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Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, October 23, 1893, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-10-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Published Daily and Weekly at 16'M Second
Avenne, Rock Island, III.
J. W. Potter.
Tibms Dally Sue per month; Weakly It. 00
par annum; In advance (1 .50.
AU communications of a critical or argumenta
tive character, political or religions, must have
raal name attached for publication. No sncb
a-tlelee will be printed over Bctitions signatures.
4noymoni communications not noticed.
Correspondence solicited from every township
Id Bock Island rounur.
Monday. IKtobkk 23, 1S93.
A tcibe of tialf-brceds are reported
to have been discovered in t'enM-al
America who have the power of vig
orously wtijrjring- the ear. What a
competition there will he amonj the
dime museum managers to secure
Tn rv say that the car means to
make his third stm his successor on
the throne. ome tine day KusMan
peon'o may take a hand in the mat
ter of choosing: & ruler, hut it may
be Ki'';.eror Michael long- before that
ha:py day arrives.
li i jilensant to note that the
mere fact or holding a prude against
a man or dcr-irinj to acquire his
property is not considered a legiti
mate pretext for placing him in a
lunatic asylum. 'Ihere seems to
have been a reform.
Tin: modern llaytian war ship
Alexandre Petion sank the o:her day
in a cairn sea with all hands on board.
Whatever the modern armor-clad
6hip may be in battle it seems a
miffhty perilous sort of a place to
stay in in time of peace.
'iri-K the trusted mint em
ploye who raked $1. .", Otli) from the
vault will not be punished. The vul
gar and hasty conclusion that he is a
thief does a grave injustice to as
fine an example of the kleptomaniac
as ever cheated the prison cell.
It may bo that in his proclamation
setting- forth the reasons vhy re
bellion exists in Brazil. ' Admiral
Mello gives evidence both of sound
sense and ripe judgment, but some ol
tho insurgents have acted with a
barbarity that ill befits a patriotic
While iron ships float a long while
they seem to sink almost in the
twinkling of an cyo when they get
ready to go down, as the sad fate of
the crew of the Maytian ironclad
Tetrin once more illustrates. It's
not so bad to be afloat upon mo
th ing that can swim on its own merits.
Miss Maky Whf.ei.er of Philadel
phia, who became the countess von
rappenheim of Germany about two
years ago, has already found that a
title does not make happiness and is
preparing for the divorce court. Her
experience should prove a warning
tO'Other American girls, but it will
A PRKTTY English girl has sued
hjs royal and spectacular highness
the sultan of Johore for breach of
promise. This young woman had
best beware the sultan might mar
ry her. as English law permits and
then turn her over to her forty pred
ecessors in his heart and harem for
The greatest of American exports
is cotton and next to that comes
petroleum. From an export of 23.
000.00 I gallons in 104 the business
has expanded until in IS'Jl the ex
ports amounted to 70,0;)!).0X gal
lons. Tho price for the same has
fallen from sixty-one and one-half
cents a gallon in 1861 to six cents in
A ti;cthfl"L citizen who has gazed
upon a ghost that nightly glides
through the suburbs says that as ho
gazed his hair stood up, his feet
were glued to the ground and he felt
a sinking1 sensation, but that he was
not scared. If, under Providence, it
shall ever befall this citizen to be
6cared he will never live to tell
about it
TnitF.E negroes were hanged at
Hew Orleans because they were
hrothers to a murderer. A fourth
was kicked to death, probably because
ho was similar in color to members
of tho fatal family. The original
murderer got away and justice is so
busy congratulating herself that the
Other murderers will probably bo
quite overlooked by the hangman.
Suicide may have been just as
common in this country at some pre
vious date as it is now. but certainly
the newspapers never harvested such
a crop of reports of suicides as they
now daily harvest The mania for
self-murder seems epidemic. Scarcely
a day passes that accounts can not
be read of three or four and some
days as high as a half-dozen suicides.
liisiioi PoTTEK has joined the Bur
ial Reform association. The idea is
to brinfj about the "earth to earth''
condition as rap'ully as possible, and
therefore the members are buried in
wicker or soft wood collins that
moulder quickly. It is a sentimental
but unhealthy " principle, the asso
ciation holds, that the remains o'our
loveil ones should be preserved as
long as possible.
Quenching Their Thirst Only to Meet a
Sodilen Death.
