OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, April 25, 1890, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1890-04-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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' i 'iiiMrWaw .
I i.
Tke repalar Batcttraia the Bar
llaslea taletlr W44 at Dlxaa
WNirtir EvealBK.
In iu Wednesday evening issue the
Sterling Gazette had the following an
A blushing couple might hare been teen
at tbe Xorth western depot just before the
Owha train went east this morning.
Tbe young people were Michael Burke,
baggageman on the C , B. & Q paggen
per train rannioit from Rock Island to
St. Louis, and Miss Era Bard, sister ot
Mrs. Marion Poppinsu, of this city. They
went up to Dixon, where they were mar
ried, and returned on the 1:10 train.
They left for Rock Island on the 4:20
train this afternoon, and will reside at
8u Louis.
While tbe Dixon Telegraph of last
erening gave the following interest
ing details of the consummation of an
event in which Burke played a leading
part, aud over which his many friends
here will extend congratulatory greet
ings: That was a very pleasant bat sort of a
curried marriage ceremony which Justice
Watts performed this morning. It was a
fine appearing couple, and therefore, we
may say. that the chief justice is exens
able for being somewhat flurried when
performing tbe loving ceremony, for tbe
bride was very pretty. However, our
lawyers are more or less modest in t&e
presence of women, irian Stroup acted
as best man. and though still consider
ably rheumatic, be is in much better con
dition to act as tst man in a bridl
ceremony than he was before visiting Hot
Springs. We really feel like compli
menting him for tbe viatiter in modo
fortiter in re, in which he performed the
duties on this occasion. It was rumored
about tbe Xachcea when the couple ar
rived here tbis morning and so hastily
sent for a marriage license and made ar
rangements for a departure west on tbe
Bcxt train that tbe affair was reallv a full
ripe elopement, and the Telegraph is not
fuily satisfied at tbe present writing in
that regard. However, whether or not it
is one of those affairs of baste which
bring on repentence at leisure, our sympa
thies are with the happy young couple.
Sbe is pretty, neatly dressed in a dove
colored tailor-made suit wi;h gloves to
match, and certainly old enough, being
twenty-six, and has been married once
before; while the young man is good
looking, but someirbat rollicking, we
judge. The goom is a resident of Burf
Oak, Michigan, and Lis name is Michael
Burke, whiie the bride resides, or did re
side until this mornicg. at Walnut, and
her name is Mrs. Eva Bard, daughter of
Charles Bier, of tbat place. May the
nappy ones from aicut and Burr Oik
pine not.
.' j- KalidtHSM.
23 J P Earlv to J J Ripple, sej n
20. 20. 2e. 1.600.
Eliza A Eagan to L H Sa!ztnann. part
ju i. jianoa A lioomans ka. K 1 S2
- MO:
M J Higgins to L 0 Ss!zmnn. wj lot
1, Martha A Rodman's ai, R I. 550.
David Sears et 1 to W C Butterwcrtb,
part nej swj and part sw J 14, 17, 2v.
part lots 9. 10 and 11, block 10. and part
iois is ana it, oiock hj, sear, ?t,U95.
23 Ettate of John T.in.hn
account of executrix filed and approved
ana executrix aiscnargen.
Estate of Bernard Fritz. Inventory
filed and approved .
Estate ot Samuel Segrist. Inventory
filed and approved.
In re petition to inquire into the al
leged dependence of Minnie Smith, a fe.
male infant. Oliver Olson appointed
counsel lor said miant. Jury tmpannelled
and sworn. ITeiirinir- plr finrHntr ritr
- c- ' VJ
jury tbat said Minnie Smith is a depend-
... j . ... . .
ti in. vruerea usi ne De commuted
to tbe Industrial school for girls at South
Estate of August Sass. Petition by
t xecntrix to sell real estate to pay debts
24 Estate of Joseph B Cox. Admin
istrator's report filed acd approved.
Claims allowed.
22 Estate of Susan A. Schnell. Bond
of William Schaell as executor fl ed and
approved, and letters testamentary is
sued to hio.
23 Estate of Abraham Frick. Order
for the issuance of commissioners to take
depositions of witnesses to prove idenity
of Adolphus C Frick. claiming to be a
legatee under will of deceased.
21 Gust Larson, Salina, Iowa, Mary
EricksoD, Rock Island.
Geo A Wiggins, Agnes L Honens,
John Barge, Mrs Annie Duncing, Rock
Worth laventtxatioa.
Tbe talk of the great Grant Locomo
tive works coming west to locate has
been ravived. Under the beading of
"Here 'a a Grand Opportunity, "tbe Coun
cil Bluffs Nonpareil says:
The Grant Locomotive Works Co. has
about given up tbe idea of removing its
great manufacturing plant from its pres
ent location in the east to Chicago, and
instead a location still farther west is to
be chosen. This announcement has
caused several cities in this vicinity to
compete for the location. Minneapolis,
Des Moines, St. Jos ph and Sioux City
ere offering inducements to the company,
and there are several business men and
large property owners here who think it
would be an excellent idea for Council
Bluffs to make an effort to secure the
works. It is an absolute certainty that
the works will be located in tbe west.
More than 1,000 men are employed by the
works, and it is calculated tbe city se
curing tbis plant will find her population
increased at once by at least 5.000 souls
It is suggested that the board of trade
take this matter op at once, and it is
thought that an intelligent concert of ac
tion may secure this great manufacturing
concern for Council Bluffs.
Bowling. April 21.
The measle epidemic seems to have
run lis course.
The oats are ali sown bat will not do
much without having rain soon.
Mrs. Young, of Harlan, Iowa, is here
visiting her father James McConnell.
