i - IA. rs, - i -DAYS--6 i this week from Monday a. m. at cH ntvtil Saturday eve at v o ciock Trimmed Hats and Bonnets will :5 per cent discount. ALL! ALL! ALL! erve, every ready trimmed Hat inet in our house 25 per cent off resent marked price. No change ttenres but one-fourth off from ., of bill. To make this sale the pular of the entire season we m all Hats or bonnets free for ..-s. Remember this offer holds . r this week. Every item in our ry Department will be absolute rifict'd durintr this week. One jk six dozen. Misses fancy braid '..dnceairom 48c, sale price this 5 27c and trimmed FREE for any i-ishing them trimmed. Remem- illEE! FREE! FREE! i A grand rush this week on all aods, thin goods, fans, parasols, i fillers always find best selections. McOABE BROS. 1712. 1714. 1716. 1718. 1720 and 1722 Bkconb Avkkue. The Fair ! -Our Leaders this week , (iiire or 1 ponnd Devonshire linen ppr, rolled or plain ....... ;.nd cresm ruled commercial note, 108 sheets f orr irieh linen paper, ruled or uUin, per box t ail croquet m-t .wu tennis sets worth 111 W at '. u chair at 98c and jwnese lire screens off i emus hammocks . i nt, guaraa'cd pure, 1 lb. cans , nature beaten 13c and. ... , And niauv other bargains inJ see onr other novelties in stationery at RASMUSSEN, -The Photographer- 1725 SECOND AVENUE, Nxt ior to Crimpton's Bookstore, (up stairs .") itililic it rnrdially invited to inspect onr new nailery, the fluent Wst of Chicago it int imy exception. We have the only Camera kj l'hcit(iura(ih dirert. We have Che oi.ly Oallery liitmeiits, m fuel il contain more Instruments, Back Grounds, Photographic Furniture, 1111 ali the other Galleries In this city combined. We have a reputation ot the biuhest r iiid also the ability ana deterioinatiuu t snsTain it. Pasmusscn, lock Island. ADAMS C3 Hi? CD li bi WALL PAPER COMPANY- 312. 31-4 Twentieth St.. nd PostoGic Block, Moline. FINE WALL PAPER Exclusive spent ha. i.irii'-: llirue to roii, Jam-way A Co., Robert S. Yor. utt Caper ( 'o., ami Kobcri tiraves Jfc to. -K,K I .. SPECIALS hich Includes all the im-i i. hef dealeis. ANDERSON COUNTY SOURMASH $2.50 Per Gallon. I vOII & ADLEE, Removed to 219 Seventeenth Street MARKET SQUARE. THOMAS' Kidney and -ARE WONDERFUL PILL For the cure of all disorders of the They are safe, sure and pleasant and act like a charm. Thej have no equal as a Family Pill, and that all may try them we give away a sample package FREE. Call and get one. Regular Size 25c a Bottle. T. H. THOMAS, HO T Weather underwear. Another great attraction in warm weather underwear. One ase (32 dozen! ladies' fancy colored ribbed jersey vests, known as manufacturer's seconds- Only slight imperfections, sale price l uo. SEE? 10c, lOo, 10c Colors blue and pink only- Other choice good things in thin un derwear which cannot be found else where at the prices which we are will ing to name- NEW MITTS ? A lot of new black silk mitts just in. Three special values which we must mention-25c 34c-60 nothing to equal them offered this year. Our enormous sales on silk mitts make us think these may not last but a few days. We have already sold nearly 600 dozen silk mitts so far this season- HOT "Weather goods, white umbrellas, etc., etc. Early at The Fair are:- .. 85c .. 35c .. 18c .. 63c . 990 .. 1 18 75e ..' 10c .. S5c - iu glassware, etc onr art s'ore. KINGSBURY & SON, 1703 Second Avenue. iu this vicinity large enoiiyh to make llfe- in th's city which is firt-class tn all Its CD CO CD 2. L ROCK ISLAND- for the following six larest Wall Paper Ilolihs & Co., Nevin- a: Haviland, New Art papers. Price? frum In to 30 per cent liver Pills A- Liver, Kidney and Stomach. Druggist, Rock Island. g rock! li IN BATTLE AKRMl The County" Democracy Mak dominations. THIS AFTERNOON'S I COXYENTIOS. " " a-iaeefi ia the 'K Id , ..r, nrawarr lor Treasmrer. c. B. Marahall lor MMpcriBtfBdeat Oiher I'r.er, d !