OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, January 12, 1892, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1892-01-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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THE A KG US, TUESDAY. ) ANUAK , , 12 1892.
';; r.i
: J!
: 11
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
1 '. JS&!&
The Broken Rail Works Some
Terrible Havoc.
riisMirri'i-s Jtisiaiiilv KiU.fl, Two
Other 1 a:tl! Hurt ami N.-jtl'ly I'orly
"Woum!. .1. "Hn-t iif 1 Ihiii jtrcly A
ry Yii-tim W tin V.'us -nrly t'miclil
by t1i - ire -.l"v fill 1 :ite uf nn Artrrxs
Ou Mini M;irii;!-i Almost l'a-t Itlentili-rntiou--t:-rrolilt-ut
ri;le ami
l-'anilly fin Itonr.l.
CnAwl-oi;i.VT; t.K. In.'... .Tan. 10. A mil
bnkn, h (!. .Munin si;v; r train
down nn t ii:ii iil. M i nt, ituU many p.is-en-Krs
le;il n:ni vi n: n.'.-i hi ilip fitif-rurts of
the city. TKi- was thf st,,i y told yester
day n't (-rn.ru n h i t-. Tli. wor-r fears were
confiinitHl .1 f.-w juin ires Inter when a
fr.if.-lit train :! to tlie stiuion with the
dreatlful mw-. The ill f.-iu-.l train was tla
fast mail i-aiiti'ii. li t ivp-n Loui-vi'ile an 1
CliioiiiM. l! -..i:-i-titl of n nu.il car, r.u
expn s nr. t iir -e tavu-la-s ial the chair
car. Ir in iharire of Knciiiwr Dnvles
nntl ( oiirl iftcr i'i!!-. Tlif train left
fYnw firr!s i ; !t- ti time ,-unl Hille-l cnt un
der full hea.i. when the Htriik'tit oc-
ctirreil the nit . f -;pce.i was almut tu en'r
five miles an )Miii.
irrok.-n Hull au.i.,1 the Wreck.
The M-t-r.f of the wreck is two Tnile
Tiorth (.f rrawfurdsv ille. c.t Nuholsoa's
cros-irtc. and less than s half mile from
the t.la. "of the t.nihle frti.-ht colli.-;ou
of a rriont h niro. Tli" r.mil-ri'tl is cut inn
Btecji hiilsiiie. with a I'.vwity-f.iot i-rnU'ir:--
nient en tlie riiit v.u ihe ralley of Km-k '
river on the h i '.. The train was rnuniiirig :
a shfirp firve ula-ti t ! tv.it. r rail lir..'r e. '
and I 'vii-. ti t he u . I . Vhe !:;! nc passed '
in sufcty. Ti.e--eiti.i' i i' t'.e l-iak.-s on;
the citiMie us. .! lev i t,aii car brv.sk-
in away fr il:e , :, !t-r i iM the n.iu- i
eerth.-.t .-ii:i-hii."v,i.
A i I In.) : il in ;! ;t-. I
TheiiiH.i c:i-v. d:.i.'el i va-iN r-.nd '
then f,-:i t r ;v ; In s, known !
inarirer it )..,l,.- !,,..,. f:.,.n, ;. J.asct
car which i.:,--,-d Hi; v. ' ,.iit Jeitic ci.-n
overt ni -m-d TI:.- !..' car was I'.H.-d with
lnriai.' iciH . Ti.e Tr-; n--Hi-
ger conch was v. i,h j.u.s'.i,i.-ers arid
turned thre- th..,s U-f..re r-;-liitir ti.e
ljottotn. ';'! - eriv.rned and
thr car M..-ri de-tr--y. il. .:it I i.e i;'ssc-.i,.-( :
escaped. The in t c.a.i. was torn t.'i
Jiicci-s, uotiiii,' 1 i -in--' l.-:'t but the lir.itotn
of the cur. It was i;!i,-d w i; h p. i.ple and
riot cue e-.:;,peil inliay. The r-arl. r car
torp'i'd ov,-r and !.,i..led -n t..;. of i he
third coa.-h. 1 )-, a cuniied were taken to
a fftfni hmise ii. .,ir t-y lifforf hi-'KiiC re
mored to tlie -it .
Two IiiMttntly Kille.l. Ti l)il,nol
'i II i rt -. ine irijiirefl.
