if • -S'
should be made^
artistic, sanitary
and livable.*
These walls should be Alabastined in the latest,
up-to-the-minute nature color tints. Each room should
reflect your own individuality and the treatment
throughout be a complete perfect harmony in colors;
The walls of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, can be
made just as attractive, just as sanitary, through the intelligent use of
Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper
How much better, when you have a new home, to start right than to have
to correct errors afterward from former treatment with other materials, when
you come to the use of Alabastine, as does nearly every one sooner or later.
Once your walls are Alabastined you can use any material over it
should you desire, but h'ving used Alabastine you will have no desire for
any other treatment. '
Alabastine is so easy to mix and apply — so lasting in its results—so
absolutely sanitary—and so generally recognised as the proper decorative
material m a class by itself that it is becoming difficult to manufacture fast
enough to supply the demand.
Alabastine is a dry powder, put up in five-pound packages, white and
beautiful tints, ready to mix ana use by the
addition of cold water, and with full directions
on each package. Every package tf genuine
Alabastine has cross and circle printed in red.
Better write os for bend-made color design! and
special suggestions. Give us your decorative problems
and let us help you work them out.
Grand Rapid* - -* Michigan
Wonderful Story of "Waterless Sea”
Would Have Done Credit to
- Baron Munchausen.
Prester John as a title was like
- the Egyptian Pharaoh and belonged to
whole lines of kings who reigned In
the East and in Ethiopia in particular.
- One writer of long ago sets Abyssinia
}., as the kingdom'bf Prester John. Abys
sinia used to be called "Middle India.”
It is related that before the year
1241 a letter was addressed by Prester
John to Manuel Commenus, emperor
of Constantinople, saying that in Pres
ter John’s country there is a “water
less sea,” which none have ever cross
ed. It consists of tumbling billows of
sand, never at rest, and contains fish
of most excellent flavor.
Three days’ journey from the coast
,of the sand sea is a mountain whence
rolls down a “waterless 'river,” con
sisting of small stones, which crumble
into sand when they reach the sea.
Whoever Prester John may have
been, if he invented that story, he
certainly possessed a vivid imagina
tion and considerable originality. .
No Time to Lose. ->
"l Timothy approached his lady love
timidly, bearing a big fish, which an
nounced its presence subtly, but unmis
takably. , - N,
“Oh, what" a fine cod 1” exclaimed
Marin, “Wherever did you get it?”
“A man at the market gave it to me
last week for helping him,” replied
Tim. “I’ve been keepin’ it for your
“But my birthday ain’t till tomor
row,” the girl told him coyly.
“I—I know, Maria, but I sort o’ won
dered if you'd mind keepin' ,)£ to
day, as—well, me and—and the fish is
gettin’ kind of impatient.” '
■;.v Some men enjoy chronic laziness as
much as others enjoy a well earned
i ■
. Never Judge the gi.se of a woman’s
, foot by the price she pays for shoes.
Little Near-Tragedy Story That Is an
Example of His Quick Wit
and Duplicity.
• Of course, lie shouldn’t hove done St,
and all that sort of thing, but both
Hazel and Betty-were charming girls,
and it' was summertime, and he was
young, and be had gone and got him
self engaged to both of them. He was
sitting on the beach pondering the
various problems this situation pre
sented, when two soft hands were laid
lightly over his eyes apd a soft voice
whispered at the back of his head,
"Guess who?”
Now,- the voices of Hazel and Betty
were much alike, too much alike when
heard as a whisper to make Identifica
tion sure. And It didn’t help any when
the voice cooed—“I’ll give you a hint—
It’s some one you told you loved.”
Still he hesitated, his mind in a
whirl. Should he name either girl and
chance it? Already he felt a cooling
of the air, as the voice continued:
“Well, if that doesn’t tell you who—”
■ "Of course I know who It Is!” he ex
claimed. “It is the prettiest, sweetest,
dearest, smartest little girl In nil the
world!” ‘ 1
“Oh, you dear old boy!” she chirped
in satisfied delight. _“How did you
really know for sure it was I?” '
Beginner's Luck.
“Stranger,” said Piute Pete, “you’ve
won quite a little money since we be
gan, to teach you this game known as
draw poker.” "s— -
“I’ve had wlmt'might be called be
ginner’s luck,”
"You sure have. And me and Threo
Finger Sam here has decided it’s about
time to. change the entertainment to
some kind of a” game that you -know
and we don’t.” ' ' -
"Are you going to have any outings
this summer?”
