Newspaper Page Text
-4 k- It -THE AUGUS; TUESDAY. .8 EPTE VI 13 EK 8. 189 1. .8 1 CITY CHAT. Nice grapes t Young's. California plums t Young's. Freeh oysters and celery at Young's. Wanted A nurse at 1410 First avenue. Kentucky blue grass seeds at Young's. Nice tab!e peaches 50c per basket a 'Young's. Remember the concert at Turner opera house, Davenport. Prices the lowest ever seen in wall . paper at George SutclinVs. The 126th Illinois will hold a reunion at Coe Sept 17 and 18. Don't miss the concert Sept. 9 at Turner opera bouse, in Davenport. Mrs. Pet Bell, of St. Louis, is visiting at the home of Mrs. James Carl. Hon. . W. Hurst is cfif on a business trip to Chicago, Peoria and Springfield. Have vou seen the immense line of boys' suits in the London window? The board of supervisors met in reg lar September session this afternoon. For house and sign painting, frescoing and decorating call on George Sutcliff 9. For Rent New cottage on Sixth aves nue near Twenty-sixth street. J. Reidy real estate. The largest day for clothing that Rock Island has ever seen was Saturday at the London opening. George Sutoliffe will show vou the largest stock of wall paper in the city. and prices the lowest. Onjyour way to the river carnival stop in at George Satcliff e's and see his latest patterns in wall paper. . G Frazer has returned from Chi cago, where he accompanied his wife and children, who are visiting there. For Sale A. Victor bicycle for f SO; cost when new $135. Can be seen at Rev. Gue's, 510 Nineteenth street. .bugene itunaieit wno 31 years ago was a resident oi kock island, but now residing near Sterling, is in the city. Mrs. R. W. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler and D. L. Soutberland, of Bushnell, are visiting relatives in the city. Messrs. Harry Hodges, of Chicago, William Hodges, of Marshalltown, and Mrs. A. L. Daniels, of Marion, are visit ing relatives in the city. Go to Sutcliffe's for wall paper; he has some new patternt ; prices 20 to 30 per cent lower than any other wall paper . merchant in the city. The watch and chain found by Mr. G. T. Lovegran belonged to John E, Carl son, of Moline. who satisfactorily identi fied and received the property. Davenport will be in holiday attire all ' this week. Oieofthe best attractions will be the concert at Turner opera house. Admission 23 cents. Now is the time before cold weather comes, to renovate and clean house for painting, papering, calsomining and fres coing. Call on George Sutcliff e. James Murray and Chris Johnson were each fined $5 and costs this morning for assault and battery, and J. H. Brier $25 and costs for carrying concealed weapons. Boswell D. Smith, of Milan, and Miss Carrie Senger, of Preemption, were , united in marriage this morning at the parlors of the Commercial hotel. Rev. W. T. Kerr, of Milan, officiating. Bicyclist Prince, who made such boasts of starting a bicycle tournamant in Rock Island, has given up the scheme and gone to Davenport, having f liied to get all the "accommodations" he wanted here. Prof. W. R. Gould, the aernout, made a successful leap at Keithsburg Sunday, Al .. o nm m . . , .. . KuiuK up o.vw icei irom me is: an a op posite that city and landing in the town neaily a mile from the starting point. A report was current this morning that A.J. Blethan had purchased the Union. Mr. Johnson was seen this afternoon and denied emphatically that any such sale had been consummated or that any offers had been made by Mr Blethan. The Arabic order of the Mystic 8hrine held another of its bier timB at Daven port last evening and conferred the order on 25 candidates. The Rock Island camels present were Cirse, Crubaugt, Willerton, Davhara, Olsen, Lewis. Ash, Forgy. Petrie and Baeaon. Mrs. Fred Hass in company with her daughters. Misses Clara and Tillie and maid, will leave tomorrow evening for St. Paul and Minneapolis to attend the state fair and exposition. Mr. Hass ex pects to take bis meals at the Harper during the absencs of his family. Henry F. Behmke, of Davenport, fell while walking from Moline to Rock IV. and last night and broke his right leg, The Rrck Island patrol wagon started for Davenport with him, but was met on the island by the Dayenport wagon to which the sufferer was