The follow inu. as f;n- (ls can fie learned,
is the list of the dead and wounded:
Defid-Mmla'iie Ivan llokey, jireuiier
dauseusi; l i. ( itv ( !,,, liiirhs-fuic coin
Ianj; IJenjuriiin 1 laml.nr;. traveling man
lor Liehman iV S hlo-s, 4 "inoituifit i
Wounded Mack H.'.vers, fity C'lnliTJur
lesque company, hadly injured in h-trs and
back; Gns l!oers. same ecu. puny, hurt in
the back; Stelh C'liftun, same cotn;iai.y.
badly hurt in lees and hack; M. o Kiit
lcdtre, pr.i t er of chair car, far-e crushed;
Nellie Hnnley, New York city, crushed and
will die; .John I'orust and X'iiiiam Hall,
Crawfords ille, cut ahout Lead: J. N. Da
vidson, Craw fordsville, head cu;;I. J;.
Fox, Xevr Mhiiny. two trashes in hearl and
leg hadly crushed; Fh j'ene Dyer, Iif;iyet ft-,
head cut; C. W. Lrovdeu, Salem, lad., h-i:
hally crushed: O I'. Iluyt. head rut ; l.va
I.rh)l, Kllettsville. side and fare
crushed: Mrs. .Ann liihtis, AVheat fiehl.
facn crushed: K.ra X. Ilil.hs, V,"heaUiiM.
left arm broken, ri.Lt hand t ut
off; Helen l.ove, tmrlesi!e com
pany, injured internally; ;eor-e '.
Uardncr, of I.adni,'a, back sli.htly
injured and left e.rm s;rained; K. Whiie
Mdcs, Fran! fort, spine fract urcd, si riously
injurel; .1. .1. Ktu i- ht, Chicago, head and
knee hurt; ( '. X. C'het k. of Ireeneastle.
lunilx-r merchant, richt lei; i tit just below
the knee, w ill die; Dave .Mul.-bury. otn
nay, eye poiiL'ed out ard arm and let;
broken; C. X. Cornwetl, roHilmastiT.
IllooiiiinK'rin, hack hurt and injured in
ternally; John W inche.ster. liuisville.
bagfaKeuia-ster, back hurt; Express
Meerif:r Cutler, Louisville, internal
injuries; William Snyder, newsboy,
Chicago, shoulder broken; Cora White,
of the burlesque company, of Syracuse,
slightly injured about, the head; I'atinie
Everett, of the burk-so.ue company,
internally injured and bruised; Olfie
Lewis, of the biirlesciie company, bruised
about the head; Mclvin JWcKee, of Chi
cago, 'dp find back hurt; Harry C. liry
ant of the bu-lestue company, of I'hila
delphia, head brui.-ted and neck badly
pprained; Madge Ijimer, of the linrlesfpie
conipany, 1'ittsburg, head badly bruised:
Paul Allan, head crushed; Wil
liam Dishnp, brakeman from Lufayette,
severely burned about, the head, sh.ml
ders and back: John Dills, conductor, in
ternal injuries: Thomas Monaco, opera
troupe, internal injuries; Miss I'.ibie,
Crawfordsviile, fare crushed; Nut. 1-it-Crawfordsville,
injured internaLV tuici
about the fare; Mrs. Hn-yfogle, head mm
face badly bruised; Xat "jieatty, AV ill
Btnlth, Dave Jones and John F. Sullivan,
of this city, bruised.
And the Fire l ust Approaching .t .t
tress Pisemhowt-letl.
That no uore were killed outright Ke-:ns
miraculous after viewing the wreck. A
half mile this .side of the accident a force
of 100 men were eugaized in putting up
ice. They heard the crash but
but thought nothing of it, until
U. R. Gov't RfTjort, Aug. 17, 1S89.
the uninjur.-d came rur.tiing hark and the
whistle of liie en'i::e N yan to si ream.
They left in a bxly, and w ith pik.i
' poles mulct mi irood as- ista.ae in putti;!-
out the tire .ml savil several lives. ( '. N.
i Cheek, of i rceiicast 1,-. had a It r cut o.l
and was pii mil beni'Mt ii a pair of t: ie ku.
He coolly di ettid the r.li.f corps l ow to
' relea-e him.
!V illinu In Lose Itntli 1 ei;s.
