Newspaper Page Text
iAJ.KL'JlfJUjiJi SATURDAY MORNING VISITOR. Dry P.ok cheaper than ever! XT.OTFJTHSTANDINO the extraordi- rkL t,ryi'Brfe ,ale or Dl7 Goods we " ''the present season, we have ydNWhanJJ j' large stock which we are senrntf al prices which astonish every per on who examine our Goods There are vetlnany bargains remaining, which can be obtained by calling at our well known cheap establishment. B. A SHEPARD. - UPACA. We have the best stock of .1 this article ever brought to Warsaw, which we are selling cheaper than our brethren in Boonville or St. Louis. So say those who have examined both markets. dee2 ; i B. A SHEPARD. QILK FRINGES. 20 Ps. Silk Frinees, wiatns lor sale by B. A s. ,. , . i . SHAWLS. Cloth, Cashmere, Damask and Plaid Shawls, large sizes, for sale cneap by Iilec2 U. A SHEPARD. rpICKINGS. 20 Ps. bed Ticking, from m. - Vi 1-Z upwards, for sale by dec2 BENNETT A SlfEPARD. A GOOD assortment of Country made Jeans, how on hand and selling low at d-il " ' SHI'PARD'S. tiOVTON YARNS-3,000 Lbs- all mim J brs. Jtlst ree'd. and for sale by dcc2 ' BENNETT A SHEPARD. OLAS?ESS.-5 fibls. N. O. Molas ses $n store and fur sale at !ce2 " SIIEPARD'S. t .'IT if "!-. r Hoots and Shoes. T. hare on hand a first rate assortment Tl of all kinds, including a good lot of children's shoes. dec2 B. AS. STONEWARE. i,000 Gallons Stone ware, consisting of Jars, Churns, Crocks and Jugs, of all sizes and the best quality,, for sale cheap by B.&S. k 7?OXES best Collins Axes, ) 5 do Palil's & Root s do., .Yankee and Kentucky patterns, for sale rhrapat dec2J SIIEPARD'S. IRON! 10,000 Lbs. Pittsburgh A Ten nessee Iron, consisting of all sizes tire, hand A round Iron Castings of all kinds Wagon, boxes, plow moulds, Ac, in store mid .selling at the lowest prircs, at deci SIIEPARD'S. -RUCK W'HKAT FLOUR! .fWWl'Lbs superfine In store and for JlJ.Jsuleby SHEPARD. UottVilttSMtnUetiH, .m U. 'I'jii. position ol A the Giadenhtrg Company in its rela tions to the health of he community is iow fully establish ed ; and the admira ole series of the Grtefenberg Modi- f a - i T , J , ltflVIII IIIC It'HU III .III nrtieM lii'iiuiiHTntis portiuns of the cnuti UryHHi: MEDICAL FA CULT V adopt ise medicine In their practice ; satisfi ed that by their use they can more cer tainly QtimhiV; Ihvaxt in all its forms. And not, only, -do physicians sanction and encourage their ate', but THE CLERGY of every denomination attest their won derful "eftirafy; and in numerous ways ''recommend them to the pe pie of their charge. ThK LEGAL PROFESSION' testify "to 'the same' thing; in short, the public at large hail the introduction nf these medi cines as a PUBLIC BLESSING. i There are over TEN THOUSAND A GENCL$S oi tbe Company in the United MAias, MDion are not only prontauJe to the agents, but of vast benefit to the iu- 'b&bitants. There should not be a single .t.:.t,t,JTowni Villageor Hamlet, ..without Its, Grajfenberg Depot; and if this tiBuljetin in read where there is no ngeucy , - .pplicatifv should be made foroneatouoe. CsrtiJr".tlt almont ipithout number, are on fileatihe otlice of the Company, testi- fying o cures of the most astonishing kind 7 sunny ef which have been duly ex arhtned by the following distinguished gentle Men t Jr Rev. X.' Bawos, D. P., Fsancis Hall, Esq., Ex- Mayor Bbady, all of N. Vprktffj'.. - The power of the Grajfenbhrg Medi cines orall BILIOUS COMPLAINTS no nialterwhat their form or severity, is a matter, of Pbofouno astomsum lnt. Let all, therefore, who are thus afflicted, and who would CLEANSE THE SYSTEM, res eff at -inriee to. the eclebrsted Grssfen berg VEStTA utB PiLt.i and Hcaltu Bit tc as. At all vents lot them call at some on e of tlit1 events, and get a pamphlet eM GRATIS, which will fully explain the whole matter. . EOWARP BARTON, Sec'y. Nsfw'Ybrk,' September 1848. : ; Th General Agent for Missouri, is E. K. WOQPWRD, St, Louis, to whom . applications for agencies may be address- "lYTllpalo for sale at Wi ove celebrated medicines are Warsaw, by .BENNETT & SHEPAKD. J ii ,qc . , THE , IfVsCern Journal, 'Or wfirftciiture. Manufacturts. Mtchame ,.,' Jtrlt, Inttrttal Liwrovtment. Commtra, mnd'Ctaeral Likralurt. M. TAJIVER & T, F. RISK, , Editors and hroprifiort. ' tr. too u Published Monthly, at $3 fcllH per inrwio in advance. ' oct28. BUSHELS WHEAT wanted I by J. ATKISSON. 