also viewed with alarm on Wall
The Ohio Senator Talks rolltlrs to a Largo
liepobtloaa Aadleoca.
CuLl MHl'H. U , O t 2d. Senator John
Sherman addressed an immense uudience at
tbe board of trade ball last night. He be
gan by roferring to tbe Democratic opposi
tion to the re-election of Governor Foraker
because of him being a third-term candidate,
and in tbis connection said that the Demo
crats forget tbat Governor Hill, ot New
York, is serving his third term in that state.
Senator Sherman said tbe next congress
would undoubtedly institute some notion
tending toward tba union of north, central
ana south America into a solid phalanx of
republics comm-.-rcially and politically. He
stated that the approaching election in Ohio
would denote this state'a com mend atinu or
disapproval of the administration of Presi
dent Harrison.
Dsvitt Continues His Speech.
LcDQ!t, Oct sn. Michael Dsvitt's speech
is still "oa" before tha Parnell commission.
Yesterday he occupied the whole time. The
most prominent feature of the address was
the statement that Tha Times managers
knew that the alleged Parnell letters w
forgeries prior to tbe time Pigott testified.
Justice Hannen snid that statement would
bave to be proved, and Davltt aaid be would
prove it later on. He tben denied that the
league was In alliance with revolutionary
organizations or tbat any of its money was
subscribed for outrages or to aaiist armed
Doesn't Value Heraair Vary High.
PouoHKSErait, N. Y., Oct 28. Ida J,
Lane, of Salt Point, this county, has bainsnit
against Jacob Suyder, a railroad contractor,
for alleged seduction under promise of mar
riage, damage being placed at Si.iMl His
friends say there ie a conspiracy against
bim. Hi wife and three children boarded
with Ida's futber, and yat Ida claim that
she did not know be was married.
The Statue to Oliver P. Morton.
IxdiasaPOUS, Oct !tt A marble bust of
Oliver P. Morton has been received by the
Morton family from Sculptor Simmons, ot
Rome, Italy. A A. McKain, of this city, is
preparing a granite pedestal for it, and the
statue wil I placed in position at the grave
ot tbe war governor in Crown Hill by Nov. 8,
wb.ch is the anniversary of bis death. The
height of tbe memorial wben completed will
be ten feet The bust is of heroic site. Tbe
likeness is considered fair by those wbo have
examined it
Bolridad Pramatnralv.
CasaicdaioCa, N. Y., O t 28 Dr. John
A. Shannon, a prominent nhvaician. whila
driving Thursday, ran over Mrs. George
TT I 1 1 . .
uuaimiiuB anu waa arras an. onannon Deo.
lately been on a spree and be became great
ly excited. Some one told him that Mrs,
Husbands would die. Yesterday morning
noannon was found dead, having taken
overdose of morphine, probably intention
ally. Mrs. Husbands will recover.
Hss a Criminal Appearanee.
BotTOJi, Oct. au. Tbe three ruastol
acboour Forest Fairy, a vessel tbat the ma
rine agencies would not insure because of
bar age, went to sea sixty-five daya ago
bound to the n astern islands. There v
tbU"ty even souls on board, twantysseven
being Portuegeae passengers. Not a word
has been heard from ber since starting, and
ens a tielievea to bave gone down with all
on board in tbe September galas.
Smaahup of Freight Trains.
Masoh Crrr, la., Oct. iML A damaging
collision of freight trains occurred on the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road be
tween Games and Britt Thursday night.
Tbe engineers and firemen aaved tbemaalvet
by Jumping, Both anginas and several
freight cart were wrecked. Tbe accident
wat doe to a misunderstanding of eiders.
Base Ball Managers Sharpen
ing Their Knives.
