THE HOCK ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 1889. v. IMSSflll ! Having made an extraordinary purchase in Glassware, we will place on sale m Goutinuihg Ten days, the entire J lot of 7,5 Barrels assorted ware f " at a Tidiculons low price. TTOal. Crystal Water Pitchers, 7 Inch Comport, ... 7 Inch Bowls with Cover, 1-2 Pint Heavy Tumblers, 11 Inch Cake Salvers, ... Engraved Table Sets, lO Incli Plnlii Cake Salver, Sauce Dishes, per dozen. Sun HI life Lamp Chimneys, o.2, - oc Engraved ' Sc Parlor Lamps, Ane IXc'd Shades, complete Sl.K, ElCCtrle Lamps, the finest made, com pltte, 1a( Other Dealers Remember, that these prices hold good for Ten days only. The 'FAIR.': it;c 10c k c 2.3c 50c 18c ask $2 50. UNDER TILE BLOCKADE. INGENUITY PRACTICED BY SOME WOMEN IN WAR TIMES. DtSrultle Experienced In Preridins; Llhu Tallow and Lard Gar. Out and Beeawal and Roata Wer red Song ' Printed on Wall Paper. Ilaa proper eatlmat ever been placed, I wonder, upon th. Urn amount of wit fiarr- tniiur, the constant exercta. and consequent development of Ingenuity practiced Djr to. fair ladin of th. Confederacy during tbe last yean of the war J The exiirenckv of the time were grrat, tar theoutaide remiircn of the tooth alim at the tart. If one will recall the (mall number of manufactories to be found in that section were dwindling ft away, and often such supplies a could lie developed at horn, and among families were the only one, that could be relied npnn. The" Miplit luohiiled article of every nature, from ftl and clothing for the fam ily down to toy. for the children. Th. ques tion of drc hwame a perplexed one aftr all ports were blurkmlpd by northern vowels and all frontier port were hold by northern troops, and woman' wit wa seveivlv taxei in order to make a r-kx! appearance from the material at her command. "CA.1UI.E KlklNO BRKS." The uljtvt of lights was auothcr with which it was found dillicult to contend. Tal low wu ucil fm-ly during the first years of th. war; old candle molds were brought out from their hiding place and put to um, and "tallow di'' became as familiar to us as Ihey had been to our forefather. But th. ource of supply of thew "li(;lits of other lays'1 soon became exhausted, and woman's Ingenuity wa again put to the test. Lard also had lieeu iu frequent use, and a favorite Iht was a saucer or cnu filled with this lielted MilwtH'ioe wherein floated a burniuj lycamore bull. It, too, was growing scarce, however, anil a new material must beevolved. Several things were tried, but a mixture of beeswax and rosin wo found best of them U. Through tins mixture, when melted, a long roil of onmlle ik was drawn again and again until thoroughly coated, and in or der to make this coating even several persons stood In a row holding the wif king at short intervals and shaping th. wax Uxn it as it passed through their hands. The position of greatest honor and difficulty in this under taking was conceded to be the one next to the pan containing the heated melted mix ture. When cold, this waxen rope was wound, row after row, around a bottle, with the free end put through a strip of tin with a bole in it. In order to bold it upright. These candles gave forth a meager but a light. "Candle making bees" were quite the style, and young ladies and their military beaux "on leave' managed to extract a great deal of merriment from them. The refreshments were usually fruit an. I peanut. A light for sick rooms consisted of a scrap of paper cut like a miniature cap and set in a Saucer of lard. When the point of this little Pap was well oiled and lit it gave forth suf Scient illumination to see a watch or drop medicine by. Before lard became so scare a lady friend of ours illuminated her house beautifully for an evening party with these tiny jet of flame. Slie borrowed win. glasses from far and near, converted them into these little lamps and placed them in pyramids on mantles, bracket and all avail able place. The effect was very novel and pretty. Those who lived in th. pine regions obtained their light from th. picturesque and cheerful glow of pine knots, but it wa of So Bickering a nature as to be very hard upon tb. eyes if reading, writing or sewing was at tempted. A vision of a tielated war time supper, eaten under the fantastic glare of a pine torch, held by a negro boy at th. and of tb. table, stands out in bold relief on the tablets of my memory, and I can see a vividly a if today the faces of those about the board, be neath the wavering Eembrandtesque shadow Of th. torch. paii'r was scarce. Taper grew very scarce toward the cUoa of th. war, and newspapers mad. their appear ance on wall paper, while the familiar tongs of th. period, snrh as Loreua," "Richmond on the James." "All Quiet Along th. Poto mac To-ninht." "Rock Me to Sleep" and "When This Cruel War Is Over" were print td on sheets much reduced from tbe usual tire, and of a very coarse brown paier. En velopes were always turned, and thus made to do double duty, and where letters