4t ,KHGE and well assorted lot of Goods lii hand, i and for sale low lor east) a war ti V.'I-'T, a A Kit rill II V rrftlUC. HArllill ionuuni -si v " " a . Billet V Testaments, . BIBLES from 80 cents to $1 15, and a. ny quantity of at a Dime each, now on hand and for sale by the Benton Cow ty awle tioctely. I hey can be seen and examined at this office. novlS The tlreat POPULAR MEDICINti Of tht Day Vast amount ustd per month ( . Tht numerous and wonderful cures it tfftclsIts nvrgical effects upon Bilious Fevers and Fever and Jlgut Great Ex citcment among the Doctors. fTUIE INDIAN QUEEN VEGETABLE X. Sugar Coated Pills are now admitted, on all hands, to be the most extraordinary and valuable medicine in general use. It not only acts as ispcctfr. upon the Bilious and Typhus Fevers, Chills and Fever, and Fever and ague of the west and south, but in all diseases of debility, weak stom ach, indigestion, loss of uppct!tc, impuri ty of the blood, and all diseases prevalent in a western and south-western climate. Their great power consists in their pecul iar cflect upon all the organs of the sys tem, and the rapid formation of new and rich blood, which they produce. In this lies the great secret of their success. They are mild and pleasant in their ac tion, but searching and permanent in their effect, penetrating the remotest recesses of the system, by their ready absorption into the blood, thereby infusing a new sup ply of vitality and nervous power into all the machineiy of life. The extensive popularity they have acquired all over the west anil southj ensures the sales of at least ' Fifty thousand Boxes a month. And we find it difficult, with our large force of hands, and the late improvements in machinery, which we have adopted, to manufacture them fast enough to supply the demand in the thirteen western and southern States. One large manufactory is constantly engaged in preparing the va rious concentrated extracts of which they are composed. From tho best information we can obtain from our 8,01)0 sellini agents and hosts of nttrntive correspondents in all parts of the country, our medicine Ciires, pet month, not less than 10,000 cases or Fever and ague, (1000 of which resisted all other treatment ; 4,.f300 cases of bilious fever; 6,300 cases ol weakness A general debility 2,d0O cases of various chrome diseases ; 1,000 eases of weak stomach and loss of appetite ; 800 cases of dyspepsia; 1,200 cases of rheumatism; 1,HX) cases of female complaints ; 1,200 eases of ague cake, or enlarged spleen; 1,500 cases of liver complaint; 600 cases of scarlet fever; 400 cases of typhus fever; 300 eases of sore throat. This must appear almost incredible, but the numerous letters from physicians, a- irents and those who use the medicine, from all the western ami southern States, satisfy us that this is a moderate estimate, and that our meiiieino is rapidly taking the place of the various sugar coated coun terfeits, which are afioat, and the numer ous roi mixtures, made wholly of qui nine, which are imposed upon the public by manulactui ers who live, nubodij knows where I Dr. Brags's famous Suear Coated In dian Queen Vegetable Pills, are of two kinds tho Cathartic and Tonic. The Tonic Pills are peculiarly adapted to the quick and permanent cure of Fever and at;ue, Torpor of the Liver, and General Debility. It is in fever and acne, chills, fever, iSc., that they achieve their great est triumphs. It rarely requires over 12 hours, or more than half a box of the To nic Pills, to break the chills and cflect a permanent cure which is rarely the case with the tonic mixtures of quinine, hawk ed about the country by ignorant pretend ers. Thoso who take the Tonic Pills once Mill never forsake them. Who can wonder, then, that a medicine of such extensive popularity and extraor dinary virtues) should cause great Excitement among tha Vectors ! The prejudices