OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, February 16, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-02-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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MUshed Daily ud Weekly M 16S4 Second
Avenue, Roek Island. H..) ' ,
j. w. Potter.
Texas Daily 60c per month; 'Weekly R.OO
per mm; in sarance f l ,au.
Alt eonunanlcatlons of a critical or arpamenta
ttve character, political er relleious, must have
reel mam attached for publication. Ne such
ai (tutus vlll be printed over aetttioaa slgnatores.
Anoymona comBtantcitioas not Boticcd.
OorrespoBdenee solicited from every township
sa avu isiana oouv.
Tbtjbsdat, Fxbbdast 16. -1893
The aword and sabre are to be abol
ished by the army.
A gbxat deal of work is in sight for
mills and factory.
An American syndicate now ownes the
ova Scotia mines.
Gkoybb Clktblahd stick to his
mother's bible. Instead of using a new
one, according t the general cu
torn. Mr. Cleveland was sworn in at his
inauguration in 18SS with his mother's
bible, a small morocco-bound copy, and
it is understood that he will use the same
ode in the approaching ceremony.
The death of Judge John Scholfleld de
prives Illinois state of one of its fore
most jurists. He had been a justice of
the suDreme court of the state for many
years, and President Cleveland once ten
dered him the chief justiceship of the
United States supreme court, an honor
which he declined and which was subse
quently conferred upon Melville W. Fuller.
The (Coming- .Premier.
Senator Palmer who was at flru not
Inclined to take kindly to the selection
of Judge Orosham for secretary of state,
has worked himself into a good humor
ever it, and tells the following story to
illustrate his present feelings on the
Personally my position is similar to
that of a little German friend of mine
who had his place of business in the same
building with me in SprineOeld. It was
during tbo campaign of '63, when I was
more or less interested in tbe nomint
tion that the democratic convention
would make, so was my Garman friend
on the floor below me. As I came down
stairs my German friend shouted to me:
"Who's going to be nominated, gsn
eralt" I reolied: "It look like Hn
dricks '' ''Hendricks vs a goot mm
Hurrah for Henkricks A few hours
later I hd occasion to go down stair?,
acd my German fried questioned me fur
ther concerning the nomination. I re
plied; "It looks like Chaee would be
nominated." "An!" said he, "Chase vas
a bully man LTarrih f.ir Chase." Finally
word came that the conv- ntion had nom
inated Seymour and as I passed my Ger
man friend's ducr I informed him tba
8eynaour was nominated. ' Das is soot,''
said he. "Seymour vas tbe best m-.V
what they jjat. Hurrah for Seymour."
This ahtfoi ipref-sas my posit'on at tfce
present time.
' 'Congressman Eelrao, of Indian?,
whose democracy is of the rock-riblxrd
variety, is enthusiastic in hie expression
of the selection of Judge Gresham for
secretary of state. He eaye:
The selection meets with my hearty ap
proval. Judge Gresham is a man of great
ability and purity, acd his selection is a
most sagacious one. His ability and his
honesty and the fact that he is indepen
dent of certain great influences has at
tached many of the people to him, and
he has a large following of men who.
white not yet outside of the republican
party, are in sympathy with lower tax
ation, greater economy in the public cx
penditures and all the great issues ad
vocated by the democratic party. In
political prosecutions that came up be
fore bitn soon after the war be manifeited
uch fairness and impartiality as to win
as many friends among democrats as
among republicans. When it was shown
to him that a jury in a political case had
been packed with republicans he did not
wait to hear a word from the district at
torney, but at once dischsrged the whole
venire. His selection shows a disposi
tion on the part of Mr. Cleveland to
gather around him a cabinet of the very
best men he can find, with a view to tl e
greatest efficiency of administration and
for the highest good of the people, acd
without too close regard for political
records, and I think he is right. On a
smaller scale it is like the nomination of
Oreeley in 1872 the most sagacious
nomination the party ever made, for it
seeded just such a nomination as that to
l'rt it out of its old rata.
Some press opinions are gives :
Danville Press: President Harrison
appoints a democrat to the supreme bench
and Preside tt Cleveland appoints a re
publican to a seat in his cabinet. In this
year of our Lord it does seem as if there
was no politics in politics.
St. Lou;s Republic: Judge Gresham is
an much better than the republican part,
that he is to all intents a democrat and
a long ways better democrat than some
of those who pass for democrats in New
Xngland and New York.
8t Louis Post-Dispatch: The Gresh
am appointment is not in recognition of
Illinois democrats, but it is a concession
to tbe democratic sentiment of all sec
tions, which is not confined to be the
democratic party.
