OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, June 17, 1893, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-06-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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June Otter of a Guarantee.
Stackhouse and Associates will Refund Money
it tney ao not cure.
, liKll'
I'uc Wi-i'ks now liemain to Come in Under the Absolute Guar
antee It Applies to Every Patient Under Treat
nient Before July 1.
more solid assur-
.. th:it von will set w ell under the
" ' j T .. ctnil'Kncn anil V, i na
,..tIlHllt 'l ..v. ...o
;..ri Ilia" V, VV- V C.
H . ii ::
mailt' I'J Hiese 1U 5R1!IH
.. I... u
i., i.-.l lv the financial and pro-
.ii-i' lanilin.C of the Stackhouse
ri. .Miarantee is an innovation in
' of medicine. It is made
,,rove iM'Vonu question, tuu uuia-
:itv i
:'tlu-superiority of the Stackhouse
11 is iuaueiu reuuj;iiii.iuu
tmr lit
the ii-'ht of the PeoPle to Set
.. moii' v's worth and to know
Lt tht v are paying for.
Take tins treatment aim you.wiii
1 1 . 1 -
If toll iloll I. you win j;si uat
t,rv dollar paid".
The June fer f Oarntee.
u tverv ease that the phj-sicians
the Staekliouse Medical Institute
eit for treatment between now
Uu!v 1. the atient will be re-
his money, if at the' expira-
n uf the month he is dissatisfied
tU the treatment anil desires to
ioontiuue. Charges for catarrh
kindreil diseases are no more
in P'T montn in any case.
Li-bos. North rakota, June 6. 1S94.
...i-L-hnn.n Ale.i:cl insmu'c uenuemeu: aj-
festtnent at ynur Institute I feel so much
-S;ed Hint I wunt others to know what yoa can
jiid re do'i.jr.
nn lr1 year oiu aun nave ona caiarrn since
ncv. I coo !u never orraiue lurouKH ray uuhj
lil.. I hav; tried a (Treat many medicines oat
lierCdiiW cet any benefit until I commenced
Ynur treatment aoout mree mraios ago. a
lieinily recommend yonr treatment either by
or oiTsonal at a great permanent benefit to
-uiercr. xours graierniiy
E. W. SlNfETT.
I can truly say that I had catarrh
tnv life." said Mr. B. F. Benshoof.
carpenter of No. 110 East Fifth
Irei-t. Kavenport, "but during the
live cars my case has been very
1. When I bejran treatment at the
Stackhouse Medical Institute, I was
unable to work, had been losing flesh
and had no appetite. I wish to say
that since taking the Stackhouse
treatment I am freer from my old
troubles than ever before. My
strength has returned; my weight
has increased over 20 pounds, and
all together I feel like a different
How Hundreds of Oat-of-Town Cusoa Are
Under the system devised, devel
oped and demonstrated by Dr. Stack
house and his associates hundreds of
patients are treated by mail with the
same success that attends the office
practice. Write for symptom blank,
which, filled out, enables the physi
cians to make a perfect diagnosis and
prescribe the proper medicines
which are promptly shipped.
No Advance In Rates.
No advance whatever in rates for treatment and
medicines will be made daring the Jnne oiler of
the guarantee. Catarrh and kindred dmaases f5
a month. Fees In all cases always modcra'e.
Consultation and examin ation free.
Mtem Mical Institute
Permanently located in Rooms 17 and 18,
IIITAKER BUILDING, 8.W. Cor. Brady and Third Streets
iFirst Floor. Take Elevator.) . UAVESPOBr. IA.
All curable diseases treated with success. Specialties: Eye, Ear,
N'use. Throat and Lungs; Nervous Diseases, Blood Diseases, and Skin
Successful treatment by mail. Write for symptom blank. Con--ultation
and examination freer " r -
Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to
1- in. onlv.
with Electro Mnsnrtic Sanprn
fiory will cure without medicine
all of tbo above troubles. Those who
suffer from Kervoun Debility
IjOmmvi lira in, J.ott Itlanhood
NervontneiiHi !leepleprierH
Poor Memory, all Female Com
pluititr, ond creneral III henlfb.
