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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, July 18, 1892, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1892-07-18/ed-1/seq-8/

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The Borne . Team Wins One at
Rockford and Thrashes Joliet-
A B-Mde4 tanteftt c Twli City
l"rk Yrtrriy Afternoon
Sew rairrmt-Whtre Is
Cnnntacham f Xotes,
The Conricts met a crushing defeat at
Twin City prk yesterday ia the presence
of 2,500 people. It ?as expected that
Cunningham would be here in time to
pitch the game, r ut he did not arrive and
Bartsoa was put in and held the boys
from Ccnriciown down to four little
Aits, all of which were secured after the
'fifth inning and two of the four were
made by Fisher. Willis was in the box
lor the visitors, but he was far from be
ing an enigma. They fell on
aim and batted out their game in the
J ret inning, running in five scores which
the visitors were unable to tven tie. The
fame was not characterized by any very
brilliant features. Sce retired the visi
tors in the first inning by catching three
men at second which cooled their ardor
for stealing bases considerably.
A new face in the outer garden made
its appearance yesterday, being that of
"Ducky" Ffcmp who pulled down some
likely base hits and did good work with
the stick. You can gain more informa
tion from the following score:
Joint iithk Islan-i-Moline
Carroll,!. ..I 1 3 6 0 Hemp. If. . .9 3 1 0 C
Weihi, 4b.. O 3 :i Nu ton, S S 0 0
Sharo. lb. 0 1 II) 1 1 !Ve, cf 1 1 0 C O
STVi'ker, lfO "20 1 M'Gairk. 1 1 1 s 0 0
F!her, .-... 0 S 0 i 0 0"Jay. 2b. .8 8 8 3 1
wurray.-f.,.0 0 10 0 Hoffiu'o, ,r 110 0
Mhoney..cO 0 7 0 S Sae, c 3 3 6 S (1
w nils, -p. .- n a 0 8 0 Lynch, ss..l 8 19 8
Vonnelly, tfO 0 10 0 Hanson, p. .1 10 5 1
Totals .1 4 JT. 14 3 Totals. ..15 Va 87 30 4
' i 123 456789
Rock Inland-Slol'ne.. 5 118 10 11 315
Joliet 0 0 0 0 1 U 0 0 1 2
Batteries Willis Wahmey and Bartson Sase
Two-bf nits U'Iay, Sar. Three-base hits
l-ynch. Bartson. ase, N niton. Double play?
varrun, inrp. nanoney. Carroll. Sharp. MriiCK
out By WilllB4. by Bsrtwn 6. Bases on blls
Willis (J. Btrtsou 5 Hits Rock Islands-Molines
?6, Jolieta 4. Errors Hock lslands-Molines 4.
Jollets 8. Earned mm Rock lslands-Molines 8,
Jo Ices 0. Umpir. McGlnley. Time of game
The locals managed to pluck a game
from the Rockford Hustlers on Saturday
by a score of 5 to 3. Collins was in the
box for the home team, while Under
wod officiated in a like capacity for the
RofcWords. But six hits were made off
Collins, while our boys laced out nine of
Underwood's safely. Following is the
Miler, lb...O
Klinsr. cf...l
H. Mcol. rf.l
Trnby, 1
ad'r'd. pO
Cornell, 8b. 0
. Nicol, lf.0
HI?ifios, 3b. 0
Snyik?r, c..;x
1 Hemp, If.. 0
0 N niton. 8b 1
1 Dale. cf.. 8
0 McJnirk,lbl
0 O'Day. Xb..l
0 Hofftnau, rfo
1 Zeis, c 0
0 L,yncb, ss. .0
0 Collins p..O
ToUt.. 3 6 84 10 3! Total... 5 87 10 1
12 3 456789
Rockfords 0 04080000-6
Bock Island-at oline.. 1000 0 003 03
Earned runs Rock lslands-Molines 3. Two
base bits Hoffman. C'otbett. Three-base hits
Truby, O Day. Buses on balls OS Collins 4, off
Underwood 5. Hit by pitcher Lynch. Struck
on' By Collins 4, by Umlerwyod 5. Double plays
uouarwooa to M.uer, i rnoy to Milter. Lmpire
lime, l ime or game i :no.
Bartson pitched an excellent game.
Patsy Lynch'a work at short is getting
to be a feature.
Its a pleasure to pee a fielder cover as
much ground as "Ducky" Hemp docs
Rockford still has its batting suit on.
defeating Jacksonville yesterday 16 to 3
O'Day. McGuirk and Nulion continue
to play the kind of ball that pleases the
The tome team got very much Rock
ford yesterday and slugged the ball all
over the-field.
Cunningham has up to date failed to
put in an aopearancu. t.e was c'ue yes
terday morning.
The attendance yesterday fcbows that
base hall is here to stay, if the people get
what they want.
Cushman was released and left the
team Suurday night when it passed
through Chicago. He has returned to
the east.