"A mile further! Only n mile further to
water!" the guide had called out over and
over again that af ternoon as we rode over
the plains on which the August sun beat
down till every breath seemed to burn the
Of the 30 troopers, five were lashed to
their saddles and little better than dead.
Of the 30 horses, seven had dropped in their
tracks since 10 o'cU ck and been left behind.
Of the seven dismo inted troopers only two
were with the colni in. The others had lin
gered along until left far behind. Xo wa
ter for manor beest for SO hours, and we
were pushing ahea I for Lost river. There
was a selfish spirit in the looks and actions
of every man. Wht n the last horse dropped
down, every man hurried on for fear he
would be asked to rdd some burden. Now
and then a man stood up in his stirrups to
look ahead. You could itd his thoughts
in his crafty looks. If he discovered signs
of water, he wns g iing to put spurs to his
jaded horse and Ik- t lie first to taste the
precious fluid. Some looked back over our
trail to see if the dismounted men were
coming up. not hew use they were anxious
for their safety, but because we might find
only a little water. Mid it would huve to be
doled out.
The sergeant oa t ty riht had extracted
a bullet from its sh !! and was holding it
in his mouth and mumbling about lakes
and rivers and sprii gs. The man on my
left was sucking at liis dry and fevered
fingers and cursing limself because he did
not drink more Ik fore we left tho fort.
Had one man in t ,iat detachment come
upon a sju ing tlowi ig a barrel of water to
waste for every sect nd of time, he would
have defended it wi h his life against the
thirst of his comrades. As the column
toiled along, lurching and stumbling like
an animal seeking a covert in which to die.
men cursed each otl cr without the slight
est provocation and refused their sympa
thy for those still more distressed. Cor
poral Johnson whispered to me that if his
horse gave out he v onld stay beside him
and drink his blood, but before I had an
swered a word he sti nek at me and hoarse
ly shouted:
'"No! No! I tell you no! You shall not
have one single drop! If you try to steal
nny, I will kill you!"
"The river! Therier! It is right ahead,
and we are saved I"
A thin fringe of grass and bushes which
seemed dead for years extended east and
west across our course and ran back to the
mountains, 'Jo miles away. There was the
bed of Lost river. Men screamed ovit in
stead of cheering as t liey urged their horses
forward toward the blessed water which
was to (pleach their thirst. V"e looked
down from the hank on a winding channel
of yellow dirt, so dry that the puffs of wind
raised little clouds of dirt here and there.
Not a drop of wate- had run down that
channel for weeks. Despair fell upon the
men silent, hopeless despair and its effect
was curious. No one cursed or muttered.
On the far bank were a few stunted cotton
woods struggling fo:- life and furnishing
scarcely any shade. One by one we followed
the officer across and pulled the saddles
from our horses him: turned them loose.
We had meat and bread, but no fires were
kindled. When a men's throat aches and
throbs, and his tongue fills his mouth, and
his lips are like paper, he cannot eat. The
officer issued no orders, the men had no
word for each other. Each one threw him
self down with the fet ling that the end had
come. There were oci ans of water 40 miles
to the south, but neither horse nor man
could travel another t nle.
It wasn't sleep, but that dim conscious
ness one has just bt fore chloroform k
numbs his senses. We knew when one o he
dismounted troopers dragged himself ito
camp and fell among is with a groan. -Ve
kuew when the sun went down. We felt
the cool night wind off the mountains, but
if any one moved it was only to turn over.
Night fell, and the canopy of heaven was
studded with stars. Nine o'clock, 10. 11,
midnight, found us st 11 lying there. Theu
came a curious sound a sound like a gale
advancing upon n shi; over a calm sea. It
grew loiidvr and louder, and with it was
mingled the neighing and galloping of our
horses. Men who hai fallen down to die
sprang to their feet to behold a wonderful
spectacle. From banlc to bank Iost river
was full of rushing, foaming water, sent
down by a cloudburst', in the mountains
miles away.
"Water! Water!" shouted a dozen husky
voices in chorus, and icxt moment there
was a mad rush. Men and horses mingled
together. Men and ho-ses rushed into the
flood, to be swept down and drowned to
gether. A quarter of an hour after that
rush there were only 11 of us to answer to
our names, and only half a dozen horses
were nibbling ut the pirched grass around
us. Back on the trail were three or four
corpses in uniform. T ie rest of the troop
were victims of the flood which rolled past
us. M. QL'AD.