The 'ire 'i.-i, la-t lijc.ii.ac!.:!.-'. ;,.id ho
Oldercd lha his h--s be I . . i: r'-u . i if
l;e ess;.. ry, 1 ut a jack w.-.s j.ii i ure-l ira
liie engine t::d t i.i niif. r; uiKt'.i- man was
rcle;i--id in thr- nick of time. He w.-s re
moved to tow n, luit e tiiiiot s,,;- jve i l;o
iii-ht. lii its ieap the hui,v.-,' coach en-
-ouiin rid a bii; v.;-.i,iut sir. mp. which
, pera-tr-.ted t e -side aad j)r lu.hly call-. il
j the death of lu:e. N'aii Kt-kt -y. of the bur
' k' ,:..t e.arnp .nx, and Den lT-.mburi.'. cf
Cit:ciu::;;; i. The w anvia wa- found by tl,-?
sii!-.' of 'he st tn. p. her head ci-i;-Iie.l to a
i pulp. Si.c w. also u:-.(-miov, led.
j lan:e.l ie(UMl l:-i-eri i f ioll.
, Hamburg w is lyin- ..n the Mump m:n
gied t.lii!.t I'vyon-l rcco'. uiti'jti. Tlie
1 rot hers I.dip iti-ins. w ii h the City Ciuh
Co-iijtaiiV. wen liadl.v l':-osvMk a;-.d one lost
a iimer. Itoad r.rtsti-r t 'oriiwi ll suffered in
ternal injuries and the doctors fear he may
li. Mr. H;v-fool,., ex-pr esid.-ni of the
Moiao road, ar.d his wife and son. f t
I.ouisvilh-, wen- on tin ir way to Lafayette,
but aii escaped with slicht injuries. Will
iam M.-iilKi iN. of Kiiettsvilie. was sittii.u
llitl:e si-aok. r close to the sttve. The
ftove fell on ;im. The coach took hre.
but Marshal's -scapeil by breaking tlie
sash and goii: j through a w imlow.
Uolli Houses M -i t. I'.leit Olticei-s, arid Organize-.
Di s Mo!Ks, dan. li Both houses of
the ia i. era! a--- i.(.h of b-w a met yes:, r
(lay. 1 he l-n;:-e s.( c:,.ii as ii u r-orarv
speaker li. W. Wyi ia fV. of Appati..-osi'
Co::ity. Afier I i e ! o.m ln.-nt of con-ti. it
tec o-i ;-.'!. ri; ;;. .the hotisv )id;o!itTrd tni
td i. The f, stands :t D'ii
crals to i jMi .;;, ;,.,, en.i 1 Italejioi,,;- ;;t.
La uten.-iiit li.-r. ;;. r 1'. '. ia r 'l.'cp.i wa- ia
the ch; ;i I a ;;;!,;: ;-a 1 1 tt mpt-r.iry i-.-
...iation wa- a,, i v. irhoi.t fi-i. :ioa
WilU . li. Co, ,ni;ii. of 'i;ol..r,as s,,ie
lloTli t':ti-t HoCI 'siiciises.
'Il- ti; ra;!,: . at ,:.-,..ri-:i famed !"
per.; a- ( i.i -peae r V, . I I aii: aa ;!. o; d
Htl's I v; s,.,-;-.a , y . C. A. Ilf.crlv. oj
fiia fa,-, v. i n v ;;i !. - 1 s - 1 . i'i.e l)ei:.o
eta! . la rii;i.;.-.-d . . F. i C. to;-., of Ailaiaa
kee. t -r s, ' .,.. ;; j,v,n si.;ii
cauci.s taoaad ; ia . r- i-f tie- la-t sen
Mr. 'i he i Jena C, i' I.- i.,.uoi!s I;, me..! S. M.
J'ars , as. ,.; i. retaiy, stud F. ti.
-co:;, an. of 'ri- it. for ser-.-e;!C.t-at-arms.
I'm- s-nattits i.lp in lemnnil.
Mitha II -piihli.-an liautt nant-govi rnoi
:''' her p.nty (si olu-..i.iy.e the senatt
without the v re ..f Senator Fngle. lit
Lns not been able ; ., d.-a I with cit her part j
and fiiiiioum-es ti at t- will vote for a
ticket of ids own That means a ih-:v!-lock.
(im-e 1 a-o,.,, ....(( ;,iV( riu,r Lleot
liehtow . Dim. is ;i thrcii-ir his part y caa
cent ml t he s-eii.ate.
lie l iilks ir the I ii-st Tone I inter a
I'rote.tanl liitit.
Xt w Yokk. .Tan. li The Rev. Fathei
Mctilynn stood in the jmliii of the Asl-ury
Mcth.jdist Ffiiscopa! f hurch. Washington
square. Sunday af ernorm and pillared
the anti-poverty dream of the miilenniuia
to as many person- could f crowded
into tlie building. V'ue throm: was made
tip almost w hoily of that large body of Dr.
