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■ VENTNOR NEWS! .5'; Established 1907. (Somers Point Record). Official Newspaper of Ventnor City. Published Erery Saturday by . VENTNOR NEWS CO.. INC 'C A* Victoria and Atlantis Ayanuss. Atlantic City. N. J„ P. O. (VENTNOR CITT. N. J.) '< Subscription Prloa.. .'.81.0C per year Payable Is Advance Single Copies.Two Cents Advertising rates on Application. Csrrsspondancs regarding matters at local Interest solicited. Communications shonld be signed by tbs writer, not necessarily for pub lication. but as a guarantee ef good faith. J. FRANK PETERS. Editor and Business Manager. “Entered oe teoondclatt matter July 27. £907. at tin Pott Of/lea at Atlantic City. V .Veto /creep, under the act at (tongreat at March 2. 1879.“ FRIDAY, JULY'8, 1921 JULY-T1DES . DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 8 Fr..... . .. 9 Sa. 10 Su. 11 Mo.. 12 Tu.... 13 We. , eu... 14 The .V. a-.. 15 Fr.. 16 Sa....... i 17, Su..-. 18 Mo...;.,'. 19 Tu.». 20 We.. . 21 Th_... 22 Kr.... 23 Sa.... *.. 24 Su....... 25 Mo.. 26 Tu. 27 We... 28 Th. 29 Fr. 30 Sa. 31 Su.. 10.34 10.54 11.28 11.48 .24 .44 L40 ■ 2.38 3.36 . 4.33 5.27 6.18 ?:& 1.21 2.19 3.16 4.12 5.05 5.55 6.42 7.25 8.06 8.45 9.22 9.59 0.10 9.-19 10.26 10.35 11.03 11.10 11.40 11.47 .22 1.10 2.07 3.09 4.12 5.14 II 4.40 4.3ft 5.21 6.14 7.07 8.03 8:59 9..55 10.48 11.40 ' .24. 1.10. 1.53 2.33 3.13 3.51 4.28 5.02 5.37 6.14 6.56 7-46 8.48 9.51 10.55 4.41 5.41 6.39 7.30 8.41 9.41 10.40 11.34 * .29 1.14 1.57 2.38 3.18 3.57 4.34 5.12 5.54 6.40 7.35 8.40 9.45 10.47 11.47 PLAY BALL SATURDAY. f The local team made up of excellent: players, who have planned a number i of home games previous to this, but! have been disappointed ?ach time, will j positively play theii1 first home game tomorrow at the local grounds, Buffalo And Winchester avenues. Their oppo nents will be the strong Penn-Mar-Dei team of Philadelphia, Former Athletic » pitcher Carroll Brown, who is captain of the team, is expected to do mound duty, with Manager Jimmie Moore on the receiving end. BOY SEA SCOUTS. The Sea Scouts of the Boy Scouts, of America was duly organized Frida: evening in the Pageant headquarters in the. City Hall, Atlantic City, unde the supervision of Commodore Thoma." P. Endicott. “Skipper” Lewis Scott Port Master Maurice Abel and Scou‘ Executive Harold v. Feyl were choseD. Plans of organization and three boat crews were organized. Boat No. 1 is made up of the following Ventno: boys: Sea Scouts Pullen, Shaw, Tryon Niele, Comstock and Parr. ' The Sea Scouts will begin training at once and a land ship will be buij, at Longport. The houseboat, whicl , was donated by Mr. Endicott.. is nov. in service, and will be used for cruis ing by the Sea Scouts. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Minimum Price 25 Cents) REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE. LOTS—If yon are going to build 1 have the lots you should buy. Ifulford T Rose, Little Rock and Atlantic ( Phone 7667-J. * For sale, seven lots Ventnor avenue, 50x116 feet; Two lots Vassar Square, Ventnor City. C. G. Justice, Apart ment A, LeGrande Apartments, Atlan tic City. * SPECIAL NOTICE. 7 Mrs. V. Giles recently returned from the Orient with a nice assortment of Chinese embroideries, hand-made lac es, Mandarin coats, amber beads, and Philippine Sport hats; offers same for sale at reasonable prices. 6 N. New nnrt Avo 4 • INSTRUCTION. MUSIC SCHOOL—Violin, piano, man dolin, banjo, ukulele and' guitar.. Orchestras furnished for all occas ions. Leon Golfer, 2507 Pacific ave., Apt. 19. Phone 1256-J. VENTNOR FRENCH INSTITUTE.— French classes to children and adults yiiow forming, also private lessons, us- ] excelled method. For particulars call or write Miles. Alice and Rose Ga briel-Tabib, 5308 Atlantic avenue.1 .CANOEING LESSONS, every even ing after 7 P. M. Also Saturday and Sunday. For appointment phone 7623W. FOR RENT. HALL FOR RENT to select parties for evening entertainment. For par ticulars apply Derby Hall, 101 North Derby Avenue. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED.—Settled white woman for general1 housework* good wages; references required. Call between 9 -. and 12 o’clock. 110 N. yallahassee Ave. ' „ LOST AND FOUND. LOST.—Set %f white stone beads, Tuesday afternoon, probably short distance from Ventnor Pier. Reward if returned to Mollie Fell, 1909 Pacific HQ^ IMPORTANT IS PERMANENCE NThe management of an estate^is a .. re sponsible fo sit ion and should be placed in the hands of an Ex ecutor whose exist ence is permanent— thus avoiding worry and expense. Ask us any question . Fresh Bread and Rolls Delivered at Your Home Before 6 A. M. Daily /For the Best in Quality and Service Phone 334 Perkin’s Bakery 213*215 N. Connecticut A,venue Represented in VENTNOR AND CHELSEA - v By I C. J. CURRAN * KAPLAN’S Service Station 6415 Ventnor Avenue )IL ’ GAS v, TIRES Accessories “ Open Day and Night 'ree Air Best of Service Phone 7159-J Barry Coffin, Jr. Plumbing and Heating Shop 5201 Ventnor Avenue Vompt and Personal "Attention TELEPHONE 7694-W Before buying NextCar see our-lar<J»e stocWof new and Ki^h-<J>raide T r'* TJO UOLUV/rtlVJ Cas/ior7}'me£ayh'i£/iis SlAT E5 hOIuk SERVICE 808Aflanbc'Ave. .ATLANTIC CITY.N.J.' Vi': ■ • 'i-'" •: ft i■, . . - *, ' , "■ :• 'r • - ;yA- x - Have Your Clothes . Master Cleaned by' m ft -m w ■j-/. •> y 5 $"■■■ vAi' Y. I m / 36 So. New York Ave., 5208 Ventnor Ave. 