Newspaper Page Text
Hill . -L.UUJ 1-1 m j.r.r. s at to it i) A y Morning vis i t o r . "American Democracy. In a recent speech before the French Assembly, De Tocqueville paid the following compliment to the U. States. 11 With regard to the Democra cy he would noJ search for its meaning in the garden of Greek foots. He should seek for it where .he: had; seen it living, ac tive,."triumphant, in the only country in the world where it existed and where it had suc ceeded in founding great insti tutions, in America. There they would see a people among whom the circumstances of life were more equal than in France a people that at all times and at all stages of the political hierarchy regulated its own affairs, and all members of which enjoyed the greatest individual liberty. And so far were socialist theo ries from having obtained possession- there, they had a Hght to say that they haad made themselves feared there. It was the country where the men who professed these doctrines would find it the least to their advant age to go; for himself it would be no great privation if they should undertake the voyage, but he could not conscientiously advise them to attempt it. So far were democracy and social ism from being identical that they were absolutely opposed to each other. Democracy was equality in liberty, socialism was equality in servitude. A Heroine. An article in Bentley's Miscellany for Septem ber, giving an account of the recent French Revolution and the . ' subsequent insurrection, says: On passing by the theatre of the -Forte est. Martin on the last day of the insurrection, lob served a Garde Mobile lying a sleen on some straw : on ner- ceiving the cross of the Legion of Honor upon his coat, 1 ask ed who he was. "He 1" said a bystander, "why it is a woman." Ihis was perfectly true; her . husband had been a Garde Mo ' bile, and was killed during one barricades ; his wife, who was - tonlinere to the battalion, put cm the fallen mans uniform, and for three whole days was in the , thickest of the fight. She had taken with her own hand3 nine banners, and eight prisoners, & was at the storming of no less j ,than 43 barricades ; yet strange to say, she had received only one slight wound in the arm. Gen. Lamorciere has decorated this heroine with his own cross, apon one of the barricades, the banner of which- had been ta ken by It r after a most furious struggle. . Europe and America. Ben nett, of the Herald, remarks: The deep interest in A merican affairs evinced, by the press of Great liritain in Interest, the evidence of which will be found, not only in the publication of numerous articles on the affairs f thi country, but in the closeness- with which the various questions' involved in the pend ing election are argued and ex aminedproves that the United States are assuming an impor tance in the eyes of both the people and the rulers of that country, which they are afraid 'to confess which they cannot . deny, and which is but the fore . shadow ins of that thorough revolution, the beginniing of . which is already, and the end ' f which no man- can foresee." .vCrijf.