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Ventnor news. (Ventnor City, N.J.) 1907-1926, August 16, 1922, Image 19

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The Homemaker
Picnic Enjoyment Depends AI
together On How It’s Done
By Prudence Bradish
Propose a picnic, and watch thi
faces of the party. You can tel
a good deal about a person by hi:
attitude toward the proposal
You can tell a good deal about i
homemaker from the way ii
which she manages a picnic ant
how her family feels about one
A badly managed picnic is indeec
a good deal of a mess—especiallj
if you go to the place after it is
gone and see the whole landscape
littered with the remains of it.
“Bully, mother! And can’t w<
cook something and go in swim
ming?” That’s the boy.
“Ugh! Spiders! And grass
stains on your skirt!” That’s the
sixteen-year-old daughter.
“For the life of me, I can’t see
why you want to leave a comfort
able home and eat out doors, with
ants in your food, half-sitting,
half-lying on the ground.” Some
fathers talk like that.
Well, if you manage it rightly,
they will all like it; indeed, if you
understand the picnic business,
everybody will welcome the idea
' and do his share towards getting
* * *
The automobile, flivver, or any
other kind, has greatly simplified
the process, though you can still
have as good a time as of old
with a couple of well-packed
baskets, going by trolley car or
train or excursion boat—far
enough from the town to find a
good place tin the shade of trees.
It adds tremendously if you can
reach a place by the water, where
the children can wade and the
boys can swim. Don’t fail to take
a poncho, rubber blanket, big can
vas, or perhaps a table cloth, on
which to spread the food. You
are fortunate if you do have an
automobile and can slip in a fold
ing card table and camp chairs,
for those who don’t want to sit on
the ground. One of the nicest
picnics in my memory I enjoyed
once in a California canyon, when
the host had enough compactly
folding chairs for the whole
party. But there were two cars
in which to carry them.
Last spring a college president
in New England took my husband
and me on a family picnic far up
on a mountain side. It was so
well managed that I ■ did not
wonder the college ran well. On
a wire grill over a fire he cooked
chops, and bacon in a long
handled frying pan. He had the
foresight to take along some hard
wood kindlings, which, with what
we could pick up of lighter wood,
made a bed of fine coals for the
broiling. Another time we had
beefsteak broiled in the same way.
You can buy these wire camp
grills nowadays very cheaply in
the sporting goods departments.
Be sure to wait till you have a
good bed of coals; don’t try to
broil in the flame and smoke of a
freshly-started fire.
In the hill country where I have
, my summer home, we often have
“cooking picnics,” as we call them.
Besides the couee that we take
in thermos bottles, and other pre
pared things, we take bacon and
, eggs to scramble, and sometimes
an armful of green corn, with a
big tin or aluminum kettle. Often
we take buttered rolls, split them
and make sandwiches with freshly
cooked bacon between.
« * *
Even a comparatively stupid
man can scramble eggs, or do any
of the other cooking that I have
suggested. Cook your bacon first,
; take it out on a hot plate, leaving
a very little of the hot, melted
bacon fat in the frying pan. Then
pour in your eggs, which have
been broken into a bowl with a
lijtle milk, pepper, and salt, and j
stir it as it cooks-until it looks:
rightly scrambled. If you haven’t i
' any bowl, you can break the eggs
right into the pan as fast as pos
sible. Remove from the fire while
still soft; eggs harden very
If you have corn, you can put
your kettle on the fire as soon as
it is started, being careful to fix it
, so that it won’t tip over as the
wood burns and settles down.
Have some salt in the water, and,
when it is boiling hard, pop in
your corn for about ten minutes.
It is great luck to be near
enough-to the right kind of stream
or lake where you can get some
fresh fish. The nearer you can
come to flopping fish from the
hook into the frying pan or on
the grill the better they taste.
Many people who do not like the
fish you buy have no notion of
the deliciousness of it when it is
really fresh. And with the wire
grill you can broil chicken or ham
or make toast and pour over it
melted cheese.
« * *
Once we picnicked near a field
full of wild strawberries. Know
ing they were there, we took in a
thermos bottle a light pancake
batter, and in the frying pan
made large pancakes or flapjacks,
and served them with sugared
berries between. Any kind of
berries are good this way.
You can make a hard job of
picnicking, by taking messy
things, ice cream and bulky stuff
that is a nuisance to dispose of.
The real thing is to reduce the
bulk to a minimum, learn how to
make simple sandwiches, and have
a compact equipment. Then, too,
you must have the /‘out-of-doors
state of mind.” That is a thing
that cannot be acquired in a
minute. I am taking it for grant
ed that through all your family
life you have been training and
encouraging it in your little group
—including father.
Chubby - Cheek, Chubby - Cheek,
where is your chin?
Did it drop out, love, or did it
drop in?
There is only a dimple to .show
where it’s been.
Chubby - Cheek, Chubby - Cheek,
what will you do?