The Two Big Aggregations of .Base Ball
Bralaa Propose to "J loo Drives Agin"
the Hew Compact The "Plan of Cam
nalga" Said To Bo Agreed C poo Sam
Morton, of the Western League, oo the
K Lnria. Oct 29. The Sporting Newt,
ot thie city, contains a rather startling arti
cle on bow tbe League intends to right tea
RrotJtn-iowt of Bass Ball Players. The
scheme is to consolidate the National league
and American association Into one organisa
tion of ten or twelve clube. Each club ia to
contribute a large aura toward a guarantee
fund, tbe money to be need in aiding League
clubs found to be suffering from competi
tion with Brotherhood teams. Attempts
will atan ha made to rrloole the Brotherhood
organisation by offering largs sums for tbe
services of its beat players. The statement
is made tbat Von Der Abe has been offered
a place in the organisation and is will ing to
aaorifloe Sunday games if the league con
templated can ba formed.
Confirmed by Von Der Aha.
ir . . . rvrv M fl.-t 06. Von Der
iiu hn Thnrsdsv and aaid tbe St
Louis dispat -h about the Laguaand Auo
ciation combining againat the Brotherhood
was authentic So far as agreed upon now
the details were: Indianapolis, Washington,
and Louisville will not be tisen into the
new organization, and the Pinla i-lp'iia club
will buy nut the Ailuet ci. To players
until thei will be distribute! according to
some qnaiiE.Tion pian yei 10 oo ui-iei iuiuwj
Sam Morton Ihreatens to Become a Base
Hall Anarchist.
Minneapolis, Minn, Oct. 26 "If the
National League adopts tbis blanked Spald
ing scheme I shall become au An ircbirt in
tbe base ball business and shall flsunt tbe
red flag in the faces of these Leagud mag
nates until either tbey or myself shall have
been driven out of the base ball business for
ever." Secretary Sam Morton, of the
Western Ball association, was somewhat ex
cited when be aaid tbe above yesterday.
"Tbe acbeme is for tbe passage of an amend
ment to the rules governing purchases of
players by the League and American asso
ciation from tba minor associations.
The Worst Trust or tha Lot.
"It means a gigantic base ball -trust-traffic
in human flesh, so to speak. There is no
justice in the scheme from any standpoint,
though I have it from good authority tbat a
majority of the magnate directors in the
League are in favor of its adop-.ion. If it ia
adopted I want to say right now that I shall
fight tbe man who pass it to tbe bitter end.
I shall do mv best to secure tbe secession of
all tbe Minnesota leagues. This Spalding
pill is more than I can swallow."
A Tie for the Championship.
Kew York, Oct 26. Another chilly day
greeted the players in the sixth game of tbe
championship base ball match, but the game
waa tbe beet one played so far. Brooklyn
scored its only run in tbe second inning and
the Giants did not tie tbe game until the
ninth, when Waid manage! to gel around
tbe bases by clever work aided by bia own
safe hit followed by auother one by Connor.
It took two more innings to settle tbj game.
the Giants getting tbeir second run in the
eleventh. The score for tbe championship
is now a tie.
Chicago Woman Take Hold of the World's
Fair ProJ.et.
CbiCaOj, Ozl. 28. Notwithstanding tbe
inclement weather over 4,0M0 women attend
ed the mass-meeting bUd in Central Music
ball yesterday afternoon under the auspices
of tbe woman's auxiliary committee of tbe
world's exposition committtsa. Many were
unable to get into tbe ball. Mrs. John
A. Logan presided, an I speeches were made
by Mayor Cregier, Rav. G.org;C. La-iraer,
Kens Michaels (tbe deen of tne Northwest
ern Woman's college!, RabU Hirs.-h and Congressman-elect
Wilson, of the state ot Wash
ington. Arrangements ware rut le for rais
ing several hundred thousand dollars and the
ladies pledged themselves to appeal to the
women of American to direct tbeir efforts
towsrd s -curing tbe World's fair for Chi
cago. Nns Then, Chtra.cn, How's This.
