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THE LOWER REACH WEEKLY THAT REACHES THE HOMES VENTNORCITY. N. J.. FEBRUARY II, 1921 SI PER YEAR TRACK MEET TO BE HELD TODAY FIRST MOVIES SHOW TONIGHT OF CITV FORM LEAGUE Parents-Teachers Association Will Have Interesting Program Next Thursday Evening. i? ' m ' A meeting of the local Parent-Teach ers Association will be held Thursday evening, February 17th, at eight o'clock in the auditorium of the-Troy Avenue .School. An interesting program is being worked out by the officers now, and no business will be transacted, it being more on the nature of a Birthday Par ty, as the' time is the anniversary of the founding of the association. Mrs. Frederick' Schoff. a speaker of prominence, has been secured to make the main address of the evening. Mrs. Schoff is the only honorary president of the National Parent-Teachers Asso 'ciation, and ^is also Honorary Presi dent of .the National Congress of Moth ers, as well as Vice President of the Child’s Welfare.Association, giving her a wide experience in this work. Mrs. Schoff has not selected any par tlcular subject for her address, but will tell of the work that is being done by the associations all over the coun try, anti endeavor to help the local members to-better understand the work and enlarge on their visions. Parent-Teacher Associations of other cities have been given a hearty Invita tion to participate in the meeting, and .some have already sent in their accep tances. WILL. ORGANIZE WOMEN’S REPUBLICAN CLUB THURSDAY. Women of this city who are affiliated with the Republican Party are. invited to attend a meeting that will be held in the Auditorium of the Troy Avenue School next Thursday afternoon at 3.30. . At that time a new club will be formed to be known as the Veutnor City Women's Republican Club. The meeting will be conducted by Miss Anna Williams, assisted by Mrs. Rob ert Ingersoll, chairman of the Atlantic County Republican Women’s organi zation. I BUILDING MORE HOMES. Mrs. I. Spear has just purchased five more lots, and Is erecting a home on one of them now, and three others are staked out, getting ready for immedi ate erection. Three of the lots are on Sacramento avenue, one on Richards avenne, and one on Troy avenue. It is reported that already two of the con templated cottages have already been sold. The deal was consummated through the office of Mulford T. Rose. During the week Mr. Rose also sold the cottage at 107 South Berkley Square to Louis Lukes, formerly of the Hotel Walton, Philadelphia. Mr. Lukes will make this cottage his future home. The consideration was reported as $35,000. | fir Ht'i % ' ; BIRTHDAY PARTY. *§, Miss Mildred Moore, of 108 Surrey avenue, south, entertained a few of her friends on Monday evening in honor of her thirteenth birthday. Games and dancipg was enjoyed. The guests were then ushered into the din ing room, where the table was trim med with' baskets filled with candy. The place cards were valentines. Among those present were: Louise Smith, Edith Blatt, Olive Filer, Flor ence Rowand, Beryl Williams, Jean Godfrey, Virginia Dawing, Jane Dagett, Ethel Riley, Barbara Andrew, Nancy Johnson, Rena Stebbins, Frances Ford, .Elaine Griffith. Mary Buck, Ruth Swei gartand Mildred Moore. MUSIC REVIEW TO-DAY. If the weather is clear this afternoon the first five grades of Oxford Ave. School will go to the Troy Ave. Audi . ;;._jU>rium at 2.3(1 o’clock for a Music Re view. All parents and friends are cor dially invited to attend. 