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** s * 'i'f -k* ToCure a Cold in One Day Take A '£ ■ ' v •• ■' •*:*' ^ Grove's Laxative Bromo -%m Quinine tablets Be sure its Bromo The genuine bears this signature 80c. • 80 Years Old —Was Sick Now Feels Youhtf After >■ Taking Eatonic for W*?'' Sour Stomach i "I had sour stomach ever since I had the grip , and it-bothered me badly Hare taken Eatonic only a week and .- am much better.. Am 80 years old,” ! Says Mrs. John Hill. Eatonic quickly relieves sour stom ach, indigestion, heartburn, bloating and distress after eating because it takes up and carries out the excess acidity and gases which cause most stomaeh ailments. Ifyou have “tried i everything” and still suffer, do not give ; Up hope. Eatonic has brought relief to ' -tens of thousands like you. A big box •: costs but a trifle -with your druggist's guarantee. ■*! a ■ i ' ■ HEADACHE? Goto your druggist or dealer and ask for a package of mmm and get relief, with no bad . aftereffects. You can deperid Upon White Caps. They contain no narcotic or prohibitive dmg$. Trial Size 10 cti. — Rejfular Size 25 cti. CLBEBT BEOS. A CO, Baltimore, BU. Girls! Girls!!) £■ Clear Your Skin With Cuticum Soap 25c. Oiatm^at 25 and 50c, Taicmn 25c. SALESMEN Our West Virginia Grown Kuraery Stock. Fine canvassing: outfit FREE. Cash Commission Paid Weekly. WRITE for terms. THE GOLD NURSERY CO. Mason City. WTva. AGENTS' BONANZA—EDUCATIONAL LU BRICATOR. You are always rite with a copy of RAY-O-LITE. Price $3.00. Bell Service Co.. Splngarn Flag., Jersey City. N. J. For Sale—Large Paper. Shell Pecans, one, two, five pound boxes, 96c pound, parcel post prepaid; sample on request. Georgia Pecan Co., Atlanta, Oa. Agents wanted. GOOD FRATERNAL ORGANIZERS MARK $600 MONTHLf. State Managers wanted. New plan produces results. Give experience. Loyal Bohemians, 668 Clay, San Francisco. Motorists Attention. If your motor loses power, knocks and overheats, it is a sure sign of carbon trouble. Remove this while still using your car by applying Lubricant Carbon Remover. Lubricates as well as re moves the carbon. Absolutely harmless to the motor. Money back if not satisfactory. Large can, prepaid, $1. Circulars FREE F. L Jennings, 44 Garrison Lour, Balto., Md. ORANGES •Famous sweetest, Juiciest golden fruit from ^rrove to you from the Indian River Orange Gauntry. For $6 money order will send you by •PREPAID EXPRESS four fifths bushel box .GENUINE Indian River Oranges. Safe Arrival guaranteed. Titusville bank references. Add. INDIAN RIVER ORANGE COMPANY ML Bragg “A” TrniavuAg. Florida Sore loose Bleeding Gums known as Pyorrhea or Riggs disease, relieved by our home remedy. Many grateful testimonials receives!. Money refunded if not promptly benefltted. Literature on reqneat. Price *2.00 per bottle. Sent postpaid Coughing to annoying and harmful. Relieve threat Irritation, tickling and get rid of cough., cold, and hoar«ene.a at once by taking PESO’! V 0 0 t t I NEW YEAR f \fV :*0- ... .£>s.*v? -^v.'c { fEMORT J. HAYNES "J - _• 'f'. tat th* Bomod Glob* IT WAS foretold forty years ago. The NewYear shall be a good one. This la the story of the prophecy. It depends upon you to believe it. Forty years ago a- lone skater upon the glassy surface of a lake In north ern New England celebrated his soli tary holiday. At the far end of his ten-mile dash he rested In the noon day sun, sitting at the base of a tow ering cliff. He was a stonemason’s apprentice, a mere boy workman. He habitually carried his steel chisel In his pocket. Climbing high, and with much hazard, up the face of the towering rocks, he cut this legend In the face of the mountain: • >* •» H “The.New Year Will Be Good." •i' The bold lettering Is visible for miles. The lake' In summer is a fa vorite resort of pleasure parties. Each year thousands of eyes have studied out the cheery monograph, while boats passed, and many a hearty laugh has rung with a heartier Joy. as old-.and young havo approved, the sculptured promise. £ •... It will long endure, for the steel cut deep, and the mountain will not ice move, nor the pretty lake pass away. The boy did not date .lt, Fortun ately so, for that makes It fit every, year and every render. Why, dot for a century to come? > A thousand times the qnestion has. been asked: “Who Wrote It?” And no one knew. So It seemed some eternal truth of nature that the very; rocks had miraculously inscribed upon themselves. It was true to anyone who would: take the trouble to irrt his eyes and