MetJIynn's old parhldonois of SI. Steph
en's clnirch w ho left the ( bur. li win a la
was removed and tho-e v. h. iiave joined
w ith them in t he a:o i-pi.vc:a y ciaisa.i-. U
was 1 he liis-t t ime t !. 1 1 Dr. U .' i iya a had
been heard fr.mi in a Fro'i-tant m.ipit in
this city, and 1,H ap;i.--ciri'e i ifa- novi-lij of
his piisii aan,
Iiisisis ,u Iteia; a f it ia;yin:tn.
Comme.-il ii.at on it, he s; hi : "it
d-ifs not ni,;k" ;-;.y ilid'i aviico to ma
where 1 sp.-a h. I o!;'.v w an; t-1 i-e.u ii the
ears o! I :a- pe .;-'e as .
it be from the h- -;-l ol
of a car. 1 stand a la
in spr e of my r.-'.ini'ii
rt-liojun. I 1-,-it-r left
1 hily throve. 1 from
rgvi 1;
; a. w he. m r
or t iie t id
todav not
. b'!t bei attse (,f j;.y
le pultii;. I was vhv
the church. 'J'he
i .iurch has s; ; aincl d. -gma; im t o point
w here ir is alioat r.-ad t. snap, ami tho-c
whoare being most r spidly driven away
from rcliuiou uu this account are work
ingmeii." Dultlln I.e. lines t- tingratiilale.
Di lil.rv, Jan. l'.'.Zt a meeting yester
day of the municipality of Dublin pro
posals tu pre-ent an address to the queen,
to the Prince of Wah-s or to 1 he duke of
Clarence and Avondah . t:p.m the occasion
of the hitter's m.tvri; ge were rejected.
Later, by a v-.it- of lit to b. a resolut inn whs
passed to the effect that it was impossible
for the municipality of Dublin to present
a cougrat uhitory addre?s to the (pieen. the
Prince of Wales, or th duke of t 'l.iren-. e
and Avondaie, so lon as Ircli-ml was
governed under the exis .ins; inn s.
Can find a Itc-rue in Argentina.
Pai:is, Jan. li In an interview yester
day Ihiron llirsrh infort ted a representa
tive of the United I 'revs that the govern
ment of the Argentine l.epublic supports
his scheme for a Coioni. it ion of Hebrews
in that country. Iiaron Ilirsch declared
that the movement, woul 1 be pressed for
ward just as soon n Maj ir Hohlsfhith. an
ex-staff olticer of the I'rii ish army who is
supcrvisimr the t-nterpris-;, reaches the Ar
gentine Uepublic.
N-w York's "floo-l Crace."
New Yokk, Jan. 11. A committee rep
resenting the dry goods trade of this city
has issued a pamphlet ca ling on the state
legislature to art promptly and IilMtrally
ia reiKtird to World's fair matters.
Throughout the volume runs this argu
ment: 'The fair should Undoubtedly have
been in Xew York, hut n jw t hat Chicago
hilH it our bouuden duty is to assure the
Empire state an imperial reiiresrntation."
Illinois Farmcr Robbed cf
Their Downy Beds.
ISecHiise the feoi-le Too Ken'tily Hellevetl
the In!i- of Strangers fi-iim (hien-jo -A
II aiivatimc enterprise That A'a
;oil for the Kusrals Who i;ni,inrcrc'!
tlie Sume The Tale of Woe Tt.hl hy u
?la V lit) Is H unl int; tile Lost.
CllICACo, Jaa.li Iiuivau county farm
ers are hi. .kin,,' for a pair of clever swin-dlei-s
who w-.T.r thioiie1-, tin- count y several
we-ks mr-. gathering ;:p f.-ather beds at-d
'pillows to riiiova'e. They intrinluet-d
tiu.ii--Ives MsJ. L. and W.I". Capp.ici.,
propri, o;: s of the Indiana l-aher !i. i;o
vatmg ciStpany. Afa r oiu;i;iu every
farm hor.se in the county li. y s-ut out
I s 1 x. w a-.'oia-i to Lather up the t,: .ior, t ':-. y
; laid taken. Si-n-e t!a-:i ii.trlii-ii; has -.-,-u
heard ut tie- C.a;,;i a- k or the ft- irhi-r i- r-s.
No reatlier SleiN ia the f.ointy.
f Uiivi-r Se.tlou. wh- i;.-- .!..;:.- a itf.le de-t.-Hive
w-..i k in his ti.n . c.ir.ie '- t id.-a.-o
aad i-e;-o::.:l the : to th- p.,'i ,..
