OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, December 10, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1890-12-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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3 3-4c.
Canton flannels thi week at 3 3-4o
r ton flannels at 4c worth 6a Canton
sannels at 6o, worth 8 cts. Canton
: nneis at 7 l-2o. would be good value
,tlOc. Those at 8o are worth a good
deal more. Our Oo Canton flannels are
worth 1 2c- , g
We have one case of 40 pieoes at
10c which we will matoh against any
offered elsewhere at 13 to 1 8 l-2o.
..Vwv-tV WAlltS.
On Monday a- m. while one bale full,
TJrd wide. New England brown mns
i.cfa wb will sell it at 4 S-d. nr -oA
I1U - - . j v. 9 --J"'"- v a IWK al lUSTO.
mBMO-Wre n.t opening a line nf rtlbbma Oil. week for the Holiday mm .nm
1l,,lt ii.t e hare ever before ,hown; it poait.vely erabracca every known (and an?n'.k?C
,!,!. ,""TOW to wW"i J"1" absolutely tUe kwest. 1 mwJr ""known)
ma. 1714. 1715. 1718. 1720 and 1739 Baooro Av-ortra.
New Novelties.
TumblijR Acrobats.
Jinko or Cat Baskets, all sices.
JJew styles of baskets opened each
Something nw in D11 Hammocks.
Irim Tovs.
Tin Toy. -
Woo.l-n Toy.
All the littest Uaiut S.
Lamps, all kimU.
Chirm ami Glass are.
U will nltli'A nn SmIm Tliilratta K.
thesd I'neof Piush (Trndicver brought to
i be oit. mil to ba sold at less thitn
Bnnuf-turrr' prices Come an. I get
our itu-i's before purchasing anything is
tbe II iliday line.
Wholesale Dealers
Pastuer Germ
Copper-Smithing, Sheet Iron, Gas and
Steam Fitting, Also Sewer work.
Opposite Habpxb Ho due.
Howard rWatches, Imported Watches,
A Sure Cure for a Cough or Cold is
Irish Cough Syrupy
Acts quickly, is perfectly safe and. newer falls to cure all Lung troubles. '
TRY IT. lOogSc nd SOo Bottle.
Medicine known tor all Kidney. Lang amftosaach troubles, la
Thomas Kidney and Livor Pills.
6c a Bottle Samples free.
veSdaT 800d8 m on
depme b&rg&inS In " y
.?-h5l8tma bar8in to oar under
wear department.
Holiday bargains In our hosiery de
partment. Holiday bargains in our handker
chief department.
in onr hurry and ba.lln nor etoak department
we h.ve BVle.'.ll on, .h.wl .lock ana m wi ow
Una week on .haw. tt wi.Vhl",
Art Store,
Topulsr 13mo Books 25c.
We also have a complete line of padded
Art Booklets fr.m 6c up.
Albums by the 100 and at prices which
can't bo equaled .
Etchings and Frames, just tbe tbing
for X nas. Watch us for bargains this
1705 Second Avenue.
Branch Store 400. 15th St.. Moline.
Telephone 12t6. .
for the Celebrated
Proof Filters.
Rock Island's Bill Passes iJte House
With Others.' - '
The 7S,eoe Approprlatlea a ew aiy
- "lK)aar.
The house of representaUres yesterday
passed a large batch of public bnildiDg
bilta, including ao appropriatloa of $75.
