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Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, September 04, 1920, Image 3

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•W- •
Various Fruits and Vegetables
Must Be Marked Plainly to
Comply With Law. •
-Every Opportunity Mas Been Given
to Trade to Get in Line With Pro
visions of Amendment—Some
Shipments Are Exempt
Fruits and vegetables- in package
form, when shipped into interstate
commerce, should bear a plain and
■conspicuous statement of the quantity
of the contents in each package, ac
cording to-a statement made by offi
cials of the bureau of chemistry. Uni
ted States department of agriculture,
who are charged with the enforcement
of the federal food and drugs act. In
structions have been issued showing
how various Trults and vegetables in
different styles of packages may be
On# Method of Showing Contents of a
- marked In order to comply ftflly with
„ the net weight amendment to the law,
and also showing wbnt shipments of
j* vegetables as ordinarily marketed are
Vitfmpi lt'utu tilt! 11CL nClglii JitvtiotviiOi
These Instructions have been distribut
ed widely among fruit and vegetable
growers and shippers.
• The bulk of the fruits and vegeta
bles now shipped into Interstate com
, merce are marked In accordance with
the law, say officials, but some ship
1 pers have overlooked or are disregard
. lng this provision of the law. Since
this amendment has been In effect for
V six years and every opportunity has
been given to the trade to get In line
• with its provisions It is the opinion of
the officials that there Is now no ex
cuse for'any shipper falling to mark
f-' the quantity of the contents on pack
ages of fruits and vegetables shipped
within the Jurisdiction of the law.
Fruits anu vegetables in baskets,
' hampers, drums, cartons, boxes, crates
and barrels may In general be marked
by either weight or dry measire, or
when packed In barrels nay be marked
V ,n terms of the United States standard
barrel and Its subdivisions of third,
half or three-quarters. Statements of
dry measure should be in terms of the
United States standard bushel and its
customary subdivisions of half-bushel,
. ^ peck"., quarts, pints or half-pints. If
j^>- the quantity of the contents be stated
;i by weight or measure. It should be
“marked In terms of the largest unit
contained In the packaga except that
in the case of an article with respect
to which there exists a definite trade
custom for murklng the quantity of the
article In terms of fractional parts of
larger units. It may be so marked In
accordance with the custom. For ax
ample. If the package contains > p.und,
or pounds, and a fraction of a pound,
;v the contents should be expressed In
terms of pounds and fractions thereof,
or of pounds and ounces, and not
merely In ounces. x
, Crates of “flats,'* containing small i
. ' . ■' :'• '
,J FIRE. *
* A tree will make a million {
t matches—a match may destroy a *
J million trees. |
* Take no chances with lighted *
| matches, tobacco, brush or camp t
• * fires.. J
v' , Forest destruction Is quick— *
* forest growth slow. J
t Burned timber pays no wages, t
* When fire Is discovered, put It {
t out If you can. Gpt help if yon *
{ need It. J
l Are you practicing fire preven- *
{ tion and forest protection T - |
V. ' ————————
Artificial Lighting.
Artificial lighting has been found to
Improve the winter environment of the
ben and .Increase the time in which
she can exercise and eat. .
• * " Covering for Tree Wounds. • .'
Hnnl asphal.tum covers tree wounds
quite satisfactorily when ui>* rn wafra.
X"\.iV'^i j. " ' H'i ^
Crop Rank* Next to Corn and Wheat
in Acreage and Value, but Yields
Are Unsatisfactory.
Oats rank next to corn and wheat
in crop- acreage and value In the Unit
ed States. But, notwithstanding this,
less attention has been given to the
production of oats than to any other
Important grain, so that yields often
have been unsatisfactory and the crop
sometimes unprofitable, say special
ists of the United States department
of agriculture..
Sava the Vegetable Seeds.
There Is a considerable need for the
conservation of vegetable seeds. Why
not plan to save a:* much of the seeds
produced as possible this year? As '
a rule it Is not dlflicult to do
Lice and Mites Harmful.'
