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Argu DOWNED. HE WAS IN A MINORITY. And Sea Civil Kits BliANB AM DicI3toro- Club Frcnt. SAX&RCE, ROCXIZLAMDj, ILL, Don t you believe us; come and see if our prices are not far below all other houses. The greatest drive of this season. The Princeton TijefV , Can Play Great Football.' EOT FIGHT 01 KAIHATTA1 FIELD. ta far mm Easy aah i OilMkiiM brwtnN mm a 6 Cnaao Wit I hy M marl Imm lu Yaaitv hy BnU Fnn with Inlaid velvet collars, cut long, and extra good fitters. and Brown, for the small sum of Black, Blue Seven Dollars and Fiftv Cents. Vft (Th Seven Dollars and ijjy d oKjJf Fifty cents. If they are worth a cent they are worth $12. Your money's worth is hard to get. You can get it when you trade with us. Big Ctore. Dlue Front, SAX&RICE, RCSXtSLAKDjiUm Opening of "Kris Kringle's Grotto 0 111 II rv X on Saturday and the Week Following Look Out for Kris Kringle. Christmas is close at Hand. I i r wed we lavc been planning and arrang- f"r litis festive occasion. No time or money iui' hr-n saved, but the arrangements have been Oi:i'!' itb a lavibh hand in order to make this "I-'uinp one of the most attractive anil enjoyable "I 'a-iun nf the year. In making our arrangc ai"r.t the children in particular have been given -! ial attention, and we hereby extend a most lr:y invitation to our littlo fricinds to come ith "their mothers and visit "Kris Kringle's -ttn." HKAUTIFTL KOUVKXIBS VALUED AT .rfio. WILL HE ;ivex awaV. senile i in;ki: s orchestra axi riANo win fur- ii -li nmsir afternoon and evening. Decorations. The entire store has been elaborately decorated f-r thi occasion, mud now presents a bower of ! " mitv, fresh from the artist's hands. ur Greeting is Christmas Bargains. They are many they are desirable thev are f- iiabfe. There it a time to bay it's now. There i a place to bay it's at the Boston Store. Even tcry little money will do wonder in purchasing lr-ent for vonr friends. Come to Our Opening. Yi.n will be pleasantly surprised; surprised at me Fptcnuiii assortment; surprised at the superior ualities; surprised at the low prices. We have new novelties in nice, but inexpensive goods. We have nicer and more expensive goods, ranging in price as high as von care to go FOR LITTLE ANDKIU. OLD AX I) YOUX. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. No one is so old, no one is so young, but what litting and pleasing gifts may lie found in abun dance. The virtue in values: the beauty in well chosen goods; the power in low prices make our 'store the best place todo your Christmas shipping. 9 Books, Books, Books! Books by all the popular authors. Works by Bulwer, Lew Wallace, Dickens. Scott, Shake speare, Hawthorne, Longfellow, E. P. Roe, Drum mond. Holmes, 1, Cooper, Mark Twain, Pres cott, Rosa M. Cary and Many others. Books of novels, historical, children's story books, Christ mas cards, and BIBLES OF ALL KINDS. Toys, Toys, Toys! Iron, wood, tin and rubber toys of every de scription: Dolls, games, banks, steam engines, drums, horns, blacks, trunks, wagons, sleds, skates and hundreds of others, for which space fails us to mention. ' Art novelties, basket, metal goods, china, plush goods, music, silverware, jewelry, linen sets, ta ble covers, etc., etc. HARKED, PURSE & V0K.MAUR, DAVENPORT, IA. Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. NEW York, Dee. I. Then were 80,000 people en Manhattan ground to see the great football game between the Yale and Princeton tsaraa. Vale, funned with it victory over Harvard, was of the opinion that Princeton, notwithstanding the pet names of ita team the Tigers," was "not in it" with the brawn and vim of the Yale men, but the result allowed that there was a little miat,aomewbere. The game was phenomenon la the intensi ty and brilliance of the straggle and when the score of 6 to 0 was announced Prince ton' thousands of sympatizers in the grounds split the heavens with there yells of victory. "Haltered" Little "Tmm Previous." Tbe yelling up to the beginning of the same had been done principally by tbe Yale partisans, and the result showed the wisdom of that homely adage "Don't holler till you're out of tbe woods." The day was an ideal one for football just cold enough to make exercise invigorating and a bright sun shining. Princeton won the tow and took the ball, starting with a flying wedge that carried the ball through Yale's center for SO