were written in pencil the first writing was erased (usually with a piece of an old rubber shoe , and the same paper used for tb. reply. School Isviks of an ancient date were brought to light, and while in soma schools but ouo text book of a certain kind was used for an entire class, the pupils of auotber class were, ierban, each supplied with a different text book on th. tarn, subject. Tb. greater Dumber of the remedial agenUuf th. tune wer. prepared by the ladies, for regular drugs had leen made rontraland and "were txceedjugty hard to procure. Flaxseed, dried blackberries, slippery elin and other such na tural remedies as tii. country afforded wer. kept on hand in most families. Healing barbs were largely cultivated, and oftou Unie tii. simplest remedies, such at pine water or shuck tea, wer. mad. to terv. a timely and efficient turn. Sick and wounded soldiers wer. common Inmate of private dwellings, and a roll of lint and bondages were usually kept w-th the medicine ready for immediate use. And thus woman, in every capacity, a faithful nurse, cheerful provider for the bouse, loving worker for tbe absent, and brav. bearer of the great sorrow and prtva Una wrought l.y the war, shone forth with tbaaoft aiitl mIt trmiunot a star during tb. dark and troublous time of th. Confed eracy. Jeume H. Judson Iu Titbiburg Bulle tin. Ills Investment at LmU I beard the other day a curious illustration of tbe way in which people of a speculative turn are led to invest money in enterprises of which they kuow hardly more than the nam. A Boston man was ramping out In the wilds of New Hampshire at a place which he and bis party had reached by a tramp of several days through the pathless forest. While en joying his rest around a Or. which bad bean made by logs from a great tree, cut down by on. of the guides, a party of men ram. along and stopped to bav. a chat with himself and friends. After a little talk about the weather and the fishing, on. of th. new comers said Jocosely, "Io you know you are liable to a fine for tresusuig on this woodland, cutting down tree and burning up th. logsf" He added that the property belonged to a cer tain land company, tb. snares of which wer. at one time quoted on th. Boston stock ax change. As soon as th. other man heard tbe name of the land company be said: "Well, I never expected to get a cent out of that com pany, and this is th. first time that I have beard where it land is." The speaker by chance had camped out on land of a company in which he had invested years before and bad never even known its location till It was suggested to him at this meeting in th. primt tiv forest. Boston Pott. Chines. Slivlnck. There ar. two -Chines, individuals In Hong Kong who own th. majority of tb. nativ. bouse, between them, and who, by a system 01 regular rent raising, are simply rolling In wealth. One bad a great deal of family trouble, and his wife. In nor tribulation, con sulted tb. oracle at th. temple to learn tb. reason of the auger of the gods. Tb. trial by drawing Iota, according to the priests, showed that the cause was the imposition of increas ing burdens on th. tenant. Th. result of this hat been that in many cases tbe rant, hav. been lowered considerably, and In none will they be put up further. Thanks to th. good old oracle 1 Chicago Times. Louisiana Creoles. Th. usual impression obtaining concerning creolea it tbat tbey ar. all of them potteastd of dark and swarthy complexion, hair black at tbe raven's wing and eyes of ".bon dark ness." A '.w Orleans acquaintance says tbat many bav. lily whit, complexions, gold mi locks and "eye. of heaven's own blue." The Creole girl is usually refined aud dainty, sensitive and sympathetic, light hearted aud tuuny tempered. Bbe is usually brought up quietly, and ah. is con tent to remain at boms Of cuursa, tb. majority of Creole girls ar. dark they are uut brown maiden. Denver News. Fall MrsetoiTMs, Ar. fall strawberries a noveltyl By no mean W. bav. produced them nearly i 1 J j a:iai preparation hi made. To get them tb. soil is kept loo, and moist, and tii. plants must be mulched after tb. first crop is token off. Tb. season bas been a very favmabl. ue for their growth cool and moist Th. berry has been as flu. at the early crop and. tlra flavor a good. In hot, dry seasisa few smwmmI - .r. . grown. Indeed, cool and moist weather is-j to Bt. I-oul Ulobsvpsatoerat. THE RAIN HARP. W ten out-of-doors It fuB of rain, Ikok out through tb. window psoa. Ai d see th. branches of the tree. U people dancing to tn. I Tr sr bow potttetr. croai and meet, 8s ute their partners and retraat, At d never to stop rest until Ttey reach th. end of th. quadHua, 1 1 sten, and I hear the sound Ol music floating all around. At d fancy lis th. Braes, who plays V 00 his harp on ttonoy days Tr strings are made of rain, and arhea Tts branches wish to danc attain, Tr ey whisper to the Breeae, and n. Bf irlns another melody l . beard him play th. pretty things I' I on those slender, shining strings; At d when he's done he's very sharp H.. always hide, away his harp -I rank D. obermao in 8L Nicholas Ophelias ror th. Black Othello. Mr. Ira Aldridge was a man who, being black, itlways picked out th. fairest woman b. coul I to play Deademona with him, not becauw she was capable of acting tbe part, but bet ause she bad a fair beaiL One of tb. great bits of "business" tbat h. used to do was wl era in one of tbe scenes b. bad to say: "Your hand, Desdemona." 