000 for one at Rxk Island. In wiew of
the fact that Rock Island's bBl has al
ready passed the senate this ,Hty occu
Pies a much more advantageous position
than many of the other cities f trored by
yesterday's action of the house, and the
success of tbe measure as it ipplies to
Rock Island ts now only contlt gent upon
the friendly disposition ; . of the
president. It is really the avnate bill
which has already passed the upper house
that has been successful in Rock Island's
case, and while there is no disposition or
purpose on the part of the An am to ig
nore whatever Congressman G ast has ac
complished for Rock Island-and he is
entitled to a large measure of c -edit in haw
ing looked after this bill in tha house it
a nevertheless a fact that w th any bill
t all introduced looking to tlie establish
ment of a federal building at llock Island,
the government could not hare acted the
part of consistency and fail-id to recog
nize its importance in providing for so
many cities where the needs are less Im
perative ai it did yesterday. Indeed the
passage of the Rock Island appropriation
has been for sometime a matter f neces
sity conceded in Washingtin. This is
not only true becsuse the cl y is deserv
ing of it, bat becsuse it is an economic
business move on the part ol the govern
ment where it has so many interests as
are stationed in Rock Island, including in
addition to a first class post office, tbe
office of Maj. Mackenzie in charge of
upper Mississippi improvement whose
forces require a great deal i.f room, and
more tban can be provided in ' rented
quarters at exorbitant yeirly rental,
and also tbe custom oitices which
while not as yet importante will require
quarters and will with attention in tbe
future it Is to be hoped, become of
some advantase t the cit r. It is no
more than fair to presume -herefor that
the government recognizing, as it could
not fail to do, the great need and the
advantage of a building at Rock Itland,
the bill would have passed early In the
next congress anyway and the present
congress saw tbe fitness ami propriety of
action without delay.
The bill as it passed both bouse of
congress is as follows:
Be It enacted by the Senate and noon of Repre
enteilvt. of the United Htate a uf America In
loogrew aaevmnled:
That the Secretary of thf Treasury be.
and be is hereby authorized aod directed
to purchase a site f . r not cause to be
erected thereon a suitable building, with
fi eproof vaults therein, for the accom
modation of the internal revenue office,
postofflce. United States engineer orhoe,
and other government offli es at tbe city
ot Rock Island, I iinois. The plans spe
cifications, and full estimates for said
building shall be previously made and ap
proved according to law, and ahall not
exceed, for tbe site and bui Iding complete,
tbe sum of seventy tlve thousand
dollars: Provided that tbe site sball
leive the building unexpoied to danger
from fire in adjacent build ngs by an open
space of not less tban forty feet, includ
ing streets and alleys; and that no money
apportioned" for Uis purpose shall be
available until a valid titkt to tbe site for
said building shall be vested in the Uni
ted States, nor until the s ate of Illinois
shall have ceded to the U alted States ex
clusive jurisdiction over tbe same during
tbe time tbe United State i sball be or re
main the owner thereof, lor all purposes
except the administrator of tbe criminal
laws of said state and lh: service of civil
process therein. For tbe purposes of this
act tbe sum of seventy- fi ve thousand dol
lars is hereby appropriated, out of any
money In tbe treasury nc t otherwise ap
propriated, tbe same to lie expended un
der tbe direction of the lecretary of the
The outlay for a site ii limited to $10.-
000, and Rock Island offers plenty of
splendid locations in th ) business por
tion of tbe city one of which can no
doubt be purchased reasonably unless
property owners permit selfish interests
to warp their considers! ion of public wel
fare, and attempt to make a "grab" in or
der to line tbeir own pockets with what
should be devoted to tie building and
tbe public. There is a site within two
blocks of the present pc stofflce which is
very favorably spoken of and and would
make an excellent local ion.
Keck Island is not alone in its rejoicing
at this time as Davenport gets $100,000 in
the house appropriatior s though the sen
ate has not yet acted on its bill, Sioux
City gets $250,000, Bl oomington $100,
000. while other cities about us get lar
ger or smaller amounts . .
A Ctehaol Eae Bartaed.