read It. In storms the snow silvered the lettering. In snn the wordslgleamed with lines of living light. A sentence by no means elegant, but crude and boyish rather. Jet what rhetoric could add to the abrupt and simple prophecy from a hopeful, healthy spirit? . * ‘ The New Tear was to. .be Just plain “good.” ■ Jr no that- enough 7 Is it not enough for us all? One good to you, another good to me, still another good to others. But always to all who will grasp It, written on the very face of the turning globe, the next year Will be “good.” ; . Last summer a wealthy visitor at the lakeside hotel drew the proprie tor, to the eorner of the veranda, and, lifting his glasses, asked: "Do you: Hynm.jorJhe .s^Crim*, kt* law Owr jearaey yarsae ■ Kol romd with die year, Ail Mftr stead sffl tiB die Master Ks adorable aril Let as dadiy fulfil, T And ear (dots improre By tbe patience of hope, aad (he labor v ':iV> .sv v{)-, : of loot. Oar fife a a dream; v;'j''y.2 Oar dme, as a stream, *. Glides swiftly away, Aad tbe fagim moment refuses to stay : Tbe arrow is flowv The moment is {one: : . - ' The ndenasd year Rashes on to oar new, aad eternity's near. ;rV-fe y 0 tbit each, ia tbe day -£f. f. Of ffis cosring, auy say, ■ "I bare fought aqr way threap; I baye tabbed die work Tboa didst gire br Is do * 0 that each from Iris Lord May recare die glad word*/^-'' 'N “Wei ad faithMy done’/* ] Enter into My joJ; and sit down oa My dfrme!” Wxslty see tho-se letters on the rocks?. I am the boy who cut them, January 1, 1847. You seem glad to know the au thor. I never revealed the fact. Why should I? , ’ ■ “It la not because I sa(d-It that It Is true! No matter who says It, on a Happy New Year, the New Year will be good.. It Is true In Itself. Happy the man or boy who says it, who feels it, and who will have It so. “The mere freak of a moment, yet somehow later I awoke to the fact that I had written a life creed on my heart out of the hopefulness and daring of a boy.” . . Let us take, the hope and courage of youth as the truth of this latest of our years.. The New Year must be good. We will make it good. Can you not see those lettered cliffs? No visitor ever was dull to their magic spell, and many have read them through grateful tears.' . -1 ■' .. •• • A ftratktttmt Hf® by patriots. rather than partteana; to ttrttt fife peace bt| mining the ibealiam mh*ri? mon fljy-ntar; to broaden oar mttlnnk anb nammt mar ani mosities; to rarrg into national anil international affairs the maxims mhirb guide gentlemen anb gentletnnmyn in tijrir datlg rondurt; to practice thrift that toy man by ably to prartiry rharitg; to recognize that yarh of us ia anb almaga must by hia bmther'o keeper; to mark mrli that there mag be pletttg of goods to the tnnrlb anb think rnell that theg mag be rlgijtlg biatribnteb; to go fotmarb each bag to a higher lenel of pnrpooe anb rffrctiurnras. anb liny tm one afraid of no man, anb of mhom no fnat man ia afraib.. ; — ©hftsgo Sonrnal 1 ► Seven Sentence Cormnne WVI UlUUlJ MEAN to be something with all your might*—Phillips Brooks. = _ ■ '■ .• * t>olng what can’t be done la the glory of JilvSag,—General Armstrong A bright New Tear and a sunny track Along &ii upward way, - - ™ i.% And a song of praise on looking back, When the year has passed away; ' And golden sheaves, nor small, nor few I »■' This is my New Year’s wish for you 1 !-V-'.j ■«»% ^cV-.-^Anon. If you tell the truth, you have In finite power supporting you; but If not, you have Infinite power against you.—Charles George Gordon, And let. the peace of Christ rule In your hearts, to the which also ye were called In one hody; and.-be ye thankful.—Col. 2, 15- ... v&l - - l I asked the New Sear for Borne »es f-';' "sage sweet, v" - -, - ■ Some rule at life* which to guide my - feet; “ . J . i t asked, and •passed; he answered, soft and low, •“God’s will to know.* , —Anon.... . * •*' * - What then hast In store :’4 This coming year, I do not stop to ask; .Enough, If day by day there dawns - before me My appointed task; __ v ' -w?