tiie effects of ahuaen, eioeases, worry
orexpt'suxe, will tlnd relief and prompt
ci;re in our marvelous invention,
which requires but a trial to convince
V rv'1 ' 'rV-"'i2 &m&l''ffliil$f erl3 T"u have un-.uly drained
K ell '' ,LL(sii;''&&4J'V3 yiurpr?itcni of nerve f-reeand vitniii y
m ? m ilW.'T r&Z.-tf&$$ which in eiecrricity-aud thus
-Vv- 3i 'fljj(PSJii. HVTV-HJLsSB&M 'i2sed your weaknessoi lacUtil fore.
lr you reiiace into your systeni tne
tflentente thus diainv-d, which are re.
ciuiretl tor vigorous p rerun h, yn will
remove the rmiKiitl lienlth. strunui h
i-.nd vior wi 1 loiiow at once. Tin?
is -our iilrui .no treatment, an'l e
irunanteo n euro fr retund inonev
F'nr 2 or. pnee book "THUEE fb A SES OF Bl F s -Mjltl be r;ri by ev-ry yKnBj
ih'i !i .iioiw nrt mn n. er.t nenien. iroe. mr r'a.niii rs-. Jtifi-i zirn. in i
........ srst&a
I Ji,W
r.ivr.la i:ii'.trj up can !
r wt. : y hundredH of ett5othr.nichnt thiwnndotherStatnd.vrho v.ouM t
u. t.u havo strou lottery bo:;vinff testimony to their roc&vc:y after
v outil tiuoty t;tt.fv. anJ,tTi.X2i Z-luuj
usin;.; our 2je;
Cr.ANT Eafids, Mich.. Nwenilcr 1st. S9S.
TT- A T. f.A-.:.Ei. l-ur Fir ln r p!y to your lute
r l.n.,,.:iviiintl think your Dr. Hatiden Klectrii;
' f t!. ' rri atcrt inventions f the ntnetenlh
t l , i.ii ni. r it amort iowprfulo(!Tt forpmxl
: -riLiiiv i.tTlitnd-on thtrfenrUi, and X know uiat
- :. i .Tcral of your belts taavu lrt R ld, to the
r'i ' fr-i. -t atKra!tkm. to Biynlf I m a wl:
: i:i t...:a 1r(:in wt-arlneciiieof your fletri" belt'J.ftlia
i i. t..irv .in,i ht-nvi.'r tlian before uiiue it. I cbecr
J i'-J tr.il.,! rt'omntnd vour Ik-IC
U. iiVii"i-. so biumu Arcane.
T. .. T. Fat-. iiear Bir i The Klt-ctric txlt l rf-'in-a
from yi,u Ust nril has done all it tB iwmuiiJ1
ndi-ine 1 bare til; i n In three yearn. The time I got
Pra H. l,. li..- .... . Mv V.l.uul lb in
i. r ""nclition, i writrhed at the time i n;o
-.i..Wninus, liutfltfttewnt wTltimr my weiirnt is n.
i mi i it iiujriniriMTH tnm. miOK rriiiinT mii n"'w
ToMOTTI. I!!.. Oft..
Dr. A. T. Fanpftt, TVvrr?lr ? nif Sandu Klitne
winch 1 pujrcliBjM-il of you tv.oyvrs ntro wor.;ed to ir.y
Kntikf. faATiprAcnos. on3 1 tiike rlfftmir.. in rvrom
mnniiincr it to an of mv frltnd? vho arr- atr.l'tu v.-itll
ailmeiitH forth-cure of tkhiph i!M lt ia rpri-mTnnd'-a.
xouraTcry truly, wo.. rB. . - ww
CHtPAOO, Octnhr 17, 9?.
rm. A.T. SAKPltrr. IVot Blr; Tina in to c-rtify that I
hnvo nsrd the b.mdon Kl.ctrie tlt for lam" borkawt
kidney trouMo. anti mt t those afllit'ted that I have
received ACiimnkteeiim. I morteticcrfullTrecfnimentl
tiiein. Yours, 4c, J M1IXS. 7th and Frailer uu.
KAKSAR rTTT, Knnaa. Oetoher 30th. 18S2L
Pr A.T Sakhkn, liearHtr, Voursof theKAth iut. fao
hand, and' 1 will say in rejily that your No. 6. lr. Kandea
Flee trio Ilelt has grivea good itatiafaction and has done
me a wonderful srood. From now on 1 ahall use it
erery day. and knoat It will brinir me pat all O. K. I
haveViven your belt a (rood recommend to Bever-al bera.