transferred. Used in Millions of Homes Sister Mary Amelia, for a number of r ears teacher of music at St. Joseph's i chool this city, died at St. Joseph's cons vent near Dubuque, Sept. 4. aged 35 years, of consumption. While in Rock Island she endeared herself to many by her tender dtvotion, and her patient lovable disposition. The Davenport Mannerchoir, the Arion tociety and Strasser's celebrated or ( hestra will give a great concert at Turner opera house, in Davenport, Sept. 9, com mencing at 8 o'clock p. m. Everybody ought to go,' as that combination is the choicest talents in the city. Admission t nly 25 cents. ' Uncle Pomp" Elliott, the youngest dd man in the lower end of the county, came up from Buffalo Prairie tbis morn- iig. He hasn't forgotten that Gen. John M. Palmer was elected to the United States senate some four months since, and faint traces of the smile which at tiiat time illuminated bis face, are still visible. The ferry company should provide an e'ectric light at its docks on either side of Vie river. There have been a good many n.ishaps and narrow escapes at both sides in consequence of blinding, deceptive s ladows which are cast over the docks where the boat lands. Last evening Jjdge Adam? in stepping from the boat to the dock miscalculated the distance aid fell into the water. Happily he suffered only a severe drenching, but the accident might have resulted much more siriouslv. Monday Ptrhool convention. The Rock Island Baptist Sunday school convention assembled in its 27th annual meeting in the First Baptist church of tl is city last evening. President J. W. Welch, presiding. Half an hour was s(nt in prayer and song led by L. B. Albert, of Chicago. An address was then dtlivered by Rev. T. S. Young, of Mo line, on the topic, "The Place and Rela tive Importance of Sunday School Work." This morning the sessions opened at 9 a. m. with a service of song led by J. W. Welch. At 0.39 the wore was taken up and the topic, "Some Points Wherein Our Sunday School Work Fails to Produce Desired Results," was opened by C. S. Btayton, of Reynolds, followed by gen eral discussion. The topic "The Sunday School TeacherBefore the Class," opened by Rev. Charles Ege, of Aledo, was dis cussed. The topic "What is the Relation Between the Teacher and His Class Be tween Sunday Schools," was opened by F. L. Cook, of Moline. The president appointed committees as follows: On Enrollment Miss Ida Powell, Miss Cora David. Resolutions Re. W. C. Roche, A Eitrom, L. D. Edwards, Mrs. H. Kings bury, Miss Lilly Wilson. Nominations Wm. Talbot, C. 8. Dray ton, 1 . Li. Cook, Mrs. is tout. The letters and reports of Sunday set ools were read in part and recess taken until 2 p.m. A Beat Balsam la Kemp's Balsam ine aicuonery says, "a balsam is a thick, pure, aromatic substance flowing from trees." Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs is the only cough medi- cine that is a real balsam. Maay thin. watery cough remedies are called balsam's bnt such are not. Look through a bottle of Kemp's Balsam and notice what a pure. thiok preparation it is. If you cough use Kemp s Balsam. At all druggists . Large bottles 50c ana 51. I had catarrh of the head and throat for five years. I used Ely's Cream Balm, and from the first application I was re lieved. The sense of smell, which had been lost, was restored after using one bottle. I have found the balm the only sat sfactory remedy for catarrh, and it has effected a cure in my case. H. L. Meyer, waverly, H. x . L. Birkenfeld oSars tor sale his entire stock of books, stationery, confectionery ana toys, ice cream parlors and fixtures complete. Also his property for sale or rent for any number of years to suit parties. r ozzonis uompicxion i'owaer pro duces a soft and beautiful skin; it com bin:s every elsmant of beauty and purity A fall suit with music at the London. THE TOBTTBXS OF THIS IKQUISiTION Inflicted by the dread Torquemada bare abomin able prototypes In tbe shape of chronic rhenma tnm and cenralgia. Attack these agonizing complaints before they reach the chionic stage with the superb bloodiepureut, llostetter'e Stom ach Bitters, which will assuredly expel tbelr viro from the life stream . To procratinate Is to encourage the growth of incipient rheumatism whiclj rapidly tightens its grip upon the sistem. It is '.he very octopus of diseases, and painful in- deed is the clasp of its dreadful tentaclee. Be Dronrpt. therefore, take time by the forelock always remen-berinz that both rbenmatism and gon. close relatives, are dangerous as well as paint all. Debility, chills and fever, bi ions remit tent, dyspepsia constipation, liver complaint, ner Tons lens and kidney disease snccninb to the Bit ters. Appetite and the ability to sleep well are impnvea oy it. akin Powder- 40 Years the Standard. BLOODY WORK Labor Day Disgraced by Catling Affrays. Two Hash Hanston Horrib-y (tlah d by FtU-iw Htranctr Xamed White llflaared for .fe Jo.eph Roaenflrld tttabbrd ! Moline. Hugh Houston, a 19 year old led of Iowa City, who works as newsboy on the C , R. I. & P. road, was badly cut with a knife by one White, claiiciog to bail from Chicago, in a row at Drost's saloon, on Fourth avenue and Twenty-second street, last nigbt. Houston's story is that he and a friend named Donovan, al- j so from Iowa City, fell in with White and another man, whose name he does not know, and drank and shook dice to gether in the saloon and later went into back room to play cards. There they became engaged in a quarrel, during which While drew a huse knife. They then went outside and in a fight which ens jed Houston received a terrible cut along the side of the bead. Stil'.he was game and itb his companion succeeded in getting White down on the pavement adminis tering him a severe pounding, battering his face in such a manner that tbe blood fljwed freely. Finally, however, thev were separated and Houston, wiih the gapping wound in his face, from which tbe blood was (parting as if from a fountain, was taken by a citizen to the Four;h avenue drugstore to have hUhe-.d dressed, and while waiting for the door to be opened, White who had done the cutting ran tip behind the man who was still bleeding profusely from the wounds which he had received, and struck him with a brick or rock, agiin knocking him jown. White was promptly knocked down by the citizen in charge of Hous ton, who held him until the police arrived with the patrol wagon, who took the pair to the Armory, where Djcit- Paul and Kinyon attended Houston and stiched up the gash on his bead which was found to be about seven inches long. Tbe knife entered tbe neck just back of the left ear, and passed under and arjund the ear, cut ting a little piece from the bottom of tbe latter and extending up the side of the face about three inches, and is an ugly looking cash. The cut on tbe back of tbe head inflicted by the rock with which he was hit, proved to be only a scalp wound, and is not considered seri ous. The doctors say that bad the cut under the ear varied the least, it would have severed the carotid artery and death would have resulted almost in Btantaneously. The poctors dressed tbe injuries and tha sufferer ws made comfortable and rested well during- the night, and is consideraby better today Houston says he has an uacie living ii the city, and that he had come down from Iowa City to see tbe Libor dav celebration. White is locked up in the city prison JOSEPH ROSENFIELD STABBED. Joseph Rosenfield, a plumber residing with his parents at 223 Twenty-flist street, was stabbed by a colored man named am ton uoiweu at tne picnic grounds of the L ibor day demonstration in Moline late yesterday afternoon. He was atteided by Dr. Merrvman, of Mo line, and afterward brought to his home in this city where Dr. Truesdale attended him. He was cut in four places, once in the back, twice on the breast and re ceiyed one gash en his right arm. His injuries, which were at first thought to be very serious, are not now considered so. and be is resting easy today. The trouble grew out of Rosenfleld epi.ling beer on Uolwell to which the latter ob jected, and tbe cutting affray was the consequence. Colwell is locked up in Moline. Flank Movement on Jack Frost. Washixgtox, Sept. 8. As an outgrowth of the scheme for artificial rain produc tion artificial frost prevention is now suggested. L. G. Kuiffeu, of Chicago, has written a letter to Secretary Kusk on the subject. His theory is that clouds or ar tificial mists prevent the radiation of heat