To visit Taylor Ridge one would think
that autumn had come from the loads of
potatoes being hauled there for shipment.
Mrs. bmitb, mother of Mrs. James
.Bethel, died of heart tronble Wednes
day. The remains were taken to Chip
pianock cemetery for interment.
Anyone wishing to see a fine lot of
Hereford calves, call at 8. W. Heath's
aud see the ones he has fed. John Blakel v.
of Black Hawk township, has purchased
tbe lot.
Roy, son of Charles R. and Elizabeth
McConnell, aged 1 8 months and 28 days,
died rrtday morning or spinal trouble.
The child was buried Saturday at 2 p. m.
at the Chapel Grove cemetery.
We dearly loved the little bud.
So tender and so fair;
Bnt where the little one has gone.
We hope to meet him there.
For delicacy, for purity, and for im
provement of the complexion, nothing
equals Pozzoni's powder.
Wool Grower Whew Meaaoriea Are Ae
parent!? Defective.
The wool growers seem to have for
gotten, during the resent agitation fot ;
increased duties, a piece f (shrewd wis
dom displayed in 1872 by Mr. John L.
Hayes, secretary of tbe Wool Manufac
turer' association. In that year there
was a strong tariff reform movement in
congress, and Mr. Hayes was in Wash
ington to look out for tbe interests of tbe
manufacturers of woolen goods. Tbe
senate passed a bill making a horizontal
reduction of 10 per cent.: but the feeling
for reform was still stronger in the house,
and accordingly the ways and means
committee prepared a much more radical
Mr. Hayes had opposed any reduction
whatever in the duties affecting his asso
ciation; but when lie ta w that tbe house
was determined to make eveu. greater
reductions than the senate, he concluded
that the only w ay to prevent tle most
extreme action of the house was to ac
cept the senate bill and rally all the pro
tected interests in its support. Reform
was to be thut off by a hlilit concession
to reform. j
Mr. Hayes bad his a&ux-iation to agree
to this line of action, tiie Pennsylvania
iron interest. were induced to fall in.
and finally the iufluence of all tbe pro
tected classes was thrown in favor of the
senate bill. In this way the house bill
was killed and the 10 percent, horizontal
reduction became a law.
The result, too, was precisely what the
shrvwd Mr. Hayes had foresH?n. For
6orae years the country heard nothing
of tariff reform, and the protected classes
wenton adding to their gains and making
their divisions in silence.
The wisdom of 1872 is, however, for
gotten by the protectionists of today
They claim the earth in tones that all
can hear, and in a spirit which plainlv
what they consider their rights.
Chief of all these are the wool growers.
The country has been disgusted for sev
eral months with the repeated reports in
the pipers aoout the deals and agree
ments of the growers with the manufact
urers; and now that the public ha
gotten sight of the long expected
McKinley bill, it is seen that the wool
growers have come off with booty that
ought to satisfy the most hungry of
them. Ihey have gotten into the biil an
increase of duties on wool which ought
to alarm even the growers themselves.
So long ago as eighteen years Mr. Hayes
recognize! the fact that it was not wise
to receive too high duties, but the re
form sentiment of the countrv should be
aroused and duties put lower than ever.
But the wool growers and other highly
protected classes will continue to yield
themselves to the allurements cf the
Delilah of protection till, some fine elec
tion morning, they w ill hear their doom,
"The PhilUtines be upon thee, Samson!"
The window glass industry continues
m kfiow Mgns ot prosperity. The ew
York Oil. Paint and Dru? Renorter in a
sincle week rtublishea am. in-- it . n-iinl
trade items the fact that a tank furnace
is being run night and day at Glassboro,
X. J.: that a tank furnaca cost i n r fclS -
000 is to be added to a window glass
factory at oodbury. N. J., and that a
tank furnace with a capacity of twelve
pots is to le erected at Kokorao, Ind.
The same paper states that the efforts
to consolidate the window class industry
of Pittsburg, in other words to form a
trust, have met unexpected difficulties
from the high price placed on some of
the factories by their owners.
The glass men. it will be remembered,
had their turn before the wavs and mpjin
committee to plead for higher protec
tion. Iulien ranging above loO per
cent, and the flourishing state of the do
mestic industry apparently do not satis-
iv tnese men.
Pittsburg has just made a shipment of
2o,000 tons of steel rails to Mexico, and
not long ago 11,000 tons were sold in
Chicago for Canada. Our exportations
last year w ere 279,420 tons. Facts like
these are a sufficient answer to a mem
ber of Mr. Andrew Carnegie's firm, who
stated the other day that the present duty
of $17 a ton is not high enough to give
him ample protection; that the tariff
must be raised if he is to have complete
protection; and yet that the American
rail is superior to the English rail. All
that in one breath: He further stated
that if the tariff on steel rails were re
duced to $13 a ton he might possibly lx
able to go on. Vhit will he do, now
that Mr. McKinley proposes to reduce it
to $13?
According to affidavits signed by the
leading members of the sugar trust, that
"private affair" paid in dividends from
April 1. 1SS9. to Jan. 1. 1SD0. th? sum of
$4,925,329. The stork of the concern is
nominally $50,000,0t0, as watered since
its r.rgamz-ition. hut the actual capital
which went into the trust at its forma
tion was ?15.0o0,KW. The love divi-h-iid-i
represent h profit of nearly 33 per
cent, in nine months. The profits since
Jmii. 1 havliofn $1.25J,'VKI, which means
diviilt-niU of 44 per cent, for the entire
j ';sr.
The fciifc merchants and manufacturers
of New Yolk protest eamos-Jv ajraiust
;he foolish projiosition of the McKinley
coinmittw to levy a duty of 1 a pound
on raw silk. The duty would produce a
revenue of six or seven million dollars a
year. The problem of reducing revenues
has evidently lieen forgotten in the
scramble for extravagant appropriations.