(. ForConnty .Tntge For County Clerk.. For Sheriff ...Vllittn. M. BLAND! sn CHAKLKS CKEl T7. V. D fiOKI KN ':;''FO B- KROWKER For Treasurer r or County Sup'i. . .nAKLKS B. MAKSULL The county democracy is out in full force today. The convention called at the court house this afternoon to nomi nate candidate for county offices has brought the members of the party to the city in great number, and not only is it true that the greatest enthusiasm prevails on all sides, but old-lime party memliere and leaders who have not actively iden tified themselves with the party for years beyond the casting of their straight Jef- fersonian ballot, were noticed taking the same interest in the discussions and o -her preliminaries is of yore. That there should be eudh a large attendance of farmers at this peculiarly busy season in the agricultural districts, and especially when we are cfxperiencing such terrific heat, is exceedingly gratifying and is suf ficient evidence lof tbe way the fanners are feeling andf with'; which party .hey are staking their political interests and influence in the present warfare aguinst thetariff robbers. .. CALLED TOGETHER. It wag shortly after 1:S0 oVlrrk whn the convention wai called to order at the court house by G. W. Vinton, Esq , caair man of the democratic county central committee. The call was read by Secre tary Casteel, after which John W. V'elch was chosen by acc amation for chairman. Mr. Welch returned hia thanks for the manifestation of confidence shown him by the parly, which had assembled not for the purpose j of going through the form of putting a ticket in tbe field, but with the intention of electing j4 ia its entirety. He stated it the dxiij of the convention to select a ticket which "would not only cirry jRock Island cmnty bat would assist in recording a victory for that graDd lender. Gen. Join M. Palmer. (Applause) The democracy or the county never assembled under more auspicious circumstances, and all that was necessary tor success was com plete harmony ind an energetic cam- paign. On motion of W'mslow Howard, H. E, Cssteel was chosen secretary, and a com- mince ii uve uq credentials was ap pointed by the chair as follows uron the tn6iwwvf Vm. VcEniry: Wm. McEn iry, Rock Island O. M. Lnbts. South Rock Island; L D. Mudge. Bowlinp; An drew Donaldson, Rural; Eugene Lewis, Moline. - After a short recess the co-nmiilee re ported as follows: HOCK ISLAND. First ward W. Howard. Frank Block linger, F. J. Raible. Wm. Ash, John Quinlan. Second ward J. S. Darrah, Chts. Dur mann, II. E. Casteel, J. Jansen, II. Burns E. Bauersneld, Jr. Third ward W. P. Cochran. T. 8 3ilvis, J. B. Flynn, Joseph Geieer, Michael Corken, John Conneiy." M. M. Bricgs. Geo. W. Cop p. Fourth Ward J. P. Looncy, Henry Frlck. Henry Lemberg, Fred Apfielquist. Wm. McEniry. Geo. Savadge, C. R. Wheelan. Fifth Ward A. HiUehrandt, n. P. Wheelan. J. VV. Welch, Matt Lamb Frank Newcom . David Filzgt raid, J. W. Cavanaugh, Daniel Daly. Sixth Ward Morris Rrennan, John Atkinson, R. Carms. Chris. Baktr. Seventh Ward R. Schwecke, J. E. Larkin, Geo. Bi! k. Edwin Ward. MOI.INE. Fiist Ward L Peterson, John Smith. Thos Connors, Herman lit nneke. Second Ward William Fones, F H Samuels, Peter Kadi l, Victor Pe'crsen. Third Ward Eugene Liwii, Gust Segur, John H Jasper, Frank richrader, G J Johnson. Fourth Ward A R Bryant, D W Gwild, G W Vinton, Jos Kay. Fifth Ward Fred Daebelliehn .Thomas Gary, I Abraharosnn. Sixth Ward Donald Stewart. Law rence N Eklund. W A McBetl., Frank Lewis. Seventh Ward W A Gilts. El Moran, P St Clair. Black Hawk Joseph Halslip. Joseph Sutton, U. L. Franing and Chi.9. Perry. OTHER TOWNSHIPS. Canoe Creek D M Martin. Zuma S R Bryant, Matthew Schafer. Coe Samuel Swisher, John Schall. Frank Garnetu Port Byron C C Coyne, I A Ma Cias Fisk, McNabney, iloff.etter. larkey. Cordova W S Pidco i. Daniel Zimmerman. Hampton No. 1 Geo Dietrich Oltroan. Wm Mohr. Hampton No 2 Adam Sara'l Wainwrigbt. Hampton No 3 R S, Silvis. JSdward