OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, March 14, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1890-03-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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Cook Stoves j Ranges,
Boynton Celebrated Furnaces,
Wrought Steel Ranges
and Steel Dome Furnaces.
vfEstimAtes for Heatir-j? and Ventilating furnished on ap
plication. DAVID DON,
101 7 Second avnne, Rook Island, Ills.
A word to the wise is sufficient. Yon can eave money
by buying of us now.
Wall Paper Company,
:tl'J. 314 Twentieth
Ami Pottofltoc B1 ck, MoUm.
. I ae -utr.iB
3 w i i
Than the romhiuerl -lurk of all thf other dealers in tbe two rilies.
joTEx Iumvc Hgent. for ihe following hii large. Wall Pper factories: Bire
dt Sona, jBiiewj & Co . Ro'i-ri S Hot,!,, A c , NeTins fc H iViUnd, New York
Wall Paper (.'.. autl U ti ri Graven & Co.
rbi b Include all tbe Art paier
Removed to '210 Seventeenth Street-
For Influenza,
Irish Cough Syrup,
(10 and 25c a Bottle.)
For Liver and Kidney Troubles
Thomas' Liver and Kidney Pills,
26c a Box Sample free.
Manufactured b
f Druggist, Rock Island.
1705 Second Avenue.
ir Imu CiTiCi
Prices from 10 to 30 per cent below
Coughs, Colds, Etc.,
He Withdraw Hi Propositi on a
to theCoilectorahip.
tl e MMM of HS Aiinrn. He
Aa.t lkl onrxe .-Int. r. Htln
in, every- ntata r the ran.
In t te interview witL Mr. C. L. Walk
er amf ng the attorneys appearing in last
night t Aitars concerning the legality of
Mr. Fiank Nadlor's candidacy for town
ship ct Hector. Mr. Walker said that the
qnestif n was being thoroughly investigat
ed and that whan this was done an intelli
gent expression could be given. Mr.
Nadlet had engaged Sweeney & Walker
to look into the question, and profession
ally advise him with reference thereto.
The c( narquence wag that Mr. Sweeney
devote! yesterday afternoon to research
and sti dy of the legal authorities hearing
on thu subject, and this morning he
arrivec at the conclusion that under the
law M Nadler could not hold the office
of tov nship collector if elected on the
streng h of his published propositions.
Mr. S? eeney was seen at his office this
afternt on, and was then engaged in
writing his opinion, which will not be
oomph ted until this evening, but when
solicit d for the salient points of it he
said :
"Fi st, the offer to make the donations
specif! -d would not subject Mr. Nadler
to (irowcution under our election laws,
nor w mid the man voting for him be
subjec to criminal prosecution. But a
more s;rious question presents itself, and
that is whether if elected by such means
he could hold the office against a defeated
candidate if the latter saw fit to try tbe
tide o the c fflce by writ of quo warranto.
On thi gTound of sound public policy
this qi cstion has been answered in the
negati re by a number of well considered
cases- not in our state, as we don't find
that tl e question was ever before our
courts but it has been decided in New
Hemp hire, Massachusetts, Wisconsin
and Missouri. Tbe principle is that tbe
sole c nsideration of the man that votes
is the qualification of the candidate for
the ( f ice, and that nothing should be
done to distract his attention from, or
antagi Dize his mind totheir sole consider
ation Otherwise public offices could be
put u at the polls to the highest bidder,
and tie qualifications of tbe candidate
would be lost sight of entire! by
the li ngih of his purse, or his abil
ity to ue agencies which would con
trol th election outside of the sole con -sulcrai
ion which ought to control . The
doctriiie is well established by the au-
tboriti and is sound in principle, that a
vote g ven for a candidate for a public
office n consideration for his promise in
case b I should he elected to donate a
sum ot money or other valuable thing to
a thirr party, whether such party be an
individual or corporation, is void, and if
a mai in elected by and through such
votes, he can't hold the office as against
adefetb-d candidate. We shall aivie
Mr. Ni'iUr t withdraw his propositions,
wbich we think he wi II do."
A ' isit was paid Mr. Nadler. who
stated that be had learned Mr. Sweeney's
opinion, and was greatly disappointed at
the results of the investigation, and would
under ihe circumstances withdraw bis
proput Mom, but did not say he would
declini to be a candidate. "I withdraw
my pr 'position-." be said, "because my
attornfj-s have satifiud me as to the law
I do n t do so in far of prosecution, but
purely from patriotic principles. The
ropor'ance of the law is higher and
greate- than any earthly ambition, no
mattet what the purpose that actuates it,
and I in not the one who would do any
thing hat would not be in strict accord
ance itb the law.''