yards. Then ensued a series of struggles and scrim mages that showed Yale that the Prince ton boys were out for victory or death. -, and the first half ended in Princeton kick ing a goal. Score, 6 to 0. , Second Halt Nets Xathing. The Second half of tbe game was as hotly contested as the first. Kepeatedly Yale tried to break through Princeton's center. but as often Princeton stood like a rock and no great progress was made. At one time King of Princeton got the ball and and had made 5 yeards when Butter worth tackled and downed him. A little later Butterworth again distinguished himself by punting tbe ball 40 yards, but Princeton stopped it there and forced it back IS yards. Three times during this halt Princeton got the ball to Vale's 5-yard line, but when time was called tbe ball was on Yale's 13-yard line and tbe half counted nothing. I Berat-a at the iixtmru. - It is interesting to note that since 1863 Yale has won eleven championship games. irinceton four and Harvard one. since 183, out of a total of 1! games played. xale has won lit, having lost one to liar vard and three to Princetou. The games won by Princeton were in 185, IBS, 1893 respectively. HARVARD GETS CONSOLATION. ? JteatsnJty Yale Pat It All Over ' ' v reuasylvania. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 1. Harvard got cousolatiou (or her defeat by Yale in the Thanksgiving day game here with Penn sylvania, and crimson is a popular color withiji the city; in fact any shade of red goes.; All Harvard is wildly' hilarious and growing more so. The score was a good one for Harvard 26 to 4. Tbe hero of the day was Charlie Brewer, tbe crimson full back. Jlis playing was phenomenal and ranks high with the few who bold first place. ' The game wa niade up entirely of kicks and good straight plays. Harvard only tried once the faucy side wedge, which atae sent bucking against lale so often. Doctors were in frequent demand and kept running up continually looking at some injured man. r irst Lramons was dazed and Charlie Brewer's brother Arthur took bis place. Then Reese was hurt. Wbartou was put in. Brewer him self now lell out of tbe lists and Gray was put in only to give way to uuntertnan. .None of the men were hurt seriously, sim ply too much knocked out to be relied on. Incidents ot the tuic Brewer scored the first touchdown and later kicked a goal, giving Harvard a score of 8 to u. Then Pennsylvania scored, and her friends weut wild. But their yells were changed to groaus when after some sharp piling Harvard secured another chance lor a uoal and Brewer ki'.-ked tbe ball betweeu Pennsylvania's posts. First half over aud score 2;( to 4 in favor of Har vard. The second half was short, Harvard soon gettiug the ball into kicking position and scorim: another goal, making the game '.ti to . About li,U;u people saw the game. t - - On 'the i.riduoo Claeanern. Chicago, Dec. 1. The football game be tweeu the Chicago and Bostou Athletic association teams a yearly Thanksgiving game look place in a snow storm with tbe "beautiful" lying three inches thick on the grounds and falling so thickly that tbe siivctators could hardly see the play. Chicago won 8 to. Other scores: At Denver Boston Uui vcrsity 32, Denver Athletic 0; at Cham DBiun. Ills. Lake Forest 10, Illiuois Uui versity 10. at Troy, X. Y. Dartmouth 22, Union 0; at Omaha Iowa University 18, Nebraska 20; at Kansas City Kansas Uni versity 4, Missouri 13 Baa Away Fraas The Highwaymen. CASOS ClTT. Colo., Deo. 1. Au at tempt was made to hold up the Cripple Creek stage as it was en route to the camp. The attack occurred at a rocky point eighteen milea from this place. Two men, who did not take the trouble to dis guise their features, stepped 4n front ot the stage and ordered tbe driver to halt. Instead of obeying be lashed his horses and escaped, the men sending several vol leys after tbe stage. ' Killed a Bnkeaaea. HoCsTOS, Tex., Dec 1. Xear Bastrop, on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas rail' way a train went through a trestle, kill ing George Schneider, a braksmsn, and seriously wounding tbe ondnetor and caff inspector. . - t ' . . I s ft iTenrV Dtaatoa'a tMBS. haw" and tool soakers. Philadelphia, announce a 10 par Wammnctcw, Dec l The removal of Civil Service Commissioijar Johaato was made because be was not ia harsaoay with his colleagues, and in fact Roosevelt told tbe president that either ha ar Joha stoa