of physicians against their use are at last giving way to the play of reason, and tho' convictions of every day experience which they derive from their patients and friends who use them. Doctors are now almost every day send ing orders from every part of the country, for a supply of the Pills, to use in their practice. For sale, wholesale and retail, at Dr. Bra,f DEPOT AND FAMILY MED ICltiE STORE, N. E. corner of Market and Third Streets, St. Leuis, Mo., and For sale by BR O WJYfr D WV.V, Warsaw. t7"Also, by G. W Rives and J W Bird, Benton County; A C Moore, J W Filler A Leachman, Bolivar; J Price, John Jones, W Montgomery, Williams A Peak and Reed Bennett, Buffalo; 8 R Roberts, A'rie; Waldo A McCulloch, Osrola; R Pat terson, Dallas P O.; C Humes, Pleasant Prairie; Daniel Darby, PitttburyH. Jctfcron City St cam rEitny boat. THE subscriber would inform the pub lie that ha1 has In successful operation a splendid new Steam Ferry Boat, now S lying constantly between the wharf at eflcrson City and the opposite shore. He has piocured good and substantial floats, ... la.tsltn nAali am) KnriAt. ufiirnllK. dtfl . I aa.iv'.it ' .... , - - 1 1 I may at all times cross the river with ease and security, and in tne snort uuie oi two minutes and a half. ' The roads leading from Hannibal and St. Charles, in the direction of Arkansas and Texas, are now in excellent condi tion, and as the route by Jeflerson City is forty or fifty miles nearer than tiny other, the facilities of a good Steam Ferry Boat at this point renders it the most desirable (or crossing the Missouri river. There will be no detentions, and the ut most care will be taken to prevent any accidents. . ' , J. T. ROGERS. . Jefferson City, Oct, 81, 1848 i UEJmIiY ItOHL.t.rif, SO. 40! HAVE now opened their largo assort ment of Fai.l& Wiw'iebT GOODS, which they ofTer for sale at prices lower than ii possible for any other house in town to take, on account of bavins laid in their entire stock in New York A Philadelphia. They would invite the attention of pur chasers to their largo assortment of Dry Goods, consisting in part of 1,000 pieces Fancy Prints, 20,000 yards 4-4 Domestics, 10,000 do 3-4 do Winter Ginghams, Muslin de Lathes, Al pacas, Cashmeres, Gala Plaids, Shawls, of every vcricty, Book and Swiss Mus lins, Bishop Lawn, Jaconet, Ac., Ac. Al so Cloths, Cassimcres, Vestings, Blank ets, Ac, &c. ' READY MADE CLOTHING, Blanket A Pilot Cloth Coats, Vests, Pan taloons, Lamb's wool Drawers A Shirts. SItils, tVrjj, Boots A Shot . A fresh supply of superior Kip' Boots and Shoes, also coarse Boots, Shoes, La dies and Misses Caif and Morocco Shoes and Slippers. Hardware V Saddlery of every description. QUEENSWARE A full supply of beautiful patterns and du rable ware. (JROCERIES. 600 Bbls Kanawha Salt, 200 do old Rectified Whiskey, 1 pipe, 2 hf do and 20 bbls Brandy, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga, Teue rifTe and Claret Wines. 10 Chests Tea, 10U bags superior Rio Coffee, 20 do Havana do. 10 Ilhds Sugar, (a superior article) 20 kegs Dupont's FFF glazed Rifle Powder. 20 boxes Tobacco, (Congress plug.) Indigo, Madder, Salaratus, lum, Spice, l-epper, copperas, nice, c, sc. 1,000 bundles tpun Cotton. f Thc obove articles will be sold for CSand PR OI) UCE only. HENRY A BORLAND, nov4 No. 40, Main st. STATE OF MISSOURI, ) & ""to. ) in I acalion, .7. V. lU. Thom as Dillon 1 Petition for Di- A, p n-Tinv I vorce. f N tbis24th dav of October, A. D. 1848, to Consumption, or who are subject to . vi J the said complainant filed in the Clerks olent coughs and colds, they are particular office of the Benton Circuit Court, a Pcti- ly recommended as they give almost im tion for a Divorce, alledging that his wife, m,.,ijat, ,elief, and for pleasantness, safe. ZVTfZ rfi v te'A h i Ed bonrd and bouse, and abandoned and wil- fully deserted and absented herself from the said Petitioner, without a reasonable mm... s 4 j- nn s n A ntnxA it'll iK I'ftft lau;i " i T 7 i "',", ; r ' Hiiruutu nave l-vii o" v cordimr to law. and also that the said Pe- titioiu r has filed an affidavit showing that said