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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, November 13, 1891, Image 5

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KOVEMUEK 13, 1891;
klulap, ll4hlr , Meeting; of
Impi ovement Association.
ClrfFi '3 takenJ 11 18 Pleasant
K1 ..",.fmnt!v on the Kidneys.
, Li Bowels, cleanses the sys--I'v.
elispela colds, head-
s .J frrere and cures habitual
vttWfJy of its kind ever pro-
ttioD find "l7 beneficial in its
I j. prcnarr;! only irora mo mo.i
r.'.r asi.'l a'Tcealilo -substances, its
'" escellcnt qualities commend it
jH anJ have made it the most
,-rirmciiv Know a.
Ln cf F'ir? is for sale in 50c
i bottles ijr Ka.uuS vmii;-
Any reliable druggist vho
tot have it on hacd will pro
it promptly for any one who
gto try It- J-" jujjt
- Books,
III and Second-hand.
eiciV. Ink.
UpetTibltW. Satchels, Straps.
Buket. Pi'ncll Boxes, Ru era, and
everything necessary for school.
fcbiaie amies' elementary geography for
fSKii 15 cents.
ftntt' romplete geography for Goyot's inter-
tine nit 40 rents.
FM't So. 1 arithmetic for Felter's primary
T ud money by getting your school
1717 Second Avenue.
leal Estate
I and mitnazes nronertvon commtas-
li A .:.'. list of city property always on baud
l:iz: .- :in-e first-clues F're Insnrance
tusisniiH. srni the American L'auslty
a:.ilL(i-.ninny t'ompauy, of Bal
timore, Aid.
JS03 Second Avenue, over
Ecrope's Tailor Shop.
Kribe for Stock
In iU SVcond series of the
anm liaildins and Loan Abso-
!iUon. of i;ock Island.
A safVr and better investment
I ".an (ioverr-ment Bonds, be
IBii th- loans arp marln onlv
rpor.HitaWisbed values and it
lTs riore than ihre limes as
I,, interest besides the
toount invested and the prolits
ID ? withdrawn at onv timp
a'y louutd at loweBt rates.
I; A. DQSALDSOX. Secretary.
. K.c::,. 3. 4. 5 and 6 Masonic Temple,
' opening" last vear was
ncr-B3ful that I have decid
repeat, it this year, and on
May and Saturday, Nov. 13th
f a Uth we will try to have the
ciiieuiaiiv arrrarr vf. niia
p togne eveiybodv in.
Hile the line of holiday
is not yet complete, I
"aye a good variety of things
'We new which we shall show
the iirst time, and I think
sf who drop in wiU find the
--i-jay wortn while.
;;ourse we shall not refuse
any who wish to bay;
I r.n. .1
UllV fnv 1 :i-r
I muse wuo wibu iu
G. M. Loosliy.
Mm - i-ar.
w Weib ru Adnltt
"ee Appalnted-The
Uaxeapirt Lnd Talk
' Al sBt Stw 'aitle.
The regular monthly meetine of the
Rock. Islanl Citizens' improvement asso
ciation wat hell last evening, vitn Pres.
idem Jacks on in the chair.
Secretary Searle read a eratifyinBlv
Urge number of letter with reference to
new industries seeking location in Rock
Ibland, and the same were referred to the
manufacturing committee with instruc
tions to report at tbe next meeting. A
commumcction with reference to a rail.
road desiri ig entrance into Rock Island
was placed in the hands of the committee
on railroads.
The n&mea of J. T. Nofisker. J. B.
Hamilton, John Muger and Dr. A. H.
McGandlesj were proposed for member-
ship and tlcy were elected by unauimous
The association returned a vote of
thanks to the Piute club of Davenport
iorihe invitation to the reception and ban
quet rtcan ly tendered G ju .Flagler at the
rooms of the Davenport Business Men's
association, and for the cordial hospital
ity shown those who attended; and to the
Davenport & Rock Islanl street railway
company and Manager Louderback tor
the courteiy extended the association in
furnithing transportation to and from
iloline, oa the ncctsioo of the joint
mee ine aiid banquet of tbe two asso
John Cr abaugh offered a motion thst a
committee of three be appointed by the
chair to cenfer with Congressman Cable
in reference to securing an appropriation
from congress of f 25 000 to $30,000 to
imrrove the R.ck Island harbor so that
boats may experience no more difficulty
in seasons of low water than of high water
in landing at the Rock Island levee.
