OCR Interpretation

Rock Island daily Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1886-1893, November 17, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053945/1893-11-17/ed-1/seq-8/

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Frata ecnr si
Nice cm::Zirt at EU-V. :
Slea drr eU-iaas at SlaVs.
Balk fciifca at Ewhfi frocery.
Toka; aad Concoct grape at tfc-
See SchrnederV elegant display of
noo I try.
Faaey cooking Bad eating apple at
He Bros.
Oyster, eclerv 'u craaberries at
tiM vroa'.
Balk aad eann-d oysters at Banc a
erB grocery.
Foaltrr at Scaroeder's market on
Twaatieth street. .
Proased chicken and docks at
Baaeaer grocery. :
Caaliflower. lettaee aad celery at
ttaacaer grocery.
(booking and eating apple at
Baaeaer' grocery.
All kiadsof nooltry In great abnnd
aaee at ckrorderV.
floa. Charles Daaham, of Geaesco.
1 ia the eity today.
Order pool try at SchroedrrV Twen
tieth street market.
Iretel turkey, chicken and
dark at He. Bro".
Tokay. Malaga anc Connord grape
at Baarhcr' grocery.
Rutabagas. Holland cabbage and
cauliflower at He Bros.
Tokay ami Malaga grae. orange
and banana at He HroV.
Spiaat'b. head lettaee. ejatcr plant
and wat-rrrra at He Bro'.
HoBj. r. M. tfeborn. of Chicago, i
ia the fj!ay oa legal busine.
Atten ibe dance at Ru' hall
Saturday. Not. 1. Admlion free.
Mr. K. ;. Frasvr lett lat night
for SpringiMd to visit Mr. Gov.
Ladie. If the oew fl.00 writ hoe
at the BoOn; latet Mvle last, all
width, all ixc.
Cork sole shoos fur men in calf,
lace or enngrr . Brat finality good,
only tj3.Tj the Boston.
Lndfor good Vsyle dongola shoe,
patent tip. all solid, only l.50: bet
ter one at 2.( the Boston.
Jee our new narrow square toe.
patent tip boot, for ladies, at 2.50,
eqnals any f&tio ihoe the Boston.
The f 1.ih a pair misses'' dongola
shoes, siaes II to 2. Mr lace and
eongre. het on earth, tl.00 the
Judge rirasant. in the circuit
court this morning, dismissed the
charge of contempt of court against
August Matthey.
Mr. ane Mrs. John Brromhall. liv
ing on Seventeenth street and Fifth
avenue, lost their 10-month old
daughter with whooping cough at 1
o'clock this afternoon.
' Tonight will be Sunday school and
boys' brigade night in connection
with the revival meetings at the
first M. E. church. Supt. Sear of
the Sunday school will have charge.
I. A. T. Hawley and wife of Wat
erford, N. T.. accompanied by Wil
liam Kahlke, have returned from a
vilt to C. E. Hawley atTopeka, Kan.
They were distressed to find Mr.
Hawley suffering from the effects of
an injury to her ankle, sustained bv
a fall.
Tomorrow afternoon at Twin-City
Hail park occur the foot-ball match
between Monmouth and Amrustana
college eleven. A neither team has
vet been comiuered. aad the visitor
bar met several of the best in the
country, a fine game is promised J
The game will be called at 8 o'clock,
aad the sale of ticket already made
indicates a big attendance
On July last at Cambridge. Miss
Margaret Kane was married to her
coosia, Daniel Fennel, and iaame
diatelv after their marriage it be
came kaowa to Mr. Fennel that it
was against the laws of the state of
Illinois for first cousins to marry.
She then refused to live with her
hnsband. and now through her at
torneys, MoF.niry dc McEniry, she has
filed ia the circuit court a petition
that the marriage be declared void.
