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Phil Osofer Says Plenty of high balls on a golf links. A woman’s face is a drug store’s fortune. * * * Their is many a yawn on the last train home. * * * A new pipe is like a doubtful friend. We cling to the old as long as we can. * * * Its always the fellow who com plains about the heat who doesn’t do much work. * * * About the only time some peo ple wake up about their business is when they are nearly bank rupt. * * * The person wKo said, “Look forward and not back,” didn’t have to worry about speed cops. » * » A rose would be as sweet with any other name, but to call a rose an onion would be a bit strong. * * * K. _ What has become of all the ukuleles the girls used to carry? ; Maybe some learned to play them. * * * People who drink bootleg liquor are always in doubt when they say, “Here’s looking at you.” * * * We can’t understand how the people who sell pens and pencils ! live — their business is always stationery. asa. * * * Italy has not a single coal mine in all her territory—and not a miners' strike either. Weiner’s Chelsea Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescrip tions. A telephone call to 7826 will reach us at 4207 Ventnor Avenue and insure prompt delivery. In the Settlement of an Estate experience is a very important factor. Through lack of it, the funds of many estates have de creased. The Ventnor City National Bank has not only the prac tical experience but the legal knowl edge, resources and permanency that assure faithfulness to every duty. Ap point us as your Executor. | Protest Against Chicken Nuisance George Reinbold, of 20 South Adams Avenue, owner of con siderable property in Margate City, objects to chickens running at large. On Monday he register ed formal protest against the alleged nuisance and charged that !the feathered fowl which annoyed I him and tenants of his houses [most are owned by the chief of j police. In a lengthy letter ad dressed to the City Commissioners Mr. Reinbold recited numerous in stances of inconvenience caused by chickens and asked for relief. His letter was referred to Mayor Norcross. Additional ponce protection was requested by the Women’s Repub lican Club of Margate. In a for mal communication the Commis sioners were asked to consider the matter of increasing the force, or as an alternative provide the present lone policeman with a motorcycle so that he could better traverse the city. It was pointed out that despite the growth of the city Margate had twice as large a police force ten years ago than now. At that time the city did have two officers on duty. Wil liam "Devereaux is now the sole custodian of the peace and secur ity of the city. He is only on duty at night- The matter was referred to Mayor Norcross, al though it was generally agreed that, until the next budget is made up there will not be sufficient ap propriation to hire additional men or buy a motorcycle. City Clerk Gertzen was directed to communicate with the West Jersey & Seashore Railroad Com pany regarding the removal of the Savannah Avenue freight station which had been ordered by the Commissioners several months ago. The structure encroaches upon the sidewalk. Failure of the railroad company to heed the re quest may lead to ejectment pro ceedings. Similar action was ordered in the matter of a street crossing at Frontenac , Avenue, failure of prompt action probably causing the Commissioners to place the matter before the State Utilities Commission. SLIGHT BLAZE Woodwork immediately along side the chimney caught fire on Monday afternoon at the home of Benjamin Linker, 120 North Sac ramento Avenue, when the heater was placed ip commission. An alarm was sent in from box 241 | and the firemen reached the scene , so quickly that a chemical stream extinguished the blaze before the damage had amounted to more than $50. The house is owned by j William Nugent, who is at pre sent in Boston. The loss is cover ed by insurance WINDSOR FRUIT & PRODUCE MARKET 4109 VENTNOR AVE. Fresh Killed Poultry All the Year Around and the Finest of FRUITS Prices Right Under the Management of SAM (Formerly of Sunkist Market) We Deliver Tel. 7666-J Expert Watch Repairing HENRY PERLMAN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE 1209 ATLANTIC AVENUE (Near Union Transfer Co.) Leaky Refrigerators Are Unnecessary , Have Them Stopped CALL W. E. WATKINS 108 NORTH NEWPORT Roofing and Sheet Metal Work Heaters Range* Phone 7081-J Would Widen Business Street Property Owners on Little Rock Avenue May Add Three Feet to Highway — Widening of Little- Rock Ave