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REFINISHING FURNITURE This Department has just been added and we are prepared to do the very beat vvork. FURNITURE P r Called For and Delivered Ventnor Hardware Co*, H. G. SCOTT, Proprietor 52(3 Ventnor Avenue PHONE 76d4-J Fire Place and Kindling WOOD --FOR SALE= If you are Looking for Good, .Seasoned," Fire Place Wood and Prompt Delivery, call SMITH & APPEL PHONE 42-W . V •Office, and Yard:— Rear 229 N. Connecticut Avenue JOHN STRINGER PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING ,V.rV , Jobbing Promptly Attended To 52ib VENTNOR AVENUE' " VENTNOR CITY, N. J. Bell Phone 73C4-W BEU, PHONE 7416-J C. S. STOUT fobbing Carpenter Fly Screens. Sun Parlors, Storm Sash and Doors ' SHOP AND RESIDENCE 108 N. CAMBRIDGE AVE. ESTIMATES GIVEN . CHAS. 0. SIGLOCH UPHOLSTERING and DECORATING ' Draperies. Furniture Repairing. Expert Workmanship ..1 .5214 Vent nor Avenue _ \ PHONE 7523-W .. ——.... Harry Coffin, Jr. Plumbing and Heating Shop 5201 Ventnor Avenue Prompt and Personal Atte rtio TELEPHONE 7694-W WIGAND’S EXPRESS . AND HAULING 201 Sixth Avenue Phone 7524-J VENTNOR Pheae * i-H Fboa# 7#f#-*» ] J, Ma.this &Son Contractors^ and> Builders (aitrtitM Tract BailAtat AtiaaUc 0s ty. N J - -9. t 4. » ««i-w _ OPEN CARS ENCLOSED v HIGH CLASS WORK ROYAL BROS. 1MI BALTIC ATXNUB / W Pfe«M 8*« •< • B ..It's hardly more than a _ hoy’s.. Job Ho lay ' Cromar FINISHED . Oak Flooring because Its beautifully gar nished- surface eliminates all back-breaking, s c r a p i ng. sand-papering and finishing. No “torn-up” house. Rtmply nail Cromai: over your worn, soft wood floors. - It your spare time 16 limited, two carpenters will transform one room In a day with this patented flooring *7-and it’a ready to-itie when the Inst nail is drlvett. ■ ' Cromar wears a life-time. Yet the cost la actually leas than good carpels. Aslc for booklet. SOMERS LUMBER CO. t!iil» North Missouri Ave. CALL 829 AND ^lUCLEAM IT OjjjS^ Pacific at South Carolina Aveenu Sunset Mill Co. Alt-Kinds of Mill Work Morris «ui Sunset Aves. SPECIALTIES Storm Sash, Stairway*. Porch - Enclosure* J. W. SALMON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates Cheerfully Given 6 N. NEWPQRT AVE. PHONE 7300-R P J. MOONEY Florist and Landscape Contractor 19 SO. NEWPORT AVENUE BILL PHONB 70N1-W • PROPOSALS. Sealed bids or proposals will be received when called for by the President at a meeting of I he Common Council of Ventuor City, N. -1*. to be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Ventnor City. N. J., on MONDAY, MARCH 28t.h, 1921, at the lioiir of S o'clock F. m.,.for the !n -tallation of a WATER TUBE BOILER, and driving a WELL, at the Water Works ,ih Ventnor City, N. J,, in aceordanee with plans and specifications on file In the office a} the City Clerk. City Hall, and In the office of E !>. RIghtmire, City Englueer, 530 Guarantee! Trust Building, Atlantic City, N. .T. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi fied check on a National or State‘Bank, or Trust Company, payable to ' the order' of Enoch Turner. City Treasurer, for the sum of Five Hundred DolJaTS. Upon receipt of live dollars plans and specifications will be sent tp any one wish ing to bid. < The right Is reserved to reject any or all bid*. - . ■ .'"'.'..I..:: By order of Common Council, E, D. BIOHTMtRE. Dated March 8th, 1921. City Engineer. WANTED.—Brary parson laiorestsd to Vaataar In any way to ntorlkc for The Vanthar Nawa, published weekly “THE WORLD IS OUR FIELD ” See Mr. SHREVE for WATER TRIPS Going Abroad Telephone Guarantee Trust Bldg NORTH CAPE -LAND - OF MIDNIGHT SUN %W DIRECT FROM NEW YORK ^Select Rail Trips, Special Cruises it MfWftSf SKMnK'iKSimCSKJfiCSSf-kj fc.0: ■ . t§:p,\X INSURANCE IS , ■ IMPORTANT Are Your Household Furniture, Personal Effects, Jewelry and Furs Properly Protected? : : CALL 2240 HARRY L. GODSHALL INCORPORATED GUARANTEE TRUST BUILDJNG k: w; w. m . w. w : m.w . m .w : USED CARS $ Chevrolet Touring, 1919 . . Chevrolet Touring, 1920 .... Chevrolet Touring,1920. . Chevrolet Sedan, 1920 . . . $450 $550 $550 $700 I Chevrolet Roadster, 1919 . $450 5 i All overhauled and mechanically guaranteed Cuskaden Bros. jg Motor Cars mi i SET ’ • > : S 2008 Atlantic Avenue . . [«****; Baskets i . - — as •Rp^'p 50c 1 i-V/ ^;fei*A j4"' - ,.- < . • . Value to $2.00 3a B ,-i i ^ 'i i-Jko.?: ■ - . \Ms' ps ■*■ t •• P’PlA ..A -V ' PA -,A AP? .p . > A A A “ ■ J. B. SCANLAN CO. i B *. “THE STORE WORTH KNOWING ABOUT” B 1917 Atlantic Ave. A i Phone 391-J 2--1M i' W/2 W > K.a M.'*-, M.I. i w:w 2 IMP IM . M . W . M . W AWAM r ALFRED CARDILLO ELECTRICAL C^NT^ACTOR Private Houee Wiring a Specialty. Nothing Too Large. Nothing Too - Small. Get My Eatmate. 