would have to go. Johnston, made a ' minority report oa the operations ot the commiasioa which displeased the presi dent. He declined to resign and was re moved. John R. Proctor, of Ken tacky. has been appointed ia his place. He is a college professor. When tbe president removed Johnston it was surmised that Commissioner Lysaan would also soon be superseded, bat there is now an impression among those who are ia a position to know that Lymaa will not no disturbed; not at least for the pres ent. From tbe same source it is learned that the president tried very hard to avoid the complications which arose over the removal of Johnston, and would have been glad to have had a change made and Johnston selected as a consul to some point agreeable to him. Efforts made in this direction only resulted, it is amid, in making Johnston more determined not to surrender the principle which was in volved, and be would not be tempted by anything that might be offered. WANTS FOOTBALL INVESTIGATED. An an.airiac; Mind, Semen Cracker, Asks Som Statistics. Boston. Dee. 1. At a special meeting of the board of overseers of Harvard college ia this city, the following petition was presented by Mr. George S. Crocker to the board of overseers of Harvard university: "The wide difference of opinion which ex ists as to tbe merits and demerits of the came of football as now devcloiied ami played by collegians.leads the undersized to request the board oi overseers to cause 'ill statistics to be gathered and compiled and a thorough investigation conducted, so that tbe appropriate attitude of the government ot our university to tht game may be wisely determined, so that if prac ticable modifications of the game, calcu lated to lessen its dangers, may be ang- gested and so that parents and also their sons in colleg3 or preparing for college may have tbe benefit of the rc. !.- of a thorough and judicial inquiry by a com petent committee." Tbe petition was re ferred to the committee on physical train ing and athletic sports. sTharaee Against Frank La a lor. Washington, Dec 1. The story comes from the White House that President Cleveland has decided, for good reason, as he believes, not to appoint Frank Lawler to any office that will require confirma tion by the senate. It is stated that promi nent Chicago Democrats have threatened to make charges before a senate commit tee that might prevent confirmation and at any rate would create much talk. Ssnator Palmer said tbey were untrue and in language as emphatic as he could command declared that if they were brought before the senate there might be trouble ahead for some of the other men on the slate for the Chicago federal offices. Oaininas af Lafayatte Past. ew 1 okh, Dec 1. The widely knuan Lafayette post, G. A. R. No. 140, at a reg ular encampment had up the subject of lawlessoesa and anarchistic growth in the United States. A strong declaration of tbe post's views baa just been Issued with the indorsement of Commander-in-Chief John G. B. Adams. The declaration is in the form of resolutions which declare that obedience to the la w should be enforced at whatever cost and tbe lawless be forced into silence; that unlawful assemblage should be suppressed, and that "Old Glory" and no other flag should float in this country.except on occasions when for eign officials are our guests. ' Palmer Can't Account for It. WasiiingtoX, Dec. 1. Senator Palmer is very much disappointed by the presi dent's action in eegard to the Chicago ap pointments. "It was a great surprise to me to bear that llesmg and Mize had been appointed." said be. "It was only reason able that I should be surprised, for I bad no voice iu the matter. I aai at a loss to account for the influences which brought about the result, l intend, if possible, to see the president before congress meets and probably 1 Bball learu the reasons for the appointment." Call to Organise a New Party. St. Louis, Dec L A special from Ti.peka, Kas., to The Republic says: W. r. Hightmore has issued a call for a con ference at St. Louis, March SO, to organize auewparty.' Kigbtmore called the con ference in 1MH at Cincinnati which gave birth to the People's party. He was, un til last year, a leading Populist, but since then has opposed Governor Lewelling and his administration. He says Chairman Taubeneck and many leading Populists are with bim in this move. BIG FIRES RAGING. The Haymarket Theatre