Stoehr. ' South Rock Island 'Geo. Lamont, Scott Gardiner, Geo. M. Lukei .a. South Moline Adolph i WeiJ.le, Saml Suman, James Hasson, 7red Christian- son. " I Coal Valley John Barlton, J W Gor don. Fred Freeberg, I Bowling John Forgy. li V . Budge. Rural Andrew Donaldfaon, R D Mc- Creery. ' .' Edgington JNo. l ut -t vt . ocou, a CCavett. ; ; . Edgington No. a Jamett venaoie, w G Davis. - ' Buffalo Prairie Adam auantm. icn- olas Lenz. Louis Edgington; K M Little. Drury Leon Wiley, J u pester, i i r Andalusia J umwu. PEBMANENT OBGASIAl OK. On motion of Eugene L,w a the tern- pprary organizauou wo uiw k- nent; also that each delegation be ems nowered to cast the fall ole of tbe pre- cinct in case of vacanclea. . , : i a Biotton w when the precinot was calljex the cnair man announce the Tote of Hia delega tion. This was o j ected t4 1 j Wm. Mc Enlry. who offered an ariieidment that the voting be by ballot After consider able discussion the amend nt was de feated, and the original mow n carriea. fri, chairman aDDOinted Bd. Bauera- ..u Tw.lr Tslftnrl: Dr. I f. neiu. u LAND ARGUS, TUESDAY JULY j iton. and Dr. Merryman, of Moline, ..tellers. ; " f THE NOMINATIONS. Messrs. Engene Lewis, of Moline, and a- - - j. H. C Connelly, of Rock Island ere nominated for county judge. Both declined to accept, when Geo. M. Lukeni nominated V. M. Blanding, and he was chosen by acclamation. Peter Frey, of Rock Island, and Chas . Creutz, of Moline. were placed in nomi nation for county clerk, and the roll Was called which resulted as follows: Frey 4; Creotz 113. Nominations for sheriff being in order James Venable, of Edgington, nominated C. D. Gordon, of Rock Island; W. 8. Pidcock. of Cordova, presented the name of James W. Cavanaugb; and G. M. Lukens, of South Rock Island, Cjrus Valentine. Tbe informal ballot resulted: Gordon 52. Cavanaugh 57, Valentine 5, John Schafer. Jr. 3. Tbe formal ballot was as follows: Gor don, 57 Cavanaugh, 63; Schafer. 7. There being no choice a second ballot was ordered which resulted as follows: Gordon, 60; Cavanaugh. 54; Schafer 3. Upon motion of G. W. Copp, Mr. Gordon's nomination was made unani mous. Mr. Winslow Howard nominated Su pervisor Geo. B. Browner, of Rock Is land, for county treasurer, which was ably seconded by Wm. McEniry, who termed him the"little cyclone." Mr. A. M. Little, of Buffalo Prairie, nominated Mr. Adam Stamm, of the same town, whom he said wonld poll a large vote in hia end of the county, which had not been re presented for many years on the county ; ticket.. The formal ballot resulted: Browner 78; Stamm, 89. On motion of Eugene Lewis, tbe nom ination of Mr. Browner was made unani mous, and the nominee oeing caiieu out returned his thanks for the honor con ferred upon him, and said if hard work would insure bis election, be would be the next treasurer of Rock Island county. For county superintendent of schools Mr. J. E. Elliott, of Rock Island, and Mr. C. B. Marshall, or Cordova, were placed in nomination. The formal bal lot resulted: Elliott, 22; Marshall, 95. Sheriff Silvia moved that Mr. Marshall's nomination be made unanimous, which was carried. Mr. H. F. Wheelan nominated Sheriff T. S. Silvia for chairman of the county tommittee, which nomination was unan imously carried, and Mr. Silvis promised Jo do all in his power to carry the ticket to success. . COUNTT COMMITTEE The following county committeemen were reported: Cordova C B Marshall. Coe 8 Swisher. Port Byron Jno Schafer. Zuma Jno McEniry. Canoe Creek E M Feaster. Hampton 1. G F McNabney ; 2, Joo O'Brien ; 8. D J Webb. South Moline Jno Weckle. Coal Valley Jno Barton. Black Hawk J Fitzpatrick. Rural F W Wilson. Bowling L D Mudge. EdgtM;too 1, Dr Scott; 2, R P Wait. Buffalo Prairie L N Edgington. - Drury Jno Wylie. Andalusia J H. Brilton. South Rock Island Thoa Bollman. : Moline-First ward, Nels Peterson; Second ward, PKadel; Third ward, hi R Melzgar; Fourth ward. D