--SubscrrtJing $500 far the establishment of a chart: , table institution, and kicking a w Liking beggar off jour.frflnt , Circumstances alter Cases. "Is Mr. Bluster within?" "No, he is out of t6wn," re plied the servant. ' "When can I see him ?" "I don't know. . Have you a ny special business with him?" -"Yes, there is a small bill which I wish to settle?" . "Well," said the servant, "I don't know whether he will re turn this week or not." - But I wish to pay the bill, as I am going to leave tdwn im meliatelJ." ' - , "Oh,1 you wish to pay him some money ! He is up stairs, I'm thinking. I will call him. Take a seat sir. Mr. Bluster will be with you in a moment." A monument costing $100, 000 is to be erected at Lagrange Texas, to all who died in de fence of Texan liberty. PARASOLS. UTE hare a splendid assortment for sale H lower than ever before by juiel7 B. & SHEPARD. 1J. OOTS & SHOES. We h&V3 on hand the largest assortment of Boots and hoes in Warsaw among them are Calf, Kip, Seal and thick Boots men's Calf, Morocco, Kip and thick Shoes Ladies' Gaiter and Morocco Boots, half gaiter, kid, calf and kip Shoes, kid, calf and seal Slippers, kid and calf Buskins, Misses' goat and seal Shors and Slippers, Boys' coarse and kip Shoes, Children's seal, morocco, ralf and gaiter Shoes, Ac., Ac. all for sale cheap by june3 BENNETT & SHEPARD. orr's oh5ESR rE have now a lot on hand, and will be supplied throughout the season, with this celebrated Cheese. June3 BENNETT A, SHEPARD. W ho wants Tar Now ? Bbls. North Carolina Tar, just lnnd L I ed from St. Louis Oak, for sale by junc3 BENNETT & SHEPARD. For Family Use. r Bbl. best Cider Vinegar, 5 do. No. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 10 do N. O and Sugar house Molasses, 10,0f)0 Lbs. best Spring River Flour, for sale by B. & S. More Soft Hats! G) DOZEN Monterey Hats of the softest kind, just ree'd per Oak, by june3 BENNETT & SHEPARD. Wanted Immediately ! S til If If I ,n unI" Rml "ver, 10,0m lbs. clean linen and cotton rags, 600 bush. Castor beaas, 500 do Flaxseed, 400 lbs. Feathers, 600 do Tallow, 500 do Beeswax.- In exchange for any of the above arli rles, will be eiven Drugs and Medicines, all sorts of Paints, Oils and Dye stuffs, School Bonks, letter and cap paper, win dow glass, Varnishes, Ac, Ac, by may20 BROWN A DUNN. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c. COLOGNE, Rose Water.Bear's grease, Bear's Oil, Ox Marrow, Macassar Oil, Hair Brushes, Tooth do., Violin Strings, all sizes; silk and cotton purses, fine pocket combs, pocket books, silk watch guards, Ac., for. sale at the prusr Store, low by may20 , B. A DUNN. SALERATUS, Rice, Pepper, Ginger, Spice, Cloves, Cinnamon bark, Ac.," for sale by may20 B. A DUNN. SMOKING TOBACCO, Pipes A match es, for sale at the Drug Store by may) BROWN A DUNN. HYMN BOOKS.-Dupuy'a, Christian and Methodist Hymn; Books, for sale at the Drug Store by - -may 13 . , BROWN & DUNN. TO TllTs PUBLIV. ATTENTION is invited to the follow, iug liberal offer of the Grtcfenberg Company: "Every person purchasing a ny article of the Company's medicine, is entitled to a year's subscription to the Western World a first rate family news paper.". These celebrated Medicines for sale by BENNETT & SHEPARD. 