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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, September 11, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1891-09-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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iSliUO. 278
Single Copies B Cents.
Per Week IS Cents.
The London Clothing Co. are now ready after four weeks' un
ceasing labor of unpacking, marking and arranging their stupen
dous line of
'all and Winter Clothing,
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Hats and
Last Saturday, Sept. 5th they inaugurated the grandest Fall open
ing Rock Island, Davenport or Moline has ever witnessed. They
will continue it each day and evening all of this week. Music
' will be furnished, the establishment handsomely decorated
and everything arranged for the convenience and enjoyment of
their guests. The many inquiries
Has had as to when they would be ready to display their Fall and Winter stock has influenced them
in having their opening at this time.
This being the first fall opening since the advent of the London Clothing Co. in Rock Island, they
are determined to outdo all former attempts.
They are prepared to show a larger and more complete line of clothing and gents' furnishings than
all the other establishments combined. If you are desirous of knowing the latest styles of men's
and boys' clothing, and gents' furnishings attend this grand opening.
Jay Gould is said to be arranging for
year's cruise in his yacht Atalanta.
An express train dashed into a body of
railroad laborers at Glasgow, Scotland,
killing five men.
The failure of Alexander & Son, coin
brokers of London, is announced. Their
liabilities are 1.8TO.UOS
Ex-Congressman Cl.trke, of Wisconsin ,
died at Jlieresa, X. Y., yesterday. HU
home was in Xeenab.
P. V. Dittlinger, who is wanted at Chi
cago for stealing $10,000 freju the Chicago
Building and Loan association has been
arrested at Bostou.
The United States Publishing company,
of Chicago, has been placed in the hands
of a receiver by Judge Uorton. Its lia
bilities are JGO,oOO.
Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. McKtfl
and Baby McKee are expected at the
Woodlawn Park hotel, at Auburndale,
Mass., on Saturday.
Governor Peck has appointed ex-Mayo.'
Breese J. Stevens, of Madison, a regent of
of the Wisconsin state university, vica
George Raymer, resigned.
A memorial tablet to commemorate tha
departure of the Mayflower from that
port in 1020 is to be erected at Plymouth,
Eng., by the county council.
A Hindoo princess, the Begum Ahmadee,
is a new prima donna, who is said to be
great beaut and to possess a voice of
marvelous quality and power.
Forty uiiliiou tons of anthracite and
40,700,000 of bituminous coal were minsd
In Pennsylvania last year, at a cost of 524
lives, 24 widows, and 813 orphans.
The government examination of the
books of the Keystone bank has been sus
pended owing to the exhaustion of the ap
propriation for that sort of work.
Cornelius Raegan, an iron worker, of
Bethlehem, Pa., was attacked with hic
coughs six weeks ago and had been hie
coughing constantly until yesterday when
he died.
Annie Fairhurst, a 10-year-old girl of
Leeds, England, has been sent to the
workhouse because she possesses a mania
for suicide, having made three attempts
of that kind.
Two trainmen Victor Hainsand George
Cortman were fatally and Conductor
Baird seriously injured by a collision of
passenger trains ou the L'nion Pacific,
near Beatrice, Xeb.
Colonel William F. Switzler, the Mis
souri statistician who held office under
Cleveland's administration, is about to
marry a Washington lady. The colonel Is
77 years of age.
Miss Anderson, of Brunswick, Ga,, was1
to have been married Wednesday night to
E. W. Bingham, a newspaper man, Sun
day Bingham called on his fiance and
k'ssed her. The kiss betrayed the fact
that he had been taking a "snifter." His
sweetheart fled to her room, and Tuesday
night left for Macon, after sending word
to Bingham that his "cake was dough,"
because he was a drinking man.
Five Bodies Washed Ashore.
Halifax, X. S., Sept. 11 The bodies of
four men and one woman have been
washed ashore at Scatterie from the ill
fated Camelia. The vessel, whose home
port was St. Johns, X. F., was bound to
that port from Bihhia. The womsn'a
brxiy has been identified as that of Mrs.
Harvey, wife of the muster of the vessel.