.Mr. J. C. Taylor, of Taylor Ridge, was
in the city today, and brought the news
of the burning of lbr school house in
Bowling township, kc own as the Tsylor
Ridge Pcbool on Mon Jsy evening shortly
after 8 o'clock. The school was located
one and one-balf miles ; northeast of
Taylor Ridge, and th; fire which is sup
posed to have caught from a defective
chimney, broke out lietween the joists
and tbe roof. Tbe b iilding and contents
were totally destroyed with a losn of
tl.COO, on which there was 1500 insur
ance on the buildini: and fflOO on tbe
fixtures and furcitur a, both being in tbe
Union corrpany of Philadelphia, of
which Ed. Lie berki lecht, of this city )s
agent. About hall ' the children lost
tbeir school boo is. It was only
through the greatest exertion that a coal
house twenty feet way. in which were
150 bushels of coi.l. was saved. Tbe
teacher. N. L. Craw ford, left the stove
and drafts in gooc shape at the time
school was dismitied, and no blame
whatever is attached to him for the de
struction, l
Pnyalea I Caltare.
Miss Bancroft's a lull classes in physi
cal culture closed today after a term that
has won for both teacher and work high
enconlums from i Jl tbe pupils. Miss
Bancroft has deciik d to return for a
petition of tbe cow se after the holidays,
and if the present i iterest and enthusiasm
can be taken as an indication, we predict
for her even a area ier success tban has
attended this first term. Aside from 150
pupils in tbe societ y classes of the three
clues, Miai Bancroft baa pat her work
Into four of tbe It rgest educational losth
tntions of Davenport St. Katharine's
hall, the Iamacula Conception academy,
the Orphan' bony and Ml. IdaSfljtitute.
The Christmas ent rrtainmeat given W the
latter school at B irtia' opera house
17. wUl eontain a gymosatic number for
wnica aus -oaa rort l now drilling a
c!asof MO girl, . . ' . J
SaasTsWape-aTaTsWaTtTaTa-a . . . -aj - - -a- "W A-VAAJA AVt - Ww
Alt Olmtaelcra f tke Tlaaatrt Ursaovrel
Tfaraack Cat . Whttieaaat-a'a lasream-
ir; .
Through the Ingenuity of Col J. M.
Whiitemore of Rock Island Arsenal and
the effort of Mr. Fred Esse the difficulty
pertaining to the Dart lot at tbe corner
of Third avenue and Twenty-Fourth
street which threatened tbe loss of tbe
viaduct over tha Twenty-Fourth street
railroad tracks has been solved. For
some time Mr. Fred Bass has been in con
sultation with CjI. Wbiltemore on tbe
subject. A plan was finally adopted and
yesterday it was laid before the viaduct
committee of tbe Improvement associa
Uon and assented to It insures tbe con
structlon of the viaduct independent of
an concessions on tbe part of the prop
erty holder and obviate all the danger
of obstacles being thrown in tbe way
upon tbe strength of technicalities. The
plan now is to construct a stone retainer
for tbe 116 feet approach to tbe ironwork
ot tbe viaduct instesd or putting in an
earthwork fill. This will be but forty
two feetln width all told, wblie the earth
filling would have required eighty feel
and a clear title of fourteen feet, 3 inch
es for tbe property : owners. The gov
era merit now asks but fifty feet, which
will clear all proderty holders' rights by
nine inches. .
The necessary "papers for this charge
are now being prepared, and tomorrow
night it should be tba duty of tbe Im
provement association to send a lawyer
to Washington to lay this matter prop
erty before the government authorities.
Aa lsBpartaat Meetfac af the Baar er
Kaaeatlaa A Kicat ftehaal Eat at,.
Itaaea-Aetlaa as t Vacetaat lea, re-
Tbe board of education met in regulrr
monthly session la.it evening. President
Berth and DirectorsCarter.Bernhardi and
8cars being present.
The action of tbe teachers, committee
in employing Mr. Southwell to hear three
clasaea daily in the High School at f 45
per month was approved.
The report of Truant Officer Kimball
for the month ofXovember showed
tbe investigation of seventy-six cases of
absence.and arrested twentythree truants
who were returned school. Mr. Kimball
also reported that several children that
should be attending tbeThirtveightb street
school we-e absent bebause of failure to
comply with the law as to vaccination.