1VTNDOW GLASS, 8x10,10x12, 10x14 ft 12x16, and 12x18 just ree'd and for sale by mayl3 BROWN A DUNN. nriALLOW CANDLES Just rec'd.100 JL lbs., and for sale cheap at the Drug c. i , r - . Y oiure oy imayuj a. s. 1. SCHOOL BOOKS Elementary Spell ers, Goodrich's 1, 2, 3 and 4th Read ers, Olney's Geography & atlas. Smilev's Pike's and Smith's Arithmetics, Ac., for sale low by mayI3 B. A DUNN. Spring Arrangements ' 1848! JAMES ATKISSONis now receiving a very complete assortment of Dry floods anil Groceries, purchased at low prices, and being gold tower than ever before offered In Warsaw, the cititeus of Benton and the adjoining counties are respectfully invited to call and buy the cheapest Goods ever before brought to this market, "positively and no mistake." maytt c 1DER VINEGAR 1 Bbl just ree'd. ad lor salt ojr inayuj II. A I).. DRUG STORE! Hie largest most complete yet. Spring Supplies for 1 "lirE are now receiving direct from f I Philadelphia, a complete assortment of FRESH A PURE DRUGS, MEDI CINES, &c, which will render our stock the largest and most complete everbro't tothe South-west. We tenderour thanks to Physicians and Merchants for their for mer patronage, and respectfully solicit a continuance of it, and that of many new ones, i We invite the Physicians of South West Missouri, who have- not laid in their Spring supplies, to give us a call and ex amine our stork and prices; we' are con fident they will be pleased with both. Our stock consists in part of the follow, ingi Drugs and Medicines. 150 c. Suhdi. Quinine. 50 lbs Calomel, American and English, ii do Blue Mass 40 do spts Nitre dulcis, ' . 25 do Aqua Ammonia, 40 Lbs powdered Rhubarb, 60 do Cream Tartar, 40 do Bi carb. Soda, 25 do Tartaric Acid, 200 do Epsom Salts, 15 do Carb A calc Magnesia 60 do flour Sulphu-, 60 sails. Castor Oil, v) do Alcohol, 40 do Sweet Oil, 40 do Spts. Turpentine 20 lbs. Balsam Copaiba, ' 50 do Nitric Acid, 5 do Oil Vitriol, 15 do muriatic acid, 10 do carb. Ammonia, 15 do powdered Ipecac, 50 do Roll Sulphur, Gum arabic, Chloroform, sugar lead, rad scillac, opium sulphate, acetate and mu riate of Morphine, borax, red precipitate, Corrosive sublimate, Ext. of Butternut, eentian,belladonna,Hyosoinmus, Dande lion and colocynth, isinglass, cayenne pepper, manna, orange peel, Ac., Ac. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. Three and Fourfold pocket cases, thumb lancets, spring do, silver and brass, Cath eters, Bougies, Speculums, tooth keys A forceps, cupping Instruments in cases, Ac, Ac. Paints, Oils, Dye-Slx'fs, Varnishes, Glassware, cVc, Sir. 50 kegs white Lead, No. 1, A pure 80 calls. Linseed Oil, 50 lbs Blue Vitriol, 100 do ground Logwood, 50 lbs Indigo, Spanish float, 50 do Dutch Madder, 50 do Lampblack, 100 do Spanish Brown,. J00 lbs Venitian Red, 50 do ext. Logwood, 5 do Muriate of Tin, Cochineal, Chiome Green and Yellow, Spanish whiting, Prussian blue, yellow ochre, Nicarauga, Paint brushes, all j Rotten stone, Pomice stone, Glue, Copal Varnish, No. 1. Sponge, fine A coarse, Japan Varnish, Black do., Coach do. ; a large assortment of shop furniture, consisting of Tincture, Specie Jars, Ac, Oil Bottles, Vials, Ac, Ac. Confectionaries, tyc, Lemon Syrup, do Acid, Candy, Ac. Ac. Rooks, Stationery, &c, U. S. Dispensatory, Dunglison's Dic tionary, Watson's Practice, Carpenter's Physiology, Ac, Elementary Spellers, Goodrich's 1st, 2d, 3d & 4th, Ol ney's Geography. Smiley Arithmetic and Key, Smith's Arithmetic A Grammar, Ac In short, we have every thing usually found in a Drug Store, all of which we will sell on as good terms for Cash, as the same ran be had out of St. Louis. Par ticular attention will be paid to putting up Physician's Bills all who may send us their bills, may rest assured that we will put up as pure articles, and at the same prices, as if they were present. BROWN A DUNN. Warsaw, Mo. May C, 1848. N. B.