from the earth. He suggests that the machinery and materials used by Col. Dyrenfurth in causing rain be teste! as a means for bringing the clouds closer to the earth and of creating a sort of fog which will be a preventative against the ravages of frost. Hlppolyte Still Fears Legitime. New York, Sept 8 Tbe latest news from Hayti, brought in by the steamship Adirondack, is to the effect.that President Hiprolyte is in constant apprehension of an attack by tbe revolutionary exiles un der the leadership of General Legitime. All the Haytien ports are well garrisoned, and an extra guard protects the palace in Port-au-Prince. The general feeling among merchants at the ports is that an outbreak is only a question of a short time. Loaned Money Unlawfully. ' St. Louis, Sept. 8. Leon V. Stephens, receiver of the Fifth national bank, has brought suit in the United States circuit court against the directors of the bank to recover $343,337.97, money alleged to have been loaned by the bank in violation of statutes. Secretary Noble at Cape May. Cape May Foist, Sept. 8 Last even ing Secretary of the Interior Noble ar rived. He will be the guest of the presi dent during bis stay. It is stated the "shore capital" will be closed n"xt week so far as official business is concerned. Fell Over an Alpine Precipice, BEBLIX, Sept. 7. Dr. Hoist, a Prussian magistrate, while ascending Mount Terglou, in the Carnle Alps, fell over a precipice and was killed. TRUE TO A RUFFIAN Incomprehensible Case of De votion at Chicago. FAITHFUL TO A BRUTAL HUSBAND. Beaten Almost to Death, a Common Oc currence, a Wife Has Anger Only Against Thoo Who Called the Police OkawTllIe, Ills., Whiteraps Stood Oil by a Christian' Winchester Horrible Suicide at San Francisco The Perrta Abdnctlon Case. Chicago, Sept. 8. In a dingy room at 60 Wesson street Mrs. Lizzie Griffith i lay last night suffering from bruises inflict ed by her husband, who then occupied a cell at the East Chicago avenue station. The couple were married in Scotland a dozen years ago. Yesterday morning the neighborhood in which tbey live was aroused by cries of "Murder!" "He'.p!" "He's killing niel" Griffith had his wife down on the floor choking her when a po liceman burst in' the door. He had kicked and pummeled her until she was one mass of bruises, and blood was flowing from a dozen wounds. The kitchen door looked like that of a slaughter house, and the woman's dress was soaked in blood. Hard Work to Save Her Lire. The patrol wagon was called and Griffith, fighting and blaspheming, was carried off to the station. A neighboring doctor was called in and for three hours lie labored to stop the flow of blood that poured in torrents from the woman's head and body. At one time it was thought she would die. One of the blood vessels in her nose had been ruptured. She lay on a filthy bed last night with her 10-year-old bov beside her. Her face was terriblv swollen and discolored. She could not look out of her eyes. Black rings encircled them. Tbe sheet and coverlet were blood-bespattered. Woman, the Incomprehensible. "My husband," said the woman in a fee ble voice, "is a gentleman and he'll pay my doctor bills. The person who sent for the patrol wagon to take him away was very impudent. Robert Griffith is as good a man ever stepped in shoe leather, and if be beats me it is nobody's business. This is not the first time he has whipped me within an inch of my life, but I for give bim. He's a good man there is none better in Chicago and the person who sent for the police had but little to do. Robert Griffith is a gentleman, and I am lady enough not to appear against him in court." Mrs. Griffith is about 40 years old. WHITECAPS AT OKAWVILLE. Tbey Tackle the Wrong Customer Tronble Over the Liquor Question. Okawville, 111., Sept. 8 Owing to the disorder at Sunday beer picnics near this place the church people have begun a cru sade against the liquor sellers. For the past two Sundays every saloon in the town has been closed up, and much bit terness engendered. Sunday night a crowd of forty or fifty men on horsehack, with white caps drawn over their faces, made visit to the residence of A. Morgan, a prominent churchman and one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of