Nxw Yor.K, O'-t 'JO Additional sub
scriptions to iii World's fair guarantee
fund were rrcived yes:erdsv as follow.;
Drexel, Morgan & Co., tMu.OJJ: August
Belmont, o0,(K: R. P. Flower, $i,tiO;
Tiffany & Co., ti1.0; K F Shemrd, tA-
000; Kuhn. I.oeb & Co., tlUIKi; J J. Little
& Co , 0U0; proprietors of Fjck, $i,0i0;
also a large number of smaller suns.
A Bnrprlae for tha Inhabitants of Fort
rierre. a. !. Moeh Excitement.
PllBRg, & D , Oct 26 Intense excite
ment prevails at Fort Pierre, across tbe
river from this plaos, caused by the reoei pt
of private advices from tbe officials ot tbo
Interior department stating tbat tbe people
there bave no recognisable right to tbe land
whereon they are settled, and that the land
where tbe town is aituated belongs to tbe
government, and will be opened for asttle
Bwet la tha aama manner as tha re.t of tbe
reservation land; provided, however, tbet
tbe Nortbwretern Hallway company does
not accept tbe mile square on tbe conditions
beretof ore agreed to bet weeu tbe company
and the government
Tbe Company Will Take tha Lead.
The advices also add that tbe company is
certain to take the land, as it has recently
signified its intention of so doing, and tbat
tbe land it want is exactty that on which
tbe Fort Pierre setters are located. Tbe in
formation clearly states that in either case
tbe settlers will be compelled to vacate the
reservation entirely and come across tbe
river after the president issues his proclama
tion and before it takes effect, an 1 tbe mili
tary authoriti-s bave been notifi td to pre
pare the settle! s to vacate at any time.
Consanguinity Dlda't Count.
SrRIxoriKLD, I1L. Oct S. U was learned
last night thst Miss Mary McElroy, tbe
daughter of Rev. Dr. W. N. McElroy, tbe
popular pastor of tbe First Methodist church
of tbis city, eloped eeveral days ago with ber
first cousin, Thomas H. Crowder, a young
farmer of of Pana, and tbat tbey were mar
ried in St Louis. Miss M Elroy was a
teacber at Pane. Her parents knew of ber
attachment for ber cousin, but opposed tbeir
marriage on account ot tbeir relationship.
A Demeerat Withdraws.
CRKsTOit, la., Oct 26 Capt William
Grounds, Democratic nominee in Union
county for tbe legislature, withdrew from
tha field yesterday. Tbis leaves W. W.
Morrow, Republican, and W. H. Roto,
Union Laborite, tbe sole contestants. Robb
baa served two terms in tbe bouse, and has
voted with tbs Democrat on ail important
questions. Hia name will probably bi plaoed
on tbe Democratic ticket
England and the Weldoa BIIL
Ottawa, Oat, Oct 'M. The announce
ment is made that the imperial government,
while declining to veto tbe Weidon extradi
tion bill paasxi laat session, requests toe Do
minion government not to put it in opera
tion until tbe United State takes action In
regard to tbe extradition treaty negotiated
some years ago.
Kvanavllle Strikers Heatea.
EvAsviLUt, Iud., Oct 26. Tbe ttrike of
the Louisville and Nashville switchmen in
this city ended yesterday. When new men
tbat bad been brought here from East St
Louis, Ilia, took the pluc-aof the striken,
tbe latter withdrew from the fight, al low
ing the loaded freight cars wliio;i have been
held by tbem in tiie yard f.ir four days to
move nut.
Fire la a Plush Factory.
Patbrjow. N. J., Oct 26 Tbe Poarleea
Plash Manufacturing ompany's builJinga
at 60 Franklin street, with contents, were
burned yeetarday. Loss, HW.oOO; inauranos
A Oladstowlaa Gala of Totae.
LoRDoa, O.-t 26 The election for mem
ber of parliament for Brighton wat bald
yeaterday. Gerald Lodor, tbe Unionist can
didate, was elected, receiving 7,132 votes.