The motion carried and tbe chair ap
pointed as such committee, J. W. Potter,
J. M Bufard and Dr. W. A. Paul.
President Jackson called np the matter
of the disposition of tbe Davenport lands
and tbe efTort already made by the asso
ciation to secure a portion of thtm at
least, for desirable fastory site. He stated
that in conversation with Fred Wejer
haustr. who holds two fifths, that centle
man bad expressed to A. M. Biakesley
his entire sympathy with the movement
mentioned, and offered the suggestion
that a syn jicate such as proposed, as
sume definite form in order that owners
might kne w with whom they were nego
tiating. Mr. Jackssn also stated
that a partition enit would be en
tered in tbe circuit court in May for
the pr.tfxtr distribution of the estate
and as such division was desired by all
persons interested he did not apprehend
any delay. Others participated in tbe
discussion, and finally a motion by Mr
Crubaugh was adopted that tbe chs,ir ap
point two others to act as a committee of
three, wit a himself as chairman, to select
a committee of representative citizens,
and act with the same as trustees to fur
ther and sdyance the proposed syndicate
to purchase some of the land to be offered
for manufacturing purposes.
The executive committee through Dr.
Paul reported tbe following standing
cmmitte s for the year:
Advertising O. A. Barnhart, W. P.
Quayle, E. E. Parmenter. Fred Rinck, J.
J. LaVelie.
Union Depot Henry Carse. E. W.
Hurst. T. J. Mediil, Jr. Charles W.
CotiBoli lation E. D. Sweeney, E H.
Guter, Oliver Oisen, L. 8. McCale. A.
M.'Blakeiiey. Ben T. Cable, Piiil ilitch
ell, A C Dart, W. A. Paul, Walter John
son. G. G. Craig, Dr. C. TruesriVe, V.
K. Johnson.
Hennepin Cana! J. YT. Potter. W. H.
Judje, John Pee'z T. B. Dav:s, T. J.
Robinson. C. C. Mclntire.
Manufactures John Crubaugh, How
ard Weils W. S Knowlton, John Obl
wtiler, W. B.Ferguson. S W. Searle, H.
P. Simpsc n, H. D. Folsoci.
Parks and Boulevards J. C. Rasmus
sen, J. Jeperaon, H. A. Dusinbere, Rev.
W. 8. Marquis, W. C. Maucker. R.
Cramptor, E. B. Kreia, C. C.Hodges,
C. F. Lvade. Gustav Stengel.
Public Build Dffs and Wrorks Fred
Hass, David Don, C. J. W. Scbremer, C.
J. Searle. R. A. Donnldson, M. Lee Gait,
C . L. Walker.
Ratlroa is L. Simon . David Donaldson,
Eli Mosei.ftlder, M. J. Murpby, S. J . Col
lins. T
Wholesale and Retail Trace L. E.
West, G. F Roth.D. Roy Bo wlby. Frank
G. Young. Ben Hartz, H. Clemann, J. M.
Recept:on-J. M. Buford, J. W- Stew
art, H. C. Connellv. E. G. Grarer, J . G.
Junge. H. D. Mack, D. T. Robinson,
Robert V. agner. C. F. Gaetjer, Dr. Bern
hardi, J. H. Southwell.
A mot on of Dr. Paul was adopted
that the new committees meet - to elect
their chairmen at the rooms of the asso
ciation nt xt Thursday evening, and oth
erwise organize for work.
