OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, May 23, 1890, Image 4

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1890-05-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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Umbtr BailneH of Seattle The "Civil
ised" Chinook Iollt Woodcutters.
The Worm That Bore ami I Not a
Worm, but a Mollnak and a Teredo.
Copyright by Edgar W. Kye.
One of the bright pictures of the fut
ure cherished by the people of Seattle
la that of a fine navy yard at Lake Wash
ington, a beautiful Bheet of water
twenty -six miles long and averaging
' four miles in width. It also has a good
and sufficient depth for the anchorage of
the Great Eastern anywhere through its
entire length.
There is already a log canal connect
ing it with the land through Union lake,
and it would not be a big job to make a
ship canal, as the lake is but a few feet
higher than Puget sound and the gronnd
easily worked without blasting. The
chief advantage of a fresh water harbor
for ships, of course, is that the teredo or
ihip worm, the pest of all warm salt
waters and especially of Puget sound,
would be eliminated. Large bills for
naval vermifuge would thus be rendered
unnecessary and ironcl.uls especially
would become less porous.
The teredo is one of a genus of ace
phalous, testaceous xnoTlnsks that bore
and penetrate the bottoms of ships and
other submersed wood. The shin worm
belongs to a family of conchiferous or
lamelli branchiates. They are not.
strictly speaking, worms at all, as they
have the true molluscan organization
and the elongation of the body is simply
due to tlie excessive protraction back
ward of the si phonal tubes, which thus
give us a long waisted mollusk, vul
garly called a worm. If I do not make
myself perfectly clear, or if I use words
which bother or confuse the scientist, I
hope he will not be at all backward
about coming to me for an explanation.
The abdominal or shell covered por
tion of the animal is comparatively
small, and, according to Theodore Gill,
is almost subglobular. The siphonal
portion is, in proportion, extremely long
and wormhke.
The description of this bird increases in
interest as we proceed, and a word or
two further regarding this little acepha
lous, testaceous mollusk, which patiently
goes to work to sink a great shin, mav
not be entirely out of place at this time,
for 1 am not radically opposed to facts
in the abstract. It is only the abnormal,
protracted and chronic use of facts that
I deprecate and deplore.
The family of Teredinidxe, to which
the ship worm belongs, have siphons that
are united for the greater part of their
length, but free towards their ends, and
these are armed with two peculiar elon
gated shelly appendages called styles or
siphonal pallettes.
The teredo does not care for social rec
ognition, but devotes its life to this great
task. With no appetite for club life, yet
ignoring its marital relations and negli
gent of domestic responsibilities, the tere
do gives up its whole existence to mis
taken and ill advised efforts to damage
the commerce of the world.
In this family the mantle is well devel
oped, its lobes united except at the pedal
opening, reflected behind over the valves
of the shell and developed above into lobe
like expansions, which are reflected over
the hinges of the shell and serve to keep
thevalvesin place. The gills are large and
extend far into the siphonal portion. The
mouth is provided with palpi, and it has
a sweet breath like that of a clover fed
cow. The foot is subcylindrical and suck
erlike, with a foliaceous margin, moder
ately protractive and well supplied with
nerves. The shell is composed of two
equal valves of peculiar form."
The family includes the Teredo, the
Kansitora, the Kuphess, the Calobates,
the Xylotrya.the Dperotus and the Lyro
dus, all of whom are highly connected.
On entering the navy the Teredo family's
motto is "Ever onward and upward," and
though at times he is a bore, the teredo
retains bis hold on society like a retired
pugilist who has married welL
The Teredo Navalis, as we call him in
scientific circles, does his boring and de
structive work by means of the armature
of the valves already described, and yet
Professor E. Percival Wright very truth
fully says that the ship worm is no arma
ture at this business.
The Bexes of the Teredo family are un
equally divided, there being about twenty
males to one female. The latter lays its
eggs in the months of June and July, in
large quantities. Sea sickness never in
terferes with her plans.
To remove ship worms bathe the bot
tom of the ship every morning in hot
borax water, rinse thoroughly in tepid,
distilled water, wipe dry with a coarse
crash towel, and then smear thoroughly
with creosote oiL This should be kept
up for at least a fortnight, after which it
will be found that the worms are so
stupefied that they may be readily re
moved from their holes by means of a
nut pick.
In preparing the above interesting de
scription of the Teredo, I am indebted
for valuable suggestions to the Natural
History of the Teredte, by E. Percival
Wright, voL xxv; Monograph of the
Family Tered, by O. W. Tryon, and a
little brochure by E. H. Baumhauer, en
titled Sur le Taret et lea Moyens de prv
seiver les Bois de see Degats, or words to
that effect.
Seattle cut 100,000,000 feet of lumber
last year and had to import a lot more
for its own use, and yet it costs $100 an
acre to clear off and destroy the beauti
ful timber that now stands on what are
the lots and additions to the city. I saw
a pine tree growing in the park that was
forty-four feet in circumference six feet
from the ground. Many others near it
were about as large.
Most every stranger thinks the snow
must have been very deep in Washington
in winter because the stumps are so high,
' some of th'-ni being cut off eight and ten
feet above the ground, but that is not so.
I liTnx vr-- enrlv that this yine 18 ex
tremely pitcEy at theTiase or butt, so
much so as to be practically worthless,
so the lumlierman cuts a notch above this
objectionable point and inserting a spring
board with iron or steel points to it, he
mounts this little scaffold and cuts off the
tree at a poiut which would huve been
two or three feet above bis head if he had
stood on the ground.