That the charge of bribery is ridiculous,
the oj inion of Sweeney & Walker does
not tae exception to. But it is on a
matte of precedent that they base their
expression. This view of the case did
not ei ter into all of tbe opinions courte
ously iven tbe Annus .yesterday all of
wbich were wholly informal.
Some of Mr. Nadlor's enthusiastic sup
porter declare now that tbey will run
him t.nyway for the office, exact no
piomiies of him, taking the view that he
will a t in good faith if elected,
i trrfi renailMlaner Harrt.
Stir, erintendent of Streets Harris be
stirred himself to that extent yesterday
as to mt two sets of men at work clear
ing u i the streets one squad on Second.
avenue clearing off tbe pavement and the
other in the lower end of town, but put
a li u enant in charge of each gang. It
wouk have been too much of a task for
him t have looked after either squad
himsdf, much less both, so he hired men
to rel eve to that extent his overworked
physi -aland mental being. It got cold
today though, and Mr. Harris failing to
come around, the men did not go to
Mr Harris must have an idea that he
has pretty much tbe same kind of a con
tract with tbe city that a professional
ball layer has with tbe mogul managers,
and hich retains an option on him when
be don't work and pays him just the
same in or Jer that it may have the exclu
sive t e of his valuable services during
tbe summer. Of course the city would
in no way be looked upon as expecting
Mr. Harris to devote himself to the city
when be is called upon to act in his pro
fessu nal capacity of giving tbe populace
the b neflt of bis vocal accomplishments.
mobile t y lenandrrt
Geieral Manager E. St. John, of tbe
C , R. I. & P- road, has issued the fol
lowii g supplementary order to one not
quite so extensive in its scope, but of the
same general nature hitherto published :
SU tion agents, yard, train and engine
men, telegraph operators, clerks and
othets who are known to frequent drink
ing aces should be warned that they
must stop it at once if they desire to
rema n in tbe service of this company.
If known to bare been intoxicated
eitbe on or off duty they will be di
charj ed.
Nt person discharged foi intoxication
shall be reemployed.
Tt e above is a mord extended order.
Cold wave coming .
Fresh oysters at F. G. Young's.
Bennett's glove store for gloves.
Fresh vegetables of all kinds at F. G.
Nice fresh Florida oranges at F. G.
Mr. W. D. Webster, of Cordova, was
in the city today.
Chickens and turkeys at Browner'.
Elm street store.
"Bro." Bill Crawford, of Edgington,
was in the city today.
Ladies free at the rink tomorrow night.
Good music in attendance.
The Adams Wall Paper company is out
with one of the prettiest wagons that or
naments the streets.
Two new telephones were put in this
morning M. M. Sturgeon, office 1012,
and J. J. Reimers' residence, 1212.
D. Bisant, who is now running a pas
penger train into Denver on the C , R I.
& P., is visiting old friends in this city,
his former home.
Kramer & Bleuer. the blank book man
ufacturers and book binders, have issued
a neat little pocket memorandum as a
souvenir of their business.
The directors of the Rock Island &
Milan street railway met as per adjourn
ment this morning and took a recess un
til tomorrow at 4 o'clock.
The repnblican city commit tee is think
ing of calling the ward primaries for
next Fiiday night and tbe city-township
convention the following evening.
The friends of Mr. Albert Huesing are
suggesting him as a suitable candidate
for the nomination of alderman in the
Fourth war.l on the democratic ticket.
Mr. I, F. Kerns, who recently created
a sensation in Moline by resigning his
seat in the council, has announced him
self as a candidate for police magistrate.
The time for receiving bids for the Y.
M C. A. building has been extended by
Architect E. 8. Hammatt to Monday.
March 24, as per notice appearing else
where. Rev. G W. Gue, Gen W. A
Schmidt and J. Alx Montgomery re
turned this morning from Quiocy, whore
they attended the. state G. A. R encamp
ment. Mrs. Dr. A. H. McCandless' condition
is very much more hopeful now, and Dr.
McCandless' father. Dr. A. B. McCand
less, who was called here to advise with
the local physicians in charge, has re
turned to his home at Uolton, Kan.