Xbetaattra Carta in a Day.
"Mvatic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralpia radically cures in one to three
davs' Its action upon tbe system is re
markable and mysterious It removes at
once the cause and tbe disease immed
ately Jisap'pean. The first dose greatly
benefits.- Warranted by Otto Grotjan,
druggist. Rock Island.
Oh, thu rosy days of childhood
How blissfully they sped
When not a charm had vanished
. ';And not a wonder fled!
The ye it was f nil of promise then:
The tongue was full of praise;
But 1 1 sink the cup is sweeter now
Than in the childish days.
Oh, the laughing world of childhood.
Of ignorance and ease!
The lightest touch could quicken.
And t he least pleasure please;
Vet the upward paths are dearer.
With all the thorns they bear,
Than-a garden of a hundred flower
When ignorance is there!
Oh, the beating heart of childhood
That little heart of snow
That dc ubt has never entered
Nor a rrow has brought lowl
Trust it e, not all the rapture
Its ea er life can span
Can she dow forth the perfect love
That 'rarms the breast of man.
Dora It. Goodale In Harper's Weekly.
The Old Astronomy.
One of the Hesiodic poems, "The Works
and Days," composed, perhaps, a century
and a half la- er than the Homeric, gives pre
cept upon precept to farmer and mariner,
and teaches them bow to observe the sea
sons, at a period when almanacs were as yet
"When th! Pleiades, daughters of Atlas,
rise, begin your harvest; when they set,
your plowing. When after the winter sol
stice Zeus hits fulfilled sixty days of win
ter (then it is that Arcturus, having left
the KAra-ed stream rt (Win riuu in t.
- - - - . .. -j . 1. vuo
twilight brightly beaming), prune your
vines. When Sirina nnrvVtM Vinnrl arwl
knees, and the body is dried up by reason
of heat, then sit in the shade and drink.
vv hen Onon .aid birius have reached mid
heaven, and roKV fino-prl dawn Komlt.
j u . v. l3
Arcturus, tlen gather and carry home
your grape ci isters. w nen, Hying trie im
DCtnous niitrt t of Orinn tha WoiaAna ;1-
into the misty deep, then rage blasts of
wina, nam asnore your snip and cover her
around with t tones."
The mentioi of the solstice Wnml i-
where in the poem implies careful astro
nomical ODservation. Arcturus, "the bear
keener." is a liric-ht ntjir in tha nnncti lo
tion Bootes. Gentleman's Magazine.
The Nsmbtn on Dwelling Houses.
"This is t V p wnrvt. tmm T ATA . .
' ' .v ... . . 1 u
find an address ftftfr rlarL- " cmM a rt.
man who was wandering np and down
West Fifty-seventh street Thursday even
ing, looking for the number on a house.
"It is easy enough to find a street in New
York, but whan it comes to a number a
JersPV lflWVPT W-Anld Ka miTvloil T
v J .... , "-.. A-AVIftl
along this street, for instance. You will
not find many houses with a number on the
vestibule door and a light back of it, but
VOU will find fhimn with nnmlwKi uA .'
i vu . I1U .U
side door or on a small plate outside, and
now is one to i euiaea? l have climbed
four stoons and liv nnr. rlaw rot in.
1 " ...v. " j I u. A UCIU
was a plate on one door, but it was so dark
that I could nut make out the figures, and
at the other places 1 doubt whether there
was a number. Of course it's all right
w urn you gi-i a stan 10 count the house,
but the trouble is in getting that start. In
Boston we put the number of a house on
the street lanr standing in front of it, and
then there is no trouble in finding what
you want." X jw York Times.
An Old Woman's Courage.
Mrs. C. C. Merrill, a New Woodstock
lndy of eighty y 'ars, was one day weeding in
her little garde 1 when she heard a commo
tion down the r md. Looking up she saw a
pair of runaway horses coming toward her.
She recognized the tfatn as liclonging to
her son, for clinging to the seat of the
wagon was ber little golden halivd grand
daughter. The old lady was not ;.firtid of
horses. She pi :ki'd up a Ion pole ond
calmly walked down the road to meet the
frightened anin :tls. She slowly waved the
pole Iv.ck and forth, from one' side of the
road to the other. On came the horses at
full speed. First they glanced knowingly
on one side, thi n on the other for a chance
to dash past the moving pole. Then they
stopped the ol 1 lady had connuered.
Cor. New York Iress.
