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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, March 16, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

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Single. Copies OmI
Par Weak IMH Oel
47 C.
Any Tie in our House for Four days only.
None reserved.
We have a few odd lots in our Mens, Youths
Joy s and Children's Suits which must be sold be
fore the arrival of our
Watch our Windows for everything new in the
urnishing Goods line.
Underselling Everybody
on everything.
SAX & RICE, Prop's.
he Furniture establishment of
is replete with all the novelties of the sea
son, purchased for cash from the best
known makers in Grand Rapids. They can
not only save you money, but give you new
and choice designs in Parlor and Chamber
Furniture, sideboards, tables, chairs and
lounges. Thanking you for your patronage
they solicit an early call.
1525 and 1527
Second Avenue.
124 123 and 128
Sixteenth 3treft
Save money bv buying your Crockery, Glassware. Cut
lery, Tinware, Woodware, and Brashes, at the Old and
Reliable 5 ad 10 CentB Store.
MRS. C. MITSCH'S. 1314 Ttum av,
Tins riKST-OLAss
him located iu his new shop.
At 324 Seventeenth Street.
gut shoes a specialty.
Opposite the Old stand.
inters and Decorators.
. Kalbomhtlng, Papee Hanging, Etc,,
419 Seventeenth Street
of -m t o
B 1 Q
Washes Everything from a fine
silk handkerchief to a circus
tent; Lace curtains a specialty
No. 1724 THIRD AVE.
TlthoT) No 1214
School Books.
2011 Fourth Avenue,
tllrKso eld's Old Stand.
Senate Committee Reorganiza
tion Completed.
TTATTOTTTflT rnTTTfl tat) shock wnen iney reaa tae new raies tne
Jj JLoU j ) rrl fti J UjD. prudent established at the White House.
I jiney give citizens woo want omce just
; three hours a week and even members of
congress only eight hours per week. This
1 proves very depressing and many are con
j tetuplating early departure. Then the
I postmaster general has notified senators
, dition to their recommendations some local
expression of the patrons of the office as
' to the fitness of the applicant.
' Some Hope and Expectations.
1 The president told Bnsey of Illinois that
he would not appoint a pension commis
' trioner for at least two weeks. Busey
' wants it. Louis Jordan, of Indianapolis,
' has strong hopes of being first assistant of
! the treasury, while "Gir Shanklin, of the
Washington, March 16. The reorgan-! Evansville Courier, has a cinch on a for
mation of the senate committee was com- ' eign consulate, the choice being left to
pletcl vesterday, the Republicans finish- him- A man who wants to be commis-
ing their share of the work, and the adop- " of lab"r Robert n-Co?d7?;
., , , ,. ' , , I trie tax candidate for president in 1884.
tion of t lie whole list was the sole business . is a chicasjoan.
transacted by the senate, except a secret TUey yke Assistant Secretary McAdoo.
session which received a batch of nomina- Officers on duty at the navy department
tions from the president, but of course did ( are much pleased with the selection of Mr.
not act upon them. The senate took recess J McAdoo as assistant secretary of the navy,
during the day to permit the Republicans : His congressional career and his service on
to caucus on thpir ivmm;tr assignment i the naval committee, they say, show him
This c aucus wK nr.-....riil in nrrano-inff ' to ,5C a good friend of the navy.
Stewart Dropped from One I'lace by the
Republicans A Few Karnes Sent in for
Office, One Being a Hnatler from Penn
sylvania L'x-Repreentative Blonnt
Sent lo Hawaii to Pipe Off the t-mncl
The 1'resideut's Callers Some New Offi
cial It nles Alleged Financial Policy of
ii 1 C! .... ir M
mutroiH: E'lTmr-intnin n nil m tA an. I .1 h 11 'I J
matle tO tUC KCn- t nvtAtmivA o mi ntn nd writU irfim hf ro ff
it adjourned a report wa:
ate, adopted, end reorganization thus far '
was complete. :
VThat They Iid About Stewart.
After the Republican caucus asw;mblel :
1 - . 1- . . . . 1 '
iiifro was o t'.eoaie 01 some lengm on ine
subject of removal of Stewart of Nevada
from the appropriations committee, as he
He as
known to be
the navjind their
congress, it is thought, will advance naval
matters, ecpecially appropriations.
Only One Member on the Commission and
Bis Name Vlonnt.
