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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, December 26, 1892, Image 5

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1892-12-26/ed-1/seq-5/

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THE ARixtlb, MONDA Y , DECEMBE Jl 26, 1892.
the method and results when
. TV J 1 . .
-m or r ics 18 vaten: it la niAaannr.
;j refreshing to the taste, and acts
' .1 - L 1 il - TTM
wj j" 1'ruiupiiijr uu me rvianeys,
ver and Bowels, cleanses the eys--i
flTectuailv. dispels colds. IiahA.
irt and fevers and cures habitual
itijiation. ovrup of Figs is the
j remedy of its kind ever pro
ivA. nleasiner to the tastA and or..
U'-'-F I C -
stable to the stomach, prompt in
?" action and truly beneficial in its
Llthv and arreeable mihtjinfwi its
try excellent qualities commend it
ail ana nave maae it trie most
rrmlar remedy known.
!wnm of Fira is for nsln In KfV
W'$l bottles by all leading drug-
itt. Any reliable druggist who
v not have it on band will tty.
Up it nronmtl V fnr nv nnn nrh
Ubes to try it. Do not accept anv
tcoanus. Kr. hew route .r.
J. 1. BBIDT.
T. B. 11B1DY.
Real Estate
One Festival in Which All
Christendom Joins.
Hp, mQ sd manage property on commission.
he ommt. eo'lect rents, also carry a Hoe of flnt
ttmln lisnrsnce companies, building lota for
Lkikillibed fferent addition!. Choice residence
Invert; la all parts of the city.
bb4, Mitchell Lynde building, gronnd
. a rear of Mitchell ft Lmde bank.
Have you called at
tii nnt vnn had iWtrr fnr
you will find lots of Silver
and Gold Novelties as well
as a large assortment of,
the latest in Fine Jewelry
Diamonds, etc.
A Number or Sunday School OUhrmtlona
The Exercises or the Rock Island Turner
Society The Holiday In Itock Island
Today Being Observed.
The greatest of all feast that is cele
brated throughout the Christian world
was uniformly observed by the different
churches in the city yesu rday, besides
bting celebrated in many homes through
out the city. It was a typical Christmas
day and was just the kind c f weather to
be appreciated .
At the First M. 1:.
At the auditorium of the First M. E.
church on Nineteenth street the Sunday
school was given its Christmas entertain
ment Saturday evening. Elabor
ate decorations were everywhere
visible and a fine 1 terary pro
gramme was rendered, la addition to
this George E. Blakeslee gave some
stereopticon views of be Eoly Lard, af
ter which U.e gifts weredis.ributed. The
ladies of the church presented Mrs. Mer
rell with a set of china dishes and a pat
tern for a silk dreps and the gentlemen
surprised their pat tor, Mr. Merrell, with
a dress suit of clothes. It was an en
joyable evening to all.
The Central Presbyterian.
The Central Presbyterian Sunday school
had its distribution of presents at 9 o'clock
this morning, a large numter assembling,
and a short programme being carried out,
at the conclusion of which Rev. J. H.
Keer. the pastor of the church, was pre
sented with a handsome set tf books
by the Bible class.
At the First Baptist.
The First Baptist churcL was the scene
of a pretty CDristmas service on Saturday
evening, where the cantata, "Waiting
for Santa Claus," was rendered in a
pleasing manner by the n. embers of the
Sunday school. Later the gifts were
distributed and the entertainment proved
an enjoyable one is every respect
At Trinity.
At Trinity church last evening occurred
the anuual Christmas festival of the Sun
day school of the parish which included
a choral responsive service and Jacob's
ladder containing the gifts where were
distributed among the happy children
Tonight occurs the exercises at Trinity
At Taraer Hitll.
At Turner hall there Wf.s a joyous cel
ebration cf the Christmas tide. The boys
and girls assembled in tie afternoon, a
handsome Christmas tree being filled with
many presents which were distributed.
Some time was spent in enjoying these
festivities, after which a fine literary pro
gramme consisting cf recitations, etc.,
was carried out, which also included i
numcer of fine musical selections. At
the conclusion of tbeef exercises the
young people repaired to the spacious
dining room, where a f.ne supper was
served by Mrs. Herkert. A couple of
hours were then spent in danoing, and at
8 o'clock they save way io the older peo
ple, who enjoyed the remainder of the
evening at dancing.
As far as the holiday i i concerned, to
day is being observed, i ll public offices,
banking houses, wholesa e establishments
and most of the retail st ires having sus
pended for the dsy. The city presents
the customary holiday quiet appearance,
and the "Merry Christnus" greeting is as
frequently exchanged as it was yesterday
8u eee-orto
No. 1712 First Ave.,
Rook Island, III,
F"P A ' rrrn a
j Sanitary Plumbing,
Sua Fitting and General Jobbing.
