OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, June 20, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1890-06-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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Frud. Jaiins.
John Bebtelsen.
Copper, Tin anft Sheet Iron Wort,
And House Furnistiing Goods.
'"Steamboat and Distillery Work a Specialty.
Bargains in China Ware.
Tea and coffoe enps, 3 tles ?o each
Saucers to match 2c "
ltiio. oval ilWu IV: "
lliu. ' Wc "
l'-'iu. plated c v
4in. enuce dishen 3c
Ntu. eauce or vegetable dirties . 12c 4i
Tin ' 10c "
Kits cups c "
Bone dinhfi 8c "
These good were slightly ilmiaei'd in hipping,
hut wonld be banjaius at one half more than we
auk for the in.
4 piece g den sets '3"c
llerker'a titchf n soap, per box 15c
Pure Iri'h linen paper, per quire 8c
Envelopes to match per pack.... 10c
1703 Second Avenue.
"Wholesale Dealers for the Celebrated
Pastuer Germ Proof Filters.
Copper-Smithing. Sheet Iron, Gas and .
Steam Fitting, Also Sewer work.
Opposite Harper House.
$2.50 Per Gallon.
Removed to 219 Seventeenth Street -
Kidney and Liver Pills
For the cure of all disorders of the Liver, Kidney and Stomach.
Astonishing Omissions in Rock Is-
The Entire City Kaaald be Ke-Caa-vaaaed
Wht Have Beea
The Aitocs continues to learn of omis
sions in taking the census. Tbis is
not true of one district, but of
the entire city, and if something
is not done Rock Island will find
itself much smaller when the re
ports are in than it was ten jesrs ago. It
bchooveB ever; citizen possessed of pride
in his twn, therefore, to make a per
sonal exertion to the end that Rock Is
land's pc pulation may be folly and ac
curately counted. Today the Argus
learned that the family of W. S.
Knowltou came very near being
omitted, and would have been but
for Mr. i nowlton's determination that it
should not be. The family of Dr. Thos.
Gait. C. W. Negus. Frank Math, Frank
ilerlitzka, C. J. Warner, J. F. Renfro,
Mrs. Woline and A. Q. Boebler have
been omi ted and tfcgse most likely only
speak for hundreds.
In Dubuque they have adopted a good
plan for having everyone counted. The
board of trade has appointed a commit
tittee to canvass the entire city, and the
supervisor of the district will be asked to
have his official lists revised according to
these reti rns in order that no omissions
be made.
The Akoos suggests that every citizen
of Rock Island conBt'tute himself a com
mittee of one to investigate as far as pos-
ible who have been missed, and if the
araes of those omitted, together with the
address and number in the family are
sent to the Akgus it will bring the SHme
to the attention of the enumerators.
They are safe, sure and pleasant and act like a charm.
They have no equal as a Family Pill, and that all may try them
we give away a sample package FREE. Call and get one.
Regular Size 25c a Bottle.
Draggist, Rock Island.
Jim Jt r' MaMiralr and I hr Trinity
lid tVativat at the lav-nrt
ItnmeHtrad -Other F.venlH.
Last evening the Bailey Davenport
mansion on Seventh avenue was thrown
pen to the social world for the first
me in a great many years, and many
there wer who improved the opportuni
ty allordi d by the nuisicale given by Mrs
Milton Jones. to accept of the hospitality
f that laiy.and also to inspect the old
tiomesteail. In the afternoon the Im
provement Guild of Trinity church gave
an ice cream ami strawherrv festival.
which w8 liberally piitronied, and in the
evening Mrs. Milton Jones concert took
lace in tbe parlors. The programme in
luded a piano duet by Louie and Min
nie .Jones; a song, "Shopping," by Mat
tie Jnnet ; a son?, by Miss Lila Pntitli,
a vocal duet, by Mrs. Geo. Walker and
Mr. J. I.. Jlebert: a sons. "Bound to
Marry," by Mattie and Louie .Tones; a
nong, "Beautiful Ulue lnnle. Iy Mrs
ones; so ig, "Kissing Papa Through the
Teleph;)n:," Mat'.ie Jones; baritone solo.