UOIiUig jroll w.u ' " - II TJ.Z 'iR H",.
1" ponPlat gslranlo battery, made Into belt o M to be "ZZEtfPi eSrrartaoTe' "orfelt
ootbin. proloiuted enrrenta which re instantly tell tuRboutall . parti , or we joriere
? "arrant
una. prolonsed enrrenta wnicn re inaisuiiy wj ' ' JTo ron-iVpn ii,. k r,, on an d
eh. ai.a will cure the wurat emaea in two or tnrwi muntna., Addroaa tor .J;"'0"" t
rroprlctoror of th. Brady etreet
Al kind of Out Flowera conetaiitlT on tiacu.
w hlock from Centl park, the laref t to Iowa. ruy atCB1WW a..
City 'Bus and Express Line.
elepnoiie Sock Island or Harper Hotels for 'bus or expreee
wagon and you will receive prompt attention,
Go to the Tower tomorrow.
Try ice cream soda at Krell &
Cars every minutes to the Tower
Cream served with every glass of
soda at Krell & Math's.
Phosphates that do you good to
drink at Krell & Math's.
Seven and a half minute cars on
the Tower line tomorrow.
Ten good work horses for sale.
Apply to Elbert Mead, Sear's brick
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Apply at 1116, Second
Found Health by using Monroe's
Tonic found at the Harper house
Mrs. K. D. Shaw, of San Jose, Cal.,
is registered at the Harper and is
calling on old friends in the city.
We serve pure fruit juice and crys
tal .spring water in our soda. Re
member this and try Krell & Mathjs
Are you satisfied with your health?
If feeling run down try Monroe's
Tonic, it will cure you. "Marshall &
For rent A good office in liuford
block on Seventeenth street. For
terms apply at residence, 1801
Seventh avenue.
One fact is worth a thousand theo
ries. It's a fact that Monroe's Tonic
cures weakness, -nervousness, etc.
Try it, Marshall & Fisher's.
Rev. T. W. Grafton returned this
morning from Des Moines where he
has been visiting for some time. Mr.
Grafton's family will return next
The plans for Rock Island's new
pifiilic school building will be on ex
hibition at the office of Architects
Hammatt & Ruford Monday and two
weeks there after where contractors
may inspect them.
C. J. Ramskill has tendered his
resignation as first lieutenant of Co.
A, I. N. G. His duties in the lire
department are such that he cannot
attend to both. He has been a popu
lar member of the Rifles.
Sundny Services.
At Trinity chapel, Rev. R. F.
Sweet, rector, even song and Sun
day school at 2:30 p. m.
At Trinity church. Rev. R. F.
Sweet, rector, celebration at 7 a. m..
Sunday school at 9:lo a. m.. matins
ami many at iu:40 a. m., even sonr
at 7:30 . Hi.
At the Central Presbyterian, J he
usual services, preaching by the pas
tor, Kev. John ii. Kerr. Alorninjr
subject. "The Vigilance of the
Enemy." Sunday school at 11:45 A.
M. Y". P. S, C. E. at 7 I", m.
At the Christian, conducted by
the pastor. Rev. T. W. Orafton.
Children's Day exercises by the Sun
day school at 9:15 a. m., preaching
at 10:45 a..m.-and .7:45 : p. m. Morn
ing subject, A Lesson of Trust."'
At the Grace English Lutheran,
corner of Forty-fourth street and
Seventh avenue, preaching by Rev.
W. P. Anderson, of Proctor, Vt., at
10:45 a. m., and in the evening by
Rev. E. C. Jacobs, of Rockford. Sun
day school at U:15 a. m.
At the United Presbyterian, Rev.
II. C. Marshall, pastor, preaching at
10:45 a. in. anil 7:45 p. ru. Subject
for morning, Considering Zion;"
evening, The Pharisee and the Pub
lican." Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Young people's meeting at fi:45 p. m.
At the First Raptist. Rev. C. E.
Taytor, Ph. 1). In the morning.
Children's Day observance. Subject
for evening, -'How to Observe the
Sabbath; Is it a Command of God or
a Feast of the Church?" Sunday
school at 9:15 a. ni., C. L.. Williams,
superintendent. Young people's
union at (:45 p. m. Leader, Miss
UrekNy, Page.' Topic: "Redeemed
by What;, itnd for What?" Sunday
school :itLhc Forty-fourth street
chapel at 3 p:'-rn.. F. M. Sintiett.