“Yes, if I have any innings thlB
i'- <;
dhe Satisfying Sweetness
of the wheat ana barley food
is a matter of economy as
well as delight these days.
Grape-Nuts pleases without
the addition of su^ar, as is
not the case with most cereak
Grape-Nuis is economical
Vf v: i
(By REV. P. B. FlTZWATEIt, D. D.,
Teacher of English Bible In the Moody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright. 1920, Western Newspaper Union)
21-22:6. ;*■
GOLDEN TEXT—Go ye therefore and
teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to ob
serve all things whatsoever I have com
manded you: and, lo, I am with you al
way, even unto the end of the world—
Matt 28:19, 20.
21:15-24; I Peter 1:3; I John 1:1-4.
PRIM ART TOPIC-Two Stories About
Peter (Acts 3:1-16; 12;1-1D,
JUNIOR TOPIC-Peter and John Win
ning Others to Christ (material of last
—Peter and John Compared and Con
—Contribution of Peter. and John to
Christian History.
The review of the quarter’s lessons
can be profitably made to center In
the service of Peter and John, or per
haps better, the activity and power of
the risen and ascended Christ mani
fest In the service of Peter and John.
- Lesson 1. Peter Preaches at Penta
cost (Acts 2).
Peter proves that Jesns Christ arose
from the dead, ascended on high and
poured forth the Holy Spirit upon the
church; the evidence.. of It was the
unusual behavior of the disciples.
Lesson 2. Peter and John Heal a
Lame Man (Acts 3).
This remarkable miracle wrought In
the name of Jesus Christ proved that
though the Jews had crucified hljn. he
was now alive and continued his work
through the disciples, -s
Lesson 3. Peter and John Witness
ing of the Risen Christ Before the San
hedrin (Acts 4). ,
As n result the Sanhedrin took
knowledge that they had been with
Jesus, that is, his lire ana work were
being reproduced In and through them.
Being with Christ will; 1. Give an
experimental knowledge of him, so
that the life will remind one of Jesus.
2. Take away the. fear .of man. Pe
ter, who a little while ago quailed
before a Jewish maid, Is undaunted,
before the august sanhedrin. 8. Open
a man's lips. Peter said: "We can
not but speak the things which we
have seen and heard.” What the heart
feels, the mouth must speak.out. .
Lesson 4. The Risen Christ Vindicat
ing His Church (Acts 1:5-l6).
He passed judgment upon Ana
nias and Sapphlra for their hypocriti
cal pretense of generosity. The living
Christ knows the intents of the heart;
nothing can be concealed from him.
Lesson 5. The Living Christ Saving
Men and Women in Samaria (Acts
8:4-25). His sanction of the preach
ing of the Gospel by Philip Jn Sa
maria is shown by the outpouring of
the Holy SpirlL— Peter and John were
sent by the rnothar church to confirm
the -work.
ueson e. ine Living unrist Healing
the Sick and Raising the Dead (Acts
That Christ Is alive is proved by the
vanquishing of the dreadful malady of
palsy and the retenanting of a corpse
by the departed soul. Nothing like
this had been known since, the days
of Christ.
Lesson 7. The Risen Christ Reveal
ing Uimself to a Gentile (Acfs 10).
Peter testifies to Cornelius that
Jesus Christ died for sin and is to be
the judge of the quick and the dead,
and that everyone who believes on him
will receive remission of sins. w
Leson 8. Peter Is Delivered From
Prison Through the Living Christ:
Sending His Angel to Open the Doors
(Acts 12:1-19)."' 7.7, \
The church prayed for Peter’s deliv
erance and the prison was opened. All
power is given him in heaven and in
earth; . there Is nothing too hard for .
the living Christ 7 ^
Lesson 9, Peter Shows the Resur
rected Christ as the Head of the
Church (I Peter 2:15; 11-25).
Because Christ is alive, those who
are joined to him by faith grow. Be
cause of the contact with him they are "
able to maintain seemly behavior jn
the various relations of life.
Lesson 10. Christ Is the Revealer of
God’s Love (I John 4:7-21).
The proof that Christ Is alive Is the
love of God in: the hearts of those who
have been born again. j :
Lesson 11. Christ Is Alive .Because
He Is Walking in the Midst of the
Churches (Rev. 1:4-18),
Lesson 12. In heaven, the orucifled,
risen and glorified Christ will be the
center of worship. All glory and hon
or are ascribed to him because of his
marvelous work of redemption.
