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SHE DIDN’T DARE TO LEAVE HOUSE On Verge of Nervous Collapse, Indiana Woman Was Almost \ Helpless. HER FRIENDS DISHEARTENED Troubles Disappear When She Takes Tanlac, and Nerves Now Are As Steady as Can Be-^General Health Splendid. “I was on the verge ‘of a collapse and was actually afraid to leave the house, but I am overjoyed now at the way Tanlac has restored my health so perfectly,” declared Mrs. Cora M. Jackson, 504 Mulberry St., Terre Haute, Ind.” “I was almost a nervous wreck, and at times for anyone to even talk to me upset me completely. Even at night I could not get easy and quiet . and would lie wide-awake, hardly able to sleep at all, and often just got up out of bed, I was so restless. Nerv ous headaches often came on me and , frequently lasted for days at a tim.e. Then I had rheumatism so bad in my joints I was almost helpless. My legs and elbows hurt fearfully and some . , times I just ached all over. There seemed to be no relief for me, my friends were all worried and I was almost disheartened. i’ ;'v "But, happily for me, one of my friends suggested thit I try Tanlac. I never will forget how I began to improve and now I think it is wonder tful that I am feeling so well and strong. My nerves are just as steady as can- be and T haven’t a rheumatic pain about me. I am in just splendid health and wish everybody knew what a grand medicine Tanlac is.” Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere.—Advertisement. French Youth Defective.. As a result of the lack of oppor tunity to "take physical'exercise half of tlie youths of France are said to be physically unfit for military service. I Out of more than 3,000,000 eligibles, only 165,000 measured up to the or dinary physical standards in a recent examination of the class of 1921, which will join the colors soon. f -S ■, ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuine Warning! Unless yon see the uams "Bayer” on package or on tablets yon are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved sale by million* Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also, sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester* of Salley cacid-— Adv. Prophet Without Honor. The office gin is not a Hoosier, and of course is not expected to know everything. And yet— On the occasion of the municipal concert, she was asked if she intended going to hear “Elijah.” “Elijah who?” she inquired.—In dianapolis News. Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes That itch and burn with hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings- of Cuticura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti cura Talcum is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each everywhere.—Adv. Lucky Dog. “Look, baroness, my horse has won the race!” “I congratulate you.” “Not me—my creditors.’' Catarrh Catarrh is a loc_l disease greatly influ enced by constitutional condition* HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE! is a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By, cleansing the blood and building up the System, - HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Nature to do Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Who cares to pause aDd conslde.? how many calories there are In. a disk of strawberries? OLD FOX’S REVENGE | WHEN all the nuts were fixed to suit Grandpa Fox he put them away and brought "out some very fine. Mg radishes,' which. he carefully scooped out after cutting them in half,,, These he also filled with red pep per and glued together, touching the cut place with a bit of paint to cover the mark. When he had a good pile of them finished he looked at his work with a broad smile on his face and carried them in a pan to the pantry window, where it was nice and cool, so they would not wither. The next morning he was up long before the sun peeped through the Y&eo/’T/yose,, vova/jscmsA trees In the woods; in fact, he had been awake nearly all night, so he j might be the very first one up in the woods. Grandpa took his basket of nnts and poured them on the ground near his house back of a bush, as if he had hid den them there. The radishes he put In a basket and placed it under a tree and dropped his coat beside it so it would look as if he had Just been in the garden working. Then he sat down in the house by the window with a stick in his hand and waited. He did not have to wait long for the Squirrel brothers were always up bright and early and called for Tom mie Rabbit to come out and find some fun They came running along the path that led past the house where Grand pa Fox lived, when Billy Squirrel, wh6 was quicker than the others, ran into Grandpa’s yard. He spied the nuts and back he went as quick as a flash and told the news to the others. Tommie Rabbit did not care very much for the nuts, but he ran with Billy and his brother, and be spied the basket of radishes. Looking around all three of them made sure that Grandpa was not in sight, and then they took all the nuts and radishes they could carry, and from his window Grandpa pounded the sill with the big stick and shouted: “Drop those, you little