OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, July 19, 1893, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-07-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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To Buy That New Carpet.
We hive the finest line of Brussels, Tapestry, In
grains and Mattings in the three cities.
How about Bedroom Suites an l Parlor Suites? We are head
quarters for these goo Is. Wc are showing a very fine line of
has neverdjeen better, and don't fail to see our
E !' 1 ASK
HTl' ' !'.'-', ""J MJ..PMH'!.' '., , , i ! P..iiL. . l'ihijw
Finest in the world and only $3.00 can be used as a quiltingrframc.
103, 10. 107 E. Saivil
Ti lci ho le 4H
Calling for Bock Island
Brewing Go., Beer.
The Best Beer Ma !e.
On Tap everywhere.
The Rock IsUnd Brewing Omp.u. success
ors to George Wagner's At! nri: . B -e very. I
Huber's City Brewery and Rain!.. & Stengel's
Rock Island Brewery, as well as Jain lunge's
Bottling Works, his one of the rmr complete
Brewing establishments including Burling de
partment in the country. The prod ict is the
very best. Beer is bottled at ihe brewery and
delivered to any part of the tri-cities. and may
be ordered direct from the head offices on Mo
line avenue by Telephone.
This Hot Summer Time
You want Low Sh e
To keep your feet cool.
We have several lots of Gent's Fine 3on
gola Oxfords and Southern Ties, values
from $2.50 to SJ.fO will be sold i'or $2.00
n pair.
Ladies' Brown and Tan Oxfords reduced
from S1.2 and S1.0 to. $1.00 a prr.
Second and Harrison Sts., IKivenjiort.
i ft
r-.t. ) ,V ' ? ST. A.
ome industry
1803 SectW. Aveuce.
rroeeedlngn of the Regular July Term
, OIHctiil Record.
15 Board met pursuant to ad
journment. All the members present
except Supervisors Armstrong, Metz
gar. Powell, Swank, Schafsr, Schoon
maker and Trent, Supervisor Sinnett,
chairman,- presiding. Minutes of
yesterday's meeting read and approved.-
The committee on town and town
accounts, to whom was referred the
division of certain voting precincts
and also the fixing of polling places
submitted the following report
which on motion was received and
Your committee on town and town
accounts to whom was referred the
matter of dividing certain election
precincts in accordance with the law
in such case made and provided
would respectfully report that at the
last general election held in Novem
ber, 1892, there were more than 450
votes cast in each of the following
election precincts, to-wit:
Second ward in the cl y of Rock Island.
Third ward in the citv of Ro:k Mat-d.
Fonrth ward in the city of Rock Idni d.
ilth ward in the city of Rock Inland. ,
"tventh wnr.i in iht citv of U ck Is and.
Second ward in the city if Molice.
Third ward In the city of Molino.
Your committee would therefore
recommend t hat said above named
election precincts bo divided and the
new precincts" be numbered as fol
lows, to-wit:
That the Second ward in the city
of Hock Island be divided into two
precincts numbered respectively,
precinct No. 1 and precinct No. 2:
That said proposed precinct No. 1,
shall be bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the south by the center of Fifth
avenue; on the east by the center of
Twelfth street ; on the north by the
Mississippi river: on the west by the
center of Eighth street. That " said
proposed precinct No. 2, shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by the center of Fifth avenue;
on the cast by the center of Twelfth
street; on the south by the center of
Eighteenth avenue; on the west by
the center of Eighth street.
That the Third ward in the city of
Rock Island be divided into two "pre
cincts, numbered respectively, pre
cinct No. 1, and precinct No. 2.
That said propo-ed precinct No. 1,
shall be hounded as follows, to-wit:
On the south by the center of Fifth
avenue; on the east by the center of
Sixteenth street; on the north by tiie
Mississippi river; on the west by the
center ( ,i Twelfth street. That said
proposed precinct No. 2, shall be
liouitded as follow, to-wit: On the
south by the center of Eighteenth
avenue: on the cast by the center of
Sixteenth street; on the north by the
center of Fifth avenue; on the "west
by the center of Twelfth street.