Prevention u Batter
Than cur 3, and thote who are subject to
rbeumati tm can prevent attacks bv keep
ing tbe blood pure and free from the acid
which ca wes the disease. For this pur
pose Hood's Sarsapsnlla is used by thous
aids witli great success. It is the btst
b opd purifier. '
Constiation is caused by loss of the
rverisialti i acUon of the bowels. Hood a
PJls rest re this sctioa and inngorate
the liver. -
It la Eiprenea la HI letter t tki
Uavenpett Baaiataa Hta's Ael-
The visit of Gen. D. W. Flagler, chief
of ordnance.to the tri-cltiee last month la
well remi mbered, cf course, and also the
fact that the Business Men's association
of Davenport adopted and transmitted to
Gen. Flagltr a series of highly compli
mentary resolutions touching himself and
Rock Island arsenal. Test 3rd ay Secre
tary H. T. Denison of the Business Men's
association received to following letter:
Ordnance Offlee, War Department.
Wasbineton. D. C, Nov. 9. 1891. Mr.
Henty T. Denison, secretary of the Dav
enport Business Mm's association, Dav
tvport, Iowa. Sir: I thank you for
jour kindness in sending me a copy of
the resolutions adopted by vour associa
tion on the 87 h. ult. The resolutions
are, 1 fear. 3 at ring, yet I am touched
by, and fcpfitcia.e, and am gratrful for
tbe treat kiudntsi and confidence ex
pressed in them.
It is needless for me to say that I have
not, and shall never, lose my Interest In,
and faith in tbe nectsoity for, the work at
the Rock Island arenal; nor my affection
for the place and its neighboring cities
acd people
In answtr to one of the resolutions 1
would state that it is not practicable to
accomplish at once all that thainiere ts
of the service aud county require, both in
the cnmtiletion and utilization of ibe
arsenal, but it will not be neglected.
It should not, however, be forgotten
that the arsenal, as it is construced, is
d signed to meet an imperative want
wtiicb was develop, d in our last ar,
under our peculiar military system. It
ii especially intended for arming and
equipping our volunteer armies as fast as
they can be raised. Hence its extraor
dinary magnitude. It cannot, therefore,
be more than pr'illy ntilizr.rl and r,. r
atioss of the great magnitude for which
it is intended will not be called for except
in time of, or in preparation for war.
Will you please express to the associa
tion my thanks for, and appreciation f
their resolutions and of the association's
kindness to me during my very pleasant
visit to Davenport. Respectfully.
D. W. Flagler.
Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
The funeral of the late C. H. Stod iaid
was held from the First M. E. church at
10 o'clock this morning the services being
conducted by Presiding Elder M. A.
Head, Rev. F. W. Merrill, pastor of the
church, and Dr. J: H. McCord, of Dav
enport. The pall bearers were, William
Jackson, E D. Sweeney, W. T. Megill,
H D. Mack, T. J. Robinson and J. H
Wilson. The floral offerings were beau
tiful and in great profusion, and a large
number of sorrowing friends followed the
remains to .their last resting place in
Chippianock cemetery.
- Mrs. P. H. Randall died at ber borne,
541 Twentieth street, at 10 o'clock this
morning of heart failure, aged 80 years.
She had been a resident of Rock Island a
great many years, and leaves one daugh
ter, Mrs. Dr. Skelton, of Selma.Cal. Tbe
remains will be taken to Chippianock cem
etery and placed in the vault, awaiting
instructions from her daughter in Cali
George E. Gould, a prominent and
popular member of the Scott county bar,
and member of the law firm of Gould &
Murphy, of Davenport, died this niorniiig
of hemorrhage of the stomach, aged 43
years. He had resided in Davenport
since 1S57, and had been a successful
practitioner for 20 years. He was taken
suddenly ill at his office Wednesday af
ternoon, and has failed gradually since.
Mrs. Dora Manchion died at her home
730 Fourteenth-and-a half street, at 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon of consump
tion, aged 37. She leaves besides a hus
band, four children ranging in age from
2 to 1C years. Tbe funeral will occur
from tbe First "M. E. church Sunday afler
noon at 2 o'clock.
Kallroad Ba4 Paid OrT.