Baxendale ia back at Chillicothe, 111.,
pitching amateur ball, where be perhaps
is better satisfied. There is no dissatis
faction here either
fUse's work behind the bat ia always
clean and pretty. He keeps Joliei's
base runners guess ng. He threw three
ef the Convicts out in succession Tester
day at sec nd base.
The management this morning ordered
xew unifo rms for the team, which were
indeed badly needed They will be black
pants and shirts with white lettering and
white cps. bells and stockings, making
very pretty combination.
The weather clerk got Lis dates mixed
t s lay and gave us rain, thereby prevent
Used In Millions of Homes
ing the ball game. The base ball man-!
agement hope to have the matter straight
ened out by tomorrow bo that different
arrangements will be made.
McGinley umpired a good game yester
day, but a few who never know what
they do want attempted to roast him and
were hissed down. The most unkindly
cut given him was when he was called
Suggs, but McGinley won the respect of
the audience by paying no attention to
the few kickers.
The city council meets in regular semi
monthly session this evening.
Cheap rates to Kansas City this week
at McHugh's railroad ticket office.
Low rates this week to Denver, Pueblo
and Colorado Springs at McHugh's ticket
Lost A. bill file of the Rock Island Ice
company containing a number of bills.
Finder will please return to this office.
There will be a meeting of the W. C.
T. U. tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the Y. M. C. A. All ladies interested
are requested to attend.
Those who are familiar with the rug
ged scenes of the Yosemite valley will see
them pictured anew at Harper's theatre
this evening in the production of the
beautiful drama, "Lucky Ranch."
Sim Smith the "coon"' who shot Jim
B nhm on the Bteamer Mary Morton,
Stturday morning, was today bound over
by Magistrate Wivillin bonds of $200 for
assault with intent to murder, and in de
fault was remanded to the county jail.
Kcry Frabm and wife and Miss Lillie
Huber, of Rock Island, left yesterday for
the mountains over the Rock Island road.
They will spend some time at Manitou
and along the line of the Denver & Rio
Grande at various resorts, and be gone
several weeks. Davenport Democrat.
Jo Gwynn, forsometimeemployedin the
office of the weather corps at Davenport,
has been ordered to report at Washing
ton previous to being assigned to the
charge of the signal service station at
Pike's Peak.
L. V. Eckhart, A. Nelson and Edward
Butler caught 125 pounds of fish off Big
Island Saturday, yet they all declare
wnu saoer countenances tnat there is
nothing of the save of fish about their
day's work.
A. McCurdy, an old time resident of
Rock Island, and at one time a represen
tative in the state legislature from Jthis
district, bat who for the past few years
has been a resident of Chicago, was in
the city today. H? sees many changes
in the city in the past few years, and is
spending a few days visiting old friends
J. M. Jones, of 1614 Second avenue,
is the man that will start you house
keeping, will buy your f urniture, in fact,
will trade, sell or buy anything; makes a
specialty of loaning money on furniture,
watches, diamonds, rings, sacondhind
clothes or anything of va'je. Large
room for storage. All business strictly
The body of Johnny Walsh, son of Mr
and Mrs. P. T. Walsh, of Davenport,
who was drowned in the Mississippi
inursuay aiternoon, was recovered at
Buffalo yesterday, where it was founa
floating in the water. Undertaker
Wheelan, of this city, took charge of the
remains and the funeral occurred from
St. Mary's church. Davenport, yesterday
II. B. Sudlow and wife gave a party of
friends, about 16 couples in all, a yery
enjoyable entertainment on Saturday
The party was taken to Cable in a special
car attached to the pay car about noon
and after arriving there wtre shown about
tne mines anu otner points of interest
and later refreshments were served. The
Cable band turned out and serenaded the
visitors, and all ei.ioyed the trip im
mensely. A doc from Davenport that was brought
back last evening after having had a
fight on the outskirts of the city with a
dog from this side of the river, bit Mi6s
Nellie Scully, who resides on Fifth ave
nue and Twenty-second street. A com
plaint was made to Chief Miller today,
and an effort made to bring back the dog
from Davenport and have it kept on this
side of the river for a time in deference
to the advice of Dr. Tru?sdale, the at
tending physician. The bite is not
thought to be serious.
Christian Ehreke, aged 74 years, died
very suddenly at the home of his son-in-law,
William Leische, near Barstow, on
Friday morning. He breakfasted with
the family as usual, and went up stairs to
change his clothes. Some tiade later his
daughter, Mrs. Letsche. entered the room
and was horrified to disrnvor ih rA
tiers a a lying dead across the bed. He
40 Years the Standard,
had one leg in his trousers and his sur
roundings otherwise indicated that he had
been stricken while in the act of clothing
himself. The deceased came to this
country in 1855 from Koswitz, Germanv.
The funeral took place on Sunday after
noon. The Worthington, Minnesota Advance
contains notice of the death on July 14,
of Miss Julia Johnson, asred 73 years, 3
months and 25 days. The deceased was
a resident of Rock Island, until a
few weeks ago. when she went to live
with her brother in Worthington. Death
came suddenly, closing without a strug
gle, a long and peaceful life. B. F.
Johnson at whose house she died and
who was her brother, is now the only
surviving member of his father's family.
