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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, April 06, 1891, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

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Dressed poultry at Browser's.
Mill inert exhibit : McCa.be Bros.
E. P. Reynold U reported u improv
ing. Dr. Gait's condition remains about the
Joe Haas has let! ned one lecion. lie
hat issued bo orders this campaign.
Electric burglar alarm outfits carefully
installed b? Geo-pe G. Crampton.
The F. C. A. Denkmaa brought her
first raft throngi the drsw this morning.
Millinery opening on Wednesday and
Thursday of this week at McCabe Bros.
The best Droductinns of the leading
mikeri of wall paper ca be had at It.
Crampton & Co's.
. Window abides resdy for patting up
mounted oa the best spring rollers, very
chesp at Crampton'.
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock 20 in- ces
brown cotton twilled crash at 2Jc per J
yard at McCabe Bios'.
"I have always been, am now snd ex
pect to remain a republicm." Joe Ilsas
in republicsn convention.
Newest, cboicett and most stylish of
millinery will be shown at McCabe Bros,
opening exhibit this week.
The Backer Bill note paper, ruled and
plain, in pound packages, 252, less than
half usual rate, at Crampton'.
Vote for J. M. Buiord for city treas
urer. Ue is time tried and thor
oughly efficient sod h willing to eorve.
The exercises ia honor of the Twentt
fifth aeniversuy of the G. A. R are t
be held at the First M. E church tonight.
f 1,200 wilt buy a fle room cottags
with Urge lot on Vine street, if tsken
tooo: J. E. Retdy. 1803 Second avenue
An. infant daugattrr of Mr. and Mr.
E. Uetkert on Molioe avenue, died list
night of peritonitis and whooping cough.'1
Wednesday morning at 9 o'c'.ock 10
pieces cf genuine Turkey red table d.
mask. 14 cents per yard, at McCibe
Give John Looney jour vote for city
attorney. Ue U a ruing aid ambitious
young lawyer and is entirely worthy of
the office . . -
R. Cramp'.on 3t Co. are in receipt of
the latest styles of picture mouldings,
etchings and other pictures of desirable
Persons selecting their wall paper this
prmg at Crampton's. will get nothing
but the most approved in pattern and
coloring ; . .
The -mayor has instructed Marshal
Miller to see to it that the saloons are
doted tomorrow as is customary on c-leo
Bridge travel yesterday accounted to:
Foot North. 617: south. 611; total.
1.223. Teams North. 569: south, 563;
total. L.132.
You will run no risk in setting faulty
and bad patterns and coloring when e
lecting wall paper from the stock of R.
Crampton & Co.
Edward Burriil, Jr.. is the popular
candidate for township collector, and if
indications go for augbt he will be given
a handsome majority.
Special for Thursday morning at 9
o'clock, pare linen crash, 18 inches wide,
four yds for 25c, or 16 yds for $1. at
McCabe Bros, 16 yds. being the limit to
any one customer.
The Rck Island & Peoria will tun a
through coach to Decatur on the after
noon train tomorrow, and the morning
train the next day. on account of the G
A.. R. encampment.
A boy named Kennedy residing in th's
city jumped off a freight train in Mcline
yesterday and fell on his face, lacerating
it fearfully. The injuries are not re
garded as serious though.
Tbe greatest linen sals of the 5a;ade
takes place this week at McCabe Bros.
Linens from Scotland. Ireland, Belgium,
Germany. England and France, as well
as American manufactures.
All who want a fair and equitable ev
sessment of city property should vote for
J. R. Johnston. He is well qualified and
thoroughly conversant with the duties in
cumbent upon the assessor.
Mrs. George Washington nee Mary
Winston (colored) died at ber home at
707 Second street on Saturday eveninp,
aged 40 years, and was buried from the
colored Methodist church this afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Vote for George W. Henry for city
clerk. He is honest, competent and in
dustdous and wilt show that there is one
man besides Bobert Koehler in Rock Isl
and who is able to discbarge the duties
of that office.