- At a special meeting yesterday of tbe
board Of jowo. auditoisj at which fluperj.
visor Schneider, TwaCkrk Koehler,
Justices Hawes ami Cooke were present,
a notice was read from State Treasurer
Wilson stating that the registered bonds
of tbe township were all paid off, and
that there was in residue of f 500 in the
treasurer subject to the township', or
dsr" , The auditors adopted a resolution
instructing thestae auditor to issue a war
rant on tbe state treasurer for the amount
of the balance and place the same in tbe
bands of Supervisor Schneider, and also
a resolution requesting the state treasurer
to deliver all bonds, coupous and interest
vouchers of the Rockford, Rack Island &
St. Louis Railroad company that have
been paid, and any other evidence of the
requested indebtedness to Supervisor
Schneider, and take his receipt. Thus
the township redeems the last of tbe $50.
000 railroad boudi voUU 20 Jfcar agj to
aid in the construction of the old Rouk.
ford. Rock Island & St. Louis railroad
and goes out of debt.
A Jleretiuot'! Katrprie.
George M. Looolev,, the crockery and
china ware merchant, has furnished the
people of Rock Island acd of the three
cities an example of what originality of
thought and put lic spirit will do today.
Having announced that he would have at
his slcre a gtand opsning, and intimated
that he would endeavor to make the evect
a novel and entertaining one, people have
been thronging his store all day and all
have found their anticipations fully met?
In addition to having his stock dis
played to the best poss.ble advantage,
with long rows of tables on which
were arranged plates, fruit saucers
backed by 5 o'clock tea and
water sets on the one side, acd a
beautiful assortment of miscellaneous
articles of use and ornament, tea cups
and saucers. Burmese glassware, sugars
and creams, on the other, Mr. Loosley
had his store darkened, ard the glitter
caused by the reflection of the lights ev
erywhere produced a most exquisite ef
fect. Tbe art room was, ts usual, a
source of much interest, and many ex
pressions of appreciation of it and the
excellent taste shown in M arrangement,
were heard.
Rosette, the harpist, has been present
furnishing delightful music all day. The
opening continues tomorrow.
Syrup of rig-s.
Produced from the laxative and nutri
tious juice of California figs, combined
with tbe medical virtues of plants known
to be most beneficial to the human sys
tem, acts genllv, on tbe kidneys, liver
and bowels, effectually cleansing the
system, dispelling colds and headaches,
and curing habitual constipation. '
Take Mtparate Paths Hereaffr.
John Schafer, formerly proprietor of
the Shafer house saloon on Marktt
square, snd his supposed wife have sepa
rated. They lisve been lining together
in the full eni ijment of all marital rela
tions fT a nnrcb?r of yea:s. but without
ministerial or other legal sanction, and a
bright little boy ha9 been born to them.
At last, however, tbey have screed to
disagree, and htve parted company by
mutual consent. Botb have signed a
document to tbat effect drawn up by an
attorney, Mr Shafer giving in hU former
companion f 1, 000 cash and a SO-foot lot
down town, and she also secures the
control of the child.
Many who know the couple will be as
miici. surprised at their separation as
they will be at knowing that they were
never married.
11 Jacob Eeiser to Roe a Aon Web
ster, lot 73, block 26, Chippianock ceme
etery, 5
Black Diamond Coal company to
George W. Burk. tract by meles and
bound, t sej. 36, 17, lw. fl.32750.
T J Robinson et al to George W Buck,
wj sJ. 36.17, lw, $2,800.
Edwin H Johnston to Calistt White
side, lot 11, block 16, town of Port By
ron, 580.
12 Estate nf Almiro M Wriohr
Claim of First Methodist church of
Hock Island allowed in seventh class.
A Victory Far Rtek Island.
Properly adj usted spectacles and gl asses
are something that Rock Island has long
been in need of. Prof. H. Hirscbberg.
the well known opticsn of 629 Olive
street, bl. Louia, oas appointed T. H.