' l'ia y t..d a la:.. o;i i: e iaiiu.-ss,'- ...,;d t i
bllia-aa I olll.ty U i.-a-,-. "1 d-al't !i-:!;,vi-.
tht-ie i- a feat i.e: l.rai era i i i..-v h :t ;i
j the c. ar.lv. 'i i., y i;, cm ay f.win l,.u.-t
a ."ol wiau-ver tia-y i'-,::nl bathers lay
wvr. c;v,.:i an order to rti.ova'e th.-aa
, lh -:ae out in try i:ei-'.i -::.,.; vied w ivii
j eai ii i: f,.-r wh-n tie: e..ia.:i:g v . ,:.:. s
cau!-; ai-otpel.
j l.o-t ;i liistori. il Heiitooia.
'i I.e Women lo.k had beds aad pillows
idi ri ad;., aad w ia a tie wa..n ..,aid :-,op
in f.i.:.: i . the u.-'e I ia- ia':! iy w. a, id cmy
oat the ohl la-iri'.o.-ns wiii!-.- ; he driver sar
still, sm-ikim, j::s ' -, e, , -,t. cigar. My next
door in-iu-iibor iiao a i'.-a t her l.a-i iiiah hi:-,
gr:t'.io!notl-ei- ha.d lir.)U'i;i ail ice way from
Jrelatid. it h.-el le-eii tai-i::h the ( 'h i--.eo
i l.re. and 1 t t,i ,!-. it wats ;!.(. ot.l .-art :r!.- tn
. tin- li'i'v 1:001 i. At.er ii:e lire
. the fata-iv in ;i d o'..; inlhai .1 c.a.al t,
I nml tin-old leather I.. I v. rnt ..lo:i'' witn
inem. tv av . - coy 1 more 01 Ilatt
bed than s.(!,- folks do of tiieir ohiiuivii
ieepiiii to; i 01 II Mali k
"Al"n c-uae t iii s, Cai p.,, 1, f, Hows :.ad
they j.ron.ised ta make the bed as e.,,,,1 as
new fi.-r s !.."-. A ;:;' i o;isi,lera''ile coaxing
theV j. - jo t;( .j,,., ,-v. r
saw of il. Kv. ;y taiuih oat my wav i
-C. CO.
i: v.alil--s.s. Ate!
they i.oa't ::...- :t i-ih.-r. It is ii:.-uy
to;;-h on us t !
'-- 1 -1. i ;.!,. s to craw in.i j
i ,-i.s . v.,- ha . e be. ii
.:r 1 11 f-- -t .,-rs, Jit-t if-ltiv,
i road to tow n i i ere is a
a-iNaaia Dutch 11 ..,.!.-.
a bed o! eoi :
lls.-d to sle, p
li:.: oiae . :,
1. :.,..- - i I'd
:-ew s,,rt t.C i atiilliitv.
' Tie y 1, -, ! .. ;,- o 1 . . beds. ;!:;d ill the
wi;;:. -V a s s -..j-,t .; ,v. , ;,
t!-'- a- . a .a - .-; - a: l-.-i tig : en. o a ... ,.
tad so-, e . - :.': I , ;,.-..: tu imd tit
".u. :-:.',- ';;, ' a to u, .:::. '.'-'e 1. . . a
h e. 1 1 ta" - i 1 '.:;. ..:: '. he o t s c;'. -;i 1 . s
' n t-1 : . : b. aca hotan ; s. a ad one v r ar
t fr-: a , ; .! the j.'-.i. I. 1 ;.;. b .' :.v
la', a ", -. , s :; -.-, I a .aiaaul. !:ke
; 1 . ...
1A.0 B. HtLL'S.
v r. w o
t iiantlier Wants t 1: i l,s st sen a! or- to
slai.tl I p Hlni lie 4 ttlliitetl.
W si!i-,.T.., J.,.,. 1 .- t'i-.ariiii-'r : r 1-
dueetl t he iolio'.vi.'ig measure ill till- Si-I.ate
est,-rt!:ty: "That every pel -on e!e.--.d
Uniti-d s;iot-s sen.-itt a p- .spe.-tive
cancy siiad, on fr b-fore the comnii-n.c-inent
of the term fur which he has b.-. n
clectisl, viuid.".- his acceptance of Hie otiice
and vacate and relinquish any iiicoia
patible oihce. Every pi 's,un appointe-l t-r
elected seu.'aor t- T.JI ati e.is.i:ig v.-t.-aro y
shall forthwith signify l.i arc.p:a:ife. and
vacate and reiiiiqui-h any iiieomjiatibh:
olhce. Incase cf the failure .1:1 t he jutt
of any jn-rsor, appointed or- elected s(-o:.l. r
tu comply wit !i tlie iei;iiin :m tits of ini.s
act the 0 of s -nator shall be deemed
vacant, ami the same shall be filled in :
cord, 1:1. e w it u the pr.o i-hms of tin-statutes
to w hi, h this is :t:i additi.ni. "
l:er lI;n t His Trade.
