After Long Suffering Mrs. Siefert
Was Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable 0
Pottsville, Pa.—"I suffered with
female trouble for four or five years and
woo YU(y uic^uitu.
I was not fit to do
my work at timea
and took medicine
from a doctor and
got no benefit. I
saw Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable
Compound adver
tised in the news
papers and took it
and got all right. I
gained twenty
Dounds or more and
am now able to do my work. I recom
mend the Vegetable Compound to my
friends and you may use these facts as a
' testimonial.’—Mrs. Sallie Siefert,
3X3 W. Fourth Street, Pottsville, Pa.
The everyday life of many housewives
is a continual struggle with weakness
and pain. There is nothing more wear
ing than the ceaseless round of- house
bold duties and they become doubly hard
when some female trouble makes every
bone and muscle ache, and nerves all on
' If you are ope of these women do not
suffer for four or five years as Mrs.
Siefert did, but profit bv ner experience
and be restored to health by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
At Least Young Lady Could See a
Similarity Between Biblical Times
. and Our Own.
. - The unsophisticated young clergy
man essayed to break the embar
rassing silence that had fallen be
tween his fair partner and himself.
“Er—have you ever noticed,” he be
gan, “how opposed to modern ideas of
politeness Is the wording of the Teuth
Commandment? I mean the part which
x says ‘And thy manservant and thy
maidservant, and the stranger within
thy gates.’ The guest, you notice,
comes after the maidservant.”
He waited hopefully for, the reply
which should open up further con
versation between them.
The fair one was slightly bored.
Her answer came In a perfectly modu
lated voice, “No, I had not noticed
it until you spoke, but it Is as true
today as it was then. He usually Is
after the maidservant.”
An even longer and more embar
rassing silence followed.—Houston
■ Post.
Soap Suds.
He said—“Let me hold your palm*
She said—"Not on your lifebuoy."
Do you1
know why
i t it's toasted?
To seal .in
the delicious
Burley flavor
Pimples _
_ Blackheads, pim
ples and other skin erup
tions quickly disappear_the
' skin beoomes soft, smooth, dear
and delightfully refreshed— 1
when you tue GleMl*S
Sulphur Soap
Contains Pure Sulphur. At Druggists.
Rohland’s Styptic Cotton, 26o
Prints, 3 cents and up. Wonderful Free En
largement offer. DAPCO PHOTO SERVICE.
Station C, Box 43. BUFFALO, NEW YORK.
your letterheads and advertising. We will
represent you, irceive and forward your mall.
Sham way, ?M6 No. 28th, Philadelphia, Pa.
, W. N. U.. BALTIMORE, NO. 28--1921.
Vigorous Measures Against At
tack of Chinch Bugs Are
Urged by Federal Bureau.
8e\ere Infestations in Central Missis.
•ippi Valley Region From Texas
Northeasterly to Illinois
-'•y. and Michigan.
(Prepare# by .the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.) %
Energetic measures against the
chinch bugs which threaten injury not
only to the wheat and rye crops of
Missouri but’ to corn as well are
urged by the bureau of entomology,
United States Department of Agricul
ture! in .view of reports of an impend
ing outbreak qf the pest in that state.
Widespread and severe Infestations
of the pest are reported in the whole
central Mississippi valley region,
starting in northern Texas and ex-,
tending in a northeasterly direction
over Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri,
touching ^Nebraska, and extending
across Illinois and Indiana into Mich-,
Generally Distributed Through State.
The chinch bugs, latest advices say,
have had a mild winter and are gen
erally distributed throughout the
Missouri wheat and rye fields, breed
ing in considerable numbers in the
St. Louis neighborhood early in May.
The fanners, It is said, have been
watching the pest more closely than
usual this spring, but all of them do
not know yet that there is danger that
their corn may be damaged worse
than normal last year. Wheat is
likely to ripen one or two weeks
earlier this year, and tlje rains have
delayed the planting of corn.
. The bugs are certain to migrate
when the wheat ripens and the corn
will be so backward that damage by
tlie bdgs is likely to be very severe.
It is well to expect the bugs to hegin
migrating to com as soon as the wheat
butts begin to harden into maturity
ten days before the heads are ripe.
Any barrier work or creosote repeilant
line work should begin as the bugs
will migrate in increasing numbers as
the wheat stalk ripens upward. The
binder will shake loose those not al
ready out and stragglers will continue
to migrate in serious numbers for five
Healthy Field of Wheat.
to fifteen days after harvest. Bar
riers, therefore, must be maintained
from the time of migration until pos
sibly _.two or three weeks have elapsed.
Sow a Trap Crop.