W Gould; Fifth war J, J Abrahamson; Sixth ward, Daniel Stewart; Seventh ward, W Giles. Rock Island First ward. W Howard; Second ward. H E Casteel; Third ward. A Burrall; Fourth ward. F Appelquiett; Fifth ward, D Fitzgerald; Sixth ward, P Kennedy; Seventh ward, E Ward. A resolution of thanks to tbe officers of tbe convention and also tc the retiring chairman and secretary of the county committee was presented and passed unanimously, after which the convention adjourned. v. loadlnc It Down. A Washington special to today's Chi cago Tribune states: The river and harbor bill is to be load ed down to the point where the president can hardly fail to veto it if it passes. The total will be so big that the execu tive need only to look to tbe figures tor justification of bis action. The senate committee on commerce today decided to recommend several important amend ments to the bill. One of them gives authority to the engineer in charge of Galveston harbor to contract for the com pletion of the work, and appropriates $500,000 for tbe year 1890-'l. Another amendment appropriates f'JOO.OOO for the construction of a new . lock at St Mary'a Falls, and $400,0(K) to improve the Bay Lake channel immediately below the falls. Both theses-improvements are the subjects of separate measures, but it wbs deemed best to include them in tbe general bill. The opponents of tbe Hen nepin canal wiil tr to have thn r,(in . (KW appropriation for that object stricken out, but they won't succeed. Pol Ire PointH. The police are still without any knowl edge of the stolen rig of H. P. Hull. Chas. Meyers, James Elton and Emil Stettsoer were fined 3 and costs hv Magistrate Wiyill tb morning for intox ication. Caboose-1208 in the C. R. I. & P. yards was broken into last night and a nickel watch, the property of Conductor ONeill, stolen. Mathiaa Matthews, a -barber living at the corner of Fourth avenue and Tenth street, struck his wife over the bead with a pitcher yesterday afternoon, inflicting a severe gaah, from which the blood flowed copiously. Dr. Carter dressed the wound. Mathews was arrested bv Mar shal Miller and Officer Sexton, and will have his hearing tomorrow at 2 o'clock. The report of City Marshall Miller for June is as follows; Arrests Drunk and disorder! v, 9; dis orderly conduct, 7; drunk, 7; breach of the peace. 5; burglary, 5; assault and battery, 4; disturbing the peace. 8; peace warrant, 1; abusive language, 1; larceny. 1; carrying concealed weapons, 1: sound ing false alarm of fire, 1; total, 45; city, 84; state, 11. Lights out, 184. Tramps lodged. 18. Jail bill, $3 80. Fines cols lected by Magistrate H. C. Wivill, $ 93.40. Fines collected bv Justice David Hawes, $5.60. Total, S 99. Ixetrraion Tloketa. On account, of the Fourth of Julv excursion ticket will be sold bv the Rock Island & Peoria railway July 8d and 4th, at one fare for tbe round trip. Good for return until and including Julv 7lh. 3 Remember the late cars to i he watch tower and Spring Cove tonight,. STONE MASONS STRIKE. The Tri-City, Organization Makes Nine Hoar Demands - fifty Men qalt W rk. the Majority r Then ! Rek, Idaaa-Ctatrattart n Building Katerprlnea AffeetMl. The Tri-City Stone Masons' Union or dered a strike last night to take effect this morning on all contractors net al lowing their men nine hours as a day'a work, and paying tbe regular rates as heretofore for ten hours' work. The strike in Rick Island was mainly on the contracting firm of Lrkin & Stephens, tbe other contractors having con ceded the nine hour day.' Fifty -seven men in all laid down their tools, forty Of whom are empliyed in Rock Island and; thiii suspends stone work on the Y. M. C. A. building. John Volk's new dwellings on Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue, and the Mitchell & Lynde's block, besides numerous smaller jobs The men are under the leadership of John Stroehle, financial secretary of the Twin-City union, who