To test thecourtesy of the woodsmen
Mr. Dearborn and I, one afternoon while
driving through the forest, assumed the
Parker house role of Boston tourists in
search of information, and asked thirty
or forty different woodsmen about this
apparent depth of snow on the land, and
in each case got a polite and lucid ex
planation of the whola matter, so plain
and clear that anybody with a single,
disinfected brain could not help under
standing it. I could not avoid contrast
ing this uniform courtesy of the piney
woods with the paucity of politeness and
intellectual desolation sometimes met
with at tho elevated railway gates and
other thought ganglia of New York.
Seattle is called the Phoenix city. This
is because she was consumed by fire last
Bummer and is now almost entirely re
built. The Phoenix was a fabled bird
which could rehabilitate itself after hav
ing been consumed by fire, and was even
more bright and cheerf uWf terward than
before. Even tho scorched feathers of
the Phoenix, it is said, did not smell dis
agreeably. Phoenixes are now very
scarce, and a setting of Pha-nix e.ags
this spring would bring a fancy price.
The day is not very distant when, like
the buffalo, tho last phoenix bird will
have disappeared from our shores. Seat
tle is a jKrt of entry, and her land office
shows ni re entries tlian any other in the
United States, it is said.
Unman life is quite safe now in Seat
tle, the sanguinary Chinook having be
come quite tame ami docile. 1 entered
the cage of one of them while there and
remained twentv minutes. The Chinook
is cssentiallv a water fowl and is most at
home in a dugout. When he lands hi
loses his dignity, for he is kmn-kkneed
and li.-ts a gait like a mnd turtle with a
stone bruise. Before one knee can p:iss
the other it has to have a written per
mit. The squaws are industrious to a
degree, bringing in to town every morn
ing large liouquets of dew laden clams,
which are sold at a nominal price to the
people of Seattle.
The churches are numerous and well
bnilt. every denomination K-ing repre
sented. The Methodist, Baptist and
Lutheran churches have services in three
languages, so that each may attend and
put up his K'tition in the language to
which he is most accustomed.
On the sound "the typical American,"
of whom we hear so much and read so
much in the liooks written by foreigners
who come to our shores, smoke a cigar,
take a drink and go home, practically dis
appears. It is a great congress of repre
sentatives from all states and all nations.
The Yankee, the reformed reln-l. the
negro and the Chinaman lie down to-'
get her, and the cosmopolitan children
of the great glol, under gentle skies,
toil on together and prosper together.
The pjipi re handsome and metro
politan i:i appearance two in the morn
ing and two in the evening. A press
club was formed during my visit and
started ciF with slendi,l prosjiects.
Seattle has no horse ears. The talent
ed, versatile and ambidexterous bobtail
car driver can never i nter there, and the
pleasing aroma of the car stables d.x s
not cling to the good clothes of the p-is-senger
when he gets off. Two fine lines
of electric cars, with four systems of
cable cars which scoot np the hills and
across the city, give a styleof rapid tran
sit which would put many an older city
to the blush.
Along tin- water front lots were locat
ed: then the tide water flats, covering
several hundred thousand acres, more
or less, were located as lots and staked
out. so that the bay looks like a forest of
overgrown shad joles. That was not all:
' tJT.. Vv'. i .1 I
r V " V Vvi N .
eSi. '
if. r
these proprietors of aquatic lots claimed
as riparian owners the margin of deep
water which accrued to the hinds, sub
merged though they were, and some day
the keen eyed prophet sees here the Back
bay of Seattle, tilled in, and the business
portion of the city, where now the tide
rises almost as high aa the prices, placed
upon these humid bnilding sites. That
is not all. Tho buildings, one by one,
are wading out toward the deep water,
and factories, ware houses and residences,
standing on tall and stately piles, creep
farther and farther out as the weeks roll
by. Instead of tho missionary and the
wood chfpjKr, the pile driver bccouios
the pioncrr at this iioict. and tho crus
tacean, instead of the red brother, gath
ers np his household utensils and blinks
away to seek other haunts.
Wages are good, work h plenty, and
canvas stores are giving place to hand
some brick and stone buildings. One
lot -sold for $50,000 while I was there,
and the music of the jackplane salutes
the rapidly receding forest.
The New Klertrlr MyMtrm.
We have spoken in the Jounud in re
gard to the new electric system adopted
by CapU nail, of the Fort Clark road.
We received a letter from Mr. Pennock,
tbe patentee.this morning.in which he says
that be has sold tbe right to Sacramento,
Cal., and the first cars will run about
Oct. 1st. Tbe system is attracting tbe
attention of tbe street car men all over
the country. Supt. Holmes, of Chicago,
says that it is tbe biggest enterprise on
earth. The mayor of Chester, Pa., writes
them that the citizens of that place will
not have tbe overhead wire, and
that tboy have tested all the stor
age batteries in use, and tbey are
a failure. Now they are going to
adopt tbe Pennock system. To equip an
overhead system for 100 trains will cost
$700,000. Tbe Pennock system can do
the same for $200,000. While the over
head system loses from twenty per cent
to fifty per cent of power between the
dynamo and tbe car ax'es, the Pennock
system loses nothing, and the current is
harmless. Tbe Ft. Clark road is to be
made a test road and tr it is a success
here it will come into general use. Mr.
