VENTNORNEWS Established 1907. (Somers Point Record). OStelU Newspaper s* VeataerCity. Puklubed Bvary ■atwdaj by •TBNTNOK NBWI CO.. INC. At Victoria cad Atlantia ATeueea. Atlantia City. N. J.. F. O. (VENTNOR OITT. N. J.) Subscription Price.fl.OC per year Pawable *» ddcsscs._ (Ingle ..Tw° C*Bt* Ad.ertlalng re tee as Appl (cation. OcrmpeadCBSS rcgardlag matter, ct local Interest solicited. Communication! abeald be • Slg-ea by tbs arltar. act acccaaartiy tor pab tloatlcs. but an s guarantee af gee* faith. J. RANK RUM.' Bdltar and Business Manager. •‘*itiered ae eaeeud-elsw «u8a *7» 1907. at tAe Poet OM«e si AtlanHo «t». .Veto /ersey. under the ad of Conff^eoo of Han* *. 1*79." * FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1921 4 s PERSISTENCY. One cannot help but admire the per sistency of some of the members of of the councilmanic body in trying to get through measures that they feel are needed by the city. Although the ordinance to buy the bathing beach in the lower end of the city (an ordi nance if it was carried out would give property owners in that section noth ing more than the same identical ad vantages enjoyed by property owners in other sections or the city) had been killed at a previous meeting of the councilmen, another similar ordinance was introduced at the meeting held Monday evening, and passed first reading with only one dissenting vote. This measure is a good one and should be passed now and not left to die a natural death with the ending of the fiscal year. If there are any good reasons why it should not be passed now, the public should be told of them, so that they at least know that the councilmen are not trying to keep the owners from enjoying the same privileges enjoyed in other sections of the city. Lower Ventnor has en joyed the building spurt that has been going on in all parts of the city, and more homes have been built in that section than in any other part of Ventnor, simply because there was where tke vacant lots were to he found by prospective purchasers. These homes are going to greatly in crease the bathing in that part of the city and they should have a place to bathe the same as other seotions. Kefep the ordinance going and pass the legislation before the end of the year 1921. OH, WHAT STREETS 1 This is an expression'that is fre quently heard made by automobUists who have to traverse some of the streets of our city, and it is no won der as some of them are a mess at spots almost from curb to cnrb. Dur tog the summer months Innumerable pleas were made that the streets should be given a light coat of gravel while the travel was sufficient to pack it down before bad weather came along. Some few of them were grav eled after the summer season wat practically over, and they today are like worst streets in the city, as the) are soft and the heavy rains of the past few weeks and the travel have kept them well stirred up. ■ We be lieve that it is not too late to correct some of these conditions even at this late date, as they appear low in the centre and the water instead of drain ing off just lies there, but it is more of a task now than it would have been earlier. Conditions all over the city streets could be greatly improved if council would have more brick gut ters laid and carry out the plan that was supposed to be carried out man) years ago when gutters were placed along many of the streets. It costs the city nothing and property owners have willingly paid their assessment as they saw the value of the improve ment. The streets with the brick gutters are in far better condition titan those without. THE NEW "SCOUTMASTER. We are glad that one of our police officers has seen fit to volunteer his services as scoutmaster of our local troop of Boy Scouts. He deserves the thanks of every citizen who is inter ested in the boys of our city, and we feel that that means every citizen. Again the progressiveners of the Mayor is shown by his interest and encouragement in the movement, by making arrangements so that Officer Spurrier could do the important work, in which he is much interested. Un der his tutorship the boy scouts should continue to be an important factor in every.movement of the city. PROPOSALS FOR STREET LIGHTING. Sealed bids or proposals for the fur nlshing of Units and light and the nec essary maintenance of the same for the illumination of