The cb otne up at the January
' Tagtroa&xVI!aa4 to Aada
lasta ea tails shoot a mack hard skip
aad fattgM a It is far a tourist to
elimh ttoaat Case. Aa early mora
lag Eock Island traia sooa whisks
yoa across the river aad dowa to
Baffalo. Baffalo mast have been
still-bora, far the memory of maa
raaaeth aot to the contrary, whea it
showed any alga of life. The Ab
acs maa got there abont 8 ia the
moraiag. '-How do yoa get across
the river to Aadalasfaf" was asked
of a maa who leaned against the
fence tagging nt a ping of nigger
Cant get aero, captain, 'caasw
the ferry stopped ruaaiag yistiday."
I mast get across someway," was
the reply.
"Well, there's a man that rant a
shift, bat he' ap towa somewhere."
Where could yoa Had him?"
-Well, now, I aia't sore. Look ia
at the grocery store, 1m may be
there, and he may not. Like as. not
l.e aia't there."
"This is a peculiar state of affair,'"
said The Argils man. "When a
number of people combine to get
across, how do they manage it?"
"O. tbey wait, aad then someone
has a big skift aad he palls 'em
across. . But then the railroad are
just as bad."
The information regarding the
ferry jiot being satisfactory, another
maa was asked, and he said the bar
ber would get him across. It was
found, however, that the barber was
ia bed ia n adjoiaing hotel. The
landlady of the hotel was asked why
ne was not an at mat boor.
"You see' she said, -he has a
wooden leg. aad "
hat difference does that make?"
she was asked, but at that instant
she was so loudly calling the Misci
sippi ferry-man to come down stair
mat sue did not bear it. She was
asked if breakfast could be obtained
and she seemed greatly surprised.
It' very late now for breakfast.
W e haye breakfast at 6 o'clock and it
now a. bnt what would you like to
nave.- tvnen tola sne answered tbat
they hadn't got it, but she guessed
they could get it. While at break
fast she said:
"Live 'round here, stranger?"
"Kock Island."
"Doin' business there?"
"What might your name be?"
The Alters traveler was about to
answer tbat it might be Smith, bat
that it wasn't. but he thought better
of it and told her hi name, and it
took several repititions to convince
her, as it seemed, that he was tell
ing the truth.
- tArm tm Etnas Ecfcnu.
The ferryman afterward explain
ed that he never got up until it was
absolutely necessary, a there was
nothing to do. and a glance at the
the town and the leisurely habits of
the people was convincing proof that
be might have slept the remainder of
the week without his services or the
services of anv one else beinr re.
J ne people of Baffalo mourn the
loss of the "Fire Fly," and they do
not know what to do about it.
The river was finally crossed.
Mr. I; htm'm t'iaoaroa.
Mr. Raskin, says kU biratier, Mr.
W. O. CbUiagweod. i no 'muter a rich
man. The r.-OO.OW be inherited from
hi parent have ae. chiefly to gift and
la attempt to do good. The sal of hi
hook la his only Income, and a great
part of tbat ane to an army of pension
ers to whom in in day of his wealth he
pledged himself. Nevertheless he baa
aaScfcat for hi want aad need aot
feel poverty ia his old age.
The gold fish, which ia distributed
ever nearly all part of the world, la
one of the most interesting members
f the fiaay tribe. It appareatly i
auaoeptlble to atmospheric changes,
and anyone who take the trouble to
ote it actions la aa aquarium will
be astonished to find that the beauti
ful little fish, la a true prophet la
matters relatiag to chaste in the
weather. When aa area of lower
temperature with rata or aaow, ia
approacbiag. the gold fish, remains
aear the surface of the water, while
u eiear, sunshiny weataer is ex
pected tbey will almost always be
found near the center of the reservoir.
' . V iV' : -r.,
- a , . , - ' - "
. a
V. V-mmt a - aaasa
' ' a. inisat fM V
wa ti ii -. -
A mm Gtt? Osam of Tartar rWdar. at
Tk Qmt CI
The Chinese shave nearly every
day. A queer little razor It 1 that
tbey use, too. It is la bo respect
like our razor, except ia the matter
of the keenness of it edge. It 1
wee bit of a blade, nicely curved into
a semi-circle. With this tool to
Chinese barber scrapes the almost
hirsuteles face of his customer aad
then shave him around the ears and
dowa the neck to the first bone of
the spinal column. The rounded
point of the razor is also inserted
into the celestial ear, aad every am
bitious hair that dare to show Itself
la the auricular lobe is clipped before
It proceeds very far.
ratUag aw iiar.
