t.ntt S'
V- i,
Used Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Coppound
and Recovered.
Newark, N. J.—“The doctor said I
had an organic trouble and treated me
ror several weeas.
At times I could not
walk at all and I
suffered With my
back and limbs so I
often bad to stay in
bed. I suffered off
And on for eight
ye ar Ss Finally I
heard that Lydia EL
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound was
a goodmedicine and
tried it With splen
urn euecx. 1 can now ao my nouse
work and my washing. I have recom
mended. yo,ur Vegetable Compound and
your Blood Medicine and three of my
friends are taking them to advantage.
You can use my name fora testimonial.”
—Mrs. Theresa Coventry, 76 Burnett
St, Newark, N. J.
Yon are Invited to write for free advice
No other medicine has been so suc
cessful in relieving woman’s suffering,
as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound. Women may receive free
and helpful advice by writing the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Such letters are received and answered
by women only and held in strict
Judicious diet anct exercise will’fre
quently improve a nflm’S opinion of his
neighbors. ^ L 8
if .Constipated, Bilious or
- v Headachy," take ; J j '
Cascarets never gripe, sicken or in
convenience one like Salts,' Oil, Calo
mel or harsh Pills. Feel bully! Be effi
cient 1 Don’t stay sick, bilious, head
achy, constipated: Remove the liver
and bowel poison which Is keeping your
head dlSzy, your tongue coated, [your
breath bad and stomach sour. Why
not spend a few cents for a box of
Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest
laxative-cathartic you ever experi
enced? They work while you sleep; Adv.
H you would know a' man study his
infirmities rather than his virtues.
Since it ia worth while to be well, take
Sarfield Tea, Nature’s medicine.—Adv.
An hour Iost in the morning has to
oe run after all day.
. Finally Died Doan’s and Was Restored
to Health. Hu Been Street .
and Well Since.
■ “Malaria fever weakened my kidneys
When I was a young man;’’ says L. ,W.
Garrison, 23 F St., Anderson, S. C,
"Finally, ten years ago, 1 was in such
had shape that I expected to die.
Mpriicine wouldn't t
help me any more.
My back. pained
as if Jt * w ie r«
pierced w i t h a
knife. Many times
I have fauen in
the street and
didn’t have anf
strength to move
until .the awful
misery Was eased
Up. I couldn’t
sleep in bed for
two years. The
kidney secretions
passed every few
minutes and scald
lug hot water •*’ «■- «._■—
couldn’t have ’
burned any worse. I thought I waa.
doomed to die, but a friend pleaded
with me to try Doan'* Kidney PHI*
and I owe my life to his visit. Doan’s
helped me from the start and eleven
boxes made a permanent cure which
has lasted eight years. I have not-hsd
one sick minute since, nor missed a day
from work.” Stoorn to before .me.
B. 8. Shumate, Notary Public.
Get Doan's at Any Store, 80c a Be*.. -i
DOAN'S ■y.i’i.v
th* anil yrm relieve the
distress. Do both quickly 'and effectively
by using promptly a dependable remedy—
DI tft'S
Belgium Sketches
The Voice of the
By Katharine Eggleston Roberts
(Copyright, 1910, Western Newspaper Union)
In a little town in the plain of
Brabanconne, the summer twilight
filled the winding streets with shad
ows, Over the cobblestones, brlght
theeked girls In wbbden shoes, blue
dresses, and red kerchiefs trundled
their two-wheeled carts of flowers.
The scented breeze was cool. Here
and there lights began to gleam be
hind the windows of the narrow, peak
roofed houses. The tower of the
cathedral rose against the snnset sky
like a misty 'dream and yet a dream
Immovable. Its sculptured saints
smlleu ca the peaceful Idhd. ,: A11 was
quiet In the happy silence’that ends
a day well lived.'^
Then with the stealth' of dairies the
tiny notes played. In the sir. Softly
at first, the magic music descended
till, swelling like bubbles of light, It
burst In a silvery Shower. ’Every
where green shutters opened to let in
the winged notes. Pedestrians paused,
then hastened their steps toward the
foot of the church, there to" receive
the sweetest benediction of' the
chimes. Slowly the music faded,
melted into the shadows and the per
fume of the night v c ' !!'