Pen Dock is looking forward with antici
pation to the motor which be puts on the
Ft. Clark line, which is to be placed next
month. Peoria Journal.
The rosy freshness, and a velvety soft
ness of the skin is variably obtained by
those who use Pozzoni's Complexion
4 7
S.'f It
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13 ii
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I1 Y
The 91 ay or of Sloltae aa Cilef af Pa-
I lee Orders Certain Oatlea f Ills
t'eree Which They Kefnxe to Cam
ply With, and Why.
They have got into a peculiar predica
ment in Moliae over a conflict of author
ity as between the mayor as t hief of po
lice, by virtue of his office ani the mem
bers of his force who refuse to obey his
orders because the ordinances of the city
will not sustain bis position. Mayor
We6sel was greatly agitated yesterday
when he inquired of Officer Geisberger
why he had not arrested the engineer of
the Q- switch engineer as he ( the mayor)
had instructed him to do. The officer
told him that the ordinance in the case
would not allow him to do so. Tbe com
plaint by the mayor against the engineer
came about thusly : Tuesday evening a
street crossing was blockaded by cars for
twenty minutes or more and tr.e mayor
saw the obstructing train standing there.
It seems that the engineer had left a train
of cars standing across the street, making
it impossible for any one to ptiss, and had
run his engine up into the ens I end of the
city. The mayor then reporied to police
headquarters and demanded of Geisberger
that he arrest the man and take bim off
his engine as soon as he returned.
Now. the Republican says.tie ordinance
in the case is such as provides that if the
railroad company allows any of its engi
neers or conductors to leave their trains
standing on tbe cro sings of the city, paid
agent and tbe company mutt forfeit the
sum of not less than $10 or more than
This amount, tLe police nay, must be
recovered under a civil suit, md tbe com
pany and agent violating the ordinance
must receive a summons to appear in
five days, llecce they did rot feel justi
fled in taking tbe engineer from bis en
gine. However, they applied to Magis
trate Kerns for a warrant for tbe arrest
of tbe man. but tbe magistrate took a
similar view of the case and would not
grant it. City Attorney Oakleaf also
says the engineer cannot be taken from
bis engine for such a breach of tiie or
tlmanee. It is not a misdemeanor. Af
ter discussing the ordinance, tbe mayor
said be would see Lawyer Jaeks-m, and
investigate tbe matter, and if under this
ordinance, men cannot be Arrested for
violation, it will be so amended they can.
Tbe state law in tbe math r is much the
same as the city. It is expected ihU a
new ordinance will lie drawn up at tbe
next council meeting.
Itut Politically lie leeline to Take
Active Part Ip. .1. T. 'ak.'
Anion in the Prohibition (inven
tion. w
t or.snieraoie excitement was occa
stoned in the r roliibiliou county con
veil (ion at Moline Wednesday just be
fore fidjournnient ly the a tion of Dr. J
T. CK-k. The doctor tt-it g present as a
spectator, someone nominitted Lira as
fit-legate to one of the third party con
ventions, but he shook his 1 ead. and gave
them to unilerHt&nd that he was not
third party man. Uncle Dick flauey
then on requestor Mra. RK-izar made a
few remarks on "backslidine;, and
seemed inclined to think somebody had
"fallen from grace." Mr. Metzearin
quired why it a9 that some men "woljs
tiled on the temperance tuestion." and
these and other remarks teemed to spur
Dr. Cook up, and so he rriMle a good hu
mored little speech defjnicg liia position
He stated that though lie couldn't see
through tbe same augur Ik le as the third
partyitcs. he was as true it prohibition
ist and had suffered s much for
the cause as anybody. Tin couldn't pull
in the same harness with them because
be thought they should rather have
stared in the republican party and di
reeled their t fforts toward bringing it to
their views, instead of bolting from (he
party without having alter lplcd to assert
their influence upon it. lie regarded
their attempt to build up u. new party as
erratic and impracticable, ;ind didn't ap
prove their lielligcrent attitude toward
their former friends in the republican
party. He also demurred from the suf
frage plank and stated Uat he wasn't a
woman suffragist by any means.
His remarks, according to the Din
jintfh, stirred up the prohibitionists, and
Mrs. Mctzgar stated that she had no idea
that the doctor was going lo say so much
when they gave bim an audience. Some
one in the room called on llro. Haney to
show the record of the republican party
On the temperance questit n. and "Uncle
Dick." though slightly rat .led, responded
in a short apeech against the republican
loiprovrnaea m.
Contractor Schreiner is rushing the
work on the front of Peter Fries Second
avenue store building on hich Mr. Louis
May has a lease.
Mr. P. L. Mitchell is Laving his busi
ness block on Second avenue between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets re
painted and otherwise improved.
Contractor Scbnell is miking rapid
progress in razing Mitctell & Lynde's
building and will have every thins cleared
awav on the site for the new one in a few
Mrs. Martin Keidy's n-w and pretty
cottage on Moline avenue east of Twenty s
third street, is nearing torn pie tion and
will be in readiness for occupancy by the
middle of June. -
Mr. Jacob F. Ohlweiler has accepted
plans from Ohlweiler & Spilger for an en
tire remodeling of his home on Eleventh
street near Fourth avt nue, and haa
moved into a bouse near Carse & Ohl
weiler s bottling works pending the im
provement of his homestead.
Haixkt. May 20.