'Should the weather 6e inclement, the Review will ■; be postponed until Monday afternoon, Feb. 14th, at the same hour. It TRUCK COMPANY DANCE. The members of Ventnor Truck Company, Number One, ifrill .hold their annual dance as has been their cus tom in the past on St. Patrick’s eve ning, Thursday, March »l?th. The members* of the committee are now preparing to send tickets to residents and property owners who always sup port the affairs of the company. De tails will be announced latet. »S ERECTING STORE. Patrolman James Keating is having a store room erected at Winchester avenue opposite the Troy avenue school. Alter it is completed Mr. Keating will open a general store to supply the wants of the many resi; dents in that section, which appears to be badly needed. ■ vy-'Hi Amounts Wanted By Various Depart- j ments Have Been Practically \ - ’ Determined’J'‘v -i_ • The members of council will hold a busy session on Monday evening in the councilipanic chamber at City Hall. One Of the most important things that. Will come before the body is the bud-: get for 1921. The amounts that will j be required by each of the many de partments have practically been decid ed upon, and as it now stands it will pass second reading. A public hearing will .he. given to -this legislation at the meeting which will be held the last day of tlie month, at .which time any person will be given opportunity to speak on the same. It cannot be materially changed as the law does not allow it to be lowered or raised'more than ten per cent, in any department, that being one of the rea sons that it lias to -be considered so carefully before it is passed on second reading. Members of council have al ways worked to hold it down to a min imum, and no great increases will be asked for this year in any of the’ ac tual working departments. / Bids will he received for the fur nishing and installation i>f one two hundred horse power water tube en gine for the municipal water plant to help improve the water facilities for the coming summer season. j Believing in preparation beforehand has caused the committee to also ask : for bids for the labor and material i complete in the sinking of an addition-1 al eight inch well, so that the supply 'will be much greater than the demand,: and will give a large amount of water in, reservation at all times for cases J of emergency. ~ ! ~ ' j . As a further improvement along the same lines another proposal asks for i bids for the furnishing and laying of cast iron pipe from Atlantic Avenue to Vehtnor Avenue to replace many of the smaller pipes-that are now sup plying the water. Other matters of the routine nature will come before the members. Miss Maude J. Hayden has returned to her home on Weymouth avenue, south, and has as her guest Mrs. Wal ter R. Herfurth, of Ridley Park, Pa. Mr. B. <J. Reynolds and wife, of Phil adelphia, were week-end guests of Mr. J. S. Holmes and daughters, of 103 Victoria avenue, south. • Dr. and. Mrs. Wm. Ho. Moorhead have taken up their residence in their new home at Vefttnor and .Oakland Avenues, where Dr. Moornead has op ened an office to continue the practice of his profession. Miss Laura E. Long, of 4 Surrey avenue, south, accompanied by her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Long, will leave on Monday for Tava res, Fla., where they will spend the balance of the winter, ^ , Miss Margaret. Baker has returned to her home, 6 Baltimore avenue, south,' after a month’s visit-with friends in Trenton. . , Airs. Arthur riemmg.or Philadel phia, spent the week-end with friends here. Mrs. Fleming’s summer home is on Itosborough avenue. The many friends of Mr. Edwin Moyer,, who has been seriously ill at his home. 6927 Ventnor avenue, will be glad to learn he is able to be around his room and well on the road to com plete recovery. Mrs. Theodore Drake, Mrs. A. Lin*, coin Myers and Mrs. L.‘Floyd Print® delightfully entertained the Arts and Crafts Department of the Woman’s Research Club at Mrs. Drake's home, 109 Baton Rouge avenue, south, on Friday last. Today Mrs. John Moore will entertain the; members at her home in the Stonehurst apartments. . Mrs. Edward Doughty, who has been confined, to her home, 3901 Ventnor avenue, owing to injuries sustained in an automobile accident, is now able to be about again, i t Miss Betty Penrose entertained the members of her 60(1 club on Tuesday evening at her home, 21 Marion ave nue, south. The members Include Miss fiehevieve Harrison, Miss Mildred, Miss Beatrice Thomas, Miss | ■ Katharine Corcoran, Miss Isabelle j Corcoran, Miss Stella Stewart, Miss ■ Helen Alter, Miss