The million stars, wakening from
their daytime sleep, blinked till their
eyes were bright," returning * the
twinkle of the lights within the win
dows. Now and then they peeked into
the houses. They saw a fatally
grouped about the Supper table, The
father, whose bulging vest made him
sit very straight and rather pompous
ly, gazed with satisfaction at his faro
lly'about the loaded cloth,' The moth
er, a, woman-of complacent curves,
smiled benignly at her well-scrubbed
children and her contented husband. "
In another part of town, a humbler,
part, a small square window framed
T Tl . j i - 11 1 ' -1.. •-'■ i »
S (Copyright, 1920, Western Newspaper Union)
There’s a wide bare field where ghostly trees
Plead for the .mercy of Heaven. . y.j. j
They lift their broken arms and sigh ’
Against the 'pitiless, cold, gray sky,
But their prayers are hnshed in the cloudy seas,
And the crows are flying over.
»•<. •- - M - >t V.-tf
«V-'| •> . t »••»£: £(.f <}( • • 2
In the desolate waste, the. shell-pits gap; > n~
Their wounded lips bleed poppies.
They are rinnned with rusted guns and swords,
With bits of cloth and broken boards, • t ■■■> ct
And their waters mirror the broad wing-flap • '
. Of the crows that are flying ove*,. a; , r .i
--•*a f'SrJ" ,
O’er the battle plain, there’s a fierce race A
Of the death birds seeking booty. ...;
Together they rush and dip and dart ..,w:
In the midst of the bleak field’s aching heart,
There’s a lonely cross that marks the place
The black crows are swooping over.
-p ■
After a Visit F.rom the Spiked Helmet Men.
(mother picture—a brown-walled kitch
en where the copper glowed in the
rays f rotnalainpon the; red-checked
table. The old man and the old worn?
an nodded in their chairs. His stock
inged feet were stretched upon a foot*
| stool and their wooden shoes rested
beside him on the floor. As her
fingers loosened from the knitting
needles, the half-made sock slid gen
tly from'her lap. The stars chuckled
and skipped to get out of the way of
the new moon who came to watch
the last part of the drama in the Til
lage. And when she saw a girl, who,
wide awake, dreamed of a sweetheart
in a neighboring town, the moon pf ro-'
inance took her message to the youth".
Then from the cathedral tower, the
midnight melody of the carillon put
the iirl to sleep.;
But that was long, ago before the
German guns roared out of the north
—strong voices that chanted a fierce
harmony of misery and... ruin—evil
Voices that sent a tempest of terror
into the calm -minds of the'people and
bade( them, sob their everlasting fare
wells! '
j. Now in the plain of Brabanconne
lies the village, mangled and'charred.
Its narrow streets find their tortuous
way among the crumbling walls and
summer twilight lays a gray pall over
the broken homes. The flowers that
gave their sweetness are faded and
the tongues of their venders are
dumb-. Sadly the stars gaze through
the night mist,' tear-dlmmed eyes that"
search the blind windows Ini yaln.
The people they knew laugh no more,
for their dreams, their loves, and . their
lives'are withered. The waning moon
seeks the tower and finds but a shat
tered wreck, voiceless to utter the
- i; y ••
The Voice of the Chimes Is Dead.
dirge that stirs deep In its heart
Still some of.the stone.taints smile,
but the twist of their lips Is ironic.
The bhlls that had sung through the
years, that liad blessed the joy of the
people, cried their last note In pain
as they crashed to the foot of the-bel
fry. #' - '
And the ruined village Is. mute; Its
tragic doom goes unknelled for the
voice of the chirnek Is dead. Vv'1
The first official order of the new
minister of arts, M. Jules Destree, was
for the Introduction in all the elemen
tary schools of Belgium of courses
tending to prevent cruelty to. animals.
The ministry circular points out that
such courses are particularly neces
sary now as a measure to offset any
tendencies toward cruelty that the war
may have left. M. Destree also an
nounces that the government will give
support to all the Institutions and so
cieties established, for the protection
of animals.
Gods Galore. =*5^.
India holds the record for Images.
It has been estimated that there are
quite 300,000,000 Images -of the . vari
ous gods there, .
In the middle ages lepers were
shown less consideration In Europe
and the East than animals because
of the fear that disaster would attend
their very touch. Thus It was that
the. miserable sufferers were wander
ers, going from place to place with
their hooded gowns and their tinkling
bells In hand, to warn the “clean'’
that something “unclean” was ap
proaching. Time and civilization made
the sad lot of the leper more endur
able; no longer is he scorned and
driven from place to place by those
who follow the command of self
preservation. Every country has pro
vided colonies and- institutions where
the victims are free to move about as
they please, without bells or hoods or
other - distinctive marks. Humane
methods have replaced the barbarous
practices of other countries, and now
through the application' of the per
footed chsulffioogi’a preparation thero
is hope held out to many who could
see only hopelessness as their lot In life.
Wrong Ideas die under publicity.