Mr. Kimball was instructed to see that
the children were bick in school and that
they complied, with tbe requirements
pertaning thereto. As the truant officer's
duty is to see that tbe children are in
school and as it is the order of tbe teacher
to decline to admit Ibemjunlcss vaccinated
tbe question ia likely to have a speedy sol
ution. Tbe clerk wss Instructed ito apply to
the Holmes syndicate to permit the truant
officer to ride free, be being clothed a lib
tbe power ot special police.
Tbe board decided by nnanlmojs vole
to respect the petition of the tri city
labor congress and tbe wishes heretofore
expressed by representative citizens and
advocated by tbe Arous. and to establish
a free night schbol in Building No. 4
through tbe- mouths of January, Feb
ruary and March, in which sball be'
taught reading, writing.' spelling and .
arithmetic tbe school to be open to all
over fourteen years of 'age, who do no.t
nor cannot attend day school. Persons
desiring to attend this school are request
ed to apply to the Superintendent at tbe
office of tbe Board ot Education on Fri
day and Saturday evenings! Dec. 13 and
13. from 7 to 8 o'clock. Unless a sufl
clent number spply the board will infer
that the night school is not desired.
The board authorized tbe building com
mittee to make arrangements for tbe
board's offices in tbe future should tbe
present rooms be converted into tbe pub
lic library as they are likely to be.
An additional insurance of $2,000 on
tbe new building, No. 2, was placed in
the agency of Loosley dc Knowlton and
the committee on furniture was author
ized to make provision for No. 2, and al
so for painting, cleaning up, providing
necessary accommodations, etc.
Tbe board adopted as its sentiment that
all persons it employed must pay tbeir
Tbe finance committee was given an ex
tension of time to place bonds and in tbe
meantime to make temporary provision
by borrowing what may be necessary to
meet expenses.
The customary two weeks' holiday vaca
tion was ordered.
Bills were allowed as follows:
Henry Dart's Sons. $6 65: Educational
PubliahingtC..t43.?5.Ginn A Co .$18.50.
Cyclostyle Co., $5.00; Edward H. Guyer.
$20; R. I. Lumber Co., $19.50; Henry
Retlrker, $2 50; John T. Noftsker.
$10.90; R. I. On Co ,$2.40: Ciemana &
Salzmann, $17.25; Bieverw & Anderson,
$52.78; Charles Fiebfg. $7.85; S. S. Kf ta
ble, $9 45: Margaret Colllgan. f 4 80;
Looaley Knowlton. $49: D. C. Heath
& Co.. $1.44: William Don. $14.80; 3.
A. Bishop, $6 69.
Leading authorities ssy tbe only proper
way to treat catarrh is to take a conatitu
tional remedy, like Hood s Sarsapariiia.
Aa Exaeaelve Caavraitaa.
Tbe mileage and per diem committee f
tbe M. W. A- which has been in session
in Moline. finished it labor yesterday,
Tbe task of these genthmen waa to figure
up the expense of holding the recent head
camp in Springfield, and they computed
it at $22,500. Tbe committee consists of
Messrs. J. E. Mills, of Cedar Rapids.
Iowa; J. B. Kearn. of Fulton, HI., and
Wm. Clendunin. of Moline. It ia likely
that tbe Modern Woodmen have seen tbe
lsst of such expensive head camp as this
ha been. The change mad in the con
stitution will do away with a large part
of It.
fjetae KleeUaa
Noble Lodge. No. 1. A, O. U.W.,
elected officer Tuesday evening a fo!
M W Martin Weinberger.
F M Jcbn Hutchins.
0 S Monro uinglea.
Fin John Buaaell.
RW B. A Johnston. '
Rec Peter Frey. ... ' ,
Q W A Danilson
1 W John WU mms.
A W Joseph Lewis.
Trus Cass Oswald. -
Ton put vater oa the burning timbers.
not on the smoke. And if you have
catarrh yon s acuta attack, tbe disease in
the blood, not In the nose. Remove the
impure cause, and the local effect sub
side. To do this, take Hood's Sarsapa.
iiUa, th great tuooa puriner, wiucn rndi-
j cJ-Jly and permanently cure catarrh. It
.iAa urertben the nervs. sura
m only toa'i LarMpaiila. :
. 1 ' a i a
. -: rrt.vx in
I 1 . 4 - .