The Natural Hrldge of Virginia.
The Natural bridge of Virginia is situ
ated in Rockbridge county and spans the
mountain chasm in which flows the little
stream called Cedar creek, the bed of which
is more than Ul0 feet adow the surface of
the plain. The middle of the arch is -ft feet
iu perpendicular thickness, which increases
to U0 at its juncture with the vast abut
ments. It is CO feet wi le, and its span is
almost flu feet. Across the top is a public
road.. For many years the name of Wash
ington, cut in the rock forming oue of the
abutments when the Father of His Country
was a lad, stood high above those of all
others, but in ISIS a student of Washing
ton college, Virginia, Piper by name,
climbed from the foot to the top of the
rock and placed his n tine above that of
Cancer and Longevity.
At a meeting of the eastern counties
section of the British association at Lowes
toft Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson read a pa
per on "Cancer," on which he is the great
est European authority. It seems that this
disease specially belongs to old age, and
its increase of recent yen rs is attributed by
Mr. Hutchinson to the h creasing longevity
of the present time. Sh-rep and oxen never
suffer from it. They are killed before it
comes on. Horses seldom. Donkeys, who
live to a great age, frequently are attacked
by it, and it is oue of the most common
causes of death among c its and dogs who
are allowed to live to tbt end of their time.
London Tit-Hits.
How He Von.
The man who wagert d a lady that he
could thread a ueedle iu less time than she
could sharpen a pencil w m in 10 minutes,
at the end of which time the lady had whit
tled up her pencil. Bost n Gazette.
"A Dull, Sickening Thud."
An advertisement reads: "Wanted A
young man to be partly outdoor and partly
behiud the counter." A wajr asks, "What
will be the result when t -ie door slams?"
A Slight. Miiimleratitiiilinff.
Von Blumeis -Well, old man, we had a
new arrival at our house yesterday.
Plankington By jove, old fellow, this is
news. Let me congratulate you with all
my heart. Now, I'll bet you are both tic
kled to death.
Von Blunier Well, we are pleased. She's
going to be a god one too.
Plankington Of course she will. How
can she be anything else. I suppose it's a
little early yet to tell what she will be like.
Von Blumer (smiling) Well, a trifle.
But I think she'll be better than the last
one we had, who has been trying to run the
house for the last six months.
Plankington Oh, yes. Ha, ha! The last
is always best, you know. But they all try
to do that, old chap. How much does she
Von Blumer Weigh? Why (the truth
dawning on him) Oh, oh! This too good
to keep. Ha, ha! Ho, ho! I must run
home quick and tell my wife. Oh, my!
(Has a convulsion.)
Plankington For heaven's sake, what's
the mat tcr? I merely asked you how much
thechild weighed. Istherennything strange
about that
Von Blunier (the tears rolling down his
cheeks) Oh, no, no, no! It's all right, old
fellow. You're not to blame, .she weighs,
I should sav, about 'M) pounds.
Plankington Who the mischief are vou 1
talking about?
Vou Blumer (solemnly) Our new cook.
Brooklyn Life.
Not Separated.
ft-, i
Eloping Lover We can go no further!
Your father will overtake us in a moment I
But do not fear I will face him he shall
never separate Us!
By tho Sisters of Mercy.
Tho Klekar Indian Remedies round
to be Invaluable nt a Famous w
Inland Preparatory School. Their
t';e U .Uwuyi 1-VijimI to be ISeneliclal.
The Sisters of
Mercy who conduct
tho St. Augustine's
Preparatory Board
ing School at Hart
ford, Conn., write
that they find the
Kickapoo Indian Remedies invaluable
to them in caring for the health of the
scholars under their charge. "Kick
apoo Indian Sagwa, Kickapoo Indian
Oil and Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure' I
they say, ''have been used here with '
the most gratifying results. These
xiuiple remedies o f Ihe I.idimi race de
trrrc the v.-Ulrsl jmssilile recognition,
and tin ir use is always beneficial.'' Tho
Kickapoo Indian Remedies,
Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure,
Kickapoo Indian Git,
Kickajyoo Indian Salrc,
Kickaoo Indian Worm Killer
The C.randest Jlemcdy of the Universe.
For the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.
Her Father I just come after you to
brins a few things thai Melinda forgot to
take, and when you get settled her mother
and I would like to come and spend thefall
ami wintir with you. Puck.
