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MONTHS OF : SUFFERING How a Baltimore Girl Recov ered Her Health Baltimore, Maryland.—“For several I months I suffered with severe backache i "land general weak ness!! could not sleep comfortably at night for pains in mv back. I found your book at home one day and I after reading it be ' gan at once to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. I have had I very good results and .• some of my girl £ friends are taking it Dow. i ou may use this letter to help other girls, as the letters in your book helped me.” —Ross Waidner, 8018 Boseland Place, Baltimore, Md. That is the thought so often expressed In letters recommending Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. These wo men know what they have suffered, they describe their symptoms and state how they were finally made well. Just plain statements, but they want other women to be helped. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound is a medicine made from medi cinal roots and herbs, and without drugs, to relieve the sickness women so often have, which is indicated by backache, weak feelings, nervousness, and no am bition to get anything done or to go anywhere. It has helped many woman. Why not try it? MAN’S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; he ./ can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles since 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. .All druggists, three sizes. lade foe the name Gold Model on every box end accept no imitation IF YOU GET YOUR I FEET WET aon i nave a emu axierwaras—taae HALE’S HONEY of Horehound and Tar Nothing better than this safe, dependa ble home remedy for healing and sooth ing throat troubles and clearing up colds. JOe at all drag fiatt _Uh Pika’s Toothache Drops Garfield Tea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy rur every stomucn and Intestinal ill. This good old-fash ioned herb home remedy for const! i patlon, stomach ills and other derange ments of the sys tem so prevalent tnese days is m even greater favor as a family medicine than in your grandmother’s day. Cuticura Soap -Is Ideal for The Complexion Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Telcnm 25c. Nothing Serious. "Flubdub has joined the great ma jority." “Eh?” “Got a car at last.” Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle 01 CASTOUIA. that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of ( In Use for Over 80 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria Says Sam: '.There's a whole lot of 1 religion just In getting along with people. Man ’ proposes, heaven disposes. vnm I# •** Morning n;__ Keep You r Eyes , Clean - Clear Healthy \ f*r free £>- Car© ©ook I Something to Think About § | Btj F. A.IDAUCER § DEPENDENT ON OTHERS TO PEOPLE who harbor the foolish Idea that they are not dependent on others, there Is sure to come at some period of their existence a rude awakening. And this is true of everybody, the man or woman with five talents and those with but one talent. It is true of you! It is Immaterial how able you may be, how much money you may have, or how exalted you may be, you will, as you go through life, eventually dis cover that, aside from your ability and wealth, you are largely dependent on others for most of your dally com forts and happiness. Argue this as you may from the ab stract to the real, and turn back again to the beginning, you will find that your dependence on others is one of the most incontestable facts in the world. And It is only when you soberly Uncommon Sense By JOHN BLAKE BASED ON EXPERIENCE IT IS decision or the lack of it that makes the difference between first class and second class men. No man Is fit to command an arm; or even a company of Infantry unless he has decision. Hesitation in time of war Is fatal. It is dangerous and destructive in times of peace. No man can always make up his mind quickly and be sure he is right every time. Bu^ the man who does this oftenest, is the man who gets furthest in the world. All Important leaders of action oi thought are men of decision. This Is particularly true of execu tives, who have many men under them. To -such men hestitation means lost time—hundreds of hours of it, and is not to be tolerated. But be very careful, in cultivating decision, to base it on experience. It will be anything but an advantage to be able to make up your mind quickly If you make it up wrong every time. Neither you nor I would be able to decide Instantly between two reports of engineers as to the best course to run a railroad. A railroad president or general manager who was worth his salt could decide very shortly. He could do so because years of ex perience would have taught him how tc weigh the question, and to decide fot the combination that meant the easiest grades and the most traffic. But we can, or at least ought to, be able to decide' our own problems with out much waste of time. We ought not to hesitate more than half an hour over the choice of a still of clothes, or more than ten seconds over the choice of a necktie. Yet even to make trivial choices such as these, requires a knowledge oi ourselves, which is not lightly ac quired. Learn to decide, for decision means efficiency. But learn to decide right usk yourself why, that the truth comes with overwhelming force. • * • Self-dependence will not endure logical scrutiny. It cannot stand the simple test of common sense.. ' From birth till death, men and women of every degree are dependent on one another, forced by a natural law to rely on one another for support and favor. Everything worth having comes from others. Love, companionship, power and fame are the priceless gifts bestowed upon you by the kindly hearts and generous hands of those who are travel ing beside you through life’s sunshine and shadows. And you, whether aware of It or not, are giving something of which you' are possessed to weld a link In this endless chain of dependence, be ing constantly beaten Into new form and character on the anvil of Time. • * » Those who should understand each other with a fulness impossible other wise, should make daily notes of their inability to help or provide them selves without outside assistance. These notes may pain sharply as they are set down In long rows,* but If they are studied in the right spirit, they will soon sweeten the bitterness In the soul and allay the rancor. Indeed, if tills should be done regu larly, with good-will towards all man kind, the world will soon become a better place to live In, the needless animosities between man and nations would cease, and all hearts would beat happily In spiritual