The Industrial Relief society will hold
a special meeting to morrow afternoon at
3 o'clock at the Citizens' Improvement
association rooms. All officers, p&rticn
larly the ward managers and their assis
tants, are requested to be present.
McGinty is dead and gone, but dancing
school slil! lives and is enjoying the ex
cellent reputation it has attained for tbe
past two years. For an evening of so
ciability and enjoyment.it is unsurpassed
uon t rail to attend tomorrow night at
Armory hall.
The Umtm rises to assure tbe Akql'S
that it docs not desire to be held respon
sible for the ramifications of Street Com
missioner Harris. Who under heavens
does" Thau is the reason the council is
not taking kindly to the Uhim' attempt
10 noin it responsible.
Everts commaudcry No. 18. Knights
Templar, has received an invitation to
join St. Simon of Cyrene commandery of
uavenport in baster services at irace
cathedral on Risler Sunday, and will ac
cept. Bishop Perry has prepared a special
service and will preach.
Mrs Mary Nold. wife of Valentine
Nold. died at her home, 714 Fourth nve
nue. at I ;!( yesterdfly afternoon of
stomach trouble, strei! oS years and 2
months Mrs Nold had her husband
bf'iir.d over to keep tbe peace for six
months on F It 26 last, and after putting
in several days in jail he gave bonds.
Tbe funeral will be held from S. Mary's
church at tt o'clock tomorrow morning
Mr Chss M lluoii has furnished a
portion of the office of the Adams Ex
press company on Second avenue and
wili open a ticket broker' office there in
a few das. He will retain bis position
as night clerk at the Harper, however
Mcllugh is an energetic fellow, possessed
of strong bu-iness talents, has a happy
faculty for making and retaining friends.
and his new venture will be a success
from the start.
The Anrs' black tlag was ordered up
by tbe signal service this morning, with
the prediction that the mercurv would
drop to within two degrees of the zero
mark by tomorrow morning, thus knock
ing the wiseacres who were out sunning
themselves yesterday and proclaiming the
advent of spring, completely out of
time. Who knows but that the river
may freeze over again before the buds
and blossoms appear?
There is a strong feeling among the
democrats at tbe Sixth ward in fayor of
the nomination of Mr. Geo. E Browner,
the popular young grocer, for alderman.
It is understood that Mr. Browner refuses
the use of bis name before the caucus, but
it is hoped that he will yet be induced to
reconsider his decision and accede to the
wishes of bis friends. With Browner in
the field democratic success in tbe Sixth
ward would be assured.
Messrs. L. P. and Wesley Sharp will
start for Ft. Wayne, Ind , the first of
next week, where they have arranged to
open a store of the 'fair" order. The
Messrs. Sharp are pushing business
men, and Rock Isiand regrets to lose
them. There is a splendid field in Rock
Island for just such a store as they con
template establishing at Ft. Wayne, and
it is a pity that they could not have been
prevailed upon to remain here.
Aid. Matthias Schnell of the Fourth
ward, who is being importuned by many
of his constituents to accept a renomina
tion, wishes to state that while be appre
ciates tbe confidence and exprc.-sion of
good will toward him, he is not a candi
date for renomination. Mr. Schnell has
served the ward faithfully in the council
for two years, and retires with the con
sciousness of a dutv well performed
The terms of a lease of Harper's thea
tre to A. C Man, late manager of the
Burtis, by Manager T. R Harper, are
practically agreed upon. Mr. Man is to
take tbe theatre for five years from May
1 next and will move to Rock Island and
devote his time entirely to it, giving the
theatre goers of Rock Island, Davenport
and Moline the best attractions that
there are on the road. Mr. Harper will
make tbe extensive improements here
tofore described be 'ore the new season
A plan is being discussed by the major
ity of the attorneys of the city, and it is
proposed to get the others into it if pos
sible, of establishing a law library in
Mitchell & Lynde'a new block by consol
idating tbe individual libraries there and
clustering the offices about it. In this
wav each attorney would have access to
each other's books and there would be no
borrowing. Tbe plan is to have a young
attorney have charge of tbe library and
be responsible for all books taken from
it The scheme has been recently adopt
ed in Qu'.ncy and is working admirably,
but some of our attorneys are so nicely
situated now and have good libraries be
sides, that it will no doubt be a difficult
task to induce them all to remove.