Parisian styles, London styles, exclu
sive sty es, and origioal design s of pat
tern bats and bonnets will be shown at
McCabe Bros' of fine millinery on Wed
nesday and Thursday of this week.
A conservative citizen, whose inclina-
. l!mM n. lra rijn with th rrmh1S-
cans, offered to bet from $100 to $500
Saturday night that Ohlweiler would be
the next mayor of Clock Island and failed
to find any takers.
There is no reason why Joe Haas
- should be more successful in securing
democratic votes for himself than he was
in inducing demociats to desert Mr. Cable
for Mr. Gest. If Mr. Haas expects and
wants democratic votes, be should jump
is the democratic band wagon an d stay
there. Ditto, Robert Koehler.
The election of A'd. J. E Laikin to
the council from tie Seventh ar-l is re
garded as a foregone conclusk a by repub
licans as well as democrat. 1 be Se?eoib
ward would be utterly b Ind to its own
Interests to ignore Mr. L&rkli. wu bs
proven Lis abilitv and his regird far t.i
constituents regardless or par ies
J . R. Johnston will be elec -ti ass s r
tomor.ow by a majority wh ch e
worthy of the man. Repiblicaes
we! as democrats are entl usiasUc! y
supporting Mr. Johnson, all! air-micde I
people conceding that it n fortunate lb
the people should have an opf ortunity to
vote for one so competent and efficient
Koehler and Haas both saef red at aoj
effart to defeat them in the Dominati n
after they had won in the . convection
Thursday night, and both detlartd that
now they propose to be electe 1, whether
or no. They will find that the mass f
the votera of Rock Island caaaol be con
trolled as easy as republicsn 'onventi D
Joseph Twiese!. of LtClaire was sbo.
probably fatally, by Ssm Fullmer, niiht
watchman at the boit yards a that place
on Saturday night. Twiessl, who nts
b;en a bard drinker for sorat time, was
prowling about the baat j ard'i, and ibe
watchman and him getting in'o trouble,
it ended in Fullmer sho-Hing Twi-sel.ano'
he U not expected to recover
W. J. Kerr has purchased t CO fot
adpinina Mj L. M Buford reidetc.
on Second avenue and bis gWin Couitac
tor Schreiner ihe plans for a hsbcis.in-!
residence to beereciel thereon thU sum.
mer. Mrs. C. Lynde u-.s purthasei a 40
foot lot west of Maj. Buford's bouse and
on tbe corner of Tenth street :n 1 Second
avenue wi!l have a neat botae erected
on tbe 6ite.
At tbe citizen's convention at Molioe
last Friday night J. W. Warr was nomi
nated for mayor. C. G. Cirlso i for city
clerk. J. B. Oaalear for attorney, C. F.
Ilemenway for treasurer, R A. Sm 'h
for Supervisor and P. C. Sim:non. G. II
Ilu&toon and E. P Smith fo- eupervis
ors. C. C. Waters for assess r. J. U.
W'strand for collector, and D W. Gould
for constable.
The London Clothing coxp'nj t-Msb-Ihbment
was the scene of gnat activity
last Saturday, tte cause cf tbe treat
conomotion being their spring oreainp.
Between four and five thousand persons
visited this vast clothing emptrium dur
ingtheda and partook of the hospN
talities of ths proprietors in lbs shape of
ice cream, cake and lemonade. The mul
titude expressed themselves as highly
delighted with the elegant lunch and
greatly admired the vast line of clothing.
Tbe city election in Davenport resulted,
at usual, in a triumph for the democracy.
Mayor C. A. Ficke was re-elected by
1.876 majority over August Reimere; M.
C. Martin was elected city c'.erk over
Louis Reid; H. Rieck, treasjrer. ovrr
J. P. Van Patten and Etiel Pa k asses ior
overL. A. Deesaint. The tepubiicios
elected J. A. Ls Cliire police magistrate
over John Hennings. The democrats
elected four out of six !der;nao. Tue
proposition to establish a eup rior court
was defeated by a vote of 2S2 1 1 645.