There is only one way for a baby
like you;
When you grow up you will have
to wear two.
Charles Scheuer.
Weiner’* Chelsea Pharmacy
makes a specialty of prescrip
tions. A telephone call to 7826
will reach us at 4207 Ventnor
Avenue and insure prompt
Ventnor Market
The Beit of '
Ventnor and Littla Rock Aves.
* 7318—Phones—7319
Free Delivery
Oculists* Prescriptions a Specialty
Developing and Printing
Sfouttii Iroa.
The Only Practical and
Fully Equipped Optical
Workshop in Atlantic City
We Invite You to Inspect Our
Manufacturing Department
At 1006 Pacific Ave.
Also at
Maryland Ave. and Bdwk.
rhrough the Glad
Eyes of a Woman
Copyright, 19tt,
Are You Superstitious?
There are girls who are sc
constitutionally superstitious that
every time a man hands them a
cup of tea they find a proposal
from him in the tea leaves.
If they drop a knife it means
only one thing—a stranger; when
they walk under a ladder un
thinkingly they shudder for the
ills about to befall them other
than possible paint pots; a
dropped umbrella indicates disap
pointments and they are truly
disappointed if they don’t come
to pass; when a picture falls
from its hanging they take the
joy out of their lives thinking
there is certain to be a death
in the family.
There are scores of women
who daily “run” through the
cards to see what the day will
bring forth; they turn ineffective
wheels of fortune; they twiddle
the ouija board; they puzzle over
horoscopes; they watch anxious
ly for black cats to cross their
paths, and hunchbacks they hail
with secret joy . . if they can
rub an unkind .ill-mannered fin
ger across their backs, so much
the luckier.
When they can spare the
money they call on Madame
Whizka, who, for the trifling sum
of a dollar, will give them inside
information leading to fame and
fortune by merely reading the
palms of their hands or looking
through a lump of glass reposing
on a black velvet cushion.
They answer the advertise
ments requesting the date of their
birth and a fifty-cent postal or
der, in return for which will
come a lot of flapdoodle masquer
ading as a reading of their fate
as it is written in the stars.
One woman I know is regularly
paying over hard-earned cash to
one of these harpies. Every time
she gets a letter from her lover
she takes it unopened to a certain
Professor So and So, Psycho
metrist, who holds the missive to
a physic but dirty forehead and
mutters a lot of bunkum, ending
up with the profound truth: “All
is well, Miss Blank, whatever is
worrying you will pass over.”
As everything in the natural
order of things passes in this
world, I told my friend there
didn’t appear to be any need to
pay five dollars for the privilege
of having it dinned into you in
such sordid surroundings.
“Oh, but it's so comforting. He
always bucks me up and I feel
heaps happier and easier in my
mind for going to him.”
This was a young woman who
earns fifty dollars a week as sec
retary to a prominent business
man in her home town.
We once spent a week-end in
the country, this friend and I.
Every bumble-bee which buzzed
about our heads and followed us
a little way indicated to her
strange men.
Since all the males in the place
were quite unknown to us that
was not surprising.
Then we heard the . mocking
“Ah, Jane. That means, we
shall be here again next year.”
In vain I did my best to point
out to her the utter imbecility of
such a statement by reminding
her, by way of example, that if
I visited a place each year follow,
ing the occasion I heard the mode
ling bird, the cuckoo’s cry, or lis
tened to any other songster to
which the absurd superstition
clings, I should be spending my
little life dodging about the globe.
No, my dears, don’t waste your
time and fuddle your brains with
such futile nonsense.
Superstition of any sort is the
indication of a narrow, foolish
and uncultivated mind.
It’s not worth it.
m 20 Years’ Experience in Europe
Children’s Hair Cutting
Scalp Treatment
Marcel Wave
Phone 827-M
829 or 5762
/ v t ‘ f $k
When your Evening Gowns,
Fancy Dresses, Sports Skirts,
Golf Apparel, Sweaters,
Blouses or Corsets need re
freshing and
Phone 829 Plant Phone 5762
_. . . A,
Portrait Sittings Made in Home
or Hotel by Appointment
3019 Boardwalk, Atlantic City
PHONE 3952-J
A venues
Florine Vogue
Reduction Sale on
Every Article
in the Store
Dresses, Waists,
Sweaters, Hats
and Notions
. Also
Minerva Yarns
Phone 7113-J
5311 Atlantic Are., Ventnor
When On
The Boardwalk
Buy Mrs. Lang’s De
licious Home Made
Fruit Confections
(We Made It)
Crystallized Sweet Shop |
In the Vermont Building
When you taste it, you’ll be glad
Phone 2598-R City Deliveries
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Specials Every Week
What Is Your Need Today?
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Kodaks and Supplies
You’ll Find It At Currie’s!
PT TD D TT7 f^C\
Esta%lished Sixty-five Years!Ago
Between North and South Carolina Avenues

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