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VENTNORNEWS Established 1907. Offletsl Nmqsptr of Ventnor City. Published Every Saturday by VENTNOR NEWS CO., INC., At Victoria and Atlantia Arenuoa. Atlantic. City, N. J., P. O. (VENTNOR CITY. N. J.) Subscription Prlos.$1.00 per year ,> - Payable M Advance. Slnflo Copts*.Two Cento Advertising rates on Application. ; Oerraspondoneo regarding matters of local Interest solicited. Communications should be signed by tbo writer, not necessarily for pub lication. but as a guarantee of good faith. ... 1. TRANK PETERS, Editor sad Bustnsss Manager. "Entered as seeond-elas* matter July 27. 1907, at the Poet Office at Atlantic City, New /creep, under the not of Congress of March 2. 1879.” FRIDAY. JANUARY 7, 1921 , STRONG MESSAGE. V --The new Mayor Is stating out along i the lines of an editorial published by us last week for a greater and better Ventnor City, as the message he deliv ered upon taking his seat on New Year’s Day, was one of the strongest measures that was ever presented in this city. The Mayor by his explicit suggestions shows that he has been in close touch with the affairs of the city and has made a careful study of the various departments. The suggestions advocated are good and to the point, yet an early action is not expected by his honor on many of the subjects, as he rightfully states they are measures that will require careful study on the , part of all of the city officials. In ad vocating these measures the Mayor shows that he stands for a greater and better Ventnor City and will do all in his power to bring it about. CONGRATULATIONS. The city is to be congratulated on one of the very first steps of the new Mayor, that of the appointment of Harry Frings as Chief of Police. Mr. Fringe has acted in this capacity for some time and deserved the honor of being appointed to the position. The police department today deserves the praise of every resident, as during this terrific crime wave throughout the country, it has been conspicuous by its absence in this city. The patrolmen are on their job every minute and it would not be healthy for the light fingered gentry to select this as a * working place. ASK FOR JURY TRIAL. The landlord and tenant case of William a. Dunn against William A. Marron, which was to have been heard by Magistrate Hand at City Hall on Wednesday has been postponed again. Attorney Rauffenbart, for Mr. Marron, has asked for a jury trial. Judge Hand has set. the case down for Jan uary 25, and has directed Constable LeRoy Risley to empanel a jury to be on hand at that time. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Minimum* Price 25 Cents) ANNUAL MEETING, The Annual Meeting ol the Shares holders of the Ventnor City National Bank for the election of Directors 'Will be held at the Banking House, Atlantic Avenue at Surrey Place, on Tuesday, January 11, 1921, between the hours of 3 P. M. and 4 P.M. ROBERT W. BARTLETT, Cashier. December 10t 1920. FINANCIAL. The Ventnor dtp National Bank. At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of this Bank, held this date, a semi-annual dividend of 3% and an extra dividend of 2% were de-' dared, payable January 1st, 1921, to stockholders of record, at the close of business, December 27th, 1920. Checks will be mailed. ROBT. W. BARTLETT, Dec. 27, 1920. Cashier. TRAVEL INFORMATION. FOR WATER TRIPS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION — See Mr. Shreve, Room 303, Guarantee Trust Building, or 105 S. Weymouth Avenue. Pass > ports. Notary Public. "The World Is Our Field." Send for literature on trip desired. Phones 471 and 7160. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. i FOR SALE.—niree epoice Building j Lots, Ventnor Avenue, facing south, j between Portland and Cambridge Ave i nues. Size 50x116 feet. Price reason j able. C. G. Justice, 6416 Ventnor Ave ; nue. i -^---....-:-• FOR SALE.—6416 Ventnor Ave. Cheerful house, built 1918. First floor, living, dining, kitchen, laundry and lavatory; second floor, 3 bedrooms and tile bath; basement; 2 blocks to school; 1 block to Portland Ave. trol ley loop. Bargain; quick pos. Apply at premises. ,, LOTS—If you are going to. build I have the lots you should* buy. Mulford T. Rose, Little Rock and Atlantic. Phone 7567-J. FOR SALE.' FOR SALE cheap, Two Seat and Ta ble for Breakfast work. The latest style. Address S. 7 Ventnor News Office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT, garage, 19 South Wissa hickon Ayenue. Apply Mrs. Skelly, 10 North Newark ■ Avenue. , SITUATION WANTED. • Visiting Governess.’ Young children. Parisian French, Elementary English and music. Six years reference last place. Address A-12, Ventnor News Office, Send a dollar for a year’s subecrlp 'l.i-' t* the Ventnor Newo All Substantial Fortunes % **r,\ ~ ': .. •re founded on the principle of economy and saving. The best way to save is in a Building and Loan Association. •• The best time to commence is NOW. This Association Offers Two Methods of Saving:— . t ' ✓ 1. The Monthly Payment Plan ^ A dollar a month for each share, which mature when the payment and profits amount to $200. - Pay five dollars per month and you will receive $1000 at maturity. A NEW SERIES IS NOW OPEN. " . -r. ;?*v/ • • l.. <-. . y . r 2. Prepaid Shares ■ j. ;• These shares are issued for $200 each. At the end of every six months you receive an interest cheek at the rate of 5% per’annum. A safe, care free way to invest idle funds. ' * ’ M ¥!< V. ■ C •' j- • 1 "V ' . i ” - . ■ ■"" ' Seashore Building & Loan Assn. Ventnor City National Bank THOS. G. SHEEN, President. ROBT. W. BARTLETT, Treasurer. DAVID MOORE, Vice President GEORGE W. BOND, Secretary. 4 $ Start the. New Year "L Right C. J. ADAMS CO. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGES • -v'y . y - \ , ' - . . REAL ESTATE AND LAW BUILDING Ventnor Realty Co. Atlantic and Little Rock Avenues Phone 7049-W List Your Properties with Us for Quick Action. Is Your Property fully.Insured ? v ‘We'Sell FIRE, AUTOMOBILE AND LIABILITY INSURANCE H. G. Harris & Co. JUANITA APARTMENT BUILDING Surrey and Atlantic Avenue* a mrrrrv/> y jots ry thing in Real Estate Veataor Property a Specialty furnished cottages or apartments by . V ' month, season or rear. * INSURANCE Byron Jenkins ■M': REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 5209. Atlantic avenue List Your Properties for Selling * ’ or Renting PHONE CONNECTIONS ;v MULFORD T. ROSE REAL’ ESTATE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN Little Rock and Atlantic Avenues Kodaks and Supplies The Only Fully Equipped Optical Work Shop and Grinding Plant IN ATLANTIC CITY • Maryland Avenue and Boardwalk _ ATLANTIC CITY Order? taken at 6402 Winchester Ave nue or 8 N. Cambridge Avenues Every Department Every department of a modern commercial bank - finds adequate representa tion here. ~ Itis the aim of this bank to give its customers a complete and satisfactory service. - < v . At Your Service T .. :,^=The■■■ Second National Bank ATLANTIC CITY, N. i. JOHN STRINGER PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER • HEATING Jobbing Promptly Attended To 5216 VENTNOR AVENUE VENTNOR CITY, N. J. Bell Phone 7364-W 1 Sunset Mill Co. All Kinds of Mill Work 1 Morris and Sunset Aves. SPECIALTIES Storm Sash, Stairways. Porch Enclosures Walter L Margerum . PLUMBING ^ AND HEATiNG JOBBING A SPECIALTY 17 SOUTH VICTORIA AVE. PHONE 7076-J 'ALFRED CARDILLO Electrical Contractor Private House Wiring a Specialty. Nothing Too Large. Nothing Too Small. G$t My Estmate. 3 SO. LITTLE ROCK AVNEUE Frank J. Kenney HEATER WORK JOBBING AND SPOUTING 10 Avenue C, Ventnor Heights ; FREDERICK R. ROGERS Electrical Contractor 14 s Mt. Vernon ave. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Bell Phone 1658-W Atlantic City. N. J. GEORGE BERG CARPENTER AND BUILDER _ 35 N; WEYMOUTH AVENUE Bell Phone 7429 '• : -, VentnorTailorfng Co. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing , and Dyeing HAND PRESSING, noWIachine Work 26 S. LITTLE ROCK AVE BILL PHOME 7224-W SITUATIONS WANTED We are furnishing a very high class grade of ■":/ Servants.. ’ * Full of Pep, Quick as a Wink, Never Absent, Never Disagreeable, Entirely Trustworthy. Our Charges aje Small. Just a Few Pennies a Day. CALL 3610 FOR THE “SILENT SERVANT” AND SMILE The Atlantic City Electric Co. * 3 I ■ ’ EVERY NIGHT THE “MATCHLESS LIGHT” TELEPHONE YOUR TROUBLES TO John G. Gibson & Son PLUMBING AND HEATING Estimates Cheerfully Given. Repair Work on Short Notice a Specialty 12 N. SACRAMENTO AVENUE PHONE 7145-W Fire Place and Kindling WOdD —FOR SALE= If you are Looking for Good,. Seasoned, Fire Place Wood and Prompt Delivery, call SMITH & APPEL PHONIS 42-W \ Office and Yard:— Rear 229 N. Connecticut Avenue OLDEST and MOST RELIABLE Atlantic City Carpet Cleaning Works Mattresses Upholstering JOHN SCHOPPY i&22 Baltic Avenue PHONE J727-W .) I Places 4td Chimneys .repaired! expert workmanship E. F. KLINE | 6 North Newark Avenue > WANTED.-^Er«ry perron miereited v Ventno* to any way to robroribe for The, vontoor Nf«i, pabUsh*! weekly ■■■ W4: