SCOUT HEWS . ; Wr: Troop 17 Has New Scoutmaster. Hold Troop 16 In 0*0 Tie at Pleas antville Rally. ft: M ■x,~ ■ ‘ .. : - By- Patrol Leader Bruce Pitson. Troop 17 has found their new Scout master at last. Everybody In the troop has to be good now, because we have a real policeman for our new leader. Mr. Hoston Spurrier has taken charge of the troop, and will be at the meeting to-night. Every Scout who wants to be In Troop 17 for the coming winter should be in attendance at to-night’s meeting, as a sort of reorganization meeting is planned. Come out and welcome Mr. Spurrier. Mr. Spurrier is very much interest ed in the Scout movement. He Is a veteran service man, having served in the United States Navy, is handy with the bugle, and is snappy with the drill. Mayor Brehman has taken a personal interest, and has made it pos sible for Mr. Spurrier to become Scoutmaster. Now let’s have old Troop 17 step right out as she did heretofore. Pleasantville Rally. Our troop took a prominent part in the Pleasantville Scout Hally last Fri day afternoon and evening. In the afternoon our football team played that of Troop 16, Lower Chelsea. The score turned out a 0-0 tie. Everybody in Troop 17 was surprised, as the tehm was made up almost on the spot. In the evening Troop 17 was In the parade. Mr. H. P. Dimon. chairman of the • Troop Committee, replied for the Atlantic City Council, B. S. of A., to the welcome extended by the Pleas antville Council. Everybody had a good time, and we hope the Pleasant-1 ville Scouts will entertain us again. RealEstate TRANSFERS paniel H. Redman et us. to Edward W. Oswill; 13400. begin at N. E. cor. of Ventnor and Richards aves.; 70s 62.5 ft. y Edward W. Os will et ux. to-Mary A. Ypung; $3800; description same as above. Mary A. Young to Samuel H. Breth walte; ■ $4250; description same as above. »: " .• * - V . Elizabeth Albertson et vir to Aga tha R. Knittel; $2500; begin at N line of Ventnor ave., 38 ft. E. of La fayette ave.; 72x38 ft. Susan A. Patton to Walter J. Reil f ,ey; $3450-; begin at W. line Cornwall ave., 300 ft. N. of Winchester avenue; ■§:; 55x25 ft. , 2 • Charles P. Tilton et ux. to Alice I i Young; $1,000, etc.; begin at N. line! of Ventnor ave., 60 ft. W. of Camb-| -i ridge ave.; irregular. i .,. Wilson N. Durham to E. Steelman j ; Royal; $100, etc.; begin at E. line oi l Avolyn ave., 60 ft. S. of Monmouth! ave., 62.5x60 ft.; begin at W. line of i Avolyn ave., 200 ft. N. of Winchester ; ave., 62.5x60 ft. ~\.r ' Patrick J. Welsh et ux. to Bertha j; M. Riley; $1, etc.; begin at N. line of S I Ventnor.ave., 39 ft. E. of New Haven J ave., 80x37.5 ft.; begin at K. line of li<‘J Ventnor ave., 113 ft. E. of New Haven ave., 110x37 ft. Patrick J. Welsh et ux. to Isaac Speer et al.; $1, etc.; begin at N. line SI ,.. of Ventnor ave., 224 ft E. of N,ew Ha ■■ ' ven ave., 80x37 ft.; begin at N. line of f;. Ventnor ave., 150 ft. E. of New Haven kve., 110x37 ft. Charles R.^-ftlyers to Nemcass Co. : f; e-: $1200; begin at W. line of Princeton ave., 130 ft. S. of Monmouth ave., ’; I 62.5x32 ft.; begin at N. W. corner of ‘ Winchester ave. and Rosboro Park, ■..... 82x38 ft; begin at E. line of Wyom ing ave., 28 ft S. of Monmouth ave.. 76x38 ft.; begin at W. line of Wyom r; ing ave., 168 ft. N. of Winchester ave.. 76x38 ft.; begin at S. E. cor, of Win ; , Chester and Baltimore aves., 76x152 ft.; begin at W. line of Melbourne ste Park, 152 ft. S. of Winchester ave., • ' 76x152 ft Florence walls et ux. to Morris Bloom; $1, etc,; begin at W. line of Cambridge ave., 170 ft. N. of Ocean ave.; 60x62.6 ft. Atlantic City Beach Front Improve ment Co. to John C. McEvoy; $260; begin at E. line of New Haven ave., 110 ft. S. of Ventnor