Had to Give It to Them
, _ «.
• • i ■
As George Washington Lee Pointed
Out, the "Jummans" Surely Gave ■< ■
» You What You Asked. -
: Georgfe Washington Lee was the
most boastful darky In the regiment.
All the way across on the transport he
had been telling the world what he
was going to do to the German army.
Naturally when the outfit finally ar
rived in the front lines his companions
looked for him to producer But Wash
appeared to be in no hurry.
■“Yo* all so brave, why don’ yo’ go
out an’ git some of dem Jummans lak
yo’ said?” sneered one.
“Ah’s gwlne. Ah’s gwlrie. Gimme
time,” responded George. 1 ,
He peeked cautiously over the top.
Seeing no activity from the German
line he crawled over and finally stood
“Come on, Jumman,” he quavered.
Then he waited. Silence reigned su
preme. 'v. ..j
“Come on, yo’ cowards!” he shouted.
feeling safe at last “Come on out
heah an’ meet yo’ master. Come on,
show me somethin’, Ah’m waitin’.”
At that moment a German artillery
man dropped a shell within a dozen
yards of Wash. The explosion blew
him unhurt back, into his own trench.
“What yo’ got ter say now??’ taunted
a companion.”
Wash considered. . - -
“Well,” he retorted, “no matter
what yon say about dem Jummans,
yo’ gotta admit they suah gives yo’
service when yo’ ask fo’ It”—The
Home Sector. “ ,
Belgian Refugees Home.
Of some 250,000 Belgian refugees
Who fled to England during the war
the ministry of health estimates tliat
there are less than 20,000 there today,
the rest hsving returned to their own
land or France. To care for Belgian
refugees has cost England by private
means and government support
i>V :
Life is a burden when the body
{stacked with pain. Everything
worries and the victim becomes
despondent and downhearted,
bring back the sunshine take
The national remedy of Holland for over
300 years; it is an enemy of all pains re
sulting; from kidney, liver and uric add
troubles. All druggists, three sizes,
leek for Am name Gold Medal «
ud accept do imitation
Pimples, Freckles and Blemishes
Sbechter’s European Faeial Cream.
Soap and Blood Pnrilier
. - often follows a
Neglected Cold
.Standard cold remedy for 20 year*
fca — in tablet form—cafe, sure, ncK
opiates—breaks up a cold in 24
.. hours—relieve* grip in 3 davit
k Money back if it fails. The Ui
. genuine box has a Red
L top with Mr. Hill**
At All Drug Sturt*
wiucn are proven reme
dies, also excellent sldn
food and complexion
A trial will convince
yon. Satisfaction assured
«r money refunded.
We send Facial Cream
and Soap for only S1.00.
All the three for $2.50.
Send your order today,
direct to the manufac
128 Orchard St.. DepL C, New York
Good, Old, Reliable Peterson’s
Ointment a Favorite Remedy.
Had Cl ulcers on my legs. Doctors
wanted to cut off leg. Peterson’s Oint
ment cured me.”—Wm. J. Nlchos, 40 Wil
der Street, Rochester. N. T.
Oet a large box tor 36 cents at any
druggist, says Peteroon. of Buffalo, N. T„
and money back if It Isn’t the best you
ever used. Always keep Peterson’s Oint
ment In the house. Fine for burns, scalds,
bruises, sunburn, and the surest remedy
for Itching eczema and piles the world
has ever known.
The tastiest
tobacco you
ever tasted.
A Sign. <
“I understand the old lady yonder
Is under suspicion.”
“Why so?” .
“Don’t you see she Is wearing cork
screw curls?”
Constipation invites other troubles
which come speedily unless quickly
checked and overcome by Green’s
August Flower which is a gentle laxa
tive. regulates digestion both In
stomach and Intestines, cleans and
sweetens the stomach and alimentary
canal, stimulates tbe liver to secrete
the blie and Impurities from the blood.
It is a sovereign remedy used in many
thousands of households all over the
civilized world for more than half s
century by those who have suffered
with indigestion, nervous dyspepsia,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal'
pitation, constipation and other in
testinal troubles. Sold by druggidti
and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle
take no substitute.—Adv.
“Making money, I see. If you keep
on like this you may get into our cir>
de.” ■
“I have no time for circles. I pro
post to plug straight ahead.”
Nljht and Mornlnd,
Hava Strong, Health)
Eyee, If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Burn, if Sore
Vfviirv CVCC irritated. Inflamed os
TUUR LIU Granulated,useMurim
Often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safe fat
Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write foi
Free Eye Book. Untie Eye Kenedy C«.,CHe«