OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, September 23, 1893, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-09-23/ed-1/seq-7/

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The safest and, most permanent cure for the
The poison is not driven out of t,h system by
a more violent puison at the expens of the general
The treateroent builds up from the etarr and
the habi' vanishes quietly and easily, leaving
patient in perfect health.
The Testimony of all graduates is that a marve
lous renewal has taken place.
Correspondence confidential.
Institutes in all pprts of the United States.
Literature on the subject sent on application
Horn Office; BUFORD BLOUK. Rock Isl ind, 111.
Working Shoes
At prices to
Suit the Times.
Seamless, congress, all solid -Buckle,
best kip and grain
Congress and Lace, buff, all solid -Very
best quality, congress and lace,
See our line at
See our square box-toe for
$1 SO
1 50
1 SO
2 00
2 50
$2 SO
1 625 Second Ave., under Rock Island House.
i -
What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, J
harsh, brittle? Docs it srlit at the ends? Has it a
! 'i hrushed? is it full of dandruff? Does vour sca!p itch ? j
Is it tirv or in a heated condition ? If these are some of
fc'Mjj. ' ,m yoursymptomsbevarnedintimeoryouwiiibecomebald.
?K 4 ?rr.olnirn Pnnt Hair Onwpr i
"v. v.r;:-
:ivhnyou tumM. Irs production Is nr tan accident, but trie remHof Beloiitiflc
tv of imw t trent tiirm. "Skoolcum "contains neither minerals nor oils. It
i' nor a lyi. a ilclihtftilly ciMtliup anil refreshing Totiie. l:y Btimtilatln?
Tuo tollic.fs, t stuj-s jalunj hair, t Arc dtxndruy and yrovsa Aatr on VcuU
CfcTaVcT, tne scaln ?1enn, hcaitb. nnd frv from irr'tn'lnjrntptlnn. ty
ti i-t t:nm tap. 1: U strufl jj-rcwrtc ntt.i.;jt, iWucrt Jced cm
i? your (iriirci'it cannot fluprlrvo i ?rnt rtlrrct to ns, ana p will forward B"
iwt:.i"l. in niv;pt j r.ee. uruwtr, bultlc ; 0 tut tioap.&uc
57 sioulh Fifth Avinue. Kcw York. N. Y.
1803 Second Avenue.
Proprietoror of the Bi.idy street
Ail kinds of Cat Flower eonttantlt on ftan-i.
Vfn House?
ne block from Central park, the largest is. Iowa
Flowur Store
UtM Bradjr street, Davenport, la
ai.r i tttcur' all irnu dl
4.. kv .iiriirt!in.onihiulerrort,
eiTOswiTe uw of Kbaeco. opm m or .itininlams. whtiji l't iV.a
for sale in Rock Island bj Hartz & Ulimeyer druggist, SOI 12th st
If you
1 lo'ilen
Try The Argcs want column.
Fresh oysters at Krell & Math's.
Ovsters served in anj'stvleat Krell
& Math's.
Ovsters by the can or dish at Krell
& M'ath's.
Tim Murphy left last evening for
Iowa Falls.
Ice cream or oysters at Krell &
Math's parlor.
Miss Alda Ilodgescn left this morn
ing for Knoxville, la.
Go to Koseniield Bros., for plumb
ing, steam and hot water heating.
Head vour own Akous.
don't t:ikc one, you should
you think so?
Heserve vour scats for
night's performance of tho
Corned v comnanv.
f sli.-;tT :...t.,.
from the sale of the grocery stock of
J. H. Soiidcr & Sons.
The Ilolden comedy com pan v opens
a 4 nights' engagement at Harper's
theatre Mondav evening.
M. W. Willcy returned last even
ing from Alcdo Mr. Willey's family
will visit there for a few days.
William ltrossch of New York City,
is in the city on a visit to his cousin.
Anton Eckcrmann, after taking in the
Mrs. Dr. Cummings and daughter
returned totheir homeat Homestead.
Pa., after a 2-wceks' visit to relatives
in Hock Island.
All kinds of hicycle repairing done
at Walker's place. 41.r Sixteenth
street, Moline. Kctm-m her the num
cer. Telephone '.:?.
Major Mackenzie, accomjianicd hv
Miss Lucia Mackenzie and Miss Anna
IJuford. left for LaCrosse. Wis., last
night for a two weeks' visit.
The S'.-linell Soeial r.nd Literary
clul) are alout to move from their
rooms in the lluford (dock to rooms
in the Iteugston Mock.
Tea. cotTi'e or idiocola'c with a line
dish of fresh oysters and a few nice
fresh hiins is u hat makes a rich meal,
and to get the same go to Krell &
The Y. W. C. T. T. will give a re
ception at the residence of J. D. Tay
lor Tuesday afternoon, from 2 to 5
and from 7 to lo. Light refresh
ments will lie served.
