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ORDINANCE NUMBER TWO ‘AN ORDINANCE providing for the amount of Taxes to be levied In Ventnor City for the year 1921, and limiting the Expenditures in Ventnor City . for the year 1921. Be it Ordained by the Common Council of Ventnor City:— . Section 1. That there shall be raised by taxation and collected for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1921, and ending December 31st, 1921, the sum of Three Hundred and Twelve Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety Dollars and Thirty-six Cents ($312,590.38) for the purpose of meeting the appropriations set forth in the following statement of Resources and Appro priations for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1921, and ending Decem ber 31st, 1921. That this budget shall also constitute the Tax Ordinance. • . RESOURCES. ■ , ; 1921 Surplus moneys appropriated .;*?$. . . v$ 5,633.02 Miscellaneous revenues—mercantile ... ‘ '** Dogs .... Street openings and permit^ ........... Sewer and water permits ........ • • Building permits ..... Franchise Tax .. v, Amount to be raised by taxation......" Total Resources.......... .$323,273.38 $266,304.29 APPROPRIATIONS. 50.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 600.00 312,590.36 1920 $ 12,483.99 50.00 200.00 750.00 252,930.30 33 16 State Road Tax * . State School Tax 32 County Tax 15 1 2 3 " 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ‘ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SI 34 35 City Schools .. • *.. MT..... $ Salaries ... ... . ..... Interest on Loans .v. Police.^ .,. Fire Protection ...... v......... Police and Fire Alarm .. •,. vv..../.. .....» Property ...\...... * ..... Board of Health . City Poor... . ......... . Streets ... .;............. M..... Sanitary. .... Rubbish Collection ..,.. /..... Sewer Department ;.*&«. Lighting. Tree Commission ... f *... Playgrounds ........... , . ..... ....; Municipal Pier.* .,... Beach Front Prop, and Imp........ v1. .*. ... Boardwalk .;.. Serial Bond Payments Sinking Fund Requirement ....... .41 Interest on Bonds .. Printing and Stationery Legal Expense ... Election Expenses ..4! Building Department . r. Surety Bonds . . . <•.«.. ,-Z..W... Contingent Expense Fund # .V. 4.. Water Department ................ v.. * . Auditing.. mXj\ ,.,.. t .... Memorial Services ... .......... -f... Returned Taxes to L. T." Elliott ............ * 76.015.00 10.500.00 5.000. 00 18.650.00 10.350.00 1.000. 00 5,500.00 750.00 100.00 13.000. 00 5.500.00 7.500.00 22.000. 00 15,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 4.500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 13.500.00 13,993.65 52,147.92 1.500.00 900.00 250.00 750.00 1,000.00 37,500.00 500.00 150.00 216.81 ; 62.700.00 8.300.00 5.000. 00 15.000. 00^ 9.500.00 * 500.00 4.000. 00 750.00 100.00 13.000. 00 3.500.00 5.000. 00 20.000. 00 3 1,000.00 500.00 2.500.00 5.500.00 1.500.00 1.000. 00 2,000.00 4,809.29 51,505.00 750.00 900.00 150.00 750.00 300.00 200.00 85.000.00 500.00 150.00 $323,273.38 $266,364.29 - v JAMES T. G. HAND, • U City Clerk. Passed at a regular meeting of the Common Council of Ventnor City. y, J„ this Eleventh day of April, A. D. Nineteen hundred and twenty-one. GEORGE A. GUMPHERT. . ‘ -'Ml- . President of Common Council, / Approved this 12th day of April, A. D. 1921. AMOR W. BREHMAN. Mayor of Ventnor City, N. J. I, James T. G. Hand. City Clerk of thp City of Ventnor City, N. J.. do hereby certify, That the foregoing Ordinance was regularly passed and duly adopted at sc regular meeting of the Common Council of Ventnor City, N. J., held this Eleventh day of April, A. D. Nineteen hundred and twenty-one, and approved this Twelfth day of April, A. D. Nineteen hundred and twenty-one. * In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this Fourteenth day of April, A. D. Nineteen hundred and twenty-one. . («eal) JAMES T. G. HAND, ..." _- •' City Clerk. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE NEWS Here is Your Chance Many residents have desired to put in an extra Bath Tub, Toilet, Wash Basin or an additional Hot Water Radiator but have held back’ on account of the prohibitive cost. >' |;j: A Recent Purchase ; of Government Supplies of Salvaged Fixtures enables me to make you a proposition That will allow you to install what you need now at a price far below the present market value. Fixtures Y, set up complete at my show room. •"Come in and / look them over, get the, prices com P^e^.e including installation, and you wilf no longer delay the work. , S HARRY COFFIN 1 | PLUMBING AND HEATING1 5201 Ventnor Avenue Open Evenings for your Convenience Phone 7694-W Sample are now on displa GEORGE BERG » CARPENTER AND BUILDER 35 N, WEYMOUTH AVENUE . Bell Phone 7429 N l.:/'-11"*11 ' i .,1. ' II! =BUILDER= NORMAN N. GALE BRICKLAYING — PLASTERING 77 WADTH T»nV A VEWITE :r: '■'» *'v*>« m » »vw « n i wti u*> ■•V Walter T. Margerum PLUMBING AND HEATING JOBBING A SPECIALTY 17 SOUTH VICTORIA AVE PHONE 7076-J- ■ VcntnorTailofing Co* Cleaning, Preaeing, Repairing and Dyeing HAND PRESSING, no Machine Work ' 26 S. LITTLE ROCK AUP . SStl PHOSS1 7SS4-W ’ ' ~ i In Title Role at Virginia. Proving that he is versatile and tal ented, William S. Hart comes to the Virginia Theatre, next Wednesday in i he role of an officer of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, known far and wide as 'one of the most intrepid and indefatigable organizations in the world. The picture ia“0’Ma)ley of the Mounted," and in the title role Mr. Hart has a‘ part, that suits him "down 10 the ground.” • It is only in the beginning and end' that he appears in the familiar ijiiL form df the Canadian or Northwestern Mounted. For in the body of the story he is disguised as a purely western plainsman, while he pursues a mur derer. How he finds him and then lets him escape, is the subject of a clipping tale which will hold the au dience spell bound by its” suspense and thrill. Eva Novak, who appeared” Opposite Mr. Hart in “The Testing Block” is i again leading woman and there is an I able company in support of the (ambus i star.1 The settings are splendid. | Paramount Picture At Colonial ! Tomorrow. I All of the members of the support ing cast of "The Frontier'ol the Stars,” Thomas Meighan’s new Paramount picture which comes to.the Coloniat Theatre for four days starting tomor row, are well known professionally. Leading the list is Faire Binney, sister of the Realart star,-Constance Btnney, who is Mr. Meighan’s leading woman. Alphonz Ethier, who plays Phil Hoyt, appeared in Lionel Barrymore's part in "The Jest” for a short time, when tfte star was rehearsing for a new play, and played in several Louis Bennison pictures. Mary Hoyt is interpreted by Flor ence Johns, last seen on the New York stage as Susan in the John Drinkwater production of "Abraham Lincoln.”