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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, August 22, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1891-08-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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Rock Island Daily
Arg us.
Single Copies 5 Cents.
Per Week Cent.
All summer coats and vests that are left you can have at half price.
All light weight dress suits that are left you can have at half price.
All light colored business suits that are left you can have at half price.
Pants at half price.
Children's Clothing at half price.
School suits at half price.
Summer Underwear at half price.
Neglige Shirts at half price.
Straw Hats at half price.
Neckwear at half price.
Children's Waists at half price.
Knee Pants at half price.
All odds and ends must and will go at half price.
We carry no goods over from season to season.
Our fall stock is beginning to come in. We must have more room.
Therefore this great sale.
A Railway Called Ipon to Pay for
Natal Injuries.
Philadelphia, Aug. i2. A peculiar
and interesting aa.it at luav, growing out
of very unusual and r niarkable . circum
stance, has been commenced in the com
mon pleas court, against The Pennsylva
nia Railroad company to recover t.5,000
on behalf of John B. Jay ami sou for in
juries snntained by the latter previous to
bis advent into this world. The allega
tion is that on Oct. A, .8S0, three months
prior to the child' birth, his mother,
Emma B. Jay, in alighting from one of
the company's cars at Poweilton Avenue
station, was thrown to the platform
through the negligence of the company's
servants, and that she was baldly bruised,
besides sustaining a very serious nervous
shock. In consequence of this shock the
physical condition of the child was im
Secretary Noble has retucuel to Wash
ington. Wisconsin's wheat' rop is estimated at
Sfl'a per cent, of a full yield.
The Farley National bank of Mont
gomery, Ala., has closed its doors.
Italy is said to hare sustained a deficit
of fUs.oOj.Oi"' during the last liscal yea'-.
Fire nt Dallas, Tex., destroyed half a
dozen business houses, rtie loss aggrega
ting fttO,bUO.
Two convicts in the penitentiary at
Walla Walla, Neb., were killed while try
ing to escape.
Judge Elias II. Williams, formerly
chief j'lttce of the Iowa supreme court,
died at his home near McGregor.
The Kansas Democrat is out in favor of
Democratic-Republican fusion on judicial
candidates to defeat the Alliance.
The sub-treasary scheme of the farmers
has divided the Alliance of Texas, and the
feeling among the two factious is very
A dispatch from Texas says the exten
sive rains in that state are generally at
tributed to the experiments of General
The new lake in the Colorado desert, it
has just been discovered, is beiag fed from
the (iaif of California as well as from the
Culorido river
Elliott Koosevelt, brother of Theodore
Roosevelt, writesfrom Paris to deny that
bis brother is taking steps to have his
(Elliott's) sanity tested. '
Henry Worthingtoo Beckwith, United
States consul at Bermuda, died at his
mother's home, near Hinsdale, Ills. He
was a son of ths late Judge Corydoi Beck
with. The casualties in the hurricane at the
island of Martinique grow with each ad
ditional report. Two hundred and
eighteeu persons were killed in the coast
towns alone.
Thomas S. Findlav, the cashier of
Wallace. Elliott & Co.,'of New York, has
been arrested for embezzling the firm's
money. He has stolen about (20,000.
A Kansas,. City- man who teaches "the
art of rtiiTtmtr ma atnrf ni t money" has
been arrested for having some of the
"bogus" in his own possession, which he
says, he passed by mistake while drunk.
At Burke, Idaho, an explosion of giant
powder killed G. McNeill, general man
ager of the Black Bear mine: John J.nse,
assistant' manager; Robert Blackburn
and John Barrens, miners. Four others
are missing, ami supposed to have been
blown to atoms.
The coroner's jury in the case of Clark
Woodman, of Omaha, who died in his
room at the Grand Pacific hotel, Chicago,
decided that it was a cane of heart disease.
The letter he left said he could stand "this
trouble" no longer, and asked Mr. Clark
to "oomfort my poor Sallie" his wife.