Washington. March 16. The selection
Blount, who left
had been the recipient of a chairmanship of ex-Representative
at the hands of the majority. He was re-j Tuesday night for San Francisco on his
moved and Teller of Colorado was substi- J way to Hawaii, as the agent of this govern
tuted. The Republicans contented them- J ment to investigate the situation in the
selves -.vith removing Stewart from the Islands, has caused a great deal of gossip
appropriations committee. He remains as j among the public men and officially to
a representative of the minority in other . the majority of whom the president's ac
committees and is the ranking member of tion vas a complete surprise. While the
the minority in the committee on irriga- radical annexationists are Inclined to criti
tion nd reclamation of and lands Tel- c5ze the action the more c(mservative
lergies up his place on the committee on members of both parties are more than
privileges and elections, of which he was pleased that no decisive st ep is to be taken
cnainnan and would be the ranking mem- tfl th(J government 5s fully informed as
ber, and goes to the foot of the appropna- the exact Btatug of affair8 in Hawaii and
tion committee. j the causes which led to the overthrow of
Some Republican Committeemen. ! ,ue monarchy.
Following are the Republicans on the ! Cleveland Not Ye Satisfied.
important senate committees: Appropria- j The selection of Blount indicates that
tions, Allen, Hale, Culloni and Teller; civil Cleveland is not yet satisfied t hat Hawaii
service and retrenchment, Stanford, Wash- should be annexed to the United States,
burn, Morrill and Lodge; coast defenses, but has not made up his mind to eppoee it.
Squire, Dolph, Uawley and Higgins; com- ' and it is probable that his future course in
merce, Jones Frre, Dolph, Culloni, J the matter will be largely governed by
Washburn and Quay; education and labor, I Blount's report. Blount's mission is a
uarey, frtamora, hsnourn ana iage; secret one. He will investigate the man-
finu Tnrriil Simin .Tnnpa nf pr. '
da, Allison and Aid rich; foreign relations,
Sherman, Frye, IJolph and Davis; immi
gration. Chandler, Squire, Proctor, Du
bois and Lodge; improvement of the Mis
sissippi river and its tributaries Wash
bum, Pettigrew and Power; interstate
commerce. Cullom, Wilson, Chandler, Wol
cottand Higgins.
j Made a General Chang.
With the adoption of the resolution
which caused the new committees to go
into effect the Democrats became possessed
of that important branch of the sen
ate. Immediately after a general shifting of
members began. All the Republicints who
have not been fortunate enough to get minor
chairmanships will go to the Maltby
house and occupy the rooms the Democrats
have occupied for several years, while the
Democrats will occupy the regular com-
TTiir.tM tvirm in t io fftnit.-l
Mr. Krown Was u Hustler. !
It yeems that a man in Tennessee is not
the first postmaster appointed, a statement
to that effect having been printed a few
days ago. The first postmaster's name was
sent tn yesterday. He is Robert 11 Brown,
. it acainst anv
of Meadville, l a., and is said to be a bus- : will not sustain it
tier. The Republican incumbent of the
office, appointed almost four years ago by
Harrison, was removed, and about three
weeks before his term was vut Harrison
sent the name of W. S. Rose to the senate
for the place. Brown heard of this and
came down to Washington post haste
armed with letters of introduction to Dem
ocratic senators. He succeeded in having
the nomination held up until the Republi
can administration went out of power, and
then used his influence to secure his own
Other Political Nominations.
The other political nominations were:
William McAdoo, of Xew Jersey, to be as
sistant secietary of the navy; Edward B.
Whitney, of New York, to be assistant at
torney general, vice. Abraham K. Parker,
resigned. Postmasters Dale J. Gritten
bergerat Anderson, Ind.; Stephen Smith
at Tama, la.; Charles H. Long at Tipton,
la.; Joseph P. Swindlehnrst at Livingston,
ner in which tue government was over
thrown and whether the present provision
al government actually represents the sen
timent of the people, regarding which
some doubts are entertained by the admin
istration. lilnnnt a Conservative.
Blount has occupied a conservative posi
tion on the annexation of Hawaii ever
since it was first broached by a secret com
mission from the island last wiater. He is
credited with having a suspicion that the
United States officials might have encour
aged the revolution and thereby put them
selves in a position to be accused of hav
ing a part iu the establishment of the gov
ernment with which they were now asked
to treat. Blount, it is further said, will
investigate the questions as to how the
overthrow of Lilioukalani's government
, was accomplished; whether or not the pro
visional government really represents the
popular sentiment of the islands.
Only Against Foreign Aggression.
It is further asserted that Blount will in
form the provisional government that the
United States will not aid in maintaining
but foreign aggression. It
against any other form
of government the people of the island
may see fit to attempt to establish.
A Republican "Chiel" to Take Notes.
Representative Hermann during the
summer proposes to visit Hawaii and per
sonally investigate the condition of affairs
on the islands. Hermann says that he pro
poses to do this because the people of the
Pacific slope are very anxious for the an
nexation of the Sandwich islands, and be
cause he thinks it will be advisable to have
some one on the Republican side of the
house to look into the facts.