That the Fourth ward in the city
of Rock Island be divided into two
precincts. numbered respectively
precinct No. 1 and precinct No. 2.
That said proposed precinct No. 1
shall be bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the south by the center of Fifth
avenue; on the east by the center of
Twentieth street; on the north by the
Mississippi river: on the west bv the
center of Sixteenth street. That said
proposed precinct No. 2, shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south by the center of Eighteenth
avenue; on the east by the centre of
Twentieth street; on "the north bv
the centre of Fifth avenue; on the
west by the centre of Sixteenth
That the Fifth ward in the -city of
Rock Island be divided into two pre
cincts, numbered respectively, pre
cinct No, 1, and precinct No. 2. That
said -proposed precinct No. 1 he
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south by the center of Sixth avenue:
on tiie east by the centre of Twenty-fourth
street; on the north by the
the Mississippi river; on the west bv
the center of Twentieth street. That
said proposed precinct No. 2 shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south by the centre of Eighteenth
avenue; on the east by tiie center of
Twenty-fourth street ; on the north
by the center of Sixth avenue: on the
west by the center of Twentieth
That the Seventh ward in the city
of Rock Island bo divided into two
precincts numbered respectively pre
cinct No. 1 and precinct No. 2. " That
said proposed precinct No. 1 shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south by the center of Eighteenth
avenue, on the east by the center of
Thirty-eighth street; on the north by
the Mississippi river, on the west by
the center of Thirtieth street. That
said proposed precinct No. 2 shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south by the center of Eighteenth
avenue, on the east by the center of
Forty-sixth street, as far as the sr.nie
extends, thence south on a straight
line to Eighteenth avenue, on the
north by the Mississippi river, on the
west by the center of Thirty-eighth
That the Second ward in the city
of Moline be divided into two pre
cincts uunioereti respectively, pre
cinct .no. i ana precinct o. 2. That
said proposed precinct No. 1 shall be
bounded as follows: Ou the south
by the center of Twelfth avenue: on
the east by the center of Eleventh
street; on the north by the Missis
sippi river; on the west by the ecu.
ter of Seventh street. That said
proposed precinct No. 2 shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south by the center of Twelfth ave
nue; on the east bv the center of
Thirteenth street; on the north by
the Mississippi river; on the west by
the center of Eleventh street.
That the Third ward in the city of
Aloline be divided into two precincts
numbered respectively, precinct No
1 and precinct No 2. That said pro
posed precinct No. 1 6hall be bound
ed as follows, to-wit: On the south
by the center of Twelfth avenue; on
the east by the center of Fifteenth
street; on the north by the Missis
sippi river; on the west be the cen
ter of Thirteenth street. That said
proposed precinct No. 2 shall be
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
south ly the tenter of Twelfth ave
nue; on the north by the Mississippi
river, on the west by the center of
Fifteenth street; and said precinct
shall be bounded on the east as fol
lows, to-wit: Commencing in th
middle of the street at the corner of
Twelfth avenue and Sixteenth street,
thence running down the center of
Sixteenth street to the center of
Eighth avenue, to the center of Sev
enteenth street, thence north on the
center of Seventeenth street to the
Mississippi river.
Your committee would further re
port that the said proposed precincts
contain as nearly 4 )i voters each as
it is practicable" to make them, anil
that in no case does a precinct con
tain more than 450 voters, that said
precincts are composed of contiguous
territory and in a compact form as
the law provides.
And your committee would further
recommend . that the following
named places be lixed as polling
places in the different election pre
cincts in the county:
Bliek Hawk-Town Hall. Milan.
I out Valley Odd FtlL.ws" and .Masons' hall
Kiiral town hail
Bowilns Kelii r school house.
EdpiiKton Flrt ire cinct. Sherwood's shop;
Second precinct, M. Schoo .maker's office.
AnilnlusU M sonic hall.
Ili:tTalo Piaiiie -German school house.
I)rn y .1. II. Foster's store.
Cordova Modern Wor-tlmt-n builJlng.
Coe- Fairfield school house
Can. e Creek Gerhard's ha 1.