ave.; 150x6 ft. I. Morton Adams et al. to Edward W. Oswill; $800; begin at W. line of Lafayette Park, 82 ft. N. of Winches ter ave.; 38x76 ft Josephine Wright et al. to Samuel C. Wolf et ux.; $1,000, etc.; begin at S. E. cor. of New Haven and Winches ter aves.; 46x76 ft Charles G. Justice et ux. to Arme nak M. Mahjoubran; $1, etc.; begin at N. line of Ventnor ave.; 50 ft. W. of Sacramento ave.; 116x50 ft. ■Howard R. Cloud et ux. to John W. Parsons; $1; begin at W. line of Wy oming ave., 62 ft. N. of Winchester ave.; 76x38 ft * John W. Parsons et ux. to James H. LeMar; $650; description same as above. Daniel H. Redmond et ux. to Chas. Ferretti et al.; $9,000; begin at S. W. cor, of Ventnor ave. and Mel bourne Park; 66x152 ft. Louella R. Collins et vir to Myra K. Matlack; $1,000; begiu at N. line of Winchester ave., 225 ft. W. of Aus tin ave.; 25 ft. x N. to Thorofare. MARGATE TRANSFERS People’s Bank of Hammonton to Clifford J. Wass; $1,000; begin at E. line of Union ave., 89.56 ft. N. of At lantic ave.. 80x47 ft , * ■ . i - .. Coast Investment Co. to Domenick A. D’Elia; $1,000, etc.; begin at W. line /of Fredericksburg ave., 205 ft. N. erf Atlantic ave.; 62.5x80 ft. George C. Newman to George Wil son et ux.; $1; begin at S. W. corner of Pacific and Jefferson aves.. 50x125 Anthony Gertzen et ux. to JoktS^F. Kemper; $400; begin at S. line of Monmouth ave., 100 ft. E. of Madison ave.; 125x25 ft. ' Alfred Keller to Edward And ter; $1200; begin at E. line of Essex ave., 294 ft. N. of Atlantic ave.; 85x42 ft. Malcolm B. Woodruff, sheriff, to Louisa Kessler; $500; begin in W. line of Nassau ave., 50 ft. S. of Atlan tic ave.; 80x50 ft. Coast Investment-Co. to John Sobc zyk; $1,000; begin at S. 'W. cor, of Ventnor and Andover aves.; 62.5x45 ft. . * > • Frank D. Henry et ux. to Marguer ite L. O’Reilly; $1, etc.; begin at E. line of Quincy ave., 212 ft. S. of Win chester ave.; 80x53 ft. - , Coast Improvement Co. to Albert L. Coryell; $1,000, etc.; begin at N. E. cor. of Andover an‘d Atlantic aves.; 62.5x125 ft. Hattie M. Wunder to Mary A. Young; $1, etc.; begin at W. line of Thurlow ave., 90 ft. S. of Ventnor Parkway; 80.’25x52.51 ft. Coast Investment Co. to John Fen Ion; $500, etc.; begin at E. line of Argyle ave., 125 ft. N. of - Atlantic ave.; 62.5x40 ft. Coast Investment Co. to. Alma L. Link; $1,000, etc.; begin at E. line of Barclay ave., 125 ft. N. of Atlantic ave.; 62.5x80 ft. Coast Investment Co. to George R. Weikel; $1,000, etc.; -begin at W. line of Argyle ave., 245. ft. N. of At lantic ave., 62.5x200 tt.y begin -at E. line of Argyle ave., 285 ft. N. of At lantic ave., 62.5x130 ft Barclay Stokes et ux. to John J. Brown; $1; begin at S. E. corner of Frontenac and Ventnor aves.; 40x70 ft John F. Ryon et al. (executors) to Helen C. Reilly; $100,1 etc.; begin at E. line of Union ave., 242.85 ft. S. of Ventnor Parkway; 80x47 ft. -SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to lie directed, issued out of the New Jer sey Court of Chancery, will be sold at public vendue, on WEDNESDAY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE, it two o’clock in the afternoon of said lay. in the Court Room, No. 201, Second Floor* Guarantee Trust Building, in the wity of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic md State of New Jersey. All that certain lot, tract or parcel of .and and premises situate in the Citv of Margate City, County of Atlantic ‘and state of New Jersey, bounded and de scribed as follows: , Beginning in the Westerly line of Os x>me Avenue four hundred five and fifty •lve hundredths feet South of the South erly Tine of Atlantic Avenue and extend ing thence (11 Westwardly at right an "Ties with said