HAKUOS UOSLKK. Iaicai. Tcurirm.
Tha Appelate Uaarr. aeelava asalaat
tha Maiatier. ia she laaaac) Malt
. asralast Willlaaia White at Va.
The appelate court has decided against
the plaintiff In the suit of Hensler vs. Wil
liams White Co., the case appealed from
the verdict of Rock kland circuit court,
in wblcb the plaintiff was given $6,000
damages for Injuries sustained while at
work for defendants at Moline. Tbe case
was tried at the Beptembet 1889 and Jan
nray 1S90 terms of the circuit court, and
tbe history of tbe accident which let to
tbe litigatfoa is as follows:
On February 25tb, 1889, Michael Hens
ler wss directed by tbe foreman. Mr.
Grimes, or Willisms White ft Co. where
he was employed, to brush up and paint
a "bull-do ?r" machine which bad juat
been finished. Tbe machine was standing
inside, and was connected with tbe power
of the shops by a temporary belt for tbe
purpose of being tested, ss is tbe custom
before machine are shipped. Hensler
claimed that Mr. Grimes informed him
thst tbe machine had already been tested'
so there would be no further danger of
having it again set in motion. He com
plied with the request ot tbe foremen
and proceeded to brush np the machioe.
In doing so he discovered a smsll piece
of babbit metal lodged between tbe cogs
of a gearing. He attempted to remove
it with his fingers, but at that instsnt a
fellow workman, also engaged on tbe
machine unknown to him. applied the
power and set tbe machine in I motion.
The result was that Heoslet' hand was
drawn between tbe gearing, giving him
injuries from the effects of which be wss
compelled to bave a part of bis arm am
putated. Tbe case was tried in the fol
lowing September term of tbe circuit
court, where Hensler was given $6,023
damages. A new bearing was obtained
in tbe January term in which tbe dam
ages were reduced to $6,000. From this
tbe defendant appealed to tbe Ottawa
court, where tbe verdict of the lower
court waa reversed.
Maj. J. M. Beardslry was couoacl for
the plaintiff and Browning Jb Eotrlkcn,
of Moline, for the defensn. The case
will now probibiy bo appealed t the su
prome court of tbe stste.
"The Kindergardea"al Harpei's theatre
Mr, John Schlcas of Cable, waa la tbe
city yesterday.
Tbe Club was entertained by Mrs.
Edson and lbs Misses Boford last evening.
Would not a fine pair of portieres make
a lasting improagion as a holiday gift.
Tbe Adams 822 Brady al Davenport.
The Rock Itland Citizens' Improve
ment Atssclation will hold Us regular
monthly meeting tomorrow evening.
Smyrna rrgs, Moquett ruga, carpets,
new, lastly and appropriate designs at
The A'lama. 32 i Brady at. Davenport.
Free A $5 Webster's Original Unabridg
ed Dictionary with every $20 caab pur
chase al the Adams, 822 Brady stteet.
Davenport. '
10 percent discount s! on aide hoar J s
and cupboard ibis week. Call and set
your terms. Too Adams 823 Bradv sL
Tbe wire brini', tbe blirhlv interestincr
Intelligence that Walter Johnson has been
confirmed by the seoate as "surveyor of
customs al Rock Island".
10 per cent discount sale of bed rocm
suits for tbe next thirty days. Tou can
afford to buy one at these prices and on our
terms. The Adams 829 Bradv at. Daven
Clergymen desiring halt fare permit
on the Rock Island & Peoria road are
requested to make personal application
to ibe depot at (be fool of twentieth street
before Dec 25.
Tbe thirty-seventh snnual meeting of
tbe Illinois Slate Teachers' Association.
ill be held lu tbe ranllnl building at
Springfield Dec 9. 30 and 81. Sunt.