'A- ' ' , ‘a'l Phone for Our Driver to Call - RESOLUTION BY MR. SWEIGART.1 Be it Resolved by the Common Council of Ventnor City :— j That the City Clerk do give notice as re-I ouired by law. That at a* meeting of the Common Cduncil of Ventnor City to .be held in the City Hall, Ventnor City, on Monday. July 11, 1921, at the hour of 8 o’clock P. M., there will be introduced for consideration and passage by the Common Council an ordi nance providing for the opening of a 37 feet wide street, extending from the Westerly line of Weymouth avenue Westwaxdly IS feet, 233 feet North of the north line of Ventnor ave nue and for the acquiring of the -lands nec essary therefor, by the City, which said, lands are described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of Weymouth avenue 233 feet, North of Vent nor avenue and extending northwardly in thp line of Weymouth avenue 37*feet, thence' ex tending Westwardly between parallel lines tfcat width parallel with Ventnor avenue 75 ffeet; which said ordinance will further pro vide for the assessing of the lands and real estate benefltted by the opening of the said street to the extent to which the lands and real estate may be doerped to have been ben efltted thereby. *At which time and place any and all per sons will be heard for and against the pass age of the said ordinance. By order of the Common Council. JAMES T. G. HAND, City Clerk. Dated June 14. 1921. GRADING AJMD GRAVELING STREETS. Sealed proposals marked “Grading and Graveling’' for grading and graveling various streets in Ventnor City, will be received by the Common Council at a meeting of that body to be held on MONDAY. JULY 11. 1921, at 8 o’clock P. M., In the Councill Chamber, City Hall, Ventnor, New Jersey, when called for by the President. Specifications for grading .and graveling driveway of Grand Avenue from Avenue A to Avenue C. Avenue C, from Grand Avenue to Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue from Avenue A to Avenue B. Seventh Avenue from Avenue A to Avenue B, Avenue B from Fifth Avenue to Seventh Avehue. including the intersec tions of said streets or avenues, may be seen' at the office of E. D. Rightmire, City Engi neer. Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City, or at the office of the City Clerk or Ventnor City. •’ , ■ s. No proposal or bid will * be received or considered unless accompanied by a certified check drawn to the order of Enoch'o. Turner. City Treasurer, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). ^ Council reservesjthe right to reject any or all bids. . ' ' By order of the Common Council. .. JAMES T. G. HAND, V City Clerk. Dated June 14. 1921. -PROPOSAL FOR FIRE HOSE. Sealed' proposals marked ’’Fire Hose” for urnisbing to the Fire Department of Vent lor City, New Jersey. One Thousand Feet of Standard Fire Hose, in fifty _ foot lengths, •ouplings complete as per specifications, will >e received by the Common Council at a neetlng of that body to be held on . MONDAY. JULY 11. 1921, »t 8 o’clock P. M.. in the Council Chamber. 2ity Hall. Ventnor. New. Jersey, when called ‘or by the President. . . • • Specifications cjm' be secured from the. No proposal or bid will be received or mnsiderefc unless accompanied by a certified *heek drawn to the order of Enoch S. Tur ner, City Treasurer, for the^ sum of Two Elundred and Fifty Dollars ($2r»0.00). Council reserves the right to reject any or Ml „ By order of the Common Council. JAMES T. G. HAND, Citv Clerk. n»tPd Tune 14. 1921. k it ?!> ?! ?! ?! 5! ?!. 5! $ r ft . ' I ?!: ?£ The National Market ?! ?! ?! Little Rock and Ventnor Aves. ! f! & ■i ?! ‘ - •'• ■- ■ i) The Finest Market, With Lowest Prices > s }} The Finest Selection of City-Dressed Meats, Poultry r and Vegetables V j — Give Us a Trial 7640—Phones—7644 ?! ?! ?! ?! ?! COOL AND REFRESHING A pitcher of Ice Tea is welcome these days on any table. But make it right and, above all, USE THE RTGHT TEA. • / Phone us the blend you desire, and we will deliver it to you. . - / ' ’’ ‘ ' Coffee for Particular People 'The large variety of Coffee carried here will enable particular people to secure the rich, substantial quality they desire. * ;< Going on a picnic? Don’t forget that Home Made Peanut Butter? - MILLER’S THE HOUSE OF d00D COFFEE 2407 Atlantic Ave. eariy 270. Free Deliveries Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings.