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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, May 21, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1891-05-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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.Rock Island Daily Argu
1 Single Cople 5 Ceala
1 rerWeck litiCeili
Owing to the unprecedented success of Our Great Special
Labor Day Sales April 25 and May 2, we have decided to deal
out our enormous bargains all through the house for the rest of
the month of May, so that everybody will have a chance to obtain
goods of the very latest styles and best makes for less than- half
price. We feel confident that out of the thousands that visited
our store during Our Great Special Labor Day Sales not one
went away dissatisfied. All were fully convinced that we do not
misrepresent, but fully live up to all our advertisements.
Prices Quoted for the Month of May Will be Far Below
Anything Ever Named or Heard of.
mim I I I M
Prices Cut in
For the Rest
of the
Alonth of May
the Greatest
Bargain Sale
on Record!
Once a CustomerAlways a Customer!
Halt -Goods
The object we have in
view we are deter
mined to carry
out, i. e.
t Like
Almost given Away !
For the Rest
of the
Month of May
the Greatest
Bargain Sale
on Record!
A Coke Region I'nion Declares the
Strrke Off Action of the Knight. .
ScottdaLE, Pa., May 21. A split
occurred between th two labor organiza
tions in the coke region, the Knights oC
labor and the Miners' Protective Union.
Tuesday's district convention of .miners
was called by the K. of It. who are in the
majority. The Miners' Protective Union
were deniedjrepresentation. Yesterday a
meeting of the Miner's Protective Union
was held and the strike was declared off,
and an order given to the members to re
turn to work.
Will Stand Out for Six Weeks. .
The K. of L. convention was resumed
yasterday. The committee appointed
Tuesday reported that they were told
that the sliding scale now in effect, and
under which their works now running
had resumed, was the only scale the com
pany would consider, and it needed bo
conference. Those wishing to
return to work could do so in any num
ber until all the plants were resumed.
Anything more was distinctly refused.
The convention voted to continue the
strike for another six weeks at least.
A Chinaman aud a Jewess
were mac-
rled at Chicago Wednesday.
The Davis Shoe company, of Boston,
failed Tuesday for $1,000,000.
The Vatican is short of funds owing to
the falling off in Peter's pence.
Michael Davitt will support Parnell if
the latter wins at the general election.
Maxim, the gun inventor, claims that
he has invented a succesful flying ma
chine. A capital of $100,030,003 has been sub-,
scribed to unite New Jersey to New York
by a bridge across the Hudson.
News from South America is generally
to the effect that all co untries there will
be well represented at the World's fair.
Secretary Blaine's condition is so much
improved that he is now up, and he may
return to 'Washington City at any time. .
There were copious rains in northern
and Western Iowa Weduesdav. break in a-
tue drought, which was becoming serious.
Four hundred Chicago policemen have
been discharged to bring the pay roll of -the
police force within the appropria
tion. Natalie was expelled from Servia Tuts--day,
and upon her arrival in Hungary the
Huns gave the exiled queen a great ova
tion. Matthew Scott, one of the most pronii--nent
capitalists and business men of cen- '.
tral Illinois, was reported dyiug from the
grip at his home Bloomington Wednes
day night.
Many ministers have objected to the ..
selection of Phillips Brooks as Episcopal
bishop of Massachusetts and Us may not
be confirmed.
Grand Rapids street car strikers re
sorted to violence Tuesday. Several new
men were badly beaten, a number of cars
wrecked and the cable broken.
The Farmers' Alliauces of Nebraska
propose to elect another governor. They
contend that Governor Thayer can hold
the office only until the next election.
Inter State Commerce Commissioner
Morrison was r.t Chicago Wednesday. He .
said that whatever other issues were up ".'
in lStri, the tariff would be the leading
Es-President Hayes was at New York
Wednesday, looking very old, and com-"'
plaiuing of lo-s of memory, the result of
au attack of la grippe. His hair and beard
are almost white.
El win B. Hay, of Troy, N. Y., was.
elected grand exalted ruler of the Order
of Eiks at the grand lodg meeting at
Louisville Wednesday. Dr. (juinlin, of '
Cicao, declined a third term.
