OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, March 07, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1891-03-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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Rock Island Daily Arot
I Kingl Copies -I
I'trWtrk ll,l
Leaders of Low Prices. Leaders of Fine Clothing.
Leaders of Latest Styles. Leaders in the Clothing Trade.
We Came to Rod Island to Stay and Stay We Will.
We brought the prices down and will keep them down; Not on Shoddy Clothing,
Trashy clothing or Rotten clothing, but Clothing that will bear the most critical in-"
spection in quality, make-up, trimmings, cut, style, fit, and last but not least
The Lowest Prices and the Largest Assortment.
Spare and Honest Dealing
being the secret of our success, we are bound to build up GOOD BUSINESS
and reputation, which we justly deserve as the
People's mocey savers and
Kings Of tie Cloilg Trade.
London Clothing Co.
We have stormed the
sfong h!d of styles,
hv) csptcreil rs choicest
tr'HSurt?s. and h-tve plac
ed this spriiff Wefore
our ptr.r;s the rich
rt-uits of our time,
Lhd'JLi'ii hii '. i.iil at
trices that will mke
competition forever bow
atd step down and nut.
Anions the world's
mjst famo .s makers of
fire tailor mnie cloth
ing are the three cities,
viz: New York, Ba:t
mare and Rochester.
Vie absolutely control,
for this section of
nois, their production
arid deserved reputation
oi fine tailor mde cloth
ing. It is t pleasure
una'.ioyed to wear these
They Fit Well, Look Well, Feel Well.
No merchant tailor
living can make better
garments. Your inspec
tion solicited.
We wiBh particularly
to draw your attention to
severbl lines of ultra
fashionable suits rang
ing from $8 to $15 So
positive are we that they
are great bargains, that
we not only ask but wish
vou to take them home
and compare them with
suits costing fiom $3 to
5 more elsewhere
Many of the choicest
buyers have been thus
convinced by the above
trial. A thorough exam
ination and comparison
in price, quality of goods
and make up is all the
London ask.
London Clothing Go.
Talking about Clothing: Have you ever noticed what widely
different garments for ma'e wrar come, under this title? Every
man must have Clothhiir, but there are clothes and clothes.
There are clothes that simply sa:isfy the demand for decent
covering, and clothes again that gratify the taste that comes with
culture and progress. By gocd rights there ought to be no cloth
ing that does not come up to th latter standard. Bat there is.
We do not keep it, but you have seen it with its general appear
ance of slovenliness and ill comfort. You can see that kind of
clothing every day. It is not worth taking home, but it is adver
tised very extensively by some dealers who make a specialty of
shoddy clothing. We h:tve clothing for all classesMerchants,
Artisans, Laborers, Cl-ras etc You will find no trash or shoddy
clothing in our house.
We take justifiable prld- in saying that we have no clothing
for any class or occupation that w.ll not in every way particular
satisfy the taste of the buyer, ani give him that sense of comfort
that is Eever felt save in goad fitting, well made clothing.
Spring Styles
Boys' and Children's Clothing.
The fruits and flowers of
the tree of fbim for the
spring of If 91 are now on
our counten in "ur boy's and
children's department. We
have well provided for our
little friends this seaon. TLc
world's workshops have con
tributed tin ir be-t (Sorts to
mike our boy's cbihinede-
Having (as you all know) worked hard and used great ef
forts to build up our business, we were very careful in selecting
oui goods and have bought nothing but what we can recommend.
There are seme special features noticeable in our house. One is
the great variety of styles and patterns we are able to offer for
selections of the public, and we confidently believe we can gratify
and satisfy any and every buyer. Another important feature is
prices; we have a large stock and we must uot, and will not, let
any question of "price" hinder prompt selling. To be on the safe
side, we have marked prices so close that the quotation of them
will carry conviction of cheapness to every man or woman who
sees our goods.
Our great SpriDg Stock is ready for inspection, every depart
ment being complete. Our larg-j store room (which is three times
as large as any concern here) is tilled to its utmost capacity with
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Whenever
you are ready for new Goods, come and see the
London Clothing Co.
Exclusive Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters.
JST. rom wrong ber. or frktvl. awr Urea taw
baa aim ply onUrrowau
Oua ran read tSe whole maUrr tranalaUac ber
bean by I be licbtof OM'lwn.
Twonnnmm aco when yoa wooed ber yam
arooa on i e rli mot plane;
Far to fare. ' wt U bean, aerer dreaming
your nui ooqh ue parvea again.
She loved yoa at that tiia entirely in tkeblooa
of ber life' early May.
Aad it to not ber fault. 1 rrptsat it. that rUdov
Inra amra f J m a
Nature oerrr Mnda mil. nor rail eJlbrr; Ury
film, r (to a j or fro acnrn;
AjmI ijera bu been iadiy eritc bst bow
uu ii orrn wim your oru."
Fbe baa atroiarkd and yearned and mtfirri;
crown imrtr aad wiser earn rear:
Thenar are tiw further a bare yon la yon
lum'nmi aunariibrre.
Fur she whom yoa crowhed aitli freb roaea.
down ruobrr fire rammer act.
Haa learned tLat tlie fin4 of our d-jUn to God
atid oarc vea i to prow.
Iter ere mow are vwrrtrr arid calntrr, bat iltrir
vbtKm la --art r an eU:
Her vkIcc haa a teiKlvrer radenr, Imt i (art
an a ai.ver
Have j an. lur,crira yarer awt Leratl
ttMDUiaatMl lle year ha ret rild ot.?
IMJ yoa tnert brr tl.i tucirt inc rr)riug La lL
triampuaol victory wuti!'