Washington county. Mr. Morgan was prepared for them. Wben the whitecaps surrounded the house and called for him be opened fire upon the crowd with a Winchester rifle. Three shots were fired into the crowd and then it became panic stricken and fled in disorder. Attacked by Hired Kuffians. Sunday morning two strangers got off the train. Y'esterday morning they hired a horse and buggy and drove around the town. They finally met John Tea u beau. a prominent churchman. They sprang Iroui tbe vehicle and jumped on the un suspecting deacon. After beating him in a horrible manner they sprang into'the buggy and drove out of town. An un armed crowd of citizens tried to stop them, but the strangers pulled revolvers, and they were allowed to go. The church people believed that the strangers were hired to come to Okawville and assault prominent church members. Deacon Teaubeau is badly hurt, and his recovery 13UOUUIIU1. THE PERRIN ABDUCTION CASE. Appearance of an Important Witness Against the Abductor. St. Louis, Sept. 8. Frank E. Parrish. a Detroit bartender who is wanted at his home as a witness in the Perrin abduction case, arrived here Sunday night and pre sented himself to his brother, William Parrish, at Moser's hotel. William Par rish came to the city last edne-day look ing for his younger brother, who is a prin cipal witness in the case wherein three brothers John, Thomas and himself it is said.took a prominent part in terretting JUL tue auaucLurs. Was Nearly Beaten to Death. He left Detroit after being almost beaten to death, and since last June has been traveling about the country. For some reason not given Parrish refuses to discuss the Perrin case, and will not sav how he became a prominent figure in it. A few days ago a detective came here from Detroit and will escort Parrish and his brother to that city. SUICIDED A LA LIN'GG. A Man Blows Himself to Pieces With lynauiite. San Francisco, Sept, 8. F. L. Caroll registered at the Prescott house yester day as William F. DeYoung, of Fes- no. Shortly afterward an explosion which shook buildings in the neighbor hood attracted attention to his room, and it was found he had committed suicidby expioaing a uynamite Domo. ms re mains were scattered all over the room and one of his arms was found in the street. The windows and plastering were broken and furniture damaged. The deceased had been working on a fruit farm near Fresno. He told a number of persons here that he intended taking his me, as ne wanted to create a sensation for the newspapers, but in a note to the coroner, which he left, giving his age as 11 years and birthplace as Holland, be says he committed suicide because life was not worth living. A Market Clerk Short 934,647. Pittsbubg. Sept. b. The" report of the Alleghany sub-auditing committee of councils which is investigating the vari ous heads of departments in Allegheny reported last eight that Market Clerk David Hastings is (32,647 short in his ac counts. The investigation goes back as M C I NTIRE Fall Goods Mrag! Ribbons. Nos.2,4,5, all silk gros grain satin edge, 5c. Nos. 7, 9, 12, all silk gros grain sotin edge, 10c. The assortment won't last long it the above prices. Furniture and Carpe IN THE THREE CITIES, NOS. 1525 and 1527 SECOND AVE. AND 121, 120 and 128 Sixteenth Street. CLEMANN & SALZrMH EUROPEAN HOTEL ROOMS-50c to $1.00 Per Day. Corner Twenty-third street and Fourth avenue. ... - EOOSW " WILLIAM HAWTHORNE, Proprietor. This house has Jnstbeen refitted throughout sndis now in A No. 1 -ur,!::tuB. tl.SS per day bouse and a desirable lauiily Lo-i i. DAVENPORT QTT? THTT70P COLLE&E The Cigar Par Excellence. OPERAS, CONCHAS FIN FURITANOS, PEBFEOTOS, INVINCIBLES. At Wholesale by HARTZ & BAHtfSH Crash. 15 pieces lft bleached crash 1ah 6c. Ontfrivi -m- ciannp,! wiion rw- 5c. Better i ones at 6c. 7c s, 10c. 4. McINTIRE BROS., Kock Island. Illinois, THE LARGEST STOCK OF ROCK IHl'M Fall Styles -Of th; vr!d rtc. :r: Laird, ScHober&Mite FINE SHOE Thee fhne- arc thr FINEST ilil'sa Loted fr their fio twits q:s'.f. Tt erery Udy to in?iH:ci t.'.tin. S. B. S. Shoe Second atd H.".rr:s . Di' McGTJINNESS' 113 and 115 Brady Street. DAVENPORT, I0 ST. JAMES HOTEL, COJIFLETE IN DEPAITMEN' FOR CATALOGUE? .WVVS- J. c. DUNCi "ADELM PATTI" SEGARS -V?