Taone eonnectious.
At G. M. Loosleys.
Glass, and
China Ware.
Crockery Fdi,
1609 Second Avenue.
Transfer v
Dec 22 Nicholas Wiltamuih to L V
Ecbbart, lots 1 and 2, Rachel A
Schwarizenberg's sub-div, Moline, $1.
28 L V Lckhart Dorothea Wilis muth,
lots 1 and 2, Racbael A Bchwartzerburg's
add. Moline, $1.
Ellen S Webber to FA Dieroif, lot 12.
block 1, Ellen S Webl:r'a add, Moline,
Edward Young toGsirge M Hawkes,
part lot 2, block 2. Smith's add. Moline,
23 Elisabeth Sedam et al by commis
sioner to Elizabeth B Stdam, wj w nwf
20. 16. 4w, $860 66.
Elisabeth Sedam et al by commissioner
to Coleman Bra j ton, i wj ew J 20, 16,
4w. $866.66.
Eiiiabetb Sedam et al by commissioner
to (Stephen Brayton, Jr. w$ sej 6.16 4w,
swl, swl. and ei sw tnd wjnei 17, 10
4w, net nwj 20, 16. 4 w, and nej ewj and
nwi sl 17. 16. 4w. Wii 833.31.
23 3 E Moore by rower to Irene
Moor-, v-1, nej. 6.16, Iw. tl.446.
28 Estate of Clara I; Gould. Petition
bv William T Gould for letters of admin
istratinn Bond filed t.nd approved and
letter issued. Inventory filed and ap-
Ouueervatorship of Margaret Barge,
Order autbor!zm conservator to pay
claim of Ann Barpe.
Estate of Oito Geppert. Report of set
tlement of claim against Ignats Huber
filed and order approvit g settlement and
diB'ributing proceeds between widow and
children of deceased.
Guardianship of mlr or heirs of Otto
Geppert. Petition bv widow of deceased
for allowance for minors support and
Guardianship of min jr heirs of Robert
C Johnston. Letters of guardianship is
sued to John W Johnston. Bond filed
and approved.
Assignment ef Shank & Morris. As
signee's bond filed and approved by clerk.
Assignee a inventory nied and approved.
Rural Journalist and Hts Experience
With Two o the ''Spider and Fly" Com
pany. J. L. S taker is editor of the Clayton
Enterprise, a member of several Chris
tian Endeavor societies and a bright
yonng man whom everybody likes be
cause he isn't afraid to express his opin
ions and stand by his convictions.
Friday Mr. Staker went to Qiiocy and
blowtd in 40 big dollars on jewelry to
make the hearts of members of bis family
happy on Christmas day. With the
package he went to a drug store and laid
it upen the counter while he made an
other purchase. While
Misses Allen and Wilson, members of
the "Spider and Fly" company, entered
and bought a toilet set. The clerk set
their package alongside that of Mr.
Staker and when ready to leave thev
picked up the $40 package and left the
toilet set. 1
Mr. Staker had no use for the toilet
set, and was a little put out when he die
covered that the change had been made.
He learned that the Misses Wilson and
Allen were domiciled at the European,
and taking their toilet set. experienced
no trouble in exchanging packages.
They were removing the cord from the
package of jewelry when he arrived and
had no idea ou earth that they had made
a mistake.
The ladies invited Mr. 8tsker to re
main and see the show, but he excused
himself on the plea of business and went
Locating the State Valr. '
The cities of Peoria. Bloomioeton.
uecatur ana Hpnngneld are each trying
to secure the location of the State fair.
It would seem that the proper place to
locate the State fair would be at the
capital of the state, where saitable
grounds, buildings, etc , could be seemed
permanently, and thus save the cost of
fitting up new grounds every year or so
The arffumeut often used against such an
arrangement is tbat "nogs" would be
formed and that the people of the
state would be constantly subject
ed to "rings" rule, while, bv chang
ing around, such would not be
the case. Bat then there are usually
"combinations'' of different kinds formed
by either state or local managers, and
sometimes by both, no matter where the
fair ta located hence it makes but little
difference to the people generally whether
such combinations are formed in one or
a dozen cities so leng as they sre
formed, and the dear people are com
pelled "to pay their money and take their
choice, right or wrong. Delavan Ad
After copying the above the Peoria
Journal says: "Now, why Delavai
should be working so hard for the loea
tion of the state fair at Springfield is hard
to conjecture, unless she expects to get
in the ring. Delavan would be indi
vidually benefitted by having the fair at
Peoria, so far as distance is concerned,
and seeing that Peoria is the only place
the fair prospers, it is strange her ioflu
nee is not cast this way."