J. Candor lost a flee coir Tuesday.
The road commissioners are grading
up the roads in fine style. -
Mr. Hiram Cooper lost two fine colts
last week and Mr. Galagtr one.
Mrs. O. M. Boyles and son are visiting
Mr. B s. relatives in the vicinity.
A bunting and fishing club of twelve
members Las been forned in Hamlet-
Tbey bave bought a small piece of ground
at the bay and are erectit g a bouse there
on. -: -
I'aaaty Kalldlaxs.
May 21 William Parker by adminis
trator to Annanias Parker, lot 2, block 2,
33. 18, lw, C J Edward's sub-div., asses
sor's plat, 11,550.
Kufus Walker to Stephen F ODell. lot
5, block A, Griffith & Co.'s ad, Moline,
26 Gust Olson, Miss Annie Carlson,
Reynolds; Sidney C. Pearson, Miss Annie
Hutchings, Rock Island.
22 Fred. Schuett. Miss Pauline Burk.
Rock Island; Jobn R. Gordon. Rock Isl
and, Miss Louisa Nowack, South Rock
Advertised L,tst or ferttera ti: lO.
lift of letters uncalled for at the PostofHce at
hock Island, Kock Island conntT. Illinois,
.-nay ja, issu:
Andrews Geo Vi
Haum Ira
Lanrette C w
1.1 od Minnie
McCreevy RJ
McOannelt DS
Mowry C J
Montgomery Mrs Alex
Noris Iddy
Reynolds O J
Mxinger Cha F
Warner Minnie
hlelint Mrs R
Oarr Minnie L
Clint Mr R 1$
I unnintrhftm Fred
Annie Ellington
Plnhertv John
Johnpon Mary
Johnson Mary Ann
Li Oder Hannah
Sinclair J H Manager Rhea C
Beware of Ointments for Catarrn That Contain
as mercury wid surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange tbe whole
system when entering it through the mu
cous surfaces. buch articles should
never be used except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh ('tire, manufactured by F. J
Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio., contains
n i mercury, anil is taken internally, aad
acts directly upon tbe blood and niocoui
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you eet the genuine
It is taken internally and made in Toledo,
Obto. by F. J . Cheney & C .
1? Sold ty druggists, price 7jc per
Drmorratie PrlMarieM.
The democratic voters of the city of
Rock Island are requested to meet at
their respective voting places in the sev
eral wards on Saturday evening. May
24th, at 8 p. m., to select delegates to
the county convention to tie held at tbe
court house at 1:30 p. m. Thursday, May
Stub. T he wards are entitled to delegates
as follows: First, ,V. Second. 7; Third,
8; Fourth, 7; fifth, 8; Sixth. 4; Seventh,
By ordt r of the democratic city com
mittee. Henry Wueklax. Chairman.
Authorizing the laying of gas
pipes in streets and public
places in city of Rock Island.
lit it ttrtlnintrt by th City Council oj thf city of
SK4T'o 1. That Thomas B. Davis and Samuel
S. lavis, their asT-eiates. successors and asins
in-, and they are hereby antborized, to lay iron teas
pipes in the avenues, streets, alleys and public
ground, in the city of Rock Island, or in any addition-
to said city hereafter made, for the purpose
of farnixhini: the inhabitants of said city with ins
lor fuel, power and lieht . The laying of said pipes
to he subject to such reasonable rules regu
lation, with reference to the public order, safety
and convenience as may be adopted by the city
council, with reference to the proper and safe ase
of said streets, avenues, alleys and public trrounils,
and subject to the snperviston of the street and
alley committee and street commissioner.
M:". 2. The said Thomas B. Davis and Samuel
S. Davis, their as-oeistes, successors anil assigns,
snail have the ru:ht to make all necessary excava
tious for the purpose aforesaid, not only to lay
the main pipes, but to lay all connecting or service
pipes to convey teas upon tbe premises of persons
in said city desirous of using the same, and to
place in said streets, avenue-, alleys and public
(rround. all necessary cut Its and other fixtures
that may be needed to operate and control the pas
supply. All such excavations to be made w-i;h
reaeouahledlligence and dispatch at theirexpense.
doinK as little darnap-e as possible in so doing, and
to avoid all unnecessary interfereLce with the pub
lic use of said streets and other public places;
mat aanng saia excavations aue care snail oeex
ercised to prevent accidents to persona or teams,
and the streets, avenues, alleys and other public
places where said excavations are made shall,
with due dilieence, be repaired and restored to as
pood oraerand condition, so far as it is practicable,
as before the eicavation. And in case of neglect
on tbe art of said parties, their associates and
assigns, to make repairs said city shall have the
right to make the same and collect tbe cost there
of from said parlies.
Sec. 3. In case hereafter, the said city of
Rock Island shall desire to change tbe FTade of
any street, avenue, or alley or other public place
or to effect some public improvement and for
that purpose to take up or re ay the said gas pipes,
service pipes, fixtures, or otherwise, 1t shall have
the lawful riytit so to do, at the expense of the
said Thomas B. Davis. Samnel S. Davis, their
associates or assigns, bnt before the pipes are
taken up or relaid said city shall give the parties
aforesaid ten days' notice to do the work
desired. If tbey neglect so to do within tbe time
limited the said city shall bave the right to do so
at the ex, ense of said pa rues.