II You Need a Medicine
You Should Hava !ha Basf
?*;■ „v.“: .c.-v ■ ■ • ..., .■
• -V • ---- <-£ki
Save you ever stopped to reason-why
it is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain—the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain .system the remedy is
recommended by those Who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says “Take for
example Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a
preparation I ^ave sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my. customers testify.
No. other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn . statements and
verified tegtipiony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Rcot is due to the fact,
so many people claim,'that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
•You may receive a sample bottle oi
Swamp-Root hy Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y..
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottles
for sale at all drug stores.—Adv.
Virtue is almost anti-everything.
Most of . the commandments are
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of
These Ugly Spots - •
There’s no longer the slightest need ct
feeling ashamed of year freckles, as Othine
—double strength—Is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othine—double
strength—from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see that even the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom
that more than one ounce is needed to com.
pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful
glear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Othine, as this is sold under guarantee of
money back if it fails to remove freckles.
The fool politician fights friction;
the wise one uses Roft soap.
Garfield Tea, by purifying the
blood, eradicates rheumatism, dyspep
sia and many chronic ailments.—Adv.
Once accumulate a big fortune and
tf it lasts a century it lasts forever.
Drug Stores Sell l€
Five miTlionpeople
we it to |&LL
Standard cold remedy for 20 years
—in tablet form—safe, ture, so
opiates—breaks up • cold in 24
. hours—felierea grip la 3 days.
. Money back if it foils. The
genuine box has a Red
top with Mr. HiliV
At AO Drug Storm
■Si v
i;>' Danger.All Around. ~ ~'J'
’- “Here Is a rnro got” T.;7/.*
“For heaven's sake, don't: let the
prohibitionists find ytyi In sueha
Important ta Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOFIIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of j
In Use for Over 30 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Count your blessings every morning,
It- should* make you an optimist till
noon, anyway.
I lWP)G££nOW
IjPb^SSLl Hot water
lsdliZZES'i Sure Relief
Doesn't hurt! lift touchy corns an4
calluses right off with fingers
Apply a few jjrops of “Freezone” upon that old,
bothersome com. ‘ Instantly that corn stops
hurting. Then shortly you lift it right off,
root and all, without pain or soreness,
Hard toms, soft corns, corns
between file toes, and fiw
rd skin calluses on
bottom cf feet lift
right off—no
.. )
Tiny bottles of* 'Freezjtne"'cost
but a few cents at dru* stores
: „ The Contrary Sex.
“How would you answer the Objec
tion to equal suffrage that every wom
en would -think and vote Just as her
husband does?”
“That the user of that argument was
not a married-man.’’ E
■1 : -;---—
“Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby
Apparel into New.
Don’t worry about perfect results.
Use “Diamond Dyes,” guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods — dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers—everything!
Direction Book in pnckage tells how
to diamond^ dye over any color.. To
match any material, have dealer show
you “Diamond Dye” Color Card.—Adv.
A pawnbroker who is always ad
vancing is naturally progressive.
'Night and Morning.
Haum Strong, Healthy
Eyct. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Bum, if Sore,
Irritated, Inflamed or
Granulated, use Murine
iften. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for
Vuaiit ofAdult. At all Druggists. Write for
tree Eye Bock. Karine Eyt Rtxtdy C*.,Gucagc
Caused by
Let EATONIC, the wonderful modern
stomcch remedy, give you quick reilel
from disgusting belching, food-repeating;
Indigestion, bloated, gassy stomach, dyspep
sia, heartburn and other stomach miseries.
They are all caused by Acid-Stomach from
which about nine people out or ten suffer
in one way or another. One writes as fol
lows: “Before I used EATONIC, I could not
eat a bite without belching It right up, soUr
and bitter. I have not had a bit of trouble
since the first tablet.'*
Millions are victims of Acid-Stomoeh
without knowing it. They are weak and
ailing, have poor digestion, bodies improp
erly nourished although they may eat heart*
ily Grave disorders are likely to follow if
an acid-stomach is neglected. Cirrhosis of
the liver, intestinal congestion, gastritis,
catarrh of the stomach—these are only a
few of the many ailments often caused by
A sufferer from Catarrh of the Stomach
of 11 years' standing writes: “I had catarrh
of the stomach for 11 long years and I never
found anything to do me any good—just
temporary relief—until I used EATONIC. 4
Is a wonderful remedy and I do not want to
be without it."
If you are not feeling Quite right—laclc
energy and enthusiasm and don’t know just
where to locate the trouble—try EATONI0
and see how much better you will feel Ip
every way. w
At all drug stores—a big box for 60c and
FOur money back if you are not satisfied.
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, HQ. 13-1920.