will start in busi ness and receive contracts for all kinds of stone work on his own book. The men claim that tbey will not return to work until their demands are complied with. Contractor Stephens stated last night that be bad been paying : his masons thirty and thirty-five cents per hour for ten hours' work, and was willing to pay the same wages for nine hours work, but he would not reduce the number of hours' and pay for ten hours. One month ago today the Carpenters' union made a strike for a nine hour day and won it, and the stone masons believe tbey will win, too, by sticking it out. CITYjGHAT. July 1. Friday will be the Glorious Fourth. Tbe farmers have commenced cutting rye. James Taylor, of Taylor Ridge, was in me city today. A washwoman wanted at the Rock Inland bouse. Dr. E. H. Bowman, of Andalusia, was in the city today. . Postmaster Howard Wells is still quite ill from the effects of the heat. Chocolate, strawberry, lemon and va nilla ice cream at Erell & Math's. Mr. Fred Hass has returned from Min neapolis, and ia domiciled at the Uar per. Notice tbe crowd in McCabe Bros.' millinery department. Eoquire the reason. Yesterday was a great day in McCabe Bros.' millinery department. Still there is more to follow. Capt. M. J. Grealish, of Rock Island arsenal, goes east on a pleasure trip the latter part of this week. The marriage of Mr. L C. Blanding and Mis" Genevieve Thompson, takes place at 5:30 this evening. Mrs. T. H. Flynn and daughter Blanche and Miss Mamie Wills leave tomorrow morning on a visit to the west. Mr. C. W. Negus, who has been con fined to his home with tbe heat, is again able to be out, but feeling far from well. Notice: 25 per cent discount on all made up millinery and all untrimraed hats trimmed fie &) this week at McCabe Bros. Those seconds" inladies' fancy pink and blue Jersey vests at McCabe Bros.' are probably the greatest drive of tbe season. Mrs. W. O. Hitchcock and daugthf r, Miss Fannie of Peoria, are in the city visiting her father, Mr. T. E. Gray on tbe bluff. Take your wife, sweetheart or daugh ter into Krell & Math's and treat them to a fine dish of ice cream or a rich glass of lemonade. Mr. Ben T. Cable sails from New York tomorrow for Europe for tbe pun. pose of accompanying his family back to Rock Island. ! Order your ice-creams and ices from Krell & Math for your parties and recep tions and then you will be sure to please the palate of your guests. The traffic over the Rock Island bridge for Saturday was; teams, soutb,442;norih, 433; total, 880. Foot, south. 415; foot north. 386; total, 801. , Lost A silk umbrella with dark bam boo handle, silver mounted bearing mon ogram H. G. C. Return to 1127 Second avenue and receive reward. Emil Sindt, aged 17 years, was siruca in the bead and killed while at wor m the Davenport foundry and machine works, this morning. Judge Smith presided in the circuit court for a few hours yesterday afternoon, und after hearing a few motions, ad journed court until July 10. at 2 n. m. A car load of thirty pound rail has been received for replacing the track of the Rock Island & Milan road rnnnint? un to the summit of Black Hawk's watch tower. Conductor W. O. nitchcock, of the R. I. & P.. left for the east this morning on his annual summer vacation. Conduc tor Home takes bis train during his ab sence. Mr. John Stroehle the old and wpll known stone mason, has an advertise ment in another part of the Anaus, to which he invites the attention of thp public. A boom ! A great boom in McCabe Bros.' millinery department, all trimmpil hats and bonnets 25 per cent discount, all untrimmed hats trimmed free all this week tt McCabe Bros. Dr. Jamea Cozad.of Edintrton. camp in to take a sad look at tbe delegates to the senatorial convention as they depart ed for Cambridge. Dr. W. T. Boughton came in for tbe same purpose;" Tbe families of Mai. C. W. TTawa rwt F. C. Hemenway have joined the r.amn- ers on