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VENTNORNEWS Established 1907. Offlelsl Newspaper et Tutwr City. Published Every Saturday by VENTNOR NEWS CO.. INC, At Vlstorla sad Atlaatts Avenues. Atlantis City, N. J., P. O. (VENTNOR CITY, N. J.) Subscription Prtes.91.00 per ysst Payable i» IMms_ , Single Copies.Two Cents Advertising rates ea Applloatlen. Cbrrespondaaee regarding naattersi et leeal Interest sellelted. Commulestlens Should be signed by the writer, net nssssearily for pub Ucatloa. but as a guarantee et good faith. J. PRANK PETERS, Editor and Easiness Kaaager. "Entered as seeend-elass matter Jtrtt/ 21. 1907. at the Post Offlee at Atlantia City. Note Jersey, under the aet of Congress of ifnroh g, ltTO."___ FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1911 MAY TIDES. A. M. P. M. 27 Friday. 6.25 12.41 6.46 28 Saturday... 12.48 7.09 1.30 7.33 29 Sunday.... 1.35 7.58 2.21 8.26 30 Monday.... 2.28 8.50 3.13 9.18 31 Tuesday... 3.22 9.43 4.05 10.05 . JUNE TIDES. A.M. P.M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Wednesday. Thursday.. Friday. Saturday... Sunday.... Monday.... Tuesday... Wednesday. Thursday.. Friday..... Saturday... Sunday.... Monday.... Tuesday... Wednesday. Thursday.. Friday..:.. Saturday... Sunday.... Monday.... Tuesday... Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. Saturday... Sunday_ Monday.... Tuesday... Wednesday. Thursday.. h.w. 4.17 5.13 6.05 6.57 7.48 8.39 9.30 10.22 11.17 12.32 1.31 2.31 3.30 4.30 5.26 6.18 7.08 7.55 8.40 9.22 10.03 10.44 11.27 12’ii 12.53 1.39 2.32 3.30 l.w. 10.37 11.29 i.ii 2.00 2.50 3.41 4.32 5.27 6.07 6.41 7.52 8.51 9.50 10.48 11.46 12.34 1.20 2.06 2.48 3.29 4.16 4.50 5.30 6.04 6.30 7.13 8.01 8.54 9.51 h.w. 4.56 5.46 6.35 7.24 8.12 9.01 9.61 10.42 11.37 12.14 1.14 2.14 3.12 4.11 5.06 5.58 6.49 7.33 8.16 8.57 9.37 10.16 10.55 11.32 12.07 12.49 1.34 2.24 3.17 4.12 l.w. 11.05 U.55 J2.57 1.36 2.26 3.15 4.06 4.59 5.49 6.23 7.23 8.23 9.21 10.20 11.16 12.58 1.44 2.33 3.09 3.50 4.30 5.11 5.46 6.09 6.51 7.36 8.26 9.23 10.17 TRADE BOARD MEETING. The regular monthly meeting of the Ventnor City Board of Trade will be held next Tuesday evening, at 8.30 o’ clock. This meeting will be held at the Hotel Chelsea, and the usual buffet luncheon will be served after an inter esting lecture on "The Kingdom of the Tides”. This -lecture will be delivered by Roy Waldo Miner, associate curator of Invertebrates in the American Mu seum of Natural History in New York City, and will be illustrated by many beautiful slides. The usual attendance prizes will be given out to the mem bers. COMPLAINT ON RUBBISH. Several complaints have been regis tered against the new rubbish collec tion on the grounds that some one has demanded payment fof the removal of the same, when the conditions of the contract were being carried out. It is understood that these alleged charges were done without the knowledge of the contractor, and that he had prom ised the chairman of the committee to make an immediate investigation, and remove the cause of complaint. Prop erty owners and residents are suppos ed to have the rubbish removed free i of all charges, provided it is ready for removal in the location designated by the contract. PROPERTY OWNERS CONFUSED. The announcement that property owners in Atlantic City had received their tax bills during the past week, caused many local property owners to wonder why they had not received theirs. The conditions here are very much different, and the bills will not be mailed for several weeks. In At lantic City a large force of clerks worked in three shifts of eight hours each, and in this way managed to get all the bills out. The local tax collec tor has been alone, being voted one assistant pn Monday evening. The bills will be mailed in about two weeks. GIRL RESERVE BAZAAR. OnNSaturday, May 28th, the Girl Reserves will hold a Bazaar at the Y. W. C. A. Many Ventnor girls will hu\d < in this and the special fca ture of the entertainment will consist of a fairy tale, entitled, “How the Sycamore Came into Being.” The characters in this are as follows: Queen of the. Forest, Rena Stebbins; Lady in Waiting, Grace Luzenberg; Queen’s Messenger, Sarah Boone Ho bart; Court Spy, Julia Wilson; Rag ged Beggar Maiden, Mildred Scott; Queen of the Fairies, Florence Roland. The Bazaar opens at 11 o’clock and the program will be given ‘ between '7.30 and 8 P. M. MOVIES AND DANCE. The 1 Parent-Teachers’ Association will give the usual motion picture show and dance at the auditorium of the Troy avenue School on Saturday evening. The movies will consist of three reels, Charlie Chaplin, Tarvel ogue and. News Weekly, and begins promptly at 7.30 continuing until 9 o’ clock, when dancing will begin, lasting until 10.30. VENTNOR CITY • MARKET 5300 VENTNOR AVENUE PHONES ===== = 7318-7319 We wish to announce to oiir Patrons, Friends and New Residents of Ventnor and Chelsea, that this is the Oldest Established First Class Market of Ventnor, and our success ful Business Reputation is due to our handling of Highest Grade' Merchandise, Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service, Courtesy and Personal Attention to all Orders. We Cater to the most prominent residents of Ventnor and Chelsea. Why not Cater to you? The reduction in the Prices of Highest Grade City Dressed Meats for Holiday Week are remarkable. , ! > "v 1 ' .... Prime Cuts of Rib Roasts, lb. ■' 38c Hind Quarters of Genuine Spring , Lamb, lb. ' 45c ■ ' . V Fore Quarters of Genuine Spring Lamb, lb. 30c Shoulders of Gefiuine Spring Lamb, lb. 25c Rump, or Round Steak v 45c Moland’s Bacon, Strip, lb. / ^ s 35c Fancy Roasting Chickens, lb. .,. 50c Fancy Broilers, lb. . ' 60c Fancy Stewing Chicken, lb. 45c Spring Ducklings, lb. -mi r'iU?. 55c We handle only Fresh filled Poultry ot all description, A-l Quality. Some Wonderful Money Saving Bargains in Our Grocery Department Fine Granulated Sugar, lb. 7c Brookfield Butter, lb. 46c This is a fresh delicious Creamery Butter put up in 1-4 lb. strips. Genuine Mocha and Java Coffee, a Coffee that needs no introduction, lb. 45c Our Brand of Coffee we guarantee to be the best on the market at this low price, lb. 25c Large Jar of White Rose Brand Queen Olives, regular price 50c 35c Can White Rose, Pure Virgin Olive Oil, regular $1.75, per can $1.50 Large Can White Rose Brand ’ Peaches, per can 35c Large Can White Rose Brand Apricotts, per can ' 25c White Rose Brand Corn, per dozen $2.75 White ^RosgCBrand,1 extra sifted Peas, per dlgbn $3.75 1-2 lh. can Implwed Boneless ^ Sardines, in Bure Olive Oil per dozen, $4.00, can 35c These ard the mjst delicious Sardines on the market. P & G, Fels Naptha and Babbitt’s Laundry Soap, 4 bars •. Kellog’s ''Corn Flakes or Post Tosties, per pkg. Large Size, Fancy New White Potatoes, very Special per basket 25c 10c $1.35 We carry a full line of these high grade White Rose and Premier Goods. We carry a full line of California, Florida and Jersey Fruits and Vegetables fresh daily. -;—■ r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Minimum Price 25 Cents) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. LOTS—If yon are going to build I bare the lots "you should buy. Mulford T Rose, Little Rock and Atlantic. Phone 7567-J. For sale, seven lots Ventnor avenue, 50x116 feet; Two lots Vassar Square, Ventnor City. C. G. Justice, Apart ment A, LeGrande Apartments, Atlan tic City. - * - FOR RENT. FOR RENT, eight room cottage, fine view, season or year, located in Vent nor Heights. For particulars address or apply, GUSTOW SEMMLER, 329 Fourth avenue, Ventnor. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT. FURNISHED, three rooms and bath, street floor apartment. $300 for three months. Apply 23 North Bartram Av enue. * * MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan on first mortgage. $3,000 to $20,000. Quick settlement. Address N. Freeman Parker, 1507 At lantic avenue, Phone 1410. • V E N T N O R CITY y k NEW JERSEY $50,000 , $% School Bonds SEALED PROPOSALS will be received when called for by the President at a meet ing of the Common Council of Ventnor City to be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Ventnor City, N. J., on . MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1921. I at 8 o’clock P. M., for the sale of $50,000 | School Bonds. Said bonds shall be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) eaoh to be dated October 1, 1920, to bear interest at a rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of October and April in each year; which bonds shall be numbered from 69 to 118 both in clusive; and stfaH mature in numerical order as follows: Nos. 69 and 70 aggregating $2,000 on^he first day of October, 1922, and those of The j next^ succeeding numbers, aggregating $2,000 j on the first day of October In each and every ! year thereafter to and including 1946. Each bid must be in a sealed envelope marked “Bid for School Bonds” and be ac companied by a certified check on a national or state bank or trust company in New Jer sey, payable to the order of Enoch S. Tur ner. City Treasurer, for two per cent (2%) of bid. * The bonds will be delivered with the opin ! >on of George S. Clay, Counsellor at Law, of ; New* York, as to their validity. The amount necessary to be raised is $50,000. ' Unless all bids are rejected bonds will be sold to bidders complying with terms of sale and offering to pay not less than the sum of $50,000 therefor and taking the least amount of bonds offered for sale, and if two or more bidders offer to take the amount of such bonds then the bidder therefor offering to pay the highest additional price. By order of the Common Council of Vent nor City, N. J. v JAMES Dated. May 12: 1921. /r. G. HAND, City Clerk. PHONE 7640-7641 [ f. ' V ' i -e :I-. -aSf - - % V V NATIONAL MARKET r.' ‘ 3 “THE PROVIDERS” Prime Meats, Butter* Eggs and Poultry : ^ 5219 VENTNOR AVENUE -- •, y t, . ' ; • -■ : . •' •• ' - ' • vo T;r-i > • • r. ' Vi: - ■ .i . .: ; ",Vv5 “■ VENTNOR CITY, N. J. H. A. Davis Phone 7411-W The Davis Electric Shop 6411 Ventnor Ave nue Wishes to announce the Open ing of the most complete Work Shop of its kind in the City. Electrical Repairing in all its Branches We also wish to announce that in a short time we will carry a complete stock of / Electrical Appliances and will offer our trade many bargains. We make a-specialty of Paint ing Parchment Shades to match the interior of your rooms. VacuumCleaners to Hire SIGLOCH & SHRIVER UPHOLSTERING • and PAPERHANGING Draperies. Furniture Repairing Expert Workmanship . 5214 Ventnor Avenue PHONE 7528-W Whiter T. Margerum PLUMBING AND HEATING JOBBING A SPECIALTY 17 SOUTH VICTORIA AVE. PHONE 7076-J DON’T WAIT UNTIL \ YOU ARE SICK 1 before thinking about making a will—it is important to make it •HOW. ■, ,o - •i ,4 g You a p p o i n t a thoroughly reliable and competent Ex- , ecutor when yoi^ name the Ventnor City National Bank to act in that ca pacity. Call and see us about* • 'V ' ijfi. Fresh Bread and Rolls Delivered at Your Home Before 6 A. M. Daily For the Best in Quality and Service Phone 334 Perkin’s Bakery 213-215 N. Connecticut AVenue Represented in VENTNOR AND CHELSEA By C. J. CURRAN KAPLAN’S Service Station 6415 Ventnor Avenue OIL GAS TIRES Accessories ^ \ Open Day and Night Free Air Best of Service Phone 7159-J Thomas S. Crane & Son WE SELL Wetherill Atlas Paints. ' Lewis and Eagles Brand Pure White Lead. A* ’ No. 61 Floor Varnish, Vitra lite & Coleman’s White Enamel. Window Glass, Brushes, Etc. TELEPHONE 617 115 N. Massachusetts Ave. Get ouo Estimate for Durable Work Harry Coffin, Jr. Plumbing and House & Sign PAINTING Valentine’s Valspai Coach Colors. Heating Shop 5201 Ventnor Avenue ' ^ Prompt and Personal Attention TELEPHONE 7694-W >