He Safe.
He Don't tell me you're going to mar
ry Tom Smithers. If you do, it will kill
She You're safe then. I'm going to
marry Bob Sawyer. Van Dorn's Maga
zine. To Celebrate the Imj.
Ella Did you have any Bermuda lilies
for Easter?
Bella No, but we had some Bermuda
onions for dinner. Lowell Citizen.
Their CmuU Cause.
"What are dreams made ofT' wildly
cries some poet. Dreams are made of
pies. Merchant Traveler.
Te Servo as Debilitated Hen.
If you will send me your address we
will mail you our illustrated pamphlet
explaining all about Dr. Dye's celebrated
electro voltaic belt and appliances, and
their charming effects upon the nervous
debilitated system, and how they will
quickly restore you to rigor, manhood
and health. Pamphlet free. If you are
thus afflicted, we will send yon a belt and
appliances on a trial.
Voltaic Bklt Co.. Marshall, Mich.
A general suspension of payments of
one year has been found necesaary in the
Argentine republic to allow the commer
cial and financu! men to get over tbe re
sults of the wild speculation in which
they hare been indulging of late.
The only thing tbat really interests the
average hired man la something that he
u not paid for attending to.
MrLAK. April 24.
Miss Mamie O! instead is T siting friends
near Chicago.
The farmera are busy rrepannz for
corn planting.
Oor agricultural merchants are Laving
a rushing business.
The canning factory has leceived a car
load of lumber to enlarge the factory.
Judge Urury has greatly improved bis
surroundings by remodeling all the build
ings. C. H. Brandenburg was sleeted school
director for a second term last Saturday.
J. C. Adams, of the Boston meat mar
ket, is building a large mea; cooler, which
is a suitable improvement for bis large
Medill & Nice, two of ot r enterprising
citizens, opened up a new meat market a
rew days ago. Tbe new firm has many
friends to build them up a (rood trade.
Tbe Kockford Construction company
are arranging to begin work at once.
Yesterday a large lot of material arrived
to begin preparations for tbe machinery.
J. V. Johnston is meeting with
favorable prospects for bui ding a farm
ers' grist mill. Without a sinele excep
tion tne taxpayers are in f aver of assisting
tbe enterprise.
Our public school will close a week
from Frilay. Eight or ten of the pupiU
wui participate in tbe grtduatinz eier
cises which lake place in tie town hall in
the evening. At the close of tbe exercise?
Prof. Goembel will preser t each with a
certificate from the school .
Advertised Lint or l.rt ier S: 17.
Lli-tof letter nnralled for at the Portoff.ee t
Koca 1-isn.l. Knot Island CoontT. Illinois,
Ann) a !:
Bailv Its Jofcn Olwn 0 C
faiatt W 1 Kume I. M
Cnrryn Annie MrafTor'l Cl-nt
r.vn w ra " h'mi n J W N I
Fodi O J olfe IhTE cre of
Newton C F v olfe T E euginm
State of Ohio. City of Toledo, (
Lccas Coo tt. S8
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be i
the senior partner of the firm of F. J
Cheney & Co.. doing business in the city
of Toledo, county and tat.; aforesaid, and
that said firm, will py tae sum cf one
hundred dollars for each od everv esse
of catarrh tbat cannot be cured tytbe
use of Ull s Catarrh Cure.
Fraxk J.. Cheney.
feworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D.. 18C.
i 1 . A. W. Gleasox,
rEAL Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly upon (he blood ami
mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O
Sold by drugg'sis, 75c.
ben tbe weather and water are a lit
tle warmer little bots wiil go swimminc
li tne river ana oe drown d.
The Crown dining hall, N.x 1708 Sec
ond avenue, is now ready to furnish you
tne oest meal m the city fc r 25 cents,
f 50,1.100 to loan on real estate security
in sums of $200 and upward, at lowest
current rates of interest, without com
mission. E. W. Hursu Attornev at
law. Rock Island.
Surety on oonla.
Those who are required to give bond?
in positions of trust, and who desire to
avoid asking friends to become their
sureties, or who may ish to relieve
friends from further obligations as bonds
man, should apply to tb agent of the
American Surety Co., of ew lork.
General Insurance Agent,
Rock Island, 111.
Who of us are wunout trouble be tbey
small or larger Tbe ble-inCT of health
are best appreciated when We are sirh
and in pain. A hacking cough, a severs
cold, or any throat or lung disease are
very troublesome; but fcl! of these nisy be
quickly (nd permanently cured by l)r
Bigelow's Cure. Safe and pleasant fc
ihildrcn . Price 50 cents.
When a barrel is full i'. centrally gels
bunged up. And this is tbe case with a
It is dangerous to tamper with irritat
ing liquids and excilinff snuffs. L"
Ely's Cream Balm which is safe and
pleasant, and is etsily applied. It cures
tbe worst cases of catarrh, cold in the
head and hay fever, git ing relief from
tne nrst application.
A watchmaker ought not to feel run
down when his affairs are wound up.
The children's health must not be ne
glected. Colds in the head and snuffl-s
bring on catarrh and lung affections.
Ely's Cream Balm cures at once. It is
perfectly safe and is easilv arrolicd into
tbe nostrils. It aleo cures catarrh, tbe
worst cases yielding to it.
Since electricity super des hans'ep.
criminals will not be so b'-eb strung.
Farm for Sa.e.
Twenty acres of land three miles south
of Orion, III., on which there are 400
fruit trees, a good bouse 24x16 in size
with 16x16 kitchen. Gocd outbuildings.