Sir Robert PeoL GladatnnVn rudwl
4,025. Tbe Gwaervative maloritv at tat
last election waa S,Ma, to tbat the result
anowt a Uboral gvja Pi 78 Totsa,
ISjFve are now well into Antumn with its changeable weather and will aoon see the Mer
enry go downwards in the Thermometer, consequently all ought to prepare for it. In
There is no better place to trade than at
No. 1623 Second Avenue.
After many Years of Experiment
CDII tlav VfinaliyDrSCOvered. A Cure
no pay. i ii w inr urn
rv U
Tbe civil service txwrd will hold aa exam
ination at Chicago Nov. 14
It is announced at Minneapolis that a Nw
Turk syndicate bas secured control of tbe C
C Washburn milling plant
TbeCanailials officials are informed that a
new extradition treaty has been negotisted
between England and the United States.
Hiss Winnie Davis the "Dtugbt-rot tbe
Confederacy" sailed Friday !v Europe,
where she goes tor the benefit of ber health.
A l.-ttar bas been uneartbed in ?iew York
showing tbat tbe whole ot Manhattan island
was bought from the Indians in 16M for f'44.
The window glass manufacturers will
probably advance the price of glass next
werk 5 per cent, owing to increased de
mand. Joel Barlow MoorbeaJ, iron manufac
turer, of Philadelphia, died Friday, aged Tt.
He leaves a fortune of f3,oOU,Oi0 to a widow
and four children.
A lad named Thomas Z- M and ery, of Ke
York, was bit in tbe forehead a year age by
a base ball. Thursday be died from tbe
effects of the blow.
Tbe Roman Catholics of tbis country ars
requested by the beirarcby to make the aa
nnal collection of Peter's pence to-uioiTOW
tbe largest on recorl
At New York Friday Charles UoD
vaine, a 19 year-old murderer, was sen
tenced to death by electricity in Sing Sing
prison some time during tbe first week In
It took fnir tr ait to settle tbe case af
Theodore Fishrr against tbe Chios go and
Alton railway for damages for injuries. Tbe
piaintiff finally got ju Igmnt at Petersburg,
Lla., Friday, of 16,iAu
Hon. Allen G. Tuurman, while speaking
at Cincinnati Thursday night, was attacked
with sudden illness and compelled to cease
bis remarks. As aoon as be was able to
move be was escorted to bis hotel.
Two of tbe sailors recently rescued in an
open boat part of the crew ot tbe Earn-
moor eoiifpes to having practiced cannibal
ism while at sea. Ts sailors died and tbeir
flesh was consumed by tbe survivors.
The Spring Valley, Ills., miners bave
agreed with Hon. W. L Scott on everything
except signing icntracta to work to a certain
date for a certain price. Tbis the men re
fuse to do, although they have conceded tbe
domaud that they ignore the union.
Tbe South American delegation visited
Minneapolis Friday, where they were
shown around and made much of from 10:10
a. m. until II n. m , Tikitiug the flour milla
and other platvs of InU-txst and wtadinc up
wi h a receptiuu. They departed for Sioux
City Friday night
Miss Clara ltarton, presideut of tbe Red
Cross society, U-ti Johnstown, Pa., Friday.
She bade a dim tu lbs losn in a letwr to 'late
Timet, iu whirh she congratulated the peo
ple upou their partial recovery from tbeir
terri le sffi cliim and gave tbem words of
encouragement lor tbe future.
Tbe question obt-tlKT Miss Theresa Kelly.
ot New York, a devout R man Catholic, bas
partaken of the eucuar.st sinoe attending
one ot Dr. Mculrnu in-tiuas (she was
great friend ol tbe doctor) is deieving bar
burial with tbe ritae and ia the consecrated
ground of th Komau Catholic church.
A freight train on the Lake Erie and
Wastern road win hurled from tbe track at
Eokomo, InA, ty train wreckers Friday
mjroing. twelve oil tanks exploded, set
ting flrs to lb cars, an 1 three train hands
b.ngmetr Juke Mel l, Fireman E. Barnett
and Hrak mai, J .Ln Spelluian mere burned
to a crisp.