HheumaU'in Cared in a Day.
ilvstic Oir-" fr i-hi.iiniatisiu and
neuralgia radically cures in uiic-In
three days. Its action upon the sys
tern is remarkably and mysterious.
It removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose great lv benefits 75 cents.
Sold by
Otto Gkotjan. Druggist,
Rock Island.
World' Fair KateH.
The liurlington route (C, B. & Q.
li. R.) will well round trip tickets
from Rock Island to Chicago and re
turn from April 25 to October 31,
1893, inclusive, at $8; final limit for
return November 15, 1893. Contin
uous going passage date of sale.
Continuous return passage on cr be
fore final limit. Children of live
years and under 12' years of age half
of alove rates.
II. D. Mack, Div. Pass. Agt..
Rock Island, 111.
M. J. Young, Agt., Rock Island.
There Will be a Meeting
the stockholders of the Hme
Unildino- and Loan association of
Rock Island at their office in Masonic
Temple block at 8 p. m., Thursday
evening, June 22, 1893, for the pur
pose of electing five directors.
R. A. Donaldson, Sec.
kits All fits stormed free bv Dr
Klina's Great Nerve Restorer. No
fits after the first day's use. Marvel
ous cures. Treaise'and $2 tfial bot
tie free to fit cases. Send to'Dr
Kline. 931 Arch street, Philadelphia
Pa For sale by all druggists; call
on yours
corsrv ijiilijixg.
June 15 C. E. White to Sharp
Giles, lot 4, block 3, Smith & White's
add., Moline, $359.
Ellen B. Nourse bv heirs to John
E. John-sun. nj lot 2, block 3, Ed
ward's First add., Moline, $339.
Carl G. Timlin to Axel Hjorth, lot
6, block 1, Timlin's add.. East Mo
line, $200.
J. N. Eklund to Christian Bjorn
dahl, lots 3 and 4, Rock River View
Place, riouth Moline, $1,500.
Christian Biornhahl to B. F. Averv.
lot 3, Rock River View Place, South
Moline, $800.
Christian Biorndahl to Edwin C.
Luce, nj lot 4, Rock River View
Place, South Moline $400.
Kate Connell to E. A. Clayton, lot
b, Council's add., Rock Island, $1,-
L. A. Clayton to Kate Connell, lot
4, block 4, Sinnett's add.. Rock Isl
and, $1,650.
16 Guardianship of minor heirs
of John Westberg. Loan to Gustaf
Swensson of $250 for three years
from May 30, 1893, at 7 per cent, in
terest annuallv secured by mortgage
on lots 1, 2, "3, 4, 11, 12. 13 and 14,
in hlock 5, Oak Hill addition to the
city of Moline approved.
What Shakespeare Might Have Said.
. To take or not to take, that ie tbe quant ion
Whether ttis better for a man to puffer.
The pangs and torments of indigestion.
Or something take, and, iu tie taking end
Shakerpearc didn't say that, but very likely
he would hare said eometblrg rimilar, if he were
Hying in this 19th century. Uen to miny snffer
nntold agonies from Inciiget-iioD. Of course he
would have gone on to say that a men must be fool
not to take tbo something'' which would pnt an
cud to the 'pangs and tot meets"' ep ken of. If he
could ret It. Now it is a fact that weakened
impoverished blood brings on Indigestion, wh'ch
is the cause of dyspepsia, c. nstipation a poison
ed condition of the whole sj stem and it Is a fact
also, that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dicovcry
will so par ify the blcod and enrich it that all the
weakened organs are revitalized and strength
cned. It 1 guaranteed to do thi. I." i: d oe.-n't.
your money will be returned to you.
School Election Notice
Xoticc is hereby given thut on Tuesday, June
z.. A. v., irw, l- tne city or Kock island, Illi
nois, an clect;nn will be held for two members
of the Board of Edncation, which ekction will bo
oicnel at s o clock 'n the morning and continue
inercaiier until . o ciock in the afternoon of that
vonisfi rtAcrs
Vottra of tbe First ward will vote at the Frank
lin nose bouse, loci tea In said ward.
Voters of the Second ward will vote at the
Phoenix hose house heated in said ward.
Voters of the Third ward will vote at tbe WiuV
awake hose house, located in said ward.