11. made a vary great lint of opening his band and making you yours in it, and tbe audience used to see t ie contrast. lie always made a point of it, and got a round of applause; how, I do not kuow. it always struck m. tbat ho bad go' some species of well, 1 will not say "geuiu," because I dislike that word, as used n wadays but gleams of great intelli gence Alth wgh a genuine black, he was quit, preux chevalier in bis maimers to women. The fairer you were the mora obsequious h. was to you. In the last act be used to take Deademona out of bed by her hair and drag her round the stag, before he smothered her. You bid to wear sandals and toed stockings to proi uoe tbe effect of being undressed. I remein ier very distinctly this dragging Dea demoiiii alsjut by the hair was considered so brutal tbat it was loudly hissed. Those are the m nil points of my performance in "Otlicl o," to the success of which I am afraid 1 did not very much contribute. Mrs. , in Murray's Magazine. When Tain Is Imaginary. "The fact that one-half of pain is imagina ry,' sa d an uptown dentist yesterday, "is shown uy the manner in which many persons will st md most painful operations on some occasions, while on others they will be all nerves. 1 do not refer to the matter of health, which, of course, affects tbe ability to control one's self when under sever, pain, but to th. particular circumstances under which pain is inflicted at times in a dentist's chair. The sight of instruments will often make a timid person nervous, when he con trols himself perfectly while twin; operated on. "A --ery terrible thing to many people who b iv. occasion to visit a dental office is th. dei tal engine used in excavating teeth in prejiar ng them for tb. fillings. As a matter of fad the engine greatly lessens the pain, both ty shortening the time required for doing :he work, an1 from th. fact it is less pa nful mode of accomplishing th. de sired nault. Yet, until th. person becomes accust med to its use, be is made very ner vous tr tbe noise and motion of th. machine, while I. is quiet under the pain inflicted with th. old time instrument. hicb do not appear o terr ble." ew York Star. Kauer Knmt. Saue kraut is not laughed at as much as it used to be, and is eaten more. Iu consumption-is 10 longer confined t Germans, and it is sold here in large quantities to almost all restaur snts and eaten by people who bk. stimulating food. At a picnic I sold ten bar rels of t, dea't out in saucers. Doesn't that show tl at it is a favorite article of food I Tb. business of making sauer kraut is confined to a very few people iu the city. They buy the cabbage bard and compact heads are tbe best c it it up, salt it down and allow it to fermen-. Then tbey sell it to th. places a here it Is retailed, and at these tb. last touches of flavor are added. It is these last toucher that make th. difference in sauer kraut, und sometimes the quality of the kraut at one place ill be so much better than that at othe -s that lovers of the disb will travel from on. end of tb. town to tbe other to last. iv Interview in St. Louis Ulolie-Democrat. Meslean Amber. For toe last fifteen or twenty years travel era hav i occasionally brought specimens of a very remarkable amber from torn, locality In Southern Mexico. The only information gained concerning it is that it is brought to the con by natives who say that it occurs in th. inu nor so plentifully that it is used by thain lor making fires. Tb. color of this amber is a rich golden vellow, and when viewed in different position it exhibits a beautif il fluorescence, similar to tbat of uraniut, which it also resembles in color. A recent specimen is even mora beautiful than th. famous to called opalescent or green amber found tn Catania, Sicily. This ma KTiai nouiu tie extremely valual.le for use in tbe ana. It is Iwlieved that an exisxlition bas started for the locality where it is found In tbe interior. Eugineerine News Had a Hard Time. John Boyle O'Reilly was born at Dowth Castle, County MeaUt, Ireland. He is 4o years of age, medium height, athletic build, large evss aud a massiv. forehead. He looks to be 80 He is a great buxor, wrestler and canoeist He has a delightful scboolttoy sinde, and his augh is contagious. O'Reilly began Ufa on 1 be Drogbeda Argus while yet iu his teens. At tbe age of IS he enlisted as a troop er in tb., Tentb hussars, olbvrwitn known as the 1V1 lt- if U'BWIIwn u-t..ii ... became au aKistleof revolutionary doctrines. air ieu iot uigu treason, and in June, lStHJ, wits sentenced to twenty