Clergymen's Permits for 1893.
The C.,R I.& P. and B..C.R. & N rail
way will issue no half-fare permits for
1S93 to ministers and other entitled to
same, residing in Davenport, Rock Isl
and and Moline, 111. Joint permits en
titling the holder to travel at half-rate
over C..R.I & P.. B.. C. R. AN.. M. &
St. L. and R I.&P railways will be issued
by the undersigned only, and applications
for same should be filed at once with F.
H. Rockwell, ticket agent depot foot of
Twentieth street, or
R Stockbouse. G. T. A.
A Hungry Slan's Dreams.
One of the worst evils attending penal
servitude is said to be the hunger which
assails a man with a healthy appetite dur
ing the first few months or years of hie im
prisonment. A man who has just done
long term for forgery says:
I used to goto bed every night pinched
by hunger. I began dreamingof banquets.
and would have thought nothing strange
about it had not the same dream come to
me every night. The banquet was always
the same, in the same place, and I always
had the same plane at the table.
The exasperating thing about it was
that just as the lirst course was offered I
always awoke, so that even in my dreams
I was not permitted to taste of the munifl
cent spread which was nightly presented
to me in my sleep.
I dreaded to go to bed because the
dream tortured me. It only made me the
hungrier, and I then understood the agony
of Tantalus, the fabled hero who was tor
tured with thirst, and to whose lips the
waters were ever coming and receding just
as he was in the act of taking a drink.
Boston Globe.
Genuine Cold Wave Comes
The Mercury Drops SO Degrees In 84
Honrs Registration This Morning as
Shown by Various Thermometers In Dif
ferent Localities.
The calamity sbrirker who finds con
tentment in the "reen-Cbristmas-fat
graveyard ' song was denied the oppor
tunity to relieve himself this yesr.
Snow on Christmas Eve.
It could not have been a more ideal
Christmas, meteorologically speaking.
Nature had during the preceding wees
spread a beautiful mantle of white o'er
the earth, woich daring Cbristmis eve
had been considerately replenished in
many places, so that the nimble footed
reindeer of the generous old man who is
the dtlight of childhood might not be re
tarded in making his rounds. As the
flickering flakes ceased to fall toward
midnight, however, the mercury began to
decline. It fell gradually ail day yes
terday and more rapidly as the day ad
vanced. During the night it continued
its downward tendency, until this morning
found thermometers arying from 10 to
20 below according to thr locality.
Coldest of the Tear.
This was the coldest weather of the
year, comparisons showing a difference
in temperature of from 25 to 30 degrees
between the temperature of yesterday
morning and that of this morning.
Prognostications as to what we may
expect in the way of weather are impos
sible, as the signal service is taking a
a ay on, in common with all government
institutions to observe Christmas.
Ice Bridge.
I be night practically settled the clos
ing up of the river for the present at
least, completing the ice bridge between
tbe two cities, and while several haye
crossed today, Tint A rocs is not adver
Using the new means of transit as safe.
Tbe first man to cross the river on the
ice at this point, made his way over to
Dsvenport about 11 o'clock yesterday
morning and returned again in the afternoon.
Social Kvents.
Two important tri-city society events
are to occur this week, in the "red ball,"
to be given at Skinner's hall, Moline, to
night, and the dancing party to be given
by Miss Mae Montrose to her tri-city
friends at the Harper tomorrow night.
Hawkers and Peddle a.
What ear-splitting cries we betr daily in the
streets of every large city I Bat these Itinerant
dealers who hawk their wares akont are, when
under proper restrictions, a nsefal portion of ibe
eommnnity, and not each nuisances as the catarrh
hawkers. This is a stobborn disease to conquer,
bnt Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy doea it. It is
mild, soothing and antiseptic, unlike snaffa that
irritate, or solutions that burn. It corrects of
fensive breath, and restores taste, smell and
hearing. Nasal catarrh often ends in eonsnmp-
tion. Apply tie only care in time. Prise SO eents,
by all druggists.
Crampson Co.
report a large trade during the pact two
weeks and now intend making a clean
out of all holiday goods, books and
Bibles if low prices will do it.
You can save Time and Money by Trading with
J. Ramser & Son,
The Old Established Jewelers.