WAsii;..To. .i.an. li-ynay yesiei-day
ititrod'icisl ;i I,;;; prohibiting enlisted nan
in the army and i.a.v y from perform i r. g
servii 1 ia civ il life for pay or emolument
w iu-ri by ih.ii.v -o tla ,.-, interfere vi it h
the custi n ,.ry emphij tia-nl. and regular
engager!. t r:t :' hn-.al ci v liians in I hi ir 11-spet-tive
a:t, t r uh-s or ;.i of, ions. To
compensate t!-.- s.,,,., .-, f,;r j,ossi!,lL.
h.-s i;, this :, g.-i:-,l th- hill p:i. i.lcs for an
il!'rcie : ! p.-i to ail 1, ..-mini-sioia d
fithceis, jausiciaus, at il privates to co::
form to tie c-t-iblish . rates paidtap.r
so'is in r; :1 id'.- , ' s:a..h r sia v ic.-s.
Hie "War" on !!:. Ilortlt-r.
S.sx A:. ,. Tex.. Jan. li There are
Various rep,,i'! in circulation here con
cerning ti e 11 vi, In lionary situation, one of
which is that Fort liinggold, wldihis
commanded in Cantain William it.
Whe.ii r. of tin Third cav.Jry. has been al
t.'ichcd and fptured by several hundred
hiarza men. 4 H ueral Stanley stales that
the report is wiihout ton nd.it ion. A force
ini.ler Captain Jiardie had a brush v. it h
the revi (utiouisis in the chaparral and ex
changed volleys without (f eet. The ban
dits got away. The repnits of revolutionary
movements in Mexico are detiit (1.
1.01.1,111 of n Jtehmrii.
Mi KK.ON. Mich. .Jan. Ii- A lockout of
all the railroad . itehmeii in 't ids c-iv on
the Chicago and Wc-t Michig -.n railw ay
took piaee yesieiday ls-au(t of uu im
pcading strik--. The i-omjiaT-y refused to
accede to a demand of the local union in
same trilling affair, hence the trouble.
General Manager Mead has also abolished
the position of switchman, the work here
after to be done by conductors and brakes
men. Serious trouble is anticipated here
and along the -nt ire line.
l'.t t uliliran S)iiiimiiniiiil 4 hica-o.
Cun Aa. Jan. li The Hamilton club,
a Republican organization, gave its second
annual banquet at the Auditorium last
evening. '1 oasts were resjKinded to by
tieneral Huss,-!! A.Algir. of Michigan,
who spoke on - The Kcpuhlicau Party;"
John M. Thurstoti, of Nehsaska, "Alex
nuder Hamilton; Frank F. Davis, of Mi 11
Iiesota, 'Kcpttblicaiiistn in the Xotthwest;"
GoveriKtr Joscp'.i W. Fifer. uThe State of
Illinois;'' Diehard Yates, of Illinois, -The
Young M.iu in Politics."
Kulal I'.istut . ucilitinit.
WA.slll.t.TO.. Jan. 12. Postm.avster Uen
eral Waracmaker's scheme for postal de
livery and collection in rural districts is
hetug supported hy K-titio!is from various
parts of t lie rtiutitry, which find their way
into the petition box of the hotue.
News from Cairo confirms the report
that the niahdi was poisoned. A youm?
woman in his harem is said to have done
the act.
William McKinley, Jr., was inaugura
ted governor of Ohio with appropriate
lit. Kev. Henry Philpctt, I). D., for
merly bishop of Worcester, En sr., is dead
Bt the age of M years.
The dry goods merchants of Xew York
have addressed a memorial to the legisla
ture asking for a liberal legislation in be
half of the World's fair exhibit.
Dr. Craves has lieeti sentenced to be
hanged, Judge Easing tlinyiug the motion
for arrest of judgment.
The M. E. chun-h has voted in favor of
making women eligible to sir as delegates
i.i the general conference.
Another con piracy hash en discovered
nyainst the life of the cz ir. and it came so
near success that the Ktis-iau imperial
family is in great gloom, wlii- the czar
himself is gradually co'iihig to th Ixdief
tl;:f the ui iili.-; s w ill kill him asihcvdid
his fat la ;-.