years' penal servitui a He was confined iu various Eng lish unions until Gifolwr 1ST7 m ku with nr-veral nttier tuilif,-! n.,F.t. transpoted to finish his neuteuc. in tbe peual luiuuies oi ek Australia. Alter enduring prison lie there for about a year, be mad. nisescaje iu au open tt, was picked up al sen bv tbe Amerinian whulltKv V.u 1- 11 ..1 1 .. and liimlly reached Philadelphia in NovertH isji , ic. ?. urreut xterature. The Indian 81 fa Language. Although there are 73 different lancua". and abr ut 800 dialect spoken by th. Ameri can lni.lans, the sign language is equally underst kkI by all tb. tritres. Chief Natchez, of tb. Piute tribe, is an adept in tbe sum Ungual e. In Washington city some years ago h. I.eld n consultation by signs with tbe best exjrts, iu which be gave an account of tb. trot bles existing at that time with som. bands o renegade Indians up near tbe Ore gon lin 9, dew-rioing a trip be made to tb. camp ol tbe hostile. Jiatchez enjoys the al most litury honor of having had bis talk publish d in tbe government reports ou these matters with a full explanation of every sicn b. used in conveying tbe intelligence sought irom hi n. tie was highly spoken of by gov aramen' expert for his great knowledge of and rea lities in tbe Indian sign language. New Y rk News. Chaplain Mil barn. Rev. W. IL Milburn, known throughout th. civilized world at "the blind preacher," and wb is actively in the field at th. present time, is one of th. most remarkable men of the ag He was born in Philadelphia in 1K3. He totally lost thu sight of on. eye when q lit. young, the other becoming badly impair. 1 from sympathy, to much so that it soon da -kened forever. With spirit undaunted b. studied and was ordained at minister at tlie age of 30, and, it is claim, si, traveled over 200 000 miles filling appoint' nenta in th. southern states. Within tb. last thirty year h. has preached in near ly every state in tb. Union and som. Euro pean countries. He ha been chaplain in th. house of representative at Washington, be sides fill ng many other important positions. As a wr tor be is known as tb. author of "Ten Y.ut of Freacber'a Life," "Rifle, Ax and Sa. debugs" aud "Pioneer, Preachers and Peo ile of lb. Mississippi Valley." Jvfan W. Wri,;bt in Bt. Ljui Republic. A Politician's Clever brviee. A Fre-K-h politician of note is credited with clever plan fur ridding himself of unwel come and importuuat. visitors. A photo graphic tpparatut stands Just in front of bis study A air. W hen a stranger enters tb room, a groom," by means of a simple con trivance takes bis portrait off band. If tb. master ef tb nous, bas no wish to receive his viltur a nxin this portrait is at ooo. placed in the oolk ttiou of counterfeit presentment of persona ist to be admitted on any pretext whattoe er. Tb. "groom," in bit leisure mo menta, naki himself familiar with tbeir featurm, and th. politician it spared a vast mount if trouble and auuuyaoca. So tb. storv eoia It dnM no knMm. u ... lot' bf crefy public character to possess a. wno is not only bandy with tb. camnra, art has suctar' a ' tnamory of faces, BnaSon I amid. - u : -' '. LOCAL SOTICES. Dancing school at Turner ball Wedni t- day night. A. D. Huesiner, real estate and insur ance agent. Office No. 1608 Second ave nue. Rock Island. The Crown dlnlne ball. No. 1708 Sec ond avenue, is now ready to furnish you tbe beat meal In the city for 23 cent. Buy Mercer count v cool of E. B. Mc- Kown at bis new coal yard corner of Fifteenth street and First avenue. TheRoyai Insurance company, of Eng land, baa tbe largest surplus of any fire insurance company in the world. A. D. Rnesing, agent, office No. lf.08 Second avenue. Hock Island. 50,000 to loan on real estate security. In sums of 200 and upward, at lowest current rates of Interest, without com mission. E. W. Hurst. Attorney at law. Rock Island. Modern Hastes For I sit On monthly installments by Guycr & Sweeney. Bank Babeoek. D.ntlsta. No, 1724 Second avenue. Special atten tion paid to saving tbe natural teeth and inserting teeth without plates. Tor tale. Fourteen dry lota on four years time, with six percent per annum, to any one wishing to build this summer. B. Davenport. lartty ea Bonds. Those who are required to Rive bonds in positions of truef, and who desire to avoid askioer friends to become their sureties, or who may wish to relieve friends from further obligation as bonds man, should apply to the agent of the American Surety Co., of New York. ED. LlkBRRKNKOHT, General Insurance Agent, Rock Island, 111. Two large Mack bears leisurely marched throueh the village of Woolrich, Clinton county. Pa , Saturday, and then hied themselves to the woods, followed by a crowd of ramrods. Old huntets predict bears will be unusually plenty this fall. Takes Uaswsres. Unsuspected causes of malaria exist everywhere. A sunken lot partly filled with water in tbe vicinity of your abode, a new location upon land filled in, but formerly overflowed or marshy, and causes far more occult