Phil Osofer Says All work and no pay makes a dissatisfied employee. It isn’t how large or how small you are but it’s what you do that counts. * * * : * \ . Help your fellow men, one kind j deed for humanity is better than j riches. * * * It’s a political frame up when a charge is made and no credit is given. * * * Judging by the correspondent schools, opportunity comes in al most every day’s mail. * * * Do you make every foot a mile, or do you smile and make every mile a foot. * * * Climbing the ladder of success is a long climb but a very sudden drop if you start slipping. * * * If someone steals your idea, do not get discouraged, what would become of the chickens if every hen felt that way. * * * The women mother used to know didn't dress in knicker bockers and go into a cigar store for a package of cigarettes. * * * A microscope reveals a mos quito has twenty-two teeth. Judging by the bite only the upper jaw was examined. If a Lion gets between the devil and the sea, He would claim it his own fault. On meeting the devil he would start a match business, Or if he preferred the sea he would make salt. Weiner’s Chelsea Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescrip tions. A telephone call to 7826 will reach us at 4207 Ventnor Avenue and insure prompt delivery. Have You Decided who will be your Executor ? You choose wisely when you appoint the Ventnor City Na tional Bank to act in this capacity— and you know that your estate will have proper atten tion and care. L_ All the News At a Glance Summary of Interesting Events In City, State and Country By Bessie Marshall Walker The President has pounced upon the two points in his pro posals that the carriers and the striking shopmen hold in common and by the practical recognition of the Federal Railroad Labor Board wishes to present for arbi tration that hotly disputed ques tion, “Seniority.” The execu tives’ argument that their honor is at stake in the promises made to the men who have carried on the transportation system is con vincing. The strikers took law and order in their own hands .vhen they rejected the decisions af the Federal Board. The Presi ient brings the issue back to the starting point. If the Board granted the seniority of the strik ers the men who now fill three fourths of the strikers’ places ander specific promises of the executives and the declaration from the President that they were working under the protec tion of the government and that their labor was of the nature of j a public service, would be sacri-^ iced. To save the honor of both j Federal and Railroad executives; the Labor Board could render j >nly one decision. That decision vould impose a punishment upon the strikers in the deprivation of j their seniority and the loss of 75 I per cent of their places in thei shops. The crisis points to company unionism, an organization of la oor officered by the workers themselves, not professional agi tators, by men who are part of the industry and who are cog nizant of the conditions apper taining to their special units. Shoes and hides go on the free list, saving $100,000,000 a year. You have probably read that statement but if you pur :hase boots for small boys who tick out two pairs a month, you san stand reading it again. J. P. Morgan had a novel ex perience when the Italian cus :oms officials at Brenner Pass, Italy, refused his check. Not 2very day in the week could of fer him such a laugh. The Irregular Armies are im plicating the world in their war fare when they take over ten of the seventeen cables at Water ville and Valencia and seal them to the public. Today verbal WINDSOR FRUIT & PRODUCE MARKET 4109 VENTNOR AVE. Fresh Killed Poultry All the Year Around and the Finest of « FRUITS Prices Right Under the Management of SAM • (Formerly of Sunkist Market) We Deliver Tel. 7656-J Expert Watch Repairing HENRY PERLMAN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE 1209 ATLANTIC AVENUE (Near Union Transfer Co.) Leaky Refrigerators Are Unnecessary Have Them Stopped CALL W. E. WATKINS 108 NORTH NEWPORT Roofing and Sheet. Metal Work Heaters Ranges Phone 7081-J This is a photo of Gustave Sammler, custodian of the Ventnor Fishing Pier and Parker Cook, hero of fishing exploits u* 5e wP,e£ The fish is one which Mr. Cook aided in bringing