Price f 1.100. Als-o for sale a lot of live
stock. Icquire of A. Jibanson, tailor,
219 Twentieth street, Rotk Island.
Never kiss your sitter before another
girl. Make sure of tbe other girl first.
Despair not, neither man nor maid.
Although your mouth has suffered ill,
a-nnougn your teem are hair decayed.
You can still save tLeni if you will.
A little sozodont to be sure
Will make all balmy, bright and pure.
A short ttop: Refusing to lend ucy
more money.
Paris Hrpositicn,
3 Grand Tribes 5 Ci.;ki M;y
Ask for Yellow Wrapper, g
Vir Sale Kr-ryrhrr. 4
Assignee's Noticji.
Notice i hereby gtren. thi t the nndtmigned
has been appointed arvigoee of Abmm Loeb, acd
all Derpone hnldinr itir rlaim nr rl.im.
Mid Abram Loeb are hereby notified to prevent
vdb iimtio nim nnaeroato or animation within
three month from this date, nether raid claim
are dne or nob All persons ir debted to raid a
sitroor are requested to make protrpt payment of
the same.
Dated March 24-h. 1RS)0.
HEJiKY P. ITCXL, Assignee.
nraenred. Tnrrt.. all nthr mill 4rm riifiM
Krceecnted. Write us about four ease. Boom 4,
etropolitanbloclc hicagp. II.
Salesmen ..
To sell our goods br sample to wb derate and re
tail trade. We are the largest manufacturers in
our line. Liberal salary naid. Permanent noai-
tiotu Money advanced for vagea, advertising,
etc For rerms address
CIHIISBIAL WQ. 00., Chicago, IB.
ea nan eeH
tvr m
Intelligence Column.
FOR SALE A fooi Faml y Bone and Ba?ty.
Enquire head of Twentv-ixt atreet. . l
with marble top; inquire at Ills Second are.
WANTED To bny a medium sised second
hand desk; address XTZ, care of Aaacs.
or exchanged. Money loaned or Furniture
stored at aM East Second street. Davenport.
T M R &A1.K V A I t'&Rf V uTr u
JP prorement on Elevators. Now in 00c ration at
Star Fintehinff Works. n,milin. c. Dkii..
Pa: preoerres life and limb; for full poniculars
apply to ROBT J. WALKER. Inventor.
salesmen at once for Illinois and Iowa. D
R. Inrersoli A Co SiS and :t rtrarhnni Kt r-vi.
o. 01. feb-87
Island and every town in this locality to dis
tribute circulars ; for particulars send references
and address. T. X. Crowley, IM Main St, Tene
uauw, luuilDl.
v V Branch office, at her own home, for the Fa
mous rentaie M-cinc -orange Liiy": a splendid
opportcnity: address with stamp. The Dr. Coon-
ict nea:cai lnsiitute. bouta Bend Ind.
MRS. C.A.SCOTT. Professional and experi
enced Nurse. De-maaenllv kwatMl at Nn
wnllenr-epin street, Davenport, Iowa. Best of
reierence. 21-St
I TTORNET AT LAW office with J. T. Ken
Lworthy. 1725 Second Avenue.
r ----.--- . - " . . -tmc 1 n Ai 1B1U1U
l..a!Kual liiriK Huiiaing, Ktwk Island, III.
M. D. SWEENKT. c. L. Vll.EIL
iiumce m Bvngton s tloca. Rock Island, 1U.
t TTOR NET'S AT LAW Loan money on eood
1 s.-ciinty.make col'eciions, Uefi-rence, Mitch
ell Lynde. bar.ki-rs. Office in Poetoflice block
. ir?iaiiu. rive vents per copy.
tlrv collesre, Veiemarr Thv-icians anD Snreooca.
Cflice: Tindal' s Livery stable; Residence: Ovef
tSocct Sfor to Gutbrie Collins)
Contractor Builder.
Plan and etimat- fumishf d. A specialty
ma.ie if fine work. All orders attended to
t-romuiiy and s.uif action cnaranteed.
tVort ee and ebo; No. ISli Third avenue.
WM. 0. KULP.D. D.S.
Rooms , T. 28 aud 19.
(Charted b the Legislature of Illinois,)
Open daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M , and on Tues
day and 6a:anliy KveniTur? fro-n to
8 o'clock.
Inti-ivsi allowed on Desposita at the rat
of 4 per Cent, per Annum.
Deposits received in amounts of
$1 and Upwards.
Tbe private properly of The Trustees is respon
sible 10 tbe depo-ltors. The officers are prohibi
ted from borrowing any of its monevs. Minors
and married worn- n protected by special law.
Ofs-icf-: s. W. Wsmoci, President; Pom
tibminmr, Vice President; C. F. Hiniinrar,
TarsTcxs: S. W. Wheelork, Porter Skinner,
C. r. Hemenway, 3 Silas Leas, G. H Edwards,
Hiram Darling. A. S. WrtRht, J. S. Keator, L.
H. Hemenway. C. Vitzthom.
The on'iy chartered Bavicps Back In Rock
Island Connly.
Scaled proposals will he received at the City
Clerk's office. Rock Island. I J . until Monday
the .Vh flay of May, A. D. ISm'i. at C o'clock v. m.
for the construction of a tile sewer as ordered by
an ordinance of .aid city entitled -An ordinance
for the con-trnction of a sewer on Twentv-fonrth
street from Eichtb svecue to Fonrth avenue with
lateral branches 00 Seventh. Sixth. Fiflh-and-a-balf
and Fifth avenues to Twenlvsixth street,"
paJed Marcs S. and for f arcishing the mate
rial and doing tbe work according to the piaas and
specifications therefor.