harmony. (Copyright) Kiddies six j Will M. Maupin FOR ME I ASK not wealth or golden store. Nor right to rule my fellow man. Just this I ask, and nothing more. To live my life as best I can. I ask not fame, nor high estate. Nor argosies upon the sea. I only ask that loved ones wait To give sweet welcome unto me. I ask no crown of high finale. Nor plaudits from the crowing throng. I only ask a man’s fair chance To save my loved ones from all wrong. I ask not for the pomp and power Of those who rule from golden throne. I only ask that every hour I can provide well for my own. (Copyright) -o A LINE 0’ CHEER By John Kendrick Bangs. THE JOYOUS YEAR. SUMMER, Autumn, Winter, Spring, All such wondrous blessings bring That I'll sing my Song of Cheer Any season of the year— Laughing, loving, living, free, Whatsoe’er the season be! (Copyright.) SCHOOL DAYS Base decision on thought and experi ence, and It Is not very likely to go wrong. (Copyright) Come out! Conte lightly out to play Like children and like gods, this day— Over the hills and far away. -Fannie S. Gifford. CAKES TO BE EATEN THE DAY they Are baked ALL shortcakes are best served hot from the oven, and so are blue* berry gems, those delicious berry filled cakes which we enjoy In the sea son. Cakes which are not rich enough to keep well should be eaten the same or the following day they are baked. Rose Cake. Cream one-half cupful of butter, add one and three-fourths cupfuls of sugar, a little at a time until the whole Is creamy. Sift two and three fourths cupfuls of flour three times, then add three tablespoonfuls of bak ing powder and sift again. Add the flour to the butter, alternating with one cupful of sweet milk and then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of five eggs. Take half the butter and color with a little fruit coloring, flavor with rose mid the white with pistachio. Drop spoonfuls of each Into ar. angel food pan. Rake fifty minutes to an hour In i moderate oven. Turn out on a thick cloth and do not slice until perfectly cold. — * t Feather Cake. ‘‘ Cream three tablespoonfuls of but ter, add three-fourths of u cupful of sugar, a little at a time until the whole is light. Drop In the yolk of an egg and beat until light Sift one and three-fourths cupfuls of flour, add two and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat this Into the finest mix ture, alternating with one-half cupful of milk, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of grated orange rind and three drops of vanilla. Fold in the white of the egg beaten stiff and bake In a sheet. Serve broken In pieces with a fork. Copyright, 1922, Western Newspaper Union -o No, Not That Kind. “Dar alu’ no reason foh a prophet to expect honor In his own country or anywhere else,” said Uncle Eben, “if he's de kind of prophet dnt hands around tips on hoss races.” -O A Happy Bankruptcy. Sirs. Knicker—Words fail me. Knlcker—Then declare a morator ium.—New York Sun. YOUR HAND How to Read Your Characteristics and Tendencies—the Capabilities or Weaknesses That Make for Success or Failure as Shown in Your Palm. THE FINGER NAILS WE FIND sometimes In the hand of a woman short nails com bined with the following charac teristics : , The line of the heart (the upper of the two lines crossing the palm hori zontally) Is short, and the head line underneath It is straight and inclined to turn up toward the finger of Mer cury, the little finger. The mount of Mercury is flat and covered with lines, and the mounts of the moon and of Mars (at the outside of the edge of the palm) are high. The Joints of the hand are very plainly visible. These are the marks of a woman of harsh disposition and quarrelsome nature, and they are made more strong by the shortness of the nails. For a confirmation of this sign of quarrel someness, consult the triangle formed by the line of life, the line of the head and the line of health. If there Is a decided cross to be perceived In this triangle, we may say with fairly good assurance that the disposition of the possessor Is pugnacious and quarrel some. (Copyright.) GET COLOR INTO YOUR PALE CHEEKS If Your Face is Your Fortune, Don’t Look Like a ' Bankrupt. Who does not want red Ups, a good, clear, healthy complexion and bright, flashing eyes? Some people have such wonderfully good health nothing seems to hurt them. Others could so easily have fine color and more strength and vigor If they would help nature with Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. It Is a splendid iron tonic that physicians have prescribed for thirty years. It Is not an experi ment It Is not merely a temporary help, because it makes plenty of red blood and, as everybody knows, red blood is the only sure foundation of permanent health and strength. Get Pepto-Mangan of your druggist—and take it a few weeks and see how much better you feel and look. Sold in liquid and tablet form. Advertisement As She Am Spoke. "Liza, I hears ’at yoh daughtah's church weddln’ was some sho’ nuffi skrumpshus function.” “I’ll say ’twas. ’At ’ere gal oh mine Hang a wicked nuptial, ef I does say it myself.” MOTHER! CLEAN CHILD’S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Even a sick child loves the “fruity" taste of “California Fig Syrup.” If the little tongue is coated, or If your child is listless, cross, feverish, fuU of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the constipa tion poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, play ful child again. Millions of mothers keep “California Fig Syrup” handy. They know a tea- V spoonful today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for genu ine “California Fig Syrup” which, has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say “California” or you may get an imitation fig syrup.—Advertise ment. The best master seldom changes his servants. An undiscussed problem grows more complicated. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION > 6 Bell-ans 1 Hot water 25$ and 75$ Packages. Everywhere TO KILL RATS and MICE Always use the genuine STEARNS* ELECTRIC RAT & ROACH PASTE It forces these pests to ran from the building for «t»ier and ires n ai r. i Ready for Uso—Batter Than Traps Directions In 15 la*>guages in every box. 86c and 11.50. “Money back if it falls." U. 8. Government buys It. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM j RemoresDanarn ff-8 top* Hair Falling Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hab coo. and $1.00 at Prugylaia. Hlscox Chem._WkaPat^ioy tie,y.Y. HINDERCOnNS Romoro. o™, cu louse*. etc., stops ail pain, ensures comfort to th* feet, makes walking ea5y. I&u. by mail or at Dnc> filsoox Chemical Works, Pateboguo, H. X. __J