Lord Salisbury and Lord Mayor's I)a3'fl
Lord Salisbury, as prime minister of Eng
land, has seen s ven consecutive lord may
or's days, and m doing so has beaten the
record of more than sixty years. Since
Lord Liverpool died no prime minister has
celebrated so many successive lHhs of No
vemlier at the Guildhall. It is true Lord
Salisbury's teni.re of office has not been
continuous. The six months' administra
tion of Mr. Glalstone in 1S86 interposed,
but it did not lust till lord mayor's day of
the year in which he came into oflice.
London Tit-Bits
Spruce Gum Quotations.
Lump spruce um as it comes from the
trees is worth ali the way from fifteen cents
to one dollar a ;iound, a very fair article
selling at forty cents a pound wholesale.
Ten cents a pound is the common retail
price for good gum. Lots of "patent"
spruce gum, as ii is called, is made in Ban
gor and more in Portland. It is a pretty
good thing to chew if you must chew, and
have nothing better to do. It is packed in
boxes, 100 lumps in a box, and retails at a
cent a lump. Lt wiston Journal.
Japan e In the North.
The late Japan se consul, Sigiunirn, with
some leading citizens, visited a great Indian
potlach, or feast, in Alaska. So soon as he
landed from tbe ship the Indians were
heard to remark, "He is one of us." The
imitative faculty among these Indians is
clearly Mongolian, and their skill in carv
ing leads to the s- nne conclusion. St. Paul
Pioneer Press.
A Heartfelt Desire.
Young Wife (vt ho dotes on bric-a-brac)
What this house needs is something really
antique. Don't you think so?
Young Husliatid Yes, indeed, my love.
Why don't you h ive 'em?
"Have what?"
"Old fashionel pumpkin pies, you
know." New Yo k Weekly.
You may be wl.atever you resolve to be.
Determine to be something in the world
and you will be something. "I cannot"
never accomplishi d anything. "I will try"
has wrought won. lers. J. Hawes.
Knowledge of luman nature enables you
not only to get ci stomers, but to judge of
the success of any venture which appeals
to the public and to facilitate all business
In 1349 Henry II of France interdicted
trimmings, horde -s, gold lr.ee, gold and sil
ver cloth and satins. Great lamentation
from the women t nsued, and the edict waa
Never try to stilten the whites of eggs in
a steamy kitchen. Take them to an orsua
window, where tl ey may be beaten quits
tiff in a short vb ie.
How's Ihisl
We cfier One Hundred Dollars Rpwar i
for any ense of catsrrb that Cannot be
curea oj tiairs oatarrn t'ure.
F.J. Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, O.
We tbe undersisreed. hbve kmmn V .1
Cbenev for the last 15 venrs. and hi-lie v.
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions scd Bnanci-.lly able to curry
out any obligation made bv their firm.
West & Tin h x, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kionan & Marvin, Whole-
fale Druggists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
actine directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the svstem. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Notes on Iiistoi-r.
Miss A. C. Graham in The University
Correspondent gives the following as bona
fide questions and answers in some of her
school examinations:
Wesley was the founder of Wesleyan
cnapei, wno was afterward called Lord
Wellington; a monument was erected to
him in Hyde park, but it has been taken
down lately. Who waa II enry III ? A zeal
ous supporter of the church, and died a
dissentry. What is divine right? The lib
erty to do what you like in church. What
Is a papal bull? A sort of cow, only larger,
and docs not give milk. Perkin Warbeck
raised a rebellion in tbe reign of Henry
VIIL He said he was the son of a prince,
but he was really the son of respectable
A Tenny Saved Is Two-pence Earned.
A little EOZODONT used rieht stone
every day. costs but little trouble and is
pleasant always. It ssvts yesrs of suf
fering from diseased gums and teeth in
later days. Its use ie economical of lime
and comfort. Use SOZODONT.'
Rev. P. C. TS. Dwtek, Wtckoft, Mnnr.
Father Dwyer's Earnest Endorsement
of Kickapoo Indian Remedies.
Wyckofp, Minn., Nov. 17.
Sympathy for Suffering Hu
manity leads me to write this.
I have suffered much from Neural
f;ia and Stomach Troubles, and
ave tried various medicines, but they
were of no avail. Recently, however,
I learned of the Kickapoo Indian Rem
edies, and have been entirely cured by
the use of Kickapoo Indian Saewa.
This priceless medicine of tbe Indians,
myself as well as a host of others have
used with wonderful success.
Yours in truth, P. C. N. Dwteb.