Kemble and several ot Rock Island's
teachers will attend. .
Mr. & A Marscball and family desire
to publicly eipress tbeir deep heartfelt
tbanka to neighbors and friends for kind
cess during tbeir late bereavement. Par
ticularly grateful do they fed to Mr.
Tbomas Han sod and family for tendering
tne use of tbeir bouse for tbe funeral cer
emonies. - At such a- time words are
scarcely adequate to express the gratitude
of tbe sorrowing ones.
Quite a number of people from this
city attended tbe pipe organ and piano
concert given under Ibe direction of Prof.
S. T. Bewlby and by iis pupils aaaiated
by tbe choir of tbe Eim Presbyterian
church of Davenport at that church last
evening. It was in every wsy an artistic
and enjoyable musical event. Those who
look part from Rock Island and all
acquitted themselves with credit to them
selves and tbeir instructor were Misses
Belle Folsom. Hat tie Trewmen, Willie
Totien and Hiss Annie Schnltger. Tbe
pipe organ features wrr snperb.
Tar ivlaavrcaraea.-
Tonigbt that grand merry-making pro
duclion, "Tbe Kindergarten," Is to be
presented at Harper's theatre. "Tb
Kindergarten" waa written by Robert G.
Morris, cf tbe New York Herald, to
amuse the public and he certainly
carried out his design. Of all tbe
mirth provoklog skits before tbe public
"Kindergarten" stands foremost, unique
sad supreme as a laughing success. Tbe
humorous eccentricities ot th characters,
tbe unlimited fun in tbe several scenes,
tbe droll humor of the story and the very
whirl wind of poetry that pervades tbe
entire performance from beginning to
end makes "Kindergarten" tbe moat
langhable of the latter day prcducliona.
It it a buodle of laughs strung on a
tbiead of fun. Tba American public
from New York to San Francisco has
roated to lu happy bits until th comedy
bss become as faml.Ur to tbe theatre go
ers as Ibe standard creation ot regular
dramas. It now comes to this city with
its fua freshened and brightened, spark
ling with entrancing music from tb lat
est New Yotk successes. Tbe New York
JZerolrfssys: '"Kindergarten is on of
the production where fun begin when
tbe curtain rises, and continue until It
falls ia tha last act.. Th company I
exceptionally atrong. as racb member is
a special feature.".
Oraai Opsalag cf BalUay Ossos
For tb last two weeks a a Tsylor,
assisted by Mrs. Taylor aad J. L. Frew
man, have been very busy arranging the
mammoth atock of holldav woods at tbeir
f new atore for tbe inspection of tbe public.
l ne result oi tueir purchases Is that they
bave tbe largest stock of everything new
and beautiful in holiday goods. Tts
door of their new slcre will be throws
open to tha public tomorrow. The pub'
ile are invited to examine this great dis
play. Mr. Taylor- will - operate
both store during this month. Toe
new atore will be ia charge of Mrs. C. C.
Taylor assiated by Mr. J. V. Freemas.
Ke member tbe place next door east of
London Clothing (Jo. -
Messrs. HUdebrandt ft Weinberger.
who have purchased tbe Rock Island Ice
Co' outfit, began delivering ice Now,
Oysters at KreU ft Math'.
Oo to H ol brook "s. Davenport, for car
pets and silk curtain.
Tenderloin, spare rib, pig feet, leaf
leard, etc., at GUmore' pork hones.
Bend your friend to Kretl ft Math'
for a dish or can of fresh oyster.
Call and see the hand -carved bed room
suites at Bolbrook'a. Davenport.
Psrlor suite and fancy chain of every
description at Holbrooke, Davenport.
For rent a good seven room house,
good cellar. Enquire at Kohn ft Adlera,
Ice cream always ca hand and aerwed
by the dish all winter at Krell ft Math 'a.