The eiiiino seems to understand
its business and performed it right
up to the handle. 'Twould have been
better, though, had i. been shoved up
several notches on the calendar.
The electric light towers arc slow
ly but surely disappearing from
view. The Urush company has sold
them to the Moline rump company,
who will utilize them for windmills.
The Brunswick Balke Collender
Co. has opened a branch house in
Davenport, and carries in stock a
line of liar room and oflice fixtures,
the world's best and only billiard
and pool tablt s with the unrivaled
Monarch cushion: also billiard and
pool tabic supplies. Philip Leonardy.
IL'O Mam street.
Krttit'krr, 1. M.
We acknowledge greeting from our
former townsmen. cx-SherifT John
M. lleticker. who is now occupying
the position of postmaster at Mor
ton's Mills, Iowa. When lleticker
was appointed post master w e know
not. but nevertheless have substan
tial evidence that he is selling stamps
and looking after L'ncle Sam's busi
ness generally at the aforesaid place.
Kt ticker was a doughty otiiocr of the
law. and no doubt can --lick" a stamp
without turning a hair. In keeping
with the new order of things we
would suggest that the new post
master petition to have the name of
his burg changed to the somewhat
euphonious Tint rather appropriate
title of Keticker's Koost."
Nest WVekV CoiiiimI.y KvMit.
The mascot attraction. Holden's
Comedy company, comes to the Har
per theatre for four nights commenc
ing Monday. This company has the
reputation of being the best reper
toire organization on the road. It
carries K! people including a juar
ttdte. The repertoire is entirely
new. Mondav night the cotnedV
dr ama Little Duchess" will be pre
sented. As the company's engage
ment is limited to four nights and
there has been no popular priced at
ttaction here for almost two years, it
ought to do a nice business in llock
Island. The company has been in
Davenport the past week and is vcrv
highly spoken of.
Wnat 10 Yoi lake
Medicine for? Because you arc sick
and want to get well, or because vou
wish to prevent illness? Then ' re
member that Hood's Sarsaparilla
cures all diseases caused by impure
blood and debility of the system. It
is not what its proprietors sav but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla docs." that
tells the story of its merit. Be sure
and get Hood's, and Hood's onlv.
Purely vegetable Hood's Pills
The Last Harvest Kxenrsioii.
The last harvest excursion of the
season on the C, M. & St. P. will
leave llock Island Oct. 15. The fare
for the round trip will be one fare
plus $2. Tickets will be good for re
turn 20 days from date of sale. The
public will be governed accordingly.
E. 1). W. Holmes, Agt."
For Sale.
An elegant steam launch for pleas
ure use. Twenty-eight feet long, al
most new. Also barge for sale ata
bargain. - C. J. Kosbkook,
Dixon, 111.
Sept. 22 Estate of William Ge
nnng. Petition for leave to mort
gage real estate to pay debts filed by
Elizabeth Gennng. Summons issued.
Estate of Rose Ann Hackett. Let
ters of administration issued to
James Hackett. Bond filed and ap
proved. .
Sunday Service
At Trinity chapel. Rev. R. F.
Sweet, rector, even song and Sunday
school at 2:30 p. m.
At Trinity church. Rev. R. F.
Sweet, rector. 17th after Trinity,
celebration at 7:i0; Matins and lita
ny at 10:45 a.m. Even song at 7:30
p. m.
At the Grace English Lutheran.
Forty-fourth street, services at 10:15
a. m. and 7:30 p.m. At the evening
service the nastor. Rev. Ceom-e V.
Shuey. will preach his farewell ser
mon. Sunday school at 0:15 a. m.
At the First Methodist, the pas
tor. Rev. F. W. Merrell. will preach
at 10:45 a. m. on "The Third Time."
ami at 7:15 p. m..will give "A De
scription of the Conference at Gene
sco." Sunday school at 9:30 a. in.
Young people's meeting at ti:45 p. m.
At the Broadway Presbyterian,
Rev. W. S. Mantis, pastor at the
morning service. at 10:45 Miss
Fannie Gregg, of New York City,
will give an illustrated talk on her
city mission work. Children and
young people are especially invited.
Evening service, preaching by the
pastor at 7:3 ) p. m. Sunday school
at !1:15 a. m. Young People's meet
ing at 0:t5 p. m. Rallying and -review
At the First Baptist. Rev. C. E.
Taylor pastor. Subject for morning,
Preparation for Work." In the
evening, Rev. W. L. Saunders, of
Kankakee, will occupy the pulpit.
Sunday school at !t:15 a. m. It. Y.