Matilda Johnson, wife ct Louis John
son, died at her home, 901 I?irst avenue,
at 11:50 yesterday morning of can
cer, aged 45 years. The deceased leaves
with her grief-stricken husband, two
children . She was a member of Poca
hontas Council No. 5 I. O. K- M . which
order will attend the funtral at 2 p. m.
tomorrow from the house.
A troublesome skin disease
caused me to scratch for tea
mouths, and has been
vareti by a few days' use of
M. H. Wolff, Upper Marlboro, Md
i was cared several years aco of white swelling
in my leg by using FSPSS'fi ani have !;a1 110
symptoms of re IjyCSSul ura lk "'s"
?ase. Many prominent physicians attended me
and all failed, but S. S. S. did the work.
Tact. W. Kibkpatrick, Johnson City, Tenn.
Treatise on Tllcod and Skin Dis
masts mailed free.
Swift Sr-EOFic Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
To call your attention to a few facts:
Yoar eyeeieht Ib priceless the eye need pood
care; improper spectacle are l'Jnrions, yon
should rot trust your eyesight to irresponsible
peddlers of cheap spectacles.
Is a Practical Optician, and will take pains to
properly fit yonr eyes for every defect of vision
and will guarantee a perfect fit in every case.
If the lines in this diamond figure do not
appear equally black in all the different
meridians, it indicates a defect cf sight
that causes nervous head-ache and should
bo corrected at once. Eyes tested free.
h. d.?6lsom,
Jeweler and Optician.
otick to Contractors.
Sealei proposals will be received nf the City
Clerk's office. Rock Island. 111., nnt.l Monday, ft
o'clock p-ra. Au?ast 1st. l!ri, for cons:ruciin
the improv. mem ordered by an ordin .ace of snia
city passed March 7th. 1S'.2. and ameDdmcnta
thereto andis entitled "An ordinance for the im
provement of East and West Seventeenth streets
from First to secon 1 avenne. aod of Sixteenth
street Irom " irst to Third avenues, and of Fif
teenth and Fourteenth streets from Second to
Third avenues," and for uruishin the ma:eiils
and doinn the worn according to the plan sand
specifications thercfo- on tile at the c.ty clerk's
office. Blanks bi s will be furnished on applica
tion. Ail bids must be acroirpanied w'th a certified
check in the sum of Five hundred dollars, paya
ble to the order of trie trea-urer of said city, hich
shall become forfeited to said city in rae the bid
der shall fail to enter into contract with approved
srcuri'ies to execute the w.irk for thj price men
tioned in hi- bid, and according ti the pi in and
specifications in the event that tha contract
should be awarded to him.
The x iirlit to rej ct any crall bids or proposals
received is hereby expressly reserved by saia ciiy.
Uor.EKT K0F111.EU, City Clerk.
Rock Inland, III. July Will. lS'.rJ.
rr Oil. J-Bt mm f Abtiat. Ml" V... ttn i. 1
of any Straw Hat in the store, including $1.50, $1 and 75c grades, at
of a lot of Men's Tennis Flannel Shirts at 15c, 25c and 50c
YOUR CHOICE induding sme that are th trebb,e-
of a lot of Men's Suits, 1, 2, and 3 of kind at $9.90, worth $12 to $15
of a lot of bargains in Boys' and Children's suits,
1 2 fs n ofpl
1 3 e o w rlrnl
a 0 I a jo
i n O 2
"i O SeoinOJ
3- - H ir y r -r
i O 1 J
3 r-- Tg l
5 O B9 1 III iJ
- 3 ?! a ty
1615 and 1617 Second Avenue
See the
New styles of
1726 Second Ave.
-Base Ball Headquarters. -
Cigar Store and Billiard Parlor.
Always on hand the finest brands of doTcst'c
nnd imported ciaars. All brands of tohscco
The score of all the ball games will be received
1 Si S 'ecoud ve
Some Extra
Good Values in
Gloria Umbrellas
This week.
Prices vary according
to style of handles and
1525 and 1527
Second Avenue.
E?S?r? KNIVES and SCISSORS took the highest premium
for quality. If you wrant a good knife try one.
iL116 ? be to,d whata present an elegant Carvin
bet like those I have to show will be. Also those
Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers.
finish Fire Sets and Irons.
Acorn Stoves
are the leaders made in Illinois for our soft coal -and every one
anothprHmfl T are-aU g?d to ba at Christmas-or
fw?i,faJT ,Come,1? a,ni8e8 how mucl1 1 "ave to show yon
that 13 useful and novel in housekeeping goods.
Cor. Third Ave, and Twentieth Street, Rock Tsland.
Are being made in
Wash Goods
Department on
French Organdies,
Embroidered Ginghams,
Embroidered Kobes, etc.
Robes that were $0, now $4
Robes that were $9,
now $6. one-third off",
price of any robe.
Two or three months of
warm weath-r to
pass through.
Can't we sell you some
of these goods?
124, 123 and 12S
Sixteenth Street.
w"' rUgnt irE
and Ranges
at prices that will make you happy.

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