Episcopal Ministers Speak a Word for Ah
Kin O facial Goaaip.
Washington, March J6. From early
yesterday morning until 1 o'clock in the
afternoon Cleveland was kept busy receiv
ing official visitors and then went into the
east room to shake hands with a lare
crowd of people. Among his callers were
a delegation of Episcopal ministers consist
ing of Bishops Paret, of Maryland; Potter,
of New Tork; Whltaker, of Pennsylvania,
and Hare, of South Dakota. They saw
President Cleveland and Secretary Gresham
in the library of the White House and ex
plained that their mission was in reference
to the Chinese exclusion law. The law, they
said, was extremely harsh and worked in
jury to American interests in China. They
hoped the president would secure some
modificniion of the cct, but had no definite
ideas to advance. Cleveland told the dele
gation that he was to a great extent power
less in the matter because he was bound to
carry out the law, but he promised to do
what he could.
Waylaid SI Ira in the Hall. ,
When the president passed into the hall
after his conference with the bishops, on
his way to his office, he was waylaid by
several congressmen, and stood for quite a
time in the hallway talking to them.
Among these were Senator Roach.of North
Dakota, who came with Judge Benton, of
his state, an applicant for the commission
ership of the general land office. Major
Daniel M. Ransdell, marshal for the Dis
trict of Columbia, and one of General
Harrison's most intimate friends, had a
pleasant chat with the president in which
D tendered his resignation informally.
Cleveland Makes Another Bale.
O Sice-see krrs experienced another rode
Reception to the Vice President.
Washington, March 16. The reception
last evening to Vice President Stevenson
a t the residence of Senator McPherson was
attended by a larg- representation of prom
inent peopl- It was somewhat of au innova
tion in the line of receptions, the guests
being gentlemen only. Among those who
accepted Invitations were Gresham, Car
lisle, Bisaell, Smith and Morton, of the
president's cabinet, members of the diplo
matic corps, nearly all the senators and
many of the members of the house of rep
resentatives still in the city and local offi
cials and business men.
Carlisle's Financial Policy.
Washington, March ltt. A financial
plan involving a very complete reorganiza
tion of the present system of the govern
ment is occupying the serious attention of
the secretary of the treasury. The fall de
tails have not as yet been announced, bnt
enough is known to warrant the state
ment that the secretary's plan, which he
will submit to congress next fall, includes
the repeal of the silver purchasing clause
of the Sherman law, the repeal of the state
bauk tax and the issue of state bank cur
rency under the supervision of the nation
al government.
Light Keepers and Life Savers Need to Be
Highly Efficient.
Washington, March It Secretary Car
lisle defined his policy yesterday as to ap
pointments in the lighthouse and life
saving service in the following letter in re
ply to a request for the removal of two Re
publican lighthouse keepers in New York
harbor to make room for Democrats! "In
reply I beg leave to inform you that the
positions for which Mr. Green and Mr.
Burger apply are not vacant ana no cause
for the removal of the present incumbents
is known. The great number or light
keepers employed, and their isolated situa
tions, prevents anythiug like constant over
seeing of their work, and a faithful per
formance of their responsible duties, in
volving the saety of the vast amount of
property and toe number of lives entrusted
to their care, depends upon the good char
acter and competency of the keepers them
selves. No Removals Except for Caase.
'It has been and is the policy of the de
partment and of the lighthouse, estab
lishment to encourage and insure a high
standard among them by retaining them
in the service during competency and good
behavior, and by promoting and trans
ferring them to better stations and rewards
for good service. Light keepers are held
to a strict performance of duty, but unless
some incompetency or neglect on their
nart is shown they will not be disturbed in
their tenure of office. It has l een the cus
tom for many years to regard t he lighthouse
establishment as a non-partisan service.
It is my intention to continue that custom.
No light keeper will be disturbed by me iu
his official position merely because of his
political opinions."
Grn. Bainiou't lluutlng Party.
Havana, Ills., March 16. Ex-President
Harrison ana party are now located one
mile south of Liverpool, eighteen miles
north of here. They will hunt at Prictett'e
landing and Thompson lake slough for
few days and then expect to go to Spring
lake. It is too early for ducks and the
cero weather has caused the party to re
Herbert Visits a Navy Yard.
New York, March 16. Secretary of the
Navy Herbert paid his first official visit to
the Brooklyn navy yard yesterday. A sa
lute of seventten guns was fired as the car
riage was driven towards the command
ant's office. The officials were introduced
to the new head of the navy and after a
turn of the yard the secretary declared
him-elf highly pleased with appearances.
Chicago, March 13.