P. l prayer meeting at 6:3( p. 111.
led by William Guldenzoph. Topic.
Chinese in America for Christ." A
male quartette will sing. Forty
fourth street chapel Sunday school
at 3:00 p. m.
. .
New Hmik.
The following lUt of new books has
been received at the public library:
The Deemster. Hall Cainc; History
of the Expedition, under the direc
tion of Lewis and Clark to the Rockv
mountains' during 1S-U-5-6 Elliott
Cones; Other Essays From the Easy
Chair, George William Curtis; Ori
ole's Daughter. Jessie Fothergill;
A Literary Courtship. Anna Fuller:
Electricity and Magnet im. A. Guille
min; The" Doctor,' Justin McCarthy;
Story of a Story and Other Stories.
Brainier Matthews: Tin Prince of
India. Lew Wallace: In the High
Valley, Sarah C. Woolsev.
The Moilern lteuuty
Thrives on good food nnd sunshine,
with plenty of exercise in the open
air. Her form glows with health,
and her face blooms with its beauty.
If her system needs the cleansing
action of a laxative remedy, she uses
the gentle and pleasant liquid laxa
tive Svrup of Figs.
Harvest Kxrurttiont.
The next and last harvest excur
sion will be Oct. luth. over the Great
Rock Island Route, to all points in
Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado. Indian
Territory and Texas. Go on this ex
cursion and see the new lan I occu
pied, or select your point in Kansas.
Colorado or Texas where you want to
buy a piece of land for a home. One
fare for the round trip over the
Great Rock Island Route.
Ask ticket agent for particulars.
John Skuastian. Gen. Pass. .t.
Home Seeker.' Kx-uriin.
The Burlington. Cedar Rapids &
Northern railway will run three (;
grand harvest excursions to all
points on its line, west of and in.
eluding Iowa Falls. Also to other
points in the west, northwest, south
and southwest.
Tickets on sale Aug. Sept. l-j
and Oct. 10. and are 'limited good iM
days frpm date of sale. v'-r further
information call on or address any
agent of the company or
J. E. H.nk;ax.
Gen Ticket and Pass. Agt.
iliat misery experienced when
b.i'ldonly made aware that you
possess a diabolical arrangement
cvliocl stomach. No two dyspep
tics have the same predominant
syn-ptona, hut whatever form
dyspepsia take3
Tlie underlying cause t'a
in the LIVER,
and one thing is certain no one
will remain a dyspeptic who will
Efrrvm It will corVect
Acidity of tho
Expel foal gttften,
Allay Irritation,
Aasiat Digestion
'and at taa same
Start the Liver working ani
aU bodily ailments
tv iU disappear,
"For more than three years I suflereit with
Dyspepsia in iu wont form. I tried several
doctors, but they afforded no relief. Al last 1 trie.
Simmons Liver Regulator, which cured me in a
short time. It is a good medicine. 1 would not
be without it." Jams A. KoAna, PhiUd'a, Fa.
lias osir Stamp f n red on wrapper
J. U. ZKIIOH if CO., Fhiladalpbia.ra.
Hard -Ties Remedy..
No man can afford to have a sick Wife or
Daughter, , nor, in such times as these,
A big Dxir bill Zoa Phora cures
the sickness, saves the bills.
Sustain Home Industry
Galling for Bock Island
Brewing Go., Beer.
The Best Beer Made,
On Tap everywhere.
The Rock Island Brewing Company, success
ors to George Wagner's Atlantic Brewery, I.
Huber's City Brewery and Raible & Stengel's
Rock Island Brewery, as well as Julius Junge's
Bottling Works, has one of the most complete
Brewing establishments including Bottling de
partment in the country. The product is the
very best. Beer is bott'ed at the brewery and
delivered to any part of the tri-cities, and may
be ordered direct from the head offices o- -Moline
avenue by Telephone.
To Early Buyers
We have received our Fall Stock of Ladies
and Gents Fine Shoes and party Slippers
and can show you ail the latest novelties of
the season direct from the leading manufac
turers of t'-e country.
We are Leaders
In Fine Footwear.
- j
Second and Harrison Sts., Davenport.
Merchant Tailoe
And Dealer in Alen's Fine Woolens.
1706 Second Avenue.
The thorong-h instiuction given at this Schojl Is verifled by mre thn ;100 different Bants
using their Student.
112 and 114 East Sec ui Str?t, DAVENPORT, IOWA.
bEORUE SCHAfER, Proprietor.
101 Second Avenue, Corner of Sixteenth Street, Opposite Barper'a Theatre.
'he choicest Wine. Liquors, Beer and Cigars always on Hand
Free Lunch Erery Day . 8ndwiche Furnished on SboK Kottae.

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