Tbe said improvement must be constructed,
and the material therefor furnished must be in
scrrnlance wiih the plans and specifications for
said improvements on file in the aaid city. clerk's
office, at which said office, said plans and specifi
cations ate open to the inspection of all persons
interested therein.
All id most be accompanied with a certified
check in the snm of One Hundred Dollars, pava
hie 10 tbe order of the city treai-nrer of said city,
which shall heroine forfeited 10 said city in case
the bidder shall fail toenterinto contract, with ap
proved sureties, to execute the work for tbe price
mentioned in tee bid. and accord me to the plans
and specifications, in tbe eent that tbe contract
should be awarded to him.
blank bids will be furnished on application at
the city clerk's office. All bidders and other
persons may attend at tbe opening of said bids.
The ripht to reject any and all bids or propo
sals received is hereby expressly reserved.
R (BICKf KOEHLKR, city Clerk.
Dated this lltb day of April, lfM
Rock Island County, J8
Tn tbe County Court, to the Mav Term. A. D. ItSW
To all persons concerned : Public notice is hereby
riven tiiat tbe unne.rriraed.gnardin of Porter Mc
Creery, Robert Ti. MeCreery and Wil jam Mc
Creery. minor, has filed in the office of the clerk
of the county court of Rock IsUnd county and
state of Illinois, a petition for an order for the sa
of tbe following described real estate belonging to
saia minors situated in tne county or Kork Island
and state of Illinois, and described a follows, to
wn: .
The undivided three-fourteenths fS-l of the
northeast quarter (H) of the southeast vnarter
ti 01 section ten, UUI, in township sixteen. (16),
north ranee one (11 west of the fourth nrlnelnJ
meridian, and t"at said petition will be beard on
the first day of the May term. A, D. IS90. or as
soon tncrearter as conne4 may be heard. At
w h ich time and place you can appear and object to
said petition if you see fit so to Jo.
Dated Kock Uland, A mil 7th, 1830.
Guardian of Porter MeCreery, Robert D. Me
Creery and William MeCreery. minora.
Jaczvson & Hubst, Attorney!.
Insurance Apt
1 oid Fu-e and Ttme-triei
low ae any reliable comnaay eaa.
a wr petronage 11 enncllea.
a urne enrrg
a1 a-mr.m. avrw.-av. ho preeioiia ezpe-
I"" I g5
g I
I I t o
, o
s I O
r T CM
f m th PIpmiU X . . .1.- r . ,aiwt
Monltoa Kjk les Jennie M. GaJUeber. John K.
rum. a Dena m. n. urpenter and Jtartba u.
Cogswell, coatplalnante.
John M. Goald. Alfred Williams and Charl-f R.
Ainswortn. executors of the last will and testa
ment of Robert Knowles. deceased. John 8.
Gillmore and James W. Atkinson, execntors of
the last will and testament or Ann Maia R 8.
Know les. deceased, Charles L. Morgan. Chicaeo
Tbeokwical Seminary, an Illinois corporation,
Illinois Home Missi nary Societr, an Illinois
corpoiatton. Port Byron Acsdenvr. an Illinois
corporation. Tonne Men's Chiistian Associa
tion of Wollne, Illinois, an Illinois corpora
tion, Horatio N. P. Small. Martha E. Wagener,
H-ttieM. t-mall. Gertie H. Smsll. Mamie B.
hmalLJtmes Grant Small, Chrles H. Lnnt,
Jane 8. Atkinson. Charles II. Deere and Put
Emory, defendant.
Affidavit bavin been flltt In th offlr nf tti
clerk of said Circait coart that the said defen
dant, tioratio f. Smal.. Martha B Wasener.
Hattle M. Small. James Grant Small. Cbarlrs H.
L-nt and PiU Emorv are non-reiilnt. nil nrh
of them is a non-resident of said state r.f Illinois,
notice i inereiore nerrnypivea that the said com
plainants aled their bill of complaint in sa d
court, on tbe chancery side theieof. on the SMh
day of March, A. D. WW. and thereupon a sum
mons i-sned out of said court in said ranse re
turnable on the Dtst Monday in Mav, l-9i 1, next,
as is by law required, the same biri the firt duy
of the next succeeding term of said court .
Now. nnless yon. the said nm reflect defen
dants above named, and each of yon, ha!l per
sonally be and appear before said emrt on said
first Monday in May, le. next, and plead, an
swer or demur to the said bill of complaint, the
same and the matters and thing therein charred
and elated will be taken as ronfred lv and
azainst yon and such of yon as do not appear as
aforesaid and a decree entered against you ac
corJine to the prayer of said biil
Rock Island, 111.. March . lW.
Clerk of Circuit Court.
Ecokts; I.FWts and Adair Plkaats, Com
plainants Solicitors
Rock Islskd Coc-sty,
In the Circuit Coart.
Lonis Merchant vs. Christina Trv':rc. Ahiahsm
Merchant. Albert Nelin, Marv Merchant,
Saan Learv. E. N. Merchant. Ma'rv Zhnier.
Elizabeth Simpson. Jesrie Smith. Sarati A. Mc
Clellao, Bird Smi-h. Ann'e trader. ITtebe
Smith. Lacicda !ihri. Marv ktta Miller,
.tulia Smith, William M. Crill'. Li.xi.- ruV,
Mmne M Crill.Louise Horner. Eva A. WbevUr.
A bert Merchtnt. James Nelson
Aflidait having been filed In the office of the
clerk of said circuit court that the said defen
dants and each of them are non-residents of said
t'e of Illinois, notice is therefore herebv tiveo
that the said complainant filed his bill o'f coin
plaint in said conn on the char.cerv side thereof
on the 23d day of Augut. A. D.. l-wd, and there
upon a summons trsccd ont of sa-d c.mrt, in ald
canse. returnable on the first Mondar in Septem
ber. A. D. 1W. as l by la required, the same
bein? th- first day of the ntxt tuiceediLg term of
said court.