A handsome line of book case aad
cabinets just received at Holbrooke, Dav
enport. An elegant assortment of dining tables,
chairs and bat rack at Bolbrook'a. De
enport, - J
All those knowing themselves Indebted
to Geo. Barker will please call on bins
and settle at his new office la Boford
E. B. McKowa seUs hard wood In
lengths, cut or split: soft coal, tump aad
nut, corner Fifteenth street aad First
avenue. Telephone 1198. .
When yon want a nice dUh of fresh
oysters step ia to Krell ft Math' and or
der tbem np la any style.
The Crown dining ball. No. 1708 Sec
ond avenue, is now ready to furnish yon
the best meal in the city for 35 cent. A.
B. Johnson, proprietor.
Bear in mind we do not quit making Ice
cream when cold weather sets In. and yon
can get it in any quantity in tbe coldest
weather. Remember Krell ft Math' and
get tbe beat.
$50,000 to loan on real estate security.
In sums of $3tK) aad upward, at lowest
current rates of Interest, without com
mission. E. W. Hurst, Attorney at
law. Rock Island.
Tbe Cigarmakera' union of Rock Island
will give tbeir first annual ball at Armory
hai; on Saturday evening, December 13.
A general public Invitation is cordially
extended. Bltuet's band, George Stroeble
Tbe moat obstinate eaees of catarrh are
cured by tbe use of Ely's Cream Bslm. the
only agreeal le remedy. It is not a liquid
or snuff, is easily applied Into tbe nos
trils. For cold In tbe head It is magical.
It gives relief at onre. Price SO coats.
Bait Fare Pamirs.
Clergymen desiring half fare permits
over ibe Rock Island ft Peoria Railway
for 1991. should make personal applica
tion at once at depot foot of Twentieth St.
I is pecially desired that all application
be received prior lo Dee. 85ie.
F. IL RocawtLL. Ticket Agent
J. K. Morraoaa, - - Uaaager.
s xrcHT oxxr,
nue Orealeal UU 4 the Imm,
rr Jimrmi a? a .uperW eoatpaar.
You La uon
-You Cbt
You Roar,
the Shc-i .bow oa tke roaJ. cmeuee-a ni
iike'ltT' lM hesaiaa
..K,KrrJ eeata nk sale MoadVr at Harper Beaaa
nvary. ITk O, SS and ii ceata.
Removal Notice.
I offer my stock at greatly re
doced prices for the next
oa accoant cf expense) in re
moving, and that I may have an
entire new stock in my new lo
cation, the first door east cf the
London Clothing Co., where I
will liave in a few days a foil
line of the latest novelties for
the Holidays.
Call and see Those Fine
Tw$ Cavr L4Md, Terry cWmf. mt
MM, 1C1S aad 1 ,14 Third Avaae.
Rocs Island.
The Little Jewel
If you want a lamp of aay kind, it
will pay you to see what I hare. The
range ia price ia from 19 ccets up, aad
th variety and stjl is just as great.
Holiday Goods
Lh;d Ci Stc-rt's
H Is that trapwrity m the Mood, wwlch.se.
ewmnlaUBc m the glands ot the neck, pre.
aoeea wnalfbOy mans or sweOmcst which
causes aemtnl roaniag sort aa the anas,
or feet; which aerelopes ulcars fat the
eyes, ears, or aeae, etiea earning baadaeaser
ocafoeaa; whkh Is the erigm at ptnples, ca
eerooe SToanhs, or tbe many other saaalfesta.
Uoos nsaaUy aserfbee to "hasm;" which.
and death. Bemg the saost anelewt, tt ts tbe
most general at all diseases or ateetlons, lot
very few persons are entirely free bam St.
tsf ukhtf Hood's narsaparflla, which, by
tbe twaaaikabia ewes H has amrmpllihwl,
often when other snedViaes hsv tailed, has
proven Itself te be a potent aad perallar
toedlrtne for this auease. Some of these
rare, are really wonderful. Hywa sailer troaa
scmfula, be sure te try Hood's Sarsapartua,
My tUnghtet Mary was afflteted with serof
aloe ore aerk Iroea tbe time bt was K Bwauhs
eta UU she beeawje six rears (4 are. Lamps
formed la beg Berk, and one af theca after
trowing to the size of a pigeon's etc bseasae
a rnramtsora toe over three rears, W. gave
her Hood's sVarsapsrula, when tbe hnap sad
aU InnVations of srrornla entirely ls
appeared, and now ah seems te he a healthy
child." J. ft.CAULc5aar1chl,K. J.