, It will be found of much value to
sow two drill widths of millet between
corn and the nearby fields of wheat
umi rye. The more quickly* this is
done the better, so as to make as good
growth as possible of this trap crop
before the bugs attack it. When the
bugs have migrated into the trap
crop it should be plowed seven or
ipore inches deep. tipis t be
taken to plow deeply and Well, then
to pack the ground with a drag or i
harrow or roller. Little time or work
Is required to make this strip and the
qost is small. It has hitherto been
found very profitable,
t ;* —--- 1 -
Excellent Work Done by-Pennsyk
vania Pig-Club Members.
• V •
Boys and Girls, Prove That -Good Hogs
Properly: Fed and Cared For Do
. Better Than Common Stock
With Ordinary Care,
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.;
That boys and girls can demon
strate the best farm practices In
their respective communities is shown
conclusively by reports of the work
done by Pennsylvania clubl members
Pig-Club Member* Exhibiting Their
Prize Pigs at State Fair,
in 1920. Statistics of pig-club mem
bers muy be ; taken as an example.
It Is estimated by men who know
something about the swine industry
In this state that the average daily
gain of all hogs in the state—good,
bad. and indifferent—Is about one
half pound per day. How do you
think the club records compare with
that? Guess before you read on.
Club members in the pig-feeding
club (producing pork) made, their pigs
gain 1.19 pounds, while those raising
gilts to breed put 1.12 pounds per day
on their pigs. . That was a good dem
onstration that good pigs, properly
fed and eared for, will do much bet
ter than common stock with ordinary
care. It pays, too, for the better re
sults can be obtained on the same
amount of feed. * ,
Itobert Webster of the Huntersville
Pig-Feeding club, Lycoming county, is
the state pig-club champion as far as
gain per day is concerned. Robert
fed a purebred Poland China pig,
which gained 2.43 pounds per day.
That pig surely did make a hog out
of himself, didn’t he?
—--- i
Big Factor in Development of Poultry
on Free Range—Adequate
Supply Needed.
The watering of the free range poul
try is an Important factor in their de
velopment. Allowing birds to be with
out water for a few hours on a hot
summer day will seriously injure them
and retard growth. The water supply
must be adequate.
Ohio Township Is 100 P«r Gent on
Right Side—No Grade or Scrub
fires to Be Found.
The township of Jackson, in Hardin
county, Ohio, is entirely free from
grade and scrub sires. In notifying
the United States Department of Agri
culture of this fact, Prof. John W.
Wulchet of the Ohio agricultural ex
tension service, adds, “This is the first
township which has come to our atten
tion that we feel satisfied is 100 per
cent on the right side. No sire was
considered purebred unless it could be
proved that its sire and dam were
The survey of slre3 included the
principal classes of live stock, except
poultry, and was made for advance
credit by a student in the college of
agriculture. The survey showed that
the township included 165 .arms, on
which were 21 purebred boars, 26
purebred rams, 6 purebred reef bulls,
8 purebred dairy bulls, and 2 purebred
stallions. No. grade or scrub sires of
any kind were found in the township.
■ ■'*, I 'hi -v' .
Alfalfa Cut at Bud Stage.
Alfalfa hay cut at the bud stage
of growth has superior feeding value
to alfalfa liny cut at other stages of
growth, according to two years’ ex
periments performed at the Kansas
station. '
Making Alfalfa Hay.
The best cured alfalfa hay is that
which is green, free from weathering,
and with all of the leaves retained. To
reach this goal, some growers used to
recommend cocking and capping.
Keeping the Cream Sweet
A cooling tank in which tjie farm
output of cream and milk may be kept
should be a part of the equipment of
every farm.
Increase of Production.
Our greatest increase of food' pro
duction in the future must come from
increasing our acre yields. That's
where, profit lies also.
Disposing of Sewage.
The septic tank is the best way to
dispose of farm sewage.
Might Be Ericsson’s Ship.
A traveler in Norvfay has been look
ing at thd two ancient'’ ships in one
of which Lief Ericsson may huve
reached the western world five cen
turies before Columbus.
The ancient pagan custom that
buried the craft of the sea hero pre
served the galleys a\vay in the soil of
Norway, thanks to. a covering of pot
ter’s clay, and a Twentieth-century
farmer discovered the second one. The
savants looked it over, and dated it
from the Ninth century, contemporary
with the adventurous Ericsson, possi
bly his own ship.
About seventy feet long,*the vessel
is shaped not unlike a double pointed
rawbouti'flat and low, with forked up
rights for 15 pairs of oars, and the
conventional dragon carved ofi bow
and stern. -
Under the floor are the compart
ments .where the voyagers doubtless
stored their provisions.
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of
These Ugly Spots.
There’s no longer the slightest need ot
feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine
—double strength—Is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
8imply get an ounce of Othine—double
strength—from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see that even the worst freckles
have begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. I£ Is seldom
that more than one ounce la needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Othine, as this is sold under guarantee ot
money back If it fails to remove freckles.
Dire Threat.