Row unless yon, the eiid defendants above
named, and each of you shall pcrnmallv be and ap
pear before said c.rcu it court on tbe fir-t Monday
in May INnext. and p'ead. answer or demur to
the said complainant a bill of romplain?. the same
and the matters and thinis therein charged and
stated, will be taken aaconfessei by and ai-ains
such of you as do not appear as af.iresaid. and a
decree entered against you acc rdi. to the prayer
of said bill. v '
Rock Island, 111 . M trch ?. 1R.K1
Adaik PLiABASTs,CoaipUinan'.a ro-icitor.
state op Illinois"" i
Rock Islakd Covhtt. "
In the Circuit Conrt, to the Mav Term lS-3
Ida W. Lundv vs William II. Lnndy In Chmcery.
Affidavit of non-residence of William II. Lnn
dy, the above defendant, harins been filed in the
clerk's office of the Circuit court of said county,
notice is therefore hereby piven to the said non
resident defendant that the complainant filed het
bill of complaint in said conn, on the chancery
side thereof, on the Eleventh day of Marrb, ll.
and that there upon a summons ls-ned out of said
court, wherein said suit is now pendwe returna
ble on the first Monday la ihe immtb of Mav next,
as is by law required.
Now, unless you. the said non-resident defen
dant above named, W llliam U. Lnndv. shall per
sonally be and appear 1-efore said Circuit Court,
cn the first day of the next term thereof, to he
bold re at Rock Island In and for the sad conntv.
on tbe first Monday in May next, and plead,
answer or demur to the said complainant's hi 1 of
complaint, the same and the matters and tbinus
therein charged and stated will be taken as con
fessed, and a decree entered against vou according-to
the prayer of said bill.
Rock Island. 111., March 11th. :8u.
J ac a Box A ilcBST. tempi s Sol 'a.
By rirtoe of an eiwnt.on No. ftVfl, bearing
Halt fha 17th 4.w U.mI. A Tt J - -
" - 1 awiwlt,. , I'., TPt, IGU H -
ocm&nT.iut fe bill. irnM oat of the cWrk't ofEo
nf Ihe 4asnit wv,. t t- t-s I
v niiMH t-vuu vi ivies, iioiiu ciiniT,iii nr
tat of Illinois. nd to me direrted, wrt-rpbT lam
MmmltulMl t n..lr .V. . .
. . .. . w ..... mic i.'..ii, 1 1 1 m cenaia
judement recent ly obtained a-.-ainst William II.
3 n 1. . . 1 ti.i . . 1 . . 1 :
" -- - - . .-.- 1 kj Biiu ntitirn nc.niqn 1U
favor of Samuel Bowie out of tne lands, tene
ment, roods and chattels of the said defend
ants. I have levied upon the following propertv.
Those certain parcels of land ind premises sit
uated in the county of Rock Island and state of
Illinois, tow it: Lots No. one ti) and two (2 in
block No. two (SI in Wood" second i2nd) addi
tion to the town (now city of Mohne.
Therefore, according to said command I shall ex
pose for sale at public auction all the above named
land and premises on Salnrday. the :h day of
April, A. D., isao.at the hour of 1 o'clock p. ro ,
at the north door of the court house in the citv
or Rock Island, in the county of Kock Island and
state of Illinois, for cash in hand, to satisfy said
Dated at Rock Island this 25th dav of March,
A. D. 199U. T. S.SILVIS.
Sheriff of Rock Island county, U.lnois.
By virtue of an execution and fee bill No. SV4,
Is-ued out of the clerk's office of the circuit
coart of Rock Island county, aud state of I llinois,
and to roe directed, whereby I am commanded to
make the amount of a certain jndgmrtit r.-cently
obtained against 1 ouis Bend -r in favor of John
Peetx tor use of Oeorge Warner, ont of the lands,
tenements, goods and chattels of Hie said defend
ant. Lonis Bender, I have levied upon the fal
lowing propertv. tn-vil :
The east one-balf iS )f the north e; qnarter
m ) 01 eeciion inirty-six, itihi. in iownSip nine
teen, (19V north of ranee two eat of lh- fourth
4thl principal mendtan. in the conntv of Rock
Island ana state of Illinois.
Therefore, according to said command. I shall
expose for sale, atpnb.ic anction. all the ri jht,
title and interest of the above named Louis
Render in and to the above described propertv, on
Monday the 21t day of April. lsi, at S o'clock
p. m. at the north door of the court houe in the
city of Rock Island, in the county of Rock Inland
and state of Illinois, for cah in hand, lo satisfy
said execution and fee bill.
Dated at Rock Inland, this ?7 h dar of March
A. D lrssl. T. S. SILVIS
Sheriff of Rock Inland conntr. Illinois.
alk of Real Estate
state ov Illinois, i
Roca Island Co i ktt, f
In the County Cotrt to tbe April term l-!si.
Adsir Pleasants. Administrator de bonis mm of the
estate of Margaret Donahue, deceased, vs He :.
Bond Donahue and Julia Dnatiue Sale of Real
S state to pay debis.
Affidavit having been file! by tbe petitioner.
Adair Pleasants, that said defendant, Redmond
Donahue, resides cat of V is stale, notice is there
fore hereby riven to said Redmond Donabne that
said Adair Pleasants has filed his petition In said
court praying for an order to sell the foliow-tnij
described real estate stt a ate in said count v, to-wit :
Lots twelve (lxj and thirteen (131 in Dickson
Toubg's addition to tbe town of Milan, to pay ibe
debts and claims against said esta'e and that sum
mons in said ca se has been issued rcturniMe to
the next term of said court to be boldcn in said city
of Hock Island on tbe first Mondav of April, 1J.