H. a Be sera te gat only
Hood's Sarsaparitla
akvandratwtoa. B1:stfea. traaaea .ah?
hf C L BOOD A CO, ApMaacanae. Lawaa. ataa.
IOO Doaea One Dollar
Grand Holiday HonfciiisI Sale ; ; '
cIfflRE BMS.
Tl k aJ. lT.ll J .
" "uiuibj oKia ci i.aiisw.
OwnU aad Children- Baadkrchiefn.
yy- -w - 1 . . .
- -ww u,. wniDpnnoci IM tarn
city, everything displayed tn full view,
from the cheapest to the beet trade.
Bay early whila tha atorUnnt is com
plete. Lediee' and Chtidrena' col d herd i
Ladlee colored borders. p.
m aa an T
Oenta large aire cord edge- &
Ladle wvhju hemmed sttched .-.6e
Ladlee-an uuea..- - .-6. 8. 7 and Bo
Imltaiioa Jiiih-. . . .
Genu-colored border. lwrgVsirwV
8, 10 and 1 a oenta.
Great variety of Ladlee. Genu' and
--w wvuer irsoss.
Ladies and Gents' lnltisl. all Knew, 5e
Article cf utility are being more
and more nought after for
Wskanantlil ki r -
... a " - viugnii.
CO TOVS. Waeiswm . . .v
. - - mi inoaa
busy. days.
"Rock Island. Illinoira.
What Would be a Useful Chris' mas Present
cleuann a sALzanrra,
Nos. 1525 and 1527 Second Avenue,
And Nos. 194, 196 and 188 BlxtewaOt Strt,
$2.50 Per Gillon.
Removed to 919 Sevan teenlh Street
A Chance You Can't Afford to Miss.
-Fine Millinery-
Including all of our malficent assortment of choice
IlaU and Bonnets
Rock Island Savings Bank,
"" T -ii inijir ni i.qj-
ri P oeat latereci paid o Deporta. Money loaned em FereoeL X1
leteralor Beel Hacate aVeowrtty
a. r. aaTTMLfiaV ha. t O. PKSgaAWuJ Wla raa. . M. aCPOAA. OaaUae.
T. U sthahan. a f Sera .1 It. 9. C Daft jafca Cvakaarh C. 9. Lyada,
r a anan. a. initials.
. 1111 aad
th. Laaears la at
Uia Raven C!css Crctrlr.j, tsiiaioicia-7
the Lest Ua Ladies' lUi N'evcr r t""r-"
acalct, crakt icjure lU Wallet.
Try s Urule a&4 U coaiacJ. ra-Jaa!y tty
TittT rat
ttl) Arcaue.
t I
t I
t i
W are esxlualwe agetaU' f t
Eqwi poise wralat. Thews wrcL l t
&dorwedby Jesutesa htiUer. a: 1 i f
considered tha moet perfect L-
wratst ever offered te the pubClJ; V
Varaaea W
i ryw c. C, Li"ars
akfM OaTeaaf4i at$S JsWBr"s. a
A Ladies Writirf Dec.
Ladies BookcaM.
A LadieV linsic cabmei.
A Fine Sideboard.
A Floe Ontrw Table.
A Fancy chair.
Fancy Rocker.
And many other nice and me
tal articles.
la aai aekaa Is
FCal T7ET 110112.
Tl-ttirperlaUJa Boot tea i
ad TTatarprooi, tsaertel tire i
- aa tn wnaVa -.
f-tr--,.. '
I t
I ;
I r
t 1
: ;
Ilrr Eotk.

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