Mr. J. L. tlelx-rt ; song. "The Owl and the
Pussy Ca" Louie Jones; song. "Going to
Write to Papa," Mattie, and Lottie
Jones; piuno duett, Rollie Peal and Miss
Ilelmbeck ; song, "Bachelor," by Louie
Jones; song, "Johnny Jones and his Sister
Sue," by Louie and Mattie Jones, and
ast, but not least, a speech by Master
Milton Jones, Jr.
Miss Grace Gue, daughter of Rev. G.
W. Gue, entertained a number of her lit
tie friends very pleasantly last evening
on the occasion of her fourteenth birth
day anniversary.
Mrs. J. S. Gilmore gives an elaborate
reception tomorrow afternoon in honor of
Miss Genevieve Thompson.
Miss Jennie Warner gave a ladies' re
ception this afternoon.
A number of Rock Island and Davenport
people enjoyed asocial evening at Spring
Cove last evening. Elegant refreshments
were served.
Kxploit or a M aline Venae Saa la
lodaiac the Pol lee tad How He fi
nally Came to Wrtet.
State's Attorney Sturgeon has bad
quite an experience at Moline the past
few days. Fred Calkins bad been arrest
ed for criminal assault. Fred had suc
ceeded in having the case postponed on
one pretest or another, but when the
time came for hearing at 3 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, he did not ap
pear. He had gone to his house and
locked all the doors, not again appearing
to ascertain whtn the trial would come
off. The police, however, went to his
house in tbe afternoon, but Calkins, who
could be heard on the inside, wouldn't
admit them. Officer Starofsky kept a
lookout for Fred, and finally captured
him about 5 o'clock, having secreted him
self near tbe door of the house. When
the boy with the evening paper came
along, Fred called to him to throw it
up to the second story window, but
the paper wouldn't carry, so the news
boy left it on the sidewalk c'ose to
the door. After tbe boy had gone Mr.
Calkins descended the stairs, quietly
opened the front door a few inches, slid
out his hand and grasped the paper
Tbis proceeding proved disastrous for
Fred, for as he grabbed the paper Nostic,
quick as a fltsh, was on his doorstep and
prevented him from shutting the door.
Calkins was without shoes or coat, so the
officer allowed him to go up to bis room
to get them. But even then he tried to
get away by running upstairs and attempt
ng to lock an inner door, but the officer
was too quick tor him. He was
brought before Magistrate Kerns and
the state's attorney and put under
$200 bonds to appear for trial at
a. m. yesterday. A change of venue
was taken to Justice si apes. Mrs. Jack
son was the clnei witness tor the state.
She told how tbe assault wa9 committed,
he being in the front room at the Calk-.
ns bouse when be came behind her, put
is handsmv her shoulder, and after
wards hugged and attempted to kiss ber.
The officers told of the arrest and the
nnecesary delay in the case caused by
Fred's atiscenre at times when it has
been up for trial, and of his locking him
self in his house, and his subsequent cap
ture. Calkins refused to make any state
ment, but kept up a continual contradic-
ion of the officers and woman while
their testimony was being given.
The court found the defendant guilty
as charged, and assessed a fine of $5 and
costs; but the costs are what counted.
Fred hud subpiienoed about seven wit
nesse, and everyone of them claimed
fees, some for as mueh as three and four
days' service. In all the fine and costs
mounted to $25 40. He took an appeal
to the circuit court.
A Wilfully lUynaril toon.
List Wednesday Mrs Shay complainid
o the Moline police of the behavior of
ler son, chnrgtng lure, with being a vaga
bond, a drunkard, etc. A warrant was
issued, and he was arrested. Before
Magistrate Kerns he was given a hearing
mmcdiately, and pleaded hard for len
iency. Mis mother and Tine of the officers
however, testified that he was a good for
nothing, Iszy and dissolute character.
His mother wanted him sent away from
her, he haying been in the habit of go
ng home drunk and refusing to work
and pay his board. He is almost twenty
one years of atreT The magistrate said
that from what he had heard he bad ins
tended to send tbe ungrateful son to the
county jail for six months the full limit
but on his (Shay's) promise to reform
would send him up for ninety days, and
he was sent.
