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ABLE TO 00 HER WORK After Long Suffering Mrs. Siefert Was Restored to Health by Lydia L Pinkham’s Vegetable . , Compound Pottsville. Pa.—“I suffered with lrfemale trouble for four or five years and * w&o vcijr uicguuu. 5 I was not fit to do I my work at times i and took medicine 1 from a doctor and | got no benefit. I | saw Lydia E. Pink 3 ham’s Vegetable I Compound adver 3 tised in the news | papers and took it l and got all right. I | gained twenty Dounds or more and am now able to do my work. I recom mend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and you may use these facts as a testimonial,’—Mrs. Sallie Siepebt, 813 W. Fourth Street, Pottsville, Pa. ' The everyday life of many housewives is a continual struggle with weakness '' and pain. There is nothing more wear ing than the ceaseless round of house hold duties and they become doubly bard when some female trouble makes every bone and muscle ache, and nerves all on edge. ' If you are one of these women do not suffer for four or five years as Mrs. Siefert did, but profit by her experience and be restored to health by Lydia £. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. vf'v.sfe > f, ■» < • ' -V w, 4. Vaseline Reg U S.Pat Off Carbolated An antiseptic dressing for cuts; / sores, etc. A necessity where there are children. AVOID SOBSTITOTES (COMSOUOATIOI State Street New York KEEP 1 I HALE'S HONEY 1 OF HOREHOUND AND TAR i j. In the house. Don’t let I* colds become influenza, pneumonia or other se rious ailments. Use the dependable home reme dy that quickly relieves coughing, hoarseness, sore throat, etc.: con tains nothing harmful. 30c at all tfroffltd ; Too many drawing-room smiles teriorate into kitchen frowns,. Taking Garfield Tea keeps the system clean, the blood pore and the, general health good. Buy from your druggist.—Adv, The father spareth the rod and the son taketh it and goes fishing. The occasional use of Roman Rye Balsam at nleht upon retiring will prevent and re lieve tired, watery eyee, and eye a train.—Adv. The balance of trade is not always r 1 a political platform scale. Feel All Worn Out? Has a cold, grip, or other infectious disease sapped your strength? Do you suffer backache, jack ambition, ieei auii, and depressed? Look to your kidneys! Physicians agree that kidney trouble often results from infectious disease. Too often the kidneys are neglected be cause the sufferer doesn’t realize they have broken down under the strain of filtering disease-created poisons from the blood. If your back is bad, your kidney's act irregularly, and you feel all run down, use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Doan’s have helped thousands. Ask your neiffhbort A Maryland Cate James B. uyue, rural mall carrier. Baker St, Berlin. Md., Bays: "I was afflicted with a dull ache across my ; back, which con tinued until I could hardly rest. My back directly over my kidneys became terribly sore and A painful and I felt Si ... my kidneys were in if v-, nrfltfv ho A aVtnrvA T Si used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they quickly relieved the misery." Get Doan’* at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’S VSK* FOSTER.MULBURN CO.. "UFFALO. N. Y. KREMOLA! I AXES THR SKIN BEAUTIFUL. ora wonders for * b*d f'tarp’.exioo, .sj&fca GUINEA FOWL IN GREATER DEMAND V,-;.. . ■ Of Big Value in Various Sections as Substitute for Many Game Birds. MAKES 6000 AS POLICEMAN Hotels and Restaurants in Large Cities Eager to Secure Young Birds Which Are Tender and • ' of Fine Flavor. The great majority of guinea fowl are raised in small flocks of from 10 to 25 upon farms in the Middle West and in the South, but a few of the Urge poultry raisers, particularly those who are within easy reach of the targe Eastern markets, make a prac- ] tlce of raising a hundred or so guineas each year. Many farmers keep a pair j or a trio of guineas more as a novelty than for profit, and from these a small flock is raised. Warns of Marauders. The guinea fowl doubtless would be more popular on farms were it not for its harsh and, at times, seemingly nev er-ending cry, say poultry specialists of the United States Department of Peculiar Cry of Guinea Gives Warn ing of. Marauding in Poultry Yard. Agriculture. However, some people look on this Cry as an argument In the guinea’s favor, as It gives warning of marauders In the poultry yard. Simi larly, their pugnacious disposition while sometimes causing disturbances among the other poultry also makes them show fight agalrist hawks and other common enemies, so that guineas sometimes are kept as guards over the poultry yard. Often a few guineas are ] raised with a flock of turkeys ^nnd al lowed to roost In the same tree, where they can give warning If any theft Is attempted during the night. Used as Substitute. The value of the guinea fowl as a substitute for game birds Such as grouse, partridge, quail and pheasant Is becoming more and more recognized by those who are fond of this class of meat and the demand