Owing to their immense and well selected stock you will
find just such an article as you desire for a nice gift with
out wasting time and energy looking around. We carry a
large variety of opera glasses, gold spectacles, eye glasses,
fine silver novelties, onyx clocks, souvenir spoons, carving
sets, small fancy clocks, Chatelaine watches, and our usual
large line of watches, diamonds and fancy stone rings.
We have fitted up a special department for OPTICAL
GOODS; we are better prepared for correcting all errors of
refraction than any one in the three cities.
1827 Second Avenue, Rock Island.
H ollday Kxcurslon .
On Dec. 24, 25, 26 and 31 and Jan
and a. the C, R. I. & P. will sell excur
sion tickets to all points within a radious
of 200 miles, good to return up to and
including Jan. 3, at tbe rate of a fare and
a third for the round trip.
Eating Nightingales.
As exemplifying the pitch to which
Roman epicureanism was carried and in
dicative of a truly barbaric nature, a dish
consisting of the tongues alone of some
thousands of the favorite songsters of the
air was requisitioned at immense cost to
satisfy the inordinate cravings of one of
the emperors. One can hardly avoid the
reflection that such a being must have
been extremely untunef uL The liver of a
capon steeped in milk was thought a great
delicacy, and of solid moat pork appears to
have been most relished.
The stanch Roman who did not take
his pleasure bomceopathically reclined dur
ing dinner on a luxurious couch, his head
resting on his left elbow, supported by
cushions. Suetonius draws attention to
a superb apartment erected by tbe extrav
agant Nero, in which his meals were
partaken, constructed like a theater, with
shifting sceneschanging with every course.
Chambers Journal.
There ii no question more frequently
asked, or which a medical man finds more
difficulty in answering to the satisfaction
of himself and his patient, than "What do
yon wish me to eat?"
Tbe joints and muscles are so lubri
ca'.ed by Hood's Sarsparilla tbat all rheu
matism and stiffness soon disappear. Try
ff Ymi'rn a vpik
I Uv or ailing woman
I that Uiere's only
one medicine so
sure to help you
that it can be guar
anteed. . its UT.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. In
Duudmg up over
worked, feeble.
delicate women, or
in any " female
complaint" or
weakness, if it ever fails to benefit or
cure, you have your money back. It's
an invigorating, restorative tonic.
soothing and strengthening nervine, and
a safe and certain remedy for woman's
ills and ailments. It regulates and pro
motes all the proper functions, improves
digestion, enriches the blood, dispels
aches ana pains, brings reiresning sleep,
and restores health ana strength.
Nothing else can be as cheap. With
this, you pay only for the good you get.
pieces to select from; who pay
4a cents to CI for that which
you can get at 10c at
C, C. Tavlor';
1717 Second Avenue.
entral Shoe Store
Holiday suppers
The Largest and best Line of Ladies and Men's Slip
pers ever shown in the three cities. We handle no
shoddy goods.
1818 Second ave., Harper House Block.
A Most Useful and Elegant
-Holiday Present-
For Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Moth
er or any other relative or friend, is a fine
pair of Spectacles or Eyeglasses. We have
them in all kinds of frames, Gold, Silver,
Nickle, Steel and bronze. Call and see the
assortment and have your eyes tested free
of charge,
T. H. THOMAS, Druggist
and he will show you a nice line of Rockers,
ladies' desks, cabinets, bookcases, side
boards, parlor furniture, etc., to select from.
Art Store.
We have this week received an impor
tation of French white china for decora
tion. ALBUMS Our line of Albums is
ahead of anything we haye
had in tbe past in style, and
lower in price. The new
shapes are very desirable.
BIBLX9 We have a large line of
tbe celebrated Holman fam
ily bibles: Also his self
pronouncing teacher's edi
tion . Call and examine these
and our Oxford and Bagster
FRAME3 We are this year a hereto
fore making a special feature
of our framing department
and prices much lower.
Horses, dolls, shoeftfes,
sleds, drums, toilet cases, jewel
shaving cases, manicures,
Smoking sets. Albums.
Jointed Dolls, Kid Dolls,
Bisque Dolls, Rubber DoAa,
Iron Toys. Tin Toy a.
Wood Toys, Pewter Teys,
Perfumery, Jewelry,
Lamps, Baskets,
Cups, Saucers.
Salad Dishes. Silver Was,
Knves, Forks,
sod all fancy goods in an endtaws vacestf
Geo. H. Kingsbury.
17031705 Second Ave.. Rock Island. Telephone 1216.
402 Fifteenth street, Moline.
Froptietororlof'tlM Brady street
I AjI Cods of Cat FloweTS .constantly on band.
80 Brady etreetempsttite
Gre:n Honees
a? boc aorth of Osntra! park.ths laveettn Iowa.

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