Adelaide P. Dillon is not a resident of, this State. ...... mj Therefore it is ordered that the said Ad-! elnide P. Dillon be notified that unless she be and appear before the Honorable'Judce of our Benton Circuit the Court House in the citv of Warsaw, in Benton county, on the first day of the next term of our said court, wlncn wmt De Deguniana hold on the second Mondayin March next, and within the first six days of said term, if 4k ., mf. lt, Inttn mill It nt. then befoie the end of the term, plead, de-, inur, or answer to said petition, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered according to the prayer of said Pe- titioner. And it is further ordered that a copy of, this order be published in some news pa per printed in this State for eight weeks successively, the last publication thereof, to be at least four weeks before tbe com mencement of our said next term. THOS J BISHOP, Cl'k. Oct27-39-8w. To those most concerned. ILL those indebted to me cither by note 1 or account, would do well to come for- ward and make immediate payment, as money I must have from some source, and , with the other various allections ol such none so honorable as the one I intend to ; climates, arising from a common mioamal pursue. As but a short time can be allow. 1 cause, aro only modifications of the same ed to any, I would be pleased you would ' disease, and equally controlled by tbe take advantage of it, and save me the un-j same remedy. pleasant duty that I will have to perforin Residents of bilious climates, emigrants in case of failure. V Gall at the store of or persons traveling through infected dis Messrs. Henry A Borland, and you will tricts of country, will not only find Dr. find me at all times. I Watson's Indian Vegetable Tonic a safe, oct28 R. C. HE.VRY. I speedy and effectual cure, but au absolute 1 preventive. 3" City Taxes, Each bottle of medicine is accompani- VTOTICE is hereby given that the City ed with a pamphlet on the Causes, Treat i Taxes ior IS48,are now due and pay- ent and Cure of Fever and Ague, and able. The Collector may be found at al- other form of bilious disease, con taming most any hour of tho day, loafing about much valuable information, and may be tho street, ready and willing to receive and had gratis or all authorised agents for the receipt for all amounts now due. i sale of the Tonic. Noue genuine without ED. ALEXAA'DER, the written siiriiature of N. F. Watson, M. oct28 City Collector. D., on every bottle, Inventor and Propri- . . j etor. ' ly-cmendotlS Excitement Dr. E. EASTERLY, sole General A- IN THE MERCANTILE BUSINESS 1 JJ-Unheard-of Low Prices Minufactu- furrrs ruined! Immense arrival of new Fall and Winter Goods, at BENNETT 5c SIIEPARD'S WE have just returned from St. Louis, and having found all kinds of Goods selling at such ruinous low prices, we were tempted to purchase more than double the amount which we usually lay in at this season of the year. These Goods are now open and exposed for sale, and we feel Justified in saying that we are offer ing them at from 26 to AO per cent, cheap er than e er before. All our Goods for the use of the Ladies have been selected with our usual u eU known good taste, and are warranted to be of the latest and best styles. Please give us a call before purchasing, and if low prices will sell them they are bound to go. oct7 BENNETT A SHEPARD. OOKINO A WOOD STOVES. 40 ATKISSON. tssertee for sale by Copartnership Notice. THE undersigned hare this day formed a Copartnership under the firm of Henry A Borland. R. C. HENRY, WM. P. BORLAND. Warsaw, Mo. Oct. 9th, 1848. IANCY GOODS Fringes and Gimps of all colors A widths, worsted hoods, comforters, tnitts, shell and horn, tuck and side Combs, hooks and eyes, dolls, jewel ry, gloves, hosiery, pins, needles, Ac, Ac. for sale cheap by B. A SHEPARD. Winter Dress Goods. f E have the largest stock of .Winter Dress Goods ever exhibited iu this place. Among them arc Black, P.ain and Fiifd. Alpacas, Plaid and Mode col'd. do., Oregon and Cal ifornia Plaids, Muslin de Laines and Cashmeres, rol'd. and . . Plaid Unsetjs, etc.. We are selling