for these fowls Is increasing steadily. Many hotels and restaurants In the large cities are eager to Becure prime young guineas, and often they are served at banquets and club dinners as a special delicacy. When well cooked, guineas are attrac tive in appearance, although darker than common fowls, and the flesh of young birds Is tender and of especial ly fine flavor, resembling that of .wilfl game. Like all other fowl, old guineas are very likely -to be tough and rather dry. ■"*. Avoid Diseased Animals. Extreme precaution should be taken to .prevent healthy animals from com ing In contact with diseased or ex posed animals. Save Lots of Elbow Grease. On most farms tnere are places US the fences that are climbed regularly. Usually one post, a couple of hinges, and a few boards nailed together, will save lots of- elbow grease and knee action. - Solve Labor Problem. ■ - The farmer who treats his hired help with fair consideration this year and acquires a good reputation among them will not have labor difficulties next year. ■ Keep Bulldlnge Sanitary. All covered buildings In which ani mals are housed require good ventila tion and drainage. Concrete floors Im prove considerably the sanitary condi tions. ’■ /; , : Exorcise Is Essential. Animals, like people, require a cer tain amount of exercise and provisions should be made to supply them with this physical requirement. Clean Up and Drain. Barnyards and pens should be well tanned and kept clean. . > CUSTOMERS SECURED FOR POULTRY SHOWS Persons at Summer Resorts Buy * Produce in Winter. City People Have Inspected Producer's _ Farm and Know Under What Con ditions Foodstuffs Are Raised —One Case Cited. Many producers living near summer resorts supply produce In the summer months to the persons at the resorts, and during the other months of the year ship produce to these persons while they are in the city. This, say marketing specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture, is one of the best methods of obtaining customers for direct marketing, as the producer and consumer have some ac quaintance. In most instanoes the cus tomers have been at the producer’s farm and know under what conditions the articles are produced. Ope man wiro lives near a summer resort in Indiana is about twelve miles from the nearest town of any size. He does not desire to drive to this town to dispose of his farm produce and is not satisfied' with, the prices that the huck sters pay. Consequently he built up a business of supplying products to fe sorters in the summer and of shipping produce by parcel post and express to these persons at their city homes in the winter. The principal products shipped are butter, eggs and dressed poultry. This producer -uses good shipping containers and packs produce attractively. As he ■ is acquainted with his customers, he renders statements of accounts only once a month. In this way the matter of making payments is simplified for the customers. This producer has had no trouble in establishing his business nor in retain ing customers. He states that his only trouble has been In • getting enough^ high-grade produce to supply all of his customers. ' * OBTAIN BEST HATCHING EGGS One Male. Should Be Used With Every IS Hens of Breeds Like Orping tons or Rocks. The male must be In the flock from ten to fourteen days before the eggs laid can be used for hatching purposes. After the male has been removed from the flock, hatchabie eggs will be laid for about three weeks thereafter. To secure good, hatchabie eggs, provide One male to every twenty leghorn or other egg breeds; use one male to Single Comb Black Orpington. every fifteen Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes. or Orpingtons, and one male to each twelve Langslians, Brahmas or other meat breeds. '■ Training Horses. - . ' Horses for racing, higji-stepping carriage horses, and fine saddle horses require schooling and training, and their development had better be In trusted to the regular trainers. te 111 = ===== > .. SQUEALING PIG BEST The pig that keeps still is the pig that sucks the most swill, runs a saying. Maybe so, but we have observed that the hun gry porker who Is always com plaining to high heaven about his appetite usually proves a growthler, thriftier, and conse quently' more profitable individ ual than his tongue-tied brother. Start With Chickens, It is easy to start with standard bred chickens. Buy a few settings of eggs from a standard-bred flock or buy a dozen standard-bred bens and a cockerel and you have made a start. Avoid 8oft Ground. Keep the stock out of the corn stub ble and pasture when the ground is •oft Make Soil Jtich. Make your soil rich and It will make you rich. , WHY DRU66ISTS RECOMMEND J., SWAMP-RDOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Boot, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician’s prescription. Swamp-Boot is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should ddT~ Swamp-Boot has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Boot and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer t Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing, be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. A man’s shady past will not benefit him much in the good old summer time. A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., Brook lyn, N. Y., asking for sample will repay you!