Newspaper Page Text
, HEAD OF FAMILY GETS EXEMPTION Income Tax Laws Allow Certain Amount As "Well As Other Amounts For Dependents, Single persons, though- required to file a return if their net income for 1920'-was $1,000 or more, are, if they are the heads of families, granted a special exemption under the revenue laws. Such a person is defined by Treasury regulations as “a person who actually supports and-maintains in one household one or more indivii^ials who are closely connected with him by blood relationship, relationship by marriage or by adoption, and whose right to exercise family control and provide for these dependent individu als is based upon some moral or legal ^obligation.” Such persons are allowed the exemption of $2,000 granted a mar ried person. In addition, they are al lowed a credit of $200 for each de pendent under 18 years of age or in capable of self-support because men tally or physically defective. Husband and Wife. ♦ A married person living with hus it band and wife cannot claim an addi tional $2,000 exemption as the head of a family. His or her exemption is based upon the marital status, irre spective of the support of others living in the same household. The addition al $200 credit for dependents does not apply to the husband or wife of a tax payer. For example, if a married man supports a father who is incapable# of self-support, he is entitled to the $200 credit for such person. If through force,of circumstances he supports his wife^away from home he is entitled to the $2,000 exemption allowed, a mar v. ried person, but not to a $200 credit for a dependent. A son wno nas lett nome out wno ' stands his*mother more than one-half the sum required for her support is entitled to the $200 credit, provided the mother eannot support herself. Otherwise, the amount must be con sidered as a gift, and, therefore, the .credit is not allowed. A son living at home and supporting his father, moth er, or other relative may claim the *2.000 exenint.ion allowed the head of a family, but not the $200 credit unless - such .relative is under 18 years of age or incapable of self-support. SHERIFF’S SALE. “By virtue at a writ of fieri facias, to me di rected, Issued out of the New Jersey Court of Chancery, will be sold at public vendue, on WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTY-SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, NINETEEN HUN DRED AND TWENTY-ONE, . . at two o'clock In the afternoon of said day, 111 the Court Room, No. 201, Second Floor, Guarantee Trust Building, In the City of At . lantio City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. All that certain lot tract or parcel of land situate In the City of Margate City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Easterly line of Osborne Avenue two hundred and twelve and sixty-eight hundredths (212.68) feet South of the Southerly line of Atlantic Ave nue and extending thence (1) Eastwardly at right angles with said Easterly line of Os borne Avenue eighty (80) feet; thence (2) Southwardly parallel with Osborne Avenue " fifty (50) feet: thence (3) Westwardly par allel with the first course eighty (80) feet to / the Easterly line of Osborne Avenue; thence (4) Northwardly along said Easterly line of Osborne Avenue fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning. Being lot 5 In block 9 on a certain plan of lots entitled “Plan of lands belonging to Ventnor Syndicate at Margate Park, Margate City, N. J„ made December, 1910, by Ash mead ft Hackney, Civil Engineers, Scale 100 feet to the Inch," and duly filed In the Coun ; ty Clerk’s Office of Atlantic County, New Jersey. Decree approximately $1,606, besides In terest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Estate of Mary Stinson Bean et als. and taken In execution a't the suit of Carrie Wiener and to be sold by MALCOLM B. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. • Dated January 1, 1921. - John B. Slack, Solicitor. Pr’s fee, $23.94 r / PROPOSALS. . Sealed bids or proposals will be received when called for by the President at,a meet ing of the Common Council of Ventnor City, U, N. J.. to be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Ventnor City, N. J„ on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1921, £ at 8 o’clock P. M., for the labor and mate rials complete for sinking ONE EIGHT INCH WELL at the Municipal Water Plant of Ventnor City at Cornwall Avenue. Specification* can be obtained from the City Clerk. ^ Each and all bids must be in a sealed %% pnvelope marked, “Bids for Well”, and be accompanied by a certified check on a Na tional or State Bank or Trust Company pay able to the order» of Enoch Turner, City Treasurer, for the sum of Five hundred dol Sjk-- lars ($50£.u0). Ventnor City reserve* the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Common Council of Vent nor City. • JAMES T, G. HAND, City Clerk. Dated Jan. 14th, 1921. r = BUILDER= NORMAN N. GALE BRICKLAYING — PLASTERING 32 NORTH TROY AVENUE Walter T. Margerum PLUMBING AND HEATING JOBBING A SPECIALTY 17 SOUTH VICTORIA AVE. PHONE 7076-J VentnorTaiLoring Co. Cleaning, Praising, Repairing and Dyeing HAND PRESSING, no Machine Work • 26 S. LITTLE ROCK AVE. 1 ■ILL PHONE 7214-W Ventnor City Sinking Fund Report for Year 1920 Jan. 1, 1920—Bal. Cash on hand, Deposited'in Ventnor City Nth Bank..... $ 4,685.09 Receipts: m v deceived from Investments ....’