3 SO. LITTLE ROCK AVNEUE FREDERICK R. ROGERS _ Electrical Contractor ' w ■. " : " I 14 S. Mt. Vernon Ave. ■ » .,..4 4niivioDiv cu cvmnm/ti - i i-UJOJV A *MVAAA* j B^UPhonR lfi^*W Atlmtir City, 1 BOV SCOUT Demonstration of Scouting Shown To Parents Last Friday Evening By 1 Cocat Troop, Onp of the severe i b!g affairs Troon f7 iias puiled oif since its reorganiza tion in September, was the demoustra lion of Scouting activities before the parents or the boys hist Friday night: Mr. Howard IMriton, chairman of the I roop Committee, opened the meeling by telling how fortunate Troop 17 is - and has been. It has always had si* . j good Scoutmaster and Assistant fev | ►‘tyhi dy agrees,to that), a good place ! to meet, a fine committee to stand ; hack of them; the good will of the peo ple, and lastly, but not least, because they live in Ventnor. The meeting was then-turned over to Scoutmaster Burch. j First on the program was a fire- *3 i building exhibition by Senior Patrol ; Loader Edward Burch. The set was ^ 1 made by Ed. himself and no paper, \ >■, kerosene or other 'combustible materi als are Used. Poor Ed. sawed away until he was.almost exhausted but the only thing he got was smoke. Mr. -/Ti Eevl said he would give a compass to anyone who could get flame from or/** of fhnso h\’ friptirvn” nntflie Then a aeries of awards followed. The prizes won in the Attendance and Drill contests were not there to be given out. so they will be awarded to night. it is hoped. But anyway, the patient waiting of Charles Meeks and William Bach were put to an end. The stockings had arrived and duly given out. Patrol Leader Bach was also given a check for four dollars, which he won in the Drill Contest. ''Some signalling contests between the members of Troops 17, 14 and 3, wh<v were visitors to this meeting, fol lowed. Scouts Richard Baroux add John Cochrane demonstrated very well the fireman’s drag and lift. A movie entitled “Thrift” was next and it yas a very good film. George Friedly operated the machine. After a demonstration of an improv ised stretcher by Patrol Leader Bruce Dimon and Assistant Patrol tender Gerald Palmer. Scout and other popu-' Tar songs were sung and • Scoutmaster Burch recited his ever famous “his tory". This closed the meeting. Hally Mj>M nn Reach. Saturday afternoon, on the second beach, a second of a series of rallies was held. “Cops and Bums”, that ever-famous Scout game, and others, were played. Everybody had a good time. Many Philadelphia Teachers Visit Local Schools During Holidays. ‘ Miss McGovern’s class had .Perfect Attendance on Monday, March 21st, for the first time since January. Miss Sharp took the Seventh Grade girls to Perry’s Market Friday after-*; noon, March 18th, for demonstration of cutting meats. She reports that the girls were much interested, and that Mr. Perry gave the best demonstra tion and instructions that she ever witnessed. r During the Easter Vacation, Mr: Earl R. Brown, who conducts the class es in Manual Training and Drawing in the local schools, will attend the Eastern Arts Association Convention in Baltimore, Md. Among a group of Kindergarten teachers- who were visitors to Miss Wiley’s class at Oxford Ave. School Tuesday, March 22, were Miss Ida F. Knox, from W. S. Pierce School, Phil -uv.pum, *uioo nuuie miUA, uuii^' ------ strelh School, Philadelphia; Miss Bea trice H. Ilorst, from MoMichael-Rod aey School, Philadelphia, and Miss Vera Larkin, who is at Trenton Nor-, mal School. Miss Dugin and Miss Larkin, from Philadelphia schools, observed all the classes at the Oxford Ave. School, Wednesday, March 23. Also, Miss \ i Snyder and Miss Mills. .As an Easter gift from Miss Anna Williams, the Seventh Grade girls, su pervised by Miss Sharp, made choco late Easter eggs for each teacher and - the other employees of Oxford Ave. School. ;• In the Seventh Grade. Wednesday afternoon, the Boys and Girls gave in dividual singing. IKE LOVE SPECIAL a — Famous Cast, in Coming Movie. Agues Ayres, recognized an one of the screen's most popular women, be-' cause of Iter excellent work in many notable roles In recent big product-~-;V; tions. plays opposite Wallace Reid for the first time in'Wally's latest Pant mount picture, “The Lore Special", which will be shown at the Virginia 'heatre for four days starting Satur day, April 2nd. Miss Ayres is an un* ’ J usually beautiful girl and she and Wal ly nip over the romance in a most de- '-'4 lightful manner All who have read" Fyunk H. Spearman’s “The Daughter 'of a Magnate.” know the story, as it was from that novel the picture was adapted. Eugene Lewis wrote the - ’ scenario and Frank Urson directed. Theodore Roberts and Sylvia Ashton also appear in the cast. * Send a dellar far a -ass's tion U tb« Ventner News. subscriy •■V':V :