A Ken Switch-Hoard and Other Ad
vantajrra at the Rock Inland Kx
Some improvements, which when com
pleted, U e public will appreciate, are be
ing made in tbe local exchange of the
Central District Telephone company in
Star block. The rooms have been entire
ly remodeled, a neat counter put in, sep
arating tbe operating department from
the reception rooms and a closet made,
so that tlose calling at the office to com
municate with toll stations may do so
without disturbing tbe operators. An
entirely rew switch board is being put in.
It is of the latest improved standard de
sign and has a capacity for 300 drops, or
fifty in addition to those now in use, if
necessary. It Is provided with "ring off
shutters," so that one ringing up the ex
change is not cut into until he is through.
There is also connected with it a cross
connecting board.and a lightning arrester
which o Derates not only to stay the
lightning before it comes to the cable,
but protects the cable from contact with
other eleotric wires, thus insuring safety
at all times to the patrons of the ex
change nd the operators. 1 be latest
improved transmitters and receivers are
to be ptovided. One hundred and fifty
feet of n!W cable have been run into the
building, and when Manager Bartlett is
through with his improvements he will
have in Uock Island one of the liest tele
phone of Ices in the country. The rooms
are to be refurnished and Mrs. Bixby, the
Misses Johnson and Miss Kuox, tbe local
operator J, provided with new and more
comfortable chairs.
Fourth of July Esenrsions-
The n . R. I. & P. railway will sell ex
cursion tickets to any station east of the
uioannri river on their line and through
tickets ti points on tbe Burlington, Cedar
.nid i-. Northern and Minneapolis
. T.nnU railwavs. July 3 and 4. 1890, a
a single fare for the round trip, making
tickets good for return passage on or be
fore July 7. ,.,.. t
C. H. Skkltoh. Ticket Agent.
Mint, wintergreen, maple and lemon
wafers extra fine ana iresn a crcu
stiver KlnletM.
The t. Paul went up the river this
morning with a good trip.
The packet Pittsburg cime down this
The Tenbroeck, Ravenna and Roheit
Dodih went north.
The river is rising again. At 6 o'clock
this morning tbe stage was 10:70 and at
noon it was 10. 80. The temperature at
noon was 81.
It has recently been discovered that tbe
wife of the first private secretary of
Abraham Lincoln is a cook on the steam
er St. Croix. The secretary's name was
Frank Milton. lie was born and raised
in Dubuque, and was a brilliant fellow
He was Mr. Lincoln's secretary for two
years or more. He returned to Dubuque
and died several years ago, leaving his
family destitute.
County Commt'caa Kmting.
Moline. III., July 18. All members of
the democratic county committee are re
quested to meet at the parlors of the Rock
Island bouse at 1 o'clock p. m. on tur
day, June 21, to consult upon matters of
importance to tbe committee at this time
UKO. W. Vinton, uuairman.
Rot k Island Plow Block for Bale.
Sixty thousand dollars (f (50.000) of the
canital stock of the Ruck is and i'low
company for sale. Present price thirty
five cents on the dollar. Apply to
B. D. Buford.
Rock Island, June 20, 1890.
All dog owners are hereby notified that
they must procure checks for 1890 before
July 1, as all dogs seen without checks
attached after that date will be shot by
the police on sight. I'iriL Mii.lkr,
City Marshal.
Dr. C. C. Carter bas removed his of
fice to rooms over McCabe Bro's. dry
goods store.
A widow twenty-eight years old wants
a situation as housekeeper. Enquire at
J. W. Jones' intelligence office and sec
ond hand store, 1614 Second avenue.
Sten in to Krell & Math's ice cream
narlor and try a dish of the finest and
purest ice cream made.
Wanted to rent House of six or seven
rooms, with good yard, in central por
tion of tbe city. Enquire at this office
Whitman's butter cups and marsh-mal
lows put up in fancy half pound boxes at
Krell & Math's.
Chas. E. Hodgson insures against fire,
lightning, windstorms and , tornadoes.
Rates as low as consistent with the risk
Truth is more of a stranger than fic
Dexter peas at F. G. Young's.
Nice strawberries at Browner's.
Spring chickens at Browner's.
Georgia watermelons at May's.
Nice Cauliflower at F. G. Young's.
Red and black raspberries at May's.
Black and red raspberries at Long's.
Has the census enumerator called on
Base ball Sunday Rock Island vs.
Sociable tonight at the United Presby
terian church .