Big Island. Mrs. Herkert and her family go out next week. Ex-Mayor Carse and familv will niirh tpnta hurl week. The R. I. & P. twill run a snecial train on July Fourth. leaving Rock Island at 8:20, arriving at Cable at 9:30. returning leave Cable at 6 p. m. for the accommo dation of those wishing to attend thej celebrations at Reynolds and Cable. Undertaker J. iL-Sweeney, of Gene- aeo. is with Manager Rowe at hia Rock Island business place, 1425 Second ave nue, opposite Court House square, for the next three months. Mr. Sweenev ia a professional undertaker and an exrwrt arterial embalmer. Mr. L. B. Strayer. the milkman, whose reputation for making fine ice cream is second to none, has invested tCl in a Blatchley horizontal ice cream frwter and from tbe few trials he baa already unade with it. is satisfied that he can makbet ter ice cream than ever. Orrin 8. Pierce, of Winona, anold jime Roctv, i aon of"!!, B." fierce. i n Mississippi rivr, ia in the city for a abort visit. Tbe oiTxettlers of the city and those of middle ag will remember Omn He waa for seven years clerk for tbe late J. H. Langley, agent of tbe old Northern Line racket company. v The Tri-City Ministerial union met at Black ' Hawk;; yeiterday an out door meeting being indulged in. There were twenty-six persons present. Rev. 3. H. Kerr, of Rock Island, read a paper on "The New TeaUment Introduction." A fine dinner was served, after which the company enjoyed themselves in a social way. The next meeting will be held in Davenport in November. Luthir 8. Pearsall. the - republican Candidate for sheriff, came to town to- day to witness the first proceeding in the preparations lor bis political execution He knew that today would witnesa the beginning of the end for him, but bis anxiety got tbe better of bim, and he came down to avoid the suspense that wouicrttave bung over him np in tbe vil lage of Port Byron. - Michael O'Connor, ao long steward at the Harper, severed his connection with that hostelry this morning, having much to tbe regret of the management and every patron of the hotel tendered bis resignation some time aeo. He is sue ceeded by .Mr. Mark Lloyd, formerly head cierx at 1 ruesdale s grocery. Mr. O Con nor has proven himself not only a most excellent steward, but has become very popnlar personally with tbe traveling public and be will be greatly missed in the dining hall at tbe Harper. He will take a needed rest before deciding upon bis future plans. The hotel Is fortunate in securing to capable a successor to Mr, O'Connor. , At a special meeting , of the alumni held Friday evening the following reso lutions of respect were adopted: HKREA8, Our Heavenlv Father has deemed best to take from our midst one of our most beloved members, be it Jit$olted. That the Rock Island High School Alumni realizes that in the death of Miss Irene Wood, it has lost one of its best and most devoted members, one who, by her pure christian character won the admiration of all. . Rewlved. That these resolutions be sent to the . daily papers for publication; copy sent to the family of the deceased wun whom we deeply sympathize, and that tbey be placed upon the records of tbe society. Bate t the Etaratleaat MeetlaK. For tbe National Educational associa tion n-ceting at St. Paul, July 8th to 11th, tbe Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad company will sell excursion tickets to St. Paul at f 11.13 round trip. Juiy ist to 7th inclusive, good to return to ana including July 1-Mh. and for trip beyond, by deposit of ticket, limit can be extended until Sept. 25th. Train leaves Rock Island 5:55 p. m. daily, arriving at St. Paul at 7:10 a. m . and on July 7th there will be a special leaving Rock Isl and at 10 a. m.. arriving at Savanna at 1:30 p. m., connecting with the grand special teachers' train and arriving at St. ram at v an p. m. Take the "River Bank Ssenic Line." Keep cool and be happy. For further