Two powerful negro stevedores, who
had had some sort of falling out, were
i engaged in unloading a vessel at a St.
Louis dock. Uncomplimentary re
marks and warnings of Intended vio
lence were exchanged whenever the
two passed each other with their
“You iest keep on pesticatin’ around
wid me, declared one of the men, “an’
you is gwine be able to settle a mighty
big question for de sciumtific folks!”
“What question dat?” asked the
“Kin de dead, speak!”—Harper’s
Magazine. ■ ” ! •
Don’t Forget Cuticura Talcum -
When adding to your toilet requisites.
’ An exquisitely scented face; skin, baby
and dusting powder and perfume, ren
dering other perfumes superfluous.
Yon may rely on it because one of the
Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and
Talcum). 25c each everywhere.
A Belligerent Race.
“I can sympathize with Lloyd
George,” remarked Mr. Dubwaite.
“Why, he has the Irish problem on
his hands.”
“That’s why I can sympathize with
him. Mrs. Dubwaite and I have an
Irish problem on our hands. Her name
is Norah and she’s supposed to be
something around a gas range.”—Bir
mingham Age-Herald.
By Using
the Genuine
The guaranteed ‘killer’' for Rais. Mice. Cockroaches,
Ant£ and Waterbugs — the greatest known carnen
of disease^ They destroy both food and property.
Stearns’ Electric Paste forces tbese jjeBta to
from the building for water and fresh an _
Directions in 16 languages i n every bo«. .
Tiro Sixes, 35c and SL6Q. Enough to kill 60 to 400 X
U. S. Government boys It.
A mqn is as old as his organs; ha
can be as vigorous and healthy at
70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and one add troubles sines
1696; corrects disorders; stimulates Vital
organs. All druggists, three sizes.
took for the name Gold Medal on emj fees
and accept no imitation
. Clear Your
\ Complexion
. \ with This
j Old Reliable
I Remedy—
sulphur compound
For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches,
and tan. as well as for more serious face, scalp
and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use
this scientific compound of sulphur. As a lo
tion. it soothes and heals; taken internally—
a few drops in a glass of water—it gets at the
root of the trouble and purfies the blood.
Physicians agree that sulphur is (me of the
most effective blood purifiers known. Re
member, a good complexion Isn't skin deep
—it’s health deep
Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR
COMPOIiNu. ii ha* beeu «sed with satis
factory results for over 25 years.
60c and $1£0 the bottle
at your druggist’s. If he can't supply yon,
send his name and the price in stamps and
. we will send you a bottle direct
Baltimore, M<L
fiaaoci fc/yfarr Omfmmd Oini
m*nt—£Jt 50r~firuMV*th tki
JMmU Ctmfmmd.
Do You Want to Learn an Interesting Pro
fession ? BE A PIANO PLAYER. My book,
“Chord Playing, Accompaniment and Ear
Playing," gives wonderful start. Postpaid.
$1.50. Billy Heaton, Box 427, Salisbury*, Md.
money year round, fine line. CommiBslwa
paid weekly. National Distribution Co
192 Market St.. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY,
uot Skin Disease?
Purify Your Blood
A great part of the maddening
and mortifying skin troubles that
plague humanity are due solely to
disorders of the blood. Belief from
these can he had only by removing
get right after the blood itself.
. S.S.S., the famous old herb rem
edy, has helped enrich the blood of
thousands, and relieved their itch
ing skin torture, during the lash
xrurn yuur uiuuu sureaiu
the impurities that cause
the itching.
For this you must take
an internal blood remedy.
Outside applications have
no effect on the cause of
the torture. Their relief
is shortlived. You must
nity years.
Get S.S.S. from your
druggist today, and after
starting with it write us
a history of your case,
addressing Chief Medical "
Advisor, 837 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Geor
If This Remedy Fails-You Get Your Money Back
The Greatest Discovery of All Time!
any _
ai A
A •gCUBE!^
Recommended For Both Children & Adults
_ /n Capsules Absolutely Tasteless
ANTIPLASMA Discovered During Boer War in Africa
MedicaJ^Officer R?./*“'Jb ?.°'k °f, Dra J J R“*>lph and Kruger, the Utter Cbiet
BoerArmv 1mm IU ‘“Hoy®*"* teeulted in not a single death In tha
3SJ?S& m?tiy?^L ,‘.il *’ compared to a mortality rate among the English
amuien uiat greatly exceeded the number of killed and wounded.
Contains No Alcohol, Narcotics, Quinine, Arsenic,
M^^n^of_Habit-Forming Drugs! Absolutely Tasteless
Druggist Doesn't Sell It, Mail
romffnlno'™,™1?.Mediral Co.. 200 Wen Houston St.. New York. N. Y.. arJ one boltlj
containing complete aeven day cure will be sent you immediately postpaid.
Antiplasma is Malaria Insurance at a Cost of $2.00 Per Year