Sao. 4. Tbe said Thomas B. Davis and Samuel
S. lvis, tbeir associates and assiens, shall be
liable for any and all damages that any person or
persons may suffer by reason of any neglect or
want of care on tbeir part, their agents and ser
vants in the exercise of tbe rights and privileges
hereby granted, and they shall save and keep
barmles said city from all loss, co-t. damage, ex
pense and suits including attorneys' fees by reason
of anything done, or snftered to be dona, or omit
ted to lie done, in and about tbe work hereby
authorized. -
Sxc. 6. The rights and nrlvi'eees herebv grant
ed shall be held and enj' yed by tbe said Thomas
R. Davis, Samuel S. Davis, their associates and
assigns for a period of twenty years from the
passage of this ordinance, but the said citv re
serves the right to grant unto any other person,
persons or company, the same rights and privileges
granted by this ordinance, but not to interfere
wuh the proper use and enjoyment of the rights
and privileges hereby secured to tbe above named
parties, tbeir associate and assign.
Mir b All the provisions of this ordinance
are subject to epeal or amendment In case the
said Thomas II. Davis and hamuel S. Davis, their
associates and assigns sha l not within ninety
days from the passage of this ordinance, com
mence the work of laying said pipes in said city.
Sac. 7. Before any excavations are made or
other work done under the authority of this ordi
nance the said Thomas ti. Davis and Samuel S.
Davis, their associates and assigns, shall execute
and deliver unto the mayor their bond, payable in
said city. In the penal sum of five thousand $S.O
dollars, wiih one or more securities, conditioned
that they the said Thomas H. Davis and Samuel
S. Davis, their associate and assigns, will well
and faithfully N-rform all the obligations Imposed
u "Hi mem ny tnis oruinance.
j-aaseu May it), jsyo.
Approved :
WM. McCONUCHlE. Vavor.
ISealJ my Clerk.
8tatofIu.iwoib, 1
Kock Island llounty (
By virtue of a decretal order of the conr.tv court
or said county, entered at the May term of said
court. A. i. imi, on tne application oi Konert 1.
inciTeerv. guardian or iorter alcureerv. Hubert
11. Mcl'reerv and William McCreery. minors, to
sell the following described real estate belonging
to said minors, situate In tne county of Kock Isl
ami ud state of Illinois. li-wil:
The undivided three fourteenths (3-14) of the
northeast quarter tlof tbe southeast quarter
( ot section ten (ill), in townsnip sixteen (161
north of range one west of tb fourth principal
meridian. 1 shall on tbe Ista day of June. A. I.
1WU, at the north door of tbe court bouse In the
city of hock Island in tbe county of Kock Island
and state of Illinois, at the boar of X o'clock, p.
m., sell all the interest of said miners in and to
the said real estate at public vendue to the highest
anu nest oiuuer lor casu in nana .
Guardian of Porter McCreery, Robert I). Mc-
Cruery and William McCreery, minors.
Uy Jack sow & UtmsT. Attorney.
otick to Contractors.
Sealed proposal will be received at the city
clerk's office, until & o ciocc p. on nonoay
June Und. 1MHU. for 4.OU0 cubic yards, more or less.
of material to bring Fifteenth street, from Third
avenue to Fourth avenue, and Fourth avenue,
from Fifteenth to Twelfth street, and nineteenth
street from Second to Third avenue, to grade
Also MO cubic yards, more or less, of macadam
for top dressing on tbe above avenue and s tresis.
Specifications to be seen at tbe city clerk 'a office.
Tbe labor to be employed should be as muck as
nosaib le given to resiaenuor mis city, oonas re
nuired in double the amount of contract. Tbe
city reserves the right to reject any and all bid
Uj order of the street and alley committee.
Rock Island, III., Way. ItsjU.
ssignek's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that the nndersiened
has been appointed assignee of Ah ram Loeb, and
n nersons holding any claim or claim against
said Abrara Loeb are hereby notified to present
tbe same to bim under oain or amrmanon wiimn
ihm months from tliia date, whether said claim
are due or not. All persons indebted to said as
signor are requested to make prompt payment
tne same.
Dated March Mth, two. m. . ,
HKHKY P. HULL, Assignee.
The Crown dining ball. No. 1753 Sec
ond avenue, is now ready to furnish you
the best meal in the city for 25 cents.
150,000 to loan on real estate security,
in sums of $200 and upward, at lowest
current rates of interest, .without com
mission. E. W. Hurst, Attorney at
law, Rock Island.
Surety oa Bonds.
Those who are required to give bonds
in positions of trust, and who. desire to
avoid asking friends to become their
sureties, or who may wish to relieve
friends from further obligations as bonds
man, should apply to tbe agent of tbe
American Surety Co., of New York.
Ed. Likberksecht,
General Insurance Agent.
Rock Island, 111.
Cheapest and best place in the paper for
Wants." "IiOft." "Sale" and "Rent" notices.
Only one-half cent a woid. Everybody reads this
column. Try it.
IKL WANTED At Mrs. C. C. Taylor s.
X' 111
Enquire ou tbe premises.
honvht, sold
kjor exi'haneed.
Money loaned or Furniture
stored at 8 Eset Second street, Davi-njiort.
provement on Elevators. Now in oiH-'ralion at
Mar Kininbin Works, S:MS Hamilton SU, l'liilaila.
Pa; preserves life and limb; for full iM-iticulars
apply to ROUT J. WALKER. Inventor.
tleirnn to canvass for s new invention; sal
ary f2 a day. Eiicru nee uum-ces-nry. C. R. 1.
salesmen at once for Illinois and lona. D.