* Strong Picture, Opens For Four Days. Hailed as a triumph of photodramat* ie art, “The Devil.” introducing that polished actor, George Arliss, to the screen, comes to the Virginia Theatre for four-days commencing tomorrow, “The Devil” was one of the sensa tions of the speaking, stage. It hud Its first, presentation in Budapest in 1907, and then in Vienna. The following season it invaded the theatres of every capital in Europe and. created a furore wherever staged. In America it had two productions—one starring Mr. Ar Uss,; and the other Edwin Stevens. Mr. Arliss has repeatedly refused to appear before the motion picture cam era,, but was finally persuaded by Har ry Leonhardt and Andrew J. Callaghan to perpetuate his marvelous portrayal of “The Devil” for Associated Exhib itors, Inc. ' They were fortunate enough to pro cure James Vbung to direct “The Dev il," and the cast chosen includes Syl via Dreamer, Lucy Cotton, Roland Bottomley, Edmund Lowe, and Mrs. Arliss. Edmund Goulding is author of this story of “The Deyil." RealEstate £~\.TRANSFERS ' . John F. O’Neil et ux. to Lillian H. St rad ling; cons. $19,500; begin. W. line of Amherst Ave., 200 ft. S. of Atlantic Ave.: W. 62.5 ft. by S. 50 ft.; reg. :/... - ■< ‘ • Daniel H. Redmond et ux. to Edward W. Oswill: cons. $2000; begin, at S. E. corner of Ventnor and Richards Ages.; E. 65 ft. by 30 ft.; reg. Edward W. Oswill et ux. to Mary J. Sharp; cribs. $1 and other valuable cons.; description same as above. Annie M. "Fulmer et vir. to Abram B. Allen; cons. $10,000; begin. E. line of Weymouth Ave., 393 ft, N. of Vent nor Ave.; N. 39 ft. by E. 75 ft.; reg. J. Edgar Ray et ux. to Charles W. Wilson et ux.; $700; begin W. line of t ■■ ‘v Manufacturer* I “PERFECTION" I BRASS BEDS —Sir Have you ever heard of Old rusty, dilapidated broken brass beds being made absolutely new—at a most moderate charge_when com pared with the present cost of new brass beds? Well we do' that sort of work-in the most thorough pains-taking manner known—we are a brass bed hospital that performs miracles of surgery and regeneration on broken-down brass beds and fixtures. , Our process is our, own. We take the bed entirely apart. Each piece is given an acid bath to remove alt rust, dirt and old finish. The parts are then buffed or polished, then lacquered and baked, in a huge oven. t It is this part of the process that makes the lacquer Impervious ■ to wear, ■ ■■■.. ,s-. After testing the results of the baking, the bed Is assembled, pack *d !*V protecting padl reiiirnM tn uau> ■ ■ *' " r • ~ i. jr «mu Mpvii uii|favHiiiy you behold an absolutely new bed that will give service for years.' Let our man give you an estimate on your beds. Guaranteed Lacquers Used » 'ATLANTIC CITY BRASS BED COMPANY 113-15 No. Virginia Ave. . Atlantic City, N. J. BELL PHONE, ATLANTIC CITY 346-M ' ^Tft, D«>P in and See Our Up to the Minute Plant Estimates Cheerfuliy Given N<> Charge ffh .Yk rfh Vk r/v. Winchester ave., 25 ft. E. of New Ha/ F't ven iive.; 106x25 ft, Mnja L. Berry, special master, to Catherine Arthur; $500; begin W. line of Wtssahickon ave., 50 ft. N. of Win chester ave.; 30x62.5 ft. - ' - Mary B. Brooks (single) et a), to Harry H. Hennici; $1; begin N. E. cor. - of Atlantic and Fredericksburg aves.; 's?; 100x137 ft Anna M. Connolly e$ vir to Bertha , Bond; $7,000: begin S. line oi Win-* Chester ave., 75 ft. W. of Camhi dge _ ave.; 106x37% ft. - ■ '• Daniel Myers et al.'excr, and trustee to Michael J. Tracy; $1,000; begin E. line of Wyoming ave., 224 . ft, N. of . . Vent nor ave.; 38x78. ft ‘ Mary E. Royal et vir to Matthew A. Booker; $3,500, etc.;-begin. S. line of Winchester ave., 150 ft. W. of Cam bridge ave.; 100x38 ft. . John H. Turner et ux. to Anor Mort land; $100, etc.; begin E. line of Cam- , bridge ave,, 215 ft, N. of Ventnor ave.; 50x125 ft. ' Ethel L. Core et vir tn M. Grace Cnminade; $1, .etc.; l>eg1n'W! line of Victoria pl„ 167 ft. N. of Ventnor ave!; 82.5x32 ft. M, Grace Caminade (single) to Olt ver C. Core; $1, etc.; same as above. Dr. Rogers,is well known in thia; city, having spent many summers in our nsity. , * > ' Pryor & Cloud'Co., carp, of New Jer sey, to Frederick U. Rogers; $1,000;; begin. E. line of Wissahickon ave., 240* ft. S. of Winchester ave.; 62.5x30 ft, • Blanche_ D.