.:.. rr.t. :.$20,132.67 Received Interest on Investments .. rr..$11,230.87 Received Interest on Deposits ....... 134.91: Investments, Income Account ......t ........ ..v..-- 11,365.78 Received from City Appropriations- Acet., General "Sinking Fund Requirements" _.................t......r.'.,... ^.8Q9.29 Total Receipts .^v.............$36,307.74 Temporary Loan—Ventnor City National Bank .. 15,000.00 -—- 51,307.71. ' . ’ $55,992.83 Disbursements: Investments purchased during: 1920— » Ventnor City Notes......$17,525.70 $5,000 Water Bonds ............... 5,000.00 • —v V: -—-1 $22,525.70 Accrued Interest on Investments ....$100.29 Interest on Temporary Loan ............_..._____ 10.00 - 110.29 i . . i r ' - V- * 51 . $22,635.99 Repaid Temporary Loan, Ventnor City National Bank....i.. 15,000.00 Raid West End Tm.\Co., Philadelphia, amount of.... 13,433.33* —- 51,069.32 •fkn. 1, 1921—Net Bal. Cash now in Ventnor City National Bank.* $4,923.51 Note—To Repay Loan at that Bank, made by the then Comptroller, of $13,000, "7 th interest on the loan. $433.33,- was paid to secure to the Commission >10,000 \\ ater Bonds, $7,000 Park Bonds, a total of $17 000, which the Commission did obtain on Oct. 14, 1920, and the Bonds became an Investment- of the Sinking i und Commission on that date. Signed:— . ■ CHAS. H. GODFREY, President. FRANK F. HEPLER, Treasurer. r Jan. 14, 1921. ADAM FREUND, CHAS. C. BEYER. NICHOLAS S. ALBERTSON, Secretary. J. B. SCANLAN CO. “THE STORK WORTH KNOWING ABOUT" SALE - SALE - SALE Of our Great Stock of House Furnishings and Hotel Supplies y • of our usual High Quality at Remarkable Prices . ^ A FEW OF THE BARGAINS ft "Inverted Gas Fixtures, 6Sc Complete Agate Coffee Pots, ^ 47c Keen Kutter Butfther Knives, 69c Copper Tea Kettles, $2.95 9-IN-l -r Combination Sets, . $3.39 Aluminum guaranteed 20 years Window Shades, 69c complete Dark Green Coal Hods $9c 25c Soap Holders, 13o Fire Shovels. _7c Flour-Sugar-Coffee Tea Cannisters, $1.39 Set Gold Band Dinner Plates and Soup Plates, 21c each Waste Baskets, v , 33c - Blue Bird COTTAGE SETS $6.95 Set 31 pieces ■-0 , Dust Pans, ____2_19c 1 qt. Agate Bowls, 19c __ Galvanised Buckejts, • 39c Tin Wash Boilers,,^., Uncov’d 69c ' Dish Mops, 7c Aluminum Salt and Pepper - Shakers, 9c 5Cc'Russ Iron Fry Pans, 33c Painted Tin Cuspidors, 22c Agate Wash Basins, . 29c Aiuminum PERCOLATORS $1.69 $3.00 value Aluminum Ladles, 19c, Reg. 25c Rubber Door Mats, 95c, Reg. $1.60 Flour Sifters, 29c Oil Lamps, 49c to $8.69 Scrub Brushes, ' 7c Small size * Galvanized Tubs, 69c up Tin Dish Pans, _33o Aluipinum Sauce Pan Sets, $2.39 Set Dust Brushes, 67c O’Cedar Mops 95c Battleship model. Regular $1.50. Including handle . * Agate Roast Pan, , 39c - 2 qt. Covered Grey Pot, 59c 3 qt. Blue and 'White Pots, • n 69c Broilers, 2oc Regular 13c Egg Beaters, 7c . j J. B. SCANLAN CO. | A “ THE STORE*WORTH KNOWING ABOUT ” t a 1917 Atlantic Ave. 1917 Atlantic Ave. | jj ONLY ONE STORE PHONE 391-J £ I .& * • INSURANCE 7 IS IMPORTANT Are Your Household Furniture, Personal Effects Jewelry and Furs Properly Protected ? : : CALL 2240 X HARRY L. GODSHAJ.L 8 INCORPORATED GUARANTEE TRUST BUILDING »» **>r*>r» ****************** * ***** >»»**$,* ****#»« VERY SPECIAL OFFERINGS --IN USED CARS BOTH CLOSED AND OPEN EASTERN MOTOR CO. 2207 ATLANTIC, AVE. PHONE 4078 ' v * < «**«*<***««3*«***j«***j»j*)r««*« ««« «« *»» ***» >s T00 ?nu°b weight in an auto mobile means low mileage to . each tire and each gallon of gas. .. Too little weight means wasted power. ^ TKe Chevrolet “Four Ninety” Touring Car represents the happy medium in the matter of weight. CUSKADEN BROS. * 2008 ATLANTIC AVE. $890 Delivered » L Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Cor, mmmm mmmmmmmmm •« ** * a * •».«.«, LIST Your Cottage FOR SUMMER RENTAL We Are Now Having Inquiries H. G. HARRIS & CO. | , Melville S. Atwood, Manager I 5313 ATLANTIC AVENUE I PHONE 7215-J D ' ^ 8c$B<m^a<£a<?asaa^^^<m<H*e *a-*a* a. i n •- a • a • a ‘ *^^a^a $a-»B; a • a • a ? a • a t a • a • a • a • a • a • a ^ a • a * a; ADOLPHUS GREEN Plastering Contractor J0BBIN6 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO U M. ThMt Ivhm Ball Phena 7667 -.'4.0-...... » i J. Ifothi* 3. VtatflitB llathi* j Hell Phona ikMW Hall Phana 79T0-W I J. Mathis &Son Contractors^ and> Builders. 141-1-4-i-t Siuuta* Trtut BuU41ik Atlas tic C’ty, N. J. D. a A. Nm Hl-S