R. Ingersoll A Co., and ;t Dearborn SI. Chi
cago, 111. feb in
Island and every town in this locality todis
tribute circulars ; for particulars send reference
and address. T. N. Crowley, 6J6 Main SI, Tene
llante, Indiana.
Rranch office, at her own borne, lor the Fa
mous Female Specific "oranse l.ily"; a splendid
opportunity; atliiress with stamp. The Dr. Coon
ley Medical Inslitnle, South iiend I ml.
L M o n
I c
o s
K mm n ttt
Morl.l over. So ts Mr.
lilt'ltil.tlieiiiiiM.-uri-n-f their fam-'iis
re-iamum m hi iiralwa. V w vrti. W e
want avnl in all irts ..I tin f. s for Ins Ink4,.
Th Tall-," the imm reliaMe l ou cu
linary art e-r b-.iie.l, ami the onl l ner
eiiilorted by the m-linonH-in. It a-ontanix the.
simplest at well as the nnist el.tlioraie reelpe.
sijles enomiotiH. t'Hiiint-.sitiii lilH-ral. Send
f r circulars & unz tenn,arnlf.X'einieii recij-
(sarin U Wrfettcr fx, PsIk., Niaantpslis flisa.
ATTORNEY AT LAW Office with. T. Ken
worthy, lfJS Second Avenue.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Rock Islsnd
National Bank Kuilding, Kock 1-lanJ, 111.
Otnce in Ueugston's Mock, K-s k li-latid. 111.
ATTORNEY'S AT LAW Loan mon. v or tron.l
A security, make collections.
hvffrence. Mitch-
ell A Lymle. hankers.
Offlee in POstott.-e Mock.
FOR SALE EVEKY KYKNiNt; at Crampton's
Newsstand, rive cents per copy.
DRS. KCTIlEi.t)KD ic ItUTLF.i:,
Irv collece, Velemary Phyticinti nnp Suri-or;.
office: Tiiulair Livery stable; Kesidence: Over
Asters Bakery, market square. ,
The First National hank of Rock Inland. Ms..l
located at llork Inland, in the state of lliinol-, is
closing np its air.vr. All noie holder anil o hers,
creditors of said Association, are then-fore bery-dv
no tiled to present the notes an t other claims
against the AtSicinttnn for pnvnient .
. L. MITCHELL. President.
Pated April 19. 1S!1
Salesmen wTKJiD
To sell our poods hv sample to wholesale and re
tail trade. We are the larwt manufacturer in
our line. Liberal salary paid. Permanent osi
tion. Money advanced for wages, advertising.
etc r or rerms aourcs
CtHTEKNIAL XF0. CO.. Chicago, III.
procured. Inrr:ae ail other soKIiers' claim
prosecuted. Write u about yonr ease. Room 4.
Metropolitan block, t htcao, 1.1.
(Soccessor to Guthrie Jt Collins)
Contractor Builder.
Plans and estimates fnrnished. A specialty
made of fine work. All orders attended to
promptly and satisfaction cuarnnleed.
W OUice and shop No. ISIS Third avenue.
WM. 0. KULP.D. D.S.
Rooms s 27, 2S and .
Take Elevator. "AVEMMUT, I A.
(Charted by the Legislator!.' of Illinois.)
Open daily from II A. M. to 3 P. M.. and onTue
uay anu siaiurtiny nvcuinir iroiu 4 ui
8 o'clock.
Interest allowed on Dcsposits at tlie rat
of 4 per Cent, per Annum.
Deposits received in amounts of
f 1 and Upwards.
The nrivate property of the Trustees ts respon
sible to the depositor. The officers are prohibi
ted from borrowing any of its moneys. Minor
and married women protected by special law.
OTnciB: H W. WnsinrK-K. President: Pon-
tkk Skimmer, Vice President; C F. Hkbemwt,
Tntisratoi: S. W. Whs. lock. Porter Skinner.
C. r". llemeuway, J. Silas Loac, t). 11 Kdwnnlt.,
Hiram Darling, A. S. Wright. J. K. Real or. L.
It, llemenway, t . Vltr.thnm.
HTTbe only chartered Havings Hank In Rock
Island CoiiBty.
K H. Mii.lkb. Prvs't.
B. F. Nmith, 1 ioe-lre't.
K. II. I:as. ftUv
J. j:. KiDiM!
rerfort protection t::iiiit lmrglitrs, tliii-ves
and tire with iu Fire and Lui -lii I'r.Nrf
Vaults and Safe's. Is now preiNtntl to rent
naiet in 11s v milts, wuu eiiner culiiniiKilioii or
key locks. The l.s-ks ot tlit- (cites are nil
dilTerent, and imdi-r the eontrol of tlie renter,
bwli sle contains a tut u in w-bieli to ul.u-e
valiutbles just sis-li aeeoiiiniNi:i.tioiis hs are
wanted ty AdmuiistrHlors, Kxet-iilora, tiuanl
laiitt. Capitalists, M;irrHil tr Single Wnmrii,
Farmers, Meelimih-s, TravcMnir Men, or
Strangers, having valuables. I'rivato retiring
rooms lor tne examination 01 p;is-rs, -te
Kates in all ai.es, riuigiug iu lir'H-e, is-r hiiiiuiii
from Three Dollars up to Thirty Ikillars, ae
cording to size and Wat ion. Also, tttoragv
RiNMU for pai'kitgea, Isixes or trunks. If you
are going to travel, this is the only nlaoe of al-
solute safety ill the three eitbs tor your silver
and otlier valuables. Charges reasiHiahlo.