them 25 per cent cheap er than last year. B. A SHEPARD. WOMAN WANTED. KA"1VANTED ,0 purchase a Negro Wo oman, between the aires ol 13 and 30 years one that has been accustomed to do house work for which a fair price in CASH will be paid, if im mediate application is mode to septM-tr JAS. II. LAY, 10 miles N. W. of Warsaw. Hr. E. HASTEKIjY'S Medicated Strengthening Plaster IrilHIS plaster has been prepared under I- the immediate eye and superintend ence of nn old physician, who is a gradu ate of the University of Pennsylvania, and has hod extensive practice for more I than 30 years in treating the various dis- j eases incident to this country. He confi- , d . rccommcnds this Plaster, from a f!,n,h knowled-re of its virtues, to be supei ior to every Plaster now in use. By kecpinj: up a gentle perspiration, it is ad mirably adapted for Pains or Weakness n Vin Itionst. Side. Bnok or Limbs: also. , fnr f,)C Go(lt) ftheumalism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Liver Complaint and Dys jpepsia, and for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, j Difficulty of Breathing, Oppression of the Stomach, Ac. To all persons predisposed : ty , certainty, they are decidedly superior to most other remedies ! Persons afflicted with any of the above 1 ,iiseasci, will find Dr. Easterly's Medica- 1 . i ted Strengthening Plaster much superior - . - , . i to any other ever before offered to the pub lie. Physicians, druggists and dealers in Medicines, will find it to their interest to keep a supply of these valuable Plasters ' . vl ' i band to accommodate tneir pntrons, i fl.V For sale, wholesale and retail, at the . Medical Depot of Dr. E. Easterly, south' ' (,,,,1 rnrner of 2d and Chesnut streets. St Louis, Mo., and by agents throughout the : Western States. npl-'J j . . . For sne . r,rown A Tjnn Dnig, ! Ists nscllts for Warsaw, Mo. 1 n 7 lJEVHILlXilllillE. , - jj' EVERand AGUE, Dumb Ague, Chill . Fever. Intermittent A Remittent te- fnMs n.,.1 nil tt,a vni'iitiid forma (f lAiimnt diseases, speedily and permanently cured bv DR. WATSON'S INDIAN VEGET ABLE TONIC. This valuable medicine was prepared from an extensive practice of several years in a bilious climate in the Western tatts, and was never known to fail of cu ring Fever and ague, or any of the above diseases. It is equally effectual for the eure of Li ver Complaint, Jaundice, Enlargement of the Spleen, (called Ague caaej ana me various forms of bilious diseases, inese, gcut lo tne western Maies, ouui-esi comer of 3d and Chesnut streets, St. Lou- l, Mo Price $1 per bottle. :.i 'For sale by Messrs. Brown A Dunn, Druggists, agents for Warsaw, Mo. SEPTEMBER 20, 18431 J. ATHISSOII IS now receiving a splendid stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, GROCERIES, &o., &c, whibhheis offering at extremely ''low prices." The public are respectfully in vited to call and examine his stock. SUGAR. 15 Hhds. N. O. Sugar, ; 50 sacks Coffee, . 60 BI1 Ohio WhUkey, 10 do Cog. & Am. Brandy, 10 do Wines, asa'd, 5,000 Lbs. Cotton Yarns, being ree'd and fwr'wls it low prices by septSa . J. ATKISSON. ; DRY GOODS, fresh A liandsofne styles of all kinds, suitable for the season, for Mle very low by J. ATKISSON. WANTED! WHEAT, Flaxseed, Beeswax, Dry Hides, Tallow and Deer Skins, for which the highest prices will be paid by septi!:) BENNETT A SHEPARD. 1848. V 1848. Joiix T. Martin's Far famed Sr noted Established Warehouse For Cheap 3f Fashionable CLOTHING, f3-Yo. 118, Formerly No. 114, Main St,, St. Louis. Motto I am determined to so lower than any other house in the U. SluUs. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT'! Goods are rushing in by every packet ! The house is now filled I Three large sto ries crowded with goods ! My slock this fall will be tremendous large, by far ex ceeding any ever before received, and at such low prices that will defy any and ALL COMPETITION. ' I am determined to supply every Coun try Merchant, and also a:l Retail custom ers that come to this market w ith the rendy cash. I have put the prices down so low as to make it a matter of impossibility for any house to ofler the same inducements. It must be apparent to every one that I c an do it possessing the advantages that I do purchasing, manufacturing and selling for nothing but Cash, cr No. 1 City paper. The tremendous amount of business I do, will enable me to sell at a very small profit, which I always have done, and will continue to do. Residing in the City ol New York, nnd manufacturing my own Goods, and having the advantages of the market my brother, CHARLES G MARTIN, conducting the business in St. Louis and the lung experience I have had in business the past sixteen year, en ables me to get up a stock in a far superi or style to any other. My patterns are the best and most fash ionable that can be had, and arc warrant ed to set and fit as well as those that can be had at the most fashionable tailors. This fall I will have over 150,000 GARMENTS, ' consisting of every style and pattern that will be worn. Beware of being deceived hy those who tell you "their's is Martin's" for there are numbers that do, and are mean enough to stoop to anything. Bear hi mind that my store is NO. 118, histead of NO. 114. The numbers on Main street Imvinir beeu altered, makes my store No. 118. In front you will find the name iu mammoth gilt letters ; On 'op of the house a large No. 11 3. I have the largest and deepest Clothing Warchouso in the west. And remember, that I have but one sore in the city. To Country Merchants. AU orders thankfully received, and warranted to be packed correctly, at tbe lowest cash prices. 'Tis no trouble to shotc Goads! scpti JNO.T. MARTIN. dune Medicines all warranted! TkR. MORTIMER'S Tonic Mixture " warranted to cure or no pay I DR. BARSTOW'S "KOLLYGOG," positively a certain cure. 2jThruston's, Watson's Snppington's, Spedden's and other popular Pills Tor sale low also Quinine, at cost bv sept23 JAS. ATKISSON. ! CIALICOES. 250 pieces English and A ' merican Calicoes, selected with our Well known good taste, and selling at pri ces ruinous to the manufacturers. oct7 BENNETT A SHEPARD. CAPS! CAPS!! 60 doi Men and boys' Otter, Seal, Autrin, Mukrat, Plush, C.olh and Hair Caps, cheap for cash by oct7 BENNETT A SHEPARD. , IOOKING-GLASSES-Of all sites, A from 10 cents to $6 00, for sale by June3 BENNETT A SHEPARD. FLOUR! FLOUR!! IIRST Quality 15,0(10 Lbs. first rate . article of Flour, for sale at sept2 BENNETT A SIIEPARD'S. Calloway Stoneware ! nMIE best qnality ever sold in Warsaw, 1. such as Churns, Jars, Crocks A Jugs. aug5 BENNETT A SHEPARD. SCYTHES. Grain, Grass and Brush Scythes, Sneads and scythe stones, for sule cheap for onh by B. & 9. Ready Made Clolhing. QC DOZ Summer Coats Pants A Vests, siiAi for sate at w hat the cloth costs (ma king thrown in.) juncl? B. A S. Sugar and Coffee 1 THE best and cheapest in town. We fan prove what we say. ' aug5 BENNETT A SHEPARD. BONNETS BONNETS! We have a few bonnets yet left,whlch we will sell at cost to close the lot call soon. aug& BENNETT A SHEPARD. Juniata Nails, ff KEOS all sites, from 4J to20d,and )U flooring brads for sale cheap by ugS BENNETT & SHEPARD. T)ORTLAND TOBACCO. 10 boxes of JL this popular 1 oDacco jusi itinura irpm the "Wave" for sale by juoell B. & SHEPARD, ' ' ; t i ' '. At your own J'ricef -. AS the season for selling Summer Arp Goods is drawing to a close, and we al so wish to make room for an immfchse stock? of Fall And Winter Goods, we will now sell mif Calicoes, Ginghams', Lawns, Be' rages, Ac, Ac, at your own price l't R1 collect that we have the prettiest assort ment in town, and tho price shall not spoil a trade. Purchasers should not let this opportunity pass, without securing some of the baigains which v. e shall offer, i ng5 BENNETT A SHEPARD. TIV S TOJS tc s vii vn Or Vegetable Febrifuge, A speedy, safe and certain curt for AGVti iV FEVER, Chill-fever. Dvn.b.Jlgufi Intermittent Ftters, and all the vanou forms cf Billious disenses. , ; ..,., ,. rpHIS valuable medicine is tihtloubteilly JL the safest and surest remedy verdlS- covered for the cure of the above ftametl diseases. It not breaks the chill, but removes the cause from which the disease