By Taking Lydia E. Pink*
ham’s Vegetable Compound.
Many Such Cases.
Cairo, 111.—Sometime ago. I got so*
bad with female trouble that 1 thoueht
i would have to be
operated on. I had
a bad displacement.
My right aide would
pain me and I was
so nervous I could
not hold a glass of
water. Many times
I would have to stop
my work and sit
down or I would fall
on the floor in a
faint. I consulted
several doctors and
every one torn me me same due i aepr
fighting to keep from having the opera
tion. I had read so many times of Lydia
E. Pinkham’s. Vegetable Compound and
. it helped my sister so I began taking it.
1 have never felt better than I have
since then and I keep house and am able
to do all my work. The Vegetable Com
pound is certainly one grand medicine.” -
—Mrs. J. R. Matthews, 3311 Sycamore
Street, Cairo, 111.
Of course there are many serious cases
that only a surgical operation will re
lieve. We freely acknowledge this, but
the above letter, and many others like it,
amply-prove that many operations are.
recommended when medicine in many
cases is all that is needed.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl
dintial) Lynn, Mass.
“Can't Cut Off My Leg”
Says Railroad Engineer
‘*1 am a railroad engineer; about 20 years
ago my leg was seriously Injured in an
accident out West. Upon my refusing to
allow the doctor to amputate it I was
told it would be impossible to heal the
wound. I have tried all kinds of salves
and had many doctors in the past 20
years, but to no avail. Finally I resolved
leg. You cannot Imagine my astonish
ment when I found it was doing what
over 100 things had failed to do. My leg
Is now completely cured.”—Gus Hauft, 799
Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Great
for piles,' eczema, old sores and all skin
diseases. 35 cents. Mail orders filled.
Peterson Ointment Co. Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.
Clear Baby’s Skin
With Cuticura
Soap and Talcum
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c* Talcnm 25c.
California’s Pruit Crops.
In the year ending August 31, 1919,
California frnit growers marketed 10,
904,89? boxes of oranges, 3,708,667
boxes of lemons and 203,188 boxes of
grapefruit.. -
Constipation indigestion, sick-head
6che and bilions conditions are over
come by a course of Garfield Tea.
Drink before retiring.—Adv.
’ Cheerfulness is an excellent wear
ing quality. It has been called the'
bright weather of the heart.—Samuel
Smiles. “ " ' i
4 — ' ' * 1 ' 1 ■ • ■ ‘.r ’ . . *r i '
Youth' doesn't value its youth, and
even a million in later years has its
[after 6 YEARS-STlIi WELL
Now Strong and Hearty Though
Case Looked Hopeless ■;
“Six years ago I was in awful condi
tion,” says E. K. Chase, 36 E. Cross
St., Ypsilanti, Mich. "My family was
told I couldn’t live more than two
months. I was in constant pain from
the unc acid and
was so bad with
rheumatism m y
legs Seemed all
drawn up. My
b a ck never
stopped hurting.
The kidney secre
tions were held
back until only a
few drops came,
and I bloated un
til I thought my
skin would burst.
My legs were twice
their normal size.
a mg r ~ •> ^ • iue water
Mr. fl“* seemed to fill my
• chest and press
against the heart. For three months I
never moved out of the chair and I
choked and gasped for breath like a
dying man. All the doctoring failed, and
my weight went from 185 to 125 pounds.
"Doan’s Kidney Pills saved my life.
Eleven boxes cured me of every com
plaint. I have been well six years and
able to work as hard as any man."
Sworn to before me.
FLOYD E. DAGGETT, Notary Public.
Get Dean’s at Any Store. 60e a Bos
DOAN’S %*£.*IV
Is eaooyin^ and harmful. Relieve throat
Irritation, tickling and get rid of coughs, n;
colds end hoarseness at once by taking
j Theda Bara, known all over the
''movie” world as the sensational vam
pire woman, owns a fullblooded Rus
sian woif hound, a present from Coun
tess Sehwaynzi. The dog is called
"Galloper” and Is one of the most val
uable of its kind. Unable to stand the
summer heat of this country, Gal
loper spends his midyear vacation In
t- -1 ~ ..
ONE morning when Elsie got op
she found H was raining tery
hard" and that of course-put an end to
all that Elsie had planned for the day.
She was to take her lunch with
some other girls and their mothers
wnd go to the park for a picnic:
Elsie did not want any breakfast.
She did not want to say good morning
even. She was cross at everybody be
cause It rained.
“I jurt think It Is too mean for, any
thing, this old rain to come and spoil
our fun,”, she said.,
“But, my dear, the park will be
much sweeter nnd cleaner'after the
rain,” said her mother. "Be a good,
cheerful little daughter and smile.”
But Elsie would not smile,; ' She
pouted and even cried, and when
breakfast was over she went sulkily
upstairs to the playroom and looked
out of the window.
“Horrid old raindrops 1” Elsie said.
“I just hate raindrops.”
"Oh, I am sorry,” said a voice; be
side her; “for those are my sisters out
there on the window pane.”