Phil D.vycr, thanote l ti-.rfai ui. want. ,1
gemraily kimwii that he is not baching
pugilists t, i;,i-r any t in 11 ui.-tant t s.
Kdw.i'.'l lim'noi.s. :;s yt-aj-s old. . f Put
J. 1i.-i-s.ia. 1.. I., is ,sifyit,g. At pit-si nt
he t an :a-i e ia-t op..- ionii -his It f t arm.
llisjaws n,c locked aa.l f.svl is taki 11
t'i"o'!gii a ah -. j-li- faiiar wis alllicted
with the s-inie di-'-a-e.J
A Uu-- an 1 i- i;i ut:- captured at Xt-w
Y01 k wli h. 1.'- pocket-, full of explo
sive-. He said h-eaiiie fiver to preach the
gt.s;-l if ti. s- j-;i. 1 ion. a'ld iiiteiided to
s'lare no man in his attacks upon the
James II. ( '..!, of X. vada. Mo., has
been sent to p-nit'-'itiaiy lot- three years
for be at ing ids i :,-.
Mrs. ll c.l.a l'eahdi Uright in n, of
Chicago, jumped from a window when
th" teiiiii. 1 a.-cr. was I) -hi v zero ami dietl
later She aro-from a si,-k bad t u do the
il.-e.l. s.!;i(i..-eil in be cra,:v lrom fau-ilv
The New York Central labor union has
resolved that as tin; law prohibiting Chi
nese from landing in the United States
will expire May ; next, it should be re-enacted
and naade stronger.
Walter lliehards, an apprentice ; t
Watchmaking at Chi. -a ;. stole property
entrusted, to him in order to rais money
ti g.-r married. His wedding; day has
gone by and he i- -t:ll a bachelor, in the
county jail.
The main building of the Missouri State
university at Cohimhj-t. burned. The
library, contai'iing 40.i'i voitimes, arid
museum wa r.-da-troj-l. The loss is near
Iv --'4 "h ' -,.
j riiin-th K.,11 at I'l j iiiout h, Vn.
Wii.ki sii' r:K. Pa.. Jan. Is. The Baeri-
l"gious ttisrm-lian.es which occurred ia
I t '- il tiRg.-it i ri 1 ..arch at Plymouth a few
j cays since haw n.-un occurred, owing to
I fictional feeling regarding a new pried.
K.- ol .1 ; s played a prominent part, and
! although, an area I for. e is guarding the
! church a vinguir.-.ry outbreak is momenta
! rilv e. p. ;-a.i
tr.Its f,,r I-iiMic lltiiltltns.
Y'Asii;M'o. .I.i.n. Vi Dills for the erec
tion of public I. uildir.es in the following
towns were it-drodttrcd in the hon.e ves
tcrda; : low a City, la.. .b.i.noii; Musca
tine, ia.. sl'X'.eo,..; Clinton, la.. fpiO.Oon:
Ionia, Mich., o-'.'iM; MassiiK.n. O.. -oU -
(KJ; S'tcnbcr.ville, ()., jRvim).
4'risp Contiiines to Improve.
VAS.iiiM,To, Jan. li Speaker Crisp
continues to in. prove. Yesterday morn
ing )te sat t:p. reading the papers, and dic
tated several letters. While his improve
ment is maike.l it will 1? at least a week
before his physic iau w ill allow him to Ven
ture out.
-salaries ttf l-.ulantl'.s Ma.tttrs.
There have been discussions ;n tiie Xew
eastle town council to increase the may
or's salary, seeing that the sum allowed
d.H-s not cover the whole of the exjienses
the chief magistrate is f ailed 0:1 to meet.
At present it is i.H.ii. A return was olv
tained t :' salaries paid to the mayors
t hro'.igh.iut t he kingdom, and the follow
ing extra, t may not be without interest:
Liverpool. 12,71.": Cardiff, t7.t: Bristol,
X7e0; Swansea. XM: lonceter. 1240;
I'.ath, i"iVl; P-eston, t'15.1; Canterbury,
110; Ipswich, tlu.1: Coventiy. illiht; Licli
f -id, JL'tVi; Oxford, i.VJ bts; Walsall, .t'.'it
Iuidon Tit-Hits.
The copper colored Cia.ctaws dislike the
i.lack skinned negroes and have adopted a
law for their exclusion from the Choctaw
country. The Choctaws dislike the whites
not less than the blacks, and hold that
they themselves are the cream of creation.
Let's reason together.
Here's a firm, one of the
largest the rcuntry over, the
world over ; it has grown, step
by step, through the years to
greatness and it sells patent
medicines ! ugh !