A few boarders wanted" at 306 Nine
teenth street.
Ice cream always on hand at Krell &
Math's. Remember and try a disb.
'Sure cure for dyspepsia, che viog euro.
All the best brands at Krell & VlathV
Butter cups put up in bal' and oof
pound air light jars. smal'r am int
looe, at Kreil fc Math's.
Dwelling for sale cheap, con.er of Fif
teenth avenue and Tbirty-first street, one
b;ck from Elm street cars. Enquire on
No April fool joke hut a fact, that
tbe Crown dining room serves a better
mea! for 25 cents ihtn any otier place
in tbe city.
Ah hah! Tbe latest; we hsve them,
mint glaces. They consist of extra See
cream and flavored strongly of mint
Krell & Math always bave tbe latest for
J. J. Lerch. the well knowi painter.
ppcr hancer. grainer, kalsominer. etc .
is prepared to do all kinds of orfc in
line in first class manner. Shop N .
309 Eighteenth street.
PoDiie flotica.
I have full authority to use tbe inbel
issued by the Journeymen Tail r' Union
of America. Hkxbt Wesdt.
Fret over your taxes, your gaebills
and your sins, but not over a cold, when
you can cure cure i: so quickly with Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
For beauty, for comfort, for improve
ment of the complexion, use Lly Poz
zoni's Powder; there it nothing equal to
Starch grows sticky; common powders
bave a vulgar glare. Pozzooi'a is tbe
only complexion powder fit for us?.
Ere your wave-bittared. ditmanted balk is daeh
ed to pieces epos that cruel reef by t ic reeUtlea:
waves. Sara, toa, a shattered physique, fas
yielding to the attack of disease tth that im
perial renarater of bea'.th and at rengtl .Hcstctter'
Stcmach Bitten. The rmn;t of in pot era is wide,
its action prompt and thorough, its ime elwajre
safe. Chronic indigentlon, debility and tervouf
neat. malarial eomplainta, rhenmatisn , neuralgia,
ioaclivity of the kidneys and bladdT, and tbat
phyaidal decay without apparent caiaa. which Is
often pre mat ore, are speedily check) I acd ulti
mately cured by this medicine M tnai f uses and
ore results. Sleep, appetite and vizor are im
proved by this helpful tonic and regal itor.the use
of which lftcwiM tends to remedy t ndu lean-
Remarkable, Endurance of a
Gotham Italian. .
While the Cofortnnate Man Looked oa
Perfectly t'on-cio. a Heart Affectioa
Maklna; Anwsthsnlra Imnowlble Terrl
hto .tflticlloii Csated by a FUtnc; of
Ilr aid Neteet of Medical Auialun
He fne-tnnb at Last to La Grippe
Hit FiTsriis Me.
New Yoke, April 6L A man. who the
doctors aay, possessed greater physical
courage than any one who eTer came un
der their observation, was among the vic
tims of tbe grip who die! last week. II is
name was John Robollo, and bis cripple-t
figure has been a familiar sight for tbe
pa-t year or so on tbe west side of town.
Fonr years ago Robollo was a man in
rugged health, almost a giant in strength.
He was employed as a block cutter in a
wall paper 'actory. More than three
yers ago a bit of brass filing became
lodged in some manner in the big toe of
bis right foot. Inflammation set in, bnt
Robollo would hare nothing to do with
doc' or.
The PuUon la HU Blood.
Blood poisoning In a mild form super
vene.!, and Robollo made up bis mind
that th toe would bare to come off Ha
performed tbe operation without fiiach
iug, and ligatured and bandaged it so as
to control the hemorrhage A fe weeks
latr inflammation from his wounl
spread, and gangrene set in. Then he ap
piled to the mrorn cf Rxerelt hos
pital for treatment. They found it neces
Birr to take ff tlie entire foot immedi
ately. Eren that did not avail, and a few
weeks later another amputation was made
above tbe knee. He was discharged ap
parently cured, lioth of these operations
were performed without the administra
tion of ansettbetica, - as Robolo was a vic
tim of heart disease, but be bore them
without flinching.