Firstclass union tailors wanted imme
diately at Hoppe's.
L. H. Mills, of Brooklyn, Iowa, is visit
ing bis brother, M. G. Mills.
Choice strawberries, blueberries and
raspberries at F. G. Young's.
Tbe Rock Islands and Fultons play at
the Rock Island park Sunday.
Tickle your palates with a taste of good
things at the Uoiled Presbyterian church
sociable tonight.
Ex G )v. Hamilton was in the city
again last evening on his way from Cam
bridge to his home in Chicago.
If you have not yet been recorded by
the census taker, give the matter your at
tention at once. This is your duty.
The marriage of Mr. John Gibson and
Miss Mary Ferron takes place at St. Jo
seph's church next Wednesday.
Cauliflower, cucumbers, bananas, or
anges, strawberries and a full assortment
of home grown vegetables at Long's.
Would-be Senator Crawford was in tbe
city this morning attempting to make
place with the leaders of the party.
The young ladies of the United Pres
byterian church invite the patronage of
their friends at their sociable tonight-
Mrs. J. Warner Crandall left yesterday
morning to spend tbe summer months at
tbe home of her mother, at Ithaca, N. Y.
Miss Emma Biddison left this morning
for the east, expecting to spend the next
two months at tbe seashore and at other
places of pleasure.
Manager Blecker, of the Rock Island
base ball club, has arranged for a game
with the Fulton nine at tbe Rock Island
paik Sunday afternoon.
Winslow Howard has purchased the
Thos. G. Pilgrim ten acre tract of land
n South Rock Island with good house
and outbuildings, for $3,500.
Ticket Agent Skelton has a rate of $23
firstclass to Denver over the Rock Island
good going on the 2tst, 221 and 23d. and
returning within thirty days.
A marriage license was issued vester-
day afternoon to Mr. Selh M. Crane, tbe
popular actor and singer of Boston, and
Miss Lizzie A. Graham, of this citv.
A little girl fell from a waeron at the
corner of Twelfth street and Eighth ave
nne yesterday afternoon, striking her
head heavily, but was not dangerously
A' the borne of the bride's parents. Mr.
aud Mrs. John Long, on Thirteenth ave
nue, west of Elm slreet.last evening, Rev.
Margins united in marriage Mr. C. Her
man and Miss Agnes Loug.
The family of the late Michiel Kinnev
lesire to thank St. Plrick"s Benevolent
society, the Rock Island stone cutters,
and friends for kindness during their re
cent bereavement.
Tbe mayor and the fire and light com
mittee of the city council will go to Dav
enport tomorrow to inspect the outfit of
the paid fire department there, in order
to get some pointers for guidance in put
ting in the new system in Rock Island.
:u perm tendon t Porter, in charge of
the census, bas issued orders that enu
meratora must continue work until their
districts are completed. Thev will be
id for additional time on the certinca
tion of the supervisor. If you have not
b-en interrogated, send in your name.
The remains of Mrs. Mary Remer ar
rived from Elgin last evening and were
iken in charge by Un.1er:ker Knox,
from whose rooms the funeral was held
at 8 o'clock this mornine. Rev. G. W.
Gue. officiating. Tbe body was depos-
ted temporarily in the vault at Chip-
Lightning struck the house of Dr.
Sloan in Moline during the terrific thun
der storm between midnight and one
o'clock tbis mornine. but no serious
lamage was done. It sounded for awhile
as if the entire city of Rock Island might
t;e unpleasantly electrified.
The sluice-way which crosses Second
avenue on Fifteenth street proves to be
too small to carry off the water in time of
an ordinary storm. The street commis
sioner's attention has been called to tbe
mattei. Water stands four inches deep
on tbe south side, awaiting a chance to
go through to the river.
The mayor of Moline has given orders
to Marshal Kittdsen to the effect that each
officer report to him the distance traveled
by each individual officei, day or night,
and also the distance of trips made by the
patrol wagon each day. Tbe method by
which this is to be ascertained is not ex
plained. Probably a cyclometer is to be
attached to each official.
They are going to have a big Fourth of
July demonstration at Duniap's grove,
near Taylor Ridge. Mr. T. C.
Lewis is to be president of the day. and
Rev. T. R. Johnson, chaplain. C. J.