" That's enoucih ! "
Wait a little
This firm pays the
m,d money (expen-
s:ive work, tnis advertising!)
to tell the people that they
have faith in what they sell,
.v.? r,:uch faiih that if they can't
benefit or cure they don't want
your money. Their guarantee
is not mdel.nite and relative,
but definite, and absolute if
the medicine doesn't help,
your money is "in ca!l.n
Suppose every sick man
and every feeble woman tried
these medicines and found
them worthless, who would be
the loser, you or they ?
The medicines are Doctor
Pierces "Golden Medical Dis
covery," for blood diseases,
and his " Favorite Prescrip
tion," for woman's peculi r ills.
If they help toward health,
they cost $1.00 a bottle
each ! If they don't, they
cost nothing I
Np. 1804
O kU
ps -:
J sSS-rJs' :iiSlf s.-i.
, 'r;.
This firm have the exclusive sale for this county of tlie
following celebrated
PienoB eir-jd. Oro-ems,
tVA rail line also of (mail Mu?ifBl nn rfhr.ia'.ife. We have Ir. our cmjloy a Crs t-fh.t r,hr..i T; rer
Moiixe, III.
The Moline
Manufacturers of FARM, SPRING AND FREIGHT Xkmt
A f lit ar.d cot.lete a:;e ef VI; tferra art! tit! r Sjuire '!i-rr.. efecaey tctt'-. t '
H esttrn trfice. . f -h; eri..r voiKr .M 1 li : ia, la i-h. )autri I. ri 1 r f e L'-i f a.
PHi-!a.u. t-f t- the MU1.1K At.t N Inftre purchacii.e.
Roek Island Savings Bank,
Open daily from 8 . m. to 4 p. m., and Saturday eveniae; from 7 to So'ci'x-t.
Five per cent Interest paid oa Deposits. Money loaned on Persona.. Cc
lateral, or Real Estate Sectirity
OTTicrns :
. F. RBTNOLDS. Pre.. F C. DSXSMANN. Vice-Pred. J. SC. rU'FOKB. t .? a
P. L. Mitchell. K R ReTrir.-ds, F. C. Dckmnn. Jotn Crubaneh. il. P. ',,
Phil M-.tch.il. L. Stmon. E. W. Hnr-t, J. M. B-for.
Jac.m.ji & HcE-T.SsjlicitorB.
tr-Bfgan businc.s JulyS. 1SV0, ard occupy tlefouttca.t cotter cf Mitel., h A 1 -: -t -
riv m vr;i vj NJt4 ..if. raA itr f seta
iq -sii. fy-TTji'.vsalv-'j :i a
v - - - ---.. . -.r... . : rv - a--r
Contractor and Bu.ild.er,
0ce and Shop Corner Sc veitee.th St, . T I r i j
and Seventh Avenue, ; iVOCk iSlanc:.
fWAll kiacs of carpenter work a specialty. Flart nd estimates for all kind of bui;lf-
rrni..iJ oc sppltcaijor.
Proprietor of the",Bray Street
AJ kind of Cut Flowers constantly on hand.
Green Eonpea
One bloc k north of Central Park, the larreat
Ebop corner Tw.nty-.econd etreet and Ninth avenne. Residence 3335
Thirteenth avenue.
tyis Prepared to m,ke estimate ard do all kinds of Carpenter work. Give him a tr.h
Manufacturer of all kind of
Gents' Flee Shoes aspeclalty. Hepairlngdone neatly andprompUy.
A share of yonrpatronags respactfolly -Olicited.
1818 Second Avenne, Rr.k Iiaad, I:
Contractor and Builder,
1121 and 1133 Fourth avenne. Residence 1119 Fourth avenne.
Plans and epeciflcatJops fnrnUhed on all classes of work : also spent cf Wilier P.tt.t Iri .e
Gliding Blinds. lomethlcg new, stylish and desirable.
GE0KGE SCHAFEE, Proprietor.
1601 Scond Avenue, Corner of BixVaenUi 8tree - Opposite Harper's Theatre.
The choicest Wines, Liquors. Beer and Cirar; always on Hand
ree Lunch Etvery Day . . Bmadwichei Pmsheaen Sht "ir-
Music House
Second Avenue.
-"" "-- WSe. rs.
Wagon Co.,
'r s
'? SIS Ml
Vrron 6U Iew York. Ft: CO CO '.t! i15i-J
Flower Store
304 Brady Street, Davonrafirt-'rwi
ir. Ia
.-. v-. -

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