than these pro duce tbe atmospheric miatma which constitute the germs that, if inhaled, ripen into fever and atrne and congenital maladies. A person taken unawares with a malarial complaint should, as soon as it declared itself, seek aid from the 8fe, non disappointing, cordial medicine, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which has for over a third of a century, and in every quarter of tbe globe, relieved tbe malaria-stricken, and neutralized mias ma in air anil water. The bitters impart activity to the stomach, bowels and liver, impels incipient rheumatism, and reme dies inaction of the kidneya and bladder; appetite and sleep are improved, and tbe infirmities of ace mitigated by iia use. In poultry circles the old ben generally proves her good standing by her setting. Why continue the use of irritating powuers, snuns or liquids. Ely s Cream Balm, pleasant of application and a sure cure for catarrh and cold in the head, can be had for 5rtc. It is easily applied into tbe nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is curing tbe most obstinate cases. It gives relief at once. The proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure all, but a sure re med v for catarrh, colds in the head and hay fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff, but is easily applied into the nostrils. It gives relief at once. The slot machine to test your weights is one of the weights of tbe world . Hie, iaJs and lassies! hie awav! Nor brook a single bout's delay. If you would carry in your mouth While teeth, and odors of the south. Haste, haste, and buy a single font. Of the unrivalled Sorodont. Even tbe homeless man may have a tille clear to mansions in the skies. Starch crows thickly common pow ders have a vulgar glare. Pozzooi'a is tbe only complexion powder fit for use. Tbe man who cuts the corn is an opera tor in stalks. - i TO I7T.AL ALL. BI,OOl CONTAGION TlIK atT I" TBI WOULD. I tliluk SwifCt Speclaic Is Xht best blood n ::. . lnl,irwo:M. I tutvr known It to make iloixy "in.'.. ful rurf - f !.uTiH v ho were coo-Urrw! i:cn.:iM I. il. (.rat now, Crowvit-, L .. Tiviifr on lJ.o-J and Pkin Disease znnUi-d f. Th Swift Srcrinc Co.. lwor a, AiUnta, a. PURE! PALATABLE! POPULAR! frintmi nirra. D4HIU id inn, liquid in bottle. HantkMMM And Bo u p. . K a. M Mt t hmurv. Bout Iron. n It tnTa)Dbt for Ass Bra4JtaaT TawstL. atmnait a a. leadtrss phfprdns, for tovaiuia, tnfanutuid other. Appffttitnc and atrtftbuls. Aa your drugjfut or gnxwr for Armour's Beef Extract Or trad ar. for samplt parkas, and dssenpuv. paoipnlst, iu ARMOUR & CO., Chicago. Brownson lie Hatter, Seconl and Main Street, Davenport Iowa, HIADyVARTERS FOR Dunlap Hats, FUR ROBES -PLUSH ROBES. Fur Muffs and Boas AT BOTTOM PRICES. Guaranteed Investments MADE OK -First Mortgages.- We con fine our Loans to Improved Farms- in the safest counties of Iowa, and on request GUARANTEE Prompt payment of principal and interest HEINZ A HIRSCHL, Davenport, Iowa, WEAK MENrK lerrrtioraa of CI Ut t th.a Sl MiKOV n i wpt-rtTM purpuM. ur U Or 'KMrjUTlVI LVAJLMbaal srras. CjnrtfiMA. tviiiri. aswathina T ttVd4rMHr t: ".saaarr. ail .fc, . .. tfbtn Vs)ormrs) ftirvnsrh i.Mctrt tril tasypasHtr or SorfeU J0v bi m4i. IB Orwaj asoatiw. BaaiitM psjiMbtaU!- sNsuna. qP' mm HWrfft. 1 1 Absolutely Pure. Tl i nowdor aerrr rants, a marvel of portly, strength and wholrsooenrts ; more reononij than the ordinary Kinds, and cannot be sold by oomnstltlon with the mnltltode ol low test, short weight slam or phosphate powders. M14 only r u. KnTai. Baaiaa Pownta Co., 10S Wall ft. Now Tors, Intelligence Column. WANTED A GIHI. T DO GENERAL bourework Is a filial l family: mnst come recoromended. Address "W.C." Aa-vs omca. WANTKD-AN lIL SALESMAN, ON COM mis.ion. forthe Luhricatlnft oil trade: ad dress to The Divterirh. OU Co , M West Wash ington St., I'mrago. l.l. W A NTRD RELIABLE LOCAL AND TRAV eling salesmen; positions t ermanent; spee isl Indnrements n w; fast selling specialties. Don't rielsr; salsry fmm the start. BROWN BKUS , Nurserymen, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN W R WI8n A FKW MEN TO ell oar goods by ssmplc to the whole.sle and retail trade: on sslsrv : larcret msnnfactiirers in oorline; Inclose 4c stamp; Wages $3 per day; permanent po ition; money advanced for wages, advertising. Etc. CKNTKNMAi. iTQ CO., jano iv 'mcinau, u. ",TANTKI-AENTS foronr M V PATENT f I ire-lrof sfwt ; si x.v1h; elglit A4S3 ll. ; retail price sis : other in proM.rtim. High est award .silver medal . Centennial F.iposition. Hare chance: permanent tniine... imr prices ln-est. We are not In the safe pral. S tclurtv. territory giveu. Alpine afe t o.. 1 luclunatl. O. dryc TO .Vf A MONTI! CAN BE MADS P I O working for no; a?enis preferred who can furnish a horse and give their who e time to thebnsinese; spare moments uisy be proStab'y employed also; a few vacancies In towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON A CO., 1000 Main St., Richmond, V. N. B. Please stat. age and