Lice and mites nre common and are
not conductive either to good results
with the flock or to the comfort of
i the fowls.
open containers of apricots, perries,
currants, clferries, grapes, peaches,
plums, prunes, peppers, tomatoes ami
the like, should be marked on the' out
side of the crate or “flat," with the
number of small containers and the
quantity of the contents of each. When
the crates are so marked It Is not nec
essary to mark the quantity of con
tents on the small open containers
within the crates. :
Federal Inspectors have been in
structed to examine Interstate ship
ments of fruits and vegetables to see
that the quantity of contents ..Is
marked in accordance with the law.
Copies of Item 253 on the “Labeling of
Various Packages of Fruits and Vege
tables with the Quantity of the Con
tents" will be sent free upon applica
tion to the bureau of chemistry, Cnlt
ed States department of agriculture.
Washington, D. Cl
Poland China Gilt Is Winner of
Two First Prizes*
William Stuart of Weiser, Idaho,
Awarded Free Trip to Interna
tional Stock Show—Swine
Breeders Are Defeated.
Does junior club work pay 7 Pour
or five years ago It was not looked
upon seriously, but now the whole
agricultural extension system as car
ried on by the federal government
through the colleges and county
agents, etc., Is enthusiastic about
this work, and the breeders them
selves are beginning to believe that
there la something in it. There is a
reason for tills, and tbnt is that some
of the boys are showing their fathers
that careful selection and feeding will
win out over slipshod or poorly
planned methods.
• A notable example of this is the
case of William Stuart, the fourteen
year-old son of Dan H. Stuart of
Weiser, Idaho# This boy has been In
pig-club work for two years. He se
lected for himself early last season a
Poland China pig for which be paid
$17.50. Tills pig was fed and shown
at the Idnho state fair at Boise this
year. There It won first prize for the
champion j>!g over all club contestants
in the state, which entitled him to the
William Stuart and His Poland China
$170 free trip to the international
Live Stock Show. It next won the
award of first place in the open class
for Poland China sows under six
months of age. In which competition
he defeated the swine breeders of the
whole state of Idahoi
William Stnart's father is not -a
breeder of purebred bogs, but simply
raises a good grade of Poland China
pigs for the market Therefore this
accomplishment by William in the
feeding and developing of tbfs prise
pig represents what chib work Is do
ing all over the country.
The fact that banks throughout the
country are taking an Interest In this
work speaks well for the good which
It is accomplishing.
Unless you see the safety “Bayer Cross
are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by p
20 years, and proved safe by millions.
on tablets, you
Safety first! Insist upon an unbroken "Bayer Package” containing
proper directions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Earache, Toothache, Neuritis, ||3
Rheumatism, Lumbago and Pain generally. Made and owned strictly by Americans.; - ' t • i
Other and More Cogent Reasons In
duced .the Old Gentleman'to Hold ; .
, - v Hie Wife's Hands.
As the ?st Id tb» TtUnro
Jin, drinking a modest pint and chat
ting -with the local, residents, he got
an the subject-of married life. He
advanced the opinion that true hap
piness was more often to be found In
the peaceful country than amid the
turmoil of - a town.
“Well, I ain't so sure about that,”
said one old chap. “But I do know as
1 sat here last nlght hnd held my old
woman's hands for two hours by the
clock 1" "i
“There 1” said the ■ visitor In tri
umph. “That upholds my argument,
and shows how ranch yon love her I”
“Love her,” gasped the old chap.
“Why, If I’d 'a' let go she’d 'ave
scratohed my bloomin’ eyes out!”—
London Answers.
Stepping Out
The late long staple cotton crop has
nude quite a lot cl* money for S<>nth
Carolina negroes. A short time ago
ane of them purchased a high-priced
car. A few days later-he went back
to the salesman.
“Cap, Is you got any of dese here
eowketchersV’ ^ he inquired.
“Do you mean bumpers, Charlie?"