nformation, apply to H. D Mack. Div. Pass. Agt., Rock Island, III. Xxeoraiea ea Uia foanh. The Libbie Conger will take the Hiber nian Hall association and their friends to Clinton oa the Fourth. The boat will leave Rock Island at 8:15. Moline upper landing at o:3u a. m. rickets for round trip, 75 cents. Refreshments can be obtained on the boat. Tbe Conger is the be-t boat in the business, and this trip will be a delightful pleasure. Oa Ia Clinton on the Fourth with the Hibernian UaU association on the Libbie Conger. "Why, now I cannot get enough to eat, says one lady who formerly had no appetite, but took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mclntire Bros, have a new and reliable kid glove cleaner; cleans perfectly and leaves no oaor. -UEW STOCK ffALL PAPER, Curtain Fixtures, Pulls, Chains, Brass Rods, Drapery, Pins, Table and Shelf Oil Cloth, ' BOOH AND PICTURE MOULDINGS. typictura Cord, Twine, Malls aim noon at lowest priest. Call and fee. C. a Taylor 1625 Second avenue, Under Bock bland Honae. rABCIA.L. INVESTMENTS. ges 1M IUU VT . -$200.00 and Upwards For sale, secured on land worth from three to five timet the amount ' -r of tbe loan. , Interest t par eent Mml annaally. collected and remitted free of charge. v E. W. "HURST," ; - -ATTORinCY AT IaAW - Boons S and 4 llaaonlc Temple, ROCK ISLAND. ILL. Lloyd & Stewart SOLE AGENTS ' .' BOCK laMUAJTD. ILL. - m C0W V blOK YXB. CELEBRATED Spring Styles now Ready. First -mm , The below mentioned Goods Ladies' Ribbed Vests 8o. ' Zephyr Robes from $3.50 to $4.05, fine quality. . n ; . " Challles, half wooL V : ;I ' . Challies, all cotton- Lawns, very few left at 3 l-2o. ; Princess Cassimere 12 1-2& , Summer Beiges, double fold, 12Kc Challies, all wool. x - , Chemisettes, new styles, rolling col lars, 25c " ; ; . Paisley Twills, stripes, imitating wool tennis flannels, 19o. McINTffiE BROS., Eock Island. Illinois. CLEM ANN & SALZEIANN, Who now own the ZZ . . i HiimitiiPA IMflh lQhm ant L IX VAX All U XXL J JLJUULbUllUlllliUllU 1 1 West of Chicago, are ready to take the people of this vicin ity through one of the largest and finest Z CARPET in this section of the country, which is elegantly light-M and contains the largest and hansomest PATTERNS OF - ' -. . -. " .. CARPETS - ever seen in the three cities, and their stock of FURNI TURE and CURTAINS is grander than ever. j -. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. - clem Awn 1 sntzu Ana Nos. 1525 and 1527 Second Avenue, And Xos. 124, 126 and 128 Sixteenth Street, C , BOCK ISLAND. MRS. : P. GREEN A VJ ALT 1704 SECOND AVENUE, -Fine lllinerysr Closinsr Sale OF ALL TRIMMED- HATS AND Bonnets. Our Store Gfopds, representing Milan Hats, Chip, Fancy Braids, ' Leghorn Hats, all colors, also, our entire stock of fine Jlonturee, ' Wreaths and Long Sprays at great reductions from former prices. .. The remainder of onr stock of Spring Hats and Bonnets, many exclusive designs, are marked at about HALF PRICE. - . - ' BOOTS AM) SHOES: ; , , THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK At the Lo west prices in tne three citiett;-" PATENT LEATHER SHOES ' '.: "' -. For Ladies and Gentiemea. t3F"Tanned Goods in all colors. C- Ao Encyclopedia valued at 0 00 ifivea - worth of Boou and Shoes. Call In GEO. SCHNEIDER .CENTRAL CLM 8TRXZT 8HOS 8TORS ' tSS Jlfth ii (i TPi" V very suitable for pre3ent rcr. 8atteens 10c- Lawn Tennis Flannels, and 12Mo. ' . ; - .-V-.. - - 10c iio. Ladies' Victoria Laundered Shirts, cool and stylish, what are left will b closed at reduced prices - ' UMBRELLAS. ' ' Just in, new silver and gold head . Umbrellas, $1.47. $1.57 gloria silk, 26 inch, extra valnes. largest ground floor ROOMS SPECIAL IMPORTATION OF Midsummer Styles IN CARRIAGE HATS. GARDEN HATS. ' SEASIDE HATS. ' SAILOR HATS. away to each costoaer buytrj C25w and let oa show 70a the book aad 8H02 8T0RZ. J3f - , ' m Aveaoa. - : " - It t : - tuuate, - - 7. - .... - " .- -