Newspaper Page Text
VENTNOR NEWS . ^ Established 1907. Offlelal Newspaper of Ventnor City. Published Every Saturday by , VENTNOR NEWS CO.. INC., At Victoria and Atlantia Avenues. -Vs Atlantic City. N. J.. P. p. (VENTNOR CITY. N. J.) Subscription Price.*1.00 per year Payable fa Adeanos. Single Copies.Two Cents Advertising rates on Application. - Correspondence regarding matters of local Interest solicited. Communications should be * signed by tbe writer, not necessarily for pub lication, but as a guarantee of good faith. 1. FRANK PETERS, Editor and Business Manager. "Entered as second-class matter July 27, 1907, at the Post Offloa at Atlantia City, F'“ New Jersey, under the act of Congress of *- March 2. 1879.” • .t=v-- - - .. ■■ ■, l, ,== SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920 AUGU8T TIDE8. : 21 Sa.... 22 Su.... 23 Mo... 24 Tu.. 25 We..;...... 26 Th. 27 Fr.. 28 Sa.. 29 Su..._M.. 30 MOm m u ... 81 Tu.. VENtNOR’S INCREASE. The gain in the population of 842.7 per cent by the City of Ventnor in the Past ten years is only another indica tion of the popularity of the city. This gain Is all the more flattering when it is taken into consideration that this is the largest gain of any municipality in the United States reported to date by the Census Bureau in Washington. Ventnor has the natural conditions that tend to move it to the front, and greatly assist in its popularity, but this alone is not the cause. Those who govern the city have always followed the policy that the city is a high class residential section and those who dwell here should be given the best of every thing. They believe in giving the peo ple what they want all the year ar ound. Our unexcelled schools, the best water in the country, a Municipal Pier for their entertainment in the sum mer, the Fishing Pier, protected bath ing beaches, free collection of rubbish all have advanced the popularity of Ventnor City. Our opp financial insti tution and the wide awake Attitude of Ventnor City merchants have also played an important role. All of these have helped to give Ventnor the gain that has been recorded. The mer chants will continue their progressive BSS2 2nd ^omhoya nf tho emvorn. ing body will continue their'liberal policies in the future, and Ventnor will take further strides forward in the next ten years. Her popularity is here to stay, and more are learning of the city’s advantages every year. THE PEOPLE WILL RULE. When the colons meet on Monday evening they will be faced by two fac tions who will take opposite''sides on the question of the changing of the lower bathing beach. The members of council will have a very knotty problem to solve as it is believed both sides will advance good arguments for their side of the question. The activ ity of the public or rather tile people who will be affected Is to be commend , *0. and the attitude of the members of the governing body is awaited with anxiety, but those who are interest ed may rest assured that the final action of the councilmanic body will be governed by the greatest am ount of good that can be done for the greatest number of people. It haa been the wish and habit of the ruling body to enact legislation that will be considered a benefit, and they can. only ascertain the wish of their constitu ents in this way. The people will rule in Ventnor, and this legislation will be no exception. HIGH LOW ajn. pun. am. p.m. .20 .49 6.35 7.18 1.14 1.43 7.31 8.16 2.10 2.40 8.28 9.11 3.06 3.25 9.23 10.04 4.02 4.25 10.15 10.53 4.60 6.11 11.03 11.38 6.36 5.54 11.49 .... 6.15 6.36 .19 .33 6.68 7.15 .58 1.12 7.84 7.53 1.35 1.52 8.14 8.31 2.11 2.31 PATROLMAN RESIGNS. William Horner, Jr., has resigned as a member of the police department. Horner had been on the foce for more than a year. It is understood that he1* will reside in his former home is Parkerstown, N. J. Mayor Godfrey has not named his successor. FATHER OF CITY CLERK HAND DIES IN ENGLANO' City Clerk James T. G. Hand ott Monday received the Bad news of the death of his father, James'Hand, who died in England on July 30, at the age of 97 years. Deceased had been on the pension rolls of the British Gov ernment for thirty-seven years! Ho was a veteran of the Crimean War and ■oz the Indian Mutiny. He was in the Government service forty-two years ORDINANCE NO. 7—1920. (To be presented for a public hearing «nd pass*ge on uondajr' AJTn^>BhJNvNCtB proidln^ for the acqulr Rilh»bTrT,tY^ritn0r ^Sty ‘“y outstanding Inter?st or Easement In and to the Ldnds now In possession of Ventnor City Aan<y>y. Tlrtua 01 aa ordlnamce entl P^ii/S„°,.rdlnan,c8 t® Iay out and open a . fU ™„,,Prk,or plac® for. public resort and t a'2P® tko Beach or Ocean Front i £ lT‘T„CltTl,®8tabJlshln* th« interior iln® of *ucl1 park or place of and’bofmal4! and.vTeore.aUon and tha limit* and boundaries thereof, and providing for *h« and “a1® of Bonds to defray costs, damages and