Voters or the Fourth watd will vote at the
Dinnck livery stable, located in said ward.
Voters of the fifth ward will vote at tbe Fifth
W ard hose home.
Voters of the r-ixth ward will vote at the Cable
hone hon-c. located in said ward.
Voters of the Seventh ward will vote at th.
oupin nose nous, located In said ward.
The several polling places alx ve named wl'l be
open on Tuesday, Jane 6. and Tuesday, J nne -JO,
arm, lor ine purpose oi registra'ion or voie-i
Rock Island, 111.
T. J. JHbihll, Jr.. Mayor.
, June 3, 1SU3.
"The Pace
That Kills"
is overwork
makes no difference what kind. Usinc
BTeasy and inferior soaps is one road
to premature decay sore nanas
sore hearts clothes never clean.
Not so when
i; used. Oieerfullv proceeds the
labor of wash-day with health and
long lite assured. Hands an ngnr
hearts light clothes pure and white
as a -Greenland snowdntt.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dusky !;
"H.Tar Soap. "".rtitSL"-
T n. THOMAS Sol a cent
Kock Ieitrwi
aw o si
am mmimms ewenea. Vm. with usi bat'
Si CbCAH. Dor eat BTala. PaKTKKTS BTalCTUl
Cans GOHOaitatZA. aa4 OI.RT la Or. wa 4'
8tdhT.i F ".'ISTS. Bwiim-r- . -irr. JT I A
"r Hid ,'VJ,,''r vCTnCr ' t 1 -' - 'fa V
for Infants and Children.
HlKTT ycavra observation of Caatorta with the pafaronauro cf
millions of peraonn, permit o. to .p A ef it withot srneaaig.
It I. nnqnestionaply the beat remedy for Infanta avnd Childrea.
the world ha. ever known. It i. hannlwi. Children like It. It
glvow them health. It will .avs their Uvea. In It Mother, have
oomething which im abeolntely amfe and praotloally perfect a. a
1 child', medicine.
Castoria destroy Worm.
Castoria allaya reverishnesa. 4 "-b
Castoria prevent, womltlng Sour Card. ,
Caatoria enre. TMarrhosa and Wind Colio.
Castoria relieve. Teething Tronhlea.
Caartoria cure. Constipation avnd riatnlenoy.
Castoria nentraHses the effect, of carbonic mold gas or polaonon. air.
Castoria doe, not contain morphine, oplnm, or other narcotic property.
Castoria a.rfmilate. the food, retrnlate. the stomach and oowela,
giving heatlthy avnd natural .loop.
Castoria 1. pnt np in one-miae bottles only. It 1. not eold in ibnlh.
Don't allow any one to aell yon svnything else on the plea or promise
that It 1. "Jnst as good " and will answer every paryots."
See that yoa tret C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fao-sdmile
ignatnre ef
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
ye"'"1 1. on e.ery
Moline, Ills.
The Moline Wagon Co. ,
A full and complete line of Platform and other Spring Wagons, especially adapted to the
western trade, of superior workmanship ard finish Illustrated Price List free on
bliication. See the MOLINE WAGON before Duxchaeing. ,
Heating and Ventilating Engineers,
Gas and Steam Fitting,
.4 complete lin of i'ipe. Brass Goods, Packing floee.
Fire Brick Etc. Largest and best equipped
establishment west of Chicago.
DAVIS bsjLU;v jyioline, HI. j 1 12. 1 14 West Seventeenth et.
Telephone 2053. I Telephone 1148. Rock Island.
t?f si.isnee TelfiTjV'n'" 1 nu
Everything in the line of spring vehicles, and the
largest assortment of
Harness, Laprobes, Whips, Etc.,
Mason's Carriage Works,
East Fourth Street. - - DAVENPORT, IOWA.
I ELY'S CREAM BALM Cleanse, the Nual
r.ss.a;ee, Allay. i'mJn aaMl laflammatlen. Heal.
(tne Bores, nwiorm lata aao nmeii, ana aj
I M . Av eanannBnnamnnnnMBnsnannBnnnnMnnH
11 v v ii ill f a iiiiiiiii r j r-yi
I Apply into taa h'otHU. ft tairUy ibwM I VrV-2l
1 60c Drugg-jU or by loaiL SLT SS0&,M VVancn St., M. Y.I CjVV-1
- v'yr. s" swj

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