-Beeswax, Flaxseed Castor Beans, Feathers, Tallow, Beef Hides and Clean Rags taken in exchange for any of the above articles. ' B. A D. T OSIN, Turpentiue, SnuH and Tobac- M.mi co, lor sale by " B. A DUNN. f EDICAL BOOKS A general BS' Xt l sortment for sale low, by mayl3 BROWN A DUNN. TO ALL CONCERNED 1 Positively the Last Call. 4 LL Persons indebted to me by note er ii book account, are invited to come for ward and pay the same without delay, and save costs. Further indulgence will not be given. II. II. WHITE. Warsaw, May 6, 1848. "I NK RED, Black and Blue Ink, quills, jl steel pens, tine letter and cap paper, slates and pencils, just ree'd. and fur sale low at the Drug Store, by may!3 . BROWN & DUNN. WANTED SOON! 4 000 BUSI1 Wheat, weighing tO lbs 1 ! .7 to the bushel, clean, 2000 bush Oats, Deer Skins, Furs, Peltries, Flax, Wool, Bacon, Lard, Dry Hides, White Beaus, Flax seed, Ac, at may6 . , J. ATKISSON'S. Tar, Pitch fy Turpentine. . 10 BBLS each, and Linseed Oil, Lamp. black, White Lead, Saleratus, Gin ger, Window glass, Putty, Ac, by mav6 - J.ATKISSON. Tfiiiicsec Iron the lest in Warsaw. Jf TONS fully ass'd., Tennessee bar, 4U band, round, square, sheet, slab, nail rod and other Iron, and a large lot of Castings, for sale low by ' waj t. ATKISSON. mention, Every Jtody. . NOTTUMBUG! 7 E do not intend tn turn our attention T to the navigation of the Osage, Pomme de Terre or any other creek, but will attend to all who may call upon us, and will sell them GOODS cheaper than any other concern in the city, whether .1 J i . 11 . f . I'A iiiry uuverusi: tu m vu mi inn. .. have the largest assortment to be found in tho place, and our motto, "tht nimble six timer better than the slow Mllina," will sell Goods accordingly. S-J"Call and see us. No trouble to show yon any thing we have to sell, m a 6 11 ETT A SHEPARD Whiskey "and other luxuries." i HO BBIjS' Ohio rectified Whiskey, 1 ' vl 10 do American Brandy, 1 Pipe pure Cogniacdo 5 bbls common Gin, 5 do Malaga Wine, ft do pure Peach Brandy, 50 boxes ass'd Gandit-s, 50 do M R Raisins, 60 drums Figs, 10 boxes Clari-t Wine, 0 do Pougbkcrpsie Aley 20 mats Cinnamon, 10 lbs Nutmegs, 10 do Cloves. for sale to Gmcers at very low prices for rash, mayti J. ATKISSON. The first lot of Dry Goods THIS aon, ar n nv opcninir at our well known cheap stand. We have the best assortment of fashionable Cali coes and Summer Dress Goods, such as uingnams, i rinuui lawns nnrcprs, .c, Ac, ever brought to this market. Ladies, j you must call soon if you want good selec-! tions, as we shall sell them at such low j prices that they are bound to go off rapidly. : apll5 BENNETT A SHEPARD. ' j IronlfOUIrUi. ; E have iust ree'd. 60,000 Lbs. Iron, i y .... 7 . . consisting ol ail sizes I ire lion ami everv sort of band, round and square iron snrinc. blister and Cast Steel Plow Moulds, Wagon boxes and Castings of all kinds. We have made surh arrangements as will enable us to have a first tale as sortment of Iron always on hand, and for sale ntthe lowest prices apl!5 BENNETT A SHEPARD. Post Office ,Votire. 1? ASTERN MAIL closes on Tuesdays, Tliurduys and Saturdays, at 12 o' clock, M Southern Mail closes on Sundays, Tnes duys and Thursdays at !) o'clock p. in. U'aynesville mail cluses at 0 o'clock, p. m.. on Sundays. 