Following were the quotations oa the board
of trade today: Wheat March, opened
T&ic, closed May, opened Too, closed
TiK'stc; July, opened T2?s closed T2c Corn
March, opened 4U4c closed lc; May.
opened sTiNti, closed 43?-; July, opened 44Xc,
closed 44.'. Oats May. opened 3Z?4C,
eloped 32?4c; June, opened 32Jic closed 32?c;
July, opened ;fcf closed Pork
May, opened $17. Wowed $17.524; July,
opened flT.27L: closed SIT.tj; September,
i;ned 17.31. eloped S17.M. Lard May
openeo Jl'-MU. closed til. CO.
Live stock Hogs: The price at the Union
stock yards today ranged as . follows:
Kec"irts for the day HU: quality rather good;
left over stout 5.1HJ: market wa
slow snrt wea; packer and shippers back
ward i i buvi ie: nrit were lo6i.c lower;
NtV; ranged i ji.TtX&fi.t'j ph.-. $G.iQJ.50 light.
7.2 r'..-i nmgti pa'? mixed
ii : : .j7.?j heavy ucking and shipping
Caiile Iieveipts for the day 13.0J0; quality
oni !,.ir; market oiuy moderaty active
l'i : .!? Hud fhipiiic iwcount, and prices
vt : tr- Mr.irjiued. epcc:.ii!y lor be better
.r.-.. (.-.MtaiKni ranged nt $5.3;&5.9U
trio l to chm,' do.. .iH'sM fair lo good.
JJ.i" c.-Lx-.'-.; to um: Uani .... &.:&
bi:tc!.-'a f- ra. j:.i.i. !ovkers, 5''-
Tca f-leen-. &.:; -ii .; Jre-iers. $2-ltlit&5u
cow. f;.M'!..--i heifer, SitV !.7i bulls, and
).ll'5.;0..Vl vt:ii valves.
;lit -vjt-i.-t?ipt fnr tM.oa? lii,00a; venality
fair; mnrKct rather active r.n,! vriees un
changed: t'iouti ion? at $4k j-i
per hU lb western. $i.jij.Y e natives, and
J-.ViU&G.Si lanib.
Produce: t-'mter Fmiey tjiarAtor, 26KiS9
z7e rc-r in: :ncy cairy. -2c; packing
stock. l.V&ific. Kjiiw-Kresh' stock. loa-IUVso
per doz. Dressed t"il""y Chickens, ll&lic
per lb: turkey. 1 Vll.V; ducis, -&14c;
geese. lf&i.'c. lY-tatcs Wivoa-iu Bur
banks. 7.V4- r l-ii: Hrlircn. 6T,7J- Peer
Jess. Ki&frc; li.w. tfyi.7to. fwcet potatoes
Illinois: $.'i..iftjt..VJ per blL Apples t air to
good. j;.L'iij..ik.t jr M1: fancy, 3J.x&4.oa.
Cranberries Jersey, fancy. $10.UU&1I.(N per
bbl. HoOfV While clover iu 1-poand sec
tions, l4l.Ii'.c i-oi ll: broken comb. 10c: dark
com o, good condition, (vox-: extracted, tpo
per lb.
f tork.
New Voi'.x, March 15.
Wheat May. 7u.ufc7lic: June, 7;&(&77!4c;
July. VTHG.TSc : August, 7m" September.
fiTiV: jH-cenibcr. RI (j 2J4c Kye
Nominal: mutru. 01x5. fije. Kxrley Quiet
and linn: slate. western, iOSJc; Ho.
1 Toronto. VCAVtfo. Jia. - do. M3S5i Corn
April. flc; May. al) 7-1650 -16c;Jnly, 50&
SO 9-10c: No 2, W-ifJ?' steamer mixed, &34c
Oats Xu. 2. doll and eaeirr; May, 37?c; state,
39Q4!c; western. M4Uc Pork Juiet aad
weak; new mess. S19.&: old mess. J19.U0. Lard
Quiet and steady; steam rendered, (12.31
The lyoeal liirketr.
Wae 74a Wo.
Corn 454fic.
Osts ro3c.
Bay Timothv. f!9.00: cplacd .'ficail : Rloueb
19.00; baled. Sia00ll.0Q.
BnttCT Fslr to choice, 2It ;
Eggs Fresh. 1718.
Fonltry Chickens. 9c:
ducks, lttc; geese. 10c.
creamerr, 26c
Aplle f 4 10 per bbl. I
Potatoes 85tP3r
Onkms $4 .10 per bbl.
Turnips per bo.
Csttle Bctcliem pay for !
445c: cows and neifcis.'
fheep -4&.6C.
eorit fet
ssss' .
: f
A -
f !
. I

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