Erma Kelly and j Miss Betty Penrose. ?. Mrs. E. J. MoGurdy, of, 11 Maripn I, j,venue, south, is spending some time n Philadelphia. > ; - , i Mr. J, George Frings, of Philadcl- I thia, spent the week-end with his fa ther, Chief of Police H. H. Fringe, ' - -r- ■ - . . Pupils of Seventh and Eighth Grades Will Compete With Same Grades . of Massachusetts Avenue. At Massachusetts Ave. School Gym nasium at 3.40 P. M. to-day, a Track Meet will be held, in which the Sev enth and Eighth Grades of the Ventnor City Schools will compete .with the corresponding Grades of Massachus etts Ave. School. The following are the Boys’ events: Eighth Grade Basket Ball Game. Seventh Grade Basket Ball Game. Basket Ball Relay. Volley Ball. '• Dodge Ball: Progressive (Seventh Grade): Fox and Geese (Eighth Grade). Shooting Goals in’One Minute. Chinning the Bar. Standing Broad Jump: Three Standing Broad Jumps. . . , Potato Race. Running Broad Jump. Relay. Girls’ events are as follows: Team Dodge Ball (Eighth Grade). Catch Ball (Seventh Grade). Shooting Goals in One Minute. Indian Club Relay. Standing Broad Jump. Banket Ball Throw for Distance. Potato Race. List of those competing in Track Meet: Boys’ Events. Eighth Grade Basket Ball Team— Frank Mulligan. Forward; Elbert Seeley,, Forward; Robert Collins,: Guard; Clement Wasleski, Guard; j John Millman, Center. - Seventh Grade Basket Ball Team— Harry Russell, Forward; Chas. Mecke,! Forward: Edward Corcoran, Guard; Howard Wolf, Guard; Homer Wil liams, Center. Basket Ball Relay—Frank Mulligan, Elbert Seeley, Robert Collins, John Millman, Clement Wasleski. Geo. Fin ley. Volley Ball—Homer Williams, Geo. Finley, Fred Clark, Harry Russell; El bert Seeley, John Millman, Robert Col lins, Gerald Palmer,. Frank Mulligan, i William Fannon, Edward Dyer, Brews ter Dimon. | Standing Broad Jump—John Mill man, Brewster Dimon, Homer Wil liams. Three- Standing Broad Jumps—Hom er Williams, Allen Rulon, Vivian Smith. * Potato Race—Robert Brick, Walter Williams, William Bach. Running‘Broad Jump—Vivian Smith. Brewster Dimon. Homer Williams. Goal Shooting—Elbert Seeley, elem ent Wasleski. Pull Ups—Homer Williams, William Bach. - Progressive Dodge Ball—Sidney Lev enthal. Alan Riddle, Harry Russel), (Continued on Page Five.) •VICTORY MEDALS. ' Captain Absalom S. Weseoat,'chair man of the county organization of the American Legion, has received notice from the War Department that two army field clerks will be assigned to Atlantic City and county until Febru ary 16. to settle all claims and appli cations for victory medals due to the veterans of the World War. An office has been established in the Atlantic City postofflce building. Captain Westcott has arranged for the army clerks to be at Pleasantville on the fourteenth, at Hammonton on the fifteenth and at Atlantic City on the rGaucciniiig dnjrB. ,7' " All members of the Atlantic City. Ventnor, Italian, Wescoat and Army Nurses' organizations, as well as mem bers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Society, are requested to come to the local postoffice with their discharges in order to be placed in position to receive their victory medal. SURPRISE PARTY. A delightful surprise party was giv en Mr. Charles Luzenberg, Saturday evening at his home. 4 Victoria ave iue. north. The evening was enjoya bly spent with cards, after which the tuests sojourned to a daintily appoint ed dining room, where an elaborate! supper was served. Among those present Were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ott, of Cranford, N. J.r Hr, and Mrs. Milton Lindsay, Mr. and ; Mrs. Samuel Rhinehard, Mr. and Mrs. j Villi am Fiery, Miss Laura Ulery, Miss .'iota Hoffner. Mr. Norfolk, Miss Eloise' Stilly. Miss Grace Luzenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Luzenberg. . Deliveries at any time desired daily ind this Insures Ventnor householders he best service for all kinds of sea oods, If orders are given to the CHELSEA PISH MARKET. 2707 Atlantic Avenue P<--—Rel) 2180 nd <m. £ u ».