Chicago in Flames. in The American Crayon Works at Crayon, O., in Ruins. Distressing Electric Car Acci dent in Ohio. Chicago, Dec. 1 The Havmarket theatre is burning, and the fire is spreading through several adjacent blocks. Great difficulty is experi enced in getting water. Aurhan Crayaa Warns Destroyed. Tiffms, Ohio, Dec. 1 The Ameri- lcan Crayon Company's extensive plant is in ruins, the fire having swept through the plant this morn- mi;, and is spreading. Klertrie Car AccMeat. East Liverpool, Ohio, Dec. 1. An electric car ran down a party of 13 in a trestle near hear, and killed one and injured six seriously. Heavy rallara. New Yokk, Dec. 1 Abe Stein Co., importers of hides and coffee assigned today. The liabilities al over a million. Tha Iran Hall Partalaa. Indianapolis, Dec. I. The Iron Mall decision will be given out Saturday. Wilt Arcept the State Rata. ToPERA, Kan., Dec 1. The Missouri Pacific Railroad company has notified the state board of railway commissi oners that it wonld comply with tbe recent ruling of the board reducing the rate on agricultural imp ements from 3!i cents per 100 to 23 cents per 100 from the Mhirouri river to Wichita. The comicny will also make that tbe basis on tbe articles named to all points in the state. Death af an Eminent lawyer. LovisVlLLE. Dec 1. The Hon. Hamil ton Pope died at bis borne in this city from Bright's disease, after an illness ot eighteen mont hs. He was T6 years old. Mr. Pop-) was an eminent lawyer and widely known throughout the south. Sorry fur the Miners Sl.eeO Wart a. Milwai KtElec 1. Frederick Abbott, of this city, recived a message from Chaa. L. Colby, iu New York, directing him te end 1 1,000 to tbe suffering miners at Iron wood and Bessemer in his name. Miaers Coasiear a sadactiaa. Pjttsbiiii;, Dec L Delegates repre senting fifty coal mines in the Pittsburg railroad district met here to consider a proposed reduction in the mining1 rate from 3S to 00 cents a ton. After thor oughly discussing the situation it was de cided to request tbe railroad and river op erators and miners to meet in joint eon vention next Tuesday for tbe purpose of arranging a uniform rate throughout tbe district. Disagreement will result ia a general strike. Closed Dan laaclaitelj. RoXBriiT, Mass.. Dec 1. The Koxbury Carpet mills, employing between 800 and 800 bands, have abut down for an indefi nite period. The management assert that the shut down is due to the annoanco- Is the Uaveraar a Mc PEKUT. O. T.. Dec 1. The Perry Ath letic club has telegraphed Richard K. Fox, of New York, that a purse of f30,fJO would be given to Corbett and Mitchell if the fight could be brought here. Theclnb is composed of bankers, merchants and many men of means. Cholera Banes an in Tnrhef j ' Constantinople, Dec 1. In spite at the efforts made to combat tbe disease thai s are still from forty to fifty cases of chol era here daily. Tbe average death rata from cholera is fifteen per day. l ed Tea Thaasaad Peer. Detboit, De?. 1. The celebration at Thanksgtving day in Detroit was without , event except that 10.000 ot the poor of tha city were provided . it b a good dinner and ' enough food to last for several days. Seat a Homicidal Crank to Asylnsa. Moscow, Dec 1. AndrianolT, who mar. dered the mayor of Moscow in tbe town ball in March last, has been declared in snne and was com mi ted to an asylum. Labor Leader Itarns Cerioasly III. y IaiMiON, Dec 1. John Burns, the labor 'leader, has been suddenly seised with a dangerous illness. It is supposed that ha is suffering from infloenaa The Maharajah of Pnttiala, who re cently married an English wife, rules over tbe tenth largest of the native states of India under English protection, bis do minions extending over 5,887 milea, with a population of l.rjW.uwi and a rei of a little over 500,000. It is - important of the Sikh etatea. meat of the tariff schedule on carpets ia the Wilson bill. The Saxoavulo mills, which supply worsteds for carpet manu factories, will also close for the same rea son, it is stated. Between 300 aad M0 em ployes are affected. Wash le.eoe Masok City, la.. Dee. 1. Horace Hill has brought suit against Detectives Hutch- in aad Earnest for alaaderia the Wins murder case, suing for tlo.OOO. KaMarkataUpart. CaiCAGO. Dee. 1. Thanksgiving daf abut all the excaaeges and there ia as raneriiD dest. P0Uf1DSt3. HALVtS.IOC.Q-JAnTtS.S. 4 ent reduction ia wages. .-, anarket report.