expenses incurred inatbe=r^,e?lin* taring out of such park nnd acquiring the lands, property and rights necessary therefor and for the as sessment of property benefited thereby” passed November 17th. 1909 7 ’ WHEREAS by virtue of an act of the H»d,S”AtUrs»/ P® St?t,® of New Jersey enti tled An Act to enable cities In this7 State i i located on or near the ooean and embracini within their limits or Jurisdiction any bead or ocean front-to open lay out a publi< park or place for public resort or recreatloi on and along the beach <y ocean front o such city and to purchase or condemn lands property and rights therefor, and to preaervi the same from obstruction or encroachment/ approved April 20th, 1894, and an ordinanci duly passed November 17th, 1909, Ventnoi City has heretofore Igd out, opened and es tablished along the roach or ocean front * public park or place for public resort ant recreation within Ventnor City, and s^id cltj now is, and for a long period of time hai been In possession of all the lands In salt ordinance mentioned and described, to wit Beginning at a point'in the center line o! Jackson Avenue at the distance of 425 feei Soutwardly of the Southerly line of Atlantic Avenue and extending thence Westward^ and in a line parallel with Atlantic Avenue to the Westerly line of Cornwall Avenue thence (2) Southwardly along the Westerly line of Cornwall Avenue extended One Thou sand Feet, thence (3) Westwardly paralte with Atlantic Avenue Two Hundred and Fiftj feet to the Hast line of Cambridge Avenue extended, thence (4) Northwardly along the Easterly line of Cambridge Avenue Cxtendec One Thousand feet, thence (5) Westward!} parallel with Atlantic Avenue to the centei line of Fredericksburg Avenue, thence (6) Southwardly along the center line of Fred ericksburg Avenue to the exterior line estab llshed by the Riparian Commissioners of Nev Jersey, thence (7) Eastwardly along safc exterior line to the center line of Jacksor Avenue extended, thence (8) Nortbwardlj along the center line of Jackson Avenue t< the place of beginning, under and by virtue of divers deeds of conveyances, and whereas notwithstanding the divers deeds of convey ance heretofore made therefor and the pos session of the lands by Ventnor City for th( purpose aforesaid there is outstanding rights interests or easements in said lands or some portion thereof, which outstanding rights interests or easements it is hereby determin ed to be for the best interest and benefit o: the Inhabitants of Ventnor City should be acquired by the City, therefore Be It Ordained bv the Common Council nl ventnor City: Section 1. That there be acquired by the City by purchase, gift or condemnation anj outstanding right, interest or easement in or to the lands in possession of Ventnor City and used for public park, or place for public resort and recreation along the beach oi ocean front beginning at a point in the cen ter line of Jackson Avenue at the distance of 425 feet Southwardly of the Southerly line of Atlantic Avenue and extending thence Westwardly and In a line parallel with At lantic Avenue to the Westerly line of Corn wall Avenue, thence (2) Southwardly along j the Westerly line of Cornwall Avenue ex tended One Thousand feet, thence (3) West wardly parallel with Atlantic Avenue Two Hundred and Fifty feet to the East line of Cambridge Avenue extended, thence (4) Northwardly along the Easterly line of Cam bridge Avenue extended One Thousand feet, thence (5) Westwardly parallel with Atlan tic Avenue to the center line of Fredericks burg Avenue, thence (6) Southwardly along the center, line of Fredericksburg Avenue to the exterior line established by the Riparian Commissioners of the State of New Jersey, thence (7) Eastwardly along said exterior line to the center line of Jackson Avenue, thence (8) Northwardly along the center line of Jackson Avenue to the place of be ginning. Section 2. That the City Solicitor is here by authorized and directed in the name of and behalf of the Cfty to negotiate with per sons or corporations having any outstanding right, interest or easement in said lands for tiie purchase thereof, and if by reason of the failure to agree upon the purchase price, or for any other reason, any outstanding right, interest or easement in said lands cannot be purchased or acquired by the City, then and in such case the City 'Solicitor shall acquire any outstanding right, interest or easement in said lands for the City by condemnation proceedings in the manner provided by law. Section 3. TLmi, inis ordinance shall take effect Immediately. Dated Aug. 9, 1920. JAMES T. G. HAND. City Clerk. Published in Ventnor News Aug. 14 and 21, 1920. RESOLUTION. * (BY MR. GUMPHERT.) Be It Resolved by the Common Council that the City Clerk give legal notice that at a meeting of the Council to be held in tho Council Chamber, City Hall, Ventnor City, on Monday, August 