—Adv. Some wise married women can draw the line between coaxing and nagging. DR. JJJ.KELLOGG’S ASTHMA REMEDY for the prompt relief of Asthma and Hay Fever. Ask your drug* gist for it. 25 cents and one dol lar. Write for FREE SAMPLE. Northrop & Lyman Cosine.,Buffalo, N.Y. ■ Soak 1 envelope Gainers’ Granu- g " lated Cebtbe in % cup cold water _ B and melt^ver steam; add cup _ B *u£*r, 1 pt. Grape Juice, and the * ■ juice of 2 Oranges and I Lemon * ■ strained. Mould in sherbert glasses ® fl and set ha cold place to harden. Cara isb with B ■ whipped cream. Serrea eight. g L.,••PURITY-:..J SALESMEN ^jj Our West Virginia Grown ;! Nursery Stock. Fine canvassing outfit FREE. Gash Commission Paid Weeklv WRITE for terms. THE GOLD NURSERY CO. Mason City, W. Veu X Loos* Bleeding Gums known as Pyorrhea or Rlgjrs disease, relieved by our home remedy. Many graceful testimonials received. Money refunded if not promptly benefitted. Literature on request. Price $2.00 per bottle. Sent postpaid on receipt of price by Beat FyerAu loMrfy.he.517 fcsL fct Bok BUg..Waslo«t«a EC Mexican Drawn Work | Laces, Embroideries, Rugs; ideal oma- -i' ! ments for home and personal apparel; I all hand-made and works of art. Write ; for catalogue. Western Sales Co., 205"W. y; | San Antonij St., El Paso, Texas. .GOOD FRATERNAL ORGANIZERS MAKS j $500 MONTHLY. State "Managers wanted. I New plan produces results. Give experience. ^ : Loyal Bohemians, 868 Clay, San Francisco. j District ‘Manager*—-Need four more. Era | ploy, handle men. All sales credited. Drawing j sect. against commissions. Start own bus. | Accesso Mfg. Co., Dept. C, Boston, Mas*. ! THE FUNNIEST NOVELTY YOU EVER SAW, Ma Spookendy See; 25 cents prepaid. I J. KELLER, L. B. 81. So. Chicago, 111. OPPORTUNITY for Mfg. Business of your %. own. Agents also wanted. Good profits. Add. Ciha, 2636 S. Kolin Av<*., Chicago. III. MISTAKE IN THE LOCATION Despite Waiter's Assertion, Traveler Was Convinced They Were in the Wrong Room. The lute William Dean Howells was - very fond of traveling In Spain. He once said on his return from Anda- j lusia: | “The Spaniards, especially the southern Spaniards, have enormous families. Eight children is the aver age and families of 16 and. 17 chil dren are quite common. “But they don’t know how to raise these children. They take babies of three or four months traveling with them. In every hotel and train there are sure to' be as many babies as adults. “I was ushered one evening by a Malaga waiter into the lofty marble and bronze restaurant of a sumptuous hotel. The restaurant was crowded with babies. ‘“This is our dining hall, senor,’ said the waiter, complacently. “I put my hands over my ears. “‘Your dining hall?’ I said. ‘Don’t you mean your bawl room?’”* The Trouble. “Everybody about that bank seems to be catching cold. Is it damp?-’ “No; but there are so many drafts! about it.” Instead of marrying for money alone a man ought to brace up and rob a bank. The smaller a man is the harder tt is for him to eat crow gracefully. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those are In a "run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bother* them much more than when they are In 1D1H fact proves tnat wnuo Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through thf blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All druggists Circulars free. K J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Back for Another. - “You did me a. favor ten years ago,” said the stranger, “and I have never forgotten It.” : 1* "Ah,” replied the good man, with a grateful expression on his face, “and you have come back to repay me.” “Not exactly,” replied the stranger, “I’ve just got into town and need an other favor, and I thought of you right .away.” ... ... • ’ - - ■ . y./ '' ,-Tlv ' Juat to Impress Him. A Jew in Russia was ordered twenty strokes with the knout. The whipping man was also a Jew, so the other was able to “square” the affair for 20,000 roubles. It was arranged that the one should merely crack his whip while the other screamed. This was done nineteen times—but the tweutieth stroke was genuine.. ,5* “Why did you do that?” cried the victim. “To let you realize what a- bargain you have got.” the other said. * y'fi Boil Kbur Postum . fully fifteen minutes wHenyouuse Postum Cereal 1j;-V Then there results a drink of <Ae- " licious flavor which many prefer a * • j to coffee. Postum is more eco 7: jsr- nomical and healthful than coffee £ 7 ! Another form, Instant Postum, is made by adding hot water to a teaspoonful in the cup. The t drink may be made strong or V “mild to suit individual taste GROCERS EVERYWHERE SELL BOTH KINDS ~ Made by-Bastuin Cereal Co. Inc^ Battle Creek^Mich. r- '. ■ TV . ‘V - :t *