♦ ’k. - • . _ Child Welfare Committee of Local Parenta-Teacher* Association An nounce First Program. The first of a series of motion pic tures that will be shown la this city under the auspices of the Child Wel fare committee of the local Parent Teachers Association is announced for this evening from 7.30 to 9.00 o’clock, at the^Sroy avenue school auditorium. i The association does not own a mo tion picture machine of their own as yet, But in order to inaugurate the program they have in mind they have rented one for this first entertainment, a number of which will follow so as to give the children 'the proper kind of entertainment here in their own city. These are real pictures, too, the kind the children coax their parents to take them to, being booked through the courtesy of one of the Theatrical man agers of Atlantic City who is deeply interested in everything that goes on in Yentnor. “The Cross Roads” is the title of a brand new two reel drama that has just come from one of the prominent Western studios and has never been shown on the island before. It was secured by great effort, as It was the desire to give something entirely new. There is also a two reel comedy en titled "The One Best Pet”, which is sure to create roars of laughter. This Is not all of the program, as it is pro posed to have another picture, but we could not secure the particulars at this writing. No, the show is not free, but the charges are only sufficient to cover the necessary expenses. Children up to and including the eighth grade will be charged only five cents admission, and the older children and those adults who attend will be charged fifteen cents. A daucc will follow the pictures from 9.00 to 11.00 o’clock for the older' children and the adults. Mrs. Allen B. Endicotl and Mrs. Richard Wheeler will be the hostesses at the dance. ' ; • . Seen and |4eard N. Arthur Albertson, of South Wey mouth avenue, has been spending a vacation at the shore. He has return ed to resume his college course at Cornell University, at Ithaca, N. Y., after srending a year to prepare for entry to that seat of learning. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Albertson and daughter Elizabeth, of Pleasantville, were the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Albertson at their home, 21 Weymouth avenue, south. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Braznell, who formerly spent the summers here, have decided to make their permanent home in this city and have taken up their residence at 19 Baton Rouge avenue. Mr. Braznell has large coal interests in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Walsh, of 7 Suffolk avenue, south, are. enjoying a few weeks' sojourn in Florida resorts. Miss Teresa Wasleski, of 6401 Win chester avenue, spent the week in Phil adelphia as the guest of Miss Joseph ine Larkin. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bartram Richards and daughter sailed on Wednesday j from New York for Naples. They will I spend the next two months touring! Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Owens, of 6251 Winchester avenue, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a baby girl on Saturday. Miss Eleanor MacLaren has return ed to her home, 12 Weymouth avenue, south, front a two weeks’ vacation speni in rennsyivama. Mrs. David Moore, of 7 Victoria ave nue, south, is in the Jefferson Hospital, where she recently underwent a seri ous operation. Mrs. Walter T. Margerum, of 17 Victoria avenue, south, is confined to her home on account of illness. Mrs. I. Wilfred Hart, of 14 Melbourne avenue, south, this week entertained her sewing class at her home. Among those present were Mrs. Charles Ives, Mrs. Miller Henderson, Mrs. Fred. Mergent haler and Mrs. Herbert Wal reth, all of Atlantic City, and Mrs. John Gilmore, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor, Jr., and George Miller have returned to their home in Ventnor Heights, after having spent several months with relatives at Thorofare, New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Houpt have taken possession of their handsome new