hnsines expe rience Never mind a boo I sending n amp for r. ply. B. P.J. Co. anU-Sno The Great Restorer ! THE MEDICINE WHICH CURES. This is a Medicine that Conquers and Eradicates Disease. "It is the most Remarkable Deyelop. ment of tbts Age of Progress and Sanitation." A littl. Itivestigstlon will convince vnn that mnch as te claimed ror THE GREAT RKST0B kR the half is not told. I. A IU KM From whatever form of com plaintwhatever malady. Here ls Your Friend. For cir- nlsrs conta'i.lne s hitorv of this Wok ntari'L Rsssdt, sml some remsrksble letters from people well known, sddre - below, Thf Ciral Eesterfr Pbinusfopial Wsrls, ISiSi Pivrtlsnd Arenne, Minnesimlis. atina. rv Writ's $1. AO per boitte. For sale Oy drug- Wall Paper. CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloth. Oil Cloth Stove Patterns Window Shadt-s. Our all wool extra snper CARPETS are the best ever offered for sa'e in the city. L W. PETERSEN 111 212 212S ri . : 1 1 west eecona street. (Test Sec DAVENPORT. - - IOWA. ROCK ISLAND IRON WORKS, -ALL KINDS OF- Cast Iron Work done; a specialty of furnish ing all kinds of Stoves with CastiDgs, at 8 cents per pound. NINTH ST. AND 7th AVE. J. E. DOWINO. Proprietor. A. D, HUESING. -Real Estate- AND- Insurance Apt Represents, among other time-tried and well knosrn Fire Insurance Companies, the following: Royal Insurance Company, of England Weschester Fire Ins. Co.. of N. Y. Buffalo German Ina. Co., Buffalo. N. T. Rochester German Ina. Co. Roch'r N.Y German Fire Ins. Co.. of Peoria, 111. CiUaens Ins. Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Exchange Fire Ina. Co.. of New York. Office No. 1808 Second Are.. ROCK ISLAND. ILL. T. H. ELLIS, aOlKT FOB Mercer County, Chas. Peterson and Ellis' SOFT COAL, AS D LEHIGH and SCRANTON Hard Coal, Brick, Tile, Etc. Office corner Fonrteenth St., and Second Art. Telephone lutlti. DatlinSTBATOR'S WOTIOJC. Estate af Hannah It. Lawaead, deceased. Th r li.l, i . I sum tor of Um stats of Hannah U. Lawbead. lata of th. eooaty of Kock bland, stat. of IHInola. de- r . , -- vum do win appear before the eoaaty court of Rock Island coantyTat twu nan, in lue city Of Kock Island, at th. January term, oa th. drst person. nsTiof elsims ssinst sstd .stat. ar bo U0d and requested to attend for Um purpose of havinr ta same ad lasted. All persons Isdsbtad tosaidastaia mrm musi tA i paysasmtto the undersigned. smmm uus swta aaj of-ioober A. D 189: Oct asHiaw Adminunmor. New Advertisements. COBIFORTABLB svnd ELEGANT; For Bale bf Landing Dealers. KTi. Solaly by WX. BASZES, Troy, N.Y PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. X. BEARDHLET, l TTOTWET AT LAW-Offle. with J. T. L worthy, 175 Second Arenas. WILLIAM JACKSON, ATTOBHET AT IAW. OTSc In Bock Islaaat Matioaal Bank Buiidtnf . Itock Islaad, IU. a. a. swiixsY. a. t viuus. SWEEHET A WALKER, ATTORN KT8 AWD OOCNSBLLORS AT LAW CXBce In Becgston's Uloec, Rock liland, IU. WX. HeESlRT, ATTORJKKT9 AT LAW Loan money oa antd) security, makes eollscttot . Reference, Milekt il At Lynda, bankers. Offlc la Porto (Be block. MISCELLANEOUS. THE DULY AlUiUS. FOR SALK KVRRT RVBSINGi at Craaiptan't News Stand. Five m per copy. D. H. Hi HCKEHiX, ARfTlITECr ANOSUPKRlNTRNnRNT. Mala office ciucnsiti, Ohio; Branch office over First Nsiion.,1 Hank, Kock Island. fll ly ST. LUKE'S COTTAKE H0S! 1TAL, ON THIKO AVBNLS, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. feb U-lf WM. 0. KULP, D. D. S. OFFICK REMOVED TO MASONIC TEMPLE, Rooms fa, ST, ts and n. Take Elevator. DAVENPORT, IA. PUBLICATION NOTICE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I Roca ILKn Cocktt. Ooonty Conrt of Rock Iplsnd county, to the No vember Term. A. IX. l-9. Klica Warnock, Administratrix of the estste of John Warnirk. deceased, vs. Matvaret Bailey, Alexander Warnock, David Warnock, Jsie C Warnnck, Hnich Warnock, Janet Campbell, . T1. . ..1 r 11 ..... larAfr Warnock, Charlei Wahlstrom, Ksniel li . llart- well and Kooert Le retiuon to st-u rssi es tate to psv debts. AfBdavi bf the non-residence of Janet Csmp bell, Jsmes C. wsrnock, Alexander Warnock and Daniel n. Hrt well defsndants shove named, hsving been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Ooonty Conrt or Rock Island Connty, notice is hereby Riven to the said Jsnet Csmpbell. .tames C. Wsrnock, Alexsnder Wsrnock sndbsniel H. Bsrt well. thai the said plaintiff Eliza Wsrnock, ad ministratrix of the estate of John Wsrnock, de cessed hss Sled her petition in the ssid County Court of Hock Islsnd Coantv for an order to tell the premises belonging to tbe estate of said de ceased, or so mnch of it as may be needed to pay the deb's of said deceased, and described as fol lows, to-wit; The northwest quarter (t of th. no thwest quarter 14) and th. northeast quarter of the southwest qnsrter i) snd the northaeM quarter (t4) of the southeast quarter ') of section ele-en, (111; also th. south one hslf ) of the southeast quarter H of section three. (Stall in township sixteen, Ub), north of rsiu:e one ill west of the Fourth prlncipsl meridian, in the coantv of Kock ltlsnd si d dale of Illinois. And that s summons hss been issued out of sstd court against yoa, retumshle at the November term, A. D. 1WHI. of ssid court, to be bolden on tbe Pirst Mondsy of November, A, D . w9. st th. court house "in Kock Island, in Rock Islsnd county, Illinois. Now, unless you, the said Janet Campbell. James '. Wsrnock. Alexsnder Wsmork sud ilsnlel u. Hsrtweli shall nereoDslly be and sntiear before said county court ol Rock Island countr. on the first dsy of a term thereof, to be boldru at it oca island in sstd county, ou the 0nt Mondsy or November. 