On the arm of the big chair In which
she was sitting, Elsie saw a pretty lit
tle -creature all in silver, which
sparkled like a diamond, and she knew
that her visitor was a fairy, because
she carried a wand. .
“I am sorry you hate the raindrops,”
said the fairy again.;, “I am sure you
Beauty Ghats
By Edna Kent Forbes
ONCE every six months the woman
who values her good looks will
go to a dentist and have her teeth
looked after. During this time, very
| little decay can take place,, and such
tiny cavities as appear can be fixed
with small expanse and trouble. The
longer the time between' visits, the
greater the damage to the' teeth and
the more painful ±lie fixing.
At this half-yearly visit, the teeth
should be cleaned by the dentist. All
the tiny lime deposits that collect
and yellow the teeth are removed -by
| a small knife like instrument, the
Bad Teeth Spoil the Prettiest 8mtie—
Good Teeth Enhance It
teeth are then cleaned with powdered
pumice on a small whirling brush,
and then cleaned again with chalk.
They look beautifully white!
To keep them white—though milk,
white teeth are no longer considered
so beautiful—a little peroxide may be
used once a week. This foams in
side the mouth and Is one of the best
antiseptics that could be used. But
What *the Sphinx Says.
By Newton Newkirk.
“ ‘To use' any
means to an
er'd’ means a
iu-'tto for no
body but a
MEAN man.”
daily use would .Injure the gums.
The woman should find out from her
dentist whether she is subject to acid
month or not, and which dentifrice
would sult her best. • ^
The teeth should be brushed twice
a day, night and morning. Many
recommend three times daily, but
this Is almost needles^; cleanliness^
The brush ' should be used up and
down, not crosswise, so the bristles
can' penetrate between ,1 the teeth.
-This saves much decay and dis
figurement., • > *s[:
H\ ; (Copyrights i ..
-O—— Vr- '
7.1 s -
, * thI^morninq hoursQ
"You think "an hour’s an hour?" Well.
■ t you get another guess.
SOme hold - a great deal more : of'good.
some hold a great deal Jijt less. .
The hours when the day is old, 'and
resttng-tlme draws nigh, ?
Are feeble, tott’rlng hours and they
creep Instead of fly.
The noontime hour Is lagging some,
and goes on weary feet—
The morning hours are the ones that
simply can’t be beat! - - <•
The morning—when you’re full of pep,
the whole big day ahead!
The terrors of the night are gone, dis
couragements are fled.
It’s youth again and truth again eome
back with hope renewed,
With yester’s wisdom standing' by to
check eaoh impulse crude. •
The early, pearly hours are the ones
that can’t-be beat—
The hurly-burly hours when the day
is young and sweetl
»./• *Thl» ‘digging themselves in*
i b a new stunt in warfare, isn’t
‘‘Nab! The chiggcrs hare
been doing that for centuries.”
-.a ;
Being Honest With J. F.
Dear Offagip-—Do you sign your
lstuff because you think it Is good?—J.
F., La Crosse, Wis.
No, no, Jayeff; far from It. We are
past forty, and rid of all illusions.
But we are deeply Impressed with the
advice'that all writers should sign
their stuff, and are doing this In a
spirit of self-sacrifice, and to show
our nerve.
.v -a • a
These Things. Annoy One So.
Dear Offagin—Ton think you’re
mighty smart, so let’s see if you
can answer a real conundrum, one
I made up my own self. This Is
It: What is the difference between
a tailor and a freshly tarred auto
mobile road?—L. B., Balia, Mo.
We suppose, smarty, t'nni ii is
because one makes men's wea^ 1
and the ether makes men sweat—
^ eb, what?
... _.* ' • * ...
^-n rs. - li •» • f
ftpBlt tojUefc '^u^nQWj who t]beyf,?aue.
-’$ - “Tli^jg hjij ve spoiled, jqy picnic ip file
park,’" said Elsie,, “and" X, am sure 1
fbajl never like raindrops again.” j
’s “But^vpUt until,,I tpli you abput
them I” said the fairy. v‘Tliose are my
sister fairies, and, the only timer we
■ever have a holiday is when we can
disguise ourselves as raindrops and
have a day off.” ( , ,
“A /day' off!” ' questioned Elsie.
"What do you mean by that?”
: “Oh,-dear I Didn’t you,know that a
fairy i$ just as busy as can be, run
ning about and whispering good things
Into the ears <#, children wb° think
wrong things?”' - ’ "
“No; I didn’t,” said Elsie. “I never
heard you: whispering- to,me!”
“Oh, yes, you have—many times,"
replied .the Fairy. “Only, of course,
you dld'ntrt know It Was a fairy who
made you do right,” :
"But why are you not haying a holi
day, too?” asked. Elsie.
“I was until you said such things
about us,- and then I had to change
my dress and come to tell you who
the, raindrops are.,,, We work so hard
all the time that I am sure now you
will not be cross with us for having
a holiday, and when you see how
bright and green everything is to
morrow in the park I am sure you,
wilt forgive us for playing today.”