15ig Creek closes at 9 o'clock, p. in. on Wednesdays. Fort Seolt mail arrives every Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock, arid closes ut 9. Leaves Wednesday morning at G a.m. ISuflalo mail arrives on Friday evening, at 6 o'clock, and closes at 9 Leaves on Saturday morning at 5 a. m. n-Letlers will not be mailed aficr the 11 i above named hours, fTlie nilice will he open on Sundays one hour after the arrival of the Eastern mail, and no lontrer. il. LEONARD, P. M. nirw-ji, .Jan. 15, 1848. DANAMA, LEG HORN AND PALM 1 LF.A1 F HATS About 100 dozen for sale cheap by apllS SHEPARD. SHOES .2ND BOOTS. ENTLEMEN'S Boots and Shoes, A ' Ladies and Children's do., a small lot for sale ratlier high!! at may6 J. ATKISSON'S. MOLASSES A SALERATUS Nufl' - to supplv everv body, ree'd bv opl!5 BENNETT A SHEPARD. Sugar, Cofee and Salt. 150 BAGS Lest Rio Coffee, f0 do 2d quality do, 50 bbls best New Orleans Sugar, 250 sacks G. A. Salt, in store and for sale by J AS. ATKISSON. tirEST INDIA PRESERVES. OR-1 ANGE, Limes, Hagoa, Papaw and Ginger, for sale by junel'J II. II. WHITE. U WANTED Furs, Deer Skins, Wheat, Beeswax, Tallow, Dry Hides, Hemp, Ac, Ac. EVERETT i'cASnBURY. Wanted Immediately, ttOOO Bushels WHEAT, 300 do Castor Beans, 500 Lbs. Beeswax, 500 bushels Flaxseed, 10,000 lbs. Deer Skins, 500 Koon, Fox and Cat Skins, 100 Otter skins, at the highest prices, bv nov20 JAS. ATKISSON. Powder, Lead and Caps. , 25 KEGS Dupont's Powder, 2000 Lbs. Bar Lead, 500 boxes best percussion Caps, just re ceived by J. ATKISSON. Chewing Tobacco. r BOXES low priced Virginia Tobacco, J 5 do fine do , do 6 do Portland, best, , . ' 5 do eon. men Me. manufactured, just ree'd and for sale by novl3 1 JAS. ATKISSON. A V ill I Alt llLlJ.- lVIU. IV - sels, bl'k aud eol'd Fringes, worsted Hoods, comforters, kid gloves, silk mits, purses, bonnet and cap ribbons, artificial flowers, &c, at SHEPARD'S. A LARGE and well assorted lot of Goods on hand, and for sale low for rash and produoe. EVERETT A ASHBURY. BENNETT&SHEPAftD nAVU ree'd. per stnamers LightfohtA Wavey another Of their immense stocks' of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensioafe, front Casting, HuU, Hoots, Shoes, Liquortj etc., etc. 1 And our arrangements arc sufch that we shall be receiving and adding to our as sortment, by every boat as long as the O sage is navigable, and by wagons through out the year. The following are only a few of our principal articles : 1000 sacks Salt, 40,000 lbs Iron, 600 bbls. do ' , 20,000 do bndA round 150 do whiskey, 5,000 do ass'd Steel, 10 do brandy, 10,000 do as'o cast'gs 10 do wine, 6.000 do Cot Yarn, 5 do p'ch brandy, '200 bags Coffee, 10 do Molasses , 150 bbls Sugar, 3 do Linseed Oil, CO kegs Nails, ' 50 kgs white Lead,' 5,0(X) (rails sto ware, 10000 Spanish Cigars, 10 bbls Lr Sugar 10 doz br'dy cherries, 100 doz p 1 hats, 10 do claret wine, 60 cs bootsAhoes, 10 do lemon syrup, 20 bales domestic, 10 " Stouchton's hitters, "iOkes powder, 10 do painted buckets 10 boxs C's axes, 10 do selves, 30 bags shot, 10 crates Qucensware 20 doz castor oil, and an extra large stock of Fancy A Sta ple DRY GOODS, Fur, Wool, Leghorn and Panama HATS, Bonnets, Parasols, Looking-Glasses, Pictures, Picture frames School Books, Bibles, Cap A Letter Pa per, Gra?fenberg Pills, Lemons, Oranges, Window Glass, Scythes, Hay Forks, Sho vels, Spades, Ac, Ac, Ac. , We intend lo make our sales this year double tlie amount ol any previous year, anj consequently can afford to sell at about one half the usual profit. This will make it to the interest of all who wish to buy bargains, to purchase or us. Country merchants wishing to replen- ish at any time durine the year, will find it to their interest to buy of us, instead of gg to Boonville. Grocers can be sup- .. 