Now, unless yon the aaid Redmond Ifcroahne.
shall appear before said court oe the first day of
the May term thereof to be hold-n on the rt
Monday of May, 1890, and 1 It ad. answer or demur
to tbe ld petition the same and the allegations
therein will betaken as confessed by you and an
order entered In accord a.- ce with the prayer of
aaid petition. K. A. DONALDSON.
Clerk of the aaid Court.
Rock Island, TIL, March IS, 1090.
Estate of Rosina Hansbaw. deceased.
The undersigned having been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Rosina Hansbaw late
of the county of Rock Island, state of Illinois, de
ceased, hereby givva notice that sbe will appear
before the county court of Rock Island county, at
the office of the clerk of said court, in tbe citv of
Rock Island, at the June terra, on the first
Monday In June next, at wLlch time all
persona having claims aeainst said estate are no
tified and requested to attend for the purpose of
having the same ad lusted. All persons Indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate
payment to tbe underslaned.
Dated this loth day of April. A. D. 1P90.
AMELIA ANAiKKMJN. Administratrix.
JACXsoa A Hunsr, A ttorneys, dSw
The First National hank n Rnrk t.i,r,j .111. 1
located at Knr.k lsis in the state of Illinois is
closing r.p Its affairs. All note holders and o' hers,
creditora of said Association, are therefore hereby
bo 11 et to present the notes and other claims
agai 'iat the Assoc iat'on forpavment.
T, . . , r-y- M1TCUELL, President.
Tinted April 19. ISM
Punch, Brothers, Punch ; Punch with Car
C0K. WASH, ft 14 ATS. S.
Prom 80 years' experience In Ho
pital and Private practice is enabled
to guarantee radical cures in Chronid
or no aonona diseases of the blood.
throat, no e, akin, kidneys, bladder!
and kindred organs. Gravel and strie
ture cored wttnout pain or cuttine.
Those who contemplate ing tH
not rpniurs tor tne treatment 01 any
private or blood diseases can becnreti
lor one-third tne cost. .
I A niCC By tbis treatment
liumio lovely complexion, free
from sa'lowness, freckles, eruptions,
etc- brilliant ere snd perfect health
can be had. tjfThat 'tired feel-
4ng and all female weacness prompt
ly cured. Bloatine. headaches. Ner
vous Prostratioo. and Sleeolt-esuese.
Ovarian tronbles. Inflammation and Vice rat km.
Falling and displacements. Spinal weakness and
( hanye of Life. Consult the old doctor.
N F RVn I I Q Physical and Organic weak
lltniUUO, premature decay, evil
forebodings, self -distrust, impaired memory, pal
pitation of tbe heart, pimples on tbe race, specks
before the EYE, rinirtn in the ear. ca-arrh.
threatened consumption and every disqualifica
tion that renders marriare improper and unhappy
horrible in its result completely eradicated
without the use of rcercurt. tkrofula. Erysipe
ls Fever So e. Blotches. Pitp'es. fleers, pain
in tbe Head and Bones, Sypbillic sore Thront aud
Tongue, Uiandnlar enlargement of tbe Neck,
Rheomatism. etc., cured when others ha.-e failed.
RlipTIIDp Cured with ut pain or hiud-
- - - - r neeirom Business,
URINARY tWRecently contracts-I or
W lllllMn I . ehronic diseases POSITIVELY
enred in 3 to t days by a local remedy. No nau
seous dru-s need. Medicines mailed or ex press
ed 10 any address free from observation. Char
cos fair. Terms (h. Book and question lisl
15c. A friendly talk rots nothing.
HOURS; 10 a. m. to U m..i to a and 7 to 3 p m.
Sundav: ttoip.n.
t 1
(Late of Cincinnati, Ohio,)
Has Permanently Located in
In the pist two month he has successfully
trea'ed almost
M r.4NE
of the most severe chsracter. Below he fives tbe
nimes of a few that be bas snccefiillv treated
who are we'd ki.own, tbat live in Davenport and
vicinity :
J. h. Harrison. Rock Island county, Mrs. A. J.
Jlron. heart disease.
Miss Anna Davis. V. A. Steams, scrofula.
Charles toMon. Ilrnry Winebent. rbuua. ism
Mrs. Anna Welsh. nenralela
Mrs, I. A. Cowen. Geo. Bryant, E. L. Smith.
Jennie w aynetry. Mary Sherbine, A. B. Thomp
sin. female diseases.
These are a few of the many caes he ha sue
cesfnlly tteated. tut tbev are ennn.-h ta show
what can be done by one who thoiouglily uoder-
sisn'i ine cause 01 u:t ae.
HLo-s of Mmnond. ivminil Weakness, and
Errors of Youth, jiositivciy aud permanently
tCases snccesful'v trvalel bv correron
dence. Correspondence accompanied by 4c
10 stamps promptly answerea.
t ffice McCullonfh's New PkKk.
W. Third Strett, near Main,
Dr. Lkh Dyk'S
HARTZ i BAHNSEX, WhaVsale kitiAs.
Wholesale Aeeots. Rrk 1-lar.ii.
1 sfr-i
f - I
CO 5
CO j2
c; -
O 3
- S3
0 CO
John Volk & Co.,
House Builders.
- M anufacturers of
8ash, Doors, Blinds, Siding, Flooring.
and all kinds of wood work for builders.
Ki.hteeoth Sl bet fhird and Fourth are..
. winns
a. liiicm.