189. snd pU-sd, snswer or demur to the said complainant's petit'on filed ihertin, tbe same and the matters and thin? therein chsnred and sts-ed will he takenaf confessed, and sdecree entered against you according to tb. prayer of na out. Rrck Island, Illinois. Oc'oher 19. I3S9. K. A. 1MIN ALDSDN, Clerk. E. W. HraaT, Complainant's Solicitor. TTAOHMKXT NOTICK. STATE OF ILLINtUS, I Rock IslsxdCocktv. I County Court of Rock Islsnd conntv, November Term. A l. ISa. Jsmes M. Wanser, George D. B room ell and Wil nam a. tnanwicx. partners. c,. of w.tnju-r o.. plaintiffs, ve W. J. emith. D. W Clarke and Emanuel .-haffenbunt, partner, Ac, or Smith, Clarke; A Co., defendants In stiach menl. Pub ic notice is hereby given to the ssid W. J. Smith, D. W. Clsrke snd Kmsnuel StisnVnhnTg. thst a writ of attachment Iseued out of "he office of tbe clerk of the County court of Rock Island county, dated the Sd day of October, A 1. at tne sun or tne said w aneer t o., and against the estste of the s d W. J. Smith. O. W. Ciarke and Kmannel Shaffenbnrg for the sum of Seven Hundred dollars snd directed to tbe shenS of Kock Island county, which said writ has been re turned executed. Sow, therefor, nnless you. the ssid W J Smith, D. W. Clsrke and' Emanuel SbafiVnOHrt. shall personsll y be and appear before the said County court of Ror k Island county on the first dsy of the next term thereof, to be bolden al tb. court house in the cltv of Rock Islsnd. iu said county, on the eleventh day of November A. D. 1HS9. give special ball and plead to the said plaintiff 's action, judgment will he entered aeainst von. and in favor of the said Wanzer A Co.. aud so much of the prop rty attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said Judgment and costs, will be told to siisfv the same. RICHARD A. DONALDSON Clerk. it. c. cowksllt, Pl ffs Attorney. October feth, A. D . IS,. qvJw N' OTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Citv of Rcca IsLaicn, Rock CofsTT, I Sealed proposals will be receivrd at the City Clerk's office of said city, until Monday the 4th aavof November. A. u. isea, ,t S o'ektek r for c..u..r.cunK or mpmiriiKiit ordered bv an or- dlhatiM nf u il rlr .h .h . . .... . - " V -"-"-- vmw laupiru vnogor . .ww.. uu i. riiiuiru mn orainsnce ror tne Im provement of Eighteenth street f rum the north v. . ..mi; ... me inn u uaeoi i nira sve : -" ' - j wi ppeciai tax mereior, aud for furniahing the materials snd doing the KOrk UlTftMlinii In ih. . ; ---- . .uu i-T-v- mi a (.ions therefor. The said improvement ordered by said v. turning wiiu cnrolones excaating, grading. Improving snd paving with I id i f il V iwu'h oi streets Tbe said imnmv.mnt m . ' 1 " u,wi- ' -V V -' 1 1 . ' I II , nil tk. .it... Uik.ui . . . ... - i-i. mririui luritivueu must oe m seccrdanca with the plan and specifications for said improvement on file in the said city c eik s - - -m.u uuht, .miu pisns snu speciD cation ar open to tlis iimpection of ail person interested therein. Contractors are to furnlch - r , , " wum.1i Mun is io o curie Bricks used In the work must correspond with w. Mniin w ifuiiiij tin nne. ah bids mutt be accompanied with a certified check in the sum of Flv. Hundred Dollars, pvbl to the order of th city treasurer of said city, which shall be come forfeited to said city In case th. bidder shell - vn ii .ng approvra Burette. to execute tbe work for the price mentioned in his w., uu avwwiuiur i ui piaus ana speciacatlons. In th tnt that tbeoont .act ahould b aarded to htm. Blank bids will be fami.hrd on .n,.ur.. catloa at th. city elerk 'a office. Ail bidders snd iioer person may atteaa at the opening of said bids. Th right to reject any and all bids or Dmimu . MMi.ul 1- . . . , IT- u, ,u7 .turmir resenea KUBIKT KuKHLtH. i;1ty Cletk. Dated thl lQU day of October, Ire JjjXECCTOR'8 NOTICE. Estate of Johannu Anthony, deceased Th undersigned, having beenappointed Execu tor of the Itat will and testament of Johannu Ao- - - w. ." wiiuij vi iwci isiana. tt. of Illinot. deceased, hereby gives notice that he trill appear before the county court of Rock Island county, at the office of th. clerk of said eort. In the rlt. rf tinrk 1.1.. .k. . ' u - - - j -7- -..., w, ,u. wwHiver term oa th. First Monday in December next, at which time wi.iiu. u.iiipi aia esiat. are noullad and requested to attend for the purpose of ...wu. Njmm, jiu peraon indented to aid estate ar requested to make immediate Datad this d day of October. A. D., 1NNB JL'LIUS MOSENFELDfc K, Executor. Oct SdsW ptJBUO NOTICE. Notlc 1 hby given that at a neeial tveet ing of Um stockholders of th. blsck Hswk Home stead BnUdisg. Loan and Saving Association, held at th. offlc. of th. ncretary on Tuesday evening. October loth, 1st), pursusnt to call, there being present in person and by proxy mora than wo taird ef th stockholders of id Aseocl.tion, representing over two-thirds of sll th. stock is sued by said Association, a resolution wt pasted Increasing th. authorised capital stock of said Assoclition to Ten Mill on Dollsrs, a certificate of which ha been filed with th. Secretary of Stat tt Springfield. 