-Ryan et vir to Jacobi Mandery; $1800; begin, at N. E. coX\ of Austin and Callender aves.; : ft. x ", , - , -v\ v. V .v* j Harry A. Marshall et ux, to Ctuis l tian Ortholf et ux.-t con, $100 and other good and valuable conn.; begin. E. line of Oakland Ave., 40 ft. S. of Winches, ter Ave.; E. 62.5 ft. by S. 40 ft., reg, Joseph Kleckner et ux to Florence, Wolk; cons. $100 and other good and valuable cons.; begin. W. line of Cant’ bridge Ave. 170 ft. N. of Ocean Ave.: N. 50 ft. W. 62.5 ft., reg Henry M. Titus et ux to Joseph K, . Anderson et ux; cons. $9500; begin, W. line of Troy_Ave., 150 ft. N. of At. ■iv’, lantic Ave.; N. 35 ft. by W. 55 ft,, reg, Mary E. /.chuff et vir to Mary J, Price; cons. $1; begin. E. line of New ark Ave., 70 ft. S. of Yentnor Ave.; iE. 70 ft. by S. 40 ft., reg. John H. Drinkhouse et ux. to Mary G. Cody; cons. $1; begin. S. line of Ave. A, 305 ft. E. of Grand Ave.; S. 75 ft. by E. 25 ft., reg. S. Bartram Richards, receiver, to William H. Petzelt; cons. $354.10; be gin. E. line of Wiasahiokon Ave., 32U ft. N. of Venttior Ave.; E. 62.5 ft. by N, 30 ft*, re*,. _ m Mortimer P. Shoemaker (single) to William H. Petzelt; con. $550; begin. W. line of 6th Ave:, 150 ft. N. of Ave. ;J~A. A; W. 80 ft. by N. 25 ft., reg. Isaac Bacharach et al, trustees, to Marian L. Garsed; con. $1200; begin. E. line of Melbourne Ave., 180 ft. S. of Ventnoh Ave.; S. 38 ft. by E. 76 ft., reg. Louis Kuebnie (single) to Marian L. ./I-' Garsed; con. $1; description same as above. / -i : ■ Louis^Lott et ux to Paul D. Royal et > ux; con.*$100 and other valuable cons.; begin. E. line of Melbourne Park, 310 ft. N. of Atlantic Ave.; N. 76 ft. by E. 76 ft., reg. Harold I. Eaton et ux to Joseph Keener (single); con. $1550; begin. N.v - E. corner of Winchester and Hillside. Aves.: N. 80 ft. by E. 25 ft., reg. , Williarm J. Richmond et ux. to Dan iet L. Collins; con. $100 and other good and valuable cons.; begin.' at N. \V_ corner of Atlantic and Jackson Aves.; W. 62.5 ft. by N. 75 ft., reg. Estel D. Rightmlre et ux. to Ermina - L. Mount; $1, efc.; begin W. line or Grand ave„ 150 ft. S. of Ave. C; 50x80^, ft. ^ : John Stafford et al. to Karl Schaffer; $52.39, etc.; Lot 1, Block 91B; assessed to Ventnor Syndicate In 1915. Lucius Hires et ux. to Karl Schaffer; $128.01, etc.; Lot 14, Block 91B; assess ed to Ventnor Syndicate in 1915. Frank Curran et ux. to Emeline B. S. Held; $15,000; begin W. line of Cornwall av» inn ft fi of Atlantic ave.; 155x50 ft. PAY $14.25 PEI III F01I ML? When you can install Economy Grates in your present boiler and burn coal that will represent a cost delivered to your buildng at $4.90 to $6.90 per ton. ’ ^ - With the cheaper grade of fuel you can enjoy the same efficiency from your ; * heating system as in the past with the same consumption of fuel, ton for ton Call anytime and see it demonstrated and be convinced that it is an actual* - J^S saving. Economy Supply and Equipment Company, Inc. Manufactures of Economy Grates Patented Jan. 25, 1921 12 N. Sacramento Ave., Ventnor City, N. J. " i. BELL PHONE 7145-W ' •' • ' . Branches located at 1l?1,? L,®nc®8ter Av**?u?» Wilmington, Del 5 )72 Berlin Avenue, Haddonfield, N. J. . . *.