Nay, Lear tn t! e JratU t-u1 barm ywu.
abrn twlar In Lcr i riww ija etd.
tVaa tbr LLxl that rua ratr lt r a ko1
l-a: aa tual ) 1 r wiuti'eirl
(jo measure oo rxif try hrr Maodord. iut4
l-mt on Uie -ear Uiat bare fied.
Tbcn aek. Sf joa Ded.ujr abv t-IU )ua :bal
Lbe- krt e OI Iter (Ttrdioud la dead.
Kbera.'UK4 k'-k down to ber lorer-ber krt-c.
like bcr aool. arpirr-:
lie DW4 atasd by ber aide c above brr, mt
would kindle Ita bolet fare.
A W0K1- I Dia.CVttT.
'Anoiber vrf-odtrfol difivrrT b
been ode, and that, too bj lad? is
thU countnr. Diei titoed It
clutchea upon bcr and for Mvta year b
wiUiftood iuevere.ta test, but ber rilal
organ were vndermined nd detk
t-tnrd imminent. For three month b
roLgbed incewntlj and could not .
tt bought of u ft bottle of Dr. King
New Discovery for connm?tion od u
o much rtlkrvcd oa tak'cg the Crat doaa
tbtt be alept all bight, and ib oo
bottle ta Uto niracuioutlf core4. Der
name it Mr. Lather Latr " Tbu rrit
W. C. Hamrkk & O-. of bbelhy. N. a
Get a free bottle at II art & Btbnten '
druz ktore.
prise and pleasure, from
prudent, economically in
clined mother, who have
been in the habit of making
their boys clothin? for the
sake of saving a little money
or paying immenas high
prices for poods poseiing
but a ti'.be cf the merit that
pattment a teritab'e temple
of fashion, to which the
youthful devotee are led by
loving bands and there fitted
out in exact reproduction cf
the stjles in vogue in the
world' most cultured fash
ion cenUes, at prices that
cauie exclamations of sur
The Irac&iUon from !tig Utcriing
and painful itkoe to rotut beallh
mrkt ao epoch in the life cf tbr individ
ual. ucb ft rtmarkab'e evext is treat,
urcd ia memory and the agency mhertby
the god health Las been attaibed i
gratefully blefed. lltt-re it ia that ao
much i beard in praite of Eectnc Hit
ters. So many feel they oe their rt
toration to Lealtb. to t!e vk rf the great
alterative and tonic If yoa are troubled
with any diaeaae of kidneys, liver or
stomach, cf lone r sbrt sundin yo
will surely find relief t y ue cf Electric
Bitters. Soi l at Soc aad per bottle
at II im & Cahbaea'd drug store. (
urexxur vcics ulvx.
The best ftalve ia the world f r cuu,
bruift- core, uktr. aa't rLrun, fever
sore, tetter, chapped basis. cLilblaiss.
ccrr and all skin en j lion, abd p'.si-
tively cure piles, cr co piy requirel. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satufactioa
or nicaey refosded. FTice 25 ct-ct jer
hex. For sale tv Ilartz & Bhcae?..
Uev. II. II. FairaK. D. I.. e lifr of the
Iowa ilethodi-t, sjs cditoriatly. "We
have tesud the merits of Ely's Cream
Balm, and believe that, hw a thnrmh
courte of treatment, it win cure almost
every case of catarrh. Min:rera. as
ciast are sni.cled with Lead and throat
troubles, and catarrh seems more r reval
ent tbaa ever. We cannot recommend
Ely's Cream Ba'm too bifibly."
I USed Ell 'a Cream Ralm rr.rrve-ataeri
It proved ft cure B. F. M. Wetk
characterize the style we
In fact and in truth abso
lutely everything required
for the proper adornment of
boys and children correct
ia style and right la price,
can be fodnd at the
A Kail Baliaa u Xcbb's Bauaav
The dictionery says, balsam ia a
thick, pure, aromatic subcuace flowing
from tree a." Kemp' Balaam for the
throat and lung is the onlv courh medi
cine that is ft real balsam, llaiy thin,
watery cough remedies are called balsam'
bnt such are not. Look through a bottle
of Kemp' Balaam and notice what a pare,
thick preparation it ia. If yoa conch
use Kemp Balaam. At all druggists'.
Large bottle 50c aad f L
CesitbjMa M Daaswaad.
The Burlington Route, C.. B. & Q. R.
R., from Chicago. Feoria and St. Loni.
ia now completed, and daily peaaeoger
trains are running thrnnrh
fa, awavajaw ACV.,
and Custer. S. D.. to Desdwood. AUa
to NewcasOe. Wyoming m
to Dead wood.
Muiea im-l unc raiWIcal POL of Part,
raaoet rBaranted an nn...n.w T!
fw Urn T.k.uI.,u. . I ,
pee-ilar to woaaea. rcli dlracUoaa wti rack
g?,V-Itb',ora,r,tol' . Aaatrteaa
llr r'T Pprtetor. hpeacer, Iowa. Tba
reaaiBanUl ktmA L-j . .
" " -rr- nin, aaa or aa
Phillipsburg, Kan.
r wmrv fxm aaBal TavT a"wwCa
randbca, colaaaea or nestaeota.
aaa arti a vjsinaw
.... .
auuraoars. raiaw Oo. i
r" i . aa krrwiPdzd
U-m leatifir retae.l'r loc
iaariba dt wia.
T ac oc.Tw fcNt r-3-ry ix
1 K asi ttl
ialLfw t i ..
.w azjzziJi' -
raucE aiA.
DWXXWU JJT -T- ir"T W10ti
London Clothing Go.
''UJiitinui, Wia,

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