111., and Ilk certificate with tb recorder o( deed of Rock Island com tv, Ha noi'. J. M. MuNTUUMEiiT. T. J. MtDtLL, Jr , Sec y. rr't. E XKCUTOB'8 NOTICK. KtUU of Pettr Bay, Deceased. Th. undersigned, having beta appointed Ex ecutor of th last will and testament of Peter Hay, lat of th county of Rock Island, Mate of Illinois, deceased, hereby give notice that he will appear before tb. countr eonrtofRork I.u and county, at th offlc or th. clerk of said eoart, if lb city of Mock Island, at th. De cember term, oa th. First Monday la December nest, at which tim. all person having claim StfSlQSt SSld esLatS Sr. motiSna miiImuiiihIuI und forth, purpose of having th. tarn, adj nai ad. All persons Indebted to laid estate ar. re- 2 acted to asak. Unmediat payment to th. an ersKtaed. Dabsd thlt 11th day of October, A. D.. I8S9. MthdAw . WILUAM BAT, Executor. JOB PRINTING ALL DESCRIPTIONS Prstoptly aad aeaUy xecuted by th 4a. u Jok aapartmant. trtTitloa paid lo Coaaatarclal wotk FOB IE CUSTOH GO RoM. Krause, THE of tbe three Pioneer Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Overcoats for 60c on the dollar. sum worm f u uu lor (iu uu, Children's Suits worth 4 for $1.83 ""Nfc That Is the style our so ealled progressive, average Clo'h!r advertises in the lsst answer of the enlightened Nineteenth eenttiry. Thnonh the oldest Clothing Boar, in this psrt of the country we wereslwsis resdy to keep sbresst of tbe timet. W. Introduced tht irlrrlnlr (. one frtce only end tlitt th. lowest." Wa tnt1." We intr !nc-d the principle of -1 til mil will follow the principle of "UoiiMt ROBT KRAUSE, The Pioneer Clothier, Hatter and Gent's Furnisher, 115 and 117 West Second St., DAVENPORT, I A. mm .y c f 5 r-'-Ls; - & mm 65 s K' Davis Block, Moline, Illinois. Telephone a 1 4 mm J. B, ZIMMER Merchant Tailor, Star Block, - Opp. Harper House, is receiving daily his stock op Spring and Summer Goods, of the latest patterns. Call and examine them and remem ber that he makes his suits np In the latest styles. HIS PRICKS A-ItE LOW. ON l.Y 2.00 .A. DOZEN. Photos on a Toboggan Slide. -AT THE VIENNA PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, and hare come of the HAKELIER, Proprietor and Ardat. No. 1722. Second ave.. Gay ford's old studio, over McCabe's. :CITY PAINT SHOP: DRUCKMILLER fe CO., -All Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging and Kalsomining. ayrAU work warranted and done to order oa short notice. Shop No. 310 Seventeenth street, bet. 3d nd 4th avenue. F. C. HOPPE, ho rnTTiCTR, 3STo. 1808 Second Ave., Rock Island, 111. SEWERS & iContractors AU kinds of Carpenter work don. General Jobbing done on abort notice and satisfaction guaranteed . Office and shop 1412 Fourth ave., ROCK ISLAN D. ILL. GEO. 8AVADGE, PBonuxToB or TIVOLI SALOON" Second Avenue, opposite Harper House. The choicest imported "WIISTES AND LIQUORS. Imported and Key Weat agar, a apeclaltj. (4 NOW IS YOUR TIME. Just received another invoice of FALL GOODS at the New Tailoring eaUb lishtuent. and will toll 25 per cent cheaper than any merchant tailor in the city. Call and examine tbe atock before purchasing elsewhere. A. M. WALSH. 420 Brady Street, Davenport, la. J. M. OHEI8TY, Steam Cracker Bakery, itnrioniu ? cBAtumi an iuoarrii Alt your Grocer for 'tactalUtt: TktCaristr ofTflTBB H. D. FOLSOM, JEWELER. B. F. DeGEAR, Contractor Office and Shop Corner Seventeenth Bt, and Keventh A nnn. I IT"A11 kinds of Artittic work a specialty. fnrnlnl;oa MADE CLOTffl TO - r cities. Introduced the nrindpl. of "Every Article W.r rut hrul ReprePentAtTot. and will no AdYertfelrtg. We alwayi U-d the o! not resit un- bera mtj Hie DAVIS & CO, PLUMBERS ! -Aim- Steam Fitters. A con ( let stock of Pipe, BraBS Goods, Packing, t ose, Fire Brick. Eta i awl ArenU foe DEANE STEAM PUMPS, Ami SIOHT FEED LUBRICATORS. W. firarai tee every on perfect, snrt will send Cops, 1 ei ty day's trial, to responsible parties. Safety Crating Boilers, and Contra too It r furnishing and laying Wat'jr, Gas and Sewer Pipe. 1712 Fiest Av., Rock Island, Illinois. . T lapaao. lit. lUideca Telephone lie. latest novelties of tht I klcdt of- ANDERSON, and Builders, ai tt IfOX ULAHP. ILL. No. 1707 8econd aveuae. Rock Island. arid. Builder, Rock Island. Flans aad atlfavatea lor all kladt t kaJlaUa appUeatuau II