Thry Needed Him.
"Who is that fine looking man?" asked
the manager of the ostrich farm as a stately
looking feilow strobed west on Midway.
"Why, that's Chauncey M. Depew." re
plied a man in a plug hat at the doorway.
"Who's Depew:"
"Or.-: tor "
"Talk well:-"
"Best in the land."
"What's h!-i price'-"
"For whai ' "
'l le has ii :u"
'Then he's j i-t i lit man we are looking
for. Calll'e-. ov -r In re ami see if we can't
get him to oir.t.-ik I'.at lippy duck on t he
Ijipkuid block."- Chicago Herald.
Drn't 'o k y 'Wiih f - natt-
It i Mate ! ttuit a ra tle-s.ia'ie fumot bite if
held nphytt'.r :.o' W oul I r j Ike Input ilie J
Matemciit t pru- icu t--tr r InMy not : !nt
l ow oft ii do veu take ar t-r rik? A Miake j
bite i uet tie- nil . mt-i.it i f it t rciliici'i pie-un I
i ti the sy trni. If - ur liver i-slu jri-h ii fails ,
to remove the iiujMi' tl" frinii the nlool which
pulses tlironirh i. i-nd lieail y pi o are tuu-9 1
thrown Int.) the circu'atioa. a i Me more danger- j
ous It cunae they re init'ioie-. If your Mood I I
impure, if your liver i nut of nn!er, if vo : have !
blotchort. pini le, b I. or e. uption, "don't nion
ley wirli the a'.ie!" Take L) r Pierce' Golden
Medical ilipfover-, the on y spei ific apa list all
blood pn!oi:s. no matter of what name or na ure.
It ie sold miller a positive .na-anlee that it will
benetlt or cure, or your morey will be refunded.
ooo . . o . . o . . o . . o . . o . . o . . o . . o . . ot O
c c
Hair Death.
hiifin'lv rvmovcH nnd former Ic-tro, ob
w. jrcTionartle 1m r, whether upon the buns, w
fact, jinn or neck, without di cttlora ion
or injury to the inot delicate in. It was c
Z Ka Mi's Wii.s, ncfenowle ped hy hyi- c
; rion as the hiplict authority rind the ;
most eminent tlermaolop-t and hair ieeia
w. liMthHt ever lived. IMinnc hi- private prac-
ticeof a life t tw. umoni the noblitv and ar-
iptocnicy of Kurojtt he prescribed tliis re-
cfpe. l'R te, 51 by n all. m onrely jmcked.
rorresDonder..c confidential. Soe Arents c
for America. Adrire THE MkOOKUM '
C KOOTHAIRftKOWfi'tCO. Pept. Ii., 57 C
South 5th avtnue, New "Vcrk.
OOO O' o O " " o o o o O ' "OOO
Let the Public Judge.
. 1 4
Master Vassell Purcell
"As t!io result of a fall, severe Inflammation
appeared In my boy's eyes. We had to Keep
him in a Dark Kooni, and we feared he
would lose lils sip:ht entirely. Hood's Sarsapa
rilla worked like a charm. 'While taking
two liottle tho inflammation gradually Uiaap
appeareil, h:a eyes grew strouBer so tliat he
could hear the light, lie was soon cemplclelr
cared. 1 eueeriully recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for all riUenses nrising from impure blood."
Una. J. II. I'uucell, boo South St., liqua, O.
Piivenport, Iowa.
1 i. cured of ratarrh anil ineipirnt e it sump
tion in one mon h at eutt Medical Instiiiite. A
uumlierof scions fntd I must die. Thanks to
nr. liron 1 m today well and was run-d by the
physician of the scnt Medical Institute over
iwo years ajro. '
"Dear PofToi; For years I was
in the employ of the Ilotk Island
I low company. I now live iu Lyons,
Iowa. I should have sent niv state
ment months ajro, hut I waited to see
if 1 remained c i keu.-1
I had not bjcn feeling well for s uite venrs.