1 : . I . . 1 1. .. : 1 . . 1 ! . . 1.-... : .. - J'"r" ,r -!" grocery, as cheap as the same can be got " "y market. We barter for almost everv thins raised or made in the country. No trouble to show goods. Give us a call. ap!22 .IV ip Fall and U'inter GOODS! LOW PRICES 1'OR CASH OR PRO PUCE! 1 XO CREDIT!!! f AM now in receipt of a large stock of X Fall and Winter supplies of DRY GOCDO, i ro ccries, tlardirtrre, QUEENSWARE & ROOTS, HATS, CAPS, &c, to which T would invite the attention of those wishing to puichase. My stock has been selected with great care, am! is well adapted tothe wants of the rountrv. I m l-t rmiiied to sell them a little lower than any other house m the South-west, j lor CASH OH y HUU (17., "and nothing vine.' JHy stocu consists in part as loJIuws Sup. bl'k Sc. blue French & Eng. CLOTHS: Bl'k and blue Cassimeres, Fancy do., Casinets, Tweeds, Ky. Jeans, Winter VcttingR, Blankets, Forest Cloths, Plain and fig'd. Black Alpaca, Fancy do., Detains, Gala Plaids, (a new article very rich.) A large assortment of Prints, Shawls, ' Linseys,' Hoods, Comforts, Pliila. Plaids, Ginghams, Bonnets. Flannels, Domestics, Bleached Muslins, .Tickings, Osnuburgs, Drills, Cotton Yarns, Sec, &c. Hoots, Shoes. Hats V raits. A large assortment of Men's thick kip A calf Boots A Shoes, Boys' A Youth's do.l misses do.; Ladies Boots A Shoes, a variety af, styles. Fine Nutria A Russia II. ITS. Low crown do.: Siiortiiicr do.! Otter, Seal, muskrat. Plush. Sealette. glazed and HairCaps, Infant's caps, Ac, Tea, sugar, eolJVc, salt, molasses, whis key, indigo, madder,candles, tobacco, Principe, regalia, cazedoras and melee Cigars ; powder, lead, ginger, alum, saleratus,. pepper and spire, Loaf Sugar, Crackers and almost every other article in the grocery line. A large assortment of HARDWARE & QUEENSWARE. SADDLERY. Spanish, half Spanish, English A Ladies Trees; Pad, Hop, A Welting Skins, . Plush, Webbing, Straining Web, Braddoons, Buckles, Stirrups, Sadler's Silk A Thread, martingale rings, spurs, saddle bags, &c, I J" Wanted in exchange for Goods at cash prices, Beeswax, Flaxseed, Beans, Deer A Fur Skins, Wheat, Bacon, Flour, Corn meal, Hides, Tallow, and all the cash you have to spare. Call and see me, b.iu ii wo uo noi iraae it snail not be my fault, septl8 II. II. WHITE. I KY GOODS new and fashionable ar cheap for Cash, at mar27 H. II. WHITE'S. (COFFEE, SUGAR A1 TEA. The best J that ever Krew. for sale at mar27 II. H. WHITE'S. AISlNb 6 boxes Just ree'd. and for JS-.salg low by BROWN A DUNN. QTAPLES OF THE WEST- -Salt A C7 Whiskey for sale by mar 27 II. II. WHITE. SMOKING TOBACCO. 1 boxes Just ree'd. and for salt by ' XI. A DUNN. r uocior MZlihkrdt&iCh X TOWIO 2?07DX3np i SAFE and certain cur Ut Chills tl IV. Fever or Intermittent Far, warn.' ted in all cases. In cast of fllur, ear Agents are authorized to refu,n4. tht moo. ey to purchasers ffpou their ctrtifieaM f the same. . ..i ( ,. "( The above remedy ha been recently discovered as a specific in Chills aud Ft ver, and has received a fair trial, ontdts imving cureu many oi int niort - i . Obstinate and protracted Cases after every other knoHvn remedy had fail. cd quinine not excepted. The most tu