Osborne Avenue eighty eot; thence ' (2) Southwardly parallel vith Osborne Avenue to the exterior line established by the riparian comtnission Is ?f tlle State of New Jersey; thence :3> Eastwardly along said exterior line eighty and twenty-five hundredths feet to the Westerly line of Osborne Avenue extended; thence (4) Northwardly along aid Westerly line of Osborne Avenue "to he place of beginning. Being lot No. IS in block No. 8 on a ;ertain plan of lots entitled "Plan of ands belonging to Vehtnor Syndicate at Margate Park. Margate City, N. J„ made Jecember, 1910, by Ashmead & Hackney, Civil Engineers," scale 100 feet to the nch. and duly filed in the County Clerk's Ofilco of Atlantic County, New Jersey, .ogether with the riparian rights in front of said lot. *.-•» ■ Decree approximately $7,050, besides •rterest, costs and fees. Seized as the property of Emery Mar vel et al. and taken in execution at the ant of West Jersey Mortgage Company -lid to be sold by — MALCOLM B. WOODRUFF. , Sheriff. Dated November lit. 1921. H. F. Stockwell, Solicitor. PCs fee, $23.53 DON’T NEGLECT YOOR STORAGE BATTERY THIS WINTER. We are prepared to take care of jour Automobile Storage Battery thli Winter, from freezing, overhaul it end have it In llrst-clasa condition in the Spring. Don’t make the mjtake of neg lecting your battery this Winter, New Batteries are expensive and they may be scarce next year. fjet Us Take dare at xam AUTOMOBILE Storage battery Albertson & Young Co. No. 2025 Atlantic Avenue - ' mm. WHY Paper Your New Walls HAVE THEM TINTED' : « Timed walls, are more sanitary, and can be waslled down with soap and water. i:v' You can. get many effects and color schemes. For any i information or suggestions. Call 7504-J • JAMES LEEDS 14 N. Oakland Avenue , s - SITUATIONS - WANTED We are furnishing a very high class grade of Servants. A 'V -• , ' K; Full of Pep, Quick as a Wink, Never Absent, Never Disagreeable, Entirely Trustworthy. ' Our Charges are Small. Just a Few Pennies a-Day. CALL 3610 FOR THE “ ; % \ “SILENT SERVANT” AND SMILE The Atlantic City Electric Co. _ EVERY NIGHT-THE “MATCHLESS LIGHT” ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR CO. Old Shoes Made New Men’s Half Soles & Heels $1.50 Ladies “ ** “ “ | $1,25 O’Sullivan Rubber Heels ^ .60 - Neolin Soles JOSEPH BOIDA 3313 ATLANTIC AVENUE / • % . Ill Work Guaranteed lowest Prices P. J. MOONEY Florist and Landscape Contractor 18 SO. NEWPORT AVENUE B^LL PHONE 7INO.W Old Brass Beds Made Like New Gorman 33 Fleming Avenue Phone 286-W A. CARD1LLO 3 S, Little Rock Ave. Ventnor City, N. J. TELEPHONE 7073-M • Wishes to announce the opening of A Full Line of Electrical Appliances, Lamps and Christmas Novelties. Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines, Electrical Floor Scrubbers, and Polishing Machines. j . Aril kinds of Electrical Contracting Solicited. This Store will be kept open all year, and beginning Decem ber 10th, will be open evenings until Christmas. THE LIGHTHOUSE MAURIZIO DeRITIS VENTNOR MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Made to Order $50.00 Up If Your Suit Misfits; We will make IT ENTIRELY FIT Suits Cleaned, Sponged and Pressed 50c Work Called for and Delivered Suits Remodeled Satisfaction Guaranteed 5211 Atlantic Avenue ' BELL PHONE 7034-R \.*s, v>; .V \ 0 )■ VENTNOR MARKET THE BEST OF -f'; v Vcntnor antt Little Rock Avenues 7318 PHONES, 7319 FREE DELIVERIES 'V. -:SS • -• . . v . :_v 9 *» *****■*.%.* %.*.**& The 20 Year Guarantee Roofing CHEAPER THAN ASBESTOS OR SLATE m-curiing Shingle*,, Guaranteed. Greatest Evidenced by National Board of Fire Underwriters. Class C. S. THOMPSO 228 N. Morris Avenue PHONES: Office, 4121; Residence, 4122