Zuma Wake's sciool h"i:S3.
"outh Molinu Town hill
P.jn Byron Bisinss Men's rr ms.
Uampto Firt precinct, villa?;.; tonncil room,
Hampton; Seroi d precinct, C It. I. . P. de ot.
Carbon cl B ; Tnird precl ct, oancit room. Rap
ids City
Moline Fir-" ward. First wari hose bouse;
Second ward. First pret luct. Second ward hose
lion-e. Se ond precinc". Scailli' pet's toiler works;
Third war I. F-rM precinr t. nook and laider
houne. S ond pr cine, Wol cntrofi's buildinfr;
Fourth, Fourth wa d hose huu-e; Fifth, l.tud
strom's shop; sixth, Fo'inh district hose house;
Seventh, Mrs. E P. C hat ev's shop.
Rock Uland.-Firtt ward', Frai.klm ho-c house;
Pec lift ward. First jrecinct, Phnanix hose house.
Second precinct. Stodd's ha'l; Tnird ward. First
precinct, ho-e house Second avenre and Four
leeuth street. Sec ind precinct, Ki nek's grocery:
Fourth waid. First precinct, ll.mick's liveic,
Secoad precinct. No 611 Seventrenth street be
teen Sixth and -tventh avanue; Fifth war J, First
precinct, hose houe. Twenty e -ond street. Sec
ond precinct, Mrs. Schmidt's troci ry ;Sixth ward,
CabL- hoe house: fceventh ward, Sirst nrecinc;,
t o Ruaert's cruir store. Sec md piecinct. Old
No. 7 hol house. Forty second ttreet.
South Hock Island Town hall.
The following named persons were
appointed as judges of 'election for
the ensuing year:
Precinct No. 1 WiUiam Edelman, Frank Stev
en". John Mohr.
Precinct So. iW RCir. y, Geo e Criwford,
tolin IleniiCtran.
Frer'iict N. 3 "Yter VcC'arl, James Scbcr
s he 1, Mat Ho1co;nb.
irst wa d I II War ock. Chart s Enrol, J J
Second wa d First precinct, Charles Oberjr,
.1 fl (Mei.-ttt I. John oh'weiier; second precinct,
Charles Durham L V Eckhart, Robert ISennett,
Third Ward- First precinct, entries Ilergstler,
Anhnr fc'nrra 1, Lee Gall; Se ord precinct. P. J.
Lee. Henry Li lders, H. A Donaldson.
Fourth Ward ?irst precinct, Anton Ecker
man. Peter Haverlirs. A. 4. Thompson; Second
precinct, Gore Lamojt. John V. Dander,
Charles Fietvg.
F fth Ward First precinct, Curtis Knox, J. M.
A'hreihr, Lee Collins; Second p ecinct, J. W.
Welch, H A. Johuson, C 'arles Jetiscn.
Sixth Ward Conrad cUneider, Charles Schnei
der, l'eter Fny.
Seventh Ward Fir-t precinct, A. C Peterson,
Dariison Holla-d. John Trriiwn : Sicond re-
ciuct, Frank M. tinnett, Edwin WarJ, William
First ward '. G. TlmPn. J. A Xlocichn. H.
S cond Ward Fust nr. ci it. A. F. Ti ton
John swnni-on. A Smth: Seco i t recinc , L.
r . ia te -e r.c.iu:i". m eniriin'-e-
T ird 'u -Kr r.-ei .rt I). A. Holt. Johi
N. Klmoied. John .lape : vck .d it eciuc. ou-t
M. Ford. He ttiu Davi-, Job ; Kooul.
I o.irih Ward I) V. G ied. Ge tore McKinlev.
C "' . Morer.
Fi'th ard Horacs And- tson. Jacob Abraha :..
Swan Pj.trk Intnl.
sixth Wi.rd I nomas Jenkin. Geotite l.ehr.
mann. Job" Johnson.
Seventh W.,r l E. D Kea or. B. B. Crowder.
Pratt Deeoe.
County Clerk.