Thomas agent for his celebrated diamond
and non-changeable spectacles and eve-
glasses, where a complete assortment can
always be round. Prof. H Hirschberg
will remain in Rock Island from Dec. 7
until Dec. 12. and all those in need of
properly adjusted spectacles and eye
glasses should avail themselves of this
opportunity. Elimination of eyes free
oi onarge.
Phillips" Pacific Coast Excursion.
For the above named excursion the
Burlington. Cedar Rapids & Northern
railwav will run a tnnnttrnrrnn TKnn.
day from Albert Lea, Minn., to Columbus
junction. 10 wa. connecting witn U K
I. & P. Pacific coast excursion train, and
this car will go through without change
to San Francisco. For rates anrl mn.
era! information apply to any agent of
me company, or j . ta. uannegan.
Gen. Tk't and Pass. Agt.
arper's Theatre,
J. E. Montrose, Staaag-r.
'S IN-
Comedians the
Tlii production lias b "en the n-irnins rao
of tbe list fou-year in a 1 the priiteipsl
ci.ie of America.
SOO nijrht in Xcw York.
l.0 night- in Chicago.
100 uich in Barton.
1(H) nUrlit- in San Francisco.
Acompmynf artWta of un"quivocl excel
lence in the p'lir that has n.ade
all America lftnign.
PRICES 35. 50 sua 75 cent. Seats on a'e at
Harper Llon-e Puarmacy Frid ymirnim;. Not .11.
Burtts Opera House,
saturdayTnov. 14.
Return of the Famous
Farce Comedy,
John Kernell, Barney Reynolds, Gns Mills, Mack
X eater, John Merril'. Icna-d Summers,
Robert Delias. Mollie Thompson,
' Zelmt ttawlston, Hilda Laport,
Hose Laporte, Vergtnia
PRICES-1.00, 7S, 50and. Seats oa tale at
Fluke's Thursday morning . Telephone ao. au.
Tinware And Housm Furnishing Goods.
1612 second avenue,
Sheriff's Sale
This glass was not bought at sheriff's sale, but at a great
sacrifice, ia al! firet quality glasses and it must
be closed out this week.
3 inch Sauce Plates worth 10c, only 5c
Half Gallon Pitchers 25c. " 18c
Extra lare Cellery " 80c, " 20a
Med ium large Cellery. ' 25c, " 15c -
6 inch GlafS Plates 5c. " 2a
Syrup Cups 15c, " 10c
Covered Butter Dishes . ... " 15c, " 10c
Iodiyidual 8alts, Hotel 2c
Individual Eutter 20c dozen, " lOj
Small Sugars and Cream " 10c each, ' 5c
Spoon Holders 10c ' " 5c
Fancy Pickle Dishes . 10c 5c
Deeper " " 6c " " 2c
These prices are good until Saturday only.
Chamber Suits,
Hall Stands,
Side Boards,
Parlor Suits,
A J?ine Line in the Newest Styles, the best
Assortment Ever Shown at Lowest Prices.
1811 and 1813, Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND.
You Can't do Without:
Dr. Mann's Celeliratefl CongiiSymp,
The very hest preparation made for Conghs, Coljs, Bronchitis, and 11 Inn? and
pulmonary troubles.
Good alike for children and adults. Two a!zes 10 and 25c
. Thomas' Gsletetei Kidney and Liver PILLS.
These pills are.f ist taking ths place of the more expensive remedies for ail kidney and
liver complaint.
jvyY-"? Becar.se they are eaeler to take, cheaper in prce and gire better
Give them a trial. 'oce eqaal them. The proprietor will forward them to any address by
m 1', on rjecii-t of price. 25 cents a bottle. Mide only by
Rock Island HI.
" At Elm Street' Shoe Store.
I will eell at cost my Boots, Shoes, Rubbers "Glovt b and
Mittens at my Elm Street Shce Store.
This sale will last ten days only, as I will vacate store
Nov. 2. Come early and get bargains.
: 2229 Fifth Avenue.'
3 !
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.' 1
3 M

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