Temporarily Paralyzed by Lightning.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 23. O. V.
Whitcomb, of Schoolcraft, while working
on a new house Thursday night, was
struck by lightning and paralyzed for
a ime time. There was not the slightest
trace of pulse, but in an hour or two he
began to recover, and yesterday was able
to move about.
Ohicaoo. Aug. SL.
Following were ihti annt.tion nn tk. lm.pl
of trade today: Wheat Vs. S August, opened
11.07, closed V-Othi: September, opened
S1.U6. closed S1.03W: Deceraher- nnanaii l itOL
closed f l.(ttv$. corn No. August, opened
7J4c. closed ttftHc; September, opened 67c,
vivtwu , vciooer, openeo. oov closet c.
Oats No. 2 August, opened 31Mc closed BUic;
nntMnwi- rrtaniAti -,. .InuJ OIK.'...
opened &"H closed Sijgs. Pork September
upenra iiu.z-j, closed i't. October, opened
II0.4TU;. closed iklX!!; January, opened
Sl:!l-21u , ?,, I rA un....l
. .. t-vykwiwr,
opened J6.t.EPV rioted $6 57.
i-ive ttoiK tollowiug were the prices at
the Uiiion sto k yards today: Hogs Market
rather active on pa:kiug and shipping ac
count; feeiio-i taiv and nrlnt. rnlH
6c lower: mle- ramted at 2.5o3?.m
pigs. 5i.7V?A iiht, rough
packiii. SijAOo mixed, aud 5.004&.6U
heavy j.ack iug and shipping lots.
t'artV-Alarkct ratUt-r active on local and
shipping account and feeling stronger: prices
of best errades favorable to buyers; quotations
ranged at $j.:V&e.8J cboloe to fancy snipping
eteers. (f4.9o.ii.80 good to choice do, t4.10uk
4.M common to fair do, 3.7j&4.tf butchers'
steers, f-M&3M stackers. $.?&S.80 Tazaas,
$.j.COiit.lij rauiters. fci.U0c2A5O faedm 1 s.r
8.30 cows, fl.50-iU.au bulls, and 12 Lu l rr.
veal calve. '
bheep Market rather acUve and prices up.
eriis. f;i.7iiAAi Dative, and iXsa&bM lambs.
nicc; omier rauy separator. Wo per
lb; daries, fancy, fresh. 14316c; packing at oaks,
fresh, Uc. K-s-Lo ot, 14"c per doi. Un
poultry Old chickens, 1c per lb; spring, Uo
roosters. 5tc; turkeys, mixed, 10c; ducks, d
10c; spring. 10411c PoUtoes St. Louis, Early
Ohio. 83!p. nr Vn ITan... ai7riii. i
- - - i ii, liUIHD
grown, 6kokW per saok; Mianesata, 4oS4io per
uu. Aina-iuuuu, green, ou73o per bbu
choice, 1.JL eating. VlhiJ&. Black-beniea-MicUUan,
6a&j per lii-qt case. Blue-berrie-J1.7j4i0U
per 14-t caw.
. 8s. Lrais.
; St. Lows. Aug. 2U
lower; August. $1JH; September. 8L0UH:
December. 1.054. CorS Finn for cash at
dlHc; options lower; August, elMe bid; Sen-
tember. bPAta asked- vr iilii- . j.
43Hc. Oats Highsr? cash. Slot August. ia
bid; September, 3ic Pork. Easy; I10JU.
Lard -Easy; tfiM. Whisky-Steady; tUa. -
I.ivA fitArlc rmttlo M..ku in. ,. .
- - - ww yva nv lua
higher; native steers, $3.auQ6.Ti f er uw lbat
icaiuia aao. ivoisraaos, ea.oBX4.0b; bulls and
dry cows, it.0Og3.0U. Shsep ao Inas
Itheep dull; lambs Arm; she. i.0O3JU0 per
1U lbt; lambs, t-S.tiX&K3X Hogs Marks'
steady; live hogs. ft tjqq par MQ Iba.

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