Searle, of this city, will be the orator of
tbe day. Tnere will be plenty of good
old-time sports, music and a general good
time. H. B. Carpenter and Spencer
Rotiinson are the marshals.
Tbe boy who stole the money from
Ti od all's livery stable, as stated in the
Annus of last evening, lives in Kansas,
and he ran away from home on Memorial
day, fully determined to exterminate all
Indians in the wild and wooly west, but
he got headed tbe wrong way and wound
up in Rock Island. He bad been feeding
bis tirain on dime-novel literature. He is
ready to go home and behave himself
now, and will be given a chance to.
The Tri-City Ministerial Union meets
at 10 a. m. June 30, at Black Hawk tow
er. ' 1'he programme will consist of a pas
per by the Iter. J. II. Kerr, of Rock Isl
and, on "Tbe Introduction to the New
Testament, its Value to tbe Pastor," fol
lowed by adjournment for dinner. In tbe
afternoon will be an experience meeting,
led by the president, the Rev. J. B. Lit
tle, of Davenport, subject. "Tbe Ups and
Downs of Ministerial Life.
The latest "fad" for church sociables
is somewhat novel.and at a social recently
held in a neighboring city it proved a
drawing card. Eleven young ladies im
personated slaves and were put up at auc
tion. They were draped in sheets so as
to be unrecognizable. They brought
45 to 95 cents each. That quotation i ran
so low is explained by the fact that it was
incumbent upon each purchaser to buy
all the ice cream, cake and lemonade she
demanded, and to escort her home after
the entertainment.
The delegates to tbe republican state
convention at Springfield, June 24, have
arranged to go via the Rock Island A Pe
oria railway on account of the good cons
nections that way both.goioe and return
ing, and the low rate of f 6 60. ' Leave
here on the morning train at 8:15, arrive
at Springfield at 3:50 p. m.,or leave on af
ternoon train at 2:20 and arrive at Spring
field at 11 p. m. Returning, leave
Springfield at 10 a. m. arrive at Rock
Island ht 7:30 p. m., or leaye Springfield
a'. 12, noon, arrive at Rock Island at 7:30
p. m.
The Base Ran Thumpers.
Chicago, June 20. The score made on
the base ball field yesterday were as fel
lows: League: At Brooklyn Brooklyn 8,
Philadelphia 6; batteries Smith and
Clements, Terry and Bushong. At Cin
cinnati Cincinnati 4, Chicago 2; batteries
Hutchinson and Kittridge. Duryea and
Keenan. At Pittsburg (first game) Pitts
burgh, Cleveland 2; batteries Wadsworth
and Zimmer, Will Gumbert and Decker;
(second gam) Cleveland 7, Pittsburg 1;
batteries Lincoln and Zimmer, Zeigler,
Sowders and Decker.
Brotherhood: At New York New York
12, Philadelphia 2; batteries Keefe cd
Vanghn, Cunningham and Cross. At
Pittsburg Pittsburg ftrTalo 6; bat
teries Ualvin afi.i otrroll, Keefe and
Mack. At Chicago Chicago 20. Cleve
land 9; batteries Baldwin and FarrelL
McGill and Snyder. So game at Boston.
Western: At Minneapolis St. Paul
Minneapolis 11; at Sioux City Denver 1,
Sioux City 4.
Will Renominate Hendemoa.
Dcnrgi K, la., June 20. At the Repub
'icaQ county convention yesterday dele
gates to t he congressional convention fa
vorsble t.t Col. Henderson were elected,
aid resolutions were passed indorsing his
vote on the MeKinley bill and bis avowed
prohibitory inclinations. It is now prac
tically settled that Henderson will be re
nominated for congress at the Waterloo
convention July 9.
lHil Some Poor Shooting.
Coi.u.MitiA, S. C, June 20. Last even
ing several pistol shots were fired in front
of the Opera house, on Main street, and
then two men were seen grappling. They
were Dr. W. W. Kay, of Conuaree, this
county, and Trial Justice F. H. Weston,
recently appointed. The men are coasina,
and both are young. Weston was shot in
the left side and left thigh, and Ray got a
scalp wound. The firing was at close
range, the combatants being almost within
arm's length.
The Rpnlllcann of Vermont.