-A easj m UiHac as: a loc." tm aaoUsarias.
Warn It was ant attsts. nseodj kasw. Rata
ls to sestet. Bates It Istastakiat faasaaof
Dr. Ptertt rtaasaat Pallets, lass act Ua
SMftle. Be ariaaat r etvaddag fnswa,asla
ibseaM wlMtbeaM-fisMsare'ptlis. Th relief
that foRmr ssanaklcs Ikie actSoa af aatar la bat
hmpplt it awod; th ipalaw gtnm to tasdar-
auot llw is of lb salutary kind, aae la apasclljr
Bnalfsftad by the di'apiarasee of aft btUoaa
tick Wadacae.wM aa thastoa-
aeb. paia ttsaugh Ua rlrbt aid aad
lada. aad sattwsj-s af laa skia aad arsbaUs aia
The hiKhest honor of' oratory at the
commenceiaent of Trinity cuUese. in
Korth Carolina, was carried off by a fall
blooded Choctaw ludiaaaf the name of
Joseph Maytubby.
Positive economy, peculiar merit
aad wonderful modiclaal power ail
Was ta mmI :
tas i ihuiwom
eras sad avwas ei
irsasss I
a DaiLT ABOca DaxrvauD attock
ubi mm oaaMtaclarUiscur aiiB,
AirrED-oooD asanas cirl at SMI
MU-tvo noon ratnt arovaa abb
a aaiaeaal , acariv raw. ABaiyMtaw
im to an. K. Beea'savesary
Caturdiy Evening, No?. 18.
From the
Empire Theatre.
Xew York,
: By
and Fyles.
TtBssattas ike Bert Aajcricaa Draaia,
250 Xight in Sew York.
150 Xight in Chicago.
Piic -i-tl.au. TJ. M iilS era; Basteitt
l M; Seats at Fliia ThurUy auratag.
Valuable Real Estate.
To all Persons interested:
On Saturday the 16th day of Decem
ber next at the hour of 2:30 n. m. at
that certain dwelling house on Mo-
line avenue, known as the Brook's
Homestead, the undersigned will of-
ier lor sale at public auction, the
whole of that tract of land at the
east end of the city of Rock Island
Known as
The Columbian' Lands,
Coata atas about 6 acres ante or less, subject
t all aai-sid taxes aad aaseament.
Toil or Sslb: Caih, aales. aajr bocsob but
desire t ake aaosTer of pvrcaase oa etker Urai.
of BayvMa. which tkry nost aiako kaowa at the
Uaw of tkoir offer.
The aadenigDcd reserve l he r'cht to reject anj
Mod bid. ......
The ecBUal loeatioa of that pveaiises sad their
m to
a, r ill tbo beat Bfioea fur which rach
Branrti bianldla ttaataraot. -
Boek telaad, UU, Kor. M. MM.
8. . VUK.
Sov KK,sf I Inks'
"asS. T Q O V V KB "BBS. , jT.
Riverside Oaks, Riverside Ranges
Riverside Cooking Stoves.
Garland Hard Coal Stoves.
The best amortajeat or Stove, la the eity.
lOI aa l17 Wrcooid AT-
MfilA U8 8-ssss
p nt it no oi a.
New Scale Kimball,
Hallet ck Davis.
And Emerson.
Kinball Organs.
IuBtrmcents sold on easy
time payments. Violins
and accordeons at half
price. At
. . 815 Second Av
si oh
dc;usi inuuudy uiurning, iov. J
Cloak drpsrtment will rnake you happy. S
uui wiiii iu wuy uui uuiw. me style '
price wEl sell them. Come and see them vS
will buy.
Dress Goods.
In nrr rinndsT we offer trn im. j
... - - iiv-o diiaffiHM
ities that are simplv world-beaters.