Call and see our Vaults, whether you desire a
Halts or not. .
M. J. I10IOFS, Cusrodtait.
All II nflP 1 1 We Pack earefulrv nod
UllilllUE Ij Prepay Fretsht FREE
UUHIIUI of CHARCE to purcha
sers, on all CASH orders during our 30
-Real Estate-
Insurance Apt
Represents, among other time-tried and well
known Fire Insurance Companies he following:
Royal Insurance Company, of England.
Wesrhester Fire Ins. Company of N . Y.
Hnffalo German Ins. Co., Buffalo, N. V.
Rochester German Ins Co., Rochester, IT. T.
Citiiens Ins. Co., of Pitubnrgb, Pa.
8nn Fire Office. London.
Union Ins. Co., of California.
Secnrity Ins. C - New Hiven, Coin.
Milwaukee Mechanics Ins. Co.. Milwaukee, Wis
German Fire Ins. Co of Peoria, 111.)
Office No. 1608 8econd Ave.,
City Scavenger,
w hich dues its work in a thorough manner.
tSIt thoroughly purifies the air and removes
all obnoxious smells. For sale at Emit KehlerV
Trice 50 Cents per Bottle.
Cast IronWork
done. A specialty of fiirnisbini; all kimls
of Moyea with Cabling? ot 8 cents
per pound.
-Genung Grocery-
a,nd has removed lo
Third Ave., ami Tenth St.
ty lie soliri 8 tli trail"- lon enjoyed
b? his predeopsor and as many r.ew
customers a
irish t favor him witb
their onlers
John Volk & Co.,
House Builders.
- M ann fact nrers of
Sath, DvXirs, Blinds. Siiling, Flooring.
and all kind of wood work for bnilderx.
Eighteenth SI., lc. Third and Fonrtb ave.,
a. win ria.
H. LxeBT-na.
Winter & Lemburg,
Wholesale Dealer and In-porters of
Wines and Uprs,
(removed to new quarters)
Nos. 1616 and 1618
Third avenue.
The cheapest over known
$225 Per Ton for Cash.
Will also contract to fnm'shTilc an Brick for
sidr alks and do eeneral Iniulm?. Office op
ite St. Joseph's church, Secoiid avenae.
Telephone I .16. T. H. &LLIS.
Manufacturer of
Awnings, Tents,
Wagon and all kinds of
Office and Factory 3tn Ilsrrison street,
Insurance Apt
The arid Plre and Tim tried Oompaa
re pre panted.
ate a low u ear ealUMe naiiaeT eaa ifat
I er patrons- I auUdteA
ta uvh atoek.
(Member American Ticket Brokers' Ass ti )
Reduced Rates to all Points.
OFFICE -In Adam Express Office rnder
Harper Boose.
Th P?!Km"R. B'erdea. Uilie and
Children Bicycle a specialty .
Kmura ADvuiainu Bcauu ia epraea
Mercer Conn
mm 1
Dattb Block,
Moline, niinoiii,
Practical Tile and Brick" M Layer.
Hesedcnce SVJ Twenty firal St. Yard near St. Paul Depot,
Rock Island, III.
(Estimate fnrti'shed fcr an v kind of Tile or Brick In the market. I aying of hrii k
ami ti e walks a eecialiy.
T. T. 13TXO N,
And Dealer in Mens Fine Woolens.
1706 Second Avenue.
Healer in New and
Second Hand Goods
The hilies nrice paid for p.ssl of anv kind.
Steam Cracker Bakery,
Ask jour Grocer for tticm. TUcy are leat
tr Sclalties; The Christy "OYSTER and the Christy "WAFKB."
From 9fl years experience in Flos
pital and Private practice is enabled
to guarantee radical tares in t'hronu
or K sonous diseas if the blood.
throat, no-e. skin, kidneys, bladder
and kindred oivaus. tiravel and stric
lure cured witnout pain or cutting.
Those who conte jiidate coine tt
Ilot Springs for the treatment of any
private or blood diseaescaa be caret:
for one-third the cost.
I AniF Bt ,w treatment a
M I O lovely complexion. fre
irom saiiowness, mkles, eruptions,
elc brilliant ee and perfect beallti
can be bad. 4F"Tlil 'tired fi-el-ini!"
and all female weakness pronit
ly cured. Itloatine, headaches, Ner
vons I'roet ration, and Sleetdessness.
Ovarian trouhlts. Inflammation and I Iceration.
Faliineand displacements, Spinal weakness and
hsnire of Life. Consult the old doctor.
NFRXnil? Physical and Orpanic weak-
w " w -'' ness. premature decay, evil
forehodines. solt-ditrast, impaired memory, pal
pitat.on of ihe heart, pimples on the face, specks
before the KYK, rintrtn in the car. ca'arrh.
inreaienea concumpnon ana every disqualifica
tion that renders marriage impner and unhanpv
horrible In its result completely eradicated
without the use of mercurs. Jcnfnla, Krjsipe
ls. Fever So es. Blotches, Tirrples. l lcers. in
in the Head and Bones, fyphiltic ore ThroMt and
Tonpoc. Ulandular enlaivement of the Neck,
Khenmstism. etc .cured when others have failed.