“Well, Charlie, do you want one for
aoth ends of your car?”
•“Jlawsir, cap, ain’t nobody gwine
ter ketch up wld‘- me. Ah Jes want
ane fo de front.”
Thirteen Is always an nnlucky num-’
oer to have at a table—when there Is
only dinner for twelve.
Wisdom in the mind is better by
far than gold in the hand.
Raman Eye Balsam baa Rained the public's
confidence daring 75 years. Manufactured
only-by Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill Co..
372 Pearl St.. New York Cltv.—Adv.
l/air-tAI Ilf LJ AT IJtf AO I HI IT
IMVL.IV mini i«Av Sri 1:
Little Eve Fairly Well Acquainted
With the Varied Contents of the
Family Bible.
Bishop Hoss said at a Nashville
"The religions knowledge of - too
many mlnlts resembles, I am afraid,
the religious knowledge of little EVe.
“ ‘So you attend Sunday school reg
ularly?* the minister said to little Eve.
“ ‘Oh, yes, sir,’ said she.
“‘And you know your Bible?"
“ *Oh, yes, sir.’ •
“ "Could you, perhaps, tell me some
thing that is In it?’
“ ‘I could tell you every tiling that’s
in It.’
“ ‘Indeed r And the minister smiled.
‘Do tell me, then.’ <•
“ ‘Sister’s beau’s photo is In it,’ said
little Eve promptly, ‘and ma’s reclj>e
for vanisliin’ cream is in it, and a
lock of my hair cut off when I was
a baby Is in it, and the ticket for pa's
watch is in it.’"
A Man and Hit Company.
"Several people have told me they
had made election bets which would
not allow them to shave until I have
been elected sheriff,” remarked the
confident candidate.
“Well,” commented Senator Sorg
hum, “if* you want to know my candid
opinion, a man with that kind of a
constituency doesn’t deserve to be
Ike Modern Table Drink
A combination of* dood
flavor, economy, efficiency
and health satisfaction.
, This pure and wholesome
beverage contains none of
v coffees harmful ingredients.
Especially valuable in
families "with children.
Sold by all Grocers
Made bjr Postum Greal Caine, Battle Greek,Mick
A little nonsense now nnd then Ik
relished by the "wisest men.
in New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don’t allow <
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
against this trouble by taking
Th* world's standard remedy for kidneys*
liver, bladder and uric add troubles*
Holland’s national remedy since 1696k.
All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed*
Ltok for the name Gold Model on every bow ji
eikd accept no imitation
The tastiest
tobacco you
ever tasted.
Its Weight in Gold”
- Writes Mrs. E. L. Griffin from ber
home in Franklin, N. H. “I feel like
a new person. Stomach feels fine af
ter eating—all from taking your won
derful eatonic. It’s worth Its weight,
in gold.” . ' -■
Millions of sufferers from sour, acid,
gassy stomachs, heartburn, indigestion,
bloating, full feeling after eating,
should try eatonic. Just try It—that’s
all, and get relief, new life, strength
end pep. It produces quick, sure and
safe results, because eatonic takes up
the harmful acids and poisons and
carries them right out of the body.
Of course, when the cause is removed,
the sufferer gets well—quick!
The cost Is a trifle. Tour druggist
will supply eatonic, < so, if you want
better health, all you need do is—try
It TODAY. You will > surely feel big
benefits at once. A dr.
free on wyuest. Don't min. tbb t-henco.
Writ. Cornish Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
I Rotorw Color and ■
(Beauty to Cray and Faded Hairl
1 50a ano $1.00 at drarcists. f
jUiscoi Chero. Wk*. Patcnojn:**, K.YJ
HINDERCORNS Remove* Cnn*. C»V,
ioqm«. stops all pain, ensures comfort to tb*
feel, makes Walking; easy, 16c. by mail or at DrusM
> iLucoi Chcmlcu WortJ, euztwcm H. *. *
(SSCaSL. „
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 36-1920,

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