rascals; drop them.” . Grandpa. Fox knew that was all that was needed to make them carry oft the nuts and radishes, so he pounded and called until they were out of sight “Stolen sweets are always the sweetest,” he said. “That may be true in some cases, but I’ll wager my pipe those youngsters will find out that Is not a true saying always.” And they did, for Billy Squirrel did not bother Grandpa Fox any more. Such sneezing was never heard In the woods before, even the chicken with the whooping cough did. not sneeze any harder, though they all found their heads and tails were, safe when it was over. Their mouths and throats ' were burned, too, and so for many days they suffered for their badness and now old Grandpa Fox can sit all day in the sun and no one bothers him. (Copyright.) EILEEN SEDGWICK Pretty Eileen Sedgwick le a Texas girl. She was born and educated in Galveston. She has been on the stage since childhood. She is five feet thre.e inches tall, weighs 120 pounds, has blond hair and dark blue eyes. The Right Thing at the Right Time By MARY fltfARSHtUX DUFFER WHEN YOU DINE "Practice yourself, for heaven’s sake, In little things and thence proceed to greater.”—Epictetus. NEVER take your seat until the lady of the house is seated. Never lounge on the table with your elbows, nor tip backwards in your chair. Never play with your knives, forks, or glasses, but cultivate repose at the table. It Is an aid to digestion. Never make diagrams on the table cloth with your fork ok spoon to illus trate what you are talking about. Never leave the table to get some thing that you want to show some one else at the table—to find a book to verify a quotation you have made or to settle a disputed point. These thing3 can be attended to-after the meal. Never light cigar dr cigarette un less you are asked to by your hostess or unless others are doing so. Never, under any circumstances, smoke be tween courses, but wait until after dessert when coffee is served. Never tuck your. napkin into your vest, yoke or collar. It is unfoldea once and laid across the knees with “What’s in a Name?” Facts about your name; its history; meaning; whence it was derived; significance; your lucky day and lucky jewel By MILDRED MARSHALL ALBERTA ALBERTA, meaning nobly bright, lias its origin in the Teutonic lan guage. It is one of the names com ing from the nobility of which Aetbei Is the rooti Aethelbryht was. Its first form, though it was a masculine name and was given to the first Christian king of England. The famous bishop of Prague, who was martyred near Dant zig while preaching, to the heathen Prussians in 907. was called Adei 'brecht and bis fame spread the use of the name throughout a great part of Europe. Italy received it and straightway changed it to Alberti. It is from this latter ‘that the feminine forms, Al berta and Albertine, were formed. The husband of the late Queen Vic toria. who bore the name of Albert, brought both the masculine and fem inine into great vogue in England. In deed, it has since been accepted as a national name. But, like ail names which have a masculine and feminine equivalent, Alberta has no really individual ex A LINE 0’ CHEER By John Kendrick Bangs. THE MINER. GOD made him7 Well, since that’s the case Howe’er he lacks in outer grace. However he Inclines to sin. There must be something good within. And that is why in every man I try to find what good I can. As miners seek the gold that lies Beyond the reach of human eyea (Copyright.) istence. After all, she Is merely a masculine name with a feminine termination. But unlike many of her contemporaries, such as Edwina and Roberta, she is almost frivolously feminine and is not regarded as a sub stitute name for the hoped-for son and heir who was to have been called Albert. Jade Is Alberta’s talismanlc stone. It has the power to assure its wearer great prosperity, and freedom from danger and disease. But It should never be removed from the Anger, arm, or throat on which It is worn*. Monday Is Alberta’s lucky day and 1 her lucky number. (Copyright.) -O Hnw foStarf ed "NEWS." IN THE earlier journals, before they were called “newspapers,” it was the custom to print at the head the fig ure of a compass, symbolizing that the journal covered events in all direc tions. An enterprising publisher hit on the idea of printing the cardinal points, N-E-W-S, and in a short time every journal adopted the idea. (Copyright.) i Obvious Question. “Who is the pompous old gentle man?” “Professor Dippers, discoverer of a new star.” “No wonder he’s proud of himself. Screen or legitimate?”