the public highways and other public places in the City of Vent nor City for a period of three or five years upon the specifications adopted November 28, 1921, will be received by the Common Council at said Vent nor City when called for by the President during: a meeting of the Common Council Jo he held in the Council Chamber, City Hall. Ventnor City, New Jersey, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1921. at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M, Specifications and proposals therefor hvny he procured upon application at the office of the City Clerk of Ventnor City. No proposal or bid will bo received or considered unless accompanied by a eer CutrtiR for the sum or Kive Hundred Dollars ($500.00) drawn to the order of Enoch 6. Turner, City Treasurer. The right is reserved by Common Council to reject or accept any or all bids. JAMES T. G. HAND, vt . City Cleric. November 29, 192). Published in Ventnor News, December 2nd and 9th, 1921. / JUST AMONG OURSELVES | You like Ventnor, don't you, 'tor it’s your choice and my choice, isn’t it? j Then, as added helpfulness, j let's you and me tell somebody how much we like it and why. | | If we each do this, our growth ! will be spelled in brilliant tinsel, j You’re sure to feel “growing | pains” as you let the thought ! linger. Here’s the golden key that will open the door to great things for our chosen Venthor. i Tell your friends about this beautiful home city on the shores of the sea, where the frigid breath of winter is modi fied through the soothing influ ence of the great Atlantic Ocean, and where the torrid waves of summer remain with us only in memory. Tell them, too, of our beauti ful homes, spacious, well-kept lawns, its green verdure every where, its pure water, its clean, progressive local government; its—but you know the rest. Just keep on talking! Do this every time you get & chance That’s all. Simple, isn’t it? But it’s a powerful lever to “boost” Ventnor in its great climb, indeed, in its almost un believable speed to the summit of the hill to fame. Maybe you’ll want to say something about the rings on the horns of our great success and why they grew.* But just Iceep on ringing the joybells of Ventnor—that’s the trick. (Paid for and donated by a Second Ward taxpayer.) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS * (Minimum Price 25 Cents) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS—U you ere going to build I bare the lota you should buy. Mulford T Rose, Little Rock and Atlantic. Phone 7567-J. HAVE FEW CHOICE large lots on Ventnor avenue. Prices reasonable. C. G. Justic.e, Apartment A, Le Grade Apts., Atlantic City. INSTRUCTION. MUSIC SCHOOL—Violin, piano, man dolin, banjo, ukulele and guitar. Orchestras furnished for all occas ions. Leon Golfer, 2507 Pacific ave., Apt. 19. Phone 1256-J. 8PECIAL~NOTICE " MAN desires care of heaters for winter. months, Jackson to Portland Avenues. Perfectly reliable. Phone 7504-W. SITUATION WANTED MALE. COLORED MAN desires position as butler or houseman with family in Ventnor. Address Apartment 2, 15 Leeds Place, Atlantic City. HELP WANTED FEMALE. , GIRL living in Ventnor wanted for Bakery and Confectionery. Apply in person at Garden Baketerla, 4 South Portland avenue. LEGAL NOTICE. * At a meeting of the Shade Tree Com mission of Ventnor City, to be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall. Ventnor City, on Saturday, December 10, 1921, at 2 o’clock P. M., bids will be received and opened for the furnishing ,and planting of 200, 300 or 500 Oriental Plane Trees on the highways of Ventnor City, plant ing to be done at the option of the suc cessful bidder between the time of awar ding of the Contract and April’1, 1922. Trees to be well headed, straight, 12 to 14 ft., 2—2bb Cal., to be located as direct ed by the Tree Commission with Penntt. ■soil or its equal, 2I,j.x2%x2is, and guaran teed for 1 year from time of planting. Bids will also be received for the fur nishing and delivery when and where directed by the Shade Tree Commission within Ventnor City between the time of the awarding of the Contract and April l. 1922. of 200. 300. 600 Oriental Plane Trees, trees to be well headed, straight. 12 to 14 ft., 2 to 2‘i Cal. Also for the planting of 200. 300, 600 Oriental Plane Trees along the highways of Ventnor City, between Deeember 15. 