A Oirl Incendiary's Idea.
Salem, Mass., May 21. A 14-year-old
girl, Rosie Duce, is under arrest for at
tempting to set fire to the Naumkeag
mill No. 1 last night. She says that she
thouchl if she could burn the mill she
would not have to work.
Chicago. May 2X
Following were tha nr... ration i.m tl. l.,,ur1
of trade to-day: M hyat ."o. 2 May. opened '
fl.0j,closed Sl.ttStj; July, opened1 JL(ilJ4 closed
tl.tWfi: September, opened W, closed &ic
Corn No. 2 May, ojiened 6lc; closed bJo;
Julv. ownwi aT1, ZrAi- s. .tumluv
opened &tifc closed Sjljc Oats No. 2 May,
openea , dosed ajo; July, opened ic.
Closed 45-3C; September, oiened ic closed
3jivc. Pork Mav. owned f 11.35. cloned ii.i.v
July, opened S11.45, closed 11125; September,
opened $11.70. closed flLSU, Lard May, op
en! 6.424, clo-ed ti.4U.
Live stock Following were the nricfca t ttm
Union stock yards to-dav: Hours Market
rather active on packing and snipping ac
count, but feeliuif raiher weak. Trirn mlari s
fill: lower; sales ranged at f2.7jit.3o pigs.
4.2.i!4.u lisht, $4.25-3445 rough packing,
$4.35 14. 70 mixed, and 4.5(1 1 J.HI hMvr n,fb.
lug and shipping lots.
Cattle Market rather actira Ml in.a1 ami
shipping account, prices somewhat Irregular;
vuoiauous ranged at fjo'gti OU lor choice to
fancy shipping steers. SiOOi.a5.7U rood to rhnlm
do. 4.3Jfri.4UJ common ti fni. n-. e j uvi -.
butchers' steers, i6J3,3.5J atocker. f2.75ia
.u lexana. t.i.M.H.M feeHr. i -jkvj m-,.
$153.3 5) bulls, and $2.504.50 veal calves.
bueep Demand otilv tnndxmtx n.i r.i.,,-
ruled steady; quotations ranged at $4.2345.75
westerns. 4.75l.6.JU native, anil iuinr, -m
Produce: Buttor F
per lb; dairies, fancy fresh, 15il6c; packing
siocxs. iresn, fcggs southern stock, 15c
yr uufa uorowrn. ioc Live poultry Old
chickens, 9V4c oer lb: nrini yi, -t-
5Q5c: turkeys, mixed. 7c; ducki "StL8c ;
uuiiOT-auM. .j.juc per uu: Uebron, VJ
95c: Peerless, 8iiiJc: Burbanks, 1.0iL05o
mixed, ftjTic. Strawberries Tennessee, fair
to good, L50a2.0 per 24-qt case; IlUoois, JiOJ
Hii. JO.
New York.
New York, May 31
Wheat o. 2 r.id winter cash. $L144: do
May, fl.14; do June, tl.L$6: do July. ILU9H:
do Auirust. S1.05V4. Corn No. a minwT ...h
WVeBQ May, Kic: do June, 65?;
Juiy, MVf. Oats Irregular and weak: No.
mixed cash, MWajbc; do June. 4c:
July, 644c. Eye Neglected.
lected. Pork-Dull; 12.W L 13.25 for no.
mess. Lard Ouiet: Julv. 8.7T-
beptember, $7.03.
Live Stock: Cattle-Trading active "at a
further advance of 15c 100 Bs from Monday;
poorest to best native steers. o. 303,6.60 y luo
tm: Texans, $5.35: bulla and .dry cows. 3 0J
6.S). Sheep and Lambs-Sold at firmer prices
JM bri3k: Pt1 -heep, $4,004
. y 2 ' cPPe yearlings, .75a7.25;
Iambs, t7JOa.0O per head. Hogs NominaUr
steady; live bogs, S4.3U25.40 V 100 1 a.

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