Wanted A good girl. References re
quired. No. 1208 Second avenue.
Last Night's Meeting of the Im
pr ovenieut Association .
Varioun Matter Pertatalac to the
City's) Advancement Talked About
ni Other Acted 1'pon I. ant Xicht
The Rock Island Citizens' Improve
ment association held its regular monthly
meeting at its rooms in Harper's theatre
building last evening. President Fred
Hass presiding and Secretary T. J. Me
dill, Jr., in his place, and with a good at
tendance of citizens considering tbe disa
greeable night. After the regular rou
tine order of business the call of com
mittees was proceeded with and under the
head manufactories a number of indus
tries which may be induced to come to
Rock Island, were discussed.
Secretary Medill brought before the
association a proposition from a monthly
periodical, giving the names of factories
thinking of changing their location, and
which had contained such an accurate
account of the recent contemplations of
the Milan canning factory that be
thought it was a reliable publication and
of infinite valtie to tbe association. The
cost of tbe publication is f 120 per annum
and the secretary was advised to corres
pond with the publishers.
President Hass made a verbal report
of his recent trip to Washington, of his
having seen Senator Cullom with rela
tion to the viaduct, and had secured the
introduction of the bill repealing the
clause of last year's appropriation re
quiring that tbe city of Rock Island de
posit 9 IT 500, or one-half the estimated
cost. A bill had also been preD&red
making Rock Island a port of delivery,
wbich he expected would receive favor
able action at the hands of congress.
This in place of the bill which the sec
retary of the treasury had disapproved,
making Rock Island a port of entry.
Mr. Howard Wells, of the special com
mittee on the pontoon bridge, reported
adversely on the encouragement of the
project, the facilities for transportation
between the two cities being all-sufficient
at. present .
The matter of securing rooms for the
association in Mitchell fc Lynde s new
block was discussed and the executive
committee was authorized to confer with
Mitchell & Lynde with regard to the se
curing of rooms in their proposed new
block, the unanimous sentiment of the
association being that rooms accessible
at all times should be secured and ar
rangements made whereby the secretary
may always be on hand. The popular
idea is to secure a suite of rooms on the
upper rloor of the new block and have
them handsomely furnished.
Mr. L P. Sharp asked for a with
drawal card as he is about to remove to
Ft. Wayne, Ind . and the president and
secretary were instructed to prepare and
sign a letter to the Ft. Wayne board of
trade commending Mr. Sharp a a man
of enterprise and integrity.
The association then adjourned.
Probability that the lmprnveBBonlN io
Trinity I Unrrh are Only Fairly Be
ana. It is ouite probable that the extensive
improvements that have been made in
4he interior of Trinity church are but the
beginning of beautifying changes that
the church is to undergo witn the coming
iummer. Mrs. G A. Castleman has had
n mind for some time a plan for a mag-
ni icent memorial window to her father,
the late lamented P. L. Cable, and while
in Europe last fall she gave the plans to a
ondon church architect for a window on
the most elegant scale. Her ideas were
arried out and a plan furnished in ac
cordance with them, but on her return
she found that the improvements then in
progress were too far under way to admit
of a change, and that under those plans
tbe window for which she had arranged,
could not be provided for. Mrs.
Castleman it is believed, nevertheless, is
still determined to present Trinity church
ith a handsome memorial to her father,
and it is possible that the west end of the
sanctuary may yet be taken out to admit
the grand window which she had origin
ally p.anned for.and which would occupy
almost tbe entire width and heighth of
that end of tbe building. If this is not
done, there are reasons to think that Mrs.
Castleman will provide a marble alter or
other substantial ornament, or in some
other way perpetuate the name of her
father in the church.
Mrs. Castleman recently presented a
handsome memorial to the Episcopal
Cathedral at St. Liuis, her home.
Police Polnta.
Henry Tombs, the boy who repaid the
kindness of Chas. Hansgen. the grocer,
to him by stealing a 20 gold piece from
me sate and ueeing io uavenpnrt. was
airested in Moline last evening, be hav
ing applied at police headquarters there
for lodging. He was turned over to
Deputy Marshal Long who brought him
to Rock Island, and to Marshal Miller
this morning he made a complete confes
sion of having taken sundry amounts run
ning as high as f 2 and $3 at divers times
from the safe in Mr. Hansgen's store, and
that be bad also stolen a violin belonging
to Mr. Hansgen. He stated that he had
put in his time in Davenport and Milan
since his last theft. He will probably
have a hearing this evening.