Kickapoo Indian Remedies, Sold by all Dealer
Poor Mem
1VTEI ta
IIimKi Ir
Kick Headache and relieve all the trembles inci
dent to a biliona atate of tha aystam, aaoh
Dizziness. Kaasea. Drowsiness. Distress aftw
eatltig. Pain in the Ekta, to. While lhfirmcti, i
reioaijurw success aaa Down aaovra la caruigr
SeaOache, yet Carter's Little Uver Pffli arc
equally valnablo in Constipation, enrrag and pre
ventinc tki annoying compiainwwhita they alto
correct ail disorders of tbo utoiaach ji'iTunlate tbt
l l'PT snd mffuliLln t Km hnVAlf. 1 nan ie-tl.M.r in.
Who ara debilitated and
mrrmi(J from fcVrvoua
ltobiaty, St minal Weak
nesx. Loss-. I)rftinft, 1m
pntenryorLoft Man hood,
TronHes, Kcr-onnoi, S'tt-' t's-iif"x
orysnd-rnerallll-Ht'nlth.WB (it AH.
erhE bTthisKmr IMPPOVED ILfC.
t.'i:. -.--i-ilii' rurwjw. are of fci
tlw iTiuHS, triTinfr Frrlj, Mild, HahIMhi;, Contlaootai
-"rri or tiectrinrr loroutrn an huk rAKis,ni
toruirthrm to BKAI.TH mm VliiOKOt'S bTBF.Vl.TH.
In view of the fact that many persons whodosira
to nroenre ffennlna Electric Belts bare applied ta
different Co in primes for Information, and are UD.
decided as to which havetbe best Roods, we anRgest
that 70a order from e.irh company the belt ysia
wish to see, sent tv express, O. I.. tniia pririiryt
cf examination. When the belts b.ive arrived at
our express ofBce examine them ; if yoo find one
better than oars, simply ask exprrss aeent to re
tumours tons,- All wereotiirelaMets. with yonr
c.der to partially coTerexpress ehsn7es.which will
bededncted from prlreof belt it it is accepted. This
proposit Ion Is a fair one to all concerned, A bnyer
wants the brst for his money, and it is a .great
pleasure to ns to have onr itoods examined and
compared with others before bought. Send for
Illustrated pamphlet, mailed, sealed, free. Address
Savaden Electric Ce.a ics L Ssn, ac. caiciso.
Baf : '-r from ihi'i distress n g complaint; but t irr :v
tdtyihc:rgoodnM8do no-ndhTQ,audt.infi-r
'liciiicotryiiim'will find theme little piUsviU-.i-ulueinsox&Ey
waysttt tbey will not to v.:
iicg to do wiiliout (litnu i;ut al ter alisick ji3i
'lcliuEeof bo tnir.y lirM thst hors '3 Tts-?
wei.-.akeonrprcat boast. Curi'illiscuroitxr'uia
Ciilrr's Litt.'s Livrv TZl Lie v
vrrr easy to tit:r.. One oc t vr- 1 iu
Iny are strictly vt t-t.-.'r.l,;.. u.
pu.-yr. but 1 y Ui:.r rcm'jzt. -ti. ;
use iheiA. .
ly drc- -
r--.-rv v.-:
A ttw and Ootrplete Ticaitncnt, ccnUsilrE of
fnppositories. Ointment in t apsnls lfo in Eox
ard Fills; A fo? iiive t ore for External, Blind or
Bierdit a ltchinc. Chronic, liert n: or Ilc-riditury
lilcs , r r male w kve88f snd ICI dv other dis
caM'; it is sl as a preal benefit to the general
faea!ii. 1 tc firct discovery cf s mcrtiral cure ren
dcrinpsn o) erat?on with the ktjife ntirtregsary
heresfter. 1 1 If. h iredy I as neer reen known
to fall, f 1 per hex. 6 for J5. (etit bv mail. Why
snffer from this terrtable dii ae hen a written
cuaruntee is positivly pivn v.ith 6 tottles, to re
rtmtl the mc my if not enred. Send ftamp for
fn-r rauile. Gtiiirbi.tee :r.i hj oar ayekt. jr...
This Precious Ointment is the
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with it as a cueativk
Mid healing applic ation. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
Cures Pil.F.s or IIf.morrhcjds - External
or Internal, Blind or Weeding Itching and
Burning; Cracksor Fissures; Fistula in Ano;
VVorms of the Rectum. The relief is imme
diatethe cure certair..
Cures Burns, Scalds a.d Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Thcrelief isinstant.
Cures B0115, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis
tulas Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy
or Scald Head. It is infallible
Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and
Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
Price, 50 Cents. Trial sire, ge Cent.