Another Operation 'eeessary.
But the poion in Robollo'a system had
apparently not been exterminated, for
tl r-e months a'ter his discharge from tbe
Lojiital gangrenous symptoms ap
peared in tbe left foot and be was again
compelled to go to the operating table.
Tiiis time the surgeons took off the le.t
lei: nt about the sanx point where tbe
other bad b-"en amputated. l$eforehe ha i
rworered from that operation the fatal
blool poisoning reappeared in the stump
of the riijht leg. TbeD tbe surgeons were
aluut ready to give him up. It was
t nerefore decided uot to operate. Wbeu
t-a iti.'ii'Mi was exi'lnineil to H-1 -11 be
ln-isted tbat tl.e operation shouli take
place without an aLif-tiietic He didn't
cire (ore the pain, he said, an 1 the sur
geons might go ahead as fast as they
AttnnliUina Plaek and Nerre.
He was so determined in the matter
that the doctors decide! to try it. They
took off the right leg at tbe hip joint, and
Ro'oollo not only bore it without fainting
or shrinking, but be grimly watched the
aursreons at work and even attempted to
assist them i tome details. Tbe doctors
said it was the most remarkable exhibi
tion of endurance they bad ever witnessed.
Eren this wa.s not the end ot tbe poor fel
low's sufferings. No sooner had he par
tially recovee! from the last awful ex
perience in tLe surgeon's b.nds than the
aame condition of things presented itself
in the left leg. That alo was taken off
at the hip joit in the same manner.
Lived Thrnnth It to Die of La Grippe.
IJobollo lired through it. His wonder
ful plui k nevtr deserted him for au in
stant. He got well, and nearly two years
ago he was discharged cured. He retained
bis health until attacked by tbe grip about
two weeks ago, and the disease finally
conquered him. He had a comfortable
little property of his own, aud be earned
a partial living by selling trinkets. He
never tired of ciacking his favorite joke
when asked how be was doing in business
or otherwise- His reply always wa: "Oh,
I can't kick."
Horrible Murder of Hi Wife by a Srgn
at Jeney City.
Jf.BSET ClTV, X. J., April Edward
XV. Haliiner, colored, who, it is said, has
ben a preacher and a pugilist, murdered
hit wife in a most brutal manner at an
early hour yesterday. The woman had
recently left him on account of cruel treat,
ment. Hal linger, while frantic with
liquor, forced an entrance into the house
where his wife was stopping and began
beating her on the head with a lather's
hatchet. Again and again be sank the
weapon into tbe woman's skulL Even
after the woman was dead tbe infuriated
brute kept striking her with tbe hatchet.
His Victim Terribly Mutilated.
When he finally desisted, tbe woman's
skull was crushed to a bloody mass,
lio ii her arms were almost severed from
tbe body, these baring been cut while she
raised tbem in an endeavor to ward off tbe
blows, llallinger then attempted to kill
hiniseif. He had cut bimself severely
about the bend when the police arrived
ami disarmed bim. The refusal of the
woman to lire with him agaiu was the
reason given by tbe murderer for his ter
rible crime.
beath of a Prominent Pittsbarg; Man,
Pittsbcbg, Pa., April 6. John Harper,
president of the Pittsburg clearing house
and of the Bank of Pittsburg, died at his
residence in this city early yesterday, aged
S) years. At one time Mr. Harper was a
member of the Ohio senate, and was for
rears conspicuous in tbe politics of the
Buckeye state.
Left His Bride and SOO Creditors.
New York, April ( George E. Simis
closed bis store in Williamsburg on Mon
day last and has not since been seen. It
is estimated tbat he left 300 creditors. A
bride of fire months is also left behind.