MoNTPKLIER, Vt., June 20. The Repub
lican state convention yesterday nomi
nated the following state ticket: Governor,
C. S. Paitre; lieutenant governor, II. A.
Fletcher; secretary of state, C. W. Brow
nell. Jr.; auditor, E. (. Powell; treasurer,
H. H. Feld. The platform is a general
indorsement of tbe national and Kate administrations.
Oppfmen Medirnl ETRiulning Hoard.
Wai kf.su A, Wis., June 20. The ques
tion of leislatit-n. relating to the make
up of state Ikiards of iacdic.il examination
was disposed of yesterday in the Ameri
can Institute of Homeopaths in session
here. A rvmilutiim recorumendiiig state
ajtli. Tor etich school of medicine was
lckt.ttndt he old resolutions against, any
nd all examining lnl indnrseu.
A handsome complexion is one of the
greatest charms a woman can possess.
Pozzoni's Complexion Powder gives it.
Mclntire Bros, have a new and reliable
kid glove cleaner; cleans perfectly and
leaves no odor.
At first thought one might suppose the
Bar association to be the proper body to
issue liquor licenses.
C. A. Steel, - - Manager.
One Solid Week, commencing
Standard Theatre Co.,
Opcnine In the Fsmons Southern Comedy
Ilrama in & Acta, entitled
Change of Play Nightly.
A valuable preent riven wy every nicht. and
on Saturday eight we will give away a GOOD
Prices only 10 and 20c No Higher.
Reserved seats for Male at nenal place.
Curtain Fixtures,
Brass Rods,
Table and Shelf Oil
Are in. May be you are thinking of
Mclntire Bros, show a splendid as
sortment in Satins, Gauze, Feather,
Ostrich, etc, etc..
Feather Fans, 15c.
Feather Fans, 25c
Colors blu, Pink, cream. Scarlet.
Some pleasant surprises for you in
the way of low prices in other styles of
We place on sale Monday morning
new wash goods in Marquise cloth
(similar to bastite) in pretty ombre ef
fects, fast colors at 12Hc-
taPictnro Cord, Twine, Naile
and Hnokf at lowest pnca.
Call and see.
C. C. Taylor
1625 Second avenue,
Under Bock Islaaa Botua.
First Mortgages
im stm or
1200.00 and Upwards
For sale, secured on land worth from
three to five times the amount
of the loan.
Intereot 7 per cent aemi annaallj, collected ana
remitted Tree or cuarga.
Attorney at Law
Room I and 4 Masonic Temple,
Lloyd & Stewart.
ii t (i
Spring Styles now Ready.
Ilario OotKs,
similar to Scotch ginghams, fast colors
handsome coloring at 1 Oc This is be
low the regular price but we bought
them cheap and you get the benefit
SUMMER BEIGES Greys, double
told, 12Hc
MOHAIRS-Double fold, reduced
to 25c to close; colors gobelin, golden
brown, tan red, green," Iblue," seal
Challies, 4c a yard.
Challies, 5c a yard.
Hock Island. Illinois.
Who now own the largest ground floor
Furniture EstaMisMent
West of Chicago, are ready to take the people of this vicin
ity through one of the largest and finest
in this section of the country, which is elegantly lighted
and contains the largest and hansomest PATTERNS OF
ever seen in the three cities, and their stock of FURNI
TURE and CURTAINS is grander than ever.
Nos. 1525 and 1527 Second Avenue,
And Nos. 124, 126 and 128 Sixteenth Street,
Fine Millinery
Large Hats
to be
and -are
the ,
we ask
Newest Styles in Hats.
Latest Styles in Ornaments.
Prettiest Styles in Trimmings.
Richest Styles in Novelties.
Lovely Flowers,
all ready to put on.
LARGE HATS, representing every Flower that
ever grew, largest assortment in the city.
Childrens Mats,
Fine and Rough Straw, Trimmed and TJntrimmed
a complete assortment
Come and see the Styles we are offering.
At the Lowest prices in tne three cities.
For Ladies and Gentlemen.
td "Tanned Goods in all colors.
An Encyclopedia Valued at 6 00 Riven away to each customer baying $25 00
worth of Boots and Shoes. Call in and let na show you tbe book and
explain bow you can get it free.
CENTRAL SHOE STORE, 1818 Second Avenue.

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