1921, and April 1, 1922. Also for the furnishing of 100. 200, 300 tons of Penna. Soil or its equal, when and where directed by the Shade Tree commission along the highways of Vent t'.or City, between December 15, 1921, and April 1 1922. within five days after awarding of the Contract the successful bidder will be re quired to enter into contract with satis factory security. The Shade Tree Com mission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and the right to re-award the same. Address all bids to , ... J. S. WESTCOTT. Seetv., 423 Guarantee Trust Building, Atlantic City. N. J. MOVIES TO-MORROW. the usual weekly exhibit of motion pictures will be shown to-morrow eve ning at the Troy Avenue School. The pictures are attracting more every week. Mr. Edward Dwyer will have charge of the meeting this Week, and has announced that there will be an other Lucky Favor Dance among the dance numbers. The hostesses for the evening have not as yet been an-! nounced. J’M. Vf Join Qur X-Mas Club and Save Before buying your •' J Next'Car seeour,lar<^e stockof new and Kifh-6rade UsedCars Cacfior7iMePayments StatesMoidrService 808AtlanticAve. ATLANTIC CITY.RJ C.J. ADAMS CO REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGES " REAL ESTATE AND LAW BUILDING MULFORD T. ROSE i REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN Little Rock a.n<3 Atlantic Avenue FREDERICK R, ROGERS 14 So. Mt. Vernon Ave. Atlantic City Telephone 1558-W Electrical Contractor & Electrical Repairs Ventnor Office 18 No. Buffalo Avenue PHONE T053-B # Walter T. Margerum PLUMBING AND HEATING JOBBING A SPECIALTY 17 SOUTH VICTORIA AVE. PHONE 7076-J ~ A XMAS SUGGESTION. Send the Ventnor News to that friend who la now living in another locality. Ventnor Delicatessen y- H; ' ; The Bright Spot of Ventnor Want a Sandwich ;;;? 5203 Ventnor Avenue Phone 7690-W . , , - Fred Delivery j.: ¥ ■ j ■.. ; • i4 . w;'- -1 n« v f !! The First Shop in Ventnor to Make all Their Products The Garden Baketeria 4 S. Portland Ave. Near the Loop The Home of Good Things to Eat Your desires for real home baked goods, or fresh candies, can be satisfied at this unique shop, a9 all Baked Goods and Candies J| are made in our own kitchen. it it it t it it u Don’t forget those Delicious Cinnamon Buns, good and juicy, at . i 4 35c Dozen Home Made Bread 1 lb. loaf 9c A large variety of other baked good* to choose from CANDY SPECIALS Chocolate Peppeamint 60c kind Pound box 49c ORDERS DELIVEREp Southern Peanut Brittle 35 n kind, 19c pound TELEPHONE 7S1S Electric House Wiring , and Lighting Fixtures First Class Materials | and Workmanship Only ‘ ' ^HONE 595 FOR ESTIMATE L. L. JONES COMPANY % , LIGHTS AND APPLIANCES | 1019-1021 ATLANTIC AVENUE ^gg n I if • I f: !|l ft. $ ft ft ir I it it IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. j To George Raymond Stout, Henry Olds ' Stout, J. Edward Stott, Elizabeth j Stout, Jessie Edna Stout Stott, Kitty I J. Stout. ' By virtue of an Order of the Court of ■ Chancery of New Jersey made on the | day of the date hereof, in'a cause where in Mary It. Quigley, Executrix of the Estate of Francis P. Quigley, Deceased, j is Complainant and you are Defendants, i you are required to appear and answer, j Complainant’s Bill on or before the 5th i day of January, next,/or the said Bill j will be taken as confessed against you. The said Bill is filed for the strict foreclosure of two certain Mortgages made by George Miller Stout, et ux., to C. Stanley Grove, bearing date January 2, 1901, on lands In Ventnor City, and you are made defendants because you own said lands or some part thereof. Dated November 4, 1921. ENDICOTT & ENDICOTT, Solicitor for Complainant, Union Bank Bldg., Atlantic City, N. J. NORMAN N. GALE =BUILDER= BRICKLAYING — PLASTERING 106 S. Wissahickon Avenue PHONE 7293-J Residue* none 7070-W I Js Mathis &Son j Contractors j* and** Builders ! 542-3-4-5-6 Guarantee Trust Building Atlantic City, N. .T. I Mail Phone 441-W WIGAND’S EXPRESS AND HAULING 201 Sixth Avenue Phone 7524-J VENTNOR Fire Place and Kindling WOOD =FOR SALE= If you are Looking for Good,. Seasoned, Fire Place Wood and Prompt Delivery, call SMITH & APPEL PIIONE 42-W -1 Office and Yard:— Rear 229 N. Connecticut Avenue C. 0. S1GL0CH UPHOLSTERING and DECORATING DrspsrivS* Fu — D_— tui %i a%cpauiii|$ Expert Workmanship 5214 Ventnor Avenue PHONE 7528-W