When Elsie ^opened her eyes, for,
of:;course, she had been asleep, the
Fairy had gone. But outside were all
the little raindrops chasing each other
down the window pane, and as Elsie
watched them with great interest now
one drop, larger thah the others,
stopped until it was pushed on .by the
others. 1 ‘ < »’’ ** ; >
“that drop must have " been my
Fairy,” thought Elsie. “Oh, you cun
ning little raindrops I I don’t hate you
at !all—I love you, and I am glad you
have a good time,” she said, “and I'll
never be cross and cryv again when
It rains, for I shall know it Is a fairy
holiday, and i do hope I did not spoil
the day fpr the little Fairy -who told
me about It by being cross.”: . . '
(Copyright.) ! '
L ASTA week J go veesit town where
flu bug still worka steady. Mosta
place we gotta oyer top weeth flu cam
paign, but deesa place leetle beliindn
yet. Poleecman say before I stay here
I gotta pass esamlnash and weara
flu mask lika dog muzzle. I no Ilka
deesa way and for seexa blocks I runn
so fast for leava town I pass every
tlng but examlnash. Mebbe hees. gotta
too moocha start, ,1 dunno.. Cop catchn
me, Judge flna me tree bucks/ gccva
me flu mask and say I am isolate for
two days. By time I gotta all fees up
for stay out of jail I so late heesa no
use for show Up at frlen’s house.
But I no lika deesa dog muzzle any
way. Muka look too moocha Ilka
soinatlng else. One ting you can lookn
everybody you owe stralghta een one
eye and he no can tella you. for dees
While I am walta for flu to leava
town I getta acquaint weeth one swell
cheecken. -I begin tink mebbe flu no
so bad till I go veesit her house op.e
night. When sheesajaka dot dog muv
zle olT, saccre Lu’u, sliees gotta faco
just ltka “No Man’s Land.”
Nexa day I telegraph letter to Pres
cient Weelson for aska heem please
eef he make feefteen points for stead
of fourteen.' I goota great admire for
one hees point on freedom of da seas.
But X geeva suggest he maka one for
freedom of da sneeze.
No gooda flrsta class sneeze gotta
chance behinda fla mask. ~ Wot you
tinkl - , -
...... ... ..... . . ........
i JiSteiuJton, Vii.—‘.‘WbeneyOT-l-jieeL^a!]
..nprvmis Of weak I alwuvs rLQ(2. f*~r
teiietfed health and -. -
strength in fir. -
Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription and the - *'
Golden Medical JDis
covery. These medi
cines have been of
especial benefit to me
during expectancy
and enabled me tc
raise my child. This
was perhaps due to
kidney trouble, which y
nltirnvo Miro win pnn. ■
eiderable anxsety during each expectant -
period. Alter I took the ‘Favorite Pre
acription’ and the ‘Gelden Medical Dis
covery’ I had no further trouble with my
kidneys during ■■ expectancy, and I surely
realize all that that these tonics meant
to me and to my' child.”—Mrs. E. V. ,
Hook, 8 Tams St.
Gained 35 Pounds
Moundsville, W. Va.—“Some eight years \ •
ago in the opening of spring I began to go
down in health. I became nervous, weak
could not eat nor sleep, and became very .
thin. Was so completely run-down I
could not work. I went on this way one > .r ;. ■
whole summer. I took medicine, but it
did not do me any good. I was so weak *
I could scarcely get up and down stairs,
when I began talcing ‘Favorite Prescrip
tion.’ I only took about three bottles
when I was a well person and began to be
strong and hearty. I gained thirty-five
pounds in weight and am today strong and
have never had any sickness since.”—Mrs.
M. J. Wilson, 801 First St.
Charlottesville, Va.—“For years I snf- \'y
ferd with woman's weakness, during which
time I doctored and took medicine with
out getting relief. I suffered with back- -
aches and pains in the Bide. I was very
weak and nervous and Was miserable,
when I began taking Dr. Pierce’s favorite
Prescription. When I had taken two bot
tles I was so much improved that I knew
I had at last found the right medicine. J '
took six bottles and by that time I was.
well.”—Mrs. W. W. Southard, 108 Hitt
ton Ave.
v-i- A convenient, safe ~ *
L antiseptic for home _ .
use Invaluable for
dressing cuts and
' sores. A time-tried
? remedy. s
Hew York
For over half a century DR.
son for the Liver. -
Read the following front a woman
of forty-eight: “I have used DR.
TUTT’S PILLS for Bowel regula
tion many years. I am now con
vinced that they are also the best
known regulator for other retard
ed female functions. I have told
many of my friends and now none
would be without them. A few
days before, and you are all right.”
; State Street
Makes the Skin like Velvet
The Best
at any
~ Price
We say this because thousands
of women have written us. saying
they can use no other than this
original non-greasy Vanishing
Cream. None so soothing, or so
satisfying for chapped hands and
roughness of the skin.
At all good drug and department
Mystic Cream Cc, Middletown, N. Y.
Works like Witchcraft
Nothing- bct
Quick — Gratify
ing-Satisfying—a standby
for over sixty years in thousands of homes.
215 Washington St., New York