Winter & Lemburg,
Wholesale Dealers and I ir porters of
Wines M Liprs,
(removed to new quarters)
Nos. 1616 and 1618
Third avenue.
t tilA
Datlb BLooXf
MolLne, UlinoU,
TwWakoM Ml
F. L.
i : i si l
No. 32G Brady Street, Davenport,
joods delivered to 'A pirrs of ihr three cities free of charge.
No. 1S08 Second avenue.
lias opened bis New and Spiciiu
No. 1C20 to 1C2C Third avf-nn,
where he would oe pleased to see his friends.
FwAll kind' of drinks as ne'l a le and Torer. and the well known drink "Hair and "a'f," the
only nlace in the city wbe e vou can cet it. Roast B -f Ltnre every rtay from 10 lo 13.
Proprietor of Brady Strut
All kind? of CIT FLOTTKKS con-:ali:ly on Land.
One Block North of Central Tark. 4'is Bradv Streei
The lamest In Iowa. DAVESPUET. iOWA-
No. 2il Twentieth Street, next to
Made in the latet sty-e. A'so rejiairinf done with neaf.ess and dispatch.
And Dealer in ilens' Fine Woolens.
1706 Second Avenue.
Brick and Stone Mason.
Residence 810 Twenty -first St., Yarl crar St. Paul depot.
tfE-timat. funi-Lt I f. r sll c!,,-, of brick or tooe w.-rk I arinc cf brick and ti e wal
a ia'u. Ad, r. -s I,toftice Box H.x-k l-'.an !. 111.
Mannfa.-lurerof ail kind .f
t;entF:t;ehofsay.cialtv. Rci.airii
A share of your luarunste rvrtfolly solicited.
Funeral Director
And Emljaliiic?r.
The bst of eve-ythins; alwars on hand at tha
most naonijle i-rice.
1805 Second Ave.. Rock Island.
F. CLOCGII, Manager.
-Genig Grocery-
and has removed to
Third Ave., and Tenth St.
HJ"IIe eolici a the trade lon tnioved
by b.ia predecessor and as many new
customers a wish to faTor him with
their orders.
era, en all CASH order during: our 30
may fwinl ca
l a et OEO. V.
KmrArta iorenanis
Bntua (10 Spruce
etmetA, where advee
tiawir eootraeta aaay
ka aaad aat it ia
Steam Fitters.
A complete stock of
Pipe, Hrass Goods, Fackinp.
Hose, Fire Brick, Etc
Sole Agent for
We parant'e every ore perfect, and will ser d Co;-.,
Twen'r dav'i trial, lo responsible trtK-
Safety Heating Boilers aod 0ntrart"r 1 .,
furniibine and lajine Water, arid
Sewer Pipe-
1712 Piet Ave .
P.txk Island. Illir.oi.
Tclel-bohe 118. Reeidetee lelejlK'ne V.f
Rock Island, III.
Conrad Schneider' grocery. R ,ck Island,
fine Cttinp;
aone n-atlv and i.rorrnt'v at l..eat i rice.
" ' P ' K ei rices.
161 SeronrI Avenue. K k IsIanJ, Iil.
F. H. Mit.un.
ri. r. Mum, Vi.-rc-'t.
K. H. Rnv. S-v.
J. K. KltiAJUL, Iiku
i::sr nai ion u. nxii BiriLniNii.
IVrfn-t i'n'.-,-ti-.ti a.-uiit ImrslaM, thlcv. i
ai:d ln- wall an hire and llurLjlar IL.-l
nulls iin.l S.if.-. ! n,.n- . re pared to rei.t
ill iu .I'iiit. vutti either o.ml.inalNWi ,-r
k. v ks. T'u- l. k ot t sal- are ai
tlirtfrriit. and nn.U-r Hie eonirol of Um" retiU r.
hii h vil.- c.ntaiiK a tin N.n in hi-n to pU.
v:i!u-ildft jut su.-h ai-eiimlraious as. ai
BHiil.M by A.lmuiiti:l..rs rAt-cutors. narl
mns. aj.italist-s M:irnt-1 .r Single Votuea,
' "ii-. i raveiirie aien. or
Mraua-rt, h:4viiig al;i.-il,l. Jtjvate retlrliiif
r.s'in lor tlie aniiuainm tf papers. et-Nat.-
in nil sie,-. rhviiijc uipri.-e, jt annuini
c-w-lin to sue an.l location. Also, 6re
Ixm for rw.-kai-s, boxes or trunks, n vu
are coins to travel, thin It the only place of ab
solute af.-ty In the three ritles for your sllvs-r
and other valued.'. Ch-vnna reasonable
Cull aiul M klir ..la 7. '"r-
or not. lu" utt
M. J. EOIILFS, CWtodiaa,
The flist coal shipped into tbis market
from Mercer count v was from ttw.
of R B. Ellis in the fall of 1878. and
rienc given the name it still bears. It is
well known tc he the ht tnht In the
market, and other merchants have adop
ted me same name acd offering an in
ferior article for tbe genuine. Don't l-e
deceived, but buy tbe genuine celebra'e l
Mercer county coal of T. II. EUi. on
Second avenue, opposite St. Joseph's
church. The office has not h.ii nmi
but is there still, and is the only place in
. L. I- . 1 1 - . - '
mo mar set wiling tne old and genuit e
article. Telephone 10S5.
t mnwf an pi-t.k u. tie- mnA oa4onitions. r
E i by e'l firtr-tn4.titu."f;i t "Tnniit-j for M t i-
I" ATT. TiU'ar'TjTTvrirwa
w -" .... &TU..JVAIAA
Promptly and neatly execnted by Ue Aaeca Jo
fWXpecial attentioa paid to CaauBerclal work

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