RljPTMRF Cured with at in or hind
rvw r I U n t r pc from husiuos.
URINARY lKecently contracted or
viunniii, chronic diseases POSITIVELY
enred in 3 to H day hf a Uical remedy. No nau
seon drujrs nsed. Meilicines mailed or express-
ea io any amiress rree from observation. Chr
pesfair. TenusCah. Book and question list
15c. A fri ndly talk costs nothing.
HOVRS: H,m. tolim..to3and7to8p m,
Sumtav: a to S p. m.
(Late of Clocinnati, Ohio,)
Has Permanently Located in
In the past two months he has sncccsfully
treated almost
00 CHM
of the most severe character. Below he rives tbe
nsmes of a few that be ba successfully treated,
who are well known, that live in Davenport and
J. H. Harrison. Rock Island county, Mrs. A. J
Mrson, heart disease.
- Mis Anna Davis. F. A. Stearns, srrofola.
Charles (tordon. Hrnry Winebent. rhemaiiam.
Mr. Anna Welsh, neuralcla.
Mrs. L. A. Cowen. tleo. Bryant, R. L. Pmith,
Jennie Waybeiry, Mary Micrbine, A. B. Thomp
son, female diseases.
These are a few of the many case he has suc
cessfully ttested. tut tbey are enough ta show
what can be done by one who thoioavhly ander
stand. the caase of disease.
lr-Los t,i Manhood, Seminal Weaknesa, and
fcrrors of loutb. jiositlvely and permanently
tT"ases successfully treated by correspon
deuce. Cnrrespoadeare accompanied by 4c
In stamp promptly answered.
Offlce McCaHoagV New Block.
W. Third Street, near Main,
- HABTZ A BAHNSEN, -DraestsUt,
Sole Agents, corner Third avenae aad
..Twentieth atroet, ock Island, 11L "
f..Tf l?T ."r.1- O'aalness. r ii-. Nenr.,lirla. Wke
, 111 ll "pesioB.fcirttei.inirol llu lsni re
i pi? '-'' d I'l.iur U, mi.y .lee. d
? ' IUrea.-K.. ..I p"r
..VZZ..h7 OT"W ot ike l.. .m. m-:i ...:.b
V?t h J.'.S'; Vr ' ent t,v Hal I prenyl I.
' 11 e ' a unii-r for mi itoxe-i. m nl ,nl i,un J..
Steam Fitters.
A complete stock of
Pipe, Brass Goods, Packing.
Ilose, Fire Brick, Etc
Sole Agent for
We guarantee every one perfect, and will send fii.,
Twenty da;' trial, to responsible parties
Safety Heating Doilers and Contractors f.i
furnishing and laying Water, and
Sewer Pipe.
1713 First Ate ,
Rock Island, Illiuoi-.
Telephone 1148. Reeldecce Telephone
Will trade, si 11 or bay anything.
No. 1614 Seoocd Av nu'
Dr. Zhn Dyks l
Wholesale Atreou. Hock I-lat '1
Stop that Cough?
Or it will stop jou
How Will You Do It?
The. Surest thing known is
The Great Restorer!
Not only jour cough, Lut four
Brom-bia, trouble, as will as
many other tb'ngs. It is war
ranted. You are loosing time,
money, and perhaps your life, in
this delay. It is worth inyeMi
gatlng. Addreas
1300 Portland Ave. Minneapolis, Minn.
For particulars, medicines, etc. Price $1 " V!
bottle. Yo druggist can pet it .
V Liquor Habit.
am me wopio matt vs strr oticvee
Hejafce,!,!. . ae tea. h
". without th. kaowUxUn at tie ralirt-.. J
necessary. It is absolutely harm I en and will ef!
pnvianmll and speedy eura, whether th r"'"' ?2
moderate drinker or aaalanholiewreeh. II
It operate so qaietly asd with .neb er'-
tainty that the patient undersoe oa iniaenini.
"2 wre. his eomrl'te rw.-irm.tioo
enected. 8 pace book of putmun tree.
Marshall & Fisher and T. II. thorn-, d-"-fieta,
Kock Island, III. ay i-il
The Great French Remedy for Snpprrjri-'W
and Monthly Irremlaritire.
Udie Ise Le Dnc"s Periodical Pil', of rn.
France; guaranteed to accomplish all th-l '
claimed for them. To be nsed monthly for tr""-t'
C-culiar to women. Full dtrects.ns itn es S
ix. $i per ho or three I oies for 5.
Pill Co., royalty proprietors, hprocer, ! ' '
genuine pill obtained of otto Kudert, klai'ti";:
ork Island, Jappe & Co, Iacsrt, ami
druririst. ml
Ute O Is aeknowl.lr
the l.-a.line reme.ii
lisrrkirs .lee
Iheotilv sale irm'fl
Lraerrieea-rw hi
i . it .n i hvi
safe in ree..mmendu"
fvi to all sunvrer.
A. J. Ml'MS- "
I., .ti a lib
NI4 J lrtiic;
Itlt b
Import a l-illiMOl trann-a. t" tx
I avoves ail m4e, IrMrklev .11 li--"''"'' " .
m Far EfMyveVr. M
Z mn k BAILNSEN, VLoltsale kmU.
J t-ureslii " I
fl To l)A YS.I
i. I i ( Ut VJ
ana anwtree.
Tat bw Im
asaa. hm m a
Mtr by M Brst-rlaradrtum u eriBaueo

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