—Birmingham Age-Ueruld. out a\flourish. After the meal, at a restaurant or formal dinner, lay It un folded! at your place. If you are a time guest in the household and will remai^ another meal, you may fold the nhpkln in its original creases. Never pnt the end of a spoon into your month, sip everything from the side of the spoon, and do this noise lessly. Never use a spoon when a fork will serve. Forks are now often used for eating ice cream, and salad is folded or cut with the side of a fork, never with the knife. Even small yegetables like peas are eaten with a fork. Never hold your knife and fork up in the air when your host is serving you afresh. Lay them on one side of the plate when you send it to the host by servant or your neighbor at table. Never leave your spoon in coffee or tea cup. Lay it on the saucer. Never cool food by blowing upon it. Wait until it becomes cool enough to eat. Never take a second helping at a large and formal dinner. You will And yourself eating alone. Never make yourself conspicuous in any way by aiding the host or hostess in serving, unless especially asked to do! so, or in passing dishes when serv ants are provided for that purpose. Never push back your plate and finger crumbs at the conclusion of the meal. It indicates undue baste. (Copyright) O HOW DO YOU SAY IT? DrCH LURIE , Common Errors in English and How to Avoid Them TO EXPECT AND TO THINK. DO NOT use the word “expect” in the sense of suppose, believe or think. For example, th§ use of the word “expect” in the following sen tence Is Incorrect: “I expect that your lessons are done.” The verb “ex pect” means “to look forward to as probable or certain; to await, to feel assured of something before it occurs; to anticipate;” ps, “I expect to go to church next Sunday, if the weather is fine.” Usually we use “expect” when we look forward to an event with in terest or desire. “One should not say, ‘I expect it is,’ still less, ‘I expect it was.’ We cannot expect the present or the past,” says one authority. “England expects that every man will do his duty," was the signal hoist ed by the famous British naval com mander, Lord Nelson, at the mast head of his- flagship, before engaging the French fleet In the battle off Trafalgar. ^ (Copyright.) I -° Faith Supreme. “I have no use for faith,” said the man; “wbat I know I know!” Then be went out and bought some wild cat mining stock and a second-hand motor car.—Christian Life. ;-O . In No flurry. , “Slang,” says one of its advocates, "eventually becomes port of the lan guage." AH right—we'll wait. - ■ ■ . . -- <•. Help That Bad Back! Why be miserable with a “bad back?” It’s time you found out what is wrong! Kidney weakness often causes much suffering from backache, lameness, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness and kidney irregularities. Neglected, it may lead to dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease, but if taken in time it is usur ally easily corrected by using Doan’s Kidney Pills. Doan’s have helped thousands. Ask your neighbor! A Virginia Cage Mrs. John H. Mc Nulty. 643 S. Lexing ton Ave., Covington. Va., says: “My back ached and was sore and stiff. I felt drow-1 sy and languid and' had frequent dizzy; spells. I was annoyed . by the Irregular ac- \ tlon of my kidneys. Doan’s Kidney Pills! were recommended so. highly I started their i use and after taking) a few boxes I was. cured.” 1 Cat Doan’s at Any Stan, 60c « .B<n DOAN’S WAV FOSTER-U1LBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. V. ANCC£K Sulphur MPOUND inyotir Bath a For Eczema, Rheumatism, Gout or Hives Expensive health resorts, sought by thou sands. have grown around springs contain ing sulphur. Hancock Sulphur Compound, utilizing the secret of the famous healing waters, makes it possible for you to enjoy Sulphur Baths in your own home, and at a nominal cost Sulphur, Nature's best blood purifier. Is prepared to make its use most efficacious in Hancock Sulphur Compound Use It In the bath, as a lotion applied to affected parts, and take It internally. 60c and $1£0 the bottle. If your druggist can't supply It send his name and address and the price hi stamps and we will send you a bottle direct HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltimore. Md. Btmmi eUfkwr CmfrnmJ Ob* mmt-~25c *%d SOf—frr tut u*ft d* 4 4 [The next time *'• you buy calomel ask for The purifieti and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. I Mrs. Hicks Relieved By Four Eatonics : “I have taken four Eatonic tablet* and they relieved me of sour stomach I recommend It to everybody,” say* Mrs. G. P. Hicks, ' ,~'.: If stoml^h Is not digesting youi food; If yon have sourness, bloating, food repeating, Indigestion or add stomach, Eatonic will remove the cause by taking up and cfcWjiBg out j the addlty and gases, briifeiag quick J relief and healthy digestion. Why suf fer stomach trouble? Why not keep your digestion normal and enjoy good & health? An Eatonic taken after each meal will prevent discomfort and pain, Make the test today and see hiw quickly this wonderful remedy acts, r It comes in handy tablet form7 Carry it with you. A big box costs only a trifle with your druggist’s guarantee. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM | Removes Dananiff-6 topeRairFaUlngf | Rastores Color and | EBMotf to Gray and Faded Han I ©Oo. and $l.00at Drup^ieta. f I Htaeox Chem. Vfkn. X’ateboRae.N.Jf. HINDERCORNS __ {nuSlr*11 P»tn«_?n»‘lr®c comfort gists. ,H isoox Salesmen to handle our comnlet* lin* of Nureery Stock—Fruit Trees, 8ha'dV Tree* Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Hedge Plante. Bnrube, Roses, etc. Liberal proposition Write immediately for terms and territory W. T. HOOD ft CO. _ ^ _ Old Dominion Nurseries Dopfc W« N. Ye . ' '