When Traveling,
Whether on pleasure bent, or busi
nf'ss, take on every trip a bottle of
Syrun of Figs, as it acts most pleas
antly ami effectually on the kidneys.
liver and bowels, preventing fevers,
hcad;uhcs and other forms of sick
ness. For sale in 5:c and l bottles
by all leaking druggists. Manufac
tured bv the California Fig Svrup
Co. only.
Why the Indians Never Have Dys
pepsia, Yt are Careless Eaters.
No one could ac
cuse an Indian (
over-carefulness in
eating. lie ate what
nature gave him
berries from the
wood, spoil from
his traps, game
from his bow. lie
ate plenty of it, ate till he -was full. It
was not very well cooked sometimes, and
lie often ate fast.
When hunting or fighting a day would
often pass witliout anything being eaten
at all.
Yet he never had dyspepsia,
lie never A icted ."
We hear too much about "dieting'
these days. . ,
A man nsn't eat pie, or cabbage, or
enke, or beans, or this and that.
He musn't eat very much anil he tnnstdo
It very slow. He must never drink when he
eats. He musn't hurry. He musn't worry.
And so it goes.
This Is all very good ndvice. But It
would worry a man to death to rcmem
ver It all. Why can't we live like the
-ndian in a - ealtby, hearty, natural way?
Because we have such -weak stomachs.
Hut how did the Indian possesssueh per
fect stronp, digestion? By taking that
medicine of h.s, Sagwa, when ever he felt
there was anything wrong with him. That
tiagwa we have now employed him to
make for us. If you woul'd take the
natural American remedy for dyspepsia,
Kickapoo Sagwa, you, "too, would not
- know what a weak stomach or dyspepsia
I was.
I Thanks to the efforts of the Kickapoo
Medicine Company, Indian Sagwa ami
other Kickapoo Indian remedies are ob.
tainableof any druggist, and t" cir genuine
curative value Is beyond comparison.
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa
$1.00 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for $5 00.
How people take advantage ot
the low prices we are making.
Bed Room Suits
- Selling $25.00
Gasoline Stoves
At about $.00 less
Parlor Suits-
We are selling an elegant 6-piece Oak Frame
Set at $35.00 $50.00 would be a low price.J
Odd Pieces-
For'the Parlor, Fancy
and Lawn Furniture,
Save Ice.
Save Ice.
Save Ice.
BUY a good Refrigerator,
One that has all the good
Hard Wood free from odor.
Now is tiie time to buy CARPE TS- we always offer ex
tra inducements in July. MATTING an eleganr assortment.
Baby Carriages.
Easy Payments
Trlsphone 421
322 Brady Street, Davenport, Iowa.
K"Uphol8tering of all'kinda to order.
Feathers renovated on short notice.
Notice After July 1 store will close at C:3 J p. m. Saturday at 10 p. m
In Oxfords and Fine Shoes.
Too many summer shoes for ihe time of
year. Cheap prices will move them. Be in
time, and get a BARGAIN.
Ladies Russia, Tan Blucher's.
Stylish. Were $5.50. Now 3
White Canvas Oxfords Kid
Tip and trimmed. Were $2.50.
Now 1.85.
All of our Ladies Finest Hand
Turned Oxfords, square and pic
toe. Were ?3. Now $2.50.
Children's Tan Shoes reduced.
Bargains! Bargains!
162? Second Ave., under Rock Island Houe.
Rock Island
i. -.-"aw ,
Phaetons, Surries, Buggies, Spring and Farm Wapns.
It will pay you to call ani get our Low Priced
Before Buying.
Factory ail Ware roomi on lOih street between let and d
Belli Trade especially solicited
Suits for $18.00.
than the regular price.
Chairs and Tables, Porch
Camp Stools.
Save Money.
Save Money.
Save Monev.
Baby Carriages.
No extra charges
Creoles Finest Russia Calf
Klegant Shoes Hand Turned
Tip and Plain. Were ?3. Now
Ladies tine Hand Turned Ox
ford pat. quarter and tip. Wero
$2. Now $1.50.
Lots of Children's Oxfords too
numerous to mention, atigreatly
reduced prices
- ,.T r V:,1 sg5;lir"
ti '.

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