23, 1920, at the hour of 8 o’clock P. M,, there will be considered by Council for passage an ordinance, providing to lay out. improve, embellish, maintain and make available to the publio a park, open apace, public square, water front, beach, playground and place for public resort and recreation within Ventnor City and providing for the acquiring of the landa therefor la fee by the City, Situated in Ventnor City, Beginning at the Southwest corner of Atlantic and Lafay ette Place and extending thence Westwardly and alone Atlantic. avaniiA 1fa**, ‘n thA and along Atlantic avenue 125 feet to the Easterly line of Pittsburg avenue, thenee ratending Southwardly between lines of La fayette Place and Pittsburg avenue 425 feet; Also beginning at tbe Southwest corner of Pittsburg and Atlantic avenues and extend ing thence Westwardly and along Atlantic avenue 125 feet to Melbourne Place, thenoe extending Southwardly that width between the lines of Pittsburg avenue and Melbourne Place 425 feet, at which time and plane any and all persona may be heard for and against the eonslderatlon and passage of said ordi nance. By order o! tbe Ocmmon Counoll of Vent ner City. JAMBS T. O. HAND, City Clerk. Dated July 27th, 1920, Published In Ventnor News, Aug. 7, 14 and 21. A TRUST FUND .You can establish. a trust fund for your wife, son, daughter, mother or yourself— and make The Vent nor City National Bank your Trustee, who will manage your property, both real or personal and remit the income as and to ■ • ' ■ - ■ whom directed. TELEPHONE YOUR TROUBLES TO, Jobn G. Gibson & Son PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates Cheerfully Given. Repair Work on Short Notice a Specialty 12 N. SACRAMENTO AVENUE ' ' PHONE 7145-W FADS ARP FANCIES The Gift Shop GIFTS SUITABLE FOR BRIDGE, BOOKS, TOYS AND GAMES ‘ FOR THE KIDDIES IMPORTED NOVELTIES 24 S. VICTORIA AVE. (Post Office Building) FREDERICK R. ROGERS Electrical Contractor 14 S. mt. Vernon Ave. 1 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Bell Phono 1668-W Atlantic City, N. J. Kodaks and Supplies The Only Fully Equipped Optical Work Shop ? and Grinding Plant IN ATLANTIC CITY Maryland Avenue and Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY ^ Orders taken at 5402 Winchester Ave nue or 3 N. Cambridge Avenues C.J. ADAMS CO. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGES 'REAL ESTATE AND LAW BUILDING Ventnor Realty Co. Atlantic and Little Rock Avenues Phone 7049-W List Your Properties with Us for Quick Action. Is Your Property Fully Insured ? We Sell FIRE, AUTOMOBILE AND LIABILITY INSURANCE H. G. Harris & Co. JUANITA APARTMENT BUILDING Surrey end Atlantic A venae# MELVILLE S. ATWOOD, Manager Everything ha Real Estate Testator Property a Specialty Furnished cottages or apartments by month, season or rear. INSURANCE Byton Jenkins REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 5209 ATLANTIC AVENUE List Your Properties for Selling or Renting PHONE CONNECTIONS ^ There are a few Ventnor resident! who' are not subscribers to the Vent nor News. Are you one .of them? (Jot busy and t dollar now WRINKLES ARE A SIGN OF AGE The s v ^ in Clothes as in Cleaner - and - Dyer's Plant' is the Old Clothes' Fountain of "r iitf - ' 1 1 ^4^;Youfh. Phone 829 and— I’Sr-.-'fr s h'itf 1 •r ‘ - •- • ; / N""• '.'^V V • ' .• * i ..... ■ *::v> • •_ •? ;» ■•**<?.• • ‘ • * »v * «' t' •A.-.'»v ■' 1." • '• . 1 *'•■•*«} ; - f* V» X •-* V V __ N -A..V 4'V, .#T, 5~' ^/ri. 1 ^y-yyj;;:v"v.- $ i 4.:; : ~»rfe , ; >. ’•: L% '*• 4*. "■•. , ..._., .. •, . ^lUrCLEAN IT PACIFIC AT SOUTH CAROLINA AVENUE .S V / . 4 * -h \’*v Iji ■■.. .S' .-. j .V ; ...» -■ SITUATIONS WANTED We are famishing a very high class grade of c Servants.' ' ■ ■ t Pull of Pep, Quick as a Wink, Never Absent, Never Disagreeable, Entirely Trustworthy. . ... - • - . H ' Our Charges are Small, Just a Few Pennies a Day, #: CALL 3610 FOR THE “SILENT SERVANT” AND SMILE The Atlantic City Electric Co. • 2 . _ EVERY NIGHT THE - *MATCHLESS LIGHT” Every Department Every department of a modern commercial bank finds adequate representa tion here. It is the aim of this bank 9 to give its customers a complete and satisfactory service. ’ At Your Service -—= =The=-- ■ = Second National Bank ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OLDEST and MOST RELIABLE " Atlantic City Carpet Cleaning Works Mattresses Upholstering JOHN SCHOPPY 1822 Baltic Avenoe PHONE 1727-W " . ' WHY, YES, I DID ITI F* F. DITTESS CARPENTER JOBBING IN ALL BRANCHES. 5TH AVENUE.AUTO EXPRESS HAULING AT REASONABLE , : PRICE 305 FIFTH AVENUE PHONE 7205 VENTNOR CITY — . . • / _ J> Mathis 3. Tioiku Matkil ■»ii rn«» »n-w a.n n.a. T«r*-w • J* Mathis & Son £& Contractors.* and.* Builders I4M-4-M OusraatM Trait BalMiag Atlas tie C'tr, N. J. j ADOLPHUS GREEN - Plastering Contractor JOBBINS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO UEHMiAim Ball Phono 7867