Officer Mulqueen arrested Chas. J.
Peterson and Chas. Hermau, two toughs
of degraded instincts on Moline avenue
yesterday afternoon on complaint of Mr.
J. J. Reimers. Tbe men are strangers in
the city and have been guilty of the most
disreputable and obscene conduct for a
day ot two, stopping little girls and mak
ing indecent remarks to them and insult
ing ladies. Magistrate Wivill fined each
$100 and costs this morning and sent
each to jail for twenty days.
At Mai i
Fresh strawberries, pineapples, ba
nanas, oranges, spinach, lettuce, cucum
bers, beets, onions, asparagus, cabbage,
parsnips, white turnips and rutabagas.
Ropnbllean Nominees in Rhode Island.
Ppovidence, R. L, March 14 The Re
publican state convention assembled yester
day in Infantry hall. Tbe following candi
dates for state offices were unanimously
nominated: For governor, Herbert W.
Ladd, of P.ovidence; lieutenant governor,
Daniel G. Littler! eld, of Pawtucket; secre
tary of state, Hamu-1 W. Cross, of Westerly;
general treasurer, Samuel Clark, of Lin
coln ; attorney general, Horatio Rogers, of
Pawtucket The platform indorses the na
tional administration and the rulings of
Speaker Reed, and declares for ballot re
form and protective tariff.
Suicide of a Wealthy Man.
Kalamazoo, Mich., March 14. Morrison
Bailey, one of the most wealthy men in
Allegan county, was found hanging by the
neck dead yesterday morning in a small
building in the rear of his handsome resi
dence in Plainwell. He was only in his
nightshirt. He was in bad health and was
probably insane. Oliver Bailey, the only
son of the deceased, is a banker at Peoria,
Ills. There are also five daughters one, a
young girl, residing here; one at Pooria; one
at Fargo. M. I. ; one at Omaha, and Mrs
John Linton, of Otssgo.
Motics to contractors
The time for receiving bids for tlte
Rock Island Y. M. C. A. building has
been extended for one week Heslpd
proposals will be received by the unders
signed for the above building until 5 p.
m.. Monday. March 24th. Thn riri.t
reserved to reject any or all bids.
tuwAHD s. Hammatt, Architect.
Sale every Saturdav aft ernoon com
mencing at 1 o'clock, of horses hixraias
carts end harness. All parties placing
horses in these sale s will be charged $5.
All other goods high per cent. Every
thing sold at these sales guaranteed as
represented by us. Lokton Bros.,
"Whv sit doubled up like nn old man,
myboj' What's rheumatism! Take the
good the gods provide thee, and send
twenty- five cents around the corner for
a bottle of Salvation Oil and you'll ride
your bicycle tomorrow."
Every tissue of the bony, every bone,
muscle and organ, is made sttonsrer and
more healthful by the use of Hood's Sar
saparilla. Mclntire Bro. have a new and reliable
kid glove cleaner cleans perfectly and
leaves no odor.
C. A. Steel, - - Manager.
The Reigr,iDg Comedy Success.
A Soap Bubble,
By Monteomery Phi-ter, p-oilnced tiy a Chrm
companyof Comedians, under the direr
tion of .1. H. Dohiinf.
A Comical Uproar.
Brighter than Ever.
Bubbles of Fan.
Two and half hours of oddities jnmhled
together, making it
Thk Laughing Success.
Aaauatioa A, B0 snd 7"ceiiid.
Sheet Music
A full and complete
line of
Vocal and Instrumental .
C. C. Taylor
1625 Second avenue.
Under Rock Island llonse.
9oe ana! for loe Sheet Music.
Catalogue free, mstled to any
Tax Payers
As I will have to settle with the
County Treasurer on March 2dth, you
will siave costs by paying your taxes
to me before that date.
Office at Court House
Lloyd & Stewart.
ROi'H BaMuAXa.
Graod Opening Spring Style,
First Mortgages
w os or
$200.00 and Upwards
For sale, secured on land worth from
three to five times the amount
of the loan.
Interest 7 par cent semi annually, collected ana
remitted free of cosrge.
Attorney at Law
Booms I and 4 Masonic Temple,
Spring purchases are coming in so fast that-
-Mclntire Bros
are at a loss to know what to call your attention to first.