*:' ■i seek not great things, For I have learned how vain such ■ seeking Is, w But let me :,eek Thy will, O King of. kings, :■»: And find t'leteln my bliss, *’ K'*- ^ E Fuller. Mood and Might. The man who calmly expects to win has already begun to conquer; our mood has so much to do with our might—Or. 4. £L Jowett SSNftf. ftmtanta lBPluid Bji fptlig] :rr -,r-3^"E7\' rMMrl? mm ALCOHOL-3 PEH CENT. | jl AVeielat)tePfcparAli«i6rAs| r <§ similatin^thelood t(irjk$*l* g f' llnSihcStonuschsandBawets®.;; m 40 |ThcrctyPfofflotinpi^s^ 'fetS I ChcetfulftcssandRcstCo^^ §|. N neither Opium,McsrpMnenM1 £', / I neither opium, - Mineral. NotNahc«tic jPympiia3*4 Senna jtocMUJM CUlitiatS* 'Safer /krar Mi Conftipa^SndDiiny* — ^everfetoessand wm resu im rfi^SeSMnatgrLot jak^gggf TsjyrW VORKl Exact Copy of Wrapper, i-sdkV For Infants and Children* Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bears the Signature For Over CASTORIA THI CCMTAJR COMPANY. NtW YORK CITY. . ’ ' Spellbound. • * ■ “Why don’t you go on writing my speech?” said the orator. “I am spellbound,” replied his typ ■ igt. ‘3 V-V'i'-i'.S-; i - - “Has my eloquence such an effect?” “Yes, sir. I - never worked for a man, who used so many words I can’t spell.”—Boston Transcript. ASPIRIN 9 • W • llllll Name “Bayer” on Genuine y Take Aspirin only as. told in each package of genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will be following, the directions and dosage.worked out' by physicians during 21 years, and i proved safe by. millions. Take no chances with substitutes. If you see the Bayer Cross on. tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, ■ Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. . Druggists also /sell larger packages. Aspirin Is .the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidester of Salieylicacld.— Adv. - • Irony. " ; j “The way to rim this country,’ said Knowlfall, “isto piit thoroughly wise, capable, alert and honest men In con trol of affairs.” ."Yes, ” answered Miss Keen, “but what are we to do—there’s only one of yop.” { 2 * " It takes Co agrees to settle a strike, but ■ an unruly stomach is subdued by Garfield ‘ Tea.—Adv. Woman Workers “Make Good." The Women’s Industrial League-of: . Great Britain asked 5,000 firms for a j statement of their experience with women as Industrial workers. Nearly 1,500 replies were received from com pan|mi whtujo ggggflgQCg: Karl hnnn an. couraging enough for them to retain women In their employ and in many concerns to increase the number. If your eye* smart or test scalded. Roman By* Balsam applied upon Kolos to bed is lost the thin* to rellsre them.—Adr. : Youthful Skeptic.; ~ ' They had hare for dinner, and very proudly mother told little Ada that It had been shot by father. “Really 1” said the little angel. “And who held It wliile daddy shot It, mummy?”—Edinburgh Scotsman. Smoke Up. ; ’>•' ; “Why do you call your new cfgar the Sjiark Plug?” “Perfect Ignition.” '?. ro '.V-t” “What is a biting remark?” “I supose It is the kind you throw to a person’s h ?' - . Would Be Time Wasted. r As one of the laboring' flass . gods,,how the money rolls In!) we;ank not keen personally for the Idea, ex pressed in the following lines even though we print them: ~ “I would like to get a few1, days off to get married, sir.” • ' “Why didn’t you get married dur ing your vacation?” , “I didn’t want to spoil my vacation in that way. sir.”—Boston Transcript. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are la good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Ttonlc and Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the lnfiammatlQQ and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. : V. 3. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio. ' „ ' An Improved Method. An American Inventor has devised a scheme for lassoing enemy subma rines. This Is a decided Improvement on the method of just sticking' a pin Into them as they whizz by.—London Punch.. • ‘ We should not forget that life is a dower which Is no sooner fully Mown than it begins to wither. . . s Sure Relief _ sfey 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS Bar FOR INDIGESTION l SLOW I -ft 'V DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The worltfs standard remedy for kidney, liver, Uadder and uric add troubles— COLD MEDAL tetn* quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national Swauvdy cf Holland for csrs than 299 years. All druggists, in three ehees. kr *he name Gold Medal mi army bon end eccept oo iaitaltoa FRECKLES TWO LANCASTER COUNTY FAJiAlS; thirty and seventy acres, adjoining: sold separate or together; beat of soli for all orops; good water; houses, barns and outbuildings. It Will pay you to investigate. A. Lu ROW EN9KI. WHITE ROCK. PA. WH HELP YOU make US weak from one •ole weekly. Representative wtd. your town. Hlgh-elat.fe work. CommlseionB wkly. Rata eaob'ged. Southern Sales Oo., Salisbury, Mi W. N. BALTIMORE, N«sL UiS&u ::cT <■+ t J I, .fat;*' {tLj+j.%h ■•c-'t-.-.