ashore when it proved too much for the line of Charles Stauffer. It is a red drum and weighs 65 pounds. It tbok an hour’s battle to bring it ashore. Fishing con tests on the Pier are a popular event in Ventnor these days and each Saturday and Sunday see a large number of anglers gathering for the opportunities which are provided by the City Fathers at the Municipal Pier. communication is second only to sea-going vessels. We who have been so engrossed in coal and rail strikes are squinting put across the water once more. Ten shots and ten bullseyes was the answer of Major General Haraguchi of the Japanese Army when he was asked if Japanese forces were trained from the ground up, and he had to get down in the mud, gorgeous, uni form glistening medals and all, to prove it. . $10,000 Francois Marcel offers $10,000 to anyone who can prove that Oil is not used in the PERMOIL PERMANENT WAVING System. PERMOIL is the only and original Oil Process. See J. Stougard ANAROSE BEAUTY SHOP 1116 Pacific Avenue Phone 2626-W Parkway Garage WALTER T. BEW, Prop. Boston Ave. and Parkway Atlantic City, N. J. ATTRACTIVE MONTHLY RATES Circular Letter Service a Multigraphiug 1 Mimeographing T Addressing X Mailing WALLACE D. ANDREWS 218-219 Guarantee Trust Building Phone 267-J City Solicitor to Attend Hearing Application having been made by G. D. Earle for riparian rights along the frontage from Little Rock to Surrey Avenues on In side Thoroughfare, immediately adjacent to the public wharf con structed by the city several years ago, Common Council has in structed City Solicitor Westcott to represent the city at a hearing to be held before the State Board of Commerce and Navigation at Newark on August 21. Freeholder C. Claude Scull, own$r. of waterfront lots in that section as well as on Ventnor Heights, is also expected to at tend the session. In view of possible detriment to the wharfage facilities provided by the city it has been deemed expedient that the city’s rights be safeguarded by proper represen tation at th hearing. It is under stood that comprehensive plans for bulkheading and filling have been made and in this event the city dock would be circumscribed to such an extent-as to virtually nulify the facilities now pro vided. The land frontage for which the water rights are being sought is so narrow in depth that unless a riparian grant is secured that nothing can be done with the property', according to the own ers. Although bulkheaded many years ago by the Harris-Godfrey interests the retaining wall dis integrated long ago and the re sulting erosion of the tides has resulted in 'the washing away of the earth to such an extent that now the sidewalk has been under mined. John Stringer PLUMBING and HEATING JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 5216 Ventnor Avenn# I Res. Phone 8184-R Office 7364-W Prescriptions Filled | Right at Park Pharmacy Phone 7050 Atlantic and Little Rock Aval. DRUGS —and— GIFTS When you use ELDREDGE, you pay for what you get—no more—on the fixed hour cost system — ELDREDGE EXPRESS AND STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO. 110 North South Carolina Avenue Heavy Hauling Fireproof Storage Phonee 107 and 108 Established 1806 Don’t Bulge! Podgy Waists Are Now Made Slim Remarkable new invention subdues waist-fat automatic ally ! Wonderful dual-disc Vacuum-Applicator steadily but gently lessens unwanted abdominal girth. Overcomes obesity: healthily absorbs needless fat. Quickens di gestion; rouses constipation; tones up whole body. CANNOT CHAFE — Venti lated. Priceless for corpulent busy men or women. Post paid for $15—Satisfaction certified. Or _ request detailed de scription of this Flexible Comfort Girdle which reduces FAT and supports sagging abdomen. In ordering state accurate waistline measurements. Mailed direct from Distributing Agent JOS. R. BARTLETT, 5210 Ventnor Avenue Ventnor, Atlantic City Telephone 8090 Delivered Free in Atlantic County Large Size White Enamel Basins 49c L \ . ; * _ , N ' | ' • . ' Good Quality Window Shades, Green or Yellow 49c Each, Complete It will pay you to make a visit to this store and see why we call it “The Store Worth Knowing About” rl-R U.UULdSlldilVyU. &© I T ATLANTtG AVEL Phone 5781 Branch Store: 102 N. Main St., Pleasantville, N. J.