However this is EMBKOIDERY TIME. Our second
large shipment arrived from New York Satarday, and
was shown for the first time MONDAY.
Hamburg Edges, wide and narrow, 2c per yard and upwards.
Insertions, matched, 5c per yard, very handsome.
You ought to see the assortment laid out for 10c a yard.
Skirting Flounces, full width, 45c.
Special effects not easily described. Prices lowest you hava
heard mentioned anywhere throughout the entire line.
White (Joods are here too.
will see our assortment before
Haven't room to tell vou of
tri turning Silks, French and Scotch Ginghams, Outing Cloths,
Seersucker, Towels, Table Linens, Muslin Underwear, etc.
ISiF-We will be pleased to
or not.
In order to accommodate their increasing trade and
to have more room in which to display their goods,
CLEM ANN & SALZMANN have leased, fitted up
and now occupy nearly all the surface room in
Harper's Theatre building Their
Is large and elegantly lighted, and contains the
nicest stock of Carpets in MOQUETTE, BODY
BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, Etc., ever seen in this
citj In
there is none to surpass, they simply have anything
you desire.
a 9
Nos. 1525 and 1527 Second Avenue,
And Nos. 124, 12C and 128 Sixteenth Street,
Geo. W. 13. Harris,
Real Estate and Insurance,
229 Seventeenth St., under Commercial Hotel, ROCK ISLAND, ILL.
The following are am one the many bargains offered:
A fine Urge hou with all modern improve- Two dwelling houses, tot 80x144. on Hollas ars
mcnts, good barn, trees, etc.. S acres of lsnd, fine I nue, cheap.
luuniioii, just ouuiue inn cuy limns tear me
street cars j cheap, e terms.
A nice brick residence, with all modern im-proTeinr-ntt,
large grounds, on Elm street, (or tale
cheap on easy terms.
Two etory dwelling, six room, good well, cis
tern and cellar, large barn, H acre of land, within
a few steps of Milan street cars, at a bargain.
A good honse and Improvements with about 4
ecres of land suitable for gardening about thre
ra les from Rock Inland, lor sal cheap.
$1,000 will buy 80 acres of land, partly improv
ed, la Cordova township.
$2,500 will bny a good SO acre farm, good im
provements, on reasonable terms .
A nice residence, large lot. in one of tbe best
neighborhoods on Twenty-third street, cheap.
Only a few of those fine lots left in Miner's
additlcn on Twenty -second and Twenty-third
i reels.
$175 dollar wiii bnv a lot 61 til", comer of
Fifth avenue and EigbtL street.
$350 will bny a good lot 50i32, well located, on
Thirteenth street.
A good eighty-acre farm, well located in this
county w fl take house and !ot In this city for
part payment.
Meu's Kelt Shoes fl 00
Pelt Boot O-era 1 00
" Arctics 1 00
" Alaskas 00
" Rubbers 40
" Clogs SO
Women's Arctiea 75
High Button Gaiters 95
Alaskas 40
Boj'a Arctiea 60
M saea' High Button Oailera 60
Rubbers 35
Arctics 70
Children's Arctics , 60
In addition to these low prices I will give away an Encyclopepia, valued at (4,
to each customer buying $25 worth of Boots and Shoes.
Call in and let oa show yon the Book and explain bow yon can get it free.
CENTRAL SHOE STORE, 1818 Second Avenue.
If you are a money saver you
purchasing elsewhere.
the beautiful new Dress Goods,
see you whether you purchase
Island. Illinois.
A first-class 80 acre farm, with good improve
ments, In Bowling townablp, cheap
A No. 1 one hundred and sixty acre farm, with
first-class improvements, cheap.
A nice blnff property, large grounds, shads
trees, fruit, etc., cheap.
Two or three acres on the bluff, fine land for
bnlldlng or gardening.
Some of the best lots In Dodge's addltlea oa
easy terms.
SO or 40 acres, with good improvements, os ta
bluff, cheap.
A good lot on the bluff iu Rodman 'a sub-division,
cheap .
$400 will bnv a fine acre lot just outside city
r. -nits, on br.fl.
A good house, barn and fine corner lot la the
upper part of the city co ovenieut to th saw mjl,
depot and island, cheap.
A nice two story dwelling, well located oa
Twentieth street, cheap,
$1,000 will bur six acres with some improve
ments, on tbe oluff .
MOO will boy a house with four rooms, ooavsa
ient to the lower factories.

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