home at 117 Cambridge avenue, north. Non-Partisan Society Formed For p*^,*** pose of Studying Intelligent On Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 at. Council Chambers in City Hall the League of Women Voters of Ventnor City was formed. This is a strictly non-partisan organization, where all of • the members of whatever political par- - ty are pledged to cooperate for the' general good of the city. ; The meeting was called to order by r--— Mrs. Robert Craighead, president of the Atlantic City League of Women Voters, who acted as temporary chair man. Constitution and by-laws similar to those of Atlantic City were quickly adopted, after which officers were el ected. Mrs, Allen B. Endicott, Jr., was Chosen president; Mrs. C. Edward ‘ Darr, secretary, and Mrs. Horace M. Leeds, treasurer. Other officers elected were Mrs. Ar thur Knauer, first vice president; Mrs. George Bailey, second vice president; Mrs. O. J. Hammell, third vicepresi dent, and Mrs. George H. Craig, fourth vice president. : It was pointed out that the basic purpose of the organization is to instill - - into its members a thorough working V knowledge of national and civic gov ernment methods, to study the aims and achievements of all political par ties and the records of their respective candidates, thus being enabled to align themselves with definite organi zations intelligently and In a manner calculated to effect the greatest good for all. Others present were Mrs. C. H. Wisham, Mrs. Charles N. Baroux, Mrs. George Barritt, Mrs. E. A. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Anna A pel, Mrs. Geo. W. Braid wood. Mrs. Mary B. Hamilton, Mrs. F. W. Wigand, Mrs. Joseph L. Naylor, Mrs. F. J. Matlack, Mrs. Charles Ho bart, Marie Bryant Reilly, Helen S. s • Randal], Mrs. L. L. Jones, Kathryn E. Reilly, Mrs. J. S. Pettit, Mrs. Charles Luzenberg, Mrs. William Oxley, Mrs. Richard Wheeler, Mrs. David Stuart, Mrs. Ralph Brooks, Mrs. Norman Gale,,- ,i and Mrs. Lucius I. Wright. ° BUYS ADDITIONAL LOTS, v Freeholder C. Claude Scull believes in doing things right while he is about it and has purchased additional lots between his boat house and the Bridge House in Ventnor Heights. This gives him all of these lots now, and he is now preparing to bulkhead along the entire front, and at the same time : shall make additions to his home, where he is spending the winter in :: great comfort He will also have » private basin for the base of his cruis- .ti er, the Mulford II. i'?* WONDERFUL SPEAKER. Reverend Charles R. Watson, D. D. a wonderfully strong speaker will oc cupy the pulpit at St. John’s-by-the Sea Church on Sunday morning, and the public is given a cordial invitation to attend the services. Rev. Watson is from the American University at Cairo, and has a wide knowledge of conditions in foreign climes. MOTHER PASSES AWAY IN ATLANTIC CITY. ]?) Mrs. Mary E. Hedges, mother of Mrs. Theresa Hedges Annear. who resides at Or ford sad Vcntnor Ave- ^ nues, passed away last Friday at her w, *■. home in Atlantic City. Funeral ser vices were held on Monday, interment, being made in Pleasantville. ...;.Y BOY SCOUT PLEDGES. In spite of the fact that short notice was given to the local teams of the Board of Trade in the Boy Scout Drive, '.-S they succeede<l in raising $548 for the ?’ “ good work. Many of our local resi dents were on teams representing At lantic City organizations, and secured - : many pledges front those residing fcrlriitSs our city. MR. HAY DIES SATURDAY. Mr. James Hay, president of the Ventnor Realty Company, died last ji Saturday at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Frank Myers, of 15 Cornwall ave nue, south. Mr. Hav was 79 years of age, and has been in this city sev- ^ eral years, making a host or friends and acquaintances. Interment was madesin Pittsburgh. AUXILIARY MEETS. The - Women’s . Auxiliary of James Harvey Post, No. 144, American Leg ion, held a meeting yesterday after noon at the City Hall. The ladies thor oughly discussed the constitution and by-laws offered before adopting the same.