originates. Its operation is both general and special. V hue it acts generally up on tbe whole system, as a most ppwerfuj alterative, purifying the fluids, freeing the solids from all morbid secretions, and. rev. intii;orating and bringing up all the vital energies to a standard of permanent health, it at the same time exerts a spteU fie influence upon the liver, digestiva of gans and lymphatic and glandular sys tems, exciting them to heathfvrt activity removing all morbid matter; equalising the circulation, restoring their proper anil necessary secretions, thus accomplishing a complete rtnovation from disease, and restoration tosofcnd and permanent health Those who are suffering with the pros trating AGUE & FEVERS common lit the West and South those whose cpustj, tutions have become enfeebled by the use of mercury, quinine, or other vlolefit me dicines, should resort at once to the use of this VALUABLE MEDICINE. It has cured and will cure the tnost ob stinate cases. , ' ' ' Travelling with the circulation It pours its healing current through every Vein and artery of the human body. The Whole animal economy is made to undergo a tho rough radical change. Even the mind partakes of the healthful process, and life, that before appeared one dreary waste, be gins aeain to seem worth possessing. , . SJ'Pamphlets respecting this Valuable Medicine, can be obtained of the Agents gratis. CAUTION l v As there are many spurious preparations of similar name hawked shout the coun try, nnd sold on the reputitifln of the rep utation of the genuine ' . ' " SMITH'S TONIC.SYRUF.5 jai We therefore beg leave to caution .the public against imposition, as' we cannot hold ourselves responsible for the effect which may result from the. use of spurious articles. ' '.. HENRY BLAKSLEY, ' S. W Corner 3d & Chesnut st. St. Louis, General Agent for the West;' The genuine Smith's Tonic Syrup is sl so for sale bv the undersigned agents. - BROWN A DUNN, Warsaw, R.J.McELHANEY,-J Springfield, Mo. and B. F. A T. B. W A LL AC E, Clinton; Mov J. A.TUTT A Co. Calhoun. COX A McCXAIN Oseola. july29 1JAINTED LAWNS, of most beautUW . styles at from IS to 25 cents, at mayO J. ATKISSON.' PITTSBURG COTTON YARN. l,. 000 Lbs. al! numbers, from 5 to 13 fof sale cheap by B. A SHEPARD.- Hrst and Last Call! 1 JLL those having notes or accounts with us due prior to the first day of January last, are hereby notified that unless imme diate payment is made, such notes and ac counts w ill be placed in the hands of tho proper officer for collection, i We mean just what we saywe want money 'at4 must hare it. ' . . . J J.ine34 BROWN ADVNX, SALT! SA LTH -S A LTW lOOO SACKS ground alum Slt,;ery large and full, for talo cheap by B. &i S. , .IreshJrrivdlsfr0m,ils: BhiUdrlitua and 1. I.onU. U E have just ree'dl from Philadelphia and St. Louis, a fresh and well assort ed stock of GOODS, which we respect fully solicit the people of Benton county and South-west Missouri geuerally tacalt and examine. They were purch&sad Jow, and will bo sold very cheap, consisting of 50 Bgs best Rio Coffee, 10 IlhJs.1 Sugar, 5 bbls Molasses, 600 lbs. com. A best loaf A'ugar, Whiskey, irandy Pott Wine, com. & fine, Mai- . aga A Madeira do., sack ' , J-' Abbl SJLT, Guo !;', , , powder, Imp. A . . , YHTEAS. ( . " K '" spice,' '.' - -ii ; pepper, ginger, ;,Mij) ... Indigo, madder, alum, ' '.' copperas, saleratus, rosin,1 brimstone, sp A tallow candles, 1; Window glass fall sixes,) powder, , lead, shot, nails, iron, eastings, cottoa yarns, linseed A castor oils, white lead A. .3 A general assortment of t HARDWARE & QVEENSWARR. , Palm leaf, Rut land, Panama, Rutkia, Ia er, Fur and Wool Hats, all qualified BOOTS k, SHOES, a splendid teU rT"Prints, easslmeres, cloths, sattinets, Janes, all kindii Gents and boys summer er, a large lot of heavy Dvinestjc- besides fashionable bouets,lawini,a!pfa, jaconets,' cambrics, A aluuM tfcinf else, which they thiuk are worthy the l" Untiou of the community.. EVERETT ii ASIIECRT. - .. In the Sqwttt, TV; F.rsm4. , JrVwir, Junt 17, iS-iS. . " 1)"N. B. We purchase apo'st iry description oX prxlu. ; ' c ' IU A