Ask to see our blankets. You w ill buy J
going iu gei toiu.
1709 and 1709 Second at.
Continuing all Week to Make Room for Our
Holiday Stock.
oe rduh onun a. tae prcauses aaa ta
eoatisaltr to all aveaaea of ttaaoportation
aodfroa the crty of Kock Maa. make th
orr eearable for mialoataVad baaisna pur
fraai aUawata secular to their sex cas
the Kliablo atertaa eanactiva a bate mm w,
iiilTialVrra tbo sweat eases. Book xletof
Baths of all k,nds. including .
Turkish, plain, shampoo, elec
tric, electro-thermal, etc., may
be obtained at the Sanitarium
Bath Rooms, on the first floor of
the Harper House.
For Ladies From 9 a. m. to
13 m. on week days. For Gen
tlemen From 6 a."m. to 7:30 a.
m., and from 2 p. m. to 9 p. m.
on week days. On Sundays the
rooms will be open from 6 a. m.
to 11 a. m. for Gentlemen only.
Electric and Electro-thermal
baths may be obtained at any
time daring business hoars.
Gymnasium connected with bath
5H) yds black cashmere from
17c to 65c, former price SO to 70c.
' 300 vds shirting at 4, 5 and 6c
a yd. Elsewhere 8, 10 and 12c.
100 pairs ladies1 black wool
mittens, at 12c, worth double.
Eibbons! Ribbons! at greatly
reduced prices. Baby ribbons
lc per yard.
Gents' hose from 5c up.
Children's black ' hose 5c, Sc.
10c. 12Jc.
Children's black wool hose, 12c,
15c, 20c, 25c
Ladies' black cotton hose, every
pair warranted, fast black, 7c,
10c, 12c, 15c, 25c. '
Ladies'1 woolen hose, 15c, 20c,
25c to 45c. .
We also have a line of ladies'
odd sixes at low prices, and car
ry a full line of gents' and ladies
knit underwear. - .
, Largo fe-pint extra hmt t,.
fee pots at 13c. Only Hj t
iuu galvanized iron i?hisl
AO. 2 at 5e, worth Uo.
tion room barg ns txtrs.irdi
100 galvanized iron 12 quti
ter pails at 19e. EUtukre,'
small lot stove buirU.
size, 4?c, Morth tiuuWe, B.'
quick, quantity hniitvtL
Large lot Japanned c-ja! ijA
ets at 17c as long as thev !.,
A lot of Xo. flat b.ttua tal
kettles, uickcl rilatn, un wpj-
OOn 'I
Job lot of J bu. measure-, Ji-I
panned, 15c. E!ewh?re, &l
Genuine Imported," EojSsI
sviui-jmieeiaiu uinner tts, j:i
17.50, worth 12.
Being crowded to the rod, isl
must hare the room.
i: c :i 1 1 . 1 1 iyi ki A I
F G. YOUNG, Proprietor. 1728 Second If.
Imported and
Domestic Su .tings
. Sow Open
with a replete stock of Fall
and Winter Suitings at No.
,1707 Second avenue, in the
store formerly occupied by
H. D. Folsom.
- . WM. Mans.
The Laa-it
And Most SitL
J. JT. BovumaXB. - Ton EE5nm
Phimbsrc, Steam, 6ao Fittai
House Heatiag aad Saaitary Plnatbing. Basement Rock Inland 'at. BaK
Are showing decidedly the besi, largest, finest, most perfect
fitting line of Tailor-made
The Cheapest
The Cheapest.
. They are the finest in the City. When you see a neat
trim-looking Overcoat you can wager it comes from us.
That's the kind and only ones we cany. No old styles,
everything new. CORRECT PRICES. In fact, the lowest
on record. Inspectioii invited. '
Larct Shcs zzl acthlrj Stores a Rwk Island County.
Crj VZi Ccccsl kk
C:.l!r-C:tTrDCirri 113-153 Eighteenth St
are eomeiaoa ia uooa Earsapanua.
xry ib oor cure

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