nue, between Ventnor and At lantic Avenue, by adding three feet to the driveway, .is being urged by several owners of store properties on that street, the proposition having gone as far as interviewing owners of property on Victoria Avenue as to their attitude , touching the sale or deeding of the reauired land to make the widening possible. Little Rock Avenue is conced ed to be the business center of the <ity and has long been con sidered the most traveled cross avenue in Ventnor. With the recent improvements in the street and the rapid increase of' vehicu lar traffic as a result of the many new business establishments, the congestion -has been most notice able. With the exception of the cor ner properties, all the lots on the west side of th estreet face oh Victoria Avenue. It is contended ay the proponents of the plan ;hat the widening of the street ay taking three feet from the Victoria Avenue lots would not nake any appreciable difference ;o the back yards, while the added width to the street would greatly •elieve congestion and reduce the ire risk. Mrs. John Boyd Grier, who has seen absent from Ventnor during July and August, will return on September 1st to her home at 4814 Ventnor Avenue. Mrs.. Grier has spent these summer months at her girlhood home in Peoria, 111., where, last week, oc curred the very sudden death of her sister, Mrs. J. V. Baer- Mrs. Baer will be remembered by those who met her when she visited Mrs. Grier here in Ventnor. Parkway Garage WALTER T. BEW, Prop. Boston Ave. and Parkway Atlantic City, N. J. ATTRACTIVE MONTHLY RATES Circular Letter Service iMultigraphiug Mimeographing Addressing Mailing WALLACE D. ANDREWS 218-219 Guarantee Trust Building Phone 267-J I Fishing Stations for Boardwalk Sport Proposal that adequate "but suf ficient fishing stations be erected at frequent points along the Vent nor Boardwalk for use of the dis ciples of the rod and line is made by Mayor Amor W. Brehman as solution of the problem of allow ing the fishermen to enjoy their surf sport without interfering with the pleasure of strollers on he promenade. According vo Mayor Brehman, who has made the proposal after study of the problem’ of boardwalk fishing which took him to other coast re sorts, cost of the innovation would be nominal and the work could be done by degrees as the small amount of money needed is avail able. ■ Under the plan proposed by Mayor Brehman platforms would be erected and attached to the boardwalk at the points favored by. the surf fishermen. The plat forms would be small in area but large enough to accommodate at least a half dozen surf casters at one time. Access to the fishing stations would be made by climb ing of the boardwalk rail which would bar others than those in tending to fish and regulations would prevent use of the plat forms for any other purpose than that of fishing. The matter will be brought before members of the Boardwalk Committee and City Council for their consideration. A DISAPPOINTMENT Mrs. Struckile—Did ye meet the Queen while you were abroad, Mrs. McShoddie? Mrs. McShoddie—No, I didn’t; and I was real sorry, too. I wanted to get her recipe for English plum puddin’. John Stringer PLUMBING and HEATING JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 5216 Ventnor Avenue Res. Phone 8184-R Office 7364-W Prescriptions Filled ✓ Right at Park Pharmacy Phone 7050 Atlantic and Littla Rock Aves. DRUGS —and— GIFTS “The House That Eldredge Built” is at your service for SAFE STORAGE. Fireproof building, 'watch men on premises day and night. Expert movers, motor vans. TELEPHONE 108. ELDREDGE EXPRESS AND STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO, 110 North South Carolina Avenue Don’t Bulge! Podgy Waists Are Now Made Slim Remarkable new invention subdues waist-fat automatic ally! Wonderful dual-disc Vacuum-Applicator steadily but gently lessens unwanted abdominal girth. Overcomes obesity; healthily absorbs [ needless fat. Quickens di [ gestion; rouses constipation; | tones up whole body. CANNOT CHAFE —Venti lated. Priceless for corpulent busy men or women. Post paid for $15 — Satisfaction certified. Or request detailed de scription of this Flexible Comfort Girdle which reduces FAT and supports sagging abdomen. In ordering state accurate waistline measurements. Mailed direct from t Distributing Agent JOS. R. BARTLETT, 5210 Ventnor Avenue Ventnor, Atlantic City* Telephone 8090 Delivered Free in Atlantic County Atlantic City Pageant SEPTEMBER 6, 7, 8 This Space Contributed by t&\7 ATLANTTIC avel Phone 5781 Branch Store: 102 N. Main St., Pleatant villa, N. J.