Tbe total amount of Simis' liabilities is
about $4,500.
Scarlet Fever oa the Teutonic
New Yobk, April 6 George G. Wright,
steward; Samtiel Green, assistant steward,
and William Hughes, an engineer. . all of
tbe steamship Teutonic, were removed
from the ship Saturday to Xorth Broth
era' Island hospital, suffering from scarlet
fever. .
Warner MiUer Is AU Right. .'
New Yobk, April A telegram has
been received from Hon. Warner Miller
at Greytown, Nicaragua, stating that be
and all bis party, recently wrecked, bad
arrived safe and welL
Intelligence Column.
For Sale. Rent. Exchange and Miscel
laneous wants Inserted one day at le
per word; three days at He per word
and one week at Ho per word.
"Situations wanted" and local 'Help"
wants not exceeding three lines in
serted one week in the DAILY ARGUS
TTJASTED A good rook at the St James hotel.
A l lt& Srsi-c a aiuini room (irlat
1 V SC James hotel. 4-1 w
FR REST Twofiraltbtd rooms; enquire st
HIT recocd arenae.
ttrect A. H. Lambert's -
reni.emen at &27 Twentieth street.
WANTED Fi'St-c'.as coat maker; teadr rm
p toy ment M. i McBride, 103 Si. Adams
street. Peoria, IH.
MOHKY TO I.OAX On chit el eortjrtsrrs,
watches, diamonds, j-welry. and a 1 articles
of rslae. J. W. June. lKt4 Serond arenne. t-tf
WANTED A boose In gooi repair for family
of tbre person, without children: wiijina
to par libera! rent for suitable v remises. Ad
dress W. a. T. Aauc office.
BUSINESS FOR SALE Suitable for ladies or
ieni paying (10 per dar for f 100. inciadinc
worth of roods. Aun or call at room a,
W himker block. fSTenport, Iowa.
WANTED Two or three ynod mea to repre
tent ear well knoci bou-e for town aadcitr
tride: local and irirelire. 10n a ad expenses
ptr month to tbe nb t man. Apply quick, mt
in; aee. LUMiiiLo. NarMirmea, HoriJis
and eedm?n. Si. Paul. Minn.
(Th s hotse is rrspontible.
Xow Ieady,
" Parlors,
Dining Booms.
Fi it ze and Ceiling
to Match.
i I
We bare arranged with the test Paper Banger
and Painters in tbe city to take charge of onr work.
Saturactory results can be relied on.
Wvominsr lot- It's the cominar cttr of Wrom
Inir. lias waterworks, elwtrtc lichts. flouriiif
mills. Lnrated In the aranlen of Wrotninir.
iTwiuced the prir potato crop of the" l"nite,i
States in tor maps and further infor
mation app!y to
MANS & THOM.. Buffalo, Wro.
The New Store,
We want yon to see the best corsets
for the money in this vicinity.
Onr "Mayflower" at 50c Satteens
splendidly made.
White. .
Onr "No. 100 ' asatteen strips cor
set in black only at 75 cents, cannot be
Two new numbers la high bast
Three Times as
As ay other similar esrWihntnt in the en j.
Nos 1525 nd 1527 Second Avenue,
And Ncs 124. 123 and 123 Sixteenth Street,
See the Stylish Display
TheCneft erer shwn in the City, at
Successor to Miss Petersen, So. 1753 second avenue. Bock I?iacd
Tbe rerr latest styies in patterns, hats, banncts. ribbons, laces and fancy goods.
1 1 1 and
Ill and 11 J West Second
White J
at specially low prices-
On other lines of corsets we are es
pecially strong. All the best stanlara
makes in stock.
-. Special rallies this week in otter
New spring dress goods
Ginghams. -Challies.
Immense assortment cf black
The choicest things go early.
lInnHL Illinois.
Large a Stock of
1 1 J West Second Street,
Street, Davenport, Iowa.

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