A Partr ol Scbrv.ll...,. rr wltb a Fright
ful Arcl.leau
Framklis, Pa., X-t Si. A terrible ac
cident hapfieiuvl ou thv lilloway farm near
here last evening. A imriy of school boys
found a bomb loaled with giant powder
wbicu tbey attempted to open, wben it ex
ploded. Ten of the b-iy wre terribly hurt
John FiU'erald's ar:n blown off and his
body burr. My mnt lat-d. H i will die. F.wir
others, named Patterson, O'Oonaor, Rogers
an 1 H u. Is n are in a very precarious condi
tion. The others will re :ovr.
Tbe 'Cuulls' Soiuinale Gompere.
Sw York, Oct. SO Samuel Oouipers,
tbe well-known labor advocate, waa nom
inated last nicbt for state senator by tht
County Democrats of the Seventh district.
ftOO Reward UOO.
Tbe readers of the Daily Anurt will
be pleased to learn tbat there it at least
one dreaded disease that science bas
been able cure in all itt stages, and thst
it catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure it tbe
only positive cure now known to tbe
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure
ia ttken internally, acting directly upon
tbe blood and mucus surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and riving tbe patient
strength, by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing iu work.
The proprietors bave so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer one hun
dred dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Ad
dree. F. J. Cheniy & Co, Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c
Tbe many remarkable cures Hood's
Saraaparilla accomplishes are sufficient
proof that it doea possess peculiar cura
tive powera.
Grand Opera House,
Oct. 27th and 28th.
The World-Renowned
Fantasma !
Gorgeous Sceorrr t
Wonderful Mechanise Effect. !
Magnificent ud etartliog
Transformations, Vc, Ac
Prices-11 00, We, 50c and 2tc; Beat sale Thurs
day a m. at Huebinger'e Art Oallery and at tae
upeim House, fteeora seals early and avoid tbe
reak as the box ofice.
and research, a POSITIVE CURE
Guarantee-or i n y u HUDta
l im iv-KJiiii u
he ALBERT MEDICAL CO. Cleveland, 0,
The latest design of the long series of
its ornamentation, novel in many of itt features it bound to be a good seller. Be
sure and examine this eiove aud learn itt good pointa for after teeing it you will
buy no other.
I have of course a tupply of the celebrated HOUND OAKS. This bat been
so popular that it it being copied aa far aa tbey dare ov unscrupulous parties, but
don't be deceived buy tbe Round Oak made by P. D. Beckwith. I am the tule
agent for above goodt aa well aa other
Cor. Third avenue
Glove Store,
1605 Second Avenue.
Thia week 25 dozen Ladies' Foster Hook fine Kid Glove
Only 85 Cents.
Gent's diiving gloves, fine dress and street gloves.
Ladies' Gloves fitted.
Sijtn of the Red Gloye, west of Market Square.
M M .aw- SB mm mm sn aassi sMaVJ BBS mr bbbbw -bbbbbbbb
AT U mmm B r
usiness Oollege.
-New and fully equipped. New furnishings throughout Will compete
with any. Send for circulars.
Tcition: Four months, f?3; Sii months. 35; Nine months. 950.
Addres O. W. FKNN. Rock Island, Ills.
Mantles. Tiles and Grates,
Now ready for your Inspection. Call and aee our assortment and .
compare our priors before buying.
A. J. sum. & 801,
185 and 1S7 West Third Street, Opp. Maaonic Tample, DAVENPORT.
Further Information
VENTILATOR for Hard Coal.
ALADDIN Stoves. This it beautiful in
detirable goods. Hardware, etc.
and Twentieth St., Rock Island
2119 Fourth Avintjz,
for the beat custom made
sTRepairinn neatly done.
For Catalogues Address
Davenpoht, Iowa.

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