I had i he prip several tunes and it lirouiht on
rou-rli, hesuaclie and sore throat, and chills nnd
fever. 1 took a lot of quinine and different pat
ent medicines with only u mporarv r'-'lief. At
times I would cough nntil the tears would roll
down my face and would vomit. I was continu
ally spitiinr and liawkinc, my throat was nearly
always sore, and I would have chills and high
fiver and uaius thronch niv chest. I t n w,ir
f mm ni(rht sw eats that I coulu scarcely stand, my
huiuct wiiib iieiuemiy wtinsmi; wet 111 the
mornimr. After workins I was ao exhausted I
c uld scarcely tat and what I did wonld not stay
in niy stomach. 1 have doctored with sev
eral well known doctors, hut I found no relief
iin' u i visit d the Koitt Medical Institute, and
now I am C-l'-K E I). One day b le walking
me nin-ui i niei a incnu wuoasKeamy
""unit m.u i toia mm. lie tola me tuat lie was
feeiu ir the sani4 wav hffnr titk-iti tn.Hrim.nt
hui he had doctored with Ir. Wilson of Scott
aictr.cai iu?titute and as c-u-r-e-d, and udvised
metouke treatment. I uid not think I could
ever he cured, but thanks to von. doctor, for now
I am entirely f-U-K-E-D aud feel mueh better
tiiau j ever aid licfore.
per mon li rr all dlneaKe-. Med-Iriui-H
tnriitlii'd Iri-t-.
Hood '3 Pi:i3 Cure all Liver Ills. 25a.
y-ri"'Bjii-OT:':M tpraiptanMarMl
Wholesale Dealer and Importer of
Wines and Liquors.
1616 aid 1618 Third Av
Medical Institute.
221 Brady street, Davenport, la.
Over American Express Co.
SPECIALTIES: Catarrh, Eve,
Ear, Nose, Throat, Lunjrs, Nervous
Diseases, Skin Diseases, Chromic Dis.
OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 11 a. iu., 2
to 4 p. m.. to 8 p. m.
On Sundays the oflice will be open
irom a a. m to 4 p. in.
(Successor to H. WESDT,)
Merchant -:- Tailor,
119 Eighteenth Street.
a?Fit and Workmanship Guar
antced the Best.
C easing and Repairing Done.
usiam nome inaustri
Calling- for Rock Island
Brewing Co., Beer.
The Best Beer Made,
On Tap everywhere.
The Rock Island Brewing Company, succe.
ors to George Wagner's Atlantic Brewery, "
Huber's City Brewery and Raible & Sten
Rock Island Brewery, as well as Julius JunA
Bottling Works, has one of the most complete
Brewing establishments including Bottling
partment in the country. The product ?s the
very best. Beer is bottled at the brewery and
delivered to any part of the tri-cities, and mav
be ordered direct from the head offices o Mo
line avenue by Telephone.
Flour, Etc.
TeleDnone 1098. 231 Twentieth stn
Established 16S0 ISMS.
Save money by buyirjg your Crockery, Glassware, Cut
lery, Tinware, Woodware, and Brushes, at the Old atd
Reliable 5 and 10 Cents Store.
MRS. C. BIITSCH'S. 1314 Thiri Ave
All Kinds ot Carpenter Work Done.
General Jobbing done on short notice and eansracilon pnirictetd.
O8o Siow 721 Twelfth Straot KOC K ISLAND
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Gents' Fine Shoes a Specialty, repairing done neatlr and promptly.
A snare of ronr patronage respectfully solicited.
1618 Second Avenue, Itoik Ias.
R O. Hudson. M. J. Paekss
All kinds of Carpentering promptly attended to Estii3
furnished when desired.
Shop cor. First ave. and Seventeenth Bt, Rock Islani
Roek Island Brass Foundry
All kinda of brass, bronae and aluminum bronee casting, all shades asd umlt
a specialtj ol brags meUl pattern and artistic work.
Shot jkd OrncE- M Firat avenue, near Feiry latditr. - kC(BMA2
J. MAG Eli, Proprietor
Cracker Bakery,
Ask Tour Grocer for Them.
.The Christy "Otstib" ai c C'tr j'T
KOf 8 1'
The thorongh insttnctlon given at thU School is verified by more than 100 different B-
using their Students.
112 and 114 East Second Street, DAVENPORT,
Opera use ?alooJ3
E0RE SCH1FER, Proprietor.
X101 Second Avenue, Corner of Sixteenth Street. - Opposite Harper's tie'--
The Choicest Winp. I inimr Rcor nri Pirrire nlunvt 01 Hani
Fro Lunch Every Day t 8andWicte, FurnUhed on Short '

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