inent physicians of this plact hart prcv nounred tht TONIC POWDERS an in. nocent memcine in their present form, and may be given to children and persons of the mo-st FEEBLE CONSTITUTION, with impunity and suctcss. The under-1 signed does not deem l necessary to follow up the usual'custom or procuring individ ual certificates to the support or this vaP uable medicine, but leaves it fn the hands' of the neonleto nrnva if nwn tlrfn.. on the principle of . XO CURE,XO PJYf ft ml c ilisrluim Ht on(! lniranU. . ... uiTviiuun v the medicine, but procured tht mods tf preparation irom an nonoroolt lovret, ao therefore avails himself at itsralut. 1 1' Price per box, $1 25; . Richmond, Ray co , Mo., July 1847. S ?"For sale in Warsaw br c2 R. C. HENRT. Ti ENTLEMEN who want Tery superior' Cloth and Cassimeres, can always' find them at . julyi'4 EVERETT A ASHBURV'S. Kfrerett & Ashbury HAVE in store and for salt vtry ltw 60 sacks best Rio Con"e,: ' 5 Hhds. Sugar, 20 Bbls best Cincinnati Whislcfr 1-2 Pipe Am. Brandy, 1-2 do best Gog. do. 1 Bbl. Blue Lick Water. 20!X) Lbs. Cotton Yarn, all Nns. C1AST1NGS A Plough Moulds'-a grtal variety for sale cheap by niar7 II. H. WHITE. 1 ROCKER Y A GLASSWARE X great variety, for sale bv ar27 H. II. WHITE. Nails and Castings. i LARGE, well assorted lot of Nails Castings on hand and for sale by juJy24 EVERETT A ASM BURY. OE W FIRMT 1") EVERETT having associated witk him in business,' MONROE ASH BURY, the business hercalttr will bt car ried on under the name and style of EVERETT A ASHBURY. rr N. B. P. Everett expects immedi ate payment by all ptrsoms indebted t him while doing business on bis own as count. (July U, 1847. E"V K I etT&Xshijurv II'ILL continue to do business in tht obi H stand of P. Everett. They art mw receiving a fresh stork of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, COTTON YARN, &., &t. MX I OTH V. ."7" I LL persons indebted to mt by nett tr .1 book account, are respectfully request ed to fork over the dimes, without delay. Self preservation compels me tn make this call. septll If. H. WHITE. J. A. Brown, M. D. . Duwn, M. D. lUiS. BROW 1V& DPNN HAVING associated themselves in tht practice of Medicine, offer their ser vices to the citizens of Warsaw andvicni ity in the various branches of tht profes sion. The attention of both willbe given if desired, without the usual fee of consulta tion. Orfire at the new Drug Stort outht coiner of Main street and tht Public Square, where one or both of them may at all times be found, unless professionally engaged. Jan 17. SADDLERY & SADDLER'S TR. M MINGS cheap at mar27 H. II. WHITE'S. " I-iITtrisson Receiving, Forwarding ic Comminiw XVXEROHASrr. And dealer in Foreign and Domtstit GROCERIES, tee. Ma in Street, Warsaw, Mo. vtr. c. r.trcjs, CITY AUCTIONEER, General Jlgenl and Commution JUtrvAtn,' MEMPHIS, TENN. w NEW GO 0 P Si ' II. II. VI2ITU HAS received and is now opening a ft--neral assortment of , - , Iew & Tnliionatle Gsjodf, which he oflers for sale . a.t unusually low prices for Cash or Product. Those who , want new and good Goods, had httttt eatf ' and set hltn immediately. - Warsaw, March 27, 184T. ' , IOQ & TRACE CHAINS tfn hand an! i for salt very lo by mar27 ' H. H. WHITE; KOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ac, Ac, A large lot for sale low for cash at mar!7 II. H. WHITE'S 1 " BLANKS of every dtsoription ktft .M ttanliy e kaod at tbtt WV . '..