Her husband ulso perished.
A 3-Year-Old Record Brohen.
XasHVILLE, Sept. 1L The b-year-old
bay filly Blontonian owned by Muse &
Adams, of Lewisburg, Tenn., trotted a
mile over the Murfreesboro half-mile
track Wednesday in 2:l. This is tbe
fastest mile ever trotte 1 bs a 3-year-old.
Chicago. -
Chicago, Sept. 10.
Following were the quotations on the board
of trade today: Wheat No. 2 September,
opened 91c, closed W1: December, opened
94Jc, closed V7; ear. opened 81c, closed
4i4C. Corn No. t September, opened 62 Vic,
doted U5r; October, opened 63c, closed
Sic; year, opened 4tie, closed 47sc Oats
No. 8 September, opened 2c closed Sc;
October, opened 2Hc. closed 29c: May,
opened Sflw, closed itSjc. Pork October,
opened closed $10.83; Decem
ber opened $10.80. closed iU.lo: January,
opened 81-1.(15, cloae.t $13.27!-$. L&rd October,
opened itUK closed V.ViH-
Live stock: Following were the prices at
the Union Mots, yards today: Hos Market
moderately a.-tive; shippers accepting fair
numbers, tnt packers busing slowly;
prices ruled oiloc lower; sales
ranged at r '4.3J pigs, S4.59tf5.2J light,
S4.TO&t.7"i rough packing. S4.M&5.SS mixed
and e4.i0i5.3J heavy packing and shipping
Cattle Market rather active on local and
shipping account, and prices well main
tained, especially for the better grades;
quotations ranged ar $.V7V3&30 prime to fancy
shipping steers. i4.T5fi3.ttj good to choice do.,
J4.iAVi4.65 common to fair do.. J3-73r&4.40
butchers' steers. iOJfe3.U0 stockers, Si:)
3.30 Texaus. i;j,4.0S rangers. S3.0U&3.50
feeders, l.3..ii) cows, L5u3.U0 bulls.
aoJ t2.50."5-.U) vel calves.
Sheep Market fairly active and pries easy,
and 5Sll0c lov er qnntatijes ranged at io.5B
4.4H westerns. i3.jU;..( natives, and $ J.75&5.50
Produce: Butter-Fancy separator, ZX&SS&i
per lb; dairies, fancy freh. lo-jlbc; packing
stocks, fresh, Uojimc. Eggs Loss oft l4o
per doz. Live poultry Old chickens, 10c per
lb; spring. lOc: roosters, 5sc; turkeys, mixed, '
10c; ducks, Xc: spring, itfc. Potatoes fet.
Louis, early Ohio. X'aiU; per bu: Kansas. Xi
fttc; home grown Do per sack; Minne
sota. oTSiCJc per bit; sweet potatoes, Balti
more, ;i.ta3.j0 per bbl; Jerseys, t4.5oiiA.lM
Apples Ureen cooking, JLSo&Lil per bbl;
eating, $1.5o&i5o.
Xew York.
New York, Sept. 10.
Wheat No. S rei winter cash, LOlfJ: Oc
tober, SI.01;& November. UU; December.
JLU5. Corn No. 2 mixed cash. 7Uii7ic: do
beptember. tiic; do October. 6.x;: do No
vember, c. Oats-Dull but steady: No.
mixed cash. 35c: do October, 35c. Rys
Dull but steady. Barley Nominal. Lard
guiet; October. 7.31.
Live Stock: Cattle Market stea-lv. but no
trading in beeves; dreued beet, steady: na
tive sides. 7&S.'ic per lb. Sheep and Lambs
Market firm and steady for good stock, but
dull and weak for common offerings; sbeep.
t4.A&&23 per 100 lbs; lambs. M.T3iU0; Hons
Market weak; live hogs, ttttQHAtt per luu
Tbe London are showing some fine
novelties in puffs.
E. E. Parmenter. attorney at law.
Make collections, loans money and will
attend to any legal boaineas intrusted to
him. Office, poatofflce block. Rock IaU
Md,HU. dwl

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