Drinbta, or a-cl poat-ld 00 nol of pries,
BT-'jrHiiTS' bib. re, ii i a i ii rrm,m Rt kiw rem.
oeeupyirR the entire third 11 orof Cue Schiller
Theater Building has secured the absolute con
trol of the pejorated
WHEELER SYSTEM " of healing
which under that method are cured -without
pain, knife or inconvenirnee. This
wonderful core is the nenBation of the seipntilic
world at present. Klectro-thempfuticn.
for aU Chronic, Nervous and Femnle Hiseafes
skilllUlly applied by a distinituished expe-rt in
electricity. All diseases requirine Surcical
interference promptly and successfully treated.
Orricr Mount rao 9 a. m. re 8 r. m.
Sundst 10 s. m. to 3 p. si.
COKUBPOITDXKCB Tnxm mrj part of ths sasatrr
aUeltss. All luU spoasa.
t . Mm f HUlcn W",
this mm
KawnaPKS Aomxamiw B
emtaav '10 Bprna
ActF like tniigic on tie Mi niach. Liver aut! Bitw
: ditreit. i.ynpi-ia, Biilonrnc-p, Itvcr. Colds,
erven I isoru re,l'jliyfr. fp.I ir- of Appetite,
restorer the eon-plertion : irfct dipesnon fnl
iow their i.pe. 1 Of tive cure lorgKK IIkaixcbi
iind Coi i-tipi.tim,. Mniill. niilU, si-y to take. Larce
ViR!-ctNiil-J5.erts. fc
IIAK IZ ULL.MLYER Sole ArtTits Kock W-aiw,
-bt ctiya
Cee it jom on way.
ii ie the liett St aj made
For Tfi aehiiie Macbiue nee.
H 1
5 ir. sG
Infoonation about the new Seaport town of
La Porte. Texas, situated on Galveston Bay, and
where the Government channel, upon which the gov
ernment is expending $6,900,000.00, touches the main
land, can be obtained by addressing
Tbe U Forte Uxi urfTowo 6o,
XitVatSukBldr 61XESBUSCSX.
MY HRnrFP J3! it T7;-;-
iH v'
K.K.fAieaiK c" v&
' H 1
TOR ALL HOL.'Cr.HO'.O P5!Rc:rt
: ' LO,
rltvJL U,LV O r'
KK.FAlRBANK&ca Chicago.
The well-known inlf.???!5
IN. B. cor. 7in.r,.i"-"
arpolntedT. H. Thoou 1, iJ?1"
celebra.en Dlsmcud Sr,,,B!:
Eiajsee, and i.m tnr t,. rk
ever made in speoacit. !
Glas-es never hat to chiEie if
from the eyes. ,nd evetT , ,
s guaranteed, fo that if t". '
the eyer no matter how or V?. '
Lentes are) they will fnn,:-
With a Ttiaw t.o..F..l,. . JX sT
and invita ail t ..wsc.
Of the PTftftt rr-.iHr1..7.lT5t
over any and all othe nov
and examine the fame MT E.1
drnygist and optician, noes li
o Peddlers Snsplm,
and Leader in Styles and workmanship, has" receind
FdLL STOCK 01 Suitings and Overcoatings;
2' and leave jour order.
8r4R Block Opposite Harper Horss:
i-Try our brand of SMOKED MEATS.'
H. Treman & Sons,
All telephone orders promptly filled. Telephone Ne. 1103. 1700 Third Aft
First-class Hotel and Restaurant, Market Square,
back of Thomas' drugstore.
ISfGood Rooms by day or night.
WAf OT.ASS. ProTirittor.
M asnfactnrer of all kinds of
Gsnt'i Fine Sheet a specialt?. Renslrine done neatly and promptly .
A( share of year patronage retpectfnlly sejei'-ed.
1618 Second Anui. Rock Iin4 3
EetabUsted 1EM-1SH6.
Save money bv buying your Crockery, Glassware, Cut
lery, Tinware, Woodware, and Brushes, at the Old acd
Reliable 5 a?d 10 Cents Store.
TCRS. C. MITSCH'S. 1314 Third Ave
Contractor, and. Builder,
Mid BeTenth Avenue, k
MT"A11 kinds of carpenter work a specialty. Plant and estimates for all kinds of baUoW
fnxnlahod on